Aviation Safety Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Successful implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) ensures the safety of employees and protects their health and thus has an important role in increasing their productivity and efficiency. This role is... more

Successful implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) ensures the safety of employees and protects their health and thus has an important role in increasing their productivity and efficiency. This role is an important tool for companies in realization their objectives and in reducing social cost. Therefore, there is a great benefit in increasing the success of OHSMSs. In this study, it has been aimed to identify factors affecting and to appreciate which factors have the greatest impact on the success of OHSMSs implemented by ground handling companies operating at airports in Turkey. The data were collected from senior OHSMSs' managers and experts by using nominal group technique. The results of the study indicated that professional independence of OHS practitioners, place of the senior management's OHSMS commitment in the implementations , senior management's awareness of OHSMS implementations, resource allocated by senior management to OHSMS implementations and the continuity of the OHSMS audits play an important role for the successful implementation of the OHSMSs. Professional independence of OHS practitioners being an extremely important success factor draws the attention since it does not stand out in the findings of the other researches.

Harmonising Regulatory and Antitrust Regimes for International Air Transport addresses the timely and problematic issue of lack of uniformity in legal standards for international civil aviation. First, it focuses on discrepancies within... more

Harmonising Regulatory and Antitrust Regimes for International Air Transport addresses the timely and problematic issue of lack of uniformity in legal standards for international civil aviation.
First, it focuses on discrepancies within the regulatory and antitrust framework and possible solutions thereto. Possible strategies for multilateralisation and defragmentation of air law are discussed, including those within the ICAO and WTO systems, as well as privatisation, trans-national cooperation and consolidation between airlines.
This is followed by a debate on international harmonisation of air policy and economic regulation with competition law and policy. This part deliberates on the peculiarities of the latter framework, such as ‘extraterritorial’ application (effects doctrine) and antitrust immunities. Specific legal problems concerning airline alliance activities are also addressed, such as code-sharing, leasing, franchising and common branding, as well as metal-neutral joint ventures and real air carrier mergers.
The discussion extends to competition and possible conflicts between air transport law and other legal regimes, including space law, environmental law (carbon offsetting schemes) and labour law, which are relevant to aviation and growing aerospace activities. The study also contributes to some specific regulatory problems, such as possible regulation of space tourism under air law, airline ownership and control, balance between aviation safety and airline liberalisation, development of regional liberalisation initiatives and solutions to eliminate air connectivity gaps.
The unique feature of the book is that it reconciles distinct perspectives on these issues presented by renowned aviation and aerospace experts who represent world’s key air transport markets and air law academic centres.

Current primary flight training methods and requirements are unsustainable related to the industry forecasted pilot shortage (Boeing, 2019 a, b; FAA, 2019). According to current pilot data released by the Federal Aviation Administration... more

Current primary flight training methods and requirements are unsustainable related to the industry forecasted pilot shortage (Boeing, 2019 a, b; FAA, 2019). According to current pilot data released by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (2018), private pilot output is not enough for future industry demands. Since a 2011 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) (2010) report on student pilot drop-out rates was released, the rate has improved and is trending in a positive direction. The FAA has taken steps to increase sustainability through standards and regulatory changes (FAA, 2016; King, 2016, Miller, 2015). Time allowed to complete pilot training and the methods of assessment were both updated in 2016. Statistical tests comparing drop-out rates before and after implementation show significant affect. Within five years, the drop-out rates and pilot growth could become sustainable for pilot demand forecasts. Correlation between original Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) issuance and original private pilot certificate issuance has a strong correlation. However, the number of new student pilots to new CFIs does not have a strong correlation. This leads the author to conclude there is a relationship between CFI availability and flight training volume sustainability. In addition to pilot output volume, the industry requires increased safety and competency. Statistical analysis concludes that flight training has not produced more-competent or more-safe pilots since the FAA changes. Statistical correlation between new CFIs and knowledge test scores show a relationship with instructional accidents. Prior research indicates the instructional quality and factors related to CFIs may result in flight training unsustainability (Aguilar, 2004; AOPA, 2010; Blair, 2018). The aviation industry and flight training management should invest more in certified flight instructor training and retention than in student pilot recruitment to improve flight training sustainability volume, safety, and competency.

