Health Care Administration Research Papers (original) (raw)

This article presents a new avenue for healthcare risk managers to drive improvement for patients and healthcare organizations alike: working to reduce avoidable patient suffering. It briefly describes the problem of patient suffering,... more

This article presents a new avenue for healthcare risk managers to drive improvement for patients and healthcare organizations alike: working to reduce avoidable patient suffering. It briefly describes the problem of patient suffering, differentiates between avoidable and unavoidable suffering, and suggests that common risk management tools can be used to tackle the problem. It also highlights a success story from one large health system.

The article presents the results of the study of the current state of public administration and strategic directions of development of nursing education in Ukraine by on the example of the Dnipropetrovsk region. The region was chosen... more

The article presents the results of the study of the current state of public administration and strategic directions of development of nursing education in Ukraine by on the example of the Dnipropetrovsk region. The region was chosen because it ranks second in Ukraine in terms of population (first place Donetsk region). The purpose of the study is to determine the strategic prospects for reform and effective development of the medical sector, in particular the education system of health workers on the basis of the study of the current state of public health management. The article has a conceptual nature, so the following research methods were chosen: systematization and generalization; analysis and specification; abstract-logical. An analysis of the scientific database of domestic and foreign researchers found that public administration of the secondary medical education system, including the health care system, is in crisis and is characterized by globality, longevity, and complexity. According to the results of statistical processing of primary data, it was found that despite the high level of graduates in the specialty «223 Nursing» of degrees professional junior bachelor and bachelor for five years (from 2016 to 2020) the number of nurses decreased by 21.6004% and this negative trend continues. State management of nursing education was defined as a special type of professional activity, the purpose and result of which is to ensure, support life and dynamic development of the industry whose main mechanisms are: regulatory-legal, coordination, organizational-motivational, educational-pedagogical, economic. The article emphasizes the need to develop strategic directions for the development of public administration in the system of medical education, which would provide medical institutions with highly qualified specialists, taking into account the market of educational services and the needs of society, to create and implement an effective resource mobilization mechanism to meet the needs of medical education, taking into account continuous professional development to train highly qualified professionals.

Bu çalışmada gerek devlet bütçesi içindeki payı gerekse de GSMH'ye oranı itibariyle ölçülen ve uluslararası karşılaştırmalara konu olan sağlık harcamalarının devlet tarafından üstlenme nedenlerine ilişkin literatür bilgi derlenmektedir.... more

Bu çalışmada gerek devlet bütçesi içindeki payı gerekse de GSMH'ye oranı itibariyle ölçülen ve uluslararası karşılaştırmalara konu olan sağlık harcamalarının devlet tarafından üstlenme nedenlerine ilişkin literatür bilgi derlenmektedir. Liberal ekonomilerde bile önemli yer tutan kamu ekonomisinin önemli bir ayağı olan sağlık harcamalarını devlet niye üstlenmektedir veya niye üstlenmelidir. Bu sorunun cevabı sistematik ve başka türlü harcamalarda da ele alınabilecek ölçütler çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Makalede üstlenme sebepleri özellikle kamu ekonomisi çerçevesinde ele alınan dört kavramla birlikte ele alınmakta ayrıca sağlık kurumlarında ifa edilen fonksiyonlar ana başlıklarda ifade edilmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sağlık Hizmeti, Sağlık Ekonomisi, Sağlık Hizmeti Özellikleri, Sağlık Yönetimi, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Sağlığın Finansmanı

This article presents a new avenue for healthcare risk managers to drive improvement for patients and healthcare organizations alike: Working to reduce avoidable patient suffering. It briefly describes the problem of patient suffering,... more

This article presents a new avenue for healthcare risk managers to drive improvement for patients and healthcare organizations alike: Working to reduce avoidable patient suffering. It briefly describes the problem of patient suffering, differentiates between avoidable and unavoidable suffering, and suggests that common risk management tools can be used to tackle the problem. It also highlights a success story from one large health system.

