Tourism Planning Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The article addresses the question of adapting public spaces, including parks and gardens , to the needs of people with disabilities for the purpose of outdoor recreation. According to the principles of universal design, public spaces... more

The article addresses the question of adapting public spaces, including parks and gardens , to the needs of people with disabilities for the purpose of outdoor recreation. According to the principles of universal design, public spaces should enable social inclusion, which implies respect for current needs of diverse populations. The study described in the article focuses on the needs of people with vision impairment regarding outdoor recreation and adjustments that need to be made in the infrastructure of parks and gardens. The aim of the study was to answer three key questions: (1) How can outdoor experiences be made accessible to people with visual impair-ments? (2) How can outdoor experiences be encouraged, rethought and redesigned for people with visual impairments? (3) What barriers stop people with visual disabilities from participating in outdoor leisure in sensory gardens? These questions are answered using insights from desk research , data from an inventory of selected sensory gardens and interviews with blind and partially sighted respondents. The study, conducted between June and August 201, covered 15 gardens located in various parts in Poland: in cities, rural areas and areas of natural value. The interviews, involving 32 respondents, were held directly in the gardens in cooperation with the Polish Association for the Blind. The results were used to formulate recommendations for good practice in the field of universal garden design, which can provide sensory experiences for everyone, including people with visual impairments. The observed development of sensory gardens seems to reflects a great interest in this type of outdoor sites, which are conducive to recreation, education, integration, and social inclusion. Solutions applied in sensory gardens should provide inspiration for creating universal gardens, accessible to everyone.

Wykład poświęcony jest przedstawieniu walorów turystycznych parków narodowych w Rwandzie (Volcanoes National Park, Akagera National Park, Nyungwe National Park, Gishwati National Park). Walory te omówione zostaną na tle współczesnego... more

Wykład poświęcony jest przedstawieniu walorów turystycznych parków narodowych w Rwandzie (Volcanoes National Park, Akagera National Park, Nyungwe National Park, Gishwati National Park). Walory te omówione zostaną na tle współczesnego ruchu turystycznego w Rwandzie oraz unikatowych komponentów środowiska przyrodniczego, stanowiących przyrodniczy potencjał turystyczny w tym państwie.

El interés en esta región de la Península de Yucatán remonta al año 2012 cuando, en el marco de la investigación para el Atlas de Turismo Alternativo (García de Fuentes et al., 2015), estuve a cargo de realizar las encuestas a empresas... more

El interés en esta región de la Península de Yucatán remonta al año 2012 cuando, en el marco de la investigación para el Atlas de Turismo Alternativo (García de Fuentes et al., 2015), estuve a cargo de realizar las encuestas a empresas sociales de esta región. Viendo la magnitud del fenómeno turístico (concentración de empresas y afluencia de turistas) vinculado a la cercanía del polo turístico mas importante de América Latina, decidí realizar mi tesis de doctorado sobre esta región, el dicho traspaís de Cancún-Riviera Maya, donde existe una oferta turística basada sobre recursos bioculturales (Jouault, 2018). En el traspaís de Cancún-Riviera Maya, región turística ubicada atrás del corredor litoral Cancún-Riviera Maya, los cenotes han sido turistificados a partir de los años setenta. Últimamente, las políticas publicas en particular las de los tres sexenios pasados, enfocados al impulso del turismo en comunidades han promovido que grupos de campesinos se vuelvan cenoteros dedicándose de manera temporal o a tiempo completo. Si bien enfoque mi tesis de doctorado en comunidades donde los miembros de las sociedades locales poseen tanto el control de la actividad turística y la propiedad social de la tierra, detecte una fuerte presión privatizadora que otros autores han documentado en otras partes de la Península (Marín et al, 2015 ; Geocomunes et al, 2020)

Artykuł przybliża koncepcję dostępności muzeów, jako atrakcji turystycznych, z punktu widzenia potrzeb kilku grup społecznych: osób z niepełnosprawnościami, osób starszych oraz odwiedzających z dziećmi. Zdefiniowana dostępność jest... more

