Essay Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Paragraph 5 Conclusion Write a final Transition Sentence. Sum up all your major points again. Do NOT just repeat what you've already said. Use different vocabulary. Make a universal comment on your topic that anyone can connect with.

L'assaig com a gènere: un territori de frontera The essay as a discursive genre: a border area Resum: El gènere assagístic es configura amb Michel de Montaigne, com a forma de deliberació interior de l'autor, i posteriorment ha estat... more

L'assaig com a gènere: un territori de frontera The essay as a discursive genre: a border area Resum: El gènere assagístic es configura amb Michel de Montaigne, com a forma de deliberació interior de l'autor, i posteriorment ha estat cultivat per importants autors de la literatura occidental. La seua definició no és fàcil d'establir. D'una banda, sovint s'ha situat a la frontera del discurs literari, al qual s'introdueix de ple dret quan el seu estil exhibeix una textura estilística molt elaborada i no es redueix a una escriptura expositiva pròpia del discurs acadèmic. Les zones de transició amb la literatura del jo i amb el periodisme són, sens dubte, dignes d'atenció. D'altra banda, en el camp de la literatura, és molt instructiu examinar les seues relacions amb altres gèneres i principalment amb la poesia, amb la qual coincideix en la mesura que ambdós comparteixen una forta subjectivitat, però amb la diferència que l'assaig té un component més racionalista i no és compatible amb certes formes d'expressió de la intimitat. Abstract: The discursive genre called essay was founded by Michel de Montaigne as a form of internal deliberation of the author and has subsequently been cultivated by important authors of Western literature. Its definition is not easy to establish. On the one hand, it has often been situated at the frontier of literary discourse, to which it is fully entitled insofar as its style exhibits a very elaborate stylistic texture and is not reduced to an expository writing typical of academic discourse. The areas of transition with literature of the self and with journalism are undoubtedly worthy of attention. On the other hand, in the field of literature it is very instructive to study its relations with various literary genres and mainly with poetry, with which it coincides because both share a strong subjectivity, but there is an important difference between the two: the essay has a more rationalist component and is not compatible with certain forms of expression of intimacy. Keywords: genre, literary discourse, poetry, style, literature on the self ________ * Aquest treball s'ha realitzat en el marc del Projecte d'Investigació «La construcción discursiva del conflicto: Territorialidad, imagen de la enfermedad identidades de género en la literatura y en la comunicación social» (

Review of Charles Massy, Call of the Reed Warbler

Edición del libro «Aquí París» para el volumen XV de las Obras Completas de Pío Baroja editadas por Galaxia Gutenberg (Barcelona, 1999).

Người ta có thói quen nghĩ rằng tư tưởng là động cơ có tác dụng vào đời sống, thúc đẩy con người làm đẹp, làm tốt hơn nơi họ cư trú và gia tăng khả năng thực hiện những ước mơ vô tận. Tuy nhiên, phải nhận ra rằng, tư tưởng có sau sinh... more

Người ta có thói quen nghĩ rằng tư tưởng là động cơ có tác dụng vào đời sống, thúc đẩy con người làm đẹp, làm tốt hơn nơi họ cư trú và gia tăng khả năng thực hiện những ước mơ vô tận. Tuy nhiên, phải nhận ra rằng, tư tưởng có sau sinh hoạt của con người. Triết gia và nghệ sĩ đều là những người liên quan đến sáng tạo, bổ sung và nuôi dưỡng tư tưởng.
Đời sống sẽ tiếp diễn cho dù bất kỳ ai vắng mặt. Sinh hoạt tập thể vẫn nhịp nhàng, thăng trầm, nhưng không ngưng nghỉ. Mang tính vô hạn, ngoại trừ câu chuyện tận thế dùng để răng đe những người muốn chiếm hữu sự bất tử một cách ảo tưởng từ một nơi hữu hạn.

The introductory section of an essay is essential since it determines whether the reader will be interested in continuing to read the text or not. For this reason, the use of essay hooks is necessary to perform the task of leading and... more

The introductory section of an essay is essential since it determines whether the reader will be interested in continuing to read the text or not. For this reason, the use of essay hooks is necessary to perform the task of leading and grabbing the attention of the reader regarding the subject of a particular essay. There are several types of hooks that one could consider making their work interesting to read. Thus, this paper seeks to carry out an exploration of the different types of essay hooks and provide the relevant examples for each.

