Historic Buildings Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This is the updated version of 'Heritage Games' following lots of comments. It is group of activities that can be used in heritage practice to explore what matters and why, and to whom, and to use that understanding to manage or... more

This is the updated version of 'Heritage Games' following lots of comments. It is group of activities that can be used in heritage practice to explore what matters and why, and to whom, and to use that understanding to manage or conserve heritage, indecisions-making and in working with different communities. There is also a section on values in leading heritage organisations. As you can see from the first page, I am still playing with the title!

Policy is based on the principle of sustainable development with heritage-led regeneration projects having important roles in supporting sustainable growth. This aligns with policies to enable communities to consider how culture can be... more

Policy is based on the principle of sustainable development with heritage-led regeneration projects having important roles in supporting sustainable growth. This aligns with policies to enable communities to consider how culture can be central to plans for wellbeing. As such, the positive outcomes for communities engaged in such projects can be broadly defined across four areas; economic, social, cultural and environmental.

Nel 1819-23 fu attuato il piano generale di “ampliazione e perfezionamento” del Palazzo dell’Università di Pavia redatto dal prof. Giuseppe Marchesi. Il piano prevedeva anche la realizzazione di un nuovo scalone monumentale, appropriato... more

Nel 1819-23 fu attuato il piano generale di “ampliazione e perfezionamento” del Palazzo dell’Università di Pavia redatto dal prof. Giuseppe Marchesi. Il piano prevedeva anche la realizzazione di un nuovo scalone monumentale, appropriato alla magnificenza dell’edificio ristrutturato. Avendo previsto lo scalone in una parte di edificio già esistente, Marchesi dovette affrontare molti problemi. Volendo coprire lo spazio interno con un’ampia volta a botte con lacunari, ma anche limitare le spese, decise di conservare muri e copertura esistenti. Questi vincoli lo condussero a interessanti scelte progettuali; per quanto riguarda il tetto, per guadagnare altezza per la volta, modificò le capriate esistenti tagliandone le catene lignee e sostituendole con tiranti rialzati in ferro battuto. L’articolo descriverà le vicende storiche dello scalone e le tecniche costruttive adottate per la copertura, nella quale è presente una precoce applicazione di tiranti metallici in capriate lignee.

The geographical area of Ligurian Apennines identified with the expression "Quattro Province" (Four Provinces, an area at the borders of the provinces of Alessandria, Genova, Pavia, and Piacenza) includes territories of different... more

The geographical area of Ligurian Apennines identified with the expression "Quattro Province" (Four Provinces, an area at the borders of the provinces of Alessandria, Genova, Pavia, and Piacenza) includes territories of different administrative institutions, but characterized by similar cultural features. Analogies are found in popular traditions (e.g. music, local festivals) and in building types. In particular, the most ancient examples of local architecture, both civil and religious, have common technological features, that characterize this area in a peculiar way. Studies about Longobardic documents and medieval material evidence show that the activity of the monasteries determined real urban planning: after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the territory was dominated by severe decline and economic crisis, even though this area was important for pilgrimage and commerce (Salt road, Via degli Abati, Via Postumia). The organization in monastic cells, each with its own economic function, is still recognizable in recurring toponyms, evocative of specific types of cultivation or farming (e.g. Pecorara, Porcile, Pometo, and Noceto). The building activity was not spontaneous, but it had been entrusted to craftsmen who planned constructions according to precise design, using cultured technologies and defined measures (eulithic architecture1). More recent rural buildings often have reused materials of pre-existing constructions. Even if they present modifications, rural buildings have the main elements of the eulithic architecture, which certainly had to represent a model for local inhabitants.

Handwerkliche Prozesse zur Gewinnung, Herstellung, Aufbereitung und Verar-beitung von Baumaterialien hinterlassen an jedem gebauten Werk ihre Spuren. Für den Bauforscher sind diese eine maßgebliche – oftmals sogar die einzige-Quelle zur... more

