Human Resources Development Research Papers (original) (raw)

Briefly describing each of the following methods of performance appraisal.

Within the ancient country of Japan, thousands of hydroelectric dams exist. The first hydroelectric dam built in Japan was the Oi Dam in 1924. These concrete megaliths have many purposes, with one major function for the Japanese and... more

Within the ancient country of Japan, thousands of hydroelectric dams exist. The first hydroelectric dam built in Japan was the Oi Dam in 1924. These concrete megaliths have many purposes, with one major function for the Japanese and humans worldwide being the production of hydroelectric power. In essence, the electricity produced by hydroelectric power is a renewable resource generated through the movement of water. This form of energy produces no waste and does not emit carbon dioxide. Yet, many people do not consider large hydroelectric projects to be a sustainable energy source due to the belief that they do not produce enough energy to make their construction necessary. Indeed, the construction of the dams harm the environment in many ways, such as land clearing; the destruction of animal habitat, and the dispersal of humans from their ancient homelands.

Izvod; Poljoprivreda je, do sada, rastuće potrebe za hranom morala zadovoljavati uglavnom povećanjem produktivnosti. Ovakva praksa nije opravdana jer ugrožava bioraznolikost, podržava štetnu naftnu i hemijsku industriju, podstiče... more

Izvod; Poljoprivreda je, do sada, rastuće potrebe za hranom morala zadovoljavati uglavnom povećanjem produktivnosti. Ovakva praksa nije opravdana jer ugrožava bioraznolikost, podržava štetnu naftnu i hemijsku industriju, podstiče klimatske promjene, uništava proizvodne površine i slično. U radu su opisani resursi i pokretači koji utiču na održivost poljoprivrede, a to su; energija, voda, zemljište i klima. Takođe, opisana su i tri segmenta koja bi trebalo razvijati u budućnosti, a to su: (a) sigurnost hrane (b) izgradnja kapaciteta na nivou farme i (c) tehnološki razvoj i inovacije u sektoru održive poljoprivrede. Održiva poljoprivreda ima kompleksniji pristup, koji pored same proizvodnje predstavlja i očuvanje prirodnih resursa. Pristup održive poljoprivrede razbija linearni proces i pretvara ga u kružni tok tvari i energije. Održiva poljoprivreda predstavlja vrijednu mogućnost i prednost za zemlje u razvoju, u smislu ukupnog procesa industrijalizacije i ekonomskog razvoja, boljih izvoznih rezultata, i poboljšanja sigurnosti i kvalitete hrane. Ključne riječi; održiva poljoprivreda, očuvanje resursa, sigurnost hrane, farma, inovacije.
Apstract; Agriculture is, current growing food demand, comply with generally increasing productivity. This practice is not justified because it threatens biodiversity, supports harmful oil and chemical industry, encouraging climate change, destroys the production area and the like. The paper describes the resources and the drivers that affect the sustainability of agriculture, namely; energy, water, land and air. Also, the paper describes, the three segments that should be developed in the future: (a) food security (b) capacity building at the farm level and (c) techno development and innovation in the field of sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture has a complex approach, which is next to the production and conservation of natural resources. Access to sustainable agriculture breaks the linear process and turns it into a circular flow of matter and energy. Sustainable agriculture is a valuable opportunity and advantage for developing countries, in terms of the overall process of industrialization and economic development, better export performance, and improving food safety and quality.

Recent researches about public confidence in italian institutions (demos 2018) show a significant drop. In addition, this fall is strengthened by the media representation that often leverages up to inefficiencies not considering the... more

Jelen cikk célja egy, a menedzsment és marketing elmélete és gyakorlata terén viszonylag fiatal, az elméleti irodalomban Ambler és Barrow által az 1990-es években megalkotott, és először 1996-ban publikált employer brand, illetve employer... more

Jelen cikk célja egy, a menedzsment és marketing elmélete és gyakorlata terén viszonylag fiatal, az elméleti irodalomban Ambler és Barrow által az 1990-es években megalkotott, és először 1996-ban publikált employer brand, illetve employer branding témakörének bemutatása és feldolgozása, valamint lehetséges kutatási irányok meghatározása. A szerzők bemutatják azokat a társadalmi és gazdasági tényezőket, amelyek közvetve vagy közvetlenül hatottak a tradicionális marketing és HR-funkciók elkülönültségének megszűnésére, és szükségessé tették a marketingszemlélet begyűrűzését a HR területére is. Elemzik, hogy miként kapcsolható össze és válik elválaszthatatlanná a vállalat belső és külső környezete, valamint a cégről kialakult kép. Vizsgálódásuk középpontjába a munkáltatói márka jelenségének és a munkáltatói márkaépítés folyamatának, eszköztárának és kivitelezésének különböző megközelítéseit helyezik. Végül különböző nemzetközi és magyar kutatásokat mutatnak be és hasonlítanak össze, a k...

