Tourism Planning and Policy Research Papers (original) (raw)

To consider small islands as places for sustainable tourism or sustainable anything, for that matter, must surely be cause for critical deliberation. Small islands as sanctuaries, or rare citadels for ecological safekeeping and tight-knit... more

To consider small islands as places for sustainable tourism or sustainable anything, for that matter, must surely be cause for critical deliberation. Small islands as sanctuaries, or rare citadels for ecological safekeeping and tight-knit communities, runs counter to islands as sites for extraction and development, yet increasingly the latter prevails. However, the former are the precise reasons that small islands are aligned with the global travel supply chain. Consuming small islands abides with the tropical idyll narrative and, within such invocations, the exposure of small islands to externalities renders its utility to purposes that run counter to benign and constructive outcomes. Herein is the dilemma for small islands and their entanglements with tourism expansion.
See full report here:

Project selection is vital phase in the project management cycle. At this phase, stakeholders evaluate each project idea and select projects of highest priority. Theory suggests that the best way to optimize project selection performance... more

Project selection is vital phase in the project management cycle. At this phase, stakeholders evaluate each project idea and select projects of highest priority. Theory suggests that the best way to optimize project selection performance is to align this process with the company’s strategy. The aim of current study was to examine the extent to which strategic alignment practices influence project selection performance of hotels in Nakuru town. Specifically, the study sought to examine the influence of objective alignment practices, core value alignment practices, and capability alignment practices on project selection performance of hotel establishments within Nakuru town. The study utilized the descripto-explanatory research design where cross-sectional data was collected from a sample of 73 participants using structured questionnaires. The sample was drawn from a population of 86 mid-level managers from eight star-rated hotels located within Nakuru Central Business District using proportionate stratification technique. The resultant data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics and regression technique. Results showed that objective alignment practices (p=0.00 and Beta= 0.611), core value alignment (p=0.001 and Beta=0.411) and capability alignment practices (p=0.00 and Beta= 0.465) have significant and positive influence on project selection performance. However, regulatory practices were found to have no significant moderating effect on the relationship between strategic alignment practices and project selection performance. The research recommended that hotels should adopt portfolio model of selecting and managing projects, and create project management offices as ways for promoting better alignment between project selection processes and organizational strategies.

Turismul în România a suferit schimbări considerabile în procesul de tranziţie spre economia de piaţă. Aceste modificări, însoţite de soluţiile neadecvate adoptate de autorităţi, au determinat o situaţie discordantă între ceea ce prezintă... more

Turismul în România a suferit schimbări considerabile în procesul de tranziţie spre economia de piaţă. Aceste modificări, însoţite de soluţiile neadecvate adoptate de autorităţi, au determinat o situaţie discordantă între ceea ce prezintă şi promovează Ministerul Turismului şi situaţia reală a industriei turismului şi a industriei hoteliere româneşti. Această situaţie a fost întreţinută şi de centralizarea precară sau eronată către Ministerul Turismului (MT)/ Autoritatea Naţională pentru Turism (ANT) a informaţiilor hotelierilor cu privire la hotelurile administrate, dar şi de slaba prelucrare a informaţiilor primite de către MT/ ANT, conducând la generarea unor informaţii eronate. Aceste date sunt practic inutile pentru oricare dintre categoriile de persoane interesate să afle mai multe cu privire la industria hotelieră românească şi cu atât mai mult pentru cei care doresc să le utilizeze ca punct de referinţă, în special în vederea deschiderii unor noi afaceri în domeniul ospitali...

In recent decades, several waves of studies on tourism have considered its potential role in generating economic development. This objective is often operationalized by attempting to measure the effect of a number of tourism-related... more

In recent decades, several waves of studies on tourism have considered its potential role in generating economic development. This objective is often operationalized by attempting to measure the effect of a number of tourism-related variables on GDP or other economic outcomes. In other words, a so-called “tourism-led growth hypothesis” (TLGH) is tested. Most studies in this line of research focus on single countries or even destinations, building on rather specific case studies or on a limited number of observations. On the other hand, other studies present evidence for groups of countries, aiming at generating generalizable findings. Several different methods are employed for this purpose, going from standard time series and Granger causality approaches to advanced dynamic panel data models. Only few papers have till now tried to reconcile the results from such different approaches and case studies, either qualitatively in the form of reviews, or quantitatively by means of meta-analysis (the only available contribution in this case being the one by Castro-Nuño et al., 2013, Journal of Travel Research). This paper aims to provide an overall assessment of a large sample of almost 100 studies on the TLGH published over the last thirty years and their respective findings. We do so by first providing a detailed literature review, and by subsequently carrying out a set of meta-analytical regressions. In particular, we focus on the different dimensions by which studies vary, such as the year of publication, the type of database used, country of application, period considered, econometric method employed and more. In addition, we control for the different possible variables used as indicators of economic outcome as well as to measure tourism demand (e.g., in this case, tourism receipts, tourism expenditure, tourist arrivals).

Otelcilik sektörü her ne kadar 18. yüzyıl sonlarında ticari gaye gözeterek faaliyete geçmiş olsa da, özellikle 12. yüzyıl Selçuklu’ları döneminde coğrafyamızda ilk inşa edilen ribatların, hanlar ve kervansaraylara dönüşmesiyle konaklama... more