The adoption of systems-focused risk assessment techniques has not led to measurable improvement in the rate of patient harm. Why? In part, because these tools focus solely on understanding problems, and provide no direct support for... more

The adoption of systems-focused risk assessment techniques has not led to measurable improvement in the rate of patient harm. Why? In part, because these tools focus solely on understanding problems, and provide no direct support for designing and managing solutions (i.e., risk control). This second installment of a 2-part series on rebalancing risk management describes a structured approach to bridging this gap: The Active Risk Control (ARC) Toolkit. A pilot study is presented to show how ARC Toolkit can improve the quality of risk management practice.

The success of any organization depends on the leadership of the organization, it is important to stress how important the effectiveness of a leader is to the organization he is leading. This paper will examine the effectiveness of the... more

The success of any organization depends on the leadership of the organization, it is important to stress how important the effectiveness of a leader is to the organization he is leading. This paper will examine the effectiveness of the Google CEO as a case study, the leadership style and the CEO organizational value. The ethical behavior of a leader can affect the effectiveness of other workers in the organization as the leader in any organization are often seen as an object of emulation by the employee of the company

Bu çalışmada bir refah ölçüsü olarak kabul edilen ve ekonomi literatüründe de giderek daha fazla yer alan sağlık sektöründe üretilen hizmetlerin temel özelliklerine değinilmektedir. Sağlık hizmetlerinin kapsamına değinildikten sonra... more

Bu çalışmada bir refah ölçüsü olarak kabul edilen ve ekonomi literatüründe de giderek daha fazla yer alan sağlık sektöründe üretilen hizmetlerin temel özelliklerine değinilmektedir. Sağlık hizmetlerinin kapsamına değinildikten sonra özellikleri ele alınmaktadır. Sağlık hizmeti özelliklerinin farklı kaynaklarda hangi başlıklarla yer aldığında dair bilgiden sonra bu çalışmada esas alınan sıralama ve özellikler tanımlanarak ele alınmaktadır. Bu tanımlamalardan sonra ise bu özelliklerin piyasa mekanizması içersinde nasıl ele alınabileceğine dair kısa değerlendirme yapılarak diğer makalaelerde ele alınan daha geniş değerlenirmeler için zemin hazırlanmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sağlık Hizmeti, Sağlık Ekonomisi, Sağlık Hizmeti Özellikleri, Sağlık Yönetimi, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi

Background: Post-partum health information is hardly accessible to pregnant women. In fact, post-partum health literacy for pregnant mothers in relation to socioeconomic factors allows the decline of post-partum morbidities. Aims: This... more

Background: Post-partum health information is hardly accessible to pregnant women. In fact, post-partum health literacy for pregnant mothers in relation to socioeconomic factors allows the decline of post-partum morbidities. Aims: This research aimed to analyse the post-partum health information literacy of pregnant women with middle-low social status. Method: This was a quantitative study by using a direct survey technique to assess respondents' information literacy about post-partum health. There were 79 pregnant women to take part in this study. They only completed their high school degree as their highest educational level, and their family income was less than Rp 2,000,000 ($180) per month. This indicated that these participants are coming from middle-low social status. A self-developed questionnaire was used in this study to be filled by respondents. Results: Results showed that nearly half of respondents (44.1%) found post-partum health information for their self-hygiene well-being after baby delivery process finished. Information accessed by pregnant women were elaborated from other people (66.1%) like as parents, relatives, colleagues, or health officers. Most of the participants agreed to trust captured information (78%), but there were only little use the information (11.9%). Conclusion: To summarize, the health information literacy of pregnant mothers with middle-low status was tenuously elaborated from other people, and most of them believed it. It is possible that information obtained from other people is incorrect, so pregnant mothers might use wrong information.