Salah satu fungsi utama pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia dan sudah sering menjadi bahan kajian penelitian adalah sistem kompensasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap motivasi karyawan. Meski perusahaan sudah berusaha menerapkan sistem kompensasi yang... more

Salah satu fungsi utama pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia dan sudah sering
menjadi bahan kajian penelitian adalah sistem kompensasi dan pengaruhnya
terhadap motivasi karyawan. Meski perusahaan sudah berusaha menerapkan
sistem kompensasi yang baik tetapi belum menjamin motivasi karyawan
akan meningkat, sehingga organisasi selalu berupaya mengembangkan sistem
kompensasi yang lebih baik, lebih menantang untuk mendorong meningkatnya
motivasi karyawan. Motivasi merupakan hal penting jika dihubungkan dengan
pekerjaan karena dengan motivasi yang tinggi karyawan diharapkan bisa
menghasilkan kinerja yang baik, khususnya motivasi yang berasal dari dalam
diri karyawan. Meski motivasi internal dinilai lebih penting akan tetapi karyawan
juga masih memerlukan dorongan dari luar. Salah satu faktor pendorong dari
luar adalah kompensasi yang diberikan oleh perusahaan. Penelitian ini menganalisis
hubungan antara kompensasi dan motivasi karyawan di PLN Kantor Distribusi
jawa Barat dan Banten, menggunakan 27 orang responden yang merupakan
jumlah seluruh karyawan di Departemen Sumberdaya Manusia. Analisis regresi
sederhana dan analitis deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menguji
dan mengukur hubungan antara variabel kompensasi dan motivasi. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan dan positif antara
kompensasi dan motivasi karyawan. Hal ini menguatkan pandangan bahwa
kompensasi masih merupakan faktor motivator dari luar yang diperlukan

In this study, we examined 11 workplaces to determine how they handle termination documentation, an empirically unexplored area in technical communication and rhetoric. We found that the use of termination documentation is context... more

In this study, we examined 11 workplaces to determine how they handle termination documentation, an empirically unexplored area in technical communication and rhetoric. We found that the use of termination documentation is context dependent while following a basic pattern of infraction, investigation, intervention, and termination. Furthermore, the primary audience of the documentation is typically legal and regulatory bodies, not the employee. We also make observations about genre, collaboration, and authorship in these documents.

Article on Money as a motivator

Sport Development Index is a way to measure the improvement of sport development in a region. This research measures sport development by using sports human resource management in Padang as the indicator. The purpose is to discover the... more

Sport Development Index is a way to measure the improvement of sport development in a region. This research measures sport development by using sports human resource management in Padang as the indicator. The purpose is to discover the quality of sports human resource management in Padang examined from Sport Development Index and to analyze the availability of sports human resource. This research is conducted in Padang, West Sumatra Province, by taking data from 3 institutions as the scope of studies including the Education Authority, National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI), and a local non-formal institution. The research method applies qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative data is collected through observation, document analysis and interview, while the quantitative data is taken by using a norm method of Sport Development Index. The result shows that the number of sport development in Padang based on the index of sports human resource management is 0.00082. According to the Sport Development Index, this number is within the range of 0.000-0.499. It means that sports human resource management belongs to low category quantitatively and qualitatively, or in the other words the quantity is deficient and the quality is low. To conclude, the sport development in Padang belongs to low category, thus the regional government needs to pay more attention and improve the sport development in the city.

The advancement of technology and the growth of digital culture have revolutionized many aspects of life including the leadership style in the management of educational institutions. Many educational leaders apply different styles of... more

The advancement of technology and the growth of digital culture have revolutionized many aspects of life including the leadership style in the management of educational institutions. Many educational leaders apply different styles of leadership including transformational and transactional leadership styles. However, there is a need to have a clear picture of the leadership style that is suitable for a digitally changing environment, especially in the management of educational institutions. This study was carried out to examine the role and suitability of transformational leadership style in the management of educational institutions in a digital culture. For this reason, the study interviewed several respondents to find out their opinions on the suitable leadership style between transformational and transactional leadership style in a digital culture. The study discovered that effective leadership is imperative in the management of educational institutions. Secondly, the study found out that there is a positive impact of transformational leadership style in the management of educational institutions in a digital culture. Such findings were attributable to the fact that transformational leadership style is flexible and allows for the adoption of any changes that can come alongside the digital culture. However, based on the results and findings of the study, it was evident that there is the need for a more comprehensive research whose findings are unlimited to transactional and transformational.