Otelcilik sektörü her ne kadar 18. yüzyıl sonlarında ticari gaye gözeterek faaliyete geçmiş olsa da, özellikle 12. yüzyıl Selçuklu’ları döneminde coğrafyamızda ilk inşa edilen ribatların, hanlar ve kervansaraylara dönüşmesiyle konaklama tesislerinin temellerinin atıldığı görülmektedir. Çalışmamızın amacı otelcilik sektörünün hanlar ve kervansaraylarla başlamasından bu yana ilgili eski dönemlerdeki fayda boyutunun yön değiştirerek benzer kullanımlarının olup olmadığını saptamaktır. Buna bağlı olarak sahip olduğumuz misafirperverlik unsurunun tesadüfi olmadığı ve gelişen otelcilik teknolojilerine dünyada ilk yön verenlerin Anadolu’dan olması araştırmamızın temelini oluştururken, günümüz ticaret yönünün tüketiciden tüketiciye (C2C) doğru, özellikle fayda boyutuyla ön plana çıkması bu konuda teknolojik gelişmelerin kolay benimsenerek hızla yaygınlaşmasını sağladığı düşünülmektedir. Çalışmamızda nitel yöntemlerden betimsel araştırmaya gidilerek literatür araştırması yapılmış olup, teknolojik gelişmelerin konaklama işletmelerindeki hizmet uygulamalarıyla birlikte sağladığı rekabet gücü ve kalitesine ilişkin Dünya genelindeki örnek uygulamalar incelenerek değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Teknolojik yeniliklerin turizm sektöründeki hizmet noktalarında insan faktörünün azalması kaçınılmaz iken yeni iş kollarını da meydana getireceği ortadadır. Çalışmanın sonucunda teknolojik yeniliklerde öncelikli olarak fayda ve değer öğelerinin, ürün ve hizmetin başarısını etkileyen en önemli unsurların başında gelmesi gerekliliği belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmamızda yurt dışında konaklama sektöründe yaygın olarak kullanılan “Inn” kelimesinin “Han” kavramından geldiği belirtilmiştir. Turizm ürünlerimizin kendine özgü yapısını oluşturmada turizm arzını oluşturan tüm paydaşların isimlerinin Türkçe kullanılmasının tanıtımımızda, kültürümüzün korunmasında ve yayılmasında öneme sahip olduğu vurgulanmıştır. / Although the hospitality sector has been operating in the late 18th century with commercial purpose, it is seen that the bases of the accommodation facilities have been laid, especially in the 12th century Seljuks, when they were transformed into the first buildings built as ribats, inns and caravanserais. The aim of our study is to determine whether the hospitality sector has changed its direction to have similar uses since the hotel sector started with inns and caravanserais. Therefore It is believed while the hospitality element that we have is not a coincidence and it is the basis of our research that Anatolian is the first to give direction to the developing hospitality facilities in the world, the current commercial orientation towards the
Consumer to Consumer (C2C), especially in front of the benefit dimension, facilitates the rapid spreading of the technological developments in this subject. In our study, descriptive research from qualitative methods was carried out and literature reviews were made. Evaluations were made by examining sample applications of technological developments in terms of competitiveness and quality with service applications in hospitality enterprises. As a result of the study, it has been emphasized that, in technological innovations, benefit and value items should be the most important factors affecting the success of product and service. It is obvious that technological innovations will create new business lines while it is inevitable to decrease the human factor in service points in tourism sector. Also it is emphasized that the word “Inn”, which is widely used in the hospitality industry, comes from the “Han” concept. In addition, It has been stated that the use of Turkish names of all the stakeholders constituting the tourism supply in creating the original structure of our tourism products has an importance in the promotion, protection and dissemination of our culture.

Dünyada siyasi, iktisadi, sosyal, kültürel ve teknolojik alanlarda yaşanan gelişmeler turizm alanındaki talep ve ihtiyaçları da her geçen gün değiştirmektedir. Bu talep ve ihtiyaçlar turizme dair yeni açılımları ve bakış açılarını... more

Dünyada siyasi, iktisadi, sosyal, kültürel ve teknolojik alanlarda yaşanan gelişmeler turizm alanındaki talep ve ihtiyaçları da her geçen gün değiştirmektedir. Bu talep ve
ihtiyaçlar turizme dair yeni açılımları ve bakış açılarını beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu
doğrultuda Türkiye’de turizmin gelişmesi ve ülkeyi dünya sathında turistik bir marka
hâline getirebilecek kalıcı ve sürdürülebilir politikaların belirlenmesi etkin bir tanıtma
politikasını ve propaganda stratejisini gerekli kılmıştır. Günümüz dünyasının en önemli
kuvvet ve kudret kaynaklarından biri durumunda olan turizm alanında başarılı olabilmek ve dünyadaki rekabet gücünü artırabilmek tanıtma ve propaganda çalışmalarında gösterilecek başarı ile doğru orantılıdır. Tanıtma politikası ve propaganda stratejisi dünyada olumlu ve kuvvetli bir ülke imajının yaratılmasında birincil derecede etkili olduğu gibi turizmde markalaşma ve pazarlama olgularını tetikleyen ve yönlendiren özelliklere de sahiptir. Bu bağlamda Türkiye’nin sahip olduğu kültür ve turizm potansiyellerinin etkin bir şekilde değerlendirilmesi ve bunun tüm dünyaya aksettirilmesi önem arz eden bir konudur. Turizm alanındaki güncel gelişmeler çerçevesinde dünya gerçekleri ile uyumlu, turizm sektörünün taleplerini karşılayabilecek sürdürülebilir turizm politikalarının başlıca hareket noktalarından biri Türkiye’nin tarihî, tabii, sosyal ve kültürel değerlerinin turizme hizmet edecek çağdaş yöntem ve vasıtalarla dış dünyaya tanıtılmasından geçmektedir. Devletin ve milletin geleceği için önem arz eden bu hususta olabildiğince başarılı olmak Türkiye’nin medeni dünyada kendini ifade edebilmesinin ve kabul ettirebilmesinin en meşru yollarından birini teşkil etmektedir. Bu bağlamda tebliğ münasebetiyle Türkiye’nin yurt dışına yönelik olarak gerçekleştirdiği turistik tanıtma ve propaganda faaliyetleri ele alınmış, bu çerçevede Türkiye turizminin dünyadaki rekabet gücünü artıracak ve ülkeyi dünya turizminde en üst noktalara taşıyabilecek politikalar ile gerçekçi ve sürdürülebilir eylem planlarının oluşturulabilmesine katkı sağlayabilecek stratejiler üzerine görüş ve öneriler sunulmuştur.

In many developing nations, tourism has been a major engine of international trade and socioeconomic growth. Over the last few decades, tourism development has been steadily increasing over the world. This has encouraged a greater... more

In many developing nations, tourism has been a major engine of international trade and socioeconomic growth. Over the last few decades, tourism development has been steadily increasing over the world. This has encouraged a greater understanding of the necessity of ensuring that this expansion is ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable. Over the decades, tourism is diversifying to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors on the planet. The Bangladesh Tourism Board is now working on a ‘Tourism Master Plan’ for the next 20 years, with the goal of making travel and leisure the third major economic engine in Bangladesh after textiles and remittances. Furthermore, several attempts have been undertaken to promote this sector in order for it to contribute more to the national GDP. This chapter has addressed a few of the efforts. For efficient planning and implementation, Bangladesh’s tourism sector requires a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder strategy. The importance of sustainable tourism in promoting sustainable development should be given more emphasis by the relevant government agencies. To solve the country’s urgent issues, more scientific research and studies on tourism are required.

