Geodiversity Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Za potrebe ovog rada provedena je fizičkogeografska analiza gornjeg porječja Gostelje smještenog, najvećim dijelom, u sjevernom dijelu općine Kladanj u Bosni i Hercegovini, u zoni Unutrašnjih Dinarida. Istraživanjem je ocijenjeno stanje... more

Za potrebe ovog rada provedena je fizičkogeografska analiza gornjeg porječja Gostelje smještenog, najvećim dijelom, u sjevernom dijelu općine Kladanj u Bosni i Hercegovini, u zoni Unutrašnjih Dinarida. Istraživanjem je ocijenjeno stanje geodiverziteta i stepen očuvanosti prirodne osnove gornjeg porječja Gostelje. Provedena istraživanja prirodne sredine su u funkciji adekvatne zaštite i očuvanja. Komponentno je istražena prirodna osnova i registrovane društveno-ekonomske aktivnosti koje narušavaju ili potencijalno mogu narušiti kvalitet životne sredine istraživanog područja. Provedenim istraživanjima konstatovano je da gornje porječje Gostelje karakteriše tipičan geodiverzitet, odnosno to je područje sa relativno očuvanom prirodnom osnovom, u kojem je prisutan negativan antropogeni uticaj. For the paper purpose, the physical geographical analysis of the researched area were made, situated in the upper Gostelja river basin located in the northern part of the Kladanj municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the area of the Internal Dinarides. By the research, the state of geodiversity of the upper basin of Gostelja and the level of environment preservation were evaluated. The conducted researches of the environment are in a function of adequate protection and conservation. The component analysis of natural resources was carried out, and the socioeconomic activities that violate or potentially violate the quality of the environment of the study area were registered. Conducted researches indicates that the upper basin of Gostelja is characterized by typical geodiversity, i.e. this is an area with relatively preserved natural resources, with the presence of a negative anthropogenic influence.

Globally, most active tropical glacial landscapes are found at elevations above 4000 m. Nonetheless, the presence of paleoglacial landforms in low latitudes, especially those formed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), persists in... more

Globally, most active tropical glacial landscapes are found at elevations above 4000 m. Nonetheless, the presence of paleoglacial landforms in low latitudes, especially those formed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), persists in different tropical regions. Chirripó National Park, in central-south Costa Rica, is one of these particular examples. The glacial and periglacial landscape in the park are located over 3000 m, with landforms such as arêtes, glacial cirques, moraines, till deposits, and glacial lakes. We performed an integrated approach for the geoheritage inventory and geotourism management, crossing geomorpho-logical and cultural information. A total of 14 geomorphosites were assessed and their management discussed. These geomorphosites achieved scientific scores between 0.5 (Valle Talari, Cerro Urán, and Cerro Terbi) and 0.88 (Cerro Chirripó and Los Crestones). The average scientific value of the geomorphosites is 0.75, since they are well preserved (0.75), rare (0.57) and representative (0.84) of the region's geomorphology. They also play an important role in the geographical history (0.62), as well as the significant use and management characteristics (0.8). Chirripó National Park has key importance both naturally and culturally for Costa Rica. Its geomorphosites assessment is of critical value for the Costa Rican Conservation Areas System in order to promote improved geotourism. Geoheritage mapping can offer more opportunities of transferring geoscience knowledge to a larger public and policy makers. Our study aims to improve and further the state of the art of tropical glacial geoheritage.

The term Geotourism is gaining progressive recognition among both the scientific community and the general society. An effort has been made in the recent years by Geologists to disseminate geological values as a key for touristic... more

The term Geotourism is gaining progressive recognition among both the scientific community
and the general society. An effort has been made in the recent years by Geologists to disseminate geological
values as a key for touristic development. However, when geologists speak about Geotourism, they often
mean different things, and this concept is generally mistaken with other scientific activities, such as
dissemination of research, teaching to public, geodidactics, or explanation of Geology to people. Therefore,
Geotourism still stands beyond, as the art of making geology an attraction to tourists.

The geosciences need practitioners who possess an ethical conscience and the desire to act responsibly. Ethically responsible geoscientists will achieve success and satisfaction by carrying out excellent research and professional... more

The geosciences need practitioners who possess an ethical conscience and the desire to act responsibly. Ethically responsible geoscientists will achieve success and satisfaction by carrying out excellent research and professional activities, and by maintaining honest and open collaborations with colleagues. Such individuals will be able to contribute to building a resilient society, be better prepared to face global economic and environmental challenges and be willing to take concrete actions for the conservation of the geo- environment. Geoethics provides ethical, social, and cultural values for the scientific community and for society as a whole. Geoethics represents a new vision of a world in which it is possible to maintain a more balanced relationship between humans and nature, considering modern economic and social development expectations. This chapter illustrates some aspects of geoethics, provides an overview of its basic values and themes, and highlights prominent global issues that involve geoethics, including climate change, geo-risks, land management, exploitation of geo-resources, and sustainability. The International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) provides a multidisciplinary platform for discussion, a place where multidisciplinary collaboration can strengthen the development of geoethics from a scientific and philosophical perspective, in order to better introduce geoethical values into society.