The main objective of the study is to investigate the relationship between AMO (Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity) and employee performance in manufacturing company. Furthermore, the purpose of this paper is to examine how the... more

The main objective of the study is to investigate the relationship between AMO (Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity) and employee performance in manufacturing company. Furthermore, the purpose of this paper is to examine how the organization's action can increase the performance of their employees. Quantitative methodology is used and primary data is collected in the form of questionnaire using Likert scale and interview. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), it is investigated a random sample of 142 permanent employees selected in a random manner. The partial least squares structural equation modeling tools is used to analyze data which provides evidence of reliability and validity. The result of the study revealed that Motivation has positively influenced the employee performance in manufacturing companies. Ability and Opportunity do not have a significant impact on employee performance. The finding of the study will be information for the Human Resource Department in torching the avenues of improvement in employee performance.

Critically evaluating the existing performance management system of an organisation and discussing its positive and negative features

Human Resource Management is a purposeful system with several subsystems where individuals and activities are organized to achieve certain predetermined goals through division of labor and coordination of activities. People are one of the... more

Human Resource Management is a purposeful system with several subsystems where individuals and activities are organized to achieve certain predetermined goals through division of labor and coordination of activities. People are one of the most important elements of organization. People make up the internal social system of the organization. They consist of individuals and groups, and large groups as well as small ones. People are the living, thinking, feelings beings who created the organizations. It exists to achieve their objectives. Organizations exist to serve people. People do not exist to serve organizations.
Unlike any other sector Education sector also have the same problems in managing the workforce. With globalization, growing needs, and information technology, there is a change in what students and parents expect from the institute. With more students enrolling for education in past few decades, more and more educational institution coming up and it is becoming very challenging and competitive for educational institutes to provide quality education.
The present paper aims to explain the requirement of managing and retaining talent in education sector.

Purpose This paper aims to study the opportunities that have been created through technological advancement in the talent acquisition industry and how this links to strategic HR management (SHRM) and business strategy. It focuses on how... more

Purpose This paper aims to study the opportunities that have been created through technological advancement in the talent acquisition industry and how this links to strategic HR management (SHRM) and business strategy. It focuses on how an organisation can embrace the world’s leading technology and compose a unique technology stack to overcome its challenges in talent acquisition. Design/methodology/approach This paper opted for a blend of qualitative and quantitative data gathered through interviews, online questionnaires and the literature review of relevant secondary data. The justification of the primary research methodology was to gather valid and reliable data to inform decisions and address the research question. Findings The analysis of the data shows a significant improvement in all the key metrics related to the talent acquisition process after the implementation of “Talent Rising” model. The role of a recruiter and the talent acquisition team has radically changed and has now become an internal strategic partner with aligned interest, an advisor to the organisation. There is an increase in the use of new media/technology to attract candidates and with the increase in millennial candidates entering the workforce, social media will be increasingly important in talent branding and attraction; the digital by default generation is already here. Research limitations/implications The “Talent Rising” model has been specifically created and designed to be used by others: organisations, academics and policy makers. It is a “plug and play” tech stack model which can be used like an a la carte menu dependent on the actual requirements (and investment appetite) for each organisation. Practical implications This paper includes implications for the creation of a people analytics and talent technology framework to reduce cost per hire, reduce time to hire and increase quality of hire. Originality/value This paper fulfils an identified need to study how people analytics and technology can drive talent acquisition strategy. Keywords: Human Resource Management, Technology, Recruitment, Analytics, Human Capital, Talent Type: Research Paper Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited Copyright: © Emerald Publishing Limited 2018 Published by Emerald Publishing Limited Licensed re-use rights only Citation: Gavin Walford-Wright, William Scott-Jackson, (2018) "Talent Rising; people analytics and technology driving talent acquisition strategy", Strategic HR Review,

Sport Development Index is a way to measure the improvement of sport development in a region. This research measures sport development by using sports human resource management in Padang as the indicator. The purpose is to discover the... more

Sport Development Index is a way to measure the improvement of sport development in a region. This research measures sport development by using sports human resource management in Padang as the indicator. The purpose is to discover the quality of sports human resource management in Padang examined from Sport Development Index and to analyze the availability of sports human resource. This research is conducted in Padang, West Sumatra Province, by taking data from 3 institutions as the scope of studies including the Education Authority, National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI), and a local non-formal institution. The research method applies qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative data is collected through observation, document analysis and interview, while the quantitative data is taken by using a norm method of Sport Development Index. The result shows that the number of sport development in Padang based on the index of sports human resource management is 0.0008...