The tourism industry in Zimbabwe has experienced fluctuating trends in its growth since the dawn of the new millennium. The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry undertook a visitor exit survey in 2015/2016 period. One of the... more

The tourism industry in Zimbabwe has experienced fluctuating trends in its growth since the dawn of the new millennium. The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry undertook a visitor exit survey in 2015/2016 period. One of the objectives of the survey was to assess the visitor perceptions of Zimbabwe as a competitive tourist destination. Questionnaires were administered to 34000departing visitors at the country’s three international airports and the border posts during the period July 2015 and June 2016. The results of the survey indicated that there were no significant changes in visitor perceptions of the country before and after visiting Zimbabwe. It further showed that the main factors that contributed to negative visitor perception of the country included high prices, harassment by the police, poor facilities, poor infrastructure and poor quality service delivery. It is recommended that the private sector revisit its pricing model and that the government seriously conside...

Cet article est paru dans la Revue Espaces Tourisme Loisirs sous la référence VLES V., 2021, « Changement climatique, la science écartée », Espaces tourisme et loisirs, n° 362, septembre-octobre 2021, p. 72-78. Changements... more

Cet article est paru dans la Revue Espaces Tourisme Loisirs sous la référence VLES V., 2021, « Changement climatique, la science écartée », Espaces tourisme et loisirs, n° 362, septembre-octobre 2021, p. 72-78.
Changements environnementaux, mondes sociaux transformés, dynamiques collectives ou individuelles nouvelles, transformations des systèmes de transports et des réglementations thermiques à l’horizon 2022, risques de déficit en neige accrus et aléatoires, perte d’attractivité hivernale partiellement compensée par des atouts climatiques estivaux, intérêt affirmé pour la qualité paysagère, recherche de lieux de vie sans voiture sont autant de facteurs qui créent progressivement des conditions favorables à l’émergence d’une transformation des stations de ski alpin vers la station de montagne. Mais le modèle de développement des sports d’hiver et le lien qu’il entretient avec le territoire de montagne reposent encore sur l’idéal productiviste qui l’a vu naître : l’exploitation intensive et monospécialisée du produit neige. Si depuis 1945, les sports d’hiver ont fait l’objet d’un large consensus auprès des populations et des élus de montagne, il est rapidement apparu que le tourisme hivernal participe à faire de la montagne l’un des espaces les plus menacés d’Europe, aussi bien sur le plan écologique qu’économique. La recherche scientifique a eu un regard fluctuant quant aux bienfaits de l’or blanc, avant de devenir de plus en plus réservée, pour ne pas dire critique, à partir des années 1970. Cette mise à distance s’est nourrie des doutes puis des certitudes produites par le changement climatique, pointant le défaut de durabilité du système touristique des sports d’hiver. Bien que politiquement relayées par de nombreux États depuis le Sommet de la Terre de Rio de Janeiro en 1992, la solution du développement durable puis celle de la transition énergétique, écologique, touristique rencontrent toujours une forte réticence des acteurs locaux lorsqu’il s’agit de bouleverser l’héritage de la croissance économique.
Dans les sphères scientifiques, on observe depuis une vingtaine d’années que les politiques « d’adaptation1 » ou d’ajustement des sports d’hiver à un marché touristique plus que mature — sur le déclin même2 — face au vieillissement du parc des remontées mécaniques et à l’obsolescence des hébergements, face aux attentes nouvelles des jeunes, face aux impacts écologiques du système, ne débouchent pas sur des processus de transformation des rapports entre sports d’hiver, territorialité et environnement : la réflexion sur les conditions locales de la transition vers un système soutenable et résilient bute depuis quinze ans au moins.

 Die Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie der Universität Trier wurde von der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Koblenz in Kooperation mit dem Ahrtal-Tourismus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler e. V. und dem Ahrwein e. V. sowie in Abstimmung mit der... more

 Die Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie der Universität Trier wurde von der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Koblenz in Kooperation mit dem Ahrtal-Tourismus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler e. V. und dem Ahrwein e. V. sowie in Abstimmung mit der Stadt Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler mit der Erstellung der „Tourismusstudie Ahrtal“ beauftragt.
 Der Arbeitsauftrag bestand darin, die gegenwärtig verfügbaren Daten durch zusätzliche Informationen zu ergänzen und den touristischen Akteuren Handlungsempfehlungen aufzuzeigen. Zentraler Bestandteil der durch das Projektteam durchgeführten Gästebefragungen war die Gewinnung neuer Erkenntnisse über die wichtigsten Reisemotive, das Freizeitverhalten und die Bewertung des freizeit- und tourismuswirtschaftlichen Angebotes in der Ferienregion Ahrtal.
In einem weiteren Schritt wurde der Lehrstuhl für Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie beauftragt, die touristische Wertschöpfung innerhalb der Region zu ermitteln.
 Die Tourismusregion Ahrtal präsentiert sich aufgrund der Befunde der Angebotsanalyse, der Gästebefragung sowie der Expertengespräche als Destination, die zwar einerseits über keine spektakulären Alleinstellungsmerkmale verfügt, die eine alleinige Ausrichtung auf eine zentrale USP nahelegen würden. Andererseits weist das Ahrtal – trotz gewisser Nachholbedarfe – insgesamt gesehen eine solide Grundstruktur mit entsprechenden Weiterentwicklungsoptionen auf.
 Dies wurde auch im Rahmen der durchgeführten Wertschöpfungsanalyse deutlich, die gezeigt hat, dass der Tourismus im Ahrtal gut 100 Millionen € an regionaler Wertschöpfung generiert und damit rechnerisch rund 5.500 Vollzeitarbeitsplätze schafft.
 Aus der Angebotsanalyse, der Reisemotivation und den Hauptaktivitäten lässt sich ableiten, dass zwar keines der vorhandenen Angebotselemente für sich allein genommen als zentraler künftiger touristischer Attraktor fungieren kann. Gleichwohl stellt gerade die Vielfalt des Angebotes in den Bereichen Aktivurlaub, Gesundheit, Kulinarik und Kultur eine gute Ausgangsposition dar, die für hybride Kombinationsangebote genutzt werden kann. Das übergreifende Leitmotiv kann dabei als „Aktiver Genuss“ formuliert werden.
 Die aktuelle Hauptgästegruppe des Ahrtals wird von den sog. Best-Agern (50+) gebildet. Vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels gilt es diese Zielgruppe auch durch entsprechende Angebotsanpassungen zu halten, wenn sie sukzessive in die Altersgruppe der Hochbetagten (70+) wechselt.
 Gleichzeitig werden Optionen gesehen, partiell auch etwas jüngere Zielgruppen anzusprechen. Bei den Bemühungen um jüngere Zielgruppen (30 bis 50-jährige) werden v. a. genussorientierte und zahlungskräftige DINKs sowie die Auslandsmärkte in Belgien und den Niederlanden als adressierbar eingestuft.
 In diesem Zusammenhang erscheint eine Intensivierung der qualitätsorientierten Ansätze – insbesondere bei den Beherbergungsbetrieben an der oberen (Mittel-) Ahr – im Zuge einer Qualitätsoffensive notwendig.
 Auch die in den letzten Jahren begonnenen Ansätze zum Aufbau einer regionalen Dachmarke sind konsequent weiter zu verfolgen und zum Aufbau einer Corporate Identity weiter zu entwickeln, um die Außenwahrnehmung zu optimieren.

