Failed States Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This article examines the causes of the collapse of Somalia and its impact on the international security. The first part of the text is devoted to the introduction to the theory of failed states. The second chapter brings the turbulent... more

This article examines the causes of the collapse of Somalia and its impact on the international security. The first part of the text is devoted to the introduction to the theory of failed states. The second chapter brings the turbulent history of this country and the contribution of western and eastern countries to it. Then the author presents the history of flourishing of terrorism in Somalia and its impact on an international security. In the last parts of the article the author will present the contemporary situation of Somalia, and will make an attempt to answer the question about the future of this country.

"Upadanie" państw w znaczeniu ich empirycznego słabnięcia, a niekiedy także kresu ich egzystencji, należy uznać za jeden z najważniejszych procesów w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Jednocześnie, reżim prawa międzynarodowego nie przewiduje... more

"Upadanie" państw w znaczeniu ich empirycznego słabnięcia, a niekiedy także kresu ich egzystencji, należy uznać za jeden z najważniejszych procesów w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Jednocześnie, reżim prawa międzynarodowego nie przewiduje czegoś w rodzaju "kresu" państwa z powodu wstrząsów wewnętrznych, nie zawiera bowiem instrumentarium jego oceny. Celem autora jest identyfikacja desygnatów, korelatów oraz skutków współczesnego upadania państwa, a także reakcji społeczności międzynarodowej na ten proces. Ekonomikę upadania państwa można sprowadzić do postaci trzech deficytów (3D): delegitymizacji, defragmentacji oraz dekoniunktury, które charakteryzują rząd a nie państwo jako takie.

In this paper, we examine the effect of geographically oriented statements of European colonialism on the creation of complex artificial entities (the state) in Africa, where a number of sub-logos overlap, geographical boundaries do not... more

In this paper, we examine the effect of geographically oriented statements of European colonialism on the creation of complex artificial entities (the state) in Africa, where a number of sub-logos overlap, geographical boundaries do not correspond to boundaries of feelings and loyalty, and no boundaries of policy with the borders of the nation. In this sense, it does not reflect any historical development, as in Europe, where the process of nation-building and nation-building has largely evolved. The political borders inherited by most African countries from the colonial era did not take into account their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious specificities And it has become African countries The independent entity is merely an artificial entity with a wide variety and diversity. In its broad sense, pluralism is universal. There is no single human society free of it, although this problem is faced by both developed and backward countries. However, the issue of achieving national integration in Africa is highly complex and complex, Of the reasons for the failure of the approaches and tools that African countries have dealt with this problem, especially that the traditions of diversity and pluralism and the network of social relations in Africa do not harmonize with the imported Western patterns of development and governance. The problem of national integration is at the forefront of the challenges faced by most African countries. Rather, it has become the original phenomenon that caused many other sub-problems. Without reaching an objective and fundamental solution to this problem, it is difficult and impossible for the political entity to achieve the stability necessary to face problems For example, the problem of development requires an acceptable degree of political stability, which can only be achieved by an integrated state, which is at the core of all sub-conditions in society. It is noted that many of the divisions and societal differences that are rooted in most African societies have been developed by changes in the internal and external environment (the colonial legacy, successive national governments' practices of power after independence) and the mobilization of these differences (ethnic, religious, ) To civil wars that threatened to separate some regions and disassociate them from the body of the artificial mother country that affects the building and stability of the African state

This chapter provides firstly a discussion of how maritime security has been conceptualized by situating it in the broader discussions on the role of navies, transnational organized crime, state failure and the sustainable development... more

This chapter provides firstly a discussion of how maritime security has been conceptualized by situating it in the broader discussions on the role of navies, transnational organized crime, state failure and the sustainable development agenda. We then proceed in discussing the more particular debates on dedicated maritime security issues, in particular piracy, smuggling, and environmental crimes. We end in discussing a range of open questions that will be pertinent to strengthen our understanding of the maritime violence and development link.

Contemporary geopolitical narratives have shifted from a Cold War focus on security attained through effective spatial containment to an emphasis on security won through effective spatial administration. Weak, disorderly and ungoverned... more

Contemporary geopolitical narratives have shifted from a Cold War focus on security attained through effective spatial containment to an emphasis on security won through effective spatial administration. Weak, disorderly and ungoverned spaces are scripted as insecure and dangerous, requiring sovereign intervention and harsh discipline. These narratives increasingly borrow from the domestic arena, and serve to blur former binaries such as policing and war. This paper investigates the domestic "broken windows policing" language of ungoverned, disorderly space in New York City, and traces its movement and subsequent usage in the occupation of Iraq. The use of language such as broken windows and zero tolerance serves to legitimate state practices, but is also effective as a shaping force for newly articulated positions and subjects. It is argued that broken windows policing, as an imaginative geopolitical scripting of the perils of chaotic and ungoverned space, helps to produce new forms of governance through security. Further, this disciplining process facilitates the formation and entrenchment of neoliberal practices and subjectivities by rendering spaces and populations 'insecure' and in need of repositioning--hence opening them up to powerful market forces and technologies of the self such as privatization, entrepreneurialism, and responsibilization.