Purpose-This paper aims to operationalise a modified strategic human resource development (SHRD) framework to examine managerial perceptions of the strategic embeddedness of human resource development (HRD) in organisations in times of... more

Purpose-This paper aims to operationalise a modified strategic human resource development (SHRD) framework to examine managerial perceptions of the strategic embeddedness of human resource development (HRD) in organisations in times of business and economic uncertainty.
Design/methodology/approach-The paper draws on qualitative research data, following a case-study research design and semi-structured interviews with 44 participants to enable an in-depth investigation of managerial perspectives.
Findings-Research findings outline complexities in both understanding and operationalising SHRD in times of crisis which flow from managerial differing viewpoints.
Research limitations/implications-Research findings and conclusions are subject to "respondent bias" as events occurred several years ago, thus participants may not fully recall how SHRD has changed over time. Focussing on a unique industrial sector, as well as to a specific national context, limits the generalisation of the findings in comparative contexts.
Practical implications-Owing to the ongoing business and economic uncertainty, this study could serve as a powerful tool at the hands of HRD professionals to effectively assess the nature of their HRD interventions in their organisations.
Originality/value-Having a modified SHRD framework assessed in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous contexts, the reality of SHRD in organisations is examined. In addition, focussing on a single sector overcomes the "one-size fits all" proposition of prominent SHRD models. Finally, the paper expands SHRD literature by examining managerial perspectives on SHRD into understudied national and industrial contexts.

Performance management (PM) was one of the Human Resources (HR) practices introduced recently into modern law firms, but has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Taking into consideration the uniqueness of the professional behaviour of... more

Performance management (PM) was one of the Human Resources (HR) practices introduced recently into modern law firms, but has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Taking into consideration the uniqueness of the professional behaviour of lawyers, this research aims to study the effectiveness of PM in law firms in two particular areas: career development and employee engagement. This research study was based on a wide review of relevant literature, coupled with collection (through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires) and analysis of empirical data from a branch of an American international law firm. The findings explored the PM process within the firm underlining the benefits, challenges and lawyers’ perception towards it. Also, the researcher examined to what extent PM can play a role in career development and employee engagement. The main conclusion to be drawn from this research is that PM, in a law firm, can contribute to career development and lead to high levels of employee engagement only when its design and implementation is tailored to lawyers at different levels.

Psalm 46:10 (AMP) Let be {and} be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth! is an invitation to consciously detach from the fluidity of the Flesh to... more

Psalm 46:10 (AMP) Let be {and} be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth! is an invitation to consciously detach from the fluidity of the Flesh to observe the affairs of life in the Spirit, where life is experienced realistically and existentially through active involvement. Stillness is living above memories of the past, nostalgias, and future expectations (whether of success or failure), and staying in the now to experience life with absolute involvement. Stillness is understanding that the physiological and psychological functionings are merely human and not necessarily personal to us, and so electing not to be ruled by them. Stillness is trusting that our divine purpose in God is certain, and being (obedience) is more gainful than doing (sacrifice) (I Samuel 15:22). Also note Romans 8:28 (AMP) We are assured {and} know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together {and} are [fitting into a plan] for good to {and} for those who love God and are called according to [His] design {and} purpose. Stillness is awakening to the truth in Psalm 24:1 THE EARTH is the Lord's, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it. Stillness is understanding trials, tribulations, insults, maligning and so on, as part of the learning experiences that life offers. As explained by Jesus Christ in John 16:33 (AMP) I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace {and} confidence. In the world you have tribulation {and} trials {and} distress {and} frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]

The purpose of this research is to test and analyze the factors that affect the performance of insurance agents in this case insurance agents who are members of the Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI) which are included in the 15... more

The purpose of this research is to test and analyze the factors that affect the performance of insurance agents in this case insurance agents who are members of the Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI) which are included in the 15 (fifteen) major insurance companies in Indonesia. This type of research is fundamental research or basic research, aiming to participate in the development of science. The method used is quantitative method with a total sample of 220 insurance agents. The analytical technique used in this research is SEM AMOS. The results showed that learning orientation had a significant effect on creative behavior, learning orientation had a significant effect on insurance agent performance, knowledge sharing had a significant effect on creative behavior, knowledge sharing had a significant effect on insurance agent performance, motivation had a significant effect on creative behavior, motivation had a significant effect on performance insurance agents, and creative behavior has a significant effect on the performance of insurance agents.