The whole story of 18th September meeting initiated by CAPTIO team was to find out what has happened, what went wrong and why so sophisticated and advanced system of systems that include ATC, Inmarsat, etc., etc. failed and still failing... more

The whole story of 18th September meeting initiated by CAPTIO team was to find out what has happened, what went wrong and why so sophisticated and advanced system of systems that include ATC, Inmarsat, etc., etc. failed and still failing even to discover where are remains. Still mentioning above questions are not answered. The even was extremely well organise, and summative expertise of the presenters and audience was simply impeccable. Eurocontrol deserved a great credit in hosting this event.

Sepatu safety yaitu satu kewajiban apabila bekerja didunia industri. Pada umumnya banyak yang berasumsi sepatu safety merupakan sepatu yang ada pelindung baja di ujungnya. Memanglah benar dekian. Nyatanya tidak hanya itu saja, terdapat... more

Sepatu safety yaitu satu kewajiban apabila bekerja didunia industri. Pada umumnya banyak yang berasumsi sepatu safety merupakan sepatu yang ada pelindung baja di ujungnya. Memanglah benar dekian. Nyatanya tidak hanya itu saja, terdapat banyak parameter spesifikasi sepatu yang lain hingga disebut sepatu safety (keselamatan). Sebagian klasifikasi ini untuk mempermudah pemakai memastikan sepatu yang pas dengan lingkungan pekerjaanya. Di sini di ambil dari standard EN ISO20345: 2004/A1 : 2007, karena SNI untuk kelas sepatu safety belum ada. KELAS S1 (A + FO + E) Semuanya sepatu dari type S1 memenuhi feature basic untuk sepatu keselamatan: • Ketinggian kain atas • Pelindung di ujung Sepatu (dengan panjang minimal dan lebar) • Kain atas dengan kulit atau setara dengan bahan sintetis • Mempunyai lapisan kain atas dapat di buka pada sepatu rendah dengan penambahan mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti berikut: • Zona tertutup pada tumit • Feature antistatis • Penyerapan energi dibagian tumit • Sol sepatu tahan pada hidrokarbon KELAS S1P (A + FO + E + P) Sepatu Keselamatan type S1P tidak mempunyai kelas keselamatan dengan cara sendiri, namun karena sering dipakai, type sepatu ini di sebutkan dengan cara terpisah. Sepatu keselamatan ini semuanya didasarkan pada kelas keselamatan S1 dengan sol anti-perforasi sebagai feature penambahan. Ini berarti kalau sepatu keselamatan S1P mempunyai feature seperti berikut:

O setor aeronáutico, desde muito cedo, tanto em virtude da segurança, quanto de fatores econômicos, iniciou a busca pela qualidade e aplicação do compliance em suas atividades, dessa forma, será abordado, principalmente o significado do... more

O setor aeronáutico, desde muito cedo, tanto em virtude da segurança, quanto de fatores econômicos, iniciou a busca pela qualidade e aplicação do compliance em suas atividades, dessa forma, será abordado, principalmente o significado do compliance, as certificações envolvendo o setor aéreo e em conclusão outros fatores que envolvem o compliance e a aviação civil internacional.

This manual was compiled for the Missing Aircraft Search Team (MAST), a private group focused on finding lost light aircraft, usually in cold cases, but sometimes in "hot" recent cases that are still under official investigation by search... more

This manual was compiled for the Missing Aircraft Search Team (MAST), a private group focused on finding lost light aircraft, usually in cold cases, but sometimes in "hot" recent cases that are still under official investigation by search and rescue and law enforcement authorities. The report has the following "how to" sections to assist searchers faced with trying to find a missing aircraft :
• Form a Search Analysis Group (SAG) and Create a Shared Worksite for the SAG
• Develop a Short Description of the Disappearance
• Obtain Radar Data
• Obtain the NTSB Docket
• Obtain Cell Phone Data
• Obtain Pilot’s Logbook and Related Items
• Research the Aircraft
• Interview Relevant Persons
• Develop Data on Weather and Other Conditions
• Obtain Police Data
• Review ELT Data
• Research News and Magazine Sources
• Analyze Fire Reports
• Undertake Other Research
• Develop Scenarios for the Disappearance
• Undertake Proportional Consensus Voting on the Scenarios
• Organize a Search.