Artykuł przybliża koncepcję dostępności muzeów, jako atrakcji turystycznych, z punktu widzenia potrzeb kilku grup społecznych: osób z niepełnosprawnościami, osób starszych oraz odwiedzających z dziećmi. Zdefiniowana dostępność jest efektem synergii trzech podstawowych uwarunkowań (tzw. filarów dostępności): przygotowania fizycznego/technicznego, systemu informacji turystycznej oraz umiejętności i kompetencji personelu obsługującego gości. Artykuł w pierwszej części ma charakter przeglądowy, obejmuje ona dyskusję na temat pojęcia dostępności, jak również barier i ograniczeń, jakie mogą mieć miejsce w obiektach muzealnych z perspektywy rozpatrywanych grup odwiedzających. Część druga skoncentrowana jest na kryteriach dostępności obiektów opracowanych w ramach projektu pt. „Kryteria oceny dostępności Szlaku Piastowskiego” (2018) . Kryteria te były testowane i weryfikowane w oparciu o opinie przedstawicieli grup docelowych w wybranych muzeach w Wielkopolsce, a następnie przyjęte za podstawę przeprowadzenia „Analizy dostępności obiektów Szlaku Piastowskiego” (2019) . Treści zawarte w artykule stanowią bazę wiedzy użytecznej w procesie wyrównywania szans w dostępie do dziedzictwa historycznego i kulturowego. Służą także jako wytyczne do podnoszenia jakości usług w obiektach turystycznych.

Today, it can be argued that what is projected as the ‘image ’ of a city, can be more important than the reality of the city itself, in shaping the opinion held by visitors, investors, and even its own inhabitants with regard to the... more

Today, it can be argued that what is projected as the ‘image ’ of a city, can be more important than the reality of the city itself, in shaping the opinion held by visitors, investors, and even its own inhabitants with regard to the place. Marketing techniques are often used to help towards the transformation of a city into a post-industrial centre of tourism, culture and redevelopment. In addition, urban tourism is playing an increasingly important role in decisions taken by local government authorities regarding economic development strategies. In the current framework of the globalised economy, competition to attract tourists is even greater. In this respect, the role of city marketing is crucial. This paper examines the importance of city marketing in urban governance decisions. It also investigates the relationship between city marketing and urban tourism planning. Finally, the paper looks at the relationship between city marketing procedures and city time planning, participato...

The term Geotourism is gaining progressive recognition among both the scientific community and the general society. An effort has been made in the recent years by Geologists to disseminate geological values as a key for touristic... more

The term Geotourism is gaining progressive recognition among both the scientific community
and the general society. An effort has been made in the recent years by Geologists to disseminate geological
values as a key for touristic development. However, when geologists speak about Geotourism, they often
mean different things, and this concept is generally mistaken with other scientific activities, such as
dissemination of research, teaching to public, geodidactics, or explanation of Geology to people. Therefore,
Geotourism still stands beyond, as the art of making geology an attraction to tourists.

Tourism is the major contributor to the socioeconomic development of a country. For couple of decades many countries all over the world show high degree of competency in promoting tourism. Eventually tourism is one of the prime concepts... more

Tourism is the major contributor to the socioeconomic development of a country. For couple of decades many countries all over the world show high degree of competency in promoting tourism. Eventually tourism is one of the prime concepts of discussion all over the world. Development of tourism requires continuous effort from various stakeholders like travel agencies, tour operators, local community and the government in particular. Governments at regional and national levels have the greater responsibility of developing the tourism through tourism policies. Tourism contributes for preserving of rich ancient culture and heritage. A sound tourism policy forecasts the future growth and development of tourism. From this perspective this theoretical paper identifies various potentials and the drawbacks of Karnataka state tourism policy 2015-2020. The objective of the study is to analyze various factors of Karnataka tourism which make the policy sound and unique. The study is confined to Karnataka state tourism. The outcomes of the study may help the government body and the other tourism stake holders to make forthcoming tourism policies more effective and unique.

