Environmental Health and Safety Research Papers (original) (raw)

Since always and whatever the category, professional divers encountered a lot of accidents which are, due to the environment often lethal. As the causes of these accidents are often the same, the purpose of the present article is to... more

Since always and whatever the category, professional divers encountered a lot of accidents which are, due to the environment often lethal. As the causes of these accidents are often the same, the purpose of the present article is to highlight those most frequently encountered and therefore no less than 577 diving fatalities spread over the last forty years have been analyzed in this study. The results of the survey led to the conclusion that many of these accidents could have been avoided.

Risk assessment is a method used to identify weaknesses which might prevent a contractor of a construction site for instance from achieving his goals and objectives.Part of the process is to identify the activities of the workers on the... more

Risk assessment is a method used to identify weaknesses which might prevent a contractor of a construction site for instance from achieving his goals and objectives.Part of the process is to identify the activities of the workers on the site and determine what could prevent them from achieving their goals or mission. Risk assessments can be performed on a single function within a major function, or they can be performed on a major function within a larger division.

Design for additive manufacturing is adopted to help solve problems inherent to attaching active personal sampler systems to workers for monitoring their breathing zone. A novel and parametric 3D printable clip system was designed with an... more

Design for additive manufacturing is adopted to help solve problems inherent to attaching active personal sampler systems to workers for monitoring their breathing zone. A novel and parametric 3D printable clip system was designed with an open source Computer-aided design (CAD) system and was additively manufactured. The concept was first tested with a simple clip design, and when it was found to be functional, the ability of the innovative and open source design to be extended to other applications was demonstrated by designing another tooling system. The clip system was tested for mechanical stress test to establish a minimum lifetime of 5000 openings, a cleaning test, and a supply chain test. The designs were also tested three times in field conditions. The design cost and functionalities of the clip system were compared to commercial systems. This study presents an innovative custom-designed clip system that can aid in attaching different tools for personal exposure measurement ...

Penerapan Safety Health Environment PT WIJAYA KARYA, Tbk Proyek Pembangunan dan Pabrik Feronickel Halmahera Timur (P3FH) PT. ANTAM (PERSERO),Tbk Untuk Mencapai Zero Accident. Penerapan Program Safety Health and Environment (SHE ) secara... more

Penerapan Safety Health Environment PT WIJAYA KARYA, Tbk Proyek Pembangunan dan Pabrik Feronickel Halmahera Timur (P3FH) PT. ANTAM (PERSERO),Tbk Untuk Mencapai Zero Accident. Penerapan Program Safety Health and Environment (SHE ) secara umum diartikan penerapan dari program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam setiap aspek Industri. Dalam Era Industrialisasi dan Globalisasi Safety Health and Environment merupakan isu global yang menjadi trend di setiap aspek kehidupan utamanya di bidang Industri. Global Trend yang berkaitan dengan aspek safety.
Kata Kunci : Penerapan, Safety Health and Environment (SHE) dan Zero Accident
Penerapan menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia adalah proses atau cara menerapkan suatu metoda
Program SHE adalah Perencanaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja.
Zero Accident berarti tidak adanya kecelakaan di lokasi kerja
Implementation of PT WIJAYA KARYA, Tbk Safety Health Environment East Halmahera Feronickel Construction Plant (P3FH) PT. ANTAM (PERSERO), Tbk To Reach Zero Accident. The implementation of the Safety Health and Environment Program (SHE) generally means the application of occupational health and safety programs in every aspect of the Industry. In the Era of Industrialization and Globalization Safety Health and Environment is a global issue that is a trend in every aspect of its main life in the field of Industry. Global Trend related to safety aspects.
Keywords: Implementation, Safety Health and Environment (SHE) and Zero Accident
The application according to the Indonesian Dictionary is a process or method of applying a method
The SHE Program is Occupational Health and Safety Planning.
Zero Accident means there is no accident at the work site

Sepatu safety yaitu satu kewajiban apabila bekerja didunia industri. Pada umumnya banyak yang berasumsi sepatu safety merupakan sepatu yang ada pelindung baja di ujungnya. Memanglah benar dekian. Nyatanya tidak hanya itu saja, terdapat... more

Sepatu safety yaitu satu kewajiban apabila bekerja didunia industri. Pada umumnya banyak yang berasumsi sepatu safety merupakan sepatu yang ada pelindung baja di ujungnya. Memanglah benar dekian. Nyatanya tidak hanya itu saja, terdapat banyak parameter spesifikasi sepatu yang lain hingga disebut sepatu safety (keselamatan). Sebagian klasifikasi ini untuk mempermudah pemakai memastikan sepatu yang pas dengan lingkungan pekerjaanya. Di sini di ambil dari standard EN ISO20345: 2004/A1 : 2007, karena SNI untuk kelas sepatu safety belum ada. KELAS S1 (A + FO + E) Semuanya sepatu dari type S1 memenuhi feature basic untuk sepatu keselamatan: • Ketinggian kain atas • Pelindung di ujung Sepatu (dengan panjang minimal dan lebar) • Kain atas dengan kulit atau setara dengan bahan sintetis • Mempunyai lapisan kain atas dapat di buka pada sepatu rendah dengan penambahan mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti berikut: • Zona tertutup pada tumit • Feature antistatis • Penyerapan energi dibagian tumit • Sol sepatu tahan pada hidrokarbon KELAS S1P (A + FO + E + P) Sepatu Keselamatan type S1P tidak mempunyai kelas keselamatan dengan cara sendiri, namun karena sering dipakai, type sepatu ini di sebutkan dengan cara terpisah. Sepatu keselamatan ini semuanya didasarkan pada kelas keselamatan S1 dengan sol anti-perforasi sebagai feature penambahan. Ini berarti kalau sepatu keselamatan S1P mempunyai feature seperti berikut:

Environmental pollution arising from industrial activities causes economic hardship especially for rural dwellers whose livelihood and livelihood activities are sometimes completely destroyed. This study investigates the effect of... more

Environmental pollution arising from industrial activities causes economic hardship especially for rural dwellers whose livelihood and livelihood activities are sometimes completely destroyed. This study investigates the effect of industrial water pollution on the livelihood of rural dwellers in Yewa area. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 182 respondents for the study. Purposive sampling method was used to select two L.G.As:Ado odo ota (where industrial effluents are released rivers) and Yewa south. 90 and 92 respondents were selected from Ado odo ota (downstream) and Yewa south(upstream) respectively.Response rate was 95%. However the study shows that only a small proportion of respondents in Ado Odo Ota L.G.A are involved in non agricultural income generating activities. There is a significant relationship between perceived effect of industrial water pollution and the livelihood activities of rural dwellers in the study area. (r= -0.253, p<0.05). There is a relationship between perceived effect of industrial water pollution and respondents income (-196,p>0.05). The impact of industrial water pollution is highest in Ado Odo Ota where effluent from industries had damaged their water resources and affected their livelihood a great deal. However, measures must be taken to stem or eradicate the problems posed by these industries located near them. Members of the community should community watch dog directly monitoring the activities of these industries in their locality and report to the appropriate law enforcement agents.

Development of modern transportation system there are various types of ships are used to transport goods and peoples from one place to another place. In this process damaged ships are refurnished and welding process is takes place... more

Development of modern transportation system there are various types of ships are used to transport goods and peoples from one place to another place. In this process damaged ships are refurnished and welding process is takes place underwater because of the size and weight of the ship. Major safety concerns in underwater welding are electric shock, exploitation, drowning, hypothermia, nitrogen narcosis etc., the major hazard in the underwater welding process is nitrogen narcosis. It occurs majorly due to usage of oxygen cylinder while diving for the repair process. The occurrence of the nitrogen narcosis can be avoided by proper training to the welder and divers. And hands on training to handle the oxygen cylinders while diving. Proper calibration should do for all cylinders used for this kind of work. The gas filling process should do in a proper manner at proper condition. The air composition in the filling process should be in proper ratio to avoid accidents.

This report studied cost minimization in the use of hydraform bricks in housing development with good aesthetics appearance. Generally, it is observed that the Nigeria construction industry with the aid of the professionals in the... more

This report studied cost minimization in the use of hydraform bricks in housing development with good
aesthetics appearance. Generally, it is observed that the Nigeria construction industry with the aid of the
professionals in the industry are working earnestly in housing delivery for the masses at a reasonable cost, it is
obvious today that the Federal government of Nigeria tends to construct mass housing across the nation but there
have been a constrain for the government herself to accomplished this mission because little amount is always set
aside for housing in the government annual budget, looking at 2016 budget which also revealed that about 0.56% of
the total budget was set aside for works , power and housing which implies that this little percentage will be share
among the three sectors that stand as a single entity. In view of this, it is clearly observed that the amount that will
go for housing development will be so small compare to the total budget. It is necessary for the professionals in the
industry to look for a means of making judicious use of the amount so as to make an achievement in housing sector.
Findings shows that the use of hydraform bricks in housing development reduced the cost of construction and has
other advantages compare to conventional blocks most especially in superstructure wall and its finishes.
Keywords: Building Materials, Housing Provision, Development, Conventional blocks, Hydraform brick

В статті наведено результати дослідження сучасних умов кількісно-якісного оцінювання екологічної безпеки внаслідок повсякденної діяльності військ, як безпосередньо на військових об'єктах, так і навколо них, враховуючи тимчасове... more

В статті наведено результати дослідження сучасних умов кількісно-якісного оцінювання екологічної безпеки внаслідок повсякденної діяльності військ, як безпосередньо на військових об'єктах, так і навколо них, враховуючи тимчасове розташування під час передислокації та в ході проведення антитерористичної операції.
Розроблено структуру системи забезпечення екологічної безпеки військового об’єкту. Визначено роль та місце в ній екологічного портрету територій військового об’єкту, що забезпечує користувачів необхідною і достатньою інформацією як у разі стабільного стану довкілля, так і у разі загрози виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій, критичного або після катастрофічного стану довкілля.