Pilots who fly internationally must demonstrate a basic level of English language proficiency set forth by the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) in a set of descriptors outlining varying ability levels.This insures clear... more

Pilots who fly internationally must demonstrate a basic level of English language proficiency set forth by the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) in a set of descriptors outlining varying ability levels.This insures clear communication between aircraft and air traffic control (ATC), a key element of air safety. Course design addressing ab initio students / trainees and licensed pilots in need of recurrency training must take into account learners’ specific needs for operational proficiency and licensure within the greater institutional framework. English communication standards exist to foster a safe and efficient operating environment. This paper will illustrate the connection between accident prevention, the implementation of language testing in aviation training, and the techniques and materials used in the aviation classroom.

Windshear is a form of adverse weather that can cause the runway excursion. An unstabilized approach can also be caused by windshear, other forms of adverse weather, or by improper pilot technique flying the approach path. Runway... more

Windshear is a form of adverse weather that can cause the runway excursion. An unstabilized approach can also be caused by windshear, other forms of adverse weather, or by improper pilot technique flying the approach path.
Runway excursion is something that can be avoided.
Good coordination of all supporting units can mitigate the flight from getting into the runway excursion.

„Gdy już posmakowałeś lotu, zawsze będziesz chodzić po ziemi z oczami utkwionymi w niebo, bo tam właśnie byłeś i tam zawsze będziesz pragnął powrócić” - te słowa Leonarda da Vinci towarzyszą autorom niniejszej publikacji przez cały czas .... more

„Gdy już posmakowałeś lotu, zawsze będziesz chodzić po ziemi z oczami utkwionymi w niebo, bo tam właśnie byłeś i tam zawsze będziesz pragnął powrócić” - te słowa Leonarda da Vinci towarzyszą autorom niniejszej publikacji przez cały czas . Chcąc zachęcić Czytelnika do „posmakowania” tego niezwykłego podniebnego świata, postanowiliśmy oddać w jego ręce książkę na temat podstaw funkcjonowania lotnictwa cywilnego – prawa i procedur. Zdaniem autorów, istotnym walorem publikacji jest właśnie szczegółowy opis procedur lotniczych stanowiący doskonałe źródło wiedzy dla osób przygotowujących się do uzyskania lotniczych licencji i świadectw, jak również dla prawników czy pracowników przedsiębiorstw lotniczych.
W rozdziale 1 zaprezentowano genezę i krótki rys historyczny międzynarodowego prawa lotniczego. Uwzględniono jego podstawowe źródła oraz poszczególne reżimy i systemy prawne. Przedstawiono rozwój prawa lotniczego Unii Europejskiej, będącego w istocie jednym z najistotniejszych dla funkcjonowania polskiego transportu lotniczego. Opisano zarówno kompetencje unijnych organów, jak i jeden z efektów ich działalności, czyli rodzaje wydawanych aktów prawnych.
Rozdział 2 zawiera charakterystyki najważniejszych konwencji lotniczych, zaś rozdział 3 – międzynarodowych rządowych i pozarządowych organizacji lotniczych. Część 4 poświęcono polskiemu prawu lotniczemu: ustawie oraz stosownym rozporządzeniom. W kolejnych rozdziałach przedstawiono niezbędne w procesie przygotowania do lotu, podstawowe dokumenty lotnicze, takie jak m.in.: Zbiór Informacji Lotniczej, Biuletyn Informacji Lotniczych, plan lotu, mapy, wiele depeszy meteorologicznych czy książkę pilota. Służby ruchu lotniczego, ich podział, strukturę, a także związane z nimi procedury opisano w rozdziale 7. Rozdział 8 z kolei poświęcono dokumentom normującym tworzenie linii lotniczych i świadczenie usług przewozów lotniczych. Ostatnie rozdziały obejmują swym zakresem nieprawidłowości w ruchu lotniczym oraz podstawy funkcjonowania służb SAR. Całość wieńczy krótkie podsumowanie. Uzupełnieniem opracowania jest zestaw załączników bazujący na dokumentach Organizacji Międzynarodowego Lotnictwa Cywilnego (International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO) stan ratyfikacji międzynarodowych konwencji lotniczych w wybranych państwach i organizacjach (stan na 31.10.2014 r.), wybrane konwencje lotnicze oraz tzw. marsz lotników będący hymnem polskiego lotnictwa.
Reasumując, publikacja zawiera przegląd najważniejszych międzynarodowych dokumentów prawa lotniczego i ich modyfikacji, krajowych aktów prawnych regulujących funkcjonowanie lotnictwa cywilnego oraz dokumentów operacyjnych międzynarodowych organizacji lotniczych. Uwzględnia ponadto kolejne nowelizacje ustawy Prawo lotnicze oraz jej tekst jednolity z 2014 r., co czyni ją najbardziej aktualną pozycją wydawniczą poświęconą tematyce prawno-lotniczej na rynku. Autorzy nie ukrywają, że ze względu na szczegółowe omówienie w literaturze naukowej problematyki świadczenia przez porty lotnicze usług, inwestycji w infrastrukturę czy uwarunkowań antymonopolowo-prawnych , powyższe kwestie zostały pominięte w niniejszym opracowaniu. Niektóre aspekty prawa lotniczego i wynikające z niego procedury zostały natomiast omówione skrótowo, by zachęcić czytelnika do samodzielnego studiowania materiałów źródłowych – ustaw, rozporządzeń i konwencji.