Motivations are critical factors in understanding tourists' behaviors in relation to destination choice; they relateto needs, goals, and preferences. Extensive research on this topic has been documented in the literature. However, there... more

Motivations are critical factors in understanding tourists' behaviors in relation to destination choice; they relateto needs, goals, and preferences. Extensive research on this topic has been documented in the literature. However, there are few empirical studies on ecotourist cities in mountainous regions that are facing an increasing number of challenges due to the cost of infrastructure development. Attention to tourists' motivational factors in ecotourist cities is critical for specifying their needs and preferences when drawing up future urban policies to develop ecotourist areas. In this study, the variables that influence tourists' motivations, and their likelihood of revisiting those areas, were analyzed. The principal results show the significant role of accommodation locations and marketing in attracting visitors to ecotourist areas. These findings suggest that private and public sectors should invest in tourists' residential development with a high level of accessibility and views. Moreover, tourist advertisements should be given more attention, especially on social media platforms.

Tourism has traditionally been considered as the activity that allows people to live non-usual experiences in non-usual places through mobility. Nowadays, when landscape is understood as every place perceived as it by a community, when... more

Tourism has traditionally been considered as the activity that allows people to live non-usual experiences in non-usual places through mobility. Nowadays, when landscape is understood as every place perceived as it by a community, when the globalization of information makes easier the knowledge of further places than usual ones, and when sustainability is the new politics framework, also in tourism, a tourist offer to closer and, at the same time, unknown places seems relevant in order to beat tourism’ seasonal constraints and increase the value of usual environments. This last goal is an essential step forward to a development from local scale and, for this reason, this paper tries to study how endogen resources appreciation from a tourist activity can encourage an integrative and participative development process.

This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more

This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical importance of the region. Changes of the climatic conditions and melting of the Arctic ice caps have resulted in increased access to the “world´s last wilderness”. The increased access and interest are contributing to a growing number of tourists visiting the North. As yearly arrivals continue to rise, a number of problematic issues need to be addressed. This paper reviews the main instruments relevant to the discussion of tourism currently employed in the governance of the Arctic, and critically evaluates the insufficiencies of the current legal framework for Arctic governance and regulation of tourism in the Arctic. It concludes that although tourism in the Arctic has a number of advantages, particularly for the indigenous populations, the current legal and regulatory framework in the region lacks the scope and authority to minimize the potential (and increasing) environmental, economic, and social risks associated with increased tourism and other human activity in the region.

El Gobierno de Colombia sancionó la Ley 2069, por medio de la cual se impulsa el emprendimiento, cuyo objeto es establecer un marco regulatorio que propicie el crecimiento, consolidación y sostenibilidad de las empresas. Dicho marco... more

El Gobierno de Colombia sancionó la Ley 2069, por medio de la cual se impulsa el emprendimiento, cuyo objeto es establecer un marco regulatorio que propicie el crecimiento, consolidación y sostenibilidad de las empresas. Dicho marco delineará un enfoque de acuerdo a las realidades socioeconómicas de cada región. Se dispone que el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores expedirá un régimen especial para el ingreso, permanencia y trabajo en el país de los denominados "nómadas digitales", con el fin de promover a Colombia como un centro de trabajo remoto, en el marco de la cuarta revolución industrial. Teniendo en cuenta las nuevas tecnologías e importancia de la digitalización, señala también que será reglamentado el uso de la firma electrónica y digital. Se establece el seguro de Mipyme, para incentivar y proteger el emprendimiento, consolidación y sostenibilidad de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas. En materia tributaria indica que, una vez terminadas las emergencias declaradas por el Ministerio de Salud con ocasión de la pandemia del covid-19, los saldos a favor en el impuesto sobre las ventas que no hayan sido solicitados en devolución y/o compensación solo podrán ser imputados en las declaraciones de los periodos siguientes. Por último, con el fin de impulsar la demanda y reactivación del tejido empresarial a través del consumo, a partir de la promulgación de la ley, por única vez y hasta el 30 de junio del 2021, todas las personas naturales infractoras de las normas del Código Nacional de Seguridad y Convivencia Ciudadana, decretos del orden nacional, departamental, municipal o distrital, dictados a fin de contener la pandemia de la covid-19, que tengan pendiente el pago de las multas, estén pagando o hayan incumplido acuerdos de pago por contravenciones impuestas hasta el 31 de agosto del 2020, fecha en que finalizó el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio, podrán acogerse a un descuento de hasta el 60 % del total de su deuda y del total de los intereses, conforme lo reglamente cada entidad departamental, municipal o distrital.