Bringing health actors together to plan, strategize, and implement health programs is pivotal to the development and growth of modern healthcare systems. There is a critical need for healthcare providers, non-providers, and stakeholders... more

Bringing health actors together to plan, strategize, and implement health programs is pivotal to the development and growth of modern healthcare systems. There is a critical need for healthcare providers, non-providers, and stakeholders to understand the importance of collaboration and integration of healthcare systems. To have an effective and efficient healthcare system, healthcare organizations and non-healthcare organizations, in particular, need a better understanding of healthcare delivery systems and how to strengthen the healthcare system to meet the needs of their clients. The objective of this article was to analyze the effect of collaboration and integration of healthcare delivery system. Content analysis was conducted among healthcare providers and non-providers in a fragile healthcare system. Findings revealed that there is a need for the collaboration of everyone involved in healthcare delivery because it is a human services oriented sector. It is important when healthcare providers, non-providers, government, and international donor institutions collaborate and integrate healthcare services, while policy and decision-makers ensure a balanced accountability to maximize service delivery.

This survey based descriptive research has been undertaken in Tirunelveli District, Tamilnadu as comparative study to identify and differentiate sources of stress, impact of stress and coping strategies of nurses working in four core... more

This survey based descriptive research has been undertaken in Tirunelveli District, Tamilnadu as comparative study to identify and differentiate sources of stress, impact of stress and coping strategies of nurses working in four core departments (ward, operation theatre, intensive care unit and casualty) in private hospitals. Sources of stress have been identified and differentiated in terms of role, work load, working hour, organization structure and policy, work shift, interpersonal relationship at the workplace, lack of professionalism and professional self doubt, career development and pay, lack of resources, physical environment and welfare facilities, discrimination and sexual harassment, attitude towards work, home-work conflict, doctor and patient related stressors. Impact of stress has been identified and differentiated in terms of job performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and health. The study has sampled 360 nurses from 45 general types of private hospitals using stratified sampling technique. Mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Kruskal Wallis test and multiple regression models have been used to analyse the data. The result indicated that the extent of perception of majority of the nurses working in all four departments towards sources of stress and impact of stress have been at medium. The study has given suitable suggestions to overcome the stress.

Risk assessment, by itself, does nothing to reduce risk or improve safety. It can only change outcomes by informing the design and management of effective risk control interventions. But current practice in healthcare risk management... more

Risk assessment, by itself, does nothing to reduce risk or improve safety. It can only change outcomes by informing the design and management of effective risk control interventions. But current practice in healthcare risk management suffers from an almost complete lack of support for risk control. This first installment of a 2-part series on rebalancing risk management describes a new framework to guide risk control practice: The Process for Active Risk Control.

While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 promises to expand care to millions of Americans, how the bill will determine the meaning of medical necessity—the concept that continues to serve as the key means for... more

While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 promises to expand care to millions of Americans, how the bill will determine the meaning of medical necessity—the concept that continues to serve as the key means for regulating the utilization of health care services—remains an open question. Instead of detailing what is and is not considered medically necessary, the ACA charges the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services with overseeing the processes by which these critical determinations will be made. This article considers a series of “meta-questions” regarding the place of medical necessity determinations within the context of the ACA. It does so by examining the policy challenges presented by a bill that attempts to balance government regulation, physician autonomy, and the various market forces driving managed care. The result is an understanding of the inherently political nature of medical necessity determinations under the ACA.

Background: First Level Clinic is a health facility that provides first-layer clinical services to the community. Efforts that can b e made to improve the quality and safety of clinical services at the Pratama clinic are through... more

Background: First Level Clinic is a health facility that provides first-layer clinical services to the community. Efforts that can b e made to improve the quality and safety of clinical services at the Pratama clinic are through accreditation. The medical record unit is part of the Pratama clinic su pport service unit included in the Pratama clinical accreditation assessment section. The readiness of medical record units needs to b e assessed to see what documents and implementations do not yet exist and are done. Identification of readiness of Clinic X medical record unit accreditation was carried out two years earlier in 2015. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the continuity of readiness of medical record unit accreditati o n in 2018. Method: This study was an ob servational descriptive study using a cross-sectional design. Data collection was carried out through ob servation and interviews with medical record officers. Analysis was done b y comparin g th e prediction of Clinic X medical record unit accreditation readiness scores b etween 2015 and 2018. Results: The result showed that the prediction score increased from 41.7% in 2015 to 65.8% in 2018. The comparison of readiness for accreditation can b e used as an evaluation to complement the needs of d o cu m e n ts that do not yet exist and procedures that have not b een implemented. Conclusion: The clinic has not b een accredited b ecause most of the elements b eing evaluated were the incomplete supporting documents. The clinic can make a framework, determine the method, and analyze the instruments b ased on the suitab le method.