This course is designed to provide the student with the practical knowledge in the concepts of community, societal structure and the importance of meaningful occupation. Emphasis is laid on WHO model of Community Based Rehabilitation... more

This course is designed to provide the student with the practical knowledge in the concepts of community, societal structure and the importance of meaningful occupation. Emphasis is laid on WHO model of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and how the therapist could work with other Medical and Dental Team (MDT) members to sustain this community rehabilitation model.
The aim of this course is to make therapy services accessible, acceptable, and affordable in the community setting.

Buku panduan ini mengandungi maklumat mengenai racun perosak serta langkah penggunaan racun perosak dengan selamat dan betul, sebagai panduan untuk kakitangan pertanian dan pekebun kecil. Risalah ini adalah hasil kajian oleh barisan... more

Buku panduan ini mengandungi maklumat mengenai racun perosak serta langkah penggunaan racun perosak dengan selamat dan betul, sebagai panduan untuk kakitangan pertanian dan pekebun kecil. Risalah ini adalah hasil kajian oleh barisan penulis mengenai pendedahan kulit dan penilaian risiko kesihatan daripada penggunaan racun perosak dalam sektor-sektor pertanian di Malaysia. Buku panduan ini diterbitkan sebagai satu buku panduan untuk menggalakkan amalan pengendalian racun perosak dengan betul dan selamat, dengan harapan dapat memberi manfaat terhadap kesihatan dan keselamatan pengendali racun perosak dan orang awam. Langkah pengendalian racun perosak yang dicadangkan dalam panduan ini adalah berdasarkan kepada 2 rujukan utama; iaitu Malaysian Standard: The Safe Handling of Agricultural Pesticides- Code of Recommended Practice (First revision); (MS 479:201 2) dan Garis Panduan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan dalam Pertanian yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan.

Background: Air pollution is a major global environmental risk factor. Since people spend most of their time indoors, the sole measure of outdoor concentrations is not sufficient to assess total exposure to air pollution. Therefore, the... more

Background: Air pollution is a major global environmental risk factor. Since people spend most of their time indoors, the sole measure of outdoor concentrations is not sufficient to assess total exposure to air pollution. Therefore, the arising interest by the international community to indoor-outdoor relationships has led to the development of various techniques for the study of emission and exchange parameters among ambient and non-ambient pollutants. However, a standardised method is still lacking due to the complex release and dispersion of pollutants and the site conditions among studies. Methods: This review attempts to fill this gap to some extent by focusing on the analysis of the variety of site-specific approaches for the assessment of particulate matter in work and life environments. Results: First, the main analogies and differences between indoor and outdoor particles emerging from several studies are briefly described. Commonly-used indicators, sampling methods, and other approaches are compared. Second, recommendations for further studies based on recent results in order to improve the assessment and management of those issues are provided. Conclusions: This review is a step towards a comprehensive understanding of indoor and outdoor exposures which may stimulate the development of innovative tools for further epidemiological and multidisciplinary research.

Agriculture sector in Malaysia is one of the most fast-pace growing industry. Agriculture sector acts as the main food security for human beings to sustain living. Malaysia was one of the top listed agriculture distributors and exporters... more

Agriculture sector in Malaysia is one of the most fast-pace growing industry. Agriculture sector acts as the main food security for human beings to sustain living. Malaysia was one of the top listed agriculture distributors and exporters to the other countries such as Thailand, China and Japan. To maintain the agriculture productivity, fertilizer industry also need to grow as fast as agriculture industry. Thus, the fertilizer manufacturing sectors in Malaysia have to sustain the safety, health and environment in the workplace as well as fulfilling the sustainable development of the industry.
Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the potential hazards posed by the activities associated within a fertilizer manufacturing plant, evaluate the risk and determine the awareness level of safety, health and environment at their workplace. The study also focuses on sustainability development in the fertilizer industry which focuses on three components which are social, economy and environment. The components are now further elaborated to see the contributions towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations.
From this study, there are two findings from factory site visit observation that are human negligence and hazardous chemicals. While from the survey shows safety, health and environmental awareness within fertilizer manufacturing workers are almost high level. For the sustainable development part, the survey shows majority are satisfy with the benefits provided and enjoy with their working life. Based on the data analysis, the integration of perceptions of occupational safety, health and environment and sustainable development for every goals mostly having positive correlation. Based on correlation coefficient (r), the management acknowledge that they play roles for employees to help company's productivity and quality of health of employees (r=0.525), while providing safe work conditions for them (r=0.396) and environmental awareness (r=0.452). Thus, the fertilizer industry sustainability development can be affected by safety, health and environment performance. Nevertheless, the employees’ awareness on safety, health and environment can affect the business growth, sociality and disturbance to natural resources. The effectiveness of safety, health and environment management system and implementation of sustainable development in the organization could increase the fertilizer industry demands and ensure prolong growth of business.