Until the building of the Karakorum Highway (1958-78), the region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, was extremely isolated, thus preserving distinct cultural traits. The few tourists accessing the area were primarily experienced... more

Until the building of the Karakorum Highway (1958-78), the region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, was extremely isolated, thus preserving distinct cultural traits. The few tourists accessing the area were primarily experienced mountaineers. The highway was established to provide a land link with China, principally as a result of turbulent geo-political rivalry. Once built, however, the road created a connexion to the outside world and allowed for many more visitors to the region. Whilst the road was not built with tourism in mind, it allowed easier access for tourists and necessitated the development of a service sector to provide for those using the road. As a consequence, a once subsistence and self-reliant economy became monetised, and modern consumer goods were introduced to the region. Increased access and mobility has facilitated change in the Gilgit-Baltistan, contributing to a degree of social inclusion not previously possible. Whilst there are multiple drivers of change observed here, tourism has provided an important means by which some of the more profound changes have occurred. Local people have adapted their livelihoods to the new, monetary economy resulting in a decline in traditional agricultural practices. More importantly, however, tourism has enabled the outside world to enter into the consciousness of local people. Visitors have become conduits of change and the world is now viewed via technologies made possible by the spoils of tourism. The road has also allowed for much easier movement of local people out of and back to Gilgit-Baltistan, thereby facilitating increased social inclusion with the wider world.

The current goal of revitalization measures in the landscape primarily consists of the optimization of landscape water regime, incl. flood control measures and the promotion of biodiversity, but the current philosophy speaks of... more

The current goal of revitalization measures in the landscape primarily consists of the optimization of landscape water regime, incl. flood control measures and the promotion of biodiversity, but the current philosophy speaks of multifunctional land usage. However, the revitalization is currently underappreciated in the Czech Republic and it is important to increase the recreational potential of the landscape. In the society there has been indicated the necessity for recreation, because a large part of the population lives in urban settlements and is employed in an artificial technical environment that has largely inadequate sanitary conditions (unfavourable microclimate, noise, dust, etc.). Recreation as a social phenomenon is therefore a permanent part of the lifestyle in economically developed countries. The submitted issue highlights the necessity for revitalization of watercourses in terms of recreation potential.

It gives me immense pleasure to forward the complimentary copy of the Vol.-9 Issue-3 of our Quarterly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International journal. FP- IJBMR (2347-4696) is indexed by more than 25 International... more

Performance evaluations are a critical tool in evaluating tourism development of countries where the tourism industry provides a significant share of the GDP. One of the measures used in performance evaluation of the financial... more

Performance evaluations are a critical tool in evaluating tourism development of countries where the tourism industry provides a significant share of the GDP. One of the measures used in performance evaluation of the financial decision-making units is economic efficiency. This study aims at measuring tourism-related technical efficiency performance of six European countries: Spain, Greece, Turkey, France, Italy, and Portugal. Tourism revenue and visitor numbers are referenced as output variables. Within the model, the natural and sociocultural index and substructure index were formed. Data envelopment analysis was applied for these datasets. Considering tourism revenues, Spain, Italy and Greece managed to use their natural and cultural resources efficiently. In contrast to these countries, inefficiency level scores were measured for Turkey, Portugal and France. In the model based upon the number of visitors, all other countries apart from Turkey and Portugal achieved the most efficient score. As for substructure index, the score of decreasing returns to scale for the countries of Italy and Spain in terms of tourist numbers is noteworthy. The implementation of efficient tourism policies and strategies hold great importance in terms of tourism efficiency. Even though Portugal and Turkey are rich in both natural and cultural assets, low scores seem to stem from failure to realize their potentials. Strategies should be developed to diversify tourist products. This study differs from other studies in the literature with regard to the composition of the wide input components.

Urban tourism has recorded unprecedented growth since the turn of the millennium and has been welcomed in destination cities as a source of economic development. But cities' tourism economies have been among the hardest hit sectors by the... more

Urban tourism has recorded unprecedented growth since the turn of the millennium and has been welcomed in destination cities as a source of economic development. But cities' tourism economies have been among the hardest hit sectors by the COVID-19 crisis. To address the crisis, local authorities, national tourism offices and destination marketing organisations have focused on rebuilding and reactivating the tourism sector by reviving its value chain and economic interlinkages with other sectors. This brief explores the effects of the COVID-19-induced urban tourism crisis and possible policy responses. The first part provides general background on the evolution of urban tourism governance. Part two analyses the immediate policy responses and countermeasures taken by different scales of government in the face of the pandemic. Most of the public assistance efforts were of a fiscal nature and centred on the rescue of micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs). Building on the analysis of these short-term measures, the brief emphasises how the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the urgent need to transition to new urban tourism economic models that are more self-sufficient, locally productive and inclusive. Finally, it offers policy recommendations for the development of longer-term strategies that can help interlink future tourism development and the low-carbon urban mobility transition; create local tourism economies with fair working conditions and support for MSMEs; and diversify local economies while transitioning towards more inclusive tourism governance that reduces the sectors' negative social externalities.

