Niger Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Objective: To assess the effect of psychosocial support on labour outcomes.Methodology: A randomised control trial conducted at the University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria, from November 2006 to 30 March 2007. Women with anticipated... more
Objective: To assess the effect of psychosocial support on labour outcomes.Methodology: A randomised control trial conducted at the University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria, from November 2006 to 30 March 2007. Women with anticipated vaginal delivery were recruited and randomised at the antenatal clinic. The experimental group had companionship in addition to routine care throughout labour until two hours after delivery, while the controls had only routine care. The primary outcome measure was caesarean section rate. Others included duration of active phase, pain score, time of breast-feeding initiation and description of labour experience. Multivariable analyses were used to adjust for potential confounders. The level of statistical significance was set at 5%.Results: Of the 632 recruited, 585 were eventually studied: 293 and 292 were in experimental and control groups, respectively. Husbands constituted about two-thirds of the companions. Women in the control group were about five times more likely to deliver by caesarean section (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.98–12.05), had significantly longer duration of active phase (P < 0.001), higher pain scores (P = 0.011) and longer interval between delivery and initiation of breast-feeding (P < 0.001). However, those in experimental group had a more satisfying labour experience (odds ratio 3.3 95% CI 2.15–5.04).Conclusion: Women with companionship had better labour outcomes compared to those without. It is desirable to adopt this practice in our health-care settings as an alternative strategy to provide comparable quality services to would-be mothers in labour.
Cette étude examine le rôle de l'entourage social et de la religion sur l'opinion des femmes nigériennes au sujet du contrôle de naissances. Elle utilise des données collectées par une enquête réalisée en 2014 auprès d'un échantillon de... more
Cette étude examine le rôle de l'entourage social et de la religion sur l'opinion des femmes nigériennes au sujet du contrôle de naissances. Elle utilise des données collectées par une enquête réalisée en 2014 auprès d'un échantillon de 2004 femmes nigériennes âgées de 15 à 49 ans. Les résultats montrent que les femmes approuvent le contrôle des naissances lorsqu'il s'entend comme un recours à la contraception moderne pour espacer les naissances, mais non comme un choix du nombre d'enfants à avoir, au prix d'une éventuelle limitation des naissances. L'entourage social et la religion jouent un rôle important sur l'opinion des femmes. Les femmes de la communauté influencent principalement les femmes moins religieuses alors que les plus religieuses sont surtout influencées par leur mari et les leaders religieux. Cependant, la religiosité de la femme ne détermine pas son expérience contraceptive. Celle-ci dépend surtout de ses opinions par rapport au contrôle de naissances.
Les ménages ruraux nigériens sont régulièrement éprouvés par les chocs covariants agricoles comme la hausse des prix alimentaires et la sécheresse qui affectent le bien-être de ces ménages majoritairement agricoles. L'objectif de cet... more
Les ménages ruraux nigériens sont régulièrement éprouvés par les chocs covariants agricoles comme la hausse des prix alimentaires et la sécheresse qui affectent le bien-être de ces ménages majoritairement agricoles. L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser l'impact des chocs covariants agricoles sur le bien-être des ménages ruraux ainsi que l'efficacité des programmes publics de gestion de chocs covariants en zones rurales au Niger moyennant les données de l'enquête vulnérabilité d'avril 2010. En effet, suivant une approche économétrique, nous mettons en exergue l'impact négatif et significatif du choc de sécheresse et du choc des prix alimentaires sur le bien-être des ménages ruraux au Niger. Il ressort également que, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, les programmes publics de gestion de ces chocs covariants en zones rurales au Niger comme la « vente à prix modérés », la « banque céréalière » et le « cash for work » ne sont efficaces que pour lutter contre les effets néfastes du choc des prix alimentaires mais ils sont inefficaces contre les effets du choc de sécheresse. Cela reste encore un défi majeur à relever pour les pouvoirs publics au Niger.
The aim of this paper is to examine the relationships that exist between the mass media and society in Niger. The first section presents Niger in terms of its geographical, historical, and human dimensions. The second part successively... more
The aim of this paper is to examine the relationships that exist between the mass media and society in Niger. The first section presents Niger in terms of its geographical, historical, and human dimensions. The second part successively shows how, when seen against a backdrop of state control framed by the ideology of nation building, mass media there has evolved since the independence of Niger in 1960. It also highlights the ongoing and progressive liberalization and diversification of the media, which started in the early 1990s with the advent of democracy. The final section describes today’s media policy, media regulatory bodies, and the related professional organizations found in Niger.