The unprecedented growth in the number of older adults in our society is accompanied by the exponential increase in the number of elderly people who will suffer cognitive decline and dementia in the next decades. This will create an... more

The unprecedented growth in the number of older adults in our society is accompanied by the exponential
increase in the number of elderly people who will suffer cognitive decline and dementia in the next
decades. This will create an enormous cost for governments, families and individuals. Brain plasticity
and its role in brain adaptation to the process of aging is influenced by other changes as a result of comorbidities,
environmental factors, personality traits (psychosocial variables) and genetic and epigenetic
factors. This review summarizes recent findings obtained mostly from interventional studies that aim to
prevent and/or delay age-related cognitive decline in healthy adults. There are a multitude of such studies.
In this paper, we focused our review on physical activity, computerized cognitive training and social
enhancement interventions on improving cognition, physical health, independent living and wellbeing
of older adults. The methodological limitations of some of these studies, and the need for new multidomain
synergistic interventions, based on current advances in neuroscience and social-brain theories,
are discussed.

Transmission lines are used to evacuate the power from one generating station to receiving station whether it is from power plants to substation or substation to substation. The transmission line capacity is from 132kV to 800kV of long... more

Transmission lines are used to evacuate the power from one generating station to receiving station whether it is from power plants to substation or substation to substation. The transmission line capacity is from 132kV to 800kV of long distance to carry these power. There are so many hazards present while working with transmission line like typical tower design, insect bite, excavation hazards, Working at height, contact with live utilities, lightening hazards, imbalance conductor loading while conductor final sag, fall of materials from height, electrocution due to induction currents, heavy wind, Transportation of materials to remote locations where proper access is not available. Due to present of these unavoidable hazards, lot of accidents are occurring in transmission line. In order to minimise accident of project ,it should have a EHS Plan which contains the organisation roles and responsibilities ,Risk assessment of every activity and safe work method to execute the activity, legal requirements of project, Work permit system followed ,emergency action plan ,list of PPE's and Trade wise training details ,communication and reporting Keywords: Environment Health and Safety (EHS) plan, Building and other construction workers BOCW act , EHS risk assessment , Emergency response plan, Roles and responsibilities

Early marriage (EM) is a threatened issue for adolescent girls. The direct reproducers for future generations are adolescent girls. Healthy adolescent girl indicate healthy future generation. The health of Bangladeshi adolescent girl is... more

Early marriage (EM) is a threatened issue for adolescent girls. The direct reproducers for future generations are adolescent girls. Healthy adolescent girl indicate healthy future generation. The health of Bangladeshi adolescent girl is mostly exaggerated by EM. It is prerequisite for adolescent mainly adolescent girls and their family to have knowledge about EM. This study explored the knowledge and perception of EM among adolescent’s girls. A descriptive type of cross sectional study was conducted in a selected community of Rangpur district, Bangladesh where 120 adolescent girls were taken as sample from 10 May to 10 August 2016. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaire through face to face interview and analyzed by SPSS 20.0 and excel spread sheet. The present study reported the average age of the participant’s was 15.61±1.79 (mean ±SD) years. There was a statistically significant (X2=7.8, X2=4.28 and X2=5.19 with p≤0.05 respectively) association between participant’s age, education, marital status and level of knowledge about EM. 42.5% participants had sufficient knowledge and remaining (57.5%) had poor knowledge about EM. There is a need for having adequate knowledge and perception about EM especially its negative consequences among adolescent girls which influencing on the overall development of our country.

ABSTRACT Pergah Transport Limited is a Ghanaian indigenous transport organization that provides transport services to the general public and other organizations. Inventory is the major single investment in assets for many businesses.... more

Pergah Transport Limited is a Ghanaian indigenous transport organization that provides transport services to the general public and other organizations. Inventory is the major single investment in assets for many businesses. Although inventory is involved with financial matters, transport organisations are into profession provision of safe and affordable transport to their clients to enable them concentrate on their core businesses.
Also, inventory in the form of MROs plays vital role in quality transport service delivery, the emphasis ought to be on how best inventory management can lead to cost reduction. The company has at its disposal a number of inventory management techniques as well as internal inventory management systems to ensure the costs associated with inventory are reduced to the barest minimum level as reasonably practicable. In spite Pergah Transport’s effort to keep cost of inventory as low as practical, certain costs such as transportation cost, acquisition cost , holding cost, pilfering, and obsolete materials still form part of the larger cost inventory.
Again, the study was a fact finding study of inventory management as a cost reduction strategy in Pergah Transport Limited. The sampling method employed was a stratified sampling. A standardized questionnaire was administered to gather the primary data. The raw information gathered from the field was studied and all the essential rectifications were made after which they were coded and entered into SPSS (version 21.0) for study. The data was cleaned by running the frequencies for each response to determine survey statistics. Analyses on all the independent variables were done to determine those variables that were associated with the outcome variable.
Moreover, a total of 30 staff of PTL were included in the study. Out of these, 8(26.6%) occupied various positions in the area of inventory management, 5(16.6%) occupied fleet management positions, 5 (16.6%) were into procurement management and 6 (20.0%) were into accounting in the supply chain of PTL. The study reported effective inventory management system, techniques and practices which reduces cost of inventory such as acquisition cost, holding cost, cost of tip up capital etc.
Finally in this context, the findings of this study has significant implication for inventory management and practices improvement in all sectors within the Ghanaian economy and other countries at large to reduce cost of inventory. Therefore, there is the need to adopt suitable practices that will help reduce the cost of inventory as reasonable as practicable.