RESUMO A geodiversidade refere-se a diversidade de materiais abióticos, no estado sólido ou líquido, que se localizam na interface litosférica. Este substrato e seus recursos hídricos exercem importância como sustentáculo da vida, pela... more

RESUMO A geodiversidade refere-se a diversidade de materiais abióticos, no estado sólido ou líquido, que se localizam na interface litosférica. Este substrato e seus recursos hídricos exercem importância como sustentáculo da vida, pela funcionalidade exercida para os seres vivos e pelo fornecimento dos georecursos utilizados pelo homem. Foram identificados oito valores para a geodiversidade da área, nomeadamente os valores intrínseco, ecológico, antropocêntrico, cultural, estético, funcional, científico e educacional. Justificado pela pressão antrópica e pela dinâmica costeira, a geodiversidade sofre uma série de ameaças, tendo sido identificados onze ameaças potenciais. São elas: a extração de georecursos, a expansão urbana, a restauração de aterros, a mudança no traçado de rios, o desmatamento, a agricultura, o turismo, a remoção de espécies geológicas para fins não-científicos, a mudança no nível do mar, as atividades militares e a iliterácia cultural. O reconhecimento destes valores e ameaças faz-se necessário para que as estratégias de geoconservação logrem êxito.

RESUMO: A região Amazônica é rica em feições geomorfológicas resultantes da interação sistêmica de elementos da natureza, entre os quais se destacam os patrimônios espeleológicos. A Espeleologia é uma área de estudo que se dedica a... more

RESUMO: A região Amazônica é rica em feições geomorfológicas resultantes da interação sistêmica de elementos da natureza, entre os quais se destacam os patrimônios espeleológicos. A Espeleologia é uma área de estudo que se dedica a investigar a natureza, a gênese e os processos de formação das cavidades naturais subterrâneas (as quais incluem diferentes denominações como cavernas, grutas, abrigos, etc.) e suas feições relacionadas, incluindo ainda os aspectos biológicos (fauna e flora). Como exemplo, a pesquisa apresenta a Província Espeleológica Altamira-Itaituba (estado do Pará), situada na faixa de contato dos domínios geológicos da Bacia Sedimentar do Amazonas e do Embasamento Cristalino do Complexo Xingu. Na metodologia foi realizada uma análise geoecológica da paisagem da Província, por meio da utilização do enfoque sistêmico em escala regional. A inexistência de unidades de conservação na Província leva a uma preocupação inicial, uma vez que esses ambientes são configurados por formas de relevo desenvolvidas em rochas cársticas não carbonáticas (pseudocarste). Considerando-se que a Espeleologia é uma atividade de múltiplo sentido (científico, esportivo, turístico e sociocultural), faz-se necessário a proposição de planejamento ambiental aliada ao conceito de geoconservação. Tem-se, então, uma contribuição à pesquisa espeleológica e geomorfologia cárstica em rochas não carbonáticas, além de ampliar e aprofundar os estudos voltados para a conservação de patrimônios geológicos e a geodiversidade da Amazônia.

"Nature is a complex structure of physical, chemical and biological aspects, which combined can form landscapes with high scenic value, especially in protected areas. Such landscapes attract tourists engaged in different activities,... more

"Nature is a complex structure of physical, chemical and biological aspects, which combined can
form landscapes with high scenic value, especially in protected areas. Such landscapes attract
tourists engaged in different activities, to seek knowledge, contact, interaction
or interpretation of nature. Considering that the tourist attractions can have a key content that
motivates the visitation, this study aims to analyze the existing attractions in the National Parks and
State Parks of the Brazilian states of Paraná (South Region) and Pernambuco (Northeast Region)
and quantify the atractive a classification of content associated with geodiversity, biodiversity and
historical and cultural aspects. Data were utilized from the Philips National Parks Guide (2003), and
the attractions were separated in the categories listed above. The methodology also encompassed
visits to some of the Protected Areas, bibliographic surveys on tourism in natural areas, geodiversity
and geotourism. It is concluded that geodiversity is the most common group of elements presented
in the analyzed protected areas, with the exception of the State Parks of Pernambuco.

O geopatrimónio inclui todos os elementos naturais abióticos (emersos ou submersos) que devem ser preservados devido ao seu valor patrimonial. O património hidrológico, pela sua enorme importância, não deve ser ignorado necessitando de... more

O geopatrimónio inclui todos os elementos naturais abióticos (emersos ou submersos) que devem ser preservados devido ao seu valor patrimonial. O património hidrológico, pela sua enorme importância, não deve ser ignorado necessitando de mais investigação ao nível dos conceitos e da aplicação. Este capítulo pretende clarificar os conceitos relacionados com o geopatrimónio, o património hidrológico e o geoturismo, com vista a incentivar a sua pesquisa em ambientes rurais e urbanos. Só assim será possível caminhar na realização de um inventário do património hidrológico português.
O património hidrológico urbano tem vindo a suscitar o interesse dos investigadores em geopatrimónio e geoturismo, podendo oferecer roteiros turísticos urbanos que complementem outros valores abióticos e culturais procurados pelo crescente turismo nas cidades. Também a cidade de Lisboa possui interessante património hidrológico em vias de levantamento e publicação.