- by Gado Alzouma
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- Communication, Africa, Niger, Mass media
The history of development in Africa is littered with all sorts of experiments and projects centred on new technologies often presented as a panacea to the problems of health, education, or agricultural production.The failure of some of... more
The history of development in Africa is littered with all sorts of experiments and projects centred on new technologies often presented as a panacea to the problems of health, education, or agricultural production.The failure of some of those projects shows the limits of the technocentrist approach which has recently resurfaced in the developmentalist discourse and which is based on the idea that technology (and technology alone) can solve all the social and economic problems Africa is facing. This is the case of the educational television in Niger that was supposed to ensure a rapid access to universal education. It started in 1964 and was abandoned in 1979. It failed to transform the educational system in any significant way, the school enrolment rate in Niger still being under 60 %, 46 years after the experiment started. In this paper, I intend to show that this failure was not due to a lack of community involvement as generally advanced by project evaluations, but the result of a confrontation of divergent views of the world and society. Indeed, the educational television has become an issue of both social and political struggle, which resulted in the victory of one of the parties and the allocation of the educational television to other purposes for which it was not previously designed.
The main objective of this study is to effect of firms’ growth variables on corporate valuation of manufacturing sector in Nigeria. A sample of five (5) firms was selected from the thirty seven (37) manufacturing firms quoted on the... more
The main objective of this study is to effect of firms’ growth variables on corporate valuation of manufacturing sector in Nigeria. A sample of five (5) firms was selected from the thirty seven (37) manufacturing firms quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange Market (NSE). Secondary data were collected from the firms for ten years period
(2007 to 2016). The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis whereby sales growth, assets growth, cost of sales growth were the independent variables and proxies firm growth while net assets per share was the dependent variable and proxy for firm valuation. Findings show that sales growth, assets growth of
manufacturing firms in Nigeria positively and strongly affect net assets per share of the firms during the period. Finding also shows that cost of sales growth of manufacturing firms in Nigeria positively, but insignificantly affects net assets per share of the firms. It was recommended that manufacturing firms in Nigeria should increase their sales in order to improve their net assets per share and hence their firm value, that Nigeria manufacturing firm managers can improve their firm net asset per share by increasing its total assets. Lastly, that manufacturing firms in Nigeria should improve their firm value by increasing its productivity.
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- Niger, Manufacturing Sector, Firm, growth variables
Ce rapport contient le Plan de réduction du risques d'inondation de Tallé, un village administratif de la commune rurale de Gothèye, région de Tillabéri, Niger. Tallé (2 603 habitants en 2012, 0,5 km2 de surface bâtie en 2019) est situé... more
Ce rapport contient le Plan de réduction du risques d'inondation de Tallé, un village administratif de la commune rurale de Gothèye, région de Tillabéri, Niger. Tallé (2 603 habitants en 2012, 0,5 km2 de surface bâtie en 2019) est situé le long de la rivière Sirba, près de la confluence avec le fleuve Niger. Le village est menacé par les inondations fluviales. Le plan est structuré selon l’ISO 31010. L’analyse intègre les connaissances locales et scientifiques. Le processus de planification est entièrement participatif. Les risque d’inondation est identifié et analysé. Les zones inondables suite au débordement de la Sirba et de reflux du fleuve Niger sont identifiées en fonction de trois scénarios de probabilité d’occurrence grâce à une modélisation hydraulique 1D. Les enjeux sont identifiés après une reconnaissance systématique de terrain. Huit mesures de réduction du risque sont sélectionnées et classées par ordre de priorité. L’analyse bénéfice/coût est utilisée pour évaluer l’intérêt de traiter ou d’accepter le risque. Le dispositif de suivi-évaluation est décrit. Le plan comprend règlement des zones inondables, le zonage règlementaire, les cartes des aléas et des enjeux, ainsi que des fiches décrivant chaque action prioritaire. --- (ENGLISH) This report contains the Flood Risk Reduction Plan for Tallé, an administrative village of the rural municipality of Gothèye, Tillabéri region, Niger. Garbey Kourou (2603 inhabitants in 2012, 0.5 km2 of built up area in 2019) is located along the Sirba River, close to the confluence with the Niger River. The village is threatened by fluvial floods. The plan is structured according to the ISO 31010. The analysis integrates local and scientific knowledge. The planning process is fully participatory. Flood risk is identified and analyzed. Areas inundated by the flood of the Sirba river and the backwaters of the Niger river are identified according to three river flood probability of occurrence scenarios through a 1D hydraulic modeling. Floodable assets are identified through a systematic field survey. Eight risk reduction actions are selected and prioritized. Benefit/cost analysis is used to assess the convenience of treating or accepting the risk. The monitoring and evaluation system is described. The plan consists of the flood zone regulation, hazard, assets, and zoning maps, and sheets describing each priority action.