Handwerkliche Prozesse zur Gewinnung, Herstellung, Aufbereitung und Verar-beitung von Baumaterialien hinterlassen an jedem gebauten Werk ihre Spuren. Für den Bauforscher sind diese eine maßgebliche – oftmals sogar die einzige-Quelle zur Rekonstruktion der angewandten Bautechniken sowie des Material-, Transport-und Bearbeitungsweges bis zur Baustelle. Sie erlauben das Nachvoll-ziehen von Bauabläufen und der erforderlichen Baulogistik. Da auch in der Antike eine reibungslos funktionierende Baustelle in hohem Maße von der sozialen Organisation des Bauwesens abhing, ermöglicht die Rekonstruktion von Bauweisen und Bauabläufen ebenso das dahinter stehende Wissen und die soziale Struktur zu analysieren. Wird das antike Bauwesen als ein hochgradig komplexer und ver-netzter Prozess verstanden, dann kann seine Entschlüsselung dazu beitragen, Fragen nach der jeweiligen Verteilung von Arbeit und Kompetenz, nach der sozi-alen Organisation einer Baustelle und dem Einfluss von Mobilität der Bauleute auf die Verbreitung und Transformation von Bauwissen zu beantworten. Innovative Verarbeitungsmethoden und die Rolle von Materialökonomie geben ferner Hin-weise auf das jeweilige Technik-, Natur-und Raumverständnis. Ziel der 12. Archäo-logischen Diskussionen zur Bauforschung war es daher, neben den rein techni-schen Aspekten des Wissens um Materialeigenschaften und den Fragen nach der Logistik, auch die Tradierungsprozesse von konstruktiv-operativem Bauwissen in der Antike zu diskutieren. In 29 Beiträgen wird sich in drei ›Zoomschritten‹ aus drei unterschiedlichen Blick-winkeln den Fragen genähert. Ausgehend von der Bearbeitung des Werkstücks werden über das baukonstruktive Zusammenfügen bis hin zur Organisation des Bauablaufs die jeweiligen Spuren beleuchtet und interpretiert. Ein interdiszipli-närer Zugriff ermöglicht es dabei, Hinweise auf Bauhütten und Bautraditionen, deren Organisation sowie die Überlieferung von Wissen im antiken Bauwesen zu gewinnen. Die facettenreichen Beiträge machen deutlich, dass das Beobachten und kritische Hinterfragen jeder noch so kleinen Spur an antiken Bauwerken nicht nur zu neuen bauforscherischen Erkenntnissen führt, sondern durch die Verknüp-fung mit Forschungsansätzen anderer Disziplinen auch interessante Einblicke in antike Kulturen und Lebenswelten gewonnen werden.

Today built heritage conservation should consider constantly changing needs of users. In particular, recent problems related to the economic crisis and to environmental pollution make issues related to consumption reduction and... more

Today built heritage conservation should consider constantly changing needs of users. In particular, recent problems related to the economic crisis and to environmental pollution make issues related to consumption reduction and environmental impact particularly important.
Even if historical buildings have many sustainable features in terms of embodied energy and land consumption, they don’t perfectly meet current standards and impose many restraints from a constructive and typological/functional point of view.
In recent years a new approach to preservation has been derived from the theory of “care of monuments” by Ruskin: a preventive and constant maintenance, interpreted as less destructive and cheaper intervention and management of the continual becoming. Besides a lifecycle approach leads to reconsider management and to rethink the intervention putting in place a balance between positive and negative contributions in the long term.
The LCA mantra “from cradle to grave” is usually applied to new products taking into account all components, from the extraction/production of raw materials to the disposal of constructive elements. Since the main goal of historical buildings' conservation is to shift to infinity their dismissal time, this study aims to lay the foundations for an innovative approach for sustainability assessment of existing buildings that should consider the resources savings and doesn’t set a time limit for the building’s life.
The paper focuses on “minor” built heritage, the most exposed to abandonment and decay.

Duisburger Denkmalthemen 3, 2008.

Summary results of series of investigations carried out during 2013-14 on the Heckfield Place estate in Hook, Hampshire. Of particular interest is an insight to the agrarian transformation of the landscape in the early 19th century. Of... more

Summary results of series of investigations carried out during 2013-14 on the Heckfield Place estate in Hook, Hampshire. Of particular interest is an insight to the agrarian transformation of the landscape in the early 19th century. Of interest in terms of landscape and garden architecture, is the analytical historic building record of a late 18th / early 19th century ‘bothy’, made prior to its renovation: the full report of which is to be uploaded in due course.

В статье на примере Елизаветинской рукодельной школы (город Кунгур) анализируется опыт развертывания эвакуационного госпиталя в капитальном каменном здании конца XIX века. Привлечение материалов центральных государственных и ведомственных... more

В статье на примере Елизаветинской рукодельной школы (город Кунгур) анализируется опыт развертывания эвакуационного госпиталя в капитальном каменном здании конца XIX века. Привлечение материалов центральных государственных и ведомственных архивов позволило охарактеризовать способы решения возникавших в условиях зимы 1940 года технических, административных и психологических сложностей формирующегося госпитального коллектива. Также представлены все сохранившиеся данные о лечебной, культурно-массовой работе в госпитале № 1718.

Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests. It demonstrates... more

Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public
space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces
by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests.
It demonstrates further that, Vancouver City Council (VCC) proved
receptive to the counter-projects and provided an overarching strategic
spatial framework within which the projects on the ground were
devised and implemented. This chapter also introduces the importance
of the social animation of public space, whether through politicised
collective action or ludic enjoyment. Changing representations of space
through time are shown to have implications for spatial practice on the ground, based on differences in the way social behaviour in public
space is understood and interpreted.

Kulturmiljöinventeringen av Vendelsö har utförts 2017 av Tobias Mårud och Karin Myhrberg, byggnadsantikvarier, och Ann Vinberg och Andreas Forsgren, arkeologer, Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård, på uppdrag av Haninge kommun. Kompletterande... more

Kulturmiljöinventeringen av Vendelsö har utförts 2017 av Tobias Mårud och Karin Myhrberg, byggnadsantikvarier, och Ann Vinberg och Andreas Forsgren, arkeologer, Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård, på uppdrag av Haninge kommun. Kompletterande arkivuppgifter har lämnats av Anders Numan, Haninge hembygdsgille.

"Studies of industrial sites have tended to focus on purely functional understandings of their origins, layout, design and meaning. Industrial buildings have often been seen as an entity apart from other forms of post-medieval... more

"Studies of industrial sites have tended to focus on purely functional understandings of their origins, layout, design and meaning. Industrial buildings have often been seen as an entity apart from other forms of post-medieval architectural expression. This is symptomatic of the isolation of industrial
archaeology, not only from the broader spectrum of archaeological thought but also from other disciplines which strive towards a deeper understanding of the development of consumer society. This paper explores the origin of the typical industrial complex, arguing that elements of medieval
cognition were retained into the 19th century."

Kulturmiljöinventeringen av Västerhaninge har utförts 2016 av Tobias Mårud, byggnadsantikvarie, Ann Vinberg, kulturgeograf och arkeolog, och Andreas Forsgren, arkeolog, Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård, på uppdrag av Haninge kommun.... more

Kulturmiljöinventeringen av Västerhaninge har utförts 2016 av Tobias Mårud, byggnadsantikvarie, Ann Vinberg, kulturgeograf och arkeolog, och Andreas Forsgren, arkeolog, Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård, på uppdrag av Haninge kommun. Kompletterande arkivuppgifter har lämnats av Anders Numan, Haninge hembygdsgille.

An urban-character study of Abergynolwyn was prepared in 2017 in support of the Wales Slate World Heritage Nomination to be submitted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Abergynolwyn is a... more

An urban-character study of Abergynolwyn was prepared in 2017 in support of the Wales Slate World Heritage Nomination to be submitted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Abergynolwyn is a nineteenth-century village in the Dysynni valley in Merioneth, which was built to house quarrymen at Bryn Eglwys slate quarry, and stands close to the narrow-gauge Talyllyn Railway, which served both the quarry and the village.
The report outlines the history of quarrying in the locality and the development of Abergynolwyn and the Talyllyn Railway. The character study examines the pattern of settlement and its relationship to its existing infrastructure of roads and pre-industrial farmsteads. Based mainly on industrial housing, but also encompassing commercial, cultural and religious buildings, it discusses the influence of the local economy, cultural aspirations, social structure and the use of building materials, all of which have contributed to the special character of Abergynolwyn’s built heritage. The variety of historic character within the
village is highlighted by the identification of separate character areas.
Abergynolwyn came into existence after the opening of Bryn Eglwys Quarry in 1844 and there was an intense period of development from 1864 to the early 1880s. It represents a boom period in the local economy, following which there was a prolonged decline, with
little new building, which has ensured that the town retains its nineteenth-century character. Early housing is comprised of pairs and short rows of houses, whereas after major investment in the quarry and village from 1864 rows of terraced houses were built, some of them based loosely on designs by a Manchester architect, James Stevens. The town acquired chapels, a church, school and shops, becoming a fully-formed community, both economically and culturally.
Building materials make an important contribution to the character of the village, where a progression from field stone to the use of slate waste from the quarry is clearly visible. Progress in the quality of industrial housing is also clearly evident in the development from
single-storey cottages to large two-storey houses.
The various themes are drawn together to show that Abergynolwyn retains a strong and distinctive nineteenth-century character based on its unique combination of topography, economic and social history, and the local natural resources with which its buildings were constructed. The report concludes with recommendations on the merits of designation of Conservation Area status.