Many countries in the world are considering tourism as an important sector in their economy. A rapid growth of Muslim population, in consequence increasing the number of Muslim travelers with their high contribution to global tourism... more

Many countries in the world are considering tourism as an important sector in their economy. A rapid growth of Muslim population, in consequence increasing the number of Muslim travelers with their high contribution to global tourism revenue, has made Muslims becoming a potential group of customers to the tourism market. Achieving tourist satisfaction could be very challenging for Non-Islamic Countries, especially Taiwan. On behalf to attract the Muslim travelers, Taiwan is eager to offer the Muslim friendly environment since Muslim traveler has some basic and specific needs that should comply with their belief and this phenomenon called Muslim travel or Halal tourism. Two research methodologies with the same attributes were conducted in this study. Importance Performance Analysis to investigate which hotel attributes satisfy Muslim visitors and to identify their expectations and satisfaction with these attributes, and the second survey developed for applying Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) was issued to the experts from hotel management and academics side by evaluating the importance of the attributes and constructing the causal relations among the attributes. The results reported will enable hotels to better manage their facilities for Muslim visitors to ensure the sustainability of business performance. Key Words: Halal Tourism, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), Muslim Visitors

Τι στρατηγικές ανάπτυξης του τοπικού τουριστικού τομέα μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε αμεσότερα και με χαμηλότερο κόστος; Ποιο είναι εκείνο το προϊόν–υπηρεσία που μπορεί να προορίζεται για όλους επηρεάζοντας όμως τον καθένα ξεχωριστά; Πως η... more

Τι στρατηγικές ανάπτυξης του τοπικού τουριστικού τομέα μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε αμεσότερα και με χαμηλότερο κόστος; Ποιο είναι εκείνο το προϊόν–υπηρεσία που μπορεί να προορίζεται για όλους επηρεάζοντας όμως τον καθένα ξεχωριστά; Πως η χρησιμότητα και η προσφορά υπηρεσιών του προϊόντος - υπηρεσίας αυτού, μπορεί να αξιολογηθεί ποσοτικά συμβάλλοντας στην τοπική και κρατική οικονομία; Γιατί να επιλέξουμε κάτι νέο για την ανάπτυξη της τοπικής τουριστικής αγοράς;

ÖZ Küreselleşme eğilimlerinin artmasıyla birlikte hız kazanan dış ticaret işlemleri, ülkelerin makro ekonomik değişkenleri üzerinde pek çok etkiye sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu etkileşim, turizm gelirleri, ihracat, ithalat ve toplam... more

ÖZ Küreselleşme eğilimlerinin artmasıyla birlikte hız kazanan dış ticaret işlemleri, ülkelerin makro ekonomik değişkenleri üzerinde pek çok etkiye sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu etkileşim, turizm gelirleri, ihracat, ithalat ve toplam ticaret hacmi açısından analiz edilmektedir. Amaca yönelik olarak çalışmada, Türkiye ekonomisinde seçilmiş yıllar bazında Granger Nedensellik Testi ve Toda-Yamamoto Yaklaşımları kullanılarak değişkenler arasındaki ilişki tespit edilmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, ihracat ve toplam ticaret hacmi ile turizm arasında çift yönlü; ithalat ile ise tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Öte yandan, Toda-Yamamoto testi sonuçlarına göre ise turizmden tüm diğer değişkenlere doğru tek yönlü bir nedenselliğin olduğu çalışmada elde edilen bulgular arasındadır. ABSTRACT The foreign trade transactions that gained momentum with the increasing trend of globalization, have many effects on the macroeconomic variables of countries. In this study said interaction is analyzed in terms of tourism revenues, exports, imports and total trade. For this purpose, in this study, the relationship between variables in Turkey is determined for the selected periods by using Granger Causality Test and The Toda-Yamamoto Approach. The obtained results reveal that there is a bidirectional causality between exports and total trade and also there is a one-way causal relationship between import. On the other hand, according to Toda-Yamamoto test results; a one-way causality from tourism to all other variables is among the findings obtained in the study.

Social tourism refers to initiatives aimed to include groups that would otherwise be excluded from tourism. Its earliest definition refers to “the relationships and phenomena in the field of tourism resulting from participation in travel... more

Social tourism refers to initiatives aimed to
include groups that would otherwise be excluded
from tourism. Its earliest definition refers to “the
relationships and phenomena in the field of tourism
resulting from participation in travel by
economically weak or otherwise disadvantaged
elements in society” (Hunzicker 1951: 1).
Other scholars have defined it as tourism with
an added moral value, of which the primary
objective is to benefit the host or the tourist
populations (Minnaert et al. 2011). In practice,
social tourism usually refers to budget-friendly
domestic holidays. In some cases, day trips to
theme parks, museums, and attractions are funded
or made available at highly reduced rates by
charities or agencies in the public sector.

Toubes, D.R., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., & Scott, D. 2017, Vulnerability of coastal beach tourism to flooding: A case study of Galicia, Spain. Environments 4(4), 83; <doi:10.3390/environments4040083> Flooding, as a result of heavy... more

Toubes, D.R., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., & Scott, D. 2017, Vulnerability of coastal beach tourism to flooding: A case study of Galicia, Spain. Environments 4(4), 83; <doi:10.3390/environments4040083> Flooding, as a result of heavy rains and/or storm surges, is a persistent problem in coastal areas. Under scenarios of climate change, there are expectations that flooding events will become more frequent in some areas and potentially more intense. This poses a potential threat to coastal communities relying heavily on coastal resources, such as beaches for tourism. This paper develops a methodology for the assessment of coastal flooding risks, based on an index that compares 16 hydrogeomorphological, biophysical, human exposure and resilience indicators, with a specific focus on tourism. The paper then uses an existing flood vulnerability assessment of 724 beaches in Galicia (Spain) to test the index for tourism. Results indicate that approximately 10% of tourism beaches are at hi...

Le tourisme industrialisé montrait déjà ses limites avant d’être mis sous cloche par la pandémie de Covid-19. Cet arrêt brutal est une occasion sans pareil de réformer en profondeur un secteur économique alimenté par le triptyque «... more

Le tourisme industrialisé montrait déjà ses limites avant d’être mis sous cloche par la pandémie de Covid-19. Cet arrêt brutal est une occasion sans pareil de réformer en profondeur un secteur économique alimenté par le triptyque « densité, vitesse et bas coûts », et de lui préférer la formule « dispersion, sobriété et prix justes ». Mais réussirons-nous à nous extirper de cette surconsommation touristique lorsque les frontières rouvriront ? Serons-nous prêts à délaisser ces destinations, ordinairement très convoitées, où l’artificiel s’est substitué au naturel et l’opulence à la quiétude ? Entre renoncements et ralentissements, la décroissance touristique : mode d’emploi.