Das Prinzip der Karnevalisierung nach Michail Bachtin hat grundsätzlich eine egalitäre Struktur: Im Karneval wird der König zum Narren und der Narr zum König. Alle tanzen und feiern gleichermaßen nebeneinander, im Suff, im Rausch sind... more

Das Prinzip der Karnevalisierung nach Michail Bachtin hat grundsätzlich eine egalitäre Struktur: Im Karneval wird der König zum Narren und der Narr zum König. Alle tanzen und feiern gleichermaßen nebeneinander, im Suff, im Rausch sind alle gleich. Der König kann seine Macht abgeben und sich unter die Bevölkerung mischen. Hierarchien werden abgebaut, das Mächtige ins Lächerliche gezogen. Das Prinzip der verkehrten Welt kann jedoch, in andere Bereiche gebracht, zur Gefahr werden. Politik und Medien können durch die Aneignung dieses Prinzips Gegner ausschalten und diffamieren, das Schlechte als das Gute ausgeben, das Unzumutbare als das Notwendige und das Autoritäre als das Schützende. Solcherlei passiert gerade und ein Akteur wird von Medien und Politik zur Legitimation des "Guten" (und Delegitimation des "Schlechten") hinzugezogen: Die Wissenschaft.

Hemingway không bao giờ viết luận thuyết về nghệ thuật sáng tác tiểu thuyết. Tuy vậy, ông đã làm bằng cách để lại trong thư tín, tạp chí và sách vở, những đoạn văn mang nhiều quan niệm và những lời khuyên về viết lách. Năm 1984, Larry W.... more

Hemingway không bao giờ viết luận thuyết về nghệ thuật sáng tác tiểu thuyết. Tuy vậy, ông đã làm bằng cách để lại trong thư tín, tạp chí và sách vở, những đoạn văn mang nhiều quan niệm và những lời khuyên về viết lách. Năm 1984, Larry W. Phillips đã tuyển chọn một số những đoạn văn và lời khuyên nói trên để in thành cuốn sách, Ernest Hemingway Nói Về Thuật Viết Văn. Chúng tôi tuyển chọn bảy đoạn trích dẫn thích thú từ cuốn sách này và ghi lại với sự nhận xét cá nhân trong bài viết sau đây. Hy vọng rằng, người đọc cũng như người viết, tìm thấy sự thú vị.

Of all the choices the world could offer, for me literature is the most controversial, most manipulative, most beautiful, most beneficial, and most versatile travel agency; most especially, it is beyond infinite.

The essay as a genre in the tradition of Montaigne stages the inadequacies of attempts to grasp at objects and what connects us to them and them to us and us to each other, and then slings away the safety wheels by wondering: who we are... more

The essay as a genre in the tradition of Montaigne stages the inadequacies of attempts to grasp at objects and what connects us to them and them to us and us to each other, and then slings away the safety wheels by wondering: who we are anyway? But what happens to the essay in the age of 'hyperobjects' (Morton 2013) like global warming? This essay examines how the anti-methodical techniques of the essay (personal, lyric) might be placed to respond to life in the Anthropocene, when the 'I' of the essayist finds itself in increasingly uncharted waters, when 'nature' itself, let alone 'human nature', begin to look like quaint conceptual knick-knacks, and when humans can no longer claim special ontological status over nonhumans. Philosophers, anthropologists, environmental humanists and other scholars are increasingly experimenting with modes of writing enmeshing scientific data and critical theory with affectively charged, embodied and intimate accounts. At the same time, essayists are rethinking the boundaries of the personal, and trying new ways to write from a standpoint rejecting human/nonhuman binaries. This essay seeks to draw connections across the disciplines, to invite further alliances between creative writers and fellow academics, as together we essay the Anthropocene with entangled nonfiction. Biographical note: David Carlin's nonfiction books include The Abyssinian Contortionist (2015), Our Father Who Wasn't There (2010), and edited collections The Near and the Far (2016) and Performing Digital (2015). His radiophonic feature/essay with Kyla Brettle,

Analysis of Jonathan Swift's essay "A Modest Proposal".

La literatura de la imaginación, al contrario de lo que creería el crítico literario Harold Bloom, comprendía la unidad inseparable, como en el caso de la personalidad de Lincoln, de la conciencia estética y moral, permitiendo que la... more

La literatura de la imaginación, al contrario de lo que creería el crítico literario Harold Bloom, comprendía la unidad inseparable, como en el caso de la personalidad de Lincoln, de la conciencia estética y moral, permitiendo que la ética literaria y la experiencia estética de las 'Perspectivas democráticas' resultaran afines. Las 'Perspectivas democráticas' de Whitman representan a la perfección el significado de la escritura como un acto de independencia que refleja indistintamente tanto al individuo como a la sociedad, en una clara muestra de fe en la democracia. El valor democrático de las páginas de Whitman es emancipador para el lector. Se trata, en conclusión, de una experiencia estética afín a la ética literaria que ha fundado una nación, los Estados Unidos de América.

