Geopark and geotourism Research Papers (original) (raw)

In Australia, geotourism is defined as tourism which focuses on an area's geology and landscape as the basis for providing visitor engagement, learning and enjoyment. Geotourism has great potential as a new nature-based tourism... more

In Australia, geotourism is defined as tourism which focuses on an area's geology and landscape as the basis for providing visitor engagement, learning and enjoyment. Geotourism has great potential as a new nature-based tourism product. Where-ever tourism contributes a direct environmental benefit to a visited location, its clients gain empathy for the holistic heritage of the area, and this reward creates enhanced customer loyalty to the operator. The Australian Government’s 1994 National Ecotourism Strategy considered that ecotourists may include a mix of independent travelers, people who travel in organised groups of a scientific, educational or recreational nature, and individuals or families who are interested in an ecotourism experience as part of a varied holiday. Having regard to demographic and lifestyle considerations, it had been considered that geotourism, if positioned as an alternative, knowledge-adding product could attract a different demographic i.e. affluent ov...

Although the science of palaeontology is not only of extreme importance for the progress of earth sciences, but it can also send us in fantastic voyages into the past of the planet, the interest of the general public in the past history... more

Although the science of palaeontology is not only of extreme importance for the progress of earth sciences, but it can also send us in fantastic voyages into the past of the planet, the interest of the general public in the past history of life on Earth is very low. This is due to individual, rather than coordinated efforts to promote palaeontology, inappropriate use of media and inadequate means of communicating palaeontology
to the media, as well as to the lack of a joint front of palaeontologists that would enable a unitary public
perception of this science. Studies related to the promotion of geosciences show the necessity to adapt the interpretation of geological and palaeontological facts to the personal experience of the public and to challenge the public to discover the connection between the lost worlds and the present world, by integrating the message in a social-economic context. Such an approach is proposed by geoparks, where the geologic
information enables to construct three temporal dimensions for the same territory: past, present and future.
This way, the public is informed on the practical role of rocks and fossils in direct relation to modern issues like climate change and human impact. Therefore, the geoparks represent strong territories for interdisciplinary research, where palaeontology, education, collaboration with universities and museums, social-economic development and geotourism represent an effective means for geosciences promotion on a global scale.

Abstract for the EGN Conference, Rokua Geopark, Finland 2015

บทความวิชาการนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อนำเสนอข้อมูลแหล่งท่องเที่ยวทางธรรมชาติ เน้นไปที่การท่องเที่ยวเชิงธรณีวิทยาในพื้นที่อุทยานธรณีเย่หลิวประเทศไต้หวัน โดยใช้แนวคิดทางภูมิศาสตร์การท่องเที่ยวของสตีเฟ่น วิลเลี่ยม (Stephen Williams)... more

The term Geotourism is gaining progressive recognition among both the scientific community and the general society. An effort has been made in the recent years by Geologists to disseminate geological values as a key for touristic... more

The term Geotourism is gaining progressive recognition among both the scientific community
and the general society. An effort has been made in the recent years by Geologists to disseminate geological
values as a key for touristic development. However, when geologists speak about Geotourism, they often
mean different things, and this concept is generally mistaken with other scientific activities, such as
dissemination of research, teaching to public, geodidactics, or explanation of Geology to people. Therefore,
Geotourism still stands beyond, as the art of making geology an attraction to tourists.

Questo libro analizza il fenomeno del turismo da due prospettive differenti e al tempo stesso convergenti – quella psicologica e quella geografica – contribuendo a costruire conoscenze sistematiche delle due discipline attraverso approcci... more

Questo libro analizza il fenomeno del turismo da due prospettive differenti e al tempo stesso convergenti – quella psicologica e quella geografica – contribuendo a costruire conoscenze sistematiche delle due discipline attraverso approcci molteplici. Ne nascono quindi temi e strumenti diversi: dalle motivazioni psicologiche alla declinazione dell’offerta turistica, dall’ambiente e dal paesaggio reali a quelli percepiti.
Oltre che agli studenti universitari, il volume si rivolge a tutti coloro che per la prima volta si avvicinano alla materia: ogni argomento è trattato con un linguaggio semplice ma scientificamente rigoroso, adatto alla comprensione di tutti i lettori. L’esemplificazione avviene attraverso casi emblematici, più o meno noti, per mostrare e dimostrare come si possano adattare, modificare e trasformare, in funzione della domanda dei turisti, i luoghi e, soprattutto, i modi in cui questi sono presentati. Un volume che aiuta a comprendere come valorizzare al meglio una delle risorse più importanti della nostra Italia e della nostra Europa.