Coastal protected areas and historical heritage sites in Bulgaria are established by national policy in-struments/laws and EU Directives to protect a wide range of natural and cultural resources. This paper demonstrated the development of... more

Coastal protected areas and historical heritage sites in Bulgaria are established by national policy in-struments/laws and EU Directives to protect a wide range of natural and cultural resources. This paper demonstrated the development of a detailed inventory based on GIS tools which is able to document a variety of protected areas and heritage sites along the North Bulgarian Black Sea coast with a landward extended zone 2100 m in width. The strip zone area is 182.6 km 2 and circa 67% has different protection status both for natural and historical heritage. Analysis concerned compliance of national and IUCN categorisation of coastal protected areas in North Bulgaria and the degree of spatial overlapping and complementarities between nationally designated sites and Natura 2000 areas. The greatest natural and human related challenges were considered for both protected areas and historical sites, i.e. impact of tourism, management conservation issues and perspectives for future development (ecotourism). Results help in providing the key issues of conservation value and proper visitation management, to managers of coastal protected areas, tourism operators, developers and visitors on, leading towards a goal of environmental , social and economic sustainability.

The Iguassu Falls National Park, located in southern Brazil, has one of the most impressive waterfalls in the world and is one of the biggest natural attractions of Brazil. This Protected Area has the potential to join the Global Geoparks... more

The Iguassu Falls National Park, located in southern Brazil, has one of the most impressive waterfalls in the world and is one of the biggest natural attractions of Brazil. This Protected Area has the potential to join the Global Geoparks Network and to provide geotourism activities. Despite the great potential in terms of its geodiversity, the Park lacks informative and interpretative material about the Geological Heritage. To reverse this situation, the MINEROPAR (Geological Survey of the State of Parana) has been placing interpretative panels on Protected Areas and sites that have geological interest. The aim of the study was to verify the effectiveness of three interpretative panels implemented by MINEROPAR in the Park and, especially to ascertain whether or not they are meeting the expectations of visitors,. 300 questionnaires were distributed to the Park´s visitors. The methodology also encompassed field trips, consulting the available literature and contact with the managements of the Park and the concessionaires. The paper addresses aspects of environmental interpretation, interpretative resources (specifically on interpretative panels), about the Iguassu Falls National Park and finally the results are presented, based on the questionnaires. It was found that most visitors did not read the panel, but these who did so appreciated its content. In conclusion, considerations were made to improve the interpretation of the environment made with the help of interpretative panels.

This paper reports the perceptions and ideas expressed by students about geological heritage and geoparks and learning results within the framework of a research in science education focussed on students from two classes of 11th grade... more

This paper reports the perceptions and ideas expressed by students about geological heritage and geoparks and learning results within the framework of a research in science education focussed on students from two classes of 11th grade (ages 16 to 18) of a secondary school in Portugal. Considering that geoparks can be assumed as territories with educational resources of great importance in promoting education for sustainable development, mobilizing knowledge inherent to the Earth Sciences, and to geoconservation in particular, the activities with the students were held in the classroom and in the field, the latter within a field trip to the Arouca Global Geopark (Portugal). In this context, resorting to strategies of fieldwork in small groups, we sought to explore with students, geodiversity elements recognizable in five of its geosites. The results of this work show that educational interventions involving both cooperative work and practical work, using the Arouca Global Geopark as a resource for the implementation of fieldwork activities, can contribute to promote significant and relevant learning on geology and on geoconservation, as well as to stimulate curiosity and interest for visiting other geoparks and for learning more about Earth Sciences.

This article aims to present the conceptual basis on geodiversity, geological heritage, geoconservation and geotourism issues. The methodology involved bibliographical research in documents and other relevante literature. It is observed... more

This article aims to present the conceptual basis on geodiversity, geological heritage, geoconservation
and geotourism issues. The methodology involved bibliographical research in documents and other relevante literature. It is observed that the geodiversity are the inanimate aspects of Planet Earth, and not just those related to the geological past, as minerals, rocks and fossils, but also the natural processes currently taking place. The geological heritage geosites record the memory of the Earth's history, a period that reaches thousands, millions
and even billions of years and including rock outcrops, minerals, fossils, and places with landscape value:
mountains, peaks, valleys, and geoscience museum collections. In a broader sense, the term Geoconservation has been used to cover the various activities related to the protection of geological heritage. And despite the many definitions, for UNESCO Geotourism is tourism that sustains and enhances the identity of a territory, considering its geology, environment, culture, aesthetic values, heritage and the well-being of its residents.
Finally, it is concluded that the conservation of geological heritage has direct implications throughout the natural environment and, consequently, in our society, moreover, the geoconservation is directly related to promoting sustainability.

The geologic and geomorphological diversity of South Africa, the spectacular landscapes that result, and their internationally-important ecological and cultural/archaeological associations, all make the landscapes of South Africa prime... more

The geologic and geomorphological diversity of South Africa, the spectacular landscapes that result, and their internationally-important ecological and cultural/archaeological associations, all make the landscapes of South Africa prime sites for geoheritage and geotourism. To date, however, there has been little work to develop this potential. This chapter describes examples of sites where geoheritage and geotourism activities have been developed in South Africa, and how other scenic South African landscapes can enhance their geoheritage and geotourism potential.