The concept of controlling territorial space informs Western conventions of counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. The Islamic State surprised the West when it recently captured dozens of cities across Iraq and Syria. Eradicating failed... more

The concept of controlling territorial space informs Western conventions of counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. The Islamic State surprised the West when it recently captured dozens of cities across Iraq and Syria. Eradicating failed states and ungoverned territories vis-à-vis more robust state-building also forms the backbone of U.S. efforts to reduce violence, provide order, and build stronger societies. I argue that clearing territory, while important, should be selectively employed. Greater stateness does not always correlate with reductions in violence, and conversely not all “ungoverned spaces” are terrorist safe havens. A number of these areas are natural, if non-integrated, parts of the international system. Second, I posit that state-building can have its own negative externalities, such as pushing nonstate actors across state borders and thereby externalizing internal conflicts. The policy implications of my theory are twofold: First, territory is often a poor metric to capture military progress in the fight violent nonstate actors; second, fixing failed or fragile states does not always reduce the threat of violence but often just relocates it, as nonstate actors get squeezed out of areas of increasing stateness and move toward areas of weak stateness.

Autor twierdzi, że współczesna kultura odeszła od pragnienia nieskazitelności i przestała interesować się tym, co bezbłędne. Stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie dlaczego zakłócenia i mankamenty zajmują centralne miejsce w świecie sztuki... more

Autor twierdzi, że współczesna kultura odeszła od pragnienia nieskazitelności i przestała interesować się tym, co bezbłędne. Stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie dlaczego zakłócenia i mankamenty zajmują centralne miejsce w świecie sztuki najnowszej oraz pragnie zbadać ich rolę w kształtowaniu obrazu współczesnej rzeczywistości. Odpowiedzi na zadane pytania znajduje w późnej filozofii Jacquesa Derridy, badaniach w ramach glitch studies (Rosa Menkman, Michael Betancourt) oraz pracach dwóch współczesnych artystów wizualnych: Andy’ego Denzlera oraz Davida Szaudera.

Since the defeat of Siad Barre´s regime in 1991 Somalia has been without a functional government, becoming the longest-running territory with state collapse of the postcolonial history. This with many other features has become this... more

Since the defeat of Siad Barre´s regime in 1991 Somalia has been without a functional government, becoming the longest-running territory with state collapse of the postcolonial history. This with many other features has become this country located in the Horn of Africa as one of the main examples of Failed State, label that has served as a pretext in many cases to implement untrustworthy interventions. Nonetheless, the country have seen examples of relatively successful national-building process, highlighting Somaliland and Puntland meanwhile the course of events in southern Somalia have been characterized by violence, clash of interests and national-building failure. Additionally the Somali case has raised as one of the biggest challenges to the international diplomatic system, more than a dozen peace conferences have ended up in a failure when in the geopolitical scenario of the Horn of Africa converge different interests and spreads like wildfire new actors.

Failed states are characterized by widespread violence and outright war. They pose a threat not only to the livelihood of the millions of people living in them, but also to broader international security and stability. This empirical... more

Failed states are characterized by widespread violence and outright war. They pose a threat not only to the livelihood of the millions of people living in them, but also to broader international security and stability. This empirical paper uses a two stage large-N rare events logistic regression analysis to, 1) create an estimate of a state’s structural fragility and 2) test the effect of four exogenous risk factors on state failure onset. It investigates how states at various levels of fragility respond to shock events such as economic growth shocks, refugee influxes, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. Findings indicate that high fragility scores lead to an increased propensity of state failure. Moreover, the study observes that the probability of state failure depends on the type of exogenous shock experienced. The results of the study indicate that incidents of terrorism have a maximum likelihood effect of 57.6 per cent, economic growth shocks have up to a 13.7 per cent effect, refugee influx shocks have up to a 7.6 per cent effect, and, finally, disaster shocks have maximum likelihood effects of 30.8 per cent. These results have key policy implications for international engagement in fragile states, indicating that greater attention must be paid to both the level of fragility and the nature of shock events in unstable environments.