Artykuł przybliża koncepcję dostępności muzeów, jako atrakcji turystycznych, z punktu widzenia potrzeb kilku grup społecznych: osób z niepełnosprawnościami, osób starszych oraz odwiedzających z dziećmi. Zdefiniowana dostępność jest... more

Artykuł przybliża koncepcję dostępności muzeów, jako atrakcji turystycznych, z punktu widzenia potrzeb kilku grup społecznych: osób z niepełnosprawnościami, osób starszych oraz odwiedzających z dziećmi. Zdefiniowana dostępność jest efektem synergii trzech podstawowych uwarunkowań (tzw. filarów dostępności): przygotowania fizycznego/technicznego, systemu informacji turystycznej oraz umiejętności i kompetencji personelu obsługującego gości. Artykuł w pierwszej części ma charakter przeglądowy, obejmuje ona dyskusję na temat pojęcia dostępności, jak również barier i ograniczeń, jakie mogą mieć miejsce w obiektach muzealnych z perspektywy rozpatrywanych grup odwiedzających. Część druga skoncentrowana jest na kryteriach dostępności obiektów opracowanych w ramach projektu pt. „Kryteria oceny dostępności Szlaku Piastowskiego” (2018) . Kryteria te były testowane i weryfikowane w oparciu o opinie przedstawicieli grup docelowych w wybranych muzeach w Wielkopolsce, a następnie przyjęte za podstawę przeprowadzenia „Analizy dostępności obiektów Szlaku Piastowskiego” (2019) . Treści zawarte w artykule stanowią bazę wiedzy użytecznej w procesie wyrównywania szans w dostępie do dziedzictwa historycznego i kulturowego. Służą także jako wytyczne do podnoszenia jakości usług w obiektach turystycznych.

Hospitality industry underscores a high inequality in women's' empowerment and career advancements in most of the countries. The issue is more critical in the developing countries like Sri Lanka where as they face many challenges, often... more

Hospitality industry underscores a high inequality in women's' empowerment and career advancements in most of the countries. The issue is more critical in the developing countries like Sri Lanka where as they face many challenges, often concentrated in low status, low paid and unsecure jobs in the hotel industry. With the increased number of women workforce who enrolled with higher education in the past few decades, a proportional incensement for women employees has not been rooted in the higher managerial positions in most of the Sri Lankan hotels. As concerns tourism presents a wide range of prospects for an individual in the international arena, most of the hotels still do not recruit, promote or assist women workers. Women are seldom in find managerial positions. In recent years, the increased number of women in the hotel industry and their underrepresentation in top management positions has made women's status in the industry a great concern. The purpose of the study was to examine the extent to which women face internal barriers in order to grant the routes to reach more opportunities for women career advancement. The study was done on 67 women executives from five star hotels in Sri Lanka. Organizational culture was traced as the major internal barrier for women employees in Sri Lankan hotels where as gender equity, lack support, and personal characteristics encountered the issue. Career advancement was apprehended by cross industry concern, strategic management, decision making and own initiatives.

Unlike a cultural policy, which is usually an integral part of public policies, a tourism policy is a specific Croatian public policy. As with all public policies it has its own functioning logic and belongs to the type of public policies... more

Unlike a cultural policy, which is usually an integral part of public policies, a tourism policy is a specific Croatian public policy. As with all public policies it has its own functioning logic and belongs to the type of public policies which are formed according to the institutional framework following the given organisational hierarchy. Positive steps forward in the practice of public policies could not be achieved without clearly defined long-term aims and the development strategy that defines the measures needed to achieve the aims. Therefore, some questions have arisen for this paper: Do the existing legislative and organisational frameworks of cultural and tourism policies enable the creation of an effective cultural tourism policy in the Republic of Croatia? Furthermore, how does cultural tourism, as a special form of tourism, contribute to that transformation? These questions will be answered by analysing the results of online research and secondary data sources. A descriptive-analytical method and the method of theoretical analysis will be used. The scope of this paper is to point out not only the current practices in cultural and tourism policy, but also, along with the opportunities available to the policy-makers, the creation and development of cultural tourism policy.

This book provides a systematic, country-by-country analysis of tourism policy, planning Aspects of Tourism and organisation in the EU. Its main objective is to explore 21st century policy responses to the global challenges shaping... more

This book provides a systematic, country-by-country analysis of tourism policy, planning Aspects of Tourism and organisation in the EU. Its main objective is to explore 21st century policy responses to the global challenges shaping tourism planning and organisation systems in the EU. The book offers a new critical approach to comparative policy analysis of EU member states and focuses on six key themes: territory, actors and structures, economics, policy, methods and techniques and vision. The book is designed primarily for undergraduate and postgraduate tourism students and researchers. The book will also be useful for industry practitioners who would like to engage in the theoretical principles and the conceptualisation of planning and organisation systems.

El proceso de comprensión y análisis del turismo se explica a través de un sistema complejo compuesto por múltiples grupos de interés. Por ello, el funcionamiento de un sistema turístico depende de la gestión de las relaciones que se... more

El proceso de comprensión y análisis del turismo se explica a través de un sistema complejo compuesto por múltiples grupos de interés. Por ello, el funcionamiento de un sistema turístico depende de la gestión de las relaciones que se producen entre los distintos componentes del mismo. Esta comunicación presenta los resultados de una investigación de tipo cualitativo donde se recogen las principales conclusiones de una consulta a expertos así como se integran algunos de los principales estudios relativos a redes de colaboración y gestión de la cooperación entre agentes turísticos. La gestión de redes, junto a su entramado de relaciones, son determinantes en los procesos de planificación turística por su capacidad de producir resultados más equitativos y eficientes. Este estudio define las áreas relacionales prioritarias para cada par de actores; entre las que se encuentran las relacionadas con el conocimiento, la promoción, la financiación, la gestión de infraestructuras y servicios, el control de impactos, la seguridad y salubridad, entre otras. Los procesos de planificación turística han de incorporar esta estructura relacional, tratando de fomentar la participación de todos los interesados, trabajando para la integración de mecanismos que maximicen la competitividad y sostenibilidad del sistema turístico.

Mediterranean island case studies of Calvià, Mallorca, and Malta are used to examine how sustainable tourism policies do, do not, and should factor in climate change in order to reduce the vulnerabilities of the tourism sector to climate... more

Mediterranean island case studies of Calvià, Mallorca, and Malta are used to examine how sustainable tourism policies do, do not, and should factor in climate change in order to reduce the vulnerabilities of the tourism sector to climate change. Data were collected from key actors responsible for policy implementation as well as tourism policy and planning documents from Malta's and Calvià's tourism industries. Tourism in both sites has significant vulnerabilities to climate change, but climate change was rarely stated as being an important tourism issue. That was the case even when policies include measures that contribute to climate change adaptation, although those policies were implemented for reasons other than climate change. Six policy suggestions are made for adapting to climate change in the case studies' tourism industries: Enacting effective control systems to ensure that policies are implemented and monitored; improving education and awareness on climate change and its potential impacts; placing sustainable tourism and climate change within broader policy frameworks; implementing economic incentives to encourage adjustment strategies; using accountable, flexible, and participatory approaches for addressing climate change in sustainable tourism policies; and filling in policy gaps while further integrating policies. Placing climate change into wider contexts reveals that some aspects of tourism might not be sustainable for small islands. Climate change should therefore be one dimension among many topics within sustainable tourism policies. That approach would provide impetus and support for pursuing strategies that should also be implemented for reasons other than climate change.

