Essays Research Papers - (original) (raw)

'Texts give us insights into the nature of ourselves and our worlds.' Harper Lee's 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird develops our understanding of the world and those around us by allowing us to "walk in someone else's skin". Set in the... more

'Texts give us insights into the nature of ourselves and our worlds.' Harper Lee's 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird develops our understanding of the world and those around us by allowing us to "walk in someone else's skin". Set in the 1930's and reflecting the early life of protagonist and narrator Scout, Harper Lee shows the coexistence of good and evil while promoting the need for equality of all men and the possibility of social change during a time of great social change in her own context. To Kill a Mockingbird provides powerful insight into the true nature of human beings, that is whether they are essentially good or essentially evil. Lee conveys this idea through Scout and Jem`s transition of perspective from childhood innocence, in which they assume that all people are good as they had never been exposed to evil, to a more adult perspective where they must incorporate the evils they had encountered into their view of the world. A dominant sub-theme in the novel is the prejudice, hatred and ignorance that the evil show towards the innocent "mockingbird(s)". Consequently, people who are not prepared for the evil that they encounter, such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, are subjected to great oppression and are destroyed. Jem is also exposed to the evils of racism during and after the trial, stating that the verdict of the trial "ain`t right", and retreats into a state of disillusionment. The character of Atticus Finch is virtually unique in the novel as he had experienced "a lot of ugly things" but had developed an understanding of the evils of the world without losing his faith in the human capacity for goodness. Atticus understands that, rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil, most people have both good and bad qualities. The important thing is to appreciate the good qualities and understand the bad qualities by treating others with sympathy and trying to "climb in his skin and walk around in it". He tries to teach this ultimate moral lesson to Jem and Scout to show them that it is possible to live with conscience without losing hope or becoming cynical. In this way, Atticus is able to admire Mrs. Dubose's courage and see her as a "great lady" even while deploring her racism. The novel skilfully explains that human beings have a capacity for both great good and great evil, but its when you try to sympathise with them and try to understand their circumstances that you "finally see them".

Compte-rendu, disponible en ligne (, d'un ouvrage collectif dont le résumé va comme suit : "Cet ouvrage aux multiples voix rassemble les réflexions d'agences d'architecture françaises et... more

Compte-rendu, disponible en ligne (, d'un ouvrage collectif dont le résumé va comme suit : "Cet ouvrage aux multiples voix rassemble les réflexions d'agences d'architecture françaises et internationales face aux enjeux du développement durable. Chacun évoque ici les aspects environnementaux et sociaux de façon personnelle, parfois engagée - puisqu'il le faut: le bien commun à l'échelle de la planète concerne aussi le métier d'architecte. La question du développement durable devient un élément indissociable de la conception et de la réalisation des projets architecturaux, elle est traitée dans les formes, les matériaux, l'éclairage, les ouvertures, etc. Ce livre réunit et rapproche les points de vue des concepteurs de nos villes d'aujourd'hui et de demain."

Probably the first paper I wrote as a college student back in 2006, this is what I wrote for my class "Writing the Essay." It's a class that all NYU undergraduate students (except for NYU Gallatin students) are required to take. For my... more

Probably the first paper I wrote as a college student back in 2006, this is what I wrote for my class "Writing the Essay." It's a class that all NYU undergraduate students (except for NYU Gallatin students) are required to take. For my first paper, I wrote about childhood and related it to Jane Addam's Hull House.

Edición del libro «Aquí París» para el volumen XV de las Obras Completas de Pío Baroja editadas por Galaxia Gutenberg (Barcelona, 1999).

A comprehensive paper on T.S Eliot's essay, "The Metaphysical Poets". This paper analyses Eliot's essay also providing alternate perspectives. Subsequently the essay also traces the origin of the school of "metaphysical poets", the idea... more

A comprehensive paper on T.S Eliot's essay, "The Metaphysical Poets". This paper analyses Eliot's essay also providing alternate perspectives. Subsequently the essay also traces the origin of the school of "metaphysical poets", the idea of it and the evolution of this literary school in relation to present times.

On Immunity is ostensibly a collection of very short essays concerning the ethics of vaccination. It’s aimed at those who are puzzled by this question: Which poses a bigger risk to a newborn child, unmitigated contagion or the controlled... more

On Immunity is ostensibly a collection of very short essays concerning the ethics of vaccination. It’s aimed at those who are puzzled by this question: Which poses a bigger risk to a newborn child, unmitigated contagion or the controlled introduction of immunity? Since Eula Biss has come to view vaccination favorably, one could reasonably categorize her text as mere proselytism. However, “An Inoculation,” the book’s subtitle, suggests a genre that’s stranger and potentially more intimidating. By labeling her creation an inoculation (a term that has become synonymous with vaccination), Biss risks making readers as wary of her work as they are of the “shots” and “jabs” regularly administered by their doctors. In fact, the book’s third essay opens with a detailed examination of our inoculation phobia. Biss puts it simply: the way we talk about the process demonstrates our belief that “vaccination is a violence.” On Immunity doesn’t challenge this idea directly, although Biss is very interested in the comparison that many have drawn between vaccination and vampires. Instead, what this book challenges are notions of insularity. “Our bodies are not boundaries,” Biss insists. Putting aside the fact that inoculation is based on knowledge that’s both ancient and durable, Biss is a proponent of the morality of inoculation, which prioritizes the protection of whole communities, not just individuals.