Environmental health sewage and waste water management approach!

Informasi Umum tentang K3 Tali Kawat Baja

Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) passed a resolution that ANC is a basic human right and all pregnant women should receive irrespective of age, parity, race, faith of the pregnant women and many interventions have been put in... more

Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) passed a resolution that ANC is a basic human right and all pregnant women should receive irrespective of age, parity, race, faith of the pregnant women and many interventions have been put in place to ensure that worldwide and nationwide. ANC is a necessary component of maternal health in order to identify complications and danger signs during pregnancy. Despite the interventions that have been undertaken to truncate the maternal and infant mortality rates through ensuring improved access by women to reproductive health care services in Uganda; the effectiveness of the interventions has not been observed thus a study on accessibility and utilisation of ANC services was conducted at ANC clinic of MRRH, Mbale district. Objectives: The general objective of the study was to establish the factors influencing the accessibility and utilization of ANC services among pregnant mothers attending ANC clinic in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. Specific objectives were: to determine the level of utilization of ANC services among pregnant mothers attending ANC clinic in MRRH, to assess the quality of ANC services provided to pregnant mothers attending ANC clinic in MRRH and to establish mother's attitudes and suggestions on improving ANC services in MRRH, Mbale district. Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Ninety-seven (97) questionnaires were self-administered to the mothers from the ANC clinic during their visit. While three (3) interviews were held with the health workers. Data were presented and analyzed in tables and figures, interpreted using frequencies, percentages. Results: Many of the mothers were between age of 20-24 43(44.3%), cohabiting mothers were the majority to be interviewed 47(48%). Those with gravid 5 were 5 (5%), 43(44%) had attained secondary education, 40% were peasants, 47(48%) had attended 2 visits, 76(78%) were aware of the importance of ANC early in pregnancy, 68 (70%) said opening days were convenient for them, 83(86%) didn't incur costs while utilizing ANC services. 93(96%) rated health workers as rude. Among the mothers interviewed 67(69%) received health education, 92(95%) received drugs for prevention of Malaria and Anaemia, 17(18%) were dewormed, 41(42%) underwent screening for hypertension, HIV infection, syphilis. Conclusions: Factors that were found to be associated with the utilization of ANC services included. Age, marital status, parity, gravidity, tribe, educational level, income level status of pregnant mothers, awareness about ANC services, distance, health facility inadequacy and ANC provider behaviors. Recommendations: The researchers recommend the following; recruitment of more health workers, more emphasis on health education and extension of more ANC services to the remote areas by the Ministry of Health to increase the availability of the services and increase their awareness about ANC services. Mothers are recommended to seek services immediately they realize they are pregnant.

Presentasi ini kami tulis untuk Rekan2 praktisi HSE yang baru memasuki dunia kerja.

Eco-anxiety and climate anxiety are widely discussed in contemporary media and are subjects of growing research interest. However, there is a lack of research about the definitions and variations of these phenomena. This article analyzes... more

Eco-anxiety and climate anxiety are widely discussed in contemporary media and are subjects of growing research interest. However, there is a lack of research about the definitions and variations of these phenomena. This article analyzes various views of eco-anxiety from a wide range of disciplines. Insights from various anxiety theories are used to discuss empirical studies about forms of eco-anxiety. The article points out that uncertainty, unpredictability, and uncontrollability seem to be important factors in eco-anxiety. Most forms of eco-anxiety appear to be non-clinical, but cases of "pathological" eco-anxiety are also discussed. Other relevant terms and phenomena are scrutinized, such as ecological grief, solastalgia, and ecological trauma. The relationship between studies on eco-anxiety and research about ecological emotions and affect is probed. Eco-anxiety is found to be closely connected to fear and worry, but several disciplines include discussion of its character as existential anxiety. Psychosocial and sociological perspectives point out that social dynamics shape forms of eco-anxiety in profound ways. While paralyzing forms of eco-anxiety emerge as a problem, it is noted that eco-anxiety manifests itself also as "practical anxiety", which leads to gathering of new information and reassessment of behavior options. This variety of forms of eco-anxiety should be taken into account in healthcare and public discussion.

E-waste management is a serious challenge across developed, transition, and developing countries because of the consumer society and the globalization process. E-waste is a fast-growing waste stream which needs more attention of... more

E-waste management is a serious challenge across developed, transition, and developing countries because of the consumer society and the globalization process. E-waste is a fast-growing waste stream which needs more attention of international organizations, governments, and local authorities in order to improve the current waste management practices. The book reveals the pollution side of this waste stream with critical implications on the environment and public health, and also it points out the resource side which must be further developed under the circular economy framework with respect to safety regulations. In this context, complicated patterns at the global scale emerge under legal and illegal e-waste trades. The linkages between developed and developing countries and key issues of e-waste management sector are further examined in the book.