This article aims to present the conceptual basis on geodiversity, geological heritage, geoconservation and geotourism issues. The methodology involved bibliographical research in documents and other relevante literature. It is observed... more

This article aims to present the conceptual basis on geodiversity, geological heritage, geoconservation
and geotourism issues. The methodology involved bibliographical research in documents and other relevante literature. It is observed that the geodiversity are the inanimate aspects of Planet Earth, and not just those related to the geological past, as minerals, rocks and fossils, but also the natural processes currently taking place. The geological heritage geosites record the memory of the Earth's history, a period that reaches thousands, millions
and even billions of years and including rock outcrops, minerals, fossils, and places with landscape value:
mountains, peaks, valleys, and geoscience museum collections. In a broader sense, the term Geoconservation has been used to cover the various activities related to the protection of geological heritage. And despite the many definitions, for UNESCO Geotourism is tourism that sustains and enhances the identity of a territory, considering its geology, environment, culture, aesthetic values, heritage and the well-being of its residents.
Finally, it is concluded that the conservation of geological heritage has direct implications throughout the natural environment and, consequently, in our society, moreover, the geoconservation is directly related to promoting sustainability.

Bunikasih merupakan dusun yang berada di lereng sebelah utara G. Bukittunggul. Dataran tinggi yang dihuni kurang lebih 30 kk, bekerja sebagai penggarap lahan dan petani. Bentang alamnya disusun oleh hasil letusan gunungapi, diantaranya... more

Bunikasih merupakan dusun yang berada di lereng sebelah utara G. Bukittunggul. Dataran tinggi yang dihuni kurang lebih 30 kk, bekerja sebagai penggarap lahan dan petani. Bentang alamnya disusun oleh hasil letusan gunungapi, diantaranya lava, piroklastik dan tuf. Kegiatan erosi menatah wajahnya menjadi lembah-lembah yang dalam dan tebing terjal. Kawasan ini memiliki potensi geowisata yang unik, diantaranya airterjun yang mengalir di aliran lava, bentang alam hasil erosi dan perbukitan intrusi G. Orem umum Pleistosen.

Materi Intepretasi Kepemanduan Geowisata

Langkawi merupakan sebuah pulau yang bertuah kerana mempunyai kekayaan sumberjaya alam semulajadi dan warisan budaya penduduk yang unik. Kekuatan yang dimiliki serta sokongan daripada pihak kerajaan, pulau ini telah dibangunkan sebagai... more

Langkawi merupakan sebuah pulau yang bertuah kerana mempunyai kekayaan sumberjaya alam semulajadi dan warisan budaya penduduk yang unik. Kekuatan yang dimiliki serta sokongan daripada pihak kerajaan, pulau ini telah dibangunkan sebagai sebuah destinasi pelancongan yang terkemuka dan terkenal di seluruh dunia. Kini, Langkawi akan lebih dikenali dunia dengan status Geotaman (Geopark) yang dianugerahkan oleh UNESCO pada 1 Jun 2007. Keunikannya, Langkawi merupakan tempat yang pertama mendapat status tersebut di Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara. Ini disebabkan Langkawi mempunyai kepelbagaian biodiversiti batuan geologi yang menarik dan tertua meliputi ‘The Machinchang Cambrian Geoforest Park, Kilim Karst Geoforest Park dan Dayang Bunting Geoforest Park. Ekoran daripada penganugerahan ini akan menyemarakkan lagi pertumbuhan industri pelancongan Malaysia umumnya dan Negeri Kedah khususnya kerana mempunyai satu produk pelancongan yang baru dan unik. Oleh itu, dengan adanya produk pelancongan baru ini (geopark) dapat menarik lebih ramai pelancong terutama yang terdiri daripada penyelidik dan individu yang menyukai aktiviti berteraskan alam semulajadi. Tujuan penubuhan Geotaman adalah berasaskan pemeliharaan sumberjaya disebabkan kepelbagaian biodiversitinya untuk generasi masa depan. Selain itu, ia menggalakkan kedatangan pelancong bagi tujuan pendidikan dan pembelajaran dengan melakukan beberapa aktiviti yang sesuai di kawasan tersebut. Selain itu, penubuhannya dapat mewujudkan beberapa peluang-peluang untuk menaiktaraf sosioekonomi penduduk yang tinggal di dalam kawasan ini. Kertas seminar ini akan membincangkan tentang kesan-kesan yang wujud sama ada positif dan negatif akibat daripada penubuhan geotaman serta cabaran masa depan bagi memastikan penubuhannya mampu mencapai pembangunan mapan.