Direct patient contact health care employees such as physicians, nurses, and technologists work in complex, stressful environments that are prone to conflict. Though some of this conflict may result in positive outcomes, much will have... more

Direct patient contact health care employees such as physicians, nurses, and technologists work in complex, stressful environments that are prone to conflict. Though some of this conflict may result in positive outcomes, much will have the opposite effect. Dysfunctional conflict has the potential to negatively affect the health care workplace on a variety of levels, including impacting the quality of patient care, employee job satisfaction, and employee wellbeing. Therefore, it would behoove hospital managers to learn to recognize the precursors to conflict in order to prevent any ill effects. The purpose of this literature review is to offer an overview of the antecedents and effects of conflict among health care workers. Both positive and negative effects of conflict are addressed. Also explored in this review are methods in which negative conflict can be adequately managed and resolved.

Hospitals are service businesses that deliver health services. Practicing quality management system approach at hospitals should assure that all the patients are provided with all the care they require as soon as they enter the hospital.... more

Hospitals are service businesses that deliver health services. Practicing quality management system approach at hospitals should assure that all the patients are provided with all the care they require as soon as they enter the hospital.
Gradual increase of the costs of health services on the one hand and changes in income levels on the other jeopardize obtaining of health services for all individuals in a just and effectiveness manner. Problems encountered in financing health services impact the delivery of these services. Ensuring equal access to health services and increasing life expectancy are essential for a healthy society. In this situation, we can assume that the quality on the health services is the direction of allocation resources continually and suitably to determined needs and expectations. In this sense, quality in health means to meet requirements and rational expectations fully and constantly, in the most economical way. When the required and desired health services are aimed to be delivered with the lowest possible costs, cost reduction becomes important.
Economic approach and profitability of sources are coming into prominence at the organization of health services . Therefore, reached levels has to be measured, and compared with the targets. This measurement is often used to make a comparison with other companies’ levels, and sometimes it becomes more important. To be able to make such a comparison, along with the methods for the analysis, data sets and classification systems for analysis should be the same. In our country, quality management systems are becoming more prominent in both community and private hospitals. These systems are usually revealing themselves as reorganization and control actions in order to elevate the statistics of quality in health services with present sources.
However, it should be kept in mind that quality management systems are adding different costs to the health system. The determination of the quality management system targets and to become current will very important for the expectations of system. We are studying a literature search to remove the confusion and, we are studying the utility measuring methods at system setup. The determinations of how are using the cost benefit analysis and cost effectiveness analysis at measuring of outputs for quality management systems are targets of our study. Furthermore we are aiming the model application about set up data sets for these analyses. Additionally we are aiming publish the determination of these data sets.
Key Words: “Quality Management Systems”, “Health Service”, “Cost-Benefit Analysis”, “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis”

This essay discusses factors considered by researchers when developing a sampling plan including the frame, sampling unit, sample size, target population, precision, and stratification. The sampling methods of probability, both simple and... more

This essay discusses factors considered by
researchers when developing a sampling plan
including the frame, sampling unit, sample size,
target population, precision, and stratification. The
sampling methods of probability, both simple and
systematic were also defined and compared on their
utility for sampling populations. The usefulness of
sampling as applied in a quantitative survey study
is illustrated by evaluating an article using the
characteristics of comprehensiveness, probability
of selection, and efficiency.