The mental health needs of young children in humanitarian contexts often remain unaddressed. The lack of a validated, rapid and simple tool for screening combined with few mental health professionals able to accurately diagnose and... more
The mental health needs of young children in humanitarian contexts often remain unaddressed. The lack of a validated, rapid and simple tool for screening combined with few mental health professionals able to accurately diagnose and provide appropriate care mean that young children remain without care. Here, we present the results of the principle cross-cultural validation of the "Psychological Screening for Young Children aged 3 to 6" (PSYCAa3-6). The PSYCa 3-6 is a simple scale for children 3 to 6 years old administered by non-specialists, to screen young children in crises and thereby refer them to care if needed. Methods: This study was conducted in Maradi, Niger. The scale was translated into Hausa, using corroboration of independent translations. A cross-cultural validation was implemented using quantitative and qualitative methods. A random sample of 580 mothers or caregivers of children 3 to 6 years old were included. The tool was psychometrically examined and diagnostic properties were assessed comparing the PSYCa 3-6 against a clinical interview as the gold standard. Results: The PSYCa 3-6 Hausa version demonstrated good concurrent validity, as scores correlated with the gold standard and the Clinical Global Impression Severity Scale (CGI-S) [rho = 0.41, p-value = 0.00]. A reduction procedure was used to reduce the scale from 40 to 22 items. The test-retest reliability of the PSYCa 3-6 was found to be high (ICC 0.81, CI95% [0.68; 0.89]). In our sample, although not the purpose of this study, approximately 54 of 580 children required subsequent follow-up with a psychologist.
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
- by Mohamed Bello Ibrahim
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- Niger, Chocs
- by Sandra Bornand and +1
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- Linguistic Anthropology, Africa, Critical Discourse Analysis, Islam
Au Niger, le paludisme est la premie` re cause de mortalite ́ et de morbidite ́ chez les femmes enceintes et les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Pour le combattre, le pays a opte ́ pour la pre ́vention en s’engageant dans une politique de... more
Au Niger, le paludisme est la premie` re cause de mortalite ́ et de morbidite ́ chez les femmes enceintes et les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Pour le combattre, le pays a opte ́ pour la pre ́vention en s’engageant dans une politique de distribution gratuite de moustiquaires impre ́ gne ́ es a` longue dure ́ e d’action (MILDA). Cependant, l’ame ́ lioration de l’accessibilite ́ physique a` cet outil pre ́ventif n’a pas de ́ bouche ́ sur son utilisation re ́ gulie` re dans les me ́nages.Uneenqueˆte,repre ́sentativeauniveau national, a documente ́ les raisons de cette non- utilisation. Les re ́sultats montrent que la possession d’une MILDA est assez rare, et confirment la faible utilisation qui en est faite, avec des diffe ́rences significatives selon la re ́gion. Les croyances cultu- relles ne sont pas les principales barrie`res a` l’emploi des MILDA. En revanche, les connaissances ainsi que les dimensions sociales, techniques, environnemen- tales et e ́ conomiques expliquent la non-utilisation des MILDA au niveau communautaire. Ces re ́sultats re ́ve`lent que si la sensibilisation et la communication constituent l’une des principales voies pour changer les comportements, elles ne peuvent lever seules certaines barrie`res socioe ́conomiques.
In this study, we computed and presented grid maps of high-resolution terrain corrections and residual terrain model (RTM) as short-wavelengths of the gravity field and the geoid in Niger. We constructed RTM elevations from mean elevation... more
In this study, we computed and presented grid maps of high-resolution terrain corrections and residual terrain model (RTM) as short-wavelengths of the gravity field and the geoid in Niger. We constructed RTM elevations from mean elevation surfaces corresponding to ~100 km and ~9 km of spatial scales and 3 arc-seconds SRTM data. The computa- tions are performed at gravity stations and 1.5 arc-minute regular grid, out to 10 and 200 km for inner and outer zones respectively with the standard density of 2670 kg/m–3. The study area is characterized by low values of terrain effects. The indirect effects are lower than 10 cm for ~9 km and reach 1.8 m for ~100 km. In Niger, 98.44% of indirect effects are lower than 1 cm and 98.2% of direct effects are lower than 5 mgal for ~9 km. For ~100 km, 85.87% of indirect effects are lower than 10 cm and 89.77% of direct effects are lower than 5 mgal, and 98.77% of terrain corrections are lower than 1 mgal. We found out that height discrepancies between gravity stations and SRTM influences the precision of terrain effects. The results are valuable for applications in geodesy and geophysics that require accurate interpretations.