Kitle turizminin toplumsal fayda ve çevre korunmasına yönelik beklentileri karşılayamaması, sürdürülebilir turizm, sorumlu turizm kavramlarıyla açıklanan ve daha çok tabandan yukarıya gelişmeyi hedefleyen eko-turizm, yeşil turizm, tarım... more

Kitle turizminin toplumsal fayda ve çevre korunmasına yönelik beklentileri karşılayamaması, sürdürülebilir turizm, sorumlu turizm kavramlarıyla açıklanan ve daha çok tabandan yukarıya gelişmeyi hedefleyen eko-turizm, yeşil turizm, tarım turizmi, sosyal turizm, yoksul yanlısı turizm, toplum faydalı turizm, toplum katkılı turizm gibi alternatif turizm türlerini gündeme getirmiştir. Turizmin getirileri sektörde yatırım için sermayeye sahip sınırlı sayıda insanın elinde toplanmışken, toplumun özellikle kırsal bölgelerde yaşayan yoksul tabaka turizmin en başta ekonomik faydasından mahrum kalmaktadır. Toplumun daha geniş kesiminin turizmin gelişiminden faydalanmasını sağlayacak, turizmin getirilerinin yerel halk arasında daha eşit olarak dağılımını tesis edecek olan toplum katkılı turizm yaklaşımı geçen yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren dikkatleri üzerine çekmiştir. Bu ünitede toplum katkılı turizm kavramı; toplumsal kalkınma, sürdürülebilirlik, güçlendirme, kendi kendine yeterlilik gibi dayandığı temeller çerçevesinde tanımlandıktan sonra, uygulamalarda yerel halkın turizme katılımının boyutları, toplum katkılı turizmin hedefleri, önündeki engeller destinasyon gelişim eğrisi ve yerel rahatsızlık indeksi modellemeleriyle tartışılarak ele alınmıştır.

Envisioning destination models 3.0 explains how to develop local destination collaborative models embracing all the concepts drafting the Vision of Tourism 3.0. This is the most complex of the three approaches and entails full... more

Envisioning destination models 3.0 explains how to develop local destination collaborative models embracing all the concepts drafting the Vision of Tourism 3.0. This is the most complex of the three approaches and entails full transformation of the destination model.

This study is the first of its kind to examine residents' and tourists' degree of emotional solidarity experienced with one another in a destination—Galveston County, Texas. Two main purposes for this study are (1) to confirm the factor... more

This study is the first of its kind to examine residents' and tourists' degree of emotional solidarity experienced with one another in a destination—Galveston County, Texas. Two main purposes for this study are (1) to confirm the factor structure of the emotional solidarity scale for both residents and tourists while assessing psychometric properties of reliability and validity and (2) to compare residents' and tourists' emotional solidarity (based on resulting factors from confirmatory factor analysis) with one another. Ultimately, the scale produced the same factors (i.e., welcoming nature, emotional closeness, and sympathetic understanding) as in previous studies while exhibiting sound psychometric properties. Significant differences in mean factor scores were found for the factors welcoming nature and emotional closeness across residents and tourists. Implications, limitations , and future research directions are provided.

Joana Marques • " " João Crespo • " " Luís Cyrne • " " Planeamento de Destinos Turísticos • Luís Boavida-Portugal Resumo O objetivo do presente trabalho de investigação é a obtenção de dados referentes ao desenvolvimento do plano através da leitura dos diversos relatórios sobre a temática, a fim de se compreender se os objetivos iniciais foram cumpridos e qual a sua projeção a nível local, nacional e turística. Como metodologia, foi feita uma resenha dos relatórios pós classificação a Património Mundial, avaliando as atividades desenvolvidas e as metodologias estabelecidas, de modo a compreender as abordagens realizadas pelas diversas empresas inseridas no plano de gestão. A estruturação será baseada inicialmente no enquadramento da UNESCO, devido ao objetivo principal de apresentação da candidatura a Património da Humanidade. De seguida será apresentado o Plano de Gestão integrante do processo e, por fim, uma relação entre o Porto e o Turismo. É importante compreender a ligação ao turismo e as consequências desta reestruturação física da cidade, apresentando algumas conclusões do grupo, pois é possível afirmar que se desenvolvido de forma responsável, o turismo poderá transformar-se num meio para a preservação e conservação do património cultural, assim como um importante vetor do desenvolvimento sustentável. Abstract The aim of this research project is to obtain data by reading the various reports on the subject, in order to understand whether the original objectives have been achieved and what is its projection locally, nationally and at a touristic level. As a methodology, since the UNESCO classification was obtained, a review of several reports was made to understand the different approaches undertaken by the various companies presented in the management plan.