The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the... more

The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the technological risks associated with them. We then explore strategies that can be adopted to address these risks, and explore emerging responses by governments for addressing AV risks. Our analyses reveal that, thus far, governments have in most instances avoided stringent measures in order to promote AV developments and the majority of responses are non-binding and focus on creating councils or working groups to better explore AV implications. The US has been active in introducing legislations to address issues related to privacy and cybersecurity. The UK and Germany, in particular, have enacted laws to address liability issues; other countries mostly acknowledge these issues, but have yet to implement specific strategies. To address privacy and cybersecurity risks strategies ranging from introduction or amendment of non-AV specific legislation to creating working groups have been adopted. Much less attention has been paid to issues such as environmental and employment risks, although a few governments have begun programmes to retrain workers who might be negatively affected.

There is a shift from the 4th to the 5th industrial revolutions that may be happening by leaps and bounds with a greater impact to the world population and the economy. We need to plan and be ready with a better HSEQ management System... more

There is a shift from the 4th to the 5th industrial revolutions that may be happening by leaps and bounds with a greater impact to the world population and the economy. We need to plan and be ready with a better HSEQ management System that can cope with the arising needs of the future beyond 2030 to 2050.

In the process of steel production by electric arc furnace (EAF), it is found that 10 to 20 kg of dust was emitted per every ton of produced steel. Concerning the pollution potential of emitted dust and its reuse ability, the present... more

In the process of steel production by electric arc furnace (EAF), it is found that 10 to 20 kg of dust was emitted per every ton of produced steel. Concerning the pollution potential of emitted dust and its reuse ability, the present study was aimed to determine the chemical composition of the electric arc furnace dust with a reuse perspective. This study was done in a steel factory equipped with EAF. Local exhaust ventilation system is installed on the furnace and equipped with cyclone and venturi scrubber. To analysis of dust compounds were gathered in a cyclone and those left the system, the samples were taken from the cyclone hopper and exhaust fan outlet. Finally, the samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). According to the results, the trapped dust in the cyclone and scrubber were 226.86 and 44.81 kg/hr, respectively. The results obtained from XRD analysis also showed that about 50% of the dust was formed by Fe2O3. The quotient of other compounds such as CaO, MgO, SiO2, and Zn was more than 30%. Conclusion: the results of this study showed that EAF dust composed of a range of elements with different concentrations. Given the high weight of these compounds, reusing some of these elements can be having a positive impact on health and the economy.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment management (E-waste or WEEE) is a crucial issue in the solid waste management sector with global interconnections between well-developed, transitional and developing countries. Consumption society... more

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment management (E-waste or WEEE) is a crucial issue in the solid waste management sector with global interconnections between well-developed, transitional and developing countries. Consumption society and addiction to technology dictate the daily life in high and middle-income countries where population consumes large amounts of EEE products (electrical and electronic equipment) which sooner become e-waste. This fraction is a fast-growing waste stream which needs special treatment and management due to the toxic potential of public health and environment. On the other hand, the e-waste contains valuable materials which may be recovered (precious metals, Cu) reused and recycled (metals, plastics) by various industries mitigating the consumption of natural resources. The new challenge of e-waste management system is to shift the paradigm from a toxic pollution source to a viable resource in the context of sustainable development.

Proposal rancangan prototype Pengolahan Air Limbah Nata de Coco

Penerapan Program Safety Health and Environment (SHE ) secara umum diartikan penerapan dari program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam setiap aspek Industri. Dalam Era Industrialisasi dan Globalisasi Safety Health and Environment... more

Penerapan Program Safety Health and Environment (SHE ) secara umum diartikan penerapan dari program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam setiap aspek Industri. Dalam Era Industrialisasi dan Globalisasi Safety Health and Environment merupakan isu global yang menjadi trend di setiap aspek kehidupan utamanya di bidang Industri. Global Trend yang berkaitan dengan aspek safety. Mengapa? Karena ter-nyata aspek safety tanpa disadari membawa pengaruh yang sangat luas terhadap perilaku masyarakat dunia serta cara berbisnis atau cara pandang dalam menjalankan usaha. Banyak negara yang menghadapi bencana yang timbul akibat kelalaian dalam mengelola sumber daya alam atau lingkungannya. Banyak perusahaan yang bangkrut karena melupakan aspek safety dalam menjalankan bisnis.Berlatar belakang Hal tersebut di atas penulis mengambil Judul “PENERAPAN PROGRAM SAFETY HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT (SHE) PT WIJAYA KARYA,Tbk Proyek Pengembangan SARFASTUKS Migas PT. PERTAMINA(PERSERO) TERMINAL LPG TANJUNG SEKONG UNTUK MENCAPAI ZERO ACCIDENT”
Kata Kunci : Penerapan, Program SHE dan Zero Accident
Penerapan menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia adalah proses atau cara
Program SHE adalah Perencanaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja.
Zero Accident berarti tidak adanya kecelakaan di lokasi kerja
The implementation of the Safety Health and Environment Program (SHE) generally means the application of occupational health and safety programs in every aspect of the Industry. In the Era of Industrialization and Globalization Safety Health and Environment is a global issue that is a trend in every aspect of its main life in the field of Industry. Global Trend related to safety aspects. Why? Because it is clear that safety aspects unwittingly have a very broad influence on the behavior of the world community as well as ways of doing business or the way of doing business. Many countries face disasters that arise due to negligence in managing natural resources or the environment. Many companies are bankrupt because they forget the safety aspect of running a business. Background The above authors take the title "APPLICATION OF PT WIJAYA KARYA, Tbk SAFETY HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMS, SARFASTUKS Oil and Gas Development Project PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) TANJUNG SEKONG LPG TERMINAL TO REACH ZERO ACCIDENT "
Keywords: Application, SHE Program and Zero Accident
The application according to the Indonesian Dictionary is a process or method
The SHE Program is Occupational Health and Safety Planning.
Zero Accident means there is no accident at the work site