E ţara plină de ţări. Această expresie bine cunoscută intetizează bogăţia culturală a României şi evidenţiază evoluţia particulară a unor zone, in anumite contexte naturale şi istorice. “Ţinutul Buzăului” se află într-un spaţiu de... more

E ţara plină de ţări. Această expresie bine cunoscută intetizează bogăţia culturală a României şi evidenţiază evoluţia particulară a unor zone, in anumite contexte naturale şi istorice. “Ţinutul Buzăului” se află într-un spaţiu de confluenţă, atât a unor zone naturale distincte, cât şi a unor provincii cu evoluţii istorice diferite. Astfel, în timp, el a dobândit trăsături comune ariilor de influenţă, dar şi specificitatea rezultată din interferenţă.
Geoparcul “Ţinutul Buzăului” este un spaţiu deschis pentru toţi cei ce doresc să participe la renaşterea unor comunităţi,
este loc de întâlnire a tuturor celor ce se simt ataşaţi de valorile tradiţionale şi îi sunt locuitori reali sau virtuali.

tidak semua daya tarik wisata alam cocok dengan pola pengembangan pariwisata masal, yaitu pariwisata yang berusaha mendatangkan wisatawan sebanyak-banyaknya. Karena tinggi rendahnya daya dukung lingkungan akan sangat tergantung pada... more

tidak semua daya tarik wisata alam cocok dengan pola pengembangan pariwisata masal, yaitu pariwisata yang berusaha mendatangkan wisatawan sebanyak-banyaknya. Karena tinggi rendahnya daya dukung lingkungan akan sangat tergantung pada topografi medan dan bertumpu pada tata geologinya. Seperti telah disinggung diatas bahwa budaya manusia bersumber pada hukum alam dan bermuara pada kinerja binaanya yang keseluruhanya tidak lepas dari pengaruh sifat dan gejala alam yang ada di bumi, maka disiplin ilmu pengetahuan geologi sebagai sumber daya kepariwisataan perlu sekali digunakan untuk menghasilkan daya tarik wisata geologi yang berkelanjutan.

The Geo Park Lembah Kinta has set initiatives to entitle as international geo park site. Meanwhile the identified site in Perak has a high geo tourism value in terms of geo heritage, geo cultural and geo formation. From this geo sites,... more

The Geo Park Lembah Kinta has set initiatives to entitle as international geo park site. Meanwhile the identified site in Perak has a high geo tourism value in terms of geo heritage, geo cultural and geo formation. From this geo sites, procedures has been made to take place of the geo assets. Also the geological of Perak is dominated by limestone hills that which make some of the geo sites suitable to be enhance as Geo Park. The UNESCO Global Geo Park defines that the Geo Park concept is derived from the development of geological diversity and the need to conserve geological heritage. It is more focused on preserving, conserving and maintaining this valuable assets for the use of future generations. However, one of geo sites in Perak has been identified to meet the Geo Park requirements. The Gunung Lang Recreational Park, an urban escape park with serene nature backdrop with natural limestone hills. The Gunung Lang Recreational Park has the potential to be main Geo Park Center for Geo Park Lembah Kinta. This is because the GLRP itself is a tourism hotspot during the ‘Tahun Melawat Perak 2017’ which set by Department of Tourism Perak. The site study has a good positive feedback from both local and tourist, unfortunately the uniqueness of GLRP were not outstand among community of Ipoh. Through geological and ecological approach, GLRP can become a successful Geo Park for Geo Park Lembah Kinta. Thus, the awareness and interest of geo tourism will lift the community lifestyle and tourism sector in Perak.

Baringo County is among the four other North Rift Counties with beautiful, natural geological features having extremely unique characteristics that are worth conserving not only for future generation but also to be used for a sustainable... more

Baringo County is among the four other North Rift Counties with beautiful, natural geological features having extremely unique characteristics that are worth conserving not only for future generation but also to be used for a sustainable socio-economic development. The other counties include Elgeiyo Marakwet, Turkana, West Pokot and Laikipia.
The most dominant River Valley is the Kerio Valley which is found at the western part of the Baringo County. To the eastern region, near L. Bogoria and L. Baringo, lies the Liboi plain which is covered by silts and alluvial sediments.
Tugen hills range is the most conspicuous topographic feature in Baringo with a varying altitude that ranged from about 300m to even over 2000m above sea level. It is mainly covered by the volcanic rocks; Trachytes and Phonolites and has the best geotourists attraction Escarpment.
Baringo also host several extinct volcanoes which are discussed in details on chapter 5. They include; Paka hills, Korrossi Mountain, Silali Mountain, Tiaty and Kamuyo.