(abbreviated version of extended abstract, originally prepared for symposium agenda) There is a certain paucity of knowledge on decisions made during the vacation, and it seems that we need to build knowledge on where it is that tourists... more

(abbreviated version of extended abstract, originally prepared for symposium agenda)
There is a certain paucity of knowledge on decisions made during the vacation, and it seems that we need to build knowledge on where it is that tourists actually go, before we start designing "experiencepaths" for them to follow.
GPS technology has an obvious potential in regard to monitoring tourist movements. A series of limitations exist, though, and within the foreseeable time, special hardware will have to be used and ways found to “tie” the equipment to the respondents/test persons. The purpose of this paper is explore how GPS technology etc. can help provide the valuable and much needed information on tourists’ movement at the destination. Accordingly, the paper accounts for a very exploratory study at a specific destination (i.e. a Danish Wadden sea island). The tools employed are GPS-devices, with some degree of interactivity and opportunities for the test persons to comment and answer questions while on-the-go, be it with SMS or internet-based interfaces. What is especially interesting about this exploratory study is not the results per se and at such, at this stage we are not particularly interested in the results pertaining to where the tourists actually go during their stay at the island. Instead, the key contribution of the study is that this small-scale experiment enables us to address a series of critical questions in regard to this, new, way of researching tourists’ in situ decision-making processes and consequent movements at the destination. Hence, the ambition is that the small-scale experiment we account for in this paper may trigger further research into whether emerging technologies (GPS etc) may enable us to triangulate sources of information so that we can supplement tourists’ retrospective self-reporting pertaining to in situ decision-making with valid and reliable information on their actual behaviour at the destination.

The tourism planning process involves many stakeholders, reshapes the local economy, and redirects development. It involves both public and private sector parties as well as the local community, which is directly attached to the site.... more

The tourism planning process involves many stakeholders, reshapes the local economy, and redirects development. It involves both public and private sector parties as well as the local community, which is directly attached to the site. This paper will focus on the role of a community in the planning process and will highlight the adverse impacts due to the overselling of the destination. The community in such cases is affected directly, indirectly, or through induced changes both in terms of lifestyle as well as economic benefits. The hypothesis is that not all stakeholders get financial benefits from tourism projects and also that not all of them would be satisfied with the momentary gains and eventually the prolonged phase of the project would make them hostile. The paper will also discuss the role of community in the decision-making process for ecologically sensitive sites such as Goa, Kerala, and Sikkim. It will also highlight government initiatives and community-based programs in tourism development and management in India and approaches adopted in other countries.

© Buhalis, D., 2022, Tourism Management and Marketing in Transformation: Preface, in Buhalis, D., (ed) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING (forthcoming)

This publication collects the outcomes of a research carried on by a group of students of the first year of University degree in Sustainability and Tourism Management (MaST) of the University of Trento during the remote teaching – due to... more