The potential of antenatal care for reducing maternal morbidity and improving newborn survival and health is widely acknowledged. Yet there are worrying gaps in the factors that influence ANC attendance. The study determined the... more

The potential of antenatal care for reducing maternal morbidity and improving newborn survival and health is widely acknowledged. Yet there are worrying gaps in the factors that influence ANC attendance. The study determined the Socio-cultural factors influencing attendance for ANC services and to establish the effects of these factors on the quest to improve maternal and child health and prevent maternal mortality. Data was collected using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The tools used for data collection included questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Data was collected from ANC clients/ registrants, ANC providers as well as opinion leaders who matter in social and cultural issues. The study established that social and cultural barriers such as beliefs, female literacy, poverty, and age of women, quality of care and myths and misconceptions influenced the timing and utilization of ANC services. The study concluded that low empowerment of women, low educational levels, poor health infrastructure and poor attitude of health staff as well as pregnancy outdooring and other cultural factors determines partly the utilization of ANC service. Therefore intervention measures in place to improve women access and utilization of ANC services mainly address the supply side and ignore the demand side which makes the whole process fail to improve the situation on ground. More friendly and sufficient health care services were therefore recommended to be provided to boost confidence of the community masses on health care and its providers. In addition, appropriate health education that is culturally acceptable and addresses the harmful traditional practices and benefits of safe motherhood should be explored and employed as short term measure. I believe that empowering women may be a more permanent work out on this issue.

Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja atau laboratory safety (K3) memerlukan perhatian khusus , karena penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi kecelakaan kerja dengan intensitas yang mengkawatirkan yaitu 9 orang/hari. Oleh karena itu K3 seyogyanya... more

Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja atau laboratory safety (K3) memerlukan perhatian khusus , karena penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi kecelakaan kerja dengan intensitas yang mengkawatirkan yaitu 9 orang/hari. Oleh karena itu K3 seyogyanya melekat pada pelaksanaan praktikum dan penelitian di laboratorium. Laboratorium adalah tempat staf pengajar, mahasiswa dan pekerja lab melakukan eksprimen dengan bahan kimia alat gelas dan alat khusus. Penggunaan bahan kimiadan alat tersebut berpotensi terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Pada umumnya kecelakan kerja penyebab utamanya adalah kelalaian atau kecerobohan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan dengan cara membina dan mengembangkan kesadaran (attitudes) akan pentingnya K3 di laboratorium. Keselamatan Kerja di Laboratorium, perlu diinformasikan secara cukup (tidak berlebihan) dan relevan untuk mengetahui sumber bahaya di laboratorium dan akibat yang ditimbulkan serta cara penanggulangannya. Hal tersebut perlu dijelaskan berulang ulang agar lebih meningkatkan kewaspadaan. Keselamatan yg dimaksud termasuk orang yg ada disekitarnya. Peraturan Keselamatan Kerja Tujuan Peraturan Keselamatan Kerja dimaksudkan untuk menjamin : 1. Kesehatan , keselamatan dan kesejahteraan orang yg bekerja di laboratorium. 2. Mencegah orang lain terkena resiko pekerjaan laboratorium yang menyebabkan terganggu kesehatannya akibat kegiatan di laboratorium.

For Citation: Khayat, S., Salem, H.S., Natsheh, N., Marei, A., and Geyer, S., 2012. Tracing the Common used Agrochemicals Residues in the Groundwater System from Lower Jordan Valley Basin (Jericho/ West Bank). A Conference Paper presented... more

On 4 August 2011, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) submitted an unprecedented, scientific, groundbreaking environmental assessment report (EAR) on Ogoniland to the Nigerian government. This was the outcome of a 14-month... more