Piyasa kavramı bir pazardan ziyade pazarın işleyiş kurallarını ifade etmektedir. Sağlık piyasası da sağlık hizmeti alıcısı ve sunucularının karşılaştığı ortamlardan ziyade bu ortamların işleyiş kurallarını ve özelliklerini ifade... more

Piyasa kavramı bir pazardan ziyade pazarın işleyiş kurallarını ifade etmektedir. Sağlık piyasası da sağlık hizmeti alıcısı ve sunucularının karşılaştığı ortamlardan ziyade bu ortamların işleyiş kurallarını ve özelliklerini ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışmada sağlık finansmanının sağlandığı araç ve kurumların işleyiş kuralları ve özelliklerinden ziyade bu piyasanında içinde yeraldığı ekonomik düzenin temel kabulleri ve özelliklerine değinilmektedir. Ayrıca çalışmanın başında sağlık sektöründeki yönetim temelleri ve yöneticilerin eğitim altyapısına dair tespitler yapılarak, genel piyasadan ayrıştığı yönlerin vurgulanmasına uygun bir zemin hazırlanmaya çalışılmıştır. İleriki çalışmalarda da sağlık hizmetlerinin işleyişi ve piyasaların işleyişi arasındaki çatışmaların neler olabileceği ve yine sistem içinde bu çatışmaların çözümlerinin bulunup bulunmadığına değinilecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sağlık Ekonomisi, Sağlık Hizmeti Özellikleri, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Sağlığın Finansmanı, Sağlık Piyasaları,

meliputi langkah-lang perencanaan

ABSTRACT Gastrointestinal parasites (helminthes and protozoans) of humans are one of the major health problems worldwide especially in the tropics and subtropical areas. There is inadequate reliable information on the prevalence of these... more

Gastrointestinal parasites (helminthes and protozoans) of humans are one of the major health problems worldwide especially in the tropics and subtropical areas. There is inadequate reliable information on the prevalence of these parasitic infections among patients attending hospitals in Bamenda, Cameroon. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of this parasitic infection in two hospitals in Bamenda which were: the Presbyterian Health Center (PHC) Mankon, Bamenda and Bamenda Regional Hospital by examining their past records Of those at Presbyterian heath center, 2258 persons consulted, 495 were positive with a total prevalence of 21.9% for parasitic infection. Generally,the total prevalence for Ascaris lumbricoides was 13.5%.Balantidium coli 0%,Entamoeba histolytica 58.4%,Taenia species 0.9%,intestinal flagellates 6.5% and Gardia lamblia 1.1% with Entamoeba histolytica being the most prevalent parasitic infection.Of those at the Bamenda Regional hospital,1674 patients consulted,458 were positive with a total parasitic prevalence of 27.4%.Generally,the total prevalence for Ascaris lumbricoides was 0.1%.Balantidium coli 0.3%,Entamoeba histolytica 23.1%,Taenia species 0.2%,intestinal flagellates 0% and Gardia lamblia 3.9% with Entamoeba histolytica being the most prevalent. Prevalence of parasitic infections in the Presbyterian Health Centre was higher in females, 46.5% than males 32.7% besides; the Prevalence of parasitic infections in the Bamenda Regional Hospital was as well higher in females 17.0% than males 10.6%. In the Presbyterian Health Centre, age group specific prevalence of parasitic infection was highest between the age group of 61 years and above, followed by 13.0% in 31 to 40 age group but lowest between the 21 to 30 years age group. In the Bamenda Regional Hospital, age group specific prevalence of parasitic infection was highest between the age group of 11-20years, but lowest between the 41-50 years age group.
In conclusion, this study shows that intestinal helminthes and protozoan infections are among the common parasitic infections among patients presenting at these hospitals. This information may provide invaluable statistics needed for planning meaningful public control programs.
Keywords: intestinal parasites, helminthes, protozoa, prevalence, records, hospital, Bamenda, Cameroon, health.

Current practice in healthcare risk management is supported by many tools for risk assessment (understanding problems), but none for risk control (solving problems). The results: a failure to improve safety, and a waste of the investment... more

Current practice in healthcare risk management is supported by many tools for risk assessment (understanding problems), but none for risk control (solving problems). The results: a failure to improve safety, and a waste of the investment made in risk assessment. The Active Risk Control (ARC) Toolkit, available for free, fills this void with a systematic, structured approach to risk control.