This publication collects the outcomes of a research carried on by a group of students of the first year of University degree in Sustainability and Tourism Management (MaST) of the University of Trento during the remote teaching – due to the restrictions adopted to fight against the Covid-19 pandemics – of the course of Law of Tourism held by Umberto Izzo, associate professor of Private Law within Faculty of Law at the University of Trento. This research comes after a similar one carried out during the first year of pandemic emergency. It deals with many crucial issues related to the impact of Covid-19 on the Touristic field in the second year of pandemics, as professor Izzo proposed the students to investigate these topics. At the beginning of the second Summer of pandemics this publication deals with 8 main topics corresponding to the 8 chapters of this document: 1) Pandemic crisis, measures to tackle its effects and tourism: a diachronic analysis; 2) The impact of lockdown on the touristic field at the beginning of the second pandemic Summer; 3) Tourism and freedom of movement: evolution of the regulatory framework and measures to start traveling again; 4) Covid-19 and contractual relationships in the touristic field; 5) The reaction of digital touristic platforms to pandemics; 6) Touristic services in post-Covid: warranties offered to tourists and liability of the tourist service provider in terms of places sterility, safety measures and spacing rules; 7) Tourism in intensive care because of Covid-19: which welfare can be expected for workers and which support is offered to private companies in the period of PNRR? 8) Tourism resurgence during the vaccination campaign: range of offers, marketing strategies, product packages. / Questa pubblicazione raccoglie gli esiti di una ricerca svolta da un gruppo di studenti del primo anno della laurea specialistica in Management della Sostenibilità e del Turismo (MaST) dell’Università di Trento, durante la frequenza a distanza – dovuta alla persistenza delle misure adottate per contrastare la pandemia da Covid-19 – del corso di Diritto del turismo impartito dal prof. Umberto Izzo, Associato di diritto privato nella Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Trento. Essa dà seguito ad un’analoga ricerca condotta nel primo anno dell’emergenza pandemica. In essa trovano trattazione e approfondimento vari aspetti problematici legati all’impatto del Covid-19 sul settore del turismo nel secondo anno di pandemia, che il curatore del lavoro ha proposto di indagare agli otto gruppi di studenti che si sono voluti impegnare nella ricerca. Alla vigilia della seconda estate pandemica la pubblicazione affronta otto temi di indagine, cui corrispondono gli otto capitoli del presente lavoro: 1) Crisi pandemiche, misure di contrasto e turismo: un’analisi diacronica; 2) L’impatto del lockdown sul settore turistico alla vigilia della seconda estate pandemica; 3) Turismo e libertà di movimento: evoluzione del quadro normativo e misure per riprendere la libertà di viaggiare; 4) Covid-19 e rapporti contrattuali nel settore del turismo; 5) La reazione delle piattaforme digitali turistiche alla pandemia; 6) I servizi turistici del post covid: garanzie da offrire al turista e responsabilità del prestatore fra asetticità dei luoghi, misure di sicurezza e rispetto delle regole di distanziamento; 7) Il turismo in terapia intensiva a causa del covid: quale welfare per i lavoratori e quale sostegno per le imprese al tempo del PNRR?; 8) La ripartenza del turismo nella fase vaccinale: tipologia di offerte, scelte di marketing, costruzione del prodotto.

Domestic tourism in the Alexandria governorate suffers from many challenges as challenging tourist behaviors. The aim of the study is to investigate existing proper behavior instructions in hotels, beaches, and archaeological sites in... more

Domestic tourism in the Alexandria governorate suffers from many challenges as challenging tourist behaviors. The aim of the study is to investigate existing proper behavior instructions in hotels, beaches, and archaeological sites in Alexandria Governorate show the frequent tourist misbehavior and activate the role of tourism and hotel stakeholders in avoiding these behaviors; highlight the domestic tourism challenges and eventually, present recommendations on improving services provided to the tourists in Alex. A quantitative survey with a questionnaire was targeted domestic tourists who had previously spent their holidays in Alexandria Governorate and stayed in its hotels. The sample consisted of 354 participants. Data revealed the inadequate of existing proper behavior instructions and the weak role of tourism and hospitality stakeholders to increase awareness of domestic tourists towards proper behaviors on tourist beaches, in hotels, and archeological places. The study also found out occurrences frequencies of improper behaviors of the domestic tourists that merit the most immediate attention before its exacerbation. The study also revealed challenges related to tourism of beaches as inadequate services and the absence of many tourist facilities. The study recommends firstly, developing the infrastructure services that are right for the customers' need; setting ground rules for visitor behavior to crack down on tourist misbehaving tourists, and finally, encouraging and supporting positive behaviors among domestic tourists through announcing periodic competitions among Egyptian visitors in touristic places and choosing the perfect local tourist.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the tourism policies of Turkey in the period of planned development which started in 1963. It is a descriptive study in terms of purpose and a qualitative study in terms of data. The data were... more