Failed Sates" has become one of the outstanding concepts in international relations for the last two decades. The aim of this paper is to point out the change in understanding of failed states from neorealist perspective. The argument is... more

Failed Sates" has become one of the outstanding concepts in international relations for the last two decades. The aim of this paper is to point out the change in understanding of failed states from neorealist perspective. The argument is that while "failed states" issue used to be considered as economical before 9/11, it has become a security issue after that. Moreover, the analysis level has shifted nation level to international level. Having introduced and mentioned literature review, the definition problem takes place which is followed by theoretical approaches. Next part will focus on the change in failed states understanding from neorealist perspective.

The protection of women, children and religious minorities was among the most prominent reasons US President Barack Obama offered for taking military action against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS): 'They kill children. They... more

The protection of women, children and religious minorities was among the most prominent reasons US President Barack Obama offered for taking military action against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS): 'They kill children. They enslave, rape and force women into marriage. They threatened a religious minority with genocide.' Obama attributed singular malevolence to ISIS, claiming that 'in a region that has known so much bloodshed, these terrorists are unique in their brutality'. 1

This thesis addresses the question: How has Al-Shabaab’s position of power across large swaths of Somalia challenged assumptions about the organizational capacities of terrorist organizations within the context of state failure? At its... more

This thesis addresses the question: How has Al-Shabaab’s position of power across large swaths of Somalia challenged assumptions about the organizational capacities of terrorist organizations within the context of state failure? At its core, this question is composed of four parts: an assessment of the power maintained by Al-Shabaab; an evaluation of the assumptions made about the operational abilities of such groups; an understanding how organizational capacity can be measured; and an assessment of state failure’s relationship to informal institutions and non-state actors. This research noted a significant shift in the capabilities of non-state actors attempting to consolidate power in Somalia as social and political contexts evolved over time. Such dramatic shifts exposed the specific circumstances necessary for the development of conditions that allowed for organizations, such as Al-Shabaab, to accumulate domestic power and authority, while extending their reach regionally.

Leviathan by Andrey Zvyagintsev is a movie that depicts the world in a state of nature, with no prospects for creating a Hobbesian social contract. Set in the Russian peripheries, the film depicts a respected and caring family man who is... more

Leviathan by Andrey Zvyagintsev is a movie that depicts the world in a state
of nature, with no prospects for creating a Hobbesian social contract. Set in the Russian peripheries, the film depicts a respected and caring family man who is gradually deprived of everything because of lack of political order with enforceable law and justice. The movie is a depiction of a contemporary “failed state”, equalized with the state of nature, where there
is no legitimate power and violence remains the only tool to achieve goals both in private and public spheres. Religion consists of empty rituals that serve corrupt officials to maintain power. This world cannot last without innocent victims, scapegoats of the society, one of whom is the protagonist of the movie. This paper offers a legal and philosophical inquiry into the film, as it draws especially on the theory of the social contract proposed by Hobbes. It depicts
a Russian town as a symbol of the state of nature as envisioned by Hobbes and describes the reasons why the social contract has not been made. According to Hobbes’s theory, in the state of nature concepts like justice and injustice do not convey any meaning; therefore, this paper investigates other: theological and anthropological concepts, to explore the meaning of Zvyagintsev’s Leviathan.

Państwo upadłe to bardziej figura retoryczna i element politycznego żargonu niż narzędzie analityczne. Nie ma bowiem jego uniwersalnej definicji, a sama kategoria jest co najmniej dwuznaczna. Geopolityczny „Humpty Dumpty” w postaci... more

Państwo upadłe to bardziej figura retoryczna i element politycznego
żargonu niż narzędzie analityczne. Nie ma bowiem jego uniwersalnej definicji, a sama kategoria jest co najmniej dwuznaczna. Geopolityczny „Humpty Dumpty” w postaci państwa upadłego jest wciąż traktowany jako anomalia, której nie przewiduje prawo międzynarodowe. Paradoksalnie, bez względu na spotykaną terminologię i ujęcia teoretyczne, zjawisko państwa upadłego potwierdza państwocentryczność systemu międzynarodowego, który staje się coraz mniej linearny i bardziej wielopostaciowy. W dużej mierze niedefiniowalne państwo upadłe jawi się jako synteza „nowego” i „starego” świata.

This article offers an introduction to the study of the concept of "Failed state" and its criticisim, as well as in the causes that provide state failure. It focuses on the external causes, offering a comparative analysis based on 5... more

This article offers an introduction to the study of the concept of "Failed state" and its criticisim, as well as in the causes that provide state failure. It focuses on the external causes, offering a comparative analysis based on 5 different experiences to conclude which external causes are more effective in producing state failure.