A "heterodox" study on India, Niger and Bolivia. South-south political economy analysis.
De 2010 à 2016, 715 projets d’adaptation et de résilience au changement climatique ont été financés en Afrique de l’Ouest pour plus de 7,3 milliards de dollars américains. Mais la connaissance des risques hydro-climatiques ne va pas de... more
De 2010 à 2016, 715 projets d’adaptation et de résilience au changement climatique ont été financés en Afrique de l’Ouest pour plus de 7,3 milliards de dollars américains. Mais la connaissance des risques hydro-climatiques ne va pas de pair et reste peu orientée vers l’aide à la décision. L’objectif de ce rapport est de développer une analyse du risque d’inondation à l’échelle régionale (avec la commune comme unité géographique d’analyse) sur la base des informations existantes, reproductible au fil du temps et dans l’espace, utile à la décision. L’analyse est réalisée sur la région de Dosso (Niger), la plus touchée par les inondations dans le pays le plus à risque hydro-climatique en Afrique de l’Ouest. Le rapport identifie et analyse le risque d'inondation sur la période 1998-2016 pour chacune des 43 communes de la région. Au cours de 19 ans, on observe une hausse des précipitations sur le grand Nord et le Sud de la région et des déficits sur le Centre-Est et partie du Nord. Les inondations sont produites par débordement du fleuve Niger, suite au ruissellement et à la remonté des eaux (dallols). Dans la région de Dosso, 356 localités (482 000 habitants) ont été inondées entre 1998 et 2016, dont 62 pendant plusieurs années. Le niveau de risque est mesuré avec l’Indice de Risque d’Inondation (IRI) en tant que produit de l’aléa (probabilité de retour d’une pluie critique) et des dommages (personnes affectées, maisons et champs inondés). Quatorze communes s’avèrent être à très fort et fort risque d’inondation. Les communes les plus à risque selon la zone agro écologique dominante sont Zabori (dallol), Tounouga (dallol et fleuve), Tanda (fleuve), Tessa (plateau), Falwel (zone pastorale), Tombo Koarey I (zone dunaire).
During the last decade, many local governments have launched initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions and the potential impact of hydro-climatic disasters. Nonetheless, today barely 11% of subtropical and tropical cities with over 100,000... more
During the last decade, many local governments have launched initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions and the potential impact of hydro-climatic disasters. Nonetheless, today barely 11% of subtropical and tropical cities with over 100,000 inhabitants have a climate plan. Often this tool neither issues from an analysis of climate change or hydro climatic risks, nor does it provide an adequate depth of detail for the identified measures (cost, funding mode, implementation), nor a sound monitoring-evaluation device. This book aims to improve the quality of climate planning by providing 19 examples of analysis and assessments in eleven countries. It is intended for local operators in the fields of climate, hydro-climatic risks, physical planning, besides researchers and students of these subjects. The first chapter describes the status of climate planning in large subtropical and tropical cities. The following six chapters discuss the hazards (atmospheric drought, intense precipitations, sea level rise, sea water intrusion) and early warning systems in various contexts. Nine chapters explore flood risk analysis and preliminary mapping, climate change vulnerability, comparing contingency plans in various scales and presenting experiences centred on adaptation planning. The last three chapters introduce some best practices of weather and climate change monitoring, of flood risk mapping and assessment.
The record labels Sahel Sounds and Sublime Frequencies position themselves as insurgent alternatives to the mainstream music industry’s capitalist profiteering in the global circulation of Tuareg music. While they are rooted in an art... more
The record labels Sahel Sounds and Sublime Frequencies position themselves as insurgent alternatives to the mainstream music industry’s capitalist profiteering in the global circulation of Tuareg music. While they are rooted in an art scene promoting a new media ethics and mode of world music circulation characterised by David Novak [2011. ‘The Sublime Frequencies of New Old Media’. Public Culture 23(3): 603–34] as ‘World Music 2.0,’ the relations of production among the Tuareg artists and American producers involved, in many respects, differ little from those of other labels. I argue that these producers’ claims to subversive subject positions are primarily motivated by the values of their U.S. social worlds rather than those of northwest Africa, though these worlds are entangled. To this end, I situate these labels within a particular global network of music circulation, examining their remediation of salvaged recordings, production of new studio albums, and competing claims of ethnographic authority to show their ambivalent reckonings with the commodification process.