The purpose of this study is to investigate the tourism policies of Turkey in the period of planned development which started in 1963. It is a descriptive study in terms of purpose and a qualitative study in terms of data. The data were obtained from secondary sources and analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. According to the five-year development plans and the Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 document, Turkey's tourism policies have been created economically. In particular, the first four plans have often emphasized the economic orientation of tourism and mass tourism. The fifth plan highlighted the diversification of tourism, while the sixth plan highlighted the participation of the local community in tourism. The seventh plan aims to meet the expectations of local people and tourists with a competitive and productive tourism economy. The eighth, ninth and tenth plans have emphasized that the investments paying attention to physical and cultural environment should be supported for spread of tourism all over the country and year. Moreover, in the last three development plans and Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023 document, the participation of different stakeholders in decision mechanisms and focusing on the tourism types generating more tourism revenue policies have been adopted.

This article examines the growth of Community-Based Tourism within the broader discipline of tourism. New topics in the field have emerged such as responsible tourism, pro-poor tourism, sports tourism and moral impacts of tourism. This... more

This article examines the growth of Community-Based Tourism within the broader discipline of tourism. New topics in the field have emerged such as responsible tourism, pro-poor tourism, sports tourism and moral impacts of tourism. This phenomenon also reflects the multi-disciplinarity of tourism. In this article, using the Title, Abstract and Keywords (TAK) for instances in which the words (Community-based Tourism, Community Tourism and Community-Based Eco-Tourism) to subsume Community-Based Tourism (CBT), a search was made in various databases and found that CBT as a sub-specialty of tourism started to emerge in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The number of articles published specifically on CBT has been growing phenomenally. The major contribution of this article is that we now know the evolution of CBT and we also now know its trajectory of growth which has been upward. While the number of articles on CBT is growing, there is no journal dedicated solely to CBT.

Tourism Destination Inventory Of Guagua, Pampanga.

Tourism destination planning and marketing are fundamentally place making actions intended to shape the image and imageability of a place. Place making is an innate human behavior, ranging from the organic and unplanned actions of... more

Tourism destination planning and marketing are fundamentally place making actions intended to shape the image and imageability of a place. Place making is an innate human behavior, ranging from the organic and unplanned actions of individuals, defined here as " place-making " , to planned and intentional global theming by governments and tourism authorities, defined here as " placemaking ". Place-making and placemaking are ends on a continuum of options, with most places have a mix of local and global elements. These elements also range from the tangible (base in urban design) to the intangible (peoplescapes and imaginations). The tools of place making are essentially the same for both organic place-making and planned placemaking, but the intentions and outcomes can vary enormously. Tourism development, as an economic activity, almost always has a neoliberal planned placemaking agenda. Organic place-making emerges through individual agency, which if allowed to proceed, will make its imprint even in a heavily master planned tourism landscape. An understanding of place-making and placemaking gives insight into research questions on the political economy of tourism and the roles of hosts and guest in co-producing tourism places. Examining the elements of place making in a tourism landscape can more clearly identify how different worldview perspectives have contribute over time to the making of tourism places, and thereby assist in planning for the future development of destination communities. Definitions 'Place making', 'place-making' and 'placemaking' are three ways of spelling a popular concept that has at least two broad definitions in the academic literature, as well as many finer definitions. Although these definitions exist, there is no consensus on how they might be associated with the three ways that the concept can be spelled. A review of 62 publications that make use of at least one of the three

Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil. Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na... more

Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil.
Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na cidade de Belém-PA.