The subject of this paper is to determine the geotourism potential in Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı, and Iğdır Provinces. Geotourism has defined as a sustainable tourism with geological and geomorphology heritages and cultural values based on... more

The subject of this paper is to determine the geotourism potential in Ardahan, Kars,
Ağrı, and Iğdır Provinces. Geotourism has defined as a sustainable tourism with
geological and geomorphology heritages and cultural values based on scientific,
educational and touristic activities. It is very important in terms of protecting of natural
and cultural values, to be transferred to future generations of its, and to increase the
tourism potential of region. Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı and Iğdır provinces are located in the
Northeast Anatolia of Turkey has an important geotourism area. The geographicsituations of the survey area, which is outstanding geological and geomorphologic
values,has enabled to live together of people from different cultures. There are many
natural and cultural main items in related to geotourism in the study area such as Ağrı
(Ararat) Mountain, Doğu Bayazıt Meteor Hole, localhot springs, caves,rock salt, dried at
Çıldır lakes, the ruinsof Ani, Kars CastleandIğdırGenocideMuseum. In this study, it is to
determine four geotourism regions as Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı and Iğdır, and the tourism
potential of these provinces. It has discussed their needs what kind of plans the near

ABSTRACK This article tries to realize a solution how to make use of geology for eco-tourism and economic activities at the site management level. The paradigm in the management of geowisata is how the management of tourism is able to... more

ABSTRACK This article tries to realize a solution how to make use of geology for eco-tourism and economic activities at the site management level. The paradigm in the management of geowisata is how the management of tourism is able to optimize the potential of nature (geology) to be added value for the economic welfare of local communities, as well as able to minimize the potential of natural damage. Therefore, this article attempts to recommend a geotourism management model. The management of geo-tourism is in five main focuses, including: formulating the natural potential that can be used for geotourism activities, formulating criteria of geo-tourism destinations, geo-tourism management, formulating activities in geo-tourism activities, and finally on indicators of success or from geo-tourism output. ABSTRAK Artikel ini mencoba mewujudkan sebuah solusi bagaimana memanfaatkan kekayaan geologi beserta berbagai dinamikanya untuk kegiatan wisata dan ekonomi yang berwawasan lingkungan pada tingkatan manajemen tapak. Paradigma dalam pengelolaan geowisata adalah bagaimana pengelolaan pariwisata mampu mengoptimalkan potensi alam (geologi) menjadi bernilai tambah bagi kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat lokal, sekaligus mampu menekan seminimal mungkin potensi kerusakan alam. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini mencoba merekomendasikan model pengelolaan geowisata. Pengeloaan geowisata berada dalam lima fokus utama, yaitu : merumuskan potensi alam yang dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan geowisata, merumuskan kriteria-kriteria destinasi geowisata, manajemen geowisata, merumuskan aktifitas dalam kegiatan geowisata, dan terakhir mengenai indikator keberhasilan atau dari output geowisata. Kata kunci: Geowisata, pariwisata alam, geologi pariwisata

La région Nord-Est marocaine occupe une position clé dans le bassin méditerranéen et la chaine alpine transméditerranéenne. Sa situation géographique, sur le versant Atlantique de l’Arc montagneux Rifain, du Maroc à proximité d’Europe,... more