This rapid review provides a synthesis of some of the most recent, high quality literature on the topic of power and influence in Somalia. It aims to orient policymakers to the key debates and emerging issues. This report was researched... more

This rapid review provides a synthesis of some of the most recent, high quality literature on the topic of power and influence in Somalia. It aims to orient policymakers to the key debates and emerging issues. This report was researched and written in September 2013, before the attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi that Al-Shabaab said it carried out.

There is a central premise in the popular rationale inspiring the "global" war on terrorism, according to which failed states play a major role in nurturing international terrorism, thus requiring external intervention and subjection to... more

There is a central premise in the popular rationale inspiring the "global" war on terrorism, according to which failed states play a major role in nurturing international terrorism, thus requiring external intervention and subjection to enforced democratization. This rationale is based on two interrelated axioms-First: there is a direct link between failed states and international terrorism; Second: democratic governance reduces the use of terrorism. This study assumes that there is no causal relationship between failed states and international terrorism, and that the assertion of democratic governance's ability to reduce the frequency of terrorism is exaggerated, if not completely inaccurate.

Cette ëtude traite la notion de « l'État défailtant », ainsi que les principales raisons qui ont contribué à mettre certain Etats africains à la tête du classement des Etats en déliquescence dans le monde. Elle aborde également les... more

Cette ëtude traite la notion de « l'État défailtant », ainsi que les principales raisons qui ont contribué à mettre certain Etats africains à la tête du classement des Etats en déliquescence dans le monde. Elle aborde également les raisons qui poussent les pays occidentaux à classer la plupart des pays africains comme étant des pays en défaillance, sans prendre en compte les différences qui existent entre ces pays. En dernier lieu, cette étude aura donc pour but, de prouver que ce concept ne peut en aucun cas être utilisé comme un critère fiable pour évaluer la
réalité dont ces pays font face.

Uluslararası ilişkilerin temel aktörü olan devletler günümüze kadar silahlı çatışmaların da temel aktörü olmuştur. Devlet dışında pek çok aktörün ortaya çıkması ve etkinlik kazanmasıyla bu durum değişmeye başlamıştır. Devlet dışı... more

Uluslararası ilişkilerin temel aktörü olan devletler günümüze kadar silahlı çatışmaların da temel aktörü olmuştur. Devlet dışında pek çok aktörün ortaya çıkması ve etkinlik kazanmasıyla bu durum değişmeye başlamıştır. Devlet dışı aktörlerin silahlı çatışmalara doğrudan veya dolaylı etkisi artmaktadır. Devleti temel aktör olarak kabul eden uluslararası hukuk, devlet dışı aktörlerin silahlı çatışmalarda oynadıkları rolü yeterince kapsamamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı devlet dışı aktörlerin yetki ve sorumluluklarını incelemektir.


i DECLARATION I declare that this thesis, entitled State dysfunction: The concept and its application to South Africa, and the work presented in it is my own and has been generated by me as the result of my own original research. I... more

i DECLARATION I declare that this thesis, entitled State dysfunction: The concept and its application to South Africa, and the work presented in it is my own and has been generated by me as the result of my own original research. I confirm that:

The failed state phenomenon is not new to the Arab world, having existed there well before the current regional upheaval. However, since the upheaval, states that were already in various stages of failure have declined further.... more

The failed state phenomenon is not new to the Arab world, having existed there well before the current regional upheaval. However, since the upheaval, states that were already in various stages of failure have declined further. Furthermore, the turmoil has challenged the geopolitical logic that long structured the Arab world, namely, states defined according to the territorial nation-state model, with clear borders and an authoritative central government. The weakness of the central governments has led to the expansion of ungoverned peripheries and the blurring of borders, which in turn has enabled jihadist organizations and foreign elements to penetrate state territory and create military and political bases of operation, thereby challenging central governments and systematically undermining state structures. The failed states are thus not simply a local problem, but constitute a global challenge due to the instability they export to other areas and the regional and international confrontations they invite. In recent decades, the West has tried to deal with the failed state phenomenon by means of humanitarian intervention and reconstruction missions, but in most cases these efforts have failed. The international community has found it difficult to reach a consensus regarding determined intervention that will be based on a broad coalition and enjoy the support of the superpowers and the UN Security Council. The result is war and human tragedy on a scale not seen in the Middle East for centuries. The Arab World on the Road to State Failure examines the causes and characteristics of the failed state in the Middle East and its spread throughout the region, and evaluates the implications of the phenomenon for Israel, as well as for the regional and international arenas

in C. Barrios and T. Koepf (eds.) Re-mapping the Sahel: transnational security challenges and international responses, Report n°19, June 2014 States – whether classified as strong or fragile – and nations still matter in the Sahel, but... more