On 4 August 2011, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) submitted an unprecedented, scientific, groundbreaking environmental assessment report (EAR) on Ogoniland to the Nigerian government. This was the outcome of a 14-month intensive evaluation of the extent of pollution. The intention was that UNEP’s recommendations would be implemented to restore the devastated environment, on the one hand, and on the other, counteract the numerous environmental health issues that have for decades, plagued Ogoniland. However, five years post-EAR, and despite the seriousness of the situation, no significant resolution has occurred on the part of the government or the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) or Shell. To date, millions of Niger Delta residents particularly those living in the oil-bearing communities, continue to suffer severe consequences. Although the assessment was conducted in Ogoniland, other communities in the Niger Delta are also affected. This article explores prevailing issues in the Niger Delta, using Ogoniland (a microcosm of the Niger Delta) as an example. A multidisciplinary approach for sustainable mitigation of environmental health risks in the Niger Delta is paramount, and environmental management tools offer valuable strategies. Adopting the UNEP’s recommendations for addressing environmental health problems requires implementing the environmental management/environmental management system (EM/EMS), model. However, the persistent lack of political will on the part of the Nigerian government, and the grossly nonchalant attitude by Shell remain major obstacles towards executing UNEP’s recommendations

Psychotropic effects of substance abuse on academic attainments was studied from a cross sectional descriptive survey from January to June, 2010 in Bosomtwi and Atwima Kwanwoma Districts. Entirely thirteen beneficiaries of School Health... more

Psychotropic effects of substance abuse on academic attainments was studied from a cross sectional descriptive survey from January to June, 2010 in Bosomtwi and Atwima Kwanwoma Districts. Entirely thirteen beneficiaries of School Health Education Programmes (SHEP) interventions between 5 to 10 years intervals, subdivided into ten Junior High (JHS), and three public Senior High (SHS) were randomly selected based on learners' gender ratios using questionnaire and instructional guidelines approved by the school authorities for interview of 600 (258 females and 342 males) respondents. Majority (42 to 94%) were victims of coffee and alcohol abuse while 31% were implicated for marijuana, amphetamine, cocaine and heroin. About 56% resorted to drugs hoping to improve their academic performances with 11% consequently developing truant behaviors and abysmal achievements. Family members and friends often lured/provided money for 61% of learner's drug purchase while 96% were addicted averagely at 11.5 years old. Proportionately, 51% males were abusing drugs against 45% females. Likelihood ratio of abuse amongst genders cohorts were both asymptotically (P<0.07) and linearly (P<0.4) not significantly different. Substance abuse problems worsened in divorced marriages and single parent families where financial constraints and inadequate care compel learners to depend on drugs as probable solution to their depression and stress. The overall analysis revealed little improvement on learners' academic performances with increased drug use. Parent Teacher Associations need to strengthen the implementation of child care monitoring interventions in homes and schools to curtail rampant drug abuse problems through pilot School Health Education Programmes (SHEP).

Di indonesia kecelakaan berkendara menjadi tingkat kecelakaan berkendara yang paling tinggi. Kecelakaan berkendara sepeda motor pertahun semakin bertambah. Data kecelakaan lalulintas yang menjadi urutan Ke-3 penyebab kematian di... more

Di indonesia kecelakaan berkendara menjadi tingkat kecelakaan berkendara yang paling tinggi. Kecelakaan berkendara sepeda motor pertahun semakin bertambah. Data kecelakaan lalulintas yang menjadi urutan Ke-3 penyebab kematian di Indonesia. ini terjadi karena tidak adanya perhatian khusus dari pengguna sepeda motor serta tidak adanya pelatihan safety riding. Perlengkapan safety riding juga perlu kurang di mengerti oleh para pengguna sepeda motor. Tingginya angka kecelakaan dapat karena jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang meningkat setiap tahunnya dan juga karena kelalaian manusia yang menjadi faktor utama terjadinya peningkatan kecelakaan lalu lintas. Data Kepolisian RImenyebutkan, pada 2012 terjadi 109.038 kasus kecelakaan dengan korban meninggal dunia sebanyak 27.441 orang, dengan potensi kerugian sosial ekonomi sekitar Rp 203 triliun – Rp 217 triliun per tahun (2,9% – 3,1 % dari Pendapatan Domestik Bruto/PDB Indonesia). Sedangkan pada 2011, terjadi kecelakaan sebanyak 109.776 kasus, dengan korban meninggal sebanyak 31.185 orang. Hal ini sebaiknya kita cermati dengan seksama, yang mana kewaspadaan berkendara adalah menjadi hal yang utama, dan sebaiknya sebelum melakukan berkendara sepeda motor wajib mengasah skill dan kemampuan dan juga pengetahuan tentang cara berkendara yang baik dan benar atau safety riding. Pengertian safety riding itu secara umum adalah keamanan dan keselamatan berkendara. Jadi, Safety Riding adalah perilaku berkendara yang secara ideal harus memiliki tingkat keamanan yang cukup bagi diri sendiri maupun orang lain. Sampai saat ini banyak orang mengendarai sepeda motor tapi tidak semua orang memahami cara mengedarai sepeda motor dengan baik dan benar serta memperhatikan sisi keamanan dan keselamatan. Baik itu keamanan untuk diri sendiri maupun sisi keamanan bagi pengguna jalan lainnya. Padahal banyak kita temukan materi safety riding untuk di pelajari, di praktekan dan di patuhi. Banyaknya kecelakaan yang melibatkan