Hippocampus Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

While it is well established that exercise can improve cognitive performance, it is unclear how long these benefits endure after exercise has ended. Accordingly, the effects of voluntary exercise on cognitive function and brain-derived... more

While it is well established that exercise can improve cognitive performance, it is unclear how long these benefits endure after exercise has ended. Accordingly, the effects of voluntary exercise on cognitive function and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels, a major player in the mechanisms governing the dynamics of memory formation and storage, were assessed immediately after a 3-week running period, or after a 1-week or 2-week delay following the exercise period. All exercised mice showed improved performance on the radial arm water maze relative to sedentary animals. Unexpectedly, fastest acquisition (fewest errors and shortest latency) occurred in animals trained following a 1-week delay, while best memory performance in the probe trial was observed in those trained immediately after the exercise period. Assessment of the time course of hippocampal BDNF availability following exercise revealed significant elevations of BDNF immediately after the exercise peri...

The use of transcranial low-level laser (light) therapy (tLLLT) to treat stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI) is attracting increasing attention. We previously showed that LLLT using an 810-nm laser 4 h after controlled cortical impact... more

The use of transcranial low-level laser (light) therapy (tLLLT) to treat stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI) is attracting increasing attention. We previously showed that LLLT using an 810-nm laser 4 h after controlled cortical impact (CCI)-TBI in mice could significantly improve the neurological severity score, decrease lesion volume, and reduce Fluoro-Jade staining for degenerating neurons. We obtained some evidence for neurogenesis in the region of the lesion. We now tested the hypothesis that tLLLT can improve performance on the Morris water maze (MWM, learning, and memory) and increase neurogenesis in the hippocampus and subventricular zone (SVZ) after CCI-TBI in mice. One and (to a greater extent) three daily laser treatments commencing 4-h post-TBI improved neurological performance as measured by wire grip and motion test especially at 3 and 4 weeks post-TBI. Improvements in visible and hidden platform latency and probe tests in MWM were seen at 4 weeks. Caspase-3 express...

Physical activities for a few days can increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in rat hippocampus. To investigate the influence of maternal exercise during pregnancy on rat pup hippocampal BDNF mRNA, we studied its... more

Physical activities for a few days can increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in rat hippocampus. To investigate the influence of maternal exercise during pregnancy on rat pup hippocampal BDNF mRNA, we studied its expression by a semi-quantitative RT-PCR method after young pregnant rats were exercised on a motor driven treadmill. Pups of exercised mothers had significantly increased hippocampal BDNF

Animal studies have shown that stress is associated with damage to the hippocampus, inhibition of neurogenesis, and deficits in hippocampal-based memory dysfunction. Studies in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) found... more

Animal studies have shown that stress is associated with damage to the hippocampus, inhibition of neurogenesis, and deficits in hippocampal-based memory dysfunction. Studies in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) found deficits in hippocampal-based declarative verbal memory and smaller hippocampal volume, as measured with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Recent preclinical evidence has shown that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors promote neurogenesis and reverse the effects of stress on hippocampal atrophy. This study assessed the effects of long-term treatment with paroxetine on hippocampal volume and declarative memory performance in PTSD. Declarative memory was assessed with the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised and Selective Reminding Test before and after 9-12 months of treatment with paroxetine in PTSD. Hippocampal volume was measured with MRI. Of the 28 patients who started the protocol, 23 completed the full course of treatment and neuropsychological testin...

Salicylate intoxication is a cause of tinnitus in humans and it is often used to produce tinnitus-like perception in animal models. Here we assess whether salicylate induces anxiety-like electrophysiological and behavioural signs. Using... more

Salicylate intoxication is a cause of tinnitus in humans and it is often used to produce tinnitus-like perception in animal models. Here we assess whether salicylate induces anxiety-like electrophysiological and behavioural signs. Using microwire electrode arrays, we recorded local field potential in the ventral and, in some experiments dorsal hippocampus, in an open field arena 1 hour after salicylate (300mg/kg) injection. We found that animals treated with salicylate moved dramatically less than saline treated animals. Salicylate-treated animals showed a strong 4-6Hz (type 2) oscillation in the ventral hippocampus (with smaller peaks in dorsal hippocampus electrodes). Coherence in the 4-6Hz-theta band was low in the ventral and dorsal hippocampus when compared to movement-related theta coherence (7-10Hz). Moreover, movement related theta oscillation frequency decreased and its dependency on running speed was abolished. Our results suggest that salicylate-induced theta is mostly re...