The main aim of this research is to explore relationships between elements of Human Resource Development (HRD) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the context of Namibian private sector companies. The research is both topical... more

The main aim of this research is to explore relationships between elements of Human Resource Development (HRD) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the context of Namibian private sector companies. The research is both topical and timely. In recent years, the Namibian government has placed the development of human resources at the core of its national development objectives. Notably, this national initiative recognises that business organisations represent a potential and viable contributor to the development of human resources within Namibia. Business participation in this process of human development is seen as essential in the wake of continued problems in the general
management of education in Namibia, The thesis is based upon the premise that the participation of business in the development of
human resources is not an automatic or natural process, not least because the primary purpose of business organisations is to maximise their profitability over time. However, the thesis also explores the contention that business organisations have a social responsibility to
advance the good of society. The research has a number of key objectives. For example, the first objective is to review and critically evaluate academic literature on both HRD and CSR. This analysis identifies five key elements of CSR and three key elements of HRD. In the second objective, the thesis attempts to integrate these key elements of CSR and HRD. This synthesis produces both a research framework and hypotheses that are subject to testing. The third objective was to design appropriate research methods to collect, process and analyse data in order to test the hypotheses. The research methods include a survey of large business organisations in Namibia, in-depth semi-structured interviews with key representatives of business organisations, and document analysis. One of the key findings to emerge from this research is that, from a CSR perspective, HRD functions located within business organisations in Namibia have a complex dual role of serving the interest of corporations while also protecting societal interest. However, the findings of this research reveal that this dual role of HRD appears to favour the interests ofindividual business organisations far beyond those of society. The findings of this research emphasise that business organisations in Namibia are, in the main, keen to participate in the
development of national human resources but only to the extent that such participation has strategic returns for the business organisation. This finding is discussed in relation to, for example, the incentives for business organisations to take part in CSR initiatives, and national policy implications for the development of human resources in Namibia

Game-thinking is beginning to appear in a wide variety of non-game contexts, including organizational support settings like human resource management (HRM). The purpose of this chapter is two-fold: 1) to explore the opportunities for... more

Game-thinking is beginning to appear in a wide variety of non-game contexts, including organizational support settings like human resource management (HRM). The purpose of this chapter is two-fold: 1) to explore the opportunities for game-thinking via gamification and serious games in HRM based on current and previous HRM literature and 2) to identify future research areas at the intersection of game-thinking and HRM. Prevailing HRM theories will be applied to the use of game-thinking in different sub-fields of HRM, including recruitment, selection, training, and performance management.n

A chapter in an edited book addressing the question "Why study HR?" which describes a personal journey and research investigation which provides a critique of contemporary approaches to talent management and suggests a quicker, less... more

A chapter in an edited book addressing the question "Why study HR?" which describes a personal journey and research investigation which provides a critique of contemporary approaches to talent management and suggests a quicker, less disruptive, more cost-effective and generally more beneficial route to building high performance organisations to back up a call for study and investigation into what is potentially useful as opposed to intellectually interesting.

In this research, the author has elaborated on detection of effective factors on maintenance and retention of human resources. Since human resources are the most resources for obtaining competitive advantage, it is essential to pay... more

In this research, the author has elaborated on detection of effective factors on maintenance and retention of human resources. Since human resources are the most resources for obtaining competitive advantage, it is essential to pay attention to different dimensions of human resources management. One of these dimensions is retention of human resources. Factors such as providing correct and valid information at the time of recruitment, assigning tasks based on competence, existence of a clear career, having a suitable evaluation system and effective reward systems are effective in terms of retention and maintenance of human resources.