La région Nord-Est marocaine occupe une position clé dans le bassin méditerranéen et la chaine alpine transméditerranéenne. Sa situation géographique, sur le versant Atlantique de l’Arc montagneux Rifain, du Maroc à proximité d’Europe, lui confère une ambiance climatique particulière. Sa géologie et sa géomorphologie, sont tout à la fois souvent spectaculaires et diversifiées. Malgré cela, ces milieux naturels subissent une dégradation intense. En effet le développement de la région se trouve ainsi confronté à des contraintes multiples, qui sont à l’origine de son incapacité à drainer des investissements de nature à initier le décollage socio-économique. Depuis longtemps accusée de manque d’atouts et de potentialités, alors que la région de l’oriental dispose d’un riche patrimoine naturel, qu’il conviendrait de le protégé de toute sorte de dégradation et de l’exploiter de manière rationnelle.
Avec une bande côtière méditerranéenne étalé sur une côte d’environ 200 Km, la région de l’oriental présente une variété de paysages côtiers allant des plages sableuses aux hautes falaises rocheuses, des zones humides et forestiers qualifiées en tant que Sites d’Intérêt Biologique et Ecologique (SIBE), des paysages montagneux aux formations géologiques sédimentaires épaisses bien visibles sur les talus de routes et sur les versants, des volcans endormis aux multiples sites de vues panoramiques. Ces ressources sont encore inexplorables ni par les chercheurs et scientifiques ni par les opérateurs économiques.
Le Cap des Trois Fourches fait partie de l’arc montagneux rifain de l’Afrique du nord, qui s’avance d’une dizaine de kilomètres dans la mer méditerranée. Pendant des siècles, il a constitué tout à la fois un repère et un danger pour la navigation dans la mer d'Alboran.
Vu sa superficie estimé environ de 80 km², dont les deux tiers sont maritimes, le cap constitue un dortoir impressionnant pour les oiseaux migrateurs. Un couvert végétal en grande partie naturel, est représenté principalement par un matorral dominé par le lentisque. Sa qualité écologique, affirmée par sa grande biodiversité (espèces bio-indicatrices, espèces protégées, espèces d’intérêt commercial), ainsi que par la diversité des habitats (prairies, grottes, substrat rocheux, etc.). Ce milieu sauvage célèbre par ses paysages sublimes, ses grottes et ses nombreuses plages. Toutes ces qualités ont suscité dernièrement un intérêt progressif malgré les flux touristiques limité, mais paradoxalement, cet aspect sauvage et historique, demeure un espace enjeux ou les mutations de fond de la société entraînent des répercussions fondamentales...

The Azores archipelago is distinguished by its unique natural beauty and marine setting. Thanks to its volcanic origin, the region has a very rich and remarkable geodiversity that includes a diversity of landscapes with innumerable... more

The Azores archipelago is distinguished by its unique natural beauty and marine setting. Thanks to its volcanic origin, the region has a very rich and remarkable geodiversity that includes a diversity of landscapes with innumerable craters, volcanic lakes, fumaroles, hot springs, volcanic caves, marine fossil deposits and thermal water springs.
The recognition of this valuable geological heritage came with the recent integration of the Azores Geopark into the European and Global Geopark Networks.
The pressure that the increasing development of tourism have been exerting on these geological sites for the last years, and the need to create alternative forms of tourism, which contribute towards the socio economic development in rural areas, have highlighted the importance of geotourism as a tool to promote and preserve the geological heritage of the Azores. Geotourism has turned to be an important instrument of environmental awareness through the local and foreign people.

O livro “Geoturismo e interpretação ambiental” possui conteúdo abrangente sobre geoconservação, geodiversidade e geoturismo com foco voltado para práticas educativas, interpretativas e turísticas. A obra é rica em ilustrações e apresenta... more

O livro “Geoturismo e interpretação ambiental” possui conteúdo abrangente sobre geoconservação, geodiversidade e geoturismo com foco voltado para práticas educativas, interpretativas e turísticas. A obra é rica em ilustrações e apresenta exemplos nacionais e internacionais de meios de divulgação e interpretação do patrimônio geológico. São destacadas iniciativas para a geoconservação, abordando áreas protegidas e tratando especialmente dos Geoparks e a Rede Mundial de Geoparks, sob os auspícios da UNESCO. Além disso, enfoca a educação e a interpretação como uma parte fundamental das atividades geoconservacionistas, uma vez que o patrimônio geológico também é uma ferramenta pedagógica.

Geoheritage is commonly defined as unique components of abiotic nature or as a part of cultural heritage stemming from the influence of rocks, minerals, water or landforms on the development and lifestyle of a human (Brocx, Semeniuk 007).... more

Geoheritage is commonly defined as unique components of abiotic nature or as a part of cultural heritage stemming from the influence of rocks, minerals, water or landforms on the development and lifestyle of a human (Brocx, Semeniuk 007). Apart from natural geological objects, geoheritage also encompasses mining heritage, stone in construction and architecture, cultural landscape, symbolism of precious stones, minerals in medicine, geological processes in mythology, the history of Earth sciences, etc. (Tab). In situ and ex situ geoheritage is protected (geoconservation), available for visiting (geotourism), and employed in didactics (geoeducation). Along with the concept of geoparks, UNESCO promotes geoheritage in the form of geo-products, marking the commercial direction in which to relay knowledge regarding geosciences (Dryglas, Miśkiewicz, 0). In global geoparks it is a part of regional identity and sustainable development, and constitutes an element of education (Tab.). Ethnogeology, a research discipline, has been proposed for description and research of relations between a man and abiotic nature (Kamen-Kaye 975). Such geological conditioning of cultural development is the subject of numerous, yet dispersed, scientific and popular science works. The paper presents a review and evaluation of the usefulness of such geo-cultural aspects in didactics within geoparks and other geotouristic attractions.