Une analyse généalogique du système scolaire franco-arabe nigérien
A comparative study on spatial planning and regional development, and territorial restructuring in developing countries shows few general trends mixed in different patterns. Amongst them those on territorial dynamics constitute the focus... more
A comparative study on spatial planning and regional development, and territorial restructuring in developing countries shows few general trends mixed in different patterns. Amongst them those on territorial dynamics constitute the focus of this book.
The methodology of the comparison is based on the use of a common set of frameworks by the experts of the different national cases including emerging countries and less developed countries from three continents and several cultural areas. Territorial authorities, institutions, projects, local governments and spatial initiatives with their relative areas and jurisdictions are positioned according to their origins. level and scales on a set of figures. The figures are used to differentiate territorial objects and stakeholders by levels (from international to local), tier and scales and by nature, origins and functions. Using a model of the relationship and financial links, three spheres of territorial powers are distinguished, each with its own set of dynamics: the sphere of state territories emanating from the central state apparatus and from devolution (local government); the sphere of operational territories driven by private or public sector; and the sphere of emergent territories with area based development projects, ranging from community based to interregional cooperation.
Five main tendencies characterize developing countries in the era of globalization:
devolution, participation, concession, regionalization and autonomization. Those trends are not always represented and are combined in different national configurations.
For instance Morocco and South Africa, two African emergent countries present contrasting patterns with some common trends. Their respective nexus deal with their different historical and political backgrounds and the resulting contrasted approaches to spatial planning and territorial management despite the present common context of devolution and promotion of stakeholders and spaces for civil society and the private sector.
Ecole d'été Sapienza 2019
Au Sahel, l'environnement est sujet à de multiples pressions : changement climatique, extraction de ressources naturelles, croissance démographique et urbanisation. Au cours des dernières années, les gouvernements du Burkina Faso, du... more
Au Sahel, l'environnement est sujet à de multiples pressions : changement climatique, extraction de ressources naturelles, croissance démographique et urbanisation. Au cours des dernières années, les gouvernements du Burkina Faso, du Niger et du Sénégal ainsi que l'aide internationale ont investi plus de 1,6 milliards d'euro dans le secteur de l'environnement. Néanmoins, la gouvernance environnementale locale se trouve en difficulté à atteindre des résultats. Quels outils d'aménagement et de gestion sont utilisés ? Quels sont les obstacles rencontrés ? Comment les surmonter ? Pour répondre à ces questions cet ouvrage collectif démèle les entrelacements entre la gouvernance environnementale globale, nationale et locale, en analysant 59 outils d'aménagement local ainsi que 40 projets environnementaux. Une méthode de suivi-évaluation est proposée et appliquée, ensuite, à 9 plans et projets en fournisseant des recommandations. Dans son ensemble, ce travail se base sur les résultats de la recherche "Evaluer, aménager et gérer localement le territoire et l'environnement an Afrique subsaharienne" et sur les acquis du 7e Mastère "Plans et Projets" du Politecnico di Torino.
The contributions to this volume unambiguously demonstrate that the African Union has broken with the past of its predecessor, the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and has become very serious in addressing violations of its shared... more
The contributions to this volume unambiguously demonstrate that
the African Union has broken with the past of its predecessor, the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and has become very serious in
addressing violations of its shared values, in particular with regard to
unconstitutional changes of government. The new mediation practices
differ from past experience .... They are facing similar constraints, but also new opportunities. Conflict mediation in difficult terrain has become a major pre-occupation of various actors of the African peace and security as well as the African governance architectures, APSA and AGA. In this process the AUC itself has become the crucial actor. It slowly develops into a – still to be capacitated, strengthened and consolidated – centre of professionalization and mediation activity. The AUC is defining interests of its own which usually are negotiated in alliance, but when necessary increasingly also against AU member states. This is not surprising; it only confirms the expectations of some observers on the impact of “Africrats”, i.e. the continental organization’s bureaucrats, in the institutionalization of the African Union.
La question migratoire dans les relations entre le Niger et l’Union européenne (UE) est passée d’un cadre multilatéral à un cadre bilatéral. Avec la crise migratoire d’avril 2015, l’UE réussit à imposer unilatéralement une stratégie... more
La question migratoire dans les relations entre le Niger et l’Union européenne (UE) est passée d’un cadre multilatéral à un cadre bilatéral. Avec la crise migratoire d’avril 2015, l’UE réussit à imposer unilatéralement une stratégie bilatérale de prévention de l’immigration illégale au Niger. La dépendance du pays à l’aide publique au développement a favorisé l’unilatéralisme européen. Or, l’aide octroyée au Niger n’est qu’un recyclage des fonds du Fonds européen de développement (FED). La lutte contre l’immigration illégale s’inscrit dorénavant dans le cadre de la mission civile d’appui aux forces de sécurité intérieure et à la lutte contre le terrorisme et la criminalité organisée au Niger (EUCAP Sahel Niger), c’est-à-dire dans le domaine de la politique européenne de sécurité et de défense. Elle se coordonne avec les bases militaires françaises et allemandes et aussi les missions et opérations de l’UE dans la région du Sahel et de la Libye. Dans ce contexte trouble, le Niger se doit d’élaborer une stratégie migratoire endogène basée sur le « consciencisme », c’est-à-dire qu’avec une stratégie interne robuste, le Niger peut réduire l’unilatéralisme et l’asymétrie de ses relations avec l’Union européenne.