Although it is probably the best-known prospective hazard analysis (PHA) tool, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is far from the only option available. This article introduces one of the alternatives: The structured what-if... more

Although it is probably the best-known prospective hazard analysis (PHA) tool, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is far from the only option available. This article introduces one of the alternatives: The structured what-if technique (SWIFT). SWIFT is a flexible, high-level risk identification technique that can be used on a stand-alone basis, or as part of a staged approach to make more efficient use of bottom-up methods like FMEA. In this article we describe the method, assess the evidence related to its use in healthcare with the use of a systematic literature review, and suggest ways in which it could be better adapted for use in the healthcare industry. Based on the limited evidence available, it appears that healthcare workers find it easy to learn, easy to use, and credible. Especially when used as part of a staged approach, SWIFT appears capable of playing a useful role as component of the PHA armamentarium.

Excerpts: "The ‘5 whys’ technique is one of the most widely taught approaches to root-cause analysis (RCA) in healthcare. Its use is promoted by the WHO,1 the English National Health Service, [2] the Institute for Healthcare Improvement,... more

"The ‘5 whys’ technique is one of the most widely taught approaches to root-cause analysis (RCA) in healthcare. Its use is promoted by the WHO,1 the English National Health Service, [2] the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, [3] the Joint Commission [4] and many other organisations in the field of healthcare quality and safety. Like most such tools, though, its popularity is not the result of any evidence that it is effective. [5–8]"
"But the real problem with ‘5 whys’ is not how it is used in RCA, but rather that it so grossly oversimplifies the process of problem exploration that it should not be used at all. It forces users down a single analytical pathway for any given problem,[13] insists on a single root cause as the target for solutions [9 ,13 ,20] and assumes that the most distal link on the causal pathway (the fifth ‘why’) is inherently the most effective and efficient place to intervene."

Bu çalışmada faturalama için kayıtlama süreçlerinde yaşanan sorunlar ele alınmakta ve bu çerçeveden kamu hastaneleri incelenmektedir. Çalışmada faturalamaya yönelik kayıtlama süreçlerinde yaşanan sorunların ve olası çözüm yollarının... more

Bu çalışmada faturalama için kayıtlama süreçlerinde yaşanan sorunlar ele alınmakta ve bu çerçeveden kamu hastaneleri incelenmektedir. Çalışmada faturalamaya yönelik kayıtlama süreçlerinde yaşanan sorunların ve olası çözüm yollarının tespiti amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma dört bölümden oluşmaktadır.
Birinci bölümde denetim kavramı, genel fatura kavramı, faturalamanın usul ve esaslarına ait tanımlara yer verilmektedir. Hastane ve Çalışanlardan elde edilen bilgilerle ,ikinci bölümde kamu hastanelerindeki kayıtlama süreçleri ve bu süreçlerde rol alan birimlerin denetlemeye esas kayıtların tutulması sırasında karşılaştığı sorunlara değinilmektedir. Ayrıca denetim faaliyetinin etkinliğinin önündeki sorunlara ayrı bir başlık açılmakta ve sıralanmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde ise, denetleme faaliyetleri için tespit edilen sorunlar değerlendirilmeye tabi tutularak bu sorunlar için ifade edilen çözüm önerileri sıralanmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kamu Hastaneleri, Faturalama, Fatura Denetimi Saymanlık Birimleri, Hastane Yönetimi,
In this study, in the process of registering for billing problems are discussed. Public hospitals are examined from this perspective. In this study, the problems in the process of registering for billing and is intended for the detection of possible solutions. The study consists of four sections.
In the first chapter the concept of control, the general concept of the bill, mainly belonging to the invoicing procedures and definitions are given. Research was conducted with information obtained from employees. In the second part, public hospitals have been addressed in the process of registering. The problems faced by the units involved in the process are discussed. In addition, problems that hamper the effectiveness of audit activities are listed. In the fourth chapter, the problems identified for audit activities are evaluated. Solutions for these problems expressed are listed..
Key Words: Public Hospitals, Billing Services, Accounting Department, Hospital Management