Geoheritage is an important part of natural heritage which must be preserved for the benefit of future generations. Many geological elements are of special interest for science, education or tourism. These are the subjects of research in... more

Geoheritage is an important part of natural heritage which must be preserved for the benefit of future generations. Many geological elements are of special interest for science, education or tourism. These are the subjects of research in geoconservation, a discipline recently incorporated to the Earth sciences. This booklet attempts to be an easy reference document for those new to the field of geoconservation, as well as for those ready to delve deeper. It provides the basic concepts needed to understand the significance of geological heritage and geodiversity, as well as their assessment and proper management for sustainable use.

Bu çalışmanın amacı Levent Vadisi’nin Jeopark ve Jeoturizm Potansiyelini tespit etmektir. Jeopark, başta jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik miras niteliğindeki öğeler olmak üzere, tüm doğal ve kültürel mirasın korunmaya alındığı, ancak bu... more

Bu çalışmanın amacı Levent Vadisi’nin Jeopark ve Jeoturizm Potansiyelini tespit etmektir. Jeopark, başta jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik miras niteliğindeki öğeler olmak üzere, tüm doğal ve kültürel mirasın korunmaya alındığı, ancak bu yapılırken sosyo-ekonomik kalkınmanın, eğitim ve sürdürülebilirliğin de amaçlandığı, ekoloji, arkeoloji, tarih ve kültürel değerleri de içeren bir coğrafi bölge olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Türkiye’de Kula Volkanları Jeopark Alanı, Ankara Kızılcahamam-Çamlıdere Jeopark Alanı, Pamukkale, Kapadokya, Van ve Tuz gölleri, Nemrut Kalderası ve Tortum –Narman çevresi gibi jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik miras niteliği taşıyan çok sayıda jeopark alanı ve potansiyeli bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri, Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde Malatya’nın Akçadağ ilçesi sınırları içinde yer alan 28 km. uzunluğundaki Levent Vadisi’dir. Levent Vadisi, içinde bulundurduğu çok sayıda mağara, deniz fosilleriyle bir jeolojik-jeomorfolojik miras niteliği ve yerleşme tarihi açısından arkeolojik sit özelliği taşımaktadır. Bu düşüncelerden hareketle çalışmada Levent Vadisi’nin jeopark ve jeoturizm potansiyeline yönelik tespitler yapılmıştır. ArcGIS 10 ve Special Analysis Module kullanılarak jeoloji, topografya ve jeoturizm haritaları hazırlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Jeopark, Jeolojik miras, Geoturizm, Levent Vadisi ve Malatya

Madagascar natural heritage is known primarily for its outstanding biodiversity that are mainly protected by diverse natural conservation programs, which are predominantly restricted to the protection of fauna and flora. Recently,... more

Madagascar natural heritage is known primarily for its outstanding biodiversity that are mainly protected by diverse natural conservation programs, which are predominantly restricted to the protection of fauna and flora. Recently, many countries have adopted new conservation strategies, which extended the biodiversity conservation to the conservation of geotopes (including geosites, paleosites and geomorphosites) currently known as geoconservation. Protected areas already having a well-developed legal and regulatory frameworkis the best mechanism to jumpstart geoconservation. However, merely knowing about geconservation and geosites did not of itself guarantee that local governments would do anything about them. The potentiality of geoheritage was highlighted by field works in several National Parks and Special Reserves such as the Ankarana and Montagne d’Ambre in the north, the Isalo National Park and the marine Nosy Ve National Park in the south. Despite the lack of strong geoconservation programs and weak protection of natural heritage, spectacular landscapes and other types of magnificent geotopes are unintentionally protected within the National Parks. Identified geosites could be used to promote awareness, local educational and scientific programs as well as to build various special geosites for tourism purposes.This work highlights the need for
intensive systematic inventory and evaluation of geotopes within the National Parks..Procedures are mainly based on typology followed by the identification and selection of geotopes.. Moreover, the action plans will ensure the protection of environment and to promote conservation on natural resources within and around Madagascar`s protected areas.