More information about this series at
in C. Barrios and T. Koepf (eds.) Re-mapping the Sahel: transnational security challenges and international responses, Report n°19, June 2014 States – whether classified as strong or fragile – and nations still matter in the Sahel, but... more
- by Aline Leboeuf
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- Failed States, Niger, Mali, Sahel
- by Elodie Apard
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- Niger, Migrations, Terrorisme, AQMI
Colonial order, “nomadic warriors” and the post-colonial State (Niger and Mauritania, 1946-1963) This article focuses on the comparative history of Saharan law enforcement units in two former French colonies, during the period when... more
Colonial order, “nomadic warriors” and the post-colonial State (Niger and Mauritania, 1946-1963)
This article focuses on the comparative history of Saharan law enforcement units in two former French colonies, during the period when national institutions were being established. By examining the daily life of these units, as well as the debates that their organisation prompted, we can highlight the contrasting effects of late colonial policing in two different post-colonial situations. After the colonial authorities failed to standardise a confusing and highly unusual situation, the first Nigerian and Mauritanian governments inherited the sensitive question of how to redistribute the colonial income of the arms service.
Cet article a pour objet l’histoire comparée des unités sahariennes de maintien de l’ordre dans deux anciennes colonies françaises, à l’heure de la construction des institutions nationales. L’examen du quotidien de ces unités ainsi que des débats suscités par leur organisation montre que les politiques de l’ordre de l’État colonial tardif, tout en obéissant à des logiques comparables, ont des effets contrastés d’une situation postcoloniale à l’autre. Après que les autorités coloniales ont échoué à uniformiser une situation confuse et faite d’exceptions, les premiers gouvernements nigérien et mauritanien héritent de la sensible question de la redistribution de la rente coloniale du service des armes.
Ce chapitre a pour objectif de vérifier s'il est possible d'analyser et évaluer le rique selon la définition ISO 31010 à l'échelle de village, à partir d'un système d'information hybride alimenté par des informations détectées par... more
Ce chapitre a pour objectif de vérifier s'il est possible d'analyser et évaluer le rique selon la définition ISO 31010 à l'échelle de village, à partir d'un système d'information hybride alimenté par des informations détectées par satellite, enregistrées au sol, et par des connaisances locales. L'analyse-évaluation est menée dans les villages de Garbey Kourou (4 800 hab.) et Tallé (2 700 hab.) dans la commune de Gothye. Les deux villages sont situés sur la rive gauche de la rivière Sirba, peu avant la confluence avec le fleuve Niger, 60 km en amont de Niamey. Le risque est considéré comme produit de l'aléa et des dommages potentiels. La reconnaisance des menaces a été effectuée en atelier partecipatif dans les deux villages et elle a permis d'identifier dans l'inondation pluviale, dans les debordement de la rivière et dans la sécheresse les menaces majeures. Les enjeux ont été identifiés dans la zone inondée en 2014 après 40 mm de pluie, dans la zone comprise par les plus hautes eaux connues de la rivière pendand les dernières 69 années (2012) et dans les champs qui étaient cultivés à la date du 28 aout 2014 après photointerprétation d'image satellite à haute définition géometrique, à la fin de l'une des saisons humides les plus irreguilières des dernières années. L'aléa a été déterminé comme probabilité de recourrence en 2015 de la pluie critique qui déclanche l'inondation pluviale, de la crue maximale de la Sirba, de la séquence de jour de sécheresse supérieure à 10 et d'une saison humide inférieure à 65 jours, reconnue fatale au mil et aux cultures commerciales. Les dommages ont étè calculés comme valeur des enjeux multipliée par la quotepart des dégats. Meme si les deux villages sont adjacentes, la hierachisation du risque est très différente: inondation pluviale à la première place à Garbey Kourou, sécheresse à Tallé. Si on réalisait des mesures connues dans la région, le risque résiduel baisserait respectivement à 6% et 23% du risque actuel. Une réduction si élevée du risque nécessite, en tout cas, une dépense inférieure (de 34% à 28%) à celle des dommages potentiels.