It’s hard to signalise in so short publication all of problems, which will determine the directions of tourism development in 21st century. This difficult results from dynamic transformations which are in our modern civilisation. When the... more

It’s hard to signalise in so short publication all of problems, which will determine the directions of tourism development in 21st century. This difficult results from dynamic transformations which are in our modern civilisation. When the twenty years ago A.Toffler in his book entitled "The third wave" wrote that the humanity will stand in face of new challenges it seemed that those processes are so far in the future. Meantime the title third wave which according to the author- like the two prior- " ... will squeeze out prior cultures and civilisations, bringing its morals into effect, which was inconceivable for people who had been born earlier" , rush in our everyday living in so fast revolution needed one hundred years to total run low, the second one needed (creation of industrial civilisation) just three hundred years, however the progress of modern civilisation is incomparable to progress of those prior transformations.
Very quick development of technology, the revolution in genetics, the conquest of the outer space, very sudden development of cities, changes in life and job style - they are just some of processes which are more and more visible in life of modern people. So we can state that A.Tofler is right saying ”... the third wave will burst into the history and make its work during few dozen years. Thus, we are living in so dramatic moment will feel this huge strike of the third wave probably during our lives" . The Toffler's visions of radical changes in economy structures and disintegrating of the industrial society are accompanying by worldviews about new "liberate opportunities", which will be create. Squeezing out traditional industries by new industries, which base on modern technologies, causes transformations of relations between: home and job place, work time and free time, prosperity and poverty etc. The meaning of natural environment will be more important.
The world will be looking for new values, what causes changes in culture and ideology. The life style and functions of family will be changed, and concepts like: science, career or unemployment - will have new meaning. How will these changes impact on tourism? If changes which we observe in tourism, are related with directions of civilisation transformations, or no? If tourism will use a new opportunities of progress, or will be one of enclaves in which we can rest far from civilisation?

Spain’s democratization and decentralization process during the late 70s opened new ways for regional tourism planning, on a scale that had been neglected in the context of Franco’s regime’s centralist policy. Twenty years after the... more

Spain’s democratization and decentralization process during the late 70s opened new ways for regional tourism planning, on a scale that had been neglected in the context of Franco’s regime’s centralist policy. Twenty years after the transfer of powers to autonomous communities started, the results obtained in regional planning matters are uneven and, in general, scant. The consolidation of regional tourism policies shows its weakest point in the field of planning. Among the causes of this situation is the difficulty of fitting the various (sectorial, territorial, economic, sociocultural, or environmental) dimensions of tourism within the present distribution of powers, this being a problem that requires coordinated and truly operative political and technical solutions.La planification régionale du tourisme en Espagne: évolution et perspectives. La démocratisation et la décentralisation de l’Espagne pendant la seconde moitié des années soixante-dix a ouvert de nouvelles possibilités pour la planification régionale du tourisme, une échelle négligée dans la politique centraliste du régime de Franco. Plus de 20 ans après le début de la cession des compétences en tourisme aux Communautés Autonomes, les résultats obtenus en matière de planification régionale sont variables et, en général, limités. La consolidation des politiques régionales du tourisme montre son point le plus faible en matière de planification. Parmi les causes de cette situation, il convient de souligner la difficulté d’intégrer les différentes dimensions du fait touristique (sectorielles, territoriales, économiques, socioculturelles ou de l’environnement) dans l’actuelle distribution des compétences, problème qui réclame des solutions politiques et des techniques coordonnées et vraiment applicables.

The concept of tourist valorization is only partially and sporadically examined on the territory of the Republic of N. Macedonia. Furthermore, managing tourist areas by specific destination management organizations has not yet been... more

The concept of tourist valorization is only partially and sporadically examined on the territory of the Republic of N. Macedonia. Furthermore, managing tourist areas by specific destination management organizations has not yet been implemented on a satisfactory level. In such conditions of tourism development, the idea developed for writing this paper. From this emerged the need for expanding the concept of tourist valorization in the domestic scientific and professional field. This is made possible through a comprehensive, substantial and systematic analysis of the tourist valorization process in the function of improving the management of tourist areas. The basic subject of this research paper consists of determining the place, role, function, types and approaches of tourist valorization in the processes of managing tourist areas. Thus, this paper has a dual purpose. On the one hand, it should contribute to the enrichment of the scientific thought with contemporary concepts and approaches for tourist valorization. On the other hand, the results and knowledge of the paper should be in function of improving the current destination management and intensifying the level of tourism development in a given tourist space. The territory in question is the Ohrid tourist region which is also the touristically most developed in the country. This paper presents the results of the doctoral thesis by the author in which the research process through all its phases was performed with the use of a conceptual theoretical and methodological framework, which consisted of both cabinet and empirical analysis. This made it possible for primary and secondary data to be obtained. The collection, systematization and processing of data, as well as the presentation of the obtained results, were made possible through the application of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The conducted cabinet research involved the reference of a wide range of international scientific and professional literature. The empirical research activities included the implementation of contemporary methodological approaches for valorization of several aspects of tourism. The scientific - applicative verification of this paper consists of the practical use of sublimated knowledge, global experiences and best practices for the valorization process in a defined tourist area. More specifically, the used methodological research approaches were the following: European Tourism Indicator System for Sustainable Destinations Toolkit (ETIS-Toolkit), Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) and valorization of the destination’s sub-systems: Factor, Attractors and Support Services (FAS-approach). Because of the wide range and volume of findings and results from the conducted research processes, only the most relevant will be presented in this paper. The gained research results allowed making conclusions and suggestions that have the aim to intensify and promote tourism development in the designated area of the Ohrid tourist region. This should serve as a framework for creative use of various valorization approaches in the processes of tourism management, not only on the analyzed territory, but also beyond.
Keywords: tourism, tourist valorization, tourist destination, tourism development.