La région du Moyen Ouergha se situe à cheval sur l’Intrarif, le Mésorif et le Prérif formant les zones externes rifaines. La géomorphologie de ses paysages, aussi spectaculaire que diversifiés, la dote d’un riche géopatrimoine pouvant... more

La région du Moyen Ouergha se situe à cheval sur l’Intrarif, le Mésorif et le Prérif formant les zones externes rifaines. La géomorphologie de ses paysages, aussi spectaculaire que diversifiés, la dote d’un riche géopatrimoine pouvant drainer des investissements de nature à initier un décollage socio-économique. Ce patrimoine est souvent négligé dans les approches actuelles de gestion et d’exploitation des environnements. Notre étude a porté sur l’identification et le classement des différents géosites selon la méthode IGUL d’évaluation des géomorphosites modifiée et adaptée au contexte étudié pour dégager leurs valeurs scientifique, écologique, culturelle, esthétique et économique. Cette étude nous a ainsi fourni une base de données caractérisant la géodiversité locale représentée par vingt-quatre géosites inventoriés. Les résultats obtenus affirment que la région recèle une géodiversité dont l’importance influence non seulement la dynamique naturelle, mais également le patrimoine humain. La valeur scientifique des géosites est, en effet, globalement élevée et souvent combinée à des intérêts additionnels non négligeables mais mal connus et peu, voire pas, exploités. Certains de ces sites ont fourni d’importantes populations fossilifères de lamellibranches, ostracodes. La valeur globale des géosites a permis de dégager les géosites les plus représentatifs. Ainsi, les caractéristiques paysagères et géomorphologiques font de la région du Moyen Ouergha un lieu propice au développement d’activités géotouristiques et d’éducation à l’environnement orientées vers la découverte des liens unissant patrimoine naturel et culturel. Il conviendrait donc de les protéger de toute dégradation et exploitation irrationnelle. En outre, le test et la critique de la méthode utilisée contribuent au développement et à l’amélioration des bases de la méthode adoptée afin de favoriser la mise en valeur et l’intégration des composantes humaines et naturelles.

Serbia is a country with rich geodiversity including approximately 650 geological, paleontological, geomorphological, speleological and neotectonic sites. Among numerous geoheritage sites in Serbia there are several remarkable canyons... more

Serbia is a country with rich geodiversity including approximately 650 geological, paleontological, geomorphological, speleological and neotectonic sites. Among numerous geoheritage sites in Serbia there are several remarkable canyons with great scientific importance and immense geotourism potential such as the Lazar River Canyon and The Uvac River Canyon. The principal aim of this paper was to compare the current state and tourist potential of these two fluvial geosites. Moreover, of paramount importance was to indicate the major barriers of geotourism development as well as major fields for improvement. The M-GAM model provided the expert’s assessment of both Main and Additional Values of the sites in accordance to the importance of each subindicator in the assessment model given by tourists. The final results indicated a moderate level of Main Values and a low level of Additional Values of both sites showing that these geosites have immense scientific and aesthetic value but there is plenty of room for improvement especially within the tourist values, management and planning, as well as tourism infrastructure as a basis for tourism development.

The beautiful island of Formosa, now known as Taiwan, has been described as ‘standing at the crossroads of nature and development’. With a population of just over 23 million, not dissimilar in size to that of Australia, Taiwan comprises... more

The beautiful island of Formosa, now known as Taiwan, has been described as ‘standing at the crossroads of nature and development’. With a population of just over 23 million, not dissimilar in size to that of Australia, Taiwan comprises an area about one half of the area of the Australian island state of Tasmania. Most visitors to Taiwan are familiar with the industrial landscape that extends down the western half of the island, but have not been exposed to the beauty of its central mountain ranges and coastal environs of Eastern Taiwan.
In a geographical sense, Taiwan’s outstanding natural heritage epitomises the definition of geotourism – its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents. But from a geological tourism perspective which focuses on geology and landscapes, Taiwan offers a diversity of unique experiences, which includes both dormant volcanism and outstanding volcanic landforms.