I had purchased my ticket to Matthew Lopez’s The Inheritance (Part One) the night before, but cautiously. The show was scheduled to end its Broadway run soon and Covid-19 was looking ever more unpredictable. For both reasons, I wagered... more

I had purchased my ticket to Matthew Lopez’s The Inheritance (Part One) the night before, but cautiously. The show was scheduled to end its Broadway run soon and Covid-19 was looking ever more unpredictable. For both reasons, I wagered the March 10 matinee was probably going to be my last chance to see the production. Italy had just gone into national lockdown on March 9. Neither I nor any of my loved ones had begun stockpiling masks or hand sanitizer yet. Still, when deciding whether to traverse Manhattan by cab or subway that day, I opted to walk, just to minimize risk where I could.

Un ensayo sobre cómo no escribir un ensayo, Jaír Villano.

Published in PRICK OF THE SPINDLE. Issue 6. Spring 2014. Pages 32-49.

Секоја литературна епоха, преку делата кои ја сведочат, се обидува да даде одговор на животните прашања. Можеби ниеден друг како егзистенцијализмот, не дал толку загодочен, а сепак со доста едноставен литераурен израз, одговор за... more

Секоја литературна епоха, преку делата кои ја сведочат, се обидува да даде одговор на животните прашања. Можеби ниеден друг како егзистенцијализмот, не дал толку загодочен, а сепак со доста едноставен литераурен израз, одговор за човечкиот живот. Идејата на познатите егзистенцијалисти Ками, Бекет, Кафка и Сартр е токму да ја откријат „задачата“ на човекот на земниот живот.

In this essay I will be discussing and analyzing Tullio Crali's Nose Dive on the City. I will be analyzing the formal, iconographic, contextual and critical meaning and the influences of the futurism movement in relation to the main... more

In this essay I will be discussing and analyzing Tullio Crali's Nose Dive on the City. I will be analyzing the formal, iconographic, contextual and critical meaning and the influences of the futurism movement in relation to the main painting. The final part is reserved to the visual comparison between Nose Dive on the City and the Battle of Uari experienced by Menin's black futurist shirt.

L’essenza del saggio Il narratore. Considerazioni sull’opera di Nikolaj Leskov deriva dalla miscela di genialità folgorante, precisione di sguardo e consapevolezza profetica di Walter Benjamin che distilla il suo pensiero goccia a goccia... more

L’essenza del saggio Il narratore. Considerazioni sull’opera di Nikolaj Leskov deriva dalla miscela di genialità folgorante, precisione di sguardo e consapevolezza profetica di Walter Benjamin che distilla il suo pensiero goccia a goccia nella misura breve della recensione. Il filosofo, come un chimico raffinato, fa della concentrazione e della purezza le qualità del suo estratto. Attraverso la brevità la scrittura è ridotta al maggior grado di complessità e la sua sostanza è costituita dalla riflessione sul narratore in quanto figura ideale. L’occasione di questo scritto, apparso per la prima volta nel 1936, è l’opera di Nikolaj Leskov, ma si tratta solo di un pretesto per una critica sull’arte della narrazione.

Identity, place, and a sense of belonging to a specific region are factors which have shaped most twentieth and twenty-first century nature writing throughout Europe. This article argues that German-language nature writing is, however, a... more

Identity, place, and a sense of belonging to a specific region are factors which have shaped most twentieth and twenty-first century nature writing throughout Europe. This article argues that German-language nature writing is, however, a special case. Due to the appropriation of the aforementioned concepts in the Nazis’ Blood and Soil doctrine, relations to a national landscape have become problematic for most post-Shoah generation writers. Born into a nation for which belonging and Heimat once were used as a means to justify the genocide of non-Aryan groups, access to an innocent, identificatory approach to nature is cut off. It is therefore no coincidence that both W.G. Sebald in The Alps in the Sea and Peter Handke in Lesson of Montagne Sainte-Victoire turn towards foreign landscape. Instead of pondering upon a specific German or Austrian region they belong to, they describe walks through Corsica and France. By linking their experience of these surroundings to other regions, to history and art, they create a truly European panorama and establish an aesthetics of transient dwelling. The form of the literary essay for which digressions, lengthy contemplations and sudden changes of discourse are typical enables them to combine a set of different perspectives on nature.

Dear my potential readers, this is essay written for short story class at second semester 2014. The Backward fall was a story about a couple in the twilight of their lives. It was a heartbreaking story that shows love over Alzheimer... more

Dear my potential readers, this is essay written for short story class at second semester 2014. The Backward fall was a story about a couple in the twilight of their lives. It was a heartbreaking story that shows love over Alzheimer disease. It's embarrassing to say, but to tell the truth, I cried....a lot.... As a matter of fact, My heart still is broken and It sounds broken too.
Anyway, I hope many of you to read that story....;-0