‘Tides of Change’ is as an introductory guide to the coastal geodiversity of the county of Suffolk, UK, the first of its kind. It focuses on the stretch from Pakefield to Felixstowe, taking in a range of publicly accessible geological... more

Geotourism consists of an activity that is located at the interface of nature tourism and cultural tourism, as it can develop in both natural and rural environments as well as in urban environments, disclosuring and promoting geodiversity... more

Geotourism consists of an activity that is located at the interface of nature tourism and cultural tourism, as it can develop in both natural and rural environments as well as in urban environments, disclosuring and promoting geodiversity and its geoheritage in a strict sense or its relationship with civilizations and cultures, in a lato sense. It consists of the addition of geodiversity and geoheritage to the tourist activity, focused on places of geotourism interest, benefiting the local communities and giving a new tourist experience to the visitors.
This thesis aims to fill a gap regarding the mapping, with subsequent disclosure, of the situ geodiversity in situ, geoheritage and geodiversity ex situ associated with the Cultural Heritage of João Pessoa (PB) and surroundings, through the union of the natural aspects, especially the abiotic ones to cultural aspects. In order to promote the dissemination of the valued abiotic environment and the Cultural Heritage of the area, products were developed, of which the geotouristic map with specific itineraries is highlighted, divided into three parts (Historic Center, Urban Coast and South Coast), also in the form of folders and three geointerpretative panels in emblematic places of geoturistic interest distributed in each one of these parts.
After an extensive collection of geoscientific information about the Paraíba Basin and a detailed analysis of historical documents about the Parahyba Capitany and its Cultural Heritage, 48 geotouristic interest locals were selected in the area, of which 35 were associated with the abiotic environment (Geodiversity and Geoheritage) and 13 to the Cultural Heritage. Initially, these locals were inventaried, by completing a record, in which aesthetic, scientific, cultural, functional (ecological) and economic values played a fundamental role.
Subsequently, the geotouristic interest locals associated with the abiotic environment were evaluated from a semiquantitative point of view, through a methodology proposed in this work, where aesthetic, cultural, scientific, functional (ecological) and use values were considered, where those with the highest geotouristic potentials were inserted in the route, resulting in 24 geotourism interest locals.
Considering the geoutourism activity, although sustainable, can cause damages where it is carried out, a semiquantitative evaluation of the ‘Imminent Risk Index’ of the geotourism sites associated to the abiotic environment was calculated, using as an indicator the ‘Need for Protection’ of each local, from 10 weighted parameters.
Concomitant with the evaluations carried out, it was analyzed the perception that travelers who were in the Parahyba Capitany during the colonial period had about the physical environment that was primordial for the consolidation and urban expansion of the capital, resulting in its cultural landscape in which the privileged nature, associated to the important cultural heritage, resulted in the appropriation of this coastal environment, with the consequent urban evolution dating from the sixteenth century. For this, it was used a large iconographic and textual documentation elaborated during the period, with the role of adding to the geotouristic route this information.
In this perspective, it is concluded that the area of the present thesis has potential for the insertion of the geotourism activity, since it presents undeniable historical and geoscientific importance, as, respectively João Pessoa is the fourth oldest city in the country and the Paraíba Basin was the last to detach itself from the African continent when the southern portion of the megacontinent Pangeia, denominated Gondwana, fragmented. In addition, a new meaning could be attributed to the landscape, ranging from the aesthetic-artistic to the functional-economic, and it was intentional to interlace the geoheritage elements to the cultural practices that forged the city and the identity of the people who settled on it, as well as interlace the geoheritage to the tourism in João Pessoa, so that another motivation awakens the interest of the tourists, now turned to the bias of the lithosphere and hydrosphere, allied to the local centennial culture.

Geoheritage is commonly defined as unique components of abiotic nature or as a part of cultural heritage stemming from the influence of rocks, minerals, water or landforms on the development and lifestyle of a human (Brocx, Semeniuk 007).... more

Geoheritage is commonly defined as unique components of abiotic nature or as a part of cultural heritage stemming from the influence of rocks, minerals, water or landforms on the development and lifestyle of a human (Brocx, Semeniuk 007). Apart from natural geological objects, geoheritage also encompasses mining heritage, stone in construction and architecture, cultural landscape, symbolism of precious stones, minerals in medicine, geological processes in mythology, the history of Earth sciences, etc. (Tab). In situ and ex situ geoheritage is protected (geoconservation), available for visiting (geotourism), and employed in didactics (geoeducation). Along with the concept of geoparks, UNESCO promotes geoheritage in the form of geo-products, marking the commercial direction in which to relay knowledge regarding geosciences (Dryglas, Miśkiewicz, 0). In global geoparks it is a part of regional identity and sustainable development, and constitutes an element of education (Tab.). Ethnogeology, a research discipline, has been proposed for description and research of relations between a man and abiotic nature (Kamen-Kaye 975). Such geological conditioning of cultural development is the subject of numerous, yet dispersed, scientific and popular science works. The paper presents a review and evaluation of the usefulness of such geo-cultural aspects in didactics within geoparks and other geotouristic attractions.