Due to intense competition, decreasing profit margin and demanding customers in air transport business, airlines have to measure their performance in order to remain competitive as well as sustainable in the airline market. The... more

Due to intense competition, decreasing profit margin and demanding customers in air transport business, airlines have to measure their performance in order to remain competitive as well as sustainable in the airline market. The performance of an airline depends on many factors those are known as key performance indicators (KPIs). This study makes an attempt to evaluate the key performance indicators of airlines. Evaluation of KPIs is done using a combined approach based on fuzzy theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. A case example of Indian airlines is conducted to illustrate the proposed model applicability. This study makes an important contribution to various airline companies by solving significant problems in order to enhance their performances in the competitive market with proposed methodology. This proposed method considered fuzzy framework that can handle impreciseness and uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis is also performed to test the robustness of the proposed model.

This study focuses on the Safety Management System (SMS) brought forward by aviation authorities in the early 2000s, which aims to increase the safety level of air transportation activities and to maintain these activities at acceptable... more

This study focuses on the Safety Management System (SMS) brought forward by aviation authorities in the early 2000s, which aims to increase the safety level of air transportation activities and to maintain these activities at acceptable risk levels. SMS is an administrative application that emerged to ensure safety in aviation activities, and became widespread in national and international fields. Many organizations in the aviation industry implement SMS and set up SMS divisions. The aim of this study is to explain the process of transition to SMS in aviation organizations in Turkey. Qualitative research method was applied. Semistructured interviews, observations and researcher diary were used as data collection tools. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 organizations’ SMS managers who work for group A ground service organizations, catering organizations and terminal organizations. To include all related stakeholders, a semistructured interview was conducted with an SM...

Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) remains the leading cause of fatal mishaps in aviation. Recent statistics from the Commercial Aviation Safety Team show that LOC-I is responsible for nearly 40% of all fatalities within the worldwide... more

Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) remains the leading cause of fatal mishaps in aviation. Recent statistics from the Commercial Aviation Safety Team show that LOC-I is responsible for nearly 40% of all fatalities within the worldwide commercial jet fleet. Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) aims to provide pilots with the necessary tools to mitigate the threat of LOC-I. Pilots who have received specialized UPRT are better able to recognize an escalating LOC-I event and take appropriate actions to prevent its occurrence. Additionally, UPRT provides pilots with the knowledge and necessary skill set to safely recover from an actual LOC-I occurrence should preventative measures fail. One way to increase the effectiveness of UPRT is through the application of Threat and Error Managemen (TEM). Threat and Error Management is a method used to help maximize safety margins and minimize risks by first identifying threats to successful operation accomplishment, and then determining ways to mitigate or eliminate the identified threats. Threats are conditions that are beyond the control of the pilot(s) and have the potential of resulting in increased operational complexity for the flight, which requires additional crew attention to maintain appropriate safety margins. Threats can be anticipated (allowing for mitigation through advanced planning) or unanticipated (requiring real-time analysis and mitigation by the pilots). Pilot errors in response to realized threats can also impact successful operational outcomes by potentially introducing additional errors, or by producing “undesired aircraft states”. Such errors have been found causal or contributory in roughly 66 percent of aircraft mishaps. Threat and Error Managemen seeks to identify and manage threats, as well as to identify and correct or minimize errors, all with the goal of increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome. This paper will explain how TEM and UPRT together can be utilized to counter the LOC-I threat.

Taking the move from our recent research on GNSS Avionics Based Integrity Augmentation (ABIA), this article investigates the synergies of ABIA with a novel Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) architecture for Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS).... more

Taking the move from our recent research on GNSS Avionics Based Integrity Augmentation (ABIA), this article investigates the synergies of ABIA with a novel Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) architecture for Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS). Based on simulation and experimental data collected on a variety of manned and unmanned aircraft, it was observed that the integration of ABIA with DAA has the potential to provide an integrity-augmented DAA for both cooperative and non-cooperative applications. The candidate DAA system uses various Forward-Looking Sensors (FLS) for the non-cooperative case and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) in addition to TCAS/ASAS for the cooperative case. Both in the cooperative and non-cooperative cases, the risk of collision is evaluated by setting a threshold on the Probability Density Function (PDF) of a Near Mid-Air Collision (NMAC) event over the separation area. So, if the specified threshold is exceeded, an avoidance manoeuvre is performed based on a heading-based Differential Geometry (DG) algorithm and optimized utilizing a cost function with minimum time constraints and fuel penalty criteria weighted as a function of separation distance. Additionally, the optimised avoidance trajectory considers the constraints imposed by the ABIA in terms of RPAS platform dynamics and GNSS constellation satellite elevation angles, preventing degradation or losses of navigation data during the whole DAA loop. This integration scheme allows real-time trajectory corrections to re-establish the Required Navigation Performance (RNP) when actual GNSS accuracy degradations and/or data losses take place (e.g., due to aircraft-satellite relative geometry, GNSS receiver tracking, interference, jamming or other external factors). Cooperative and non-cooperative simulation case studies were accomplished to evaluate the performance of this Integrity-Augmented DAA (IAS) architecture. The selected host platform was the AEROSONDE RPAS and the simulation cases were performed in a representative cross-section of the RPAS operational flight envelope. The simulation results show that the proposed IAS architecture is capable of performing high-integrity conflict detection and resolution when GNSS is the primary source of navigation data.

Importance of Human Factors in Aviation

Groundbreaking Handbook Offers Detailed Research and Valuable Methodology to Address Dangerous and Costly Aviation Hazard Though annual damages from bird and bat collisions with aircraft have been estimated at $400 million in the United... more