Epilepsy as one of the most common neurological disorders affects more than 50 million people worldwide with a higher prevalence rate in low-income countries. Excessive electrical discharges in neurons following neural cell damage or loss... more

Epilepsy as one of the most common neurological disorders affects more than 50 million people worldwide with a higher prevalence rate in low-income countries. Excessive electrical discharges in neurons following neural cell damage or loss cause recurrent seizures. One of the most common and difficult to treat types of epilepsy is temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) which results from hippocampal sclerosis. Nowadays, similar to other diseases, epilepsy also is a candidate for treatment with different types of stem cells. Various stem cell types were used for treatment of epilepsy in basic and experimental researches. Two major roles of stem cell therapy in epilepsy are prophylaxis against chronic epilepsy and amelioration cognitive function after the occurrence of TLE. Several animal studies have supported the use of these cells for treating drug-resistant TLE. Although stem cell therapy seems like a promising approach for treatment of epilepsy in the future however, there are some serious ...

Whether high-cholesterol diets (HCD) induce a high incidence of memory deficits in diabetes requires to be established; if so, whether they induce impairments of memory acquired in the pre-diabetic stage as well as in the diabetic stage... more

Whether high-cholesterol diets (HCD) induce a high incidence of memory deficits in diabetes requires to be established; if so, whether they induce impairments of memory acquired in the pre-diabetic stage as well as in the diabetic stage also needs to be elucidated, and part of the related mechanisms involved in this dysfunction should be determined. The mice were grouped into: normal mice fed normal diets (NN), diabetic mice fed normal diets (DN), normal mice fed HCD (NH), and diabetic mice fed HCD (DH). Animals were subjected to Morris water maze testing: 1) Learning in the pre-diabetic stage and memory retrieval in the diabetic stage; 2) Learning and memory retrieval in the diabetic stage. Following water maze testing, biochemical parameters were estimated in the animals. The results showed that significant impairments of memory retrieval, acquired in the diabetic stage, were observed only in DH group, neither in DN nor NH group in a short term compared with NN group. Biochemical ...

The precise contribution of visual information to contextual fear-learning and discrimination has remained elusive. To better understand this contribution, we coupled the context pre-exposure facilitation effect (CPFE) fear conditioning... more

The precise contribution of visual information to contextual fear-learning and discrimination has remained elusive. To better understand this contribution, we coupled the context pre-exposure facilitation effect (CPFE) fear conditioning paradigm with presentations of distinct visual scenes displayed on 4 LCD screens surrounding a conditioning chamber. Adult male Long-Evans rats received non-reinforced context pre-exposure on Day 1, an immediate 1.5 mA foot shock on Day 2, and a non-reinforced context test on Day 3. Rats were pre-exposed to either digital Context (dCtx) A, dCtx B, a distinct Context C, or no context on Day 1. Context A and B were identical except for the visual image displayed on the LCD monitors. Immediate shock and retention testing occurred in dCtx A. Rats pre-exposed dCtx A showed the CPFE with significantly higher levels of freezing compared to learning controls. Rats pre-exposed to Context B failed to show the CPFE, with freezing that did not differ significant...

Three inhibitors of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), acting through different mechanisms, as well as pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), were microinjected unilaterally by stereotaxic procedures into the substantia nigra reticulata or the CA1 area... more

Three inhibitors of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), acting through different mechanisms, as well as pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), were microinjected unilaterally by stereotaxic procedures into the substantia nigra reticulata or the CA1 area of the hippocampus of the rat. The ...