The geodiversity and hence landscape of the county of Suffolk, England, is dominated by the influence of glacial deposits of the Lowestoft Formation of Anglian (Elsterian) age. This paper is cast as a series of radial excursions from the... more

The geodiversity and hence landscape of the county of Suffolk, England, is dominated by the influence of glacial deposits of the Lowestoft Formation of Anglian (Elsterian) age. This paper is cast as a series of radial excursions from the centre of the county, introducing the elements of pre-Anglian and post-Anglian geodiversity as they relate to this Lowestoftian legacy, featuring particularly the last two million years. Set against two centuries of scientific study of Suffolk’s Earth heritage, it introduces the major elements of the geodiversity of this classic eastern English lowland landscape.

Geoheritage is an important part of natural heritage which must be preserved for the benefit of future generations. Many geological elements are of special interest for science, education or tourism. These are the subjects of research in... more

Geoheritage is an important part of natural heritage which must be preserved for the benefit of future generations. Many geological elements are of special interest for science, education or tourism. These are the subjects of research in geoconservation, a discipline recently incorporated to the Earth sciences. This booklet attempts to be an easy reference document for those new to the field of geoconservation, as well as for those ready to delve deeper. It provides the basic concepts needed to understand the significance of geological heritage and geodiversity, as well as their assessment and proper management for sustainable use.

As ilhas dos Açores são todas de natureza vulcânica e apresentam uma grande variedade de rochas, formas, estruturas e paisagens, que derivam, entre outros factores, da natureza dos magmas, do tipo de vulcanismo e dos condicionalismos... more

As ilhas dos Açores são todas de natureza vulcânica e apresentam uma grande variedade de rochas, formas, estruturas e paisagens, que derivam, entre outros factores, da natureza dos magmas, do tipo de vulcanismo e dos condicionalismos geotectónicos intrínsecos à génese das ilhas, em especial do seu posicionamento no Atlântico Norte, na junção tripla das placas litosféricas Euroasiática, Norte Americana e Africana (ou Núbia). A paisagem açoriana,

The basalt quarries of the Cabezo de la Viuda are located north of the district of La Media Legua, specifically, 2 km east of Cartagena. It is a stone workshop mainly for the production cut stone, which had to supply construction material... more

The basalt quarries of the Cabezo de la Viuda are located north of the district of La Media Legua, specifically, 2 km east of Cartagena. It is a stone workshop mainly for the production cut stone, which had to supply construction material to Carthago Noua itself, specifically between the second century B.C. and the first century A.D. Volcanic outcrops are two small reliefs that stand out for their conical shape and brown colors in a very degraded plain. The smallest hill has an altitude of 29 meters and the highest and largest reaches up to 50 m. In spite of the small size they have a great geological importance, because they are the testimony of the most recent volcanoes of the Spanish southeast, they are a reference of the pliocuaternary volcanoes of Cartagena. In the 2009 update of the inventory of geological places of interest in the Region of Murcia, this place is included as a geological interest of national importance, as it belongs to the latest volcanic emissions of the Betic Mountain Range and the most recent of the Peninsula Iberian Its proximity to the urban center of Cartagena and its magnificent conditions of observation, give it an extraordinary capacity for scientific and didactic use. Given all these reasons, we recommend the conservation, study and enhancement of the geological and historical heritage of this region, as economical and cultural profit would be obtained by the inhabitants of this unique area in Región de Murcia.

The continuous and cooperative work of specialists and enthusiasts from universities, research institutions and non-governmental bodies has for more than 60 years allowed identification and formal recognition of protected areas for 200... more

The continuous and cooperative work of specialists and enthusiasts from universities, research institutions and non-governmental bodies has for more than 60 years allowed identification and formal recognition of protected areas for 200 geological sites and for more than 250 of geomorphological, speleological and landscape areas. 25 of these are considered to be of international importance and to characterize the geological heritage of Romania.

Geoconservation evolved very rapidly in the last decade and now its basic concepts, structure, tools and activities are well defined. Main areas of activity are focused around few basic concepts like: geodiversity, geological heritage,... more

Geoconservation evolved very rapidly in the last decade and now its basic concepts, structure, tools and activities are well defined. Main areas of activity are focused around few basic concepts like: geodiversity, geological heritage, geotopes / geosites, geopark, geoeducation. The potential for interaction between natural conservation and socio-economic activities made
geoconservation a new area of applied geology aiming to assure a sustainable use of natural resources for sustainable development and requiring a new type of specialist: geoconservationist

Neste trabalho analisa-se a recente evolução do conceito de património geomorfológico, no contexto da temática mais abrangente da valorização da geodiversidade, sintetizando-se o conhecimento existente e propondo-se metodologias para a... more

Neste trabalho analisa-se a recente evolução do conceito de património
geomorfológico, no contexto da temática mais abrangente da valorização da
geodiversidade, sintetizando-se o conhecimento existente e propondo-se
metodologias para a sua sistematização, bem como critérios para a sua avaliação.