Groundbreaking Handbook Offers Detailed Research and Valuable Methodology to Address Dangerous and Costly Aviation Hazard
Though annual damages from bird and bat collisions with aircraft have been estimated at 400millionintheUnitedStatesandupto400 million in the United States and up to 400millionintheUnitedStatesandupto1.2 billion in commercial aviation worldwide and despite numerous conferences and councils dedicated to the issue, very little has been published on this expensive and sometimes-lethal flying risk. Bird Strike in Aviation seeks to fill this gap, providing a comprehensive guide to preventing and minimizing damage caused by bird strike on aircraft.
Based on a thorough and comprehensive examination of the subject, Dr. El-Sayed offers different approaches to reducing bird strikes, including detailed coverage of the three categories necessary for such reduction, namely, awareness/education, bird management (active and passive control), and aircraft design. In addition, the text discusses the importance of cooperation between airplanes, airports and air traffic authorities as well as testing methods necessary for certification of both aircraft frame and engine. Other notable features include:
Statistics and analyses for bird strikes with both civil and military helicopters as well as military fixed wing aircrafts, including annual costs, critical flight altitudes, critical parts of aircraft, distance from air base and specifics of date and timing
Thorough review and analysis all fatal bird strike accidents and most non-fatal accidents since 1905, the first book to provide such a reference
The use of numerical methods in analyzing historic data (ex. probability functions, finite element methods for analyzing impact on aircraft structure, experimental measurement technique for displacement, vibration, component distortion, etc.)
Instruction on identification of bird species (using visual, microscopic, and DNA evidence) and details of bird migration to aid air traffic control in avoiding scenarios likely to result in collision
With its wealth of statistical data, innovative research, and practical suggestions, Bird Strike in Aviation will prove a vital resource for researchers, engineers and graduate students in aerospace engineering/manufacturing or ornithology, as well as for military and civilian pilots and flight crew or professionals in aviation authorities and air traffic control.

1-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Under current highly challenging and competitive business environment most of the companies are looking for innovative solutions to control cost and improve efficiency. Airline companies are striving hard to reduce the... more

Under current highly challenging and competitive business environment most of the companies are looking for innovative solutions to control cost and improve efficiency. Airline companies are striving hard to reduce the supply chain cost and to achieve higher service efficiency and quality.
This paper gives details of complex structure of aviation supply chain process and how it differs from normal industrial supply chain process and what crucial factors can affect the performance of whole supply chain process for an Aviation MRO.
Rapid growth of aviation industry provides critical insight of MRO supply chain performance against their competitors, this study unveils mapping or process of MRO supply chain, corrective measures required to achieve higher performance and cost saving strategies.
This study supported by many pictorial illustrations along with explanation gives deep understanding of MRO supply chain management an executive should be aware of to bring his aviation company in competitive operational status.
Report also illustrates that only focusing on cost cutting can’t help a company in long run and however, focusing on supply chain efficiency can actually turn around a MRO organization’s business growth.
We have also discussed the major SCM elements and their inter relevance in this report. Yet again because of Aviation MRO supply chain being highly complicated process and dependent on many external and internal influential factors, a real life Aviation Supply chain process can be much different than one discussed here. Hence, this report has its limitations.

There is a threat in B737 checklist reading procedure. Checklist reading procedure that directs pilot monitoring to read the challenge and replies it by him/her self will provoke the other pilot (PF) not to verify the checklist items.... more

There is a threat in B737 checklist reading procedure. Checklist reading procedure that directs pilot monitoring to read the challenge and replies it by him/her self will provoke the other pilot (PF) not to verify the checklist items.
This is threat.

Safety is a precondition for taking full advantage of air transportation. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has now adopted performance-based approach in addition to the regulatory-based with a view to improving safety... more

Safety is a precondition for taking full advantage of air transportation. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has now adopted performance-based approach in addition to the regulatory-based with a view to improving safety and decreasing the number of accidents. This new approach requires the implementation of the Safety Management System (SMS), which focuses on increasing safety performance under real-life conditions. The success of its implementation depends on measuring safety performance accurately, and the accurate measurement relies on designing the Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) appropriately. The ultimate aim of this study is to enable design of more effective indicators, and thus to contribute to the improvement of Safety Management Systems. The scope of this study is limited to flight training organizations (FTOs) in Turkey. For the purpose of this study, we first produced a list of SPIs used to measure safety in FTOs, on the validity and significance of which experts were asked to come to an agreement. We then adopted an academic approach to the data collected to determine whether the list of SPIs is valid enough to measure safety under real-life conditions. The Delphi Method was used for data collection and analysis in this study. At the end of five Delphi round extending over a period of one year, we obtained 64 SPIs, which – participants agreed that – measure safety accurately. The research has shown that there were some mistakes and problems related to SPI design, which probably derives from the fact that SPI design is a new quite new requirement in aviation safety. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the improvement of SPI design and hence the success of SMS.