Contemporary the public participation is very important element of all steps of the strategy activities: during study and implementation of the local development strategy. This kind of document must meet the local community development... more

Contemporary the public participation is very important element of all steps of the strategy activities: during study and implementation of the local development strategy. This kind of document must meet the local community development needs and the public consultations must be connecting with procedure of creating local strategy. The article is connecting with problems: how to create good and efficient strategy for local communities. But the main problems is: where is the place of community and public participation in this process and why this type of strategic documents are ineffective for many local beneficiaries (residents, entrepreneurs).

Редом с развитието на дигиталния маркетинг като цяло туристическата услуга също навлезе в нови измерения на своето предлагане. Онлайн продажбите моделират пазара по нов начин като комуникацията потребител – търговец преминава чрез... more

Редом с развитието на дигиталния маркетинг като цяло туристическата услуга също навлезе в нови измерения на своето предлагане. Онлайн продажбите моделират пазара по нов начин като комуникацията потребител – търговец
преминава чрез „електронни“ посредници.
Настоящата статия има за цел да разгледа модела на отношенията в тази комуникация от гледна точка на прагматиката – между знаците и интерпретаторите в контекста. За целта се привежда класификация на туриста, защото именно тя определя и неговото търсене. Анализът включва разглеждане на сайтовете за хотелски услуги и настаняване където изцяло се променят
отношенията потребител – туристически агент, както и моделът за интерактивна комуникация на платформи за класиране и оценяване на туристическата услуга от страна на потребителите. Сред тях се нареждат и социалните мрежи, превърнали
се вече в най-разпространено средство за обратна комуникация. Завършва се с най- актуалния феномен в дигиталния туристически маркетинг – платформата Airbnb. От приложения анализ се извеждат изводи в контекста на дестинация България
като туристически продукт в дигиталния свят.
Ключови думи: прагматика на комуникацията, туристически маркетинг, онлайн маркетинг, класификация на туристите, Airbnb

Kīlauea Volcano has attracted visitors to Hawaiʻi throughout the history of Hawaiʻi's tourism industry. From the 1870s to the 1910s, Kīlauea offered the experience of using volcanic heat and molten lava to cook food, melt postcards onto... more

Kīlauea Volcano has attracted visitors to Hawaiʻi throughout the history of Hawaiʻi's tourism industry. From the 1870s to the 1910s, Kīlauea offered the experience of using volcanic heat and molten lava to cook food, melt postcards onto cavern walls, enflame items, and obtain souvenirs including scorched postcards, rocks, olivine, and Pele's hair. Writers shared their experiences in publications, and traveling presentations showed American audiences images of visitors scorching postcards at Kīlauea. Marketing campaigns on the U.S. Mainland promoted Hawaiʻi as a tourist destination and promoted cooking with Kīlauea's heat. In 1907, U.S. Congressmen toured Kīlauea Caldera, ate dinner cooked with Kīlauea's heat, and learned about Kīlauea's geodiversity. These experiences likely influenced Congress to establish the Kīlauea, Haleakalā, and Mauna Loa Volcanoes as the Hawaii National Park (now known as the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park). Today, the U.S. National Park Service maintains the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, and it offers geological, biological, and cultural resources for recreation and education. For destination marketing, Kīlauea provided Hawaiʻi a comparative advantage for tourism.

Tourism is the major contributor to the socioeconomic development of a country. For couple of decades many countries all over the world show high degree of competency in promoting tourism. Eventually tourism is one of the prime concepts... more

Tourism is the major contributor to the socioeconomic development of a country. For couple of decades many countries all over the world show high degree of competency in promoting tourism. Eventually tourism is one of the prime concepts of discussion all over the world. Development of tourism requires continuous effort from various stakeholders like travel agencies, tour operators, local community and the government in particular. Governments at regional and national levels have the greater responsibility of developing the tourism through tourism policies. Tourism contributes for preserving of rich ancient culture and heritage. A sound tourism policy forecasts the future growth and development of tourism. From this perspective this theoretical paper identifies various potentials and the drawbacks of Karnataka state tourism policy 2015-2020. The objective of the study is to analyze various factors of Karnataka tourism which make the policy sound and unique. The study is confined to Karnataka state tourism. The outcomes of the study may help the government body and the other tourism stake holders to make forthcoming tourism policies more effective and unique.

Sungai Code merupakan salah satu sungai yang menjadi sumber penghidupan bagi masyarakat Yogyakarta, di saat airnya masih jernih dan area sekitarnya masih asri. Kondisi tersebut berubah sejak bantaran sungai digunakan sebagai area... more

Sungai Code merupakan salah satu sungai yang menjadi sumber penghidupan bagi masyarakat Yogyakarta, di saat airnya masih jernih dan area sekitarnya masih asri. Kondisi tersebut berubah sejak bantaran sungai digunakan sebagai area pemukiman. Padatnya pemukiman tersebut menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas air akibat banyaknya limbah yang dibuang ke sungai, serta menyebabkan berkurangnya ruang terbuka hijau. Berkat (alm.) Romo Mangun dan Pemerti Code, kini limbah yang dibuang ke sungai sudah berkurang. Kegiatan-kegiatan terkait pelestarian Sungai Code pun mulai banyak dilakukan, yang mana didukung oleh Pemda Yogyakarta. Pada tahun 2014, tersusunlah masterplan penataan kawasan Sungai Code oleh Pemda Yogyakarta. Sayangnya, hingga saat ini masterplan tersebut belum terealisasi. Penelitian-penelitian yang pernah dilakukan di sini pun sebagian besar hanya berakhir pada hasil penelitian. Maka perencanaan dengan tingkat realisasi yang tinggi sangatlah diperlukan. Perencanaan dengan basis river walk dipilih karena river walk identik dengan jalur pedestrian dan ruang terbuka hijau, sesuai dengan RTRW Yogyakarta tahun 2010 – 2029, yang mana bantaran sungai seharusnya dimanfaatkan sebagai ruang terbuka hijau.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi aset destinasi wisata di bantaran Sungai Code menggunakan komponen destinasi wisata, serta mengetahui kondisi fisiknya menggunakan prinsip 5C. Melalui metode kualitatif, penelitian ini dipaparkan hingga memperoleh hasil analisis yang akan digunakan sebagai bahan perencanaan.
Hasil yang didapatkan adalah bantaran Sungai Code memiliki atraksi wisata alam dan budaya yang kuat, sehingga terdapat banyak aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan di sini. Namun, kondisi fisiknya memang belum memadai jika akan dijadikan destinasi wisata berbasis river walk. Maka, dibuatlah perencanaan bantaran Sungai Code sebagai destinasi wisata berbasis river walk, yang dapat segera direalisasi.