This book introduces the Brecks Earth Heritage Trail launched in 2017. The Trail includes 18 points of geoheritage interest in the Brecks (Breckland) area in the East Anglia region, UK. The Trail promotes an holistic approach to the... more

This book introduces the Brecks Earth Heritage Trail launched in 2017. The Trail includes 18 points of geoheritage interest in the Brecks (Breckland) area in the East Anglia region, UK. The Trail promotes an holistic approach to the subject, bringing together geology, soils, geomorphology, hydrology, biodiversity, landscape, architecture and archaeology to interpret the geodiversity of the area.
The book was published by the Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership as part of the Breaking New Ground landscape partnership project (2014-2017). 44 pages in A4 format. ISBN 978-0-09564584-6-9.

Decorrente do desaparecimento de muitas das funções que moldaram a paisagem de Sicó, especialmente na segunda metade do século XX, assiste-se actualmente a uma transformação significativa desta paisagem cultural. Nas últimas décadas, as... more

Decorrente do desaparecimento de muitas das funções que moldaram a paisagem de Sicó, especialmente na segunda metade do século XX, assiste-se actualmente a uma transformação significativa desta paisagem cultural. Nas últimas décadas, as mudanças daí consequentes têm sido alcançadas em fracções de tempo diminutas, quando comparadas com a primeira metade do século XX. Este último facto poderá vir a representar uma mudança de paradigma numa região onde as componentes natural e cultural têm um valor de reconhecida importância internacional.
É num contexto de manifesta mudança, que mexe com as bases das identidades regional, local e, inclusivamente, pessoal, que se insere o presente artigo. Partindo de um denominador comum, o vento, efectua-se uma análise algo sucinta, contudo concreta, especificamente de dois objectos que apesar de partilharem o vento enquanto força motriz, têm histórias e impactos muito diferenciados, ambos negativos num passado recente, embora por motivos igualmente muito diferenciados.

The Colca Canyon (Central Andes, Southern Peru), about 100 km long and 1–3 km deep, forms a magnificent cross section of the Earth’s crust giving insight into mutual relations between lithostratigraphical units, and allowing relatively... more

The Colca Canyon (Central Andes, Southern Peru), about 100 km long and 1–3 km deep, forms a magnificent cross section of the
Earth’s crust giving insight into mutual relations between lithostratigraphical units, and allowing relatively easy interpretation of
the fascinating geological history written in the rocky beds and relief. Current activity of tectonic processes related to the
subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American Plate exposed the geological heritage within study area. Welldeveloped
tectonic structures present high scientific values. The volcanic landforms in the Valley of the Volcanoes and around
the Colca Canyon include lava flows, scoria cones and small lava domes. They represent natural phenomena which gained
recognition among tourists, scientists and local people. Studies performed by the Polish Scientific Expedition to Peru since 2003
recognized in area of Colca Canyon and Valley of the Volcanoes high geodiversity, potential for geoturism but also requirements
for protectection. The idea of creating geopark gained recently the approval of regional and local authorities with support from the
local National Geological Survey (INGEMMET). The Geopark Colca and Volcanoes of Andagua would strengthen the relatively
poor system of the protected areas in the Arequipa department, increasing the touristic attractiveness and determine constraints
for sustained regional development.

This dissertation proposes that the current legal definition of springs, veredas and wetlands should be revised. The existing concepts applied to these hydrological systems are controversial, but at the same time have important legal... more

This dissertation proposes that the current legal definition of springs, veredas and wetlands should be revised. The existing concepts applied to these hydrological systems are controversial, but at the same time have important legal implications. According to Law 12.651/2012 (Brazil 2012), marginal zones, as well as their surroundings, are entitled to protection as ‘Areas of Permanent Preservation’ - APP. Being defined as an APP area allows a differentiated protection regime, such as maintenance or restoration of the local vegetation. Intervention in APP areas, or the suppression of the local vegetation, is only possible in exceptional circumstances determined by the law. Brazil’s environmental legal framework has many different approaches and many different instruments, all of which aim to restrict the impacts on bodies of water and guide the reasonable use of these vital resources. However, there needs to be improvement in the application of these legal standards, better integration between national laws, and improved interaction between Brazil’s national laws and international treaties, such as the
Ramsar Convention. Springs, veredas and wetlands need to be better conceptualized in the law, which would help to inform decisions on human settlement and alternative land use. This paper proposes a revision of the concepts for springs, veredas and wetlands, as well as a methodology for their future definition, based on a case study of the Ecological Monitoring Station in Águas Emendadas (ESEC-AE) in Brazil’s Federal District. ESEC-AE is particularly relevant for this study, given its role as a meeting point between the Escudo Central hydrogeological system and the Tocantins and Paraná Basins surface hydrology network. ESEC-AE’s hydrological and ecological attributes, combined with its environmental functions, indicate its potential to be recognized as a Ramsar Site. Nevertheless, there are indications that the ESEC-AE wetlands are reducing in size. Further studies are required to determine the factors influencing the shrinkage and any possible mitigation / recovery measures. The reduction in the ESEC-AE wetlands is particularly concerning, given their hydrological importance.