Perkembangan pariwisata pada suatu daerah membawa dampak manfaat bagi masyarakat secara ekonomis maupun sosial dan budaya. Kota Palangka Raya memiliki banyak objek daya tarik wisata salah satunya Taman Kuliner Tunggal Sangomang, namun... more

Perkembangan pariwisata pada suatu daerah membawa dampak manfaat bagi masyarakat secara ekonomis maupun sosial dan budaya. Kota Palangka Raya memiliki banyak objek daya tarik wisata salah satunya Taman Kuliner Tunggal Sangomang, namun sejak pandemi COVID-19 yang melanda hampir seluruh wilayah di dunia berdampak pada berbagai sektor tak terkecuali sektor kuliner, diperlukan strategi yang tepat untuk menarik minat wisatawan untuk berkunjung pasca pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang melakukan pengkajian terhadap potensi pariwisata berdasarkan analisis faktor internal dan eksternal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengunjung Taman Kuliner Tunggal Sangomang, dengan metode penelitian menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dengan mengkaji faktor internal dan eksternal akan didapatkan strategi pengembangan yang dapat diterapkan pada Taman Kuliner Tunggal Sangomang pasca pandemi COVID-19.

In recent years, the so-called sharing economy has spread all over the world and, through the proliferation of online peer-to-peer platforms, provides a marketplace that matches sellers who want to sell/share their underutilised assets... more

In recent years, the so-called sharing economy has spread all over the world and, through the proliferation of online peer-to-peer platforms, provides a marketplace that matches sellers who want to sell/share their underutilised assets with buyers who need them. One of the well-known and heavily debated manifestations of the sharing economy is an accommodation provider platform called Airbnb. Airbnb is experiencing astonishing growth provoking several intense debates, regulatory challenges, and political battles due to its wide-spread effects on rental and real-estate markets. Thus, it is important to analyse the uneven spatial effects of the phenomenon. This paper aims to map Airbnb’s presence in New York City but, going beyond visual inspection, it analyses the socio-economic factors influencing the spatiality of Airbnb in the American metropolis. After collecting data from various data sources, we performed a statistical analysis (correlation, regression analysis) to determine the socio-economic conditions of areas and revealed those factors that may affect the spatial distribution of Airbnb listings in the city. Results highlight that (1) Airbnb supply concentrates in those parts of New York City with a young population, (2) there is a significant number of housing units, and (3) the number of points of interest is high.

Yogyakarta dikenal sebagai daerah tujuan wisata favorit di Indonesia, selain Bali, Lombok, dan Nusa Tenggara. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh banyaknya destinasi wisata potensial yang berada di Yogyakarta, meliputi wisata alam, budaya, maupun... more

Yogyakarta dikenal sebagai daerah tujuan wisata favorit di Indonesia, selain Bali, Lombok, dan Nusa Tenggara. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh banyaknya destinasi wisata potensial yang berada di Yogyakarta, meliputi wisata alam, budaya, maupun minat khusus. Salah satu di antara destinasi yang sangat potensial adalah Malioboro. Malioboro merupakan sebuah kawasan yang sudah lama menjadi ikon pariwisata di Yogyakarta. Hal ini menjadikan Malioboro memiliki angka kunjungan wisata yang sangat tinggi, bahkan terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Tingginya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Malioboro berdampak pada peningkatan PAD (Pendapatan Asli Daerah) Kota Yogyakarta, khususnya dalam sektor pariwisata. Sebagai destinasi, sudah pasti Malioboro harus memperhatikan empat aspek yang mendasar di dalam sebuah destinasi wisata, yaitu attraction (atraksi wisata), accesibility (aksesibilitas), amenity (fasilitas pendukung), dan ancillary (kelembagaan). Namun kepadatan yang terjadi di Malioboro, baik karena tingginya tingkat kunjungan wisatawan maupun karena banyaknya kendaraan yang melintas, menyebabkan aspek accesibility di kawasan tersebut belum terpenuhi dengan baik. Selain itu, kantong parkir yang sangat terbatas menjadikan accesibility di kawasan Malioboro semakin urgent untuk segera ditangani secara serius. Penelitian terkait accesibility dan connectivity di Malioboro dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif serta pemaparan secara deskriptif dan visualitatif, yang akan menghasilkan luaran berupa saran penataan. Saran penataan tersebut meliputi penataan akses jalan, penataan pedagang kaki lima, dan pengadaan lahan parkir. Dalam penyusunan saran penataan Malioboro dipertimbangkan pula beberapa bidang ilmu terkait, seperti lingkungan, sosial budaya, ekonomi, dan arsitektural, yang dapat berguna sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi para stakeholder, terutama pemangku kepentingan dalam penataan kawasan Malioboro yang berkelanjutan.