Missioni internazionali autorizzate e prorogate nel 2018 con la deliberazione del Consiglio dei ministri del 28 dicembre 2017 Il ridimensionamento della presenza militare in Iraq e Afghanistan e sei nuove operazioni, cinque nel continente... more
Missioni internazionali autorizzate e prorogate nel 2018 con la deliberazione del Consiglio dei ministri del 28 dicembre 2017 Il ridimensionamento della presenza militare in Iraq e Afghanistan e sei nuove operazioni, cinque nel continente africano e una in ambito NATO per la sorveglianza dello spazio aereo alleato. È quanto previsto dal decreto di finanziamento delle missioni internazionali delle forze armate predisposto dal governo Gentiloni-Minniti-Pinotti per il periodo compreso tra l'1 gennaio e il 30 settembre 2018, poi prorogate senza modifiche dall'esecutivo Conte-Salvini-Di Maio sino alla fine dell'anno. Per gli impegni del tricolore in terra africana è prevista una spesa di oltre 118 milioni di euro in nove mesi, il 15% dell'ammontare dei costi delle missioni di guerra in mezzo mondo; i 1.234 militari impiegati costituiscono il 19% di tutto il personale della Difesa schierato fuori dai confini nazionali.
This article focuses on the texts known as the “Agadez Chronicles” and “Y Tarichi,” which have been used by historians of the Central Sahara and Sahel to reconstruct the history of the Sultanate of Agadez and the Ader Kingdom in today’s... more
This article focuses on the texts known as the “Agadez Chronicles” and “Y Tarichi,” which have been used by historians of the Central Sahara and Sahel to reconstruct the history of the Sultanate of Agadez and the Ader Kingdom in today’s Republic of Niger. The most frequently cited of these texts are published translations of copies of Arabic manuscripts that were made available to French and British colonial administrators by members of the elites of Agadez, Ader, and Sokoto in the first decade of the twentieth century. This article suggests that the copies handed over to the representatives of European empires had been altered to promote the interests of the local elites who circulated these sources. The article compares texts in the Agadez corpus with independent sources on the history of this region in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries; it discusses the political context in which the Agadez Chronicles were circulated at the beginning of the twentieth century; and it considers the implications of the proposed reinterpretations for the historiography of the Aïr and Ader regions.
(Edition, préface et notes : Elara Bertho et Jean-Dominique Pénel) Ce roman retrace l'assassinat du capitaine Cazemajou et de son interprète français, Olive, à Zinder, sur ordre du sultan Ahmadou May Roumji. Comment la décision de tuer... more
(Edition, préface et notes : Elara Bertho et Jean-Dominique Pénel)
Ce roman retrace l'assassinat du capitaine Cazemajou et de son interprète français, Olive, à Zinder, sur ordre du sultan Ahmadou May Roumji. Comment la décision de tuer a-t-elle été prise ? Pour quels motifs plausibles ? Quels tensions et désaccords existaient aussi bien parmi les sujets du sultan que parmi les Français ? Abdoulaye Mamani propose sa vision de l'affaire.
In 2050, the amount of waste generated in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to triple current levels. Waste disposal coupled with urbanisation has led to environmental and social issues in rapidly developing African countries. An analysis... more
In 2050, the amount of waste generated in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to triple current levels. Waste disposal coupled with urbanisation has led to environmental and social issues in rapidly developing African countries. An analysis of production and consumption taking into account the local conditions and cultural context is the first step in developing a suitable waste management strategy for a given region. This study focused on the composition and treatment of household waste in urban areas of Niamey, Niger, and assessed how household waste collection in Niamey City reflects the climate and local consumption. The current method of waste collection was examined with consideration of the quantity and types of household waste generated. The availability of locally made tools and an abundant labour force, as well as the willingness of residents to pay for disposal services, were the key factors influencing waste collection in Niamey. Due to deficiencies in public solid waste management services, and with the increasing number of young seasonal migrants in search of jobs, the importance of private individuals providing door-to-door household waste collection in Niamey has increased.