The low membership of National Health Insurance (NHS) with only 56.85% family owning JKN Card identifi ed as the main problem based on urgency, seriousness, and growth in Payaman Village, Ngraho Sub-district, Bojonegoro District. The... more

The low membership of National Health Insurance (NHS) with only 56.85% family owning JKN Card identifi ed as the main problem based on urgency, seriousness, and growth in Payaman Village, Ngraho Sub-district, Bojonegoro District. The purpose of this study is to identify the root cause of low JKN's membership using Fishbone Analysis. This study was an Cross-sectional. Sample in this research that is 204 family selected using simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques with interviews and direct observation. The root causes of the problems are the low level of public knowledge, lack of socialization, lack of health promotion media, The head of the family is less aware of the importance of JKN and low level of education. Efforts that can be done by the village management that is in cooperation with Pondok Kesehatan Desa (Ponkesdes) Payaman Village and Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Bojonegoro District to educate the public regarding the importance of JKN card ownership, Increasing the availability of socialization media to make easier in understanding JKN and forming JKN cadres in Payaman Village.

This chapter addresses the following research question: What can be learnt from public sector mergers that could assist in the successful planning and execution of strategic mergers more broadly? In so doing, we undertake a comprehensive... more

This chapter addresses the following research question: What can be learnt from public sector mergers that could assist in the successful planning and execution of strategic mergers more broadly? In so doing, we undertake a comprehensive literature review across two sector of the economy - health and higher education – by investigating merger dynamics involving public hospitals and universities. Three aspects are looked upon with some detail: a) the rationale for merging; b) the merger process; and c) the tangible effects. The rationale for comparing these two sectors is fourfold: first, they represent significant parts of the domestic GDP in many countries; second, both sectors are thought to be critical actors in the context of an ageing, knowledge-based economy underpinned by the global competition for talent, skills an dnove ideas (innovation); third, both sectors have been at the forefront of policy agendas with the strategic aim of modernizing providers’ internal structures, missions, functions and institutional profiles; and, fourth, universities and hospitals are both professional bureaucracies characterized by increasing hybrid forms of organizing and strong (legitimatized) professional groups – doctors, nurses, academics, etc.

Bilimsel çalışmaların amacında tespitlerde bulunmak olduğu gibi yapılacak doğru tespitlerin çözüm çalışmaları yönünde temeller atılmasına olanak sağlamakta yatmaktadır. Çözüm planlamalarında sorunun ne olduğunun yanında asıl kaynağının ne... more

Bilimsel çalışmaların amacında tespitlerde bulunmak olduğu gibi yapılacak doğru tespitlerin çözüm çalışmaları yönünde temeller atılmasına olanak sağlamakta yatmaktadır. Çözüm planlamalarında sorunun ne olduğunun yanında asıl kaynağının ne olduğunun bilinmesi çok çok önemlidir. Yine bir sorunun diğer hangi sorunların neticesi olduğu yada hangi başka sorunlara yol açtığının tespit edilmesi de uygulama planlarının doğru kademelendirilmesi açılarından oldukça önemlidir. Bu kademelendirmelerin yapılabilmesi sorunun kaynağına ilişkin farklı bakış açılarının da ele alınmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada sağlık piyasasında konuşulan bir çok etik sorunun ortaya çıkmasında piyasa uyuşmazlıklarının etken olduğu ya da bu etik sorunların gizlenmesine olanak sağladığı varsayımını destekleyecek tarzda bir sınıflandırma yapılmaktadır. Yürütülmeye çalışılan serbest piyasa yapısına ilişkin ön kabullerin, sağlık piyasalarında aksadığı noktalarla, etik sorunlar ilişkilendirmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bu çerçevede serbest piyasa yapısının dört temel özelliğinin karşılanamadığı durumlarla ilintili muhtemel etik sorunlar ayrı ayrı başlıklandırılmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Etik, İş Etiği, Deontoloji, Tıbbi Etik, Etik Sorunlar, Etik Kurullar