Exploratory research was carried out to evaluate the use of AI and Machine Learning to enhance decision-making during in-flight diversions in aviation and to actively monitor and predict the likelihood of an accident based on the... more

Exploratory research was carried out to evaluate the use of AI and Machine Learning to enhance decision-making during in-flight diversions in aviation and to actively monitor and predict the likelihood of an accident based on the identification of threats that were contributing factors in previous similar situations. An analysis of an in-flight diversion caused by aircraft depressurization using the Bowtie model was used to determine the threats, consequences, and barriers. A documentary analysis of the NASA ASRS database related to in-flight diversions allowed the mapping of threats and shortcomings in these events. A questionnaire sent to pilots validated decision-making models in use by the industry and measured the pilot’s willingness to use AI and Machine Learning in-flight. Interviews with airline safety and network control managers, a human factor specialist, and an AI specialist brought useful data to support the conclusions. Recommendations on how to integrate AI and Machine Learning with existing technology were presented.

Exploratory research was carried out to evaluate the use of AI and Machine Learning to enhance decision-making during in-flight diversions in aviation and to actively monitor and predict the likelihood of an accident based on the... more

Exploratory research was carried out to evaluate the use of AI and Machine Learning to enhance decision-making during in-flight diversions in aviation and to actively monitor and predict the likelihood of an accident based on the identification of threats that were contributing factors in previous similar situations. An analysis of an in-flight diversion caused by aircraft depressurization using the Bowtie model was used to determine the threats, consequences, and barriers. A documentary analysis of the NASA ASRS database related to in-flight diversions allowed the mapping of threats and shortcomings in these events. A questionnaire sent to pilots validated decision-making models in use by the industry and measured the pilot’s willingness to use AI and Machine Learning in-flight. Interviews with airline safety and network control managers, a human factor specialist, and an AI specialist brought useful data to support the conclusions. Recommendations on how to integrate AI and Machine Learning with existing technology were presented.

There have been many cornerstones in the history of civil aviation leading to major changes and new regulations. These include the first balloon flight in 1783, the Wright Brothers’ first successful flight in 1903, the first intercity... more

There have been many cornerstones in the history of civil aviation leading to major changes and new regulations. These include the first balloon flight in 1783, the Wright Brothers’ first successful flight in 1903, the first intercity flight by henry Farman in 1908, the first non-stop passenger flight from London to Paris in 1911, the first solo transatlantic flight in 1927, the first supersonic flight in 1947, and so on. Yet, none of them has been more important than safety and the latter has always
been the game changer in aviation.

This study sets out to investigate the hazards, root causes and outcomes associated with the outsourcing of aircraft maintenance, and to investigate how and why these hazards compromise safety. For the purpose of the study, questionnaires... more

This study sets out to investigate the hazards, root causes and outcomes associated with the outsourcing of aircraft maintenance, and to investigate how and why these hazards compromise safety. For the purpose of the study, questionnaires consisting of open-ended questions were used to collect qualitative data from technicians and engineers who participate in outsourcing processes, and who were selected through purposive sampling. An inductive qualitative analysis method was used to analyze the qualitative research data. The research results suggest that airlines see the outsourcing of aircraft maintenance to another party as an effective way of reducing costs. With cost being the main factor in the selection of a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) company, MRO providers are under serious pressure to reduce costs as this is the major competitive advantage in the MRO market. These factors create a wide range of safety hazards. Furthermore, outsourcing causes disorganization in the production of aircraft maintenance activities and in the organizational structure of parties. This also gives rise to safety hazards.