Published in Idei în dialog, September 2007.

In this essay, two poems will be analyzed and compared. “Dulce Et Decorum Est” from Wilfred Owen and “The Charge of the Light Brigade”, from Alfred Tennyson. There will be a comparative structure, analyzing how each other uses different... more

In this essay, two poems will be analyzed and compared. “Dulce Et Decorum Est” from Wilfred Owen and “The Charge of the Light Brigade”, from Alfred Tennyson. There will be a comparative structure, analyzing how each other uses different literary and rhetoric devices to state arguments and represent his thoughts.

Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění Abstract: Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s... more

Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění
Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s tendencí porovnávat média současná s těmi, jež jim předcházela.
Tato komparativní metoda a analýza médií dává vzniknout genealogiím a příběhům, které pro nás nadále utváří relativně pevný svazek zásadních vědeckých či uměleckých objevů a dějinných událostí ze světa médií.

My Description of the Course: The purpose of this course is to practice and to enhance our academic and analytical reading, writing, and thinking skills, as we place emphasis on global literature. Through literature, and with the power... more

My Description of the Course: The purpose of this course is to practice and to enhance our academic and analytical reading, writing, and thinking skills, as we place emphasis on global literature. Through literature, and with the power and purpose of literature, we will travel to various countries, learning about different

A definitive collection of essays on the writing and life of Percy Shelley.

The introductory section of an essay is essential since it determines whether the reader will be interested in continuing to read the text or not. For this reason, the use of essay hooks is necessary to perform the task of leading and... more

The introductory section of an essay is essential since it determines whether the reader will be interested in continuing to read the text or not. For this reason, the use of essay hooks is necessary to perform the task of leading and grabbing the attention of the reader regarding the subject of a particular essay. There are several types of hooks that one could consider making their work interesting to read. Thus, this paper seeks to carry out an exploration of the different types of essay hooks and provide the relevant examples for each.

A collection of the Essays of Ms. Mansse Bhandari COO of FUN N FOOD Village, Nagpur
Recommended reading by Dr Uday Dokras

Essay Sepeti uzmanlığında ingilizce paragraf nasıl yazılır ve ornekleri nelerdir onu göreceğiz. Ayrıca ingilizce kendini tanıtma paragafı örneklerini de inceleyeceğiz.

Once during the lecture on Textual Linguistics we (the class), after reading Stockton's piece were supposed to answer this particular question, as a home assignment. We never returned to this matter again, unfortunately. The day we... more

Once during the lecture on Textual Linguistics we (the class), after reading Stockton's piece were supposed to answer this particular question, as a home assignment.
We never returned to this matter again, unfortunately.
The day we were given the task i sat down and wrote this essay.
Hope it will be of use to anyone who happens to analyse Stockton's short story.

This guide was prepared for the 2019 class of ARCO1000 at the University of Sydney. It may be useful for any undergraduate humanities student, but the audience for which it was written is specifically first-year archaeology students. You... more

This guide was prepared for the 2019 class of ARCO1000 at the University of Sydney. It may be useful for any undergraduate humanities student, but the audience for which it was written is specifically first-year archaeology students. You are welcome to redistribute this work, but please do not remove the authorship attribution or modify it in any way without my express permission. Please let me know if you and your students find it useful!

La cinta "Margaritas" es el retrato de dos adolescentes inocentes pero malcriadas que en su aventura hacia volverse tan malas como el mundo, se cuestionan si algo de lo que hacen importa. La respuesta que obtienen invariablemente es no,... more

La cinta "Margaritas" es el retrato de dos adolescentes inocentes pero malcriadas que en su aventura hacia volverse tan malas como el mundo, se cuestionan si algo de lo que hacen importa. La respuesta que obtienen invariablemente es no, no importa.

Descriptive essay with a brief analysis of "Black Man in Public" at the end.

Joan Didion's second essay collection, The White Album, showcases an amalgam of topics ranging from politics to pop music. The book offers insight into the life of a Californian woman who is in a very interesting position: she is both a... more

Joan Didion's second essay collection, The White Album, showcases an amalgam of topics ranging from politics to pop music. The book offers insight into the life of a Californian woman who is in a very interesting position: she is both a writer and a journalist. This duality shapes her writing style enormously. Didion's essays balance a profoundly personal voice with a nearly rigid reportorial tone, thus creating an intriguing atmosphere. This paper focuses on the ambiguous genre called the essay and Joan Didion's unique take on it in her second collection. We examine the connection between tone and topic.