El patrimonio geológico es una parte importante del patrimonio natural y posee valor por sí mismo, por lo que debe ser conservado. Muchos elementos geológicos poseen interés científico y/o didácti-co, que los hace singulares y destacar... more

El patrimonio geológico es una parte importante del patrimonio natural y posee valor por sí mismo, por lo que debe ser conservado. Muchos elementos geológicos poseen interés científico y/o didácti-co, que los hace singulares y destacar del resto. De su estudio se encargan las investigaciones de geodiversidad y de patrimonio geológico, áreas de investigación recientemente incorporadas al ámbito de la Geología. Este cuadernillo muestra las claves para entender el alcance y significado del estudio de la geodiversidad y del patrimonio geológico, como documento de referencia para todos aquellos que quieran iniciarse o saber más sobre esta temática. Edición Parques Nacionales, Noviembre 2014

Nas últimas décadas, estudos concernentes à geodiversidade têm repercutido na comunidade científica internacional em função do entendimento de que o patrimônio natural abiótico constitui o arcabouço da vida na Terra. Sob o ponto de vista... more

Nas últimas décadas, estudos concernentes à geodiversidade têm repercutido na comunidade científica internacional em função do entendimento de que o patrimônio natural abiótico constitui o arcabouço da vida na Terra. Sob o ponto de vista do patrimônio geomorfológico, este considera o conjunto de valores que representam a diversidade geomorfológica de um determinado contexto geográfico, propondo o estabelecimento de ações voltadas para a conservação e preservação desses ambientes. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste trabalho versou na identificação dos valores do patrimônio geomorfológico da Área de Proteção Ambiental da Bica do Ipu, Ceará, mediante as orientações de Pereira (2007), associadas a levantamentos bibliográficos, cartográficos e de campo. Como resultado, infere-se que a referida unidade de conservação apresenta um amplo e heterogêneo mosaico paisagístico dotado de extrema beleza, com sua valoração alçada nos aspectos científicos, ecológicos, culturais, estéticos e econômicos.

The quarries of the Sierra del Baño are located on the southeast slope of said mountain range, specifically to the west of the fortified hamlet of Los Baños and next to an important Roman archaeological complex of the I-II centuries A.D.,... more

The quarries of the Sierra del Baño are located on the southeast slope of said mountain range, specifically to the west of the fortified hamlet of Los Baños and next to an important Roman archaeological complex of the I-II centuries A.D., formed by a lodge and a building monumental or sanctuary that includes a hot spring. The quarries are located in rocks of the deltaic, coastal and reef geological context of the north of the neogenous basin of Fortuna, of Tortonian age. The quarries of the Baños de Fortuna are a geological zone of international importance because they belong to one of the best examples of coral reefs in the Mediterranean Neogene due to the quality of their outcrops and dimensions, called Cabezo del Desastre-Cerro Agudico. But in addition, next to the quarries of the Baths of Fortuna there are other archaeological values of great importance, such as those of the building of the Roman thermal baths and the Iberian necropolis of Castillejo. Unfortunately, despite the fact that this archaeological environment has a great scientific, educational and tourist interest, since it is next to the resort of Leana, all its sites, including quarries, are abandoned, without fencing and without musealization. Given all these reasons, we recommend the conservation, study and enhancement of the geological and historical heritage of this region, as economical and cultural profit would be obtained by the inhabitants of this unique area in Región de Murcia.

O município de João Pessoa e arredores, além da porção litorânea do Estado como um todo, tem passado por inúmeras transformações nas últimas décadas, em decorrência de um fluxo sem igual de pessoas do interior e de outros Estados e... more

O município de João Pessoa e arredores, além da porção litorânea do Estado como um todo, tem passado por inúmeras transformações nas últimas décadas, em decorrência de um fluxo sem igual de pessoas do interior e de outros Estados e regiões. Estas pessoas escolheram a região para morarem, em busca de qualidade de vida e melhoria socioeconômica, resultando em um aumento brusco na população total e, consequentemente, na pressão sobre o meio natural, típico de zonas costeiras com sua beleza paisagística- belas praias, falésias, recifes, bancos de areia, um estuário de grandes proporções, entre outras. Esta beleza natural ímpar, entrelaçada a uma cultura secular, que utilizou os aspectos físicos para sua consolidação, resultou em bens de inegável importância histórica, científica, pedagógica, turística, entre outros valores, o que lhe imprime um caráter patrimonial. Assim, a natureza privilegiada, associada ao patrimônio cultural importante, resulta na apropriação deste ambiente costeiro, urbano ou não, em práticas de lazer, turismo, educacionais, desportivas, por exemplo. O aumento da demanda turística e da ocupação humana sobre o patrimônio, seja natural, nomeadamente o Geopatrimônio, seja cultural, requer práticas que visem sua preservação, pois ambos apresentam vulnerabilidade, em decorrência da pressão demográfica imposta. Este ensaio versa sobre a definição e o histórico acerca da geoconservação, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, procurando discutir a viabilidade de sua prática através de exemplos que incluem a Paraíba, em especial sua porção oriental, onde a pressão sobre o patrimônio abiótico é maior. Afinal, vivemos em um mundo onde a exploração sem limites dos recursos naturais tem causados danos irreversíveis à geodiversidade, e a inserção de uma consciência ambientalista, voltada especificamente ao patrimônio abiótico é emergente e necessária.