Campos Gerais Geopark (State of Paraná) – Proposal The Campos Gerais region, in the central-eastern portion of the State of Parana/Brazil, has a special geodiversity with geological heritage consisting of Devonian fossils of marine... more

Campos Gerais Geopark (State of Paraná) – Proposal
The Campos Gerais region, in the central-eastern portion of the State of Parana/Brazil, has a special geodiversity with geological heritage consisting of Devonian fossils of marine invertebrates, several stratotypes of the Paraná Basin and an excellent record of Permocarboniferous glaciation of the Gondwana
Supercontinent. But the geomorphological heritage has an outstanding character, with canyons controlled by a Cretaceous swarm of diabase dykes, related to the South Atlantic Ocean opening, escarpments reaching hundred meters of elevation, waterfalls, rapids and a spectacular karstic landscape developed in non-carbonatic rocks, with ruinform relief, sinkholes and underground rivers. For years the didactic value
of geodiversity has provided an outdoor laboratory of national relevance, and the aesthetic value of the
state parks of Vila Velha and Guartelá, but also many other geosites, sustains a strong regional geotouristic
vocation. In recent years several works have been performed on strengthening geoconservation activities,
dissemination of geoscientific knowledge and geotourism in the Campos Gerais. The ultimate aim is the
establishment of a geopark, which could act as a tool for regional development, taking in account also the
rich historical, cultural, archaeological and biological heritages. The experience of this period has revealed
the resistance from some sectors linked to agribusiness, but also the positive receptivity of some municipalities. This is focusing the actions for the creation of the Campos Gerais Geopark to a more restrict area, comprising the municipalities of Tibagi, Castro and Piraí do Sul, the State Park of Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa
and the Glacial Striae of Witmarsum Geosite, Palmeira Municipality.
Keywords: Campos Gerais do Paraná region, geopark project, Paraná Basin, exceptional landforms,
Devonian fossils, Permocarboniferous Glaciation.

Ghidul este adresat celor interesaţi de un turism inteligent, educativ, care respectă natura şi cultura locală, doritori să guste rafinamentul unei vieţi tradiţionale rurale dar şi să participe la bunăstarea comunităţii gazdă. Ghidul este... more

Ghidul este adresat celor interesaţi de un turism inteligent, educativ, care respectă natura şi cultura locală, doritori să guste rafinamentul unei vieţi tradiţionale rurale dar şi să participe la bunăstarea comunităţii gazdă. Ghidul este dedicat comunei Sântamaria Orlea şi Geoparcului Dinozaurilor Tara Hategului si nu are pretenţia de a epuiza informaţiile,
ci doar de a stârni interesul.

Caves are commonly used for the purposes of geological conservation and tourism, but such experience is very limited in desert areas of northeastern Africa. The Sannur Cave discovered near Beni Suef in Egypt a few decades ago has been... more

Caves are commonly used for the purposes of geological conservation and tourism, but such experience is very limited in desert areas of northeastern Africa. The Sannur Cave discovered near Beni Suef in Egypt a few decades ago has been investigated in order to judge about its importance as geological heritage. It is established that the study territory contains three principal elements that can be attributed to geological heritage. These are the Sannur Cave itself, two quarries of the so-called Egyptian alabaster (recrystallized Eocene limestones used for ornamental stones and sculptures), and the geological landscape in the vicinities of the cave with some outcrops of Cenozoic rocks representing various facies and bearing numerous fossils. Two dominant geological heritage types of the study territory are geomorphological and sedimentary types, which represent globally and nationally unique phenomena. The Sannur Cave and the relevant features can be used for the purposes of geological conservation, research, education, and tourism, which make it an important natural resource. Geopark creation can help in efficient exploitation of the latter.

Geological heritage inventory procedures and templates have been principally emerged from Eu-ropean countries. Each of these countries has developed its proper method of inventory based on its natural heritage, recognized on local and/or... more

Geological heritage inventory procedures and templates have been principally emerged from Eu-ropean countries. Each of these countries has developed its proper method of inventory based on its natural heritage, recognized on local and/or regional scales. Natural sites were mainly identified and characterized in a particular geological context, which is usually very unique, valuable and impressive; resulting in the protection of the sites. Madagascar is known internationally as a beautifully landscaped island, but the impressive sites were not cataloged. We carried out a series of field inventory of potential geological sites within the Isalo National Park in southern Madagas-car. We invented several inventory sheets in order to record the most detailed information about the sites identified within the park. This is to aid in organizing the park and to establish a sustainable base for the creation of a geopark, and also they help us to build a database for geosites and their classifications. This article suggests a prototype model for inventorying intangible geo-sites, paleosites and geomorphosites. Our inventory sheets help to identify and to promote geological importance of any sites, not only for academia but also for other sectors such as tourism and conservation.