notes in The Anthropology of Evil that scholars typically describe moralities as either "monistic" or "Manichean," depending on the extent to which evil can be distinguished from good. In the monistic tradition, evil is conceived as... more
notes in The Anthropology of Evil that scholars typically describe moralities as either "monistic" or "Manichean," depending on the extent to which evil can be distinguished from good. In the monistic tradition, evil is conceived as contiguous to good and the two often coexist in a single cosmological agent. In Manichean traditions, on the other hand, the forces of goodness are unmistakably distinct from the power of evil. In the Hausa-speaking and overwhelmingly Muslim town of Dogondoutchi, Niger, where many of the spiritual forces (iskoki; plural of iska, which also means "wind") that intersect with human trajectories were traditionally conceived as both the sources of and the remedies to human suffering, it could be argued that morality belongs to the monistic register. With the recent intensification of practices aimed at purifying Islam from "animism," however, existing moral ambiguities are dissolving, giving way to a more absolute notion of evil that is fully distinct from good. Muslim preachers describe spirits in their sermons as malevolent creatures whose sole aim is to tempt humans into straying from the right path. Spirits, the preachers claim, are Satan's servants, against whom Muslims must guard themselves by relying on the power of prayer. When they attack people, they must be exorcized rather than be allowed to use humans as hosts in the context of ritualized possession
- by Paul Sereno
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- Spine, Science, Multidisciplinary, Niger
Floods have recently become a major hazard in West Africa (WA) in terms of both their magnitude and frequency. They affect livelihoods, infrastructure and production systems, hence impacting on Sustainable Development (SD). Early Warning... more
Floods have recently become a major hazard in West Africa (WA) in terms of both their magnitude and frequency. They affect livelihoods, infrastructure and production systems, hence impacting on Sustainable Development (SD). Early Warning Systems (EWS) for floods that properly address all four EWS components, while also being community and impact-based, do not yet exist in WA. Existing systems address only the main rivers, are conceived in a top-down manner and are hazard-centered. This study on the Sirba river in Niger aims to demonstrate that an operational community and impact-based EWS for floods can be set up by leveraging the existing tools, local stakeholders and knowledge. The main finding of the study is that bridging the gap between top-down and bottom-up approaches is possible by directly connecting the available technical capabilities with the local level through a participatory approach. This allows the beneficiaries to define the rules that will develop the whole system, strengthening their ability to understand the information and take action. Moreover, the integration of hydrological forecasts and observations with the community monitoring and preparedness system provides a lead time suitable for operational decision-making at national and local levels. The study points out the need for the commitment of governments to the transboundary sharing of flood information for EWS and SD.
- by Maurizio TIEPOLO and +5
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- Hydrology, Community Development, Rural Development, Niger
Entre 1990 et 2010 le changement climatique (CC) en Afrique de l’Ouest s’est manifesté avec une fréquence accrue des précipitations intenses, un réchauffement général et des vagues de chaleur. Dans la même période, les catastrophes... more
Entre 1990 et 2010 le changement climatique (CC) en Afrique de l’Ouest s’est manifesté avec une fréquence accrue des précipitations intenses, un réchauffement général et des vagues de chaleur. Dans la même période, les catastrophes hydro-climatiques ont augmenté en nombre. A partir de 2011, l’aide internationale à l’adaptation au CC dans les 17 pays de la région a dépassée 7 milliards de dollars américains. Mais la connaissance des risques hydro-climatiques ne va pas de pair. L’objectif de ce rapport technique est de développer une évaluation du risque multi-aléa (inondation et sécheresse météorologique) à l’échelle régionale (avec la commune comme unité géographique d’analyse) sur la base des informations existantes, reproductible au fil du temps et dans l’espace, utile pour la prise de décision en matière de réduction du risque. L’évaluation est menée sur la région de Dosso (Niger), la plus touchée par les inondations dans le pays présentant le risque hydro-climatique le plus élevé en Afrique de l’Ouest. L’évaluation caractérise le climat, identifie les aléas et analyse le risque multi-aléa (inondation et sécheresse météorologique) sur la période 2011-16 pour les 43 communes de la région. Aléa, localités exposées et niveau de risque sont comparés avec les zones d’intervention et les actions développées par 6 Plans de Développement Communal (PDC) et par 14 projets d’adaptation/résilience au CC. Entre 2011 et 2016, dans la région de Dosso, les précipitations intenses sont plus fréquentes et les sécheresses plus longues et plus nombreuses qu’au cours de la période 1980-2010. Trente-trois localités ont été inondées plusieurs fois et 135 localités ont été touchés par la sécheresse pendant trois ans ou plus. Six communes sont à risque multi-aléa très fort ou fort : Tounouga, Guéchémé, Dogondoutchi, Tanda, Kieché, Falmey. La répartition géographique des projets d’adaptation et de résilience est inversement proportionnelle au niveau de risque multi-aléa. Un tiers des PDC étudiés proposent des actions incohérentes avec les principales menaces hydro-climatiques.
- by Maurizio TIEPOLO and +3
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- Drought, Niger, Floods, Multi-Hazard Risk