Over the last decades, Costa Rica became established as a world-leading ecotourism destination due to its environmental policies and environmental awareness. The country is located in a dynamic region where the combination of tectonics... more

Over the last decades, Costa Rica became established as a world-leading ecotourism destination due to its environmental policies and environmental awareness. The country is located in a dynamic region where the combination of tectonics and volcanism, and tropical climate and vegetation have molded its landscapes. Our aim is to carry out a review of the geodiversity, geoconservation, and geotourism status in Costa Rica. We analyzed different geomorphic environments (volcanic, coastal, karstic, glacial, and fluvial), prospecting the importance of environmental policies and the Conservation Areas National System for the promotion of national geoheritage through geotourism. Our results are critical for the promotion of geosciences to the wider public throughout geotourism and conservation decision-makers. In dynamic, geomorphic, tropical, and developing countries with strong anthropic pressures over their geo-and biodiversity, geoheritage studies might be a priority for increasing their revenues through geotourism and reducing the pressure on their natural resources.

This paper presents an attempt at the evaluation of the Alpine geoheritage of the Susa Valley (Piemonte region, NW Italy). The area is included in the project for the creation of the ‘Cottian Alps Geopark’, whose application to the... more

This paper presents an attempt at the evaluation of the Alpine geoheritage of the Susa Valley (Piemonte region, NW Italy). The area is included in the project for the creation of the ‘Cottian Alps Geopark’, whose application to the European Geoparks Network is in progress. The Susa valley is a unique and great geological section showing all the structures and rocks involved in Alpine orogenesis. Moreover, it shows outstanding examples of interactions between human activities and processes of the physical environment. We considered these cultural landscapes as a heritage worthy to be known by people and to be exploited by geotourism activities. Therefore, we investigated the local geodiversity, assessed the geoheritage and identified the geosites characterised by a high potential for the enhancement of public understanding of geoscience and for recreational activities. In this paper, we describe the actions and methodologies carried on for creating geo-itineraries and for improving tourism activities and scientific knowledge. In particular, we focus attention on the Franks trail, a 60-km-long route crossing the Geopark territory, which follows the path blazed by Charlemagne in 773 AD as he attempted to avoid the Longobard army. The trail runs through many sites which tell about natural and cultural heritage. Our evaluation project makes the trail suitable as a ‘cultural extension’ of the ‘Via GeoAlpina’,
an international project that aims to show the wonders of alpine geology and geomorphology.

Geodiversitatea unui teritoriu, reprezentată în principal prin tipurile de roci, resursele minerale, sol şi caracteristicile morfologice ale reliefului, a jucat un rol important în dezvoltarea socială şi economică a comunitatilor umane... more

Geodiversitatea unui teritoriu,
reprezentată în principal prin tipurile
de roci, resursele minerale, sol şi
caracteristicile morfologice ale reliefului,
a jucat un rol important în dezvoltarea
socială şi economică a comunitatilor
umane tradiţionale. De la această
interacţiune continuă dintre om şi
materie, de la ceea ce oamenii şi-au
făurit din materialele extrase din subsol
s-au născut meşteşugurile, cultura şi
măiestria, s-a construit specificul locului.
Specificul locului este ca o marcă uşor
de identificat. Oare vinul de Bordeaux şi
cel de Murfatlar se aseamănă? A fabrica
porţelan sau cărămizi este acelaşi lucru?
Masivul Central Francez, Alpii, Carpaţii
au ei o geologie comună?

Neste trabalho analisa-se a recente evolução do conceito de património geomorfológico, no contexto da temática mais abrangente da valorização da geodiversidade, sintetizando-se o conhecimento existente e propondo-se metodologias para a... more

Neste trabalho analisa-se a recente evolução do conceito de património geomorfológico, no contexto da temática mais abrangente da valorização da geodiversidade, sintetizando-se o conhecimento existente e propondo-se metodologias para a sua sistematização, bem como critérios para a sua avaliação.

This study is built around the triptych; Knowledge, Evaluation, and Valuation. The knowledge component (popularization of fundamental knowledge) remains the initial pillar on which we based our inventory of geosites and evaluate their... more

This study is built around the triptych; Knowledge, Evaluation, and Valuation. The knowledge component (popularization of fundamental knowledge) remains the initial pillar on which we based our inventory of geosites and evaluate their scientific value, with the aim of enhancing their value in the service of teaching and learning earth sciences. The Jbilet massif is one of the Moroccan geological sites which is of particular importance for understanding the geological history of the Earth. It has been able to preserve its turbulent geological history, which has also enabled it to possess various landforms and varieties of geological formations that contribute to its geodiversity. Thus, we have chosen to study the Kettara sector, which is part of this massif and offers, on a national scale of a wide variety of geosites. In a bid to account for the geosites of scientific interest in Kettara, a bibliographical synthesis of the geological data and fundamental knowledge resulting from the scientific work carried out in the Central Jbilet massif was used, as well as an inventory sheet based on the work of several researchers using six (6) criteria. The selected geosites were then The Vulgarization for the Patrimonialization of the Kettara Geodiversity (Central Jbilet) Morocco 195 evaluated according to the criteria of scientific value. This work has enabled us to identify three geosites in the Kettara sector that are of high scientific value. They are characterized by mineralogical, magmatic, petrographic, metamorphic and structural features, which can be used for scientific and educational purposes in the service of earth sciences. The popularization and evaluation of this geodiversity leads to the geoheritage presentation of these geosites.