בפרספקטיבה היסטורית, אפשר להבין את תופעת 'המדינה האסלאמית' כתוצאה של אי־יציבות מבנית כרונית של המרחב, שחווה במאה השנים האחרונות ארבע מהפכות עיקריות. כל אחת מארבע המהפכות הובילה לעיצובו של מבנה כוח פוליטי שלא הלם את המבנה החברתי, המושתת... more

בפרספקטיבה היסטורית, אפשר להבין את תופעת 'המדינה האסלאמית' כתוצאה
של אי־יציבות מבנית כרונית של המרחב, שחווה במאה השנים האחרונות ארבע
מהפכות עיקריות. כל אחת מארבע המהפכות הובילה לעיצובו של מבנה כוח פוליטי
שלא הלם את המבנה החברתי, המושתת מעיקרו על בסיס עדתי, שבטי או דתי. אי־
ההלימה הובילה לשחיקת לגיטימציה של המשטרים ולפוטנציאל גבוה של התנגדות
וחתרנות כלפיהם. ברוב המקרים שרד מודל מדינת הלאום בשל שלטון אוטוריטרי,
שנשען על מנגנוני ביטחון ומודיעין יעילים.
שבריריות המודל הפוליטי באה לידי ביטוי בקושי של המשטרים, ברוב המדינות
הערביות, להתמודד עם גלי ההדף של הטלטלה הערבית, בהיחלשות השלטון המרכזי
ובהאצת תהליכי כישלון מדינתי. האסלאם הפוליטי, שייצג את האידאולוגיה המתחרה
העיקרית לאידאולוגיה הלאומית, כשל במבחן הראשון שבו נדרש לעמוד )האחים המוסלמים במצרים(. עם סילוקו הותיר חלל רעיוני, שאותו מיהרו לנסות למלא
תנועות אסלאמיות סלפיות־ג'האדיות, שניצלו את התנאים שנוצרו בעקבות הכישלון
המדינתי שהתפשט במרחב. הבולטת מבין התנועות הללו הייתה דאע"ש, שהובילה
להקמתה של 'המדינה האסלאמית'.

Este artículo explica cómo la cooptación de la industria petrolera y la abrupta caída de los precios del petróleo entre 2014 y 2016, confluyeron en el proceso de falla del Estado venezolano. Empleando el modelo analítico de causalidad de... more

Este artículo explica cómo la cooptación de la industria petrolera y la abrupta caída de los precios del petróleo entre 2014 y 2016, confluyeron en el proceso de falla del Estado venezolano. Empleando el modelo analítico de causalidad de Coleman, hacemos explícito el mecanismo causal entre la Revolución Bolivariana y Venezuela como petroestado fallido, resaltando como variables intervinientes la cooptación de la industria petrolera y la coyuntura crítica de precios de 2014-2016. Nuestro análisis sugiere que, para el periodo 2014-2019, el cuadro de deterioro del Estado en Venezuela obedece a una serie de decisiones económicas y políticas cuya base fundamental es la ideología chavista. Así, la coyuntura crítica de 2014-2016 dejó en evidencia los problemas estructurales del modelo revolucionario venezolano.

La responsabilité de protéger est vue comme le nouveau paradigme de l'intervention d'humanité dans le système de sécurité collective international. Ce concept qui assimile à la fois l'interdiction du recours à la force, la souveraineté... more

La responsabilité de protéger est vue comme le nouveau paradigme de l'intervention d'humanité dans le système de sécurité collective international. Ce concept qui assimile à la fois l'interdiction du recours à la force, la souveraineté des Etats et l'intervention humanitaire n'a toutefois pas souvent été revendiqué par les Nations Unies dans le cadre de la prévention et de la résolution des conflits. Dans cette analyse, nous nous intéressons aux conditions dans lesquelles la responsabilité de protéger peut être consacrée à la lutte contre le terrorisme en Afrique de l'Ouest.

El trabajo analiza que son y representan los estados fallidos, como han surgido y la forma en que la comunidad internacional ha intervenido en dicha problemática en los últimos años. Asimismo, plantea que las causas que justifican que un... more

El trabajo analiza que son y representan los estados fallidos, como han surgido y la forma en que la comunidad internacional ha intervenido en dicha problemática en los últimos años. Asimismo, plantea que las causas que justifican que un Estado se convierta en fallido no solo se encuentra relacionada a condicionantes de tipo externo, sino que existen factores internos que limitan el crecimiento y desarrollo de dichos países.