Purpose The objectives of the study are to analyze to the opportunities created for the new entrepreneurs through the In-Country Value (ICV) scheme; to analyze the benefits earned by the entrepreneurs through ICV in the selected companies... more

Purpose The objectives of the study are to analyze to the opportunities created for the new entrepreneurs through the In-Country Value (ICV) scheme; to analyze the benefits earned by the entrepreneurs through ICV in the selected companies of Oman and to critically analyze the impact of in-country value in the economic growth of Oman. Findings The study reveals that ICV initiatives have brought a great change in the local economy through enhancement of human skills and exploration of the capabilities of human resources and the potentialities of SMEs and the ICV strategy opens opportunities to the new entrepreneurs from the local community to come up with self-employment and encourages local entrepreneurs. Research limitations/Implications The study reveals that the selected companies are following their own pattern of plans, programs, and strategies and there is no uniform pattern to adjudge their performances. The Ministries should define clear guidelines and periodic reports should be generated and should be publicized that will boost up the morale of the budding entrepreneurs and the local Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Social implications The study reveals that the ICV strategy adds value to the growth of local economy and thereby the national economy through the efforts of SMEs of Oman. Originality/Value No one has ever examined the effect of ICV strategy in the local and economic development of Oman, it is a first-hand study of its kind, and the results will be useful to streamline the strategies for ICV initiatives. Introduction Most businesses start out as small which then have the opportunity to grow to become a major business potential within the country, region and internationally. The concept of In-country value (ICV)and the related strategy for the Oil and Gas (O & G) industry was introduced in 2013 to resolve US$ 64 billion payouts of the national economy and to create 50,000 jobs by 2020. ICV is defined as ‗the total spent in-country that can benefit business development, contribute to the human capacity development and stimulate productivity in the Omani economy'(Al Ruqaishi, 2016). The idea is that the total spent retained in the country will benefit the growth of businesses and enhance the human capabilities and accelerate the productivity of goods and services. Thus, we can say ICV is the initiative to explore the domestic resources to put into use optimally to accelerate the national economy.For this purpose, about 53 different business opportunities were recognized.ICV is a very important part of Oman's development strategy.The government of Oman introduced ICV to enhance the socioeconomic development of the country by augmenting the contribution from Oil & Gas (O&G) Sector. The ultimate motive is to trigger the economic growth in the economy and to maintain sustainable development using local sourcing.This includes local employment of Omanis and creating a job for them, using local investments towards value-added opportunities and local sourcing of goods and services towards productivity. Social

This integrative literature review reports on strategic human resource development (SHRD) models that examine the strategic embeddedness of HRD (SHRD maturity) in organizations. A review and critique of all existing SHRD models is... more

This integrative literature review reports on strategic human resource development (SHRD) models that examine the strategic embeddedness of HRD (SHRD maturity) in organizations. A review and critique of all existing SHRD models is provided, exemplifying their limitations and building upon their strengths to inform a modified SHRD framework. The latter suggests an enhanced set of strategic components to assess SHRD maturity. This article further outlines how SHRD aspirations can be practiced within complex, dynamic, and continually changing business and economic environments. The SHRD literature is advanced by new insights on how HRD scholars and practitioners could assess and enhance the maturity of their HRD interventions in the context of constantly changing (dynamic) environments. The modified SHRD framework further contributes to the academic literature with its enhanced set of strategic characteristics, as well as with its SHRD pointers, all of which can offer a better evaluation of SHRD maturity during periods of business and economic complexity and uncertainty.

Peran Strategis dan Fungsi Human Resource Management Human Resource Management merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan di dalam perusahaan. Sumber Daya Manusia dalam organisasi adalah menjadi tulang punggung dalam melaksanakan kegiatan di... more

Peran Strategis dan Fungsi Human Resource Management Human Resource Management merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan di dalam perusahaan. Sumber Daya Manusia dalam organisasi adalah menjadi tulang punggung dalam melaksanakan kegiatan di dalam perusahaan yang mampu menjalankan fungsi secara efektif sehingga mampu mencapai visi perusahaan.

Over the past three decades resilience has been increasingly recognised as a property that enables systems to become better at responding to change. However, most published work on resilience focuses on linking the concept to the... more

Over the past three decades resilience has been increasingly recognised as a property that enables systems to become better at responding to change. However, most published work on resilience focuses on linking the concept to the previously existing concepts in rather an isolated way. No one has yet offered a systemic perspective that spans across multiple domains. In this review, we attempt to fill this gap by providing a timeline for resilience. The timeline highlights an underlying evolutionary trend in the growing literature of resilience and demonstrates that decades of work on resilience converge on a common ground of creating a cognitive shift in individual and societal perception of change. With the increasing pace of urbanisation and concerns over ensuring the sustainability of planetary boundaries and wellbeing of social systems, the implications are important. By becoming focused on the role of stress in shaping societal cognitive capacities, the timeline of resilience can shape a roadmap for global cross-scale dialogues on the future operationalisation of resilience.