Με την εξαίρεση των στρατοπέδων «Παύλου Μελά», στη Σταυρούπολη, και «Κόδρα», στην Καλαμαριά, μερικώς, δε, και του στρατοπέδου «Πεδίου Άρεως» στην ομώνυμη τοποθεσία, ελάχιστα πράγματα είναι γνωστά για το κτιριακό δυναμικό των υπόλοιπων... more

Με την εξαίρεση των στρατοπέδων «Παύλου Μελά», στη Σταυρούπολη, και «Κόδρα», στην Καλαμαριά, μερικώς, δε, και του στρατοπέδου «Πεδίου Άρεως» στην ομώνυμη τοποθεσία, ελάχιστα πράγματα είναι γνωστά για το κτιριακό δυναμικό των υπόλοιπων στρατιωτικών εγκαταστάσεων του πολεοδομικού συγκροτήματος της Θεσσαλονίκης. Αποτολμώντας την πρωταρχική διερεύνηση του θέματος, ομάδα εργασίας του Τμήματος Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας του Τεχνικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδας, εξέτασε, επιτόπου, το 2005, τις κτιριακές υποδομές πέντε ανεξερεύνητων στρατοπέδων του πολεοδομικού συγκροτήματος («Κακιούση», «Ζιάκα», «Παπακυριαζή», «Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου», «Καρατάσιου»), καθώς και του στρατοπέδου «Πεδίου Άρεως». Ο συγκεκριμένος τόμος αποτελεί τον απολογισμό του έργου της ομάδας εργασίας, απώτερο στόχο του οποίου αποτέλεσε ο εντοπισμός τυχόν αξιόλογων κτηρίων και συνόλων στα έξι στρατόπεδα. Προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή, παρατίθεται, καταρχήν, εισαγωγικό κείμενο συνολικής παρουσίασης των καταγεγραμμένων κτιριακών εγκαταστάσεων, αποτίμησης των ιδιαίτερων χαρακτηριστικών τους και πρόταξης των πλέον αξιόλογων, σε συνδυασμό με κατηγοριοποίηση, με κριτήριο τις ανάγκες προστασίας τους. Ακολούθως, παρουσιάζεται παράρτημα χαρτών χωρικού εντοπισμού των καταγεγραμμένων υποδομών και καρτελών περιγραφικής και αξιολογικής αποδελτίωσής τους.

In the 1980s the National Park Service conducted a survey for the establishment of a National Historic Landmark district. However, they missed the facility located adjacent to historic Launch Complex 5/6 where US manned space flight... more

In the 1980s the National Park Service conducted a survey for the establishment of a National Historic Landmark district. However, they missed the facility located adjacent to historic Launch Complex 5/6 where US manned space flight began. This report assesses the spin test facility and the structures associated with it.

Fire of Haydarpaşa Train Station has showed us once more that we have a long way to go in the process of preparing our cultural heritage against disaster risks. Turning this unfortunate event into an opportunity for our heritage, actions... more

Fire of Haydarpaşa Train Station has showed us once more that we have a long way to go in the process of preparing our cultural heritage against disaster risks. Turning this unfortunate event into an opportunity for our heritage, actions to be taken before, during and after a disaster in order to reduce the vulnerability of historic buildings by means of analysing similar events that have occured in the World will be explained. Furthermore, some information will be given on the Guide for the Protection of Cultural Heritage during Rehabilitations, which is being prepared by a team of international experts. This initiation has been started straight after the Haydarpaşa Fire, by ICOMOS/ICORP- International Council of Monuments and Sites/ International Council of Risk Preparedness, Turkish Committee. Data on the situation of Haydarpaşa Train Station after the fire have been studied and used by the permission of the Directorate of İstanbul Vth Regional Council for Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage

Editor's review : "a very scholarly and original piece of research on one of London’s vanished suburban medieval mansions" . This paper is about the Barbican — the house and possible preceding tower that gave the present housing and arts... more

Editor's review : "a very scholarly and original piece of research on one of London’s vanished suburban medieval mansions" . This paper is about the Barbican — the house and possible preceding tower that gave the present housing and arts complex and this part of the City of London its name. The paper examines its origins and uncovers the history of a house that was held by several generations of a family close to the monarchy, beginning with a grant by Edward III to his close and trusted aide, Robert de Ufford, of the property in 1331. In the absence of any archaeological data this paper relies on archival sources. It comprises sections on the Barbican prior to 1331 and the etymology of the name, the people involved with the house, and what can be ascertained about the house itself in terms of its architecture. It
also briefly examines Garter House, the Barbican’s neighbour, and clarifies the relationship between the Barbican, Bridgwater House and Garter House — as the three have come to be conflated or confused in some sources. In conclusion it demonstrates that this was a house of some standing, home to some interesting and important people, and that it almost certainly got its name from an earlier defensive structure.

Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978) is an Italian architect whose methodology and approach to architecture was not appreciated until after his death , although, recently, his method and works are admired as Modernist-Regionalist architecture. This... more

Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978) is an Italian architect whose methodology and approach to architecture was not appreciated until after his death , although, recently, his method and works are admired as Modernist-Regionalist architecture. This dissertation discusses, explores and illustrates the significance of Scarpa’s methodology and holistic approach as an authentic Modernist-Regionalist architect.
In particular, this research considers Scarpa’s holistic approach where elaborate objects come together to create an integral, harmonious form. However, none of these elaborate objects has dominance; this is opposite to the philosophy of Modern Movement. Scarpa resolved the issue of heaviness of modern architecture simply by employing the fluid characteristic of water and using local craftsmen and materials. Hence, Scarpa’s inclusive method brought various factors of Modern Movement, traditional architecture and critical regionalism together.
Moreover, the process of design in Scarpa’s project is critically evaluated to demonstrate his route from inspiration to invention and then from drafting to crafting. Finally, the way in which he brought all the objects and elements of his design together to make a spatial arrangement of space, is discussed. Therefore, Scarpa’s methodology addressed the crisis of objects in Modern Movement.

Results of a research project named Historical roofs constructions of sacral building in Turiec region. Project was aimed to measure, photograph and create drawings of the timber roofs, carpenter signs, joints and other features. Research... more

Results of a research project named Historical roofs constructions of sacral building in Turiec region. Project was aimed to measure, photograph and create drawings of the timber roofs, carpenter signs, joints and other features. Research results are ment to serve as a databasisi for following research - e.g. geometry designs, 3d models etc. and also as a help for buiding owners and offices for monument preservation.

Kulturmiljöinventeringen av Handen, Vega, Kolartorp, Kvarntorp och Hermanstorp har utförts 2017 av Tobias Mårud, byggnadsantikvarie, Ann Vinberg, kulturgeograf och arkeolog, Andreas Forsgren, arkeolog, Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård, på... more

Kulturmiljöinventeringen av Handen, Vega, Kolartorp, Kvarntorp och Hermanstorp har utförts 2017 av Tobias Mårud, byggnadsantikvarie, Ann Vinberg, kulturgeograf och arkeolog, Andreas Forsgren, arkeolog, Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård, på uppdrag av Haninge kommun. Kompletterande arkivuppgifter har lämnats av Anders Numan, Haninge hembygdsgille.

Throughout history people have built structures by combining their cultural values and technical knowledge. Historic buildings, therefore, reflect a society's culture and identity. These buildings are regarded as cultural heritage and... more

Manual que, de manera integral y técnica, aborda la conservación de los edificios históricos

During the years between the Unification of Italy (1861) and Fascism (1922-1943) there was a great development of military buildings. The designer’s technical skills combined competence in the disciplines of fortification and military and... more

During the years between the Unification of Italy (1861) and Fascism (1922-1943) there was a great development of military buildings. The designer’s technical skills combined competence in the disciplines of fortification and military and civil architecture, and took place under the teacher’s guidance – officials of the Engineer Corps themselves – whose notoriety and cultural influence often extended to the civil field. At the same time the construction field followed a gradual but radical evolution process, thanks to the progressive change of traditional buildings techniques and materials – masonry elevation structures, vaulted or wooden floors and roofs – with ones: cast iron, steel, and reinforced concrete. In accordance with technological evolution there was a progressive shift from projects based on empiricism and the well-established ‘rules of art’, to scientific analysis of structures, which had become essential to optimize the use of these new materials.

Resilience of new and existing buildings to climate change is a key research issue. Climate change-related phenomena can considerably affect buildings mechanical and thermal-energy response by contributing to materials degradation and... more

Resilience of new and existing buildings to climate change is a key research issue. Climate change-related phenomena can considerably affect buildings mechanical and thermal-energy response by contributing to materials degradation and structural safety. Such an impact is even further exacerbated in historical constructions, more vulnerable to such events due to their ancient structure if compared to recent designs. The purpose of this paper is to propose an innovative, integrated, multidisciplinary methodology for assessing construction materials’ degradation in historic masonry buildings and its potential future evolution, providing a risk mapping accounting for interactions between climate change effects and structural damage. Such a replicable approach consists in (i) preliminary site inspections, (ii) damage and degradation surveys, (iii) development and calibration of numerical models predicting structural-thermal response and (iv) prediction of materials degradation accounting for future climate conditions and potential worsening of structural damage. The final output of the procedure is a hierarchical mapping of regions with different degradation severities, by identifying those where a specific type of degradation or damage insists but are likely stable and those where they are expected to get worse due to changes in future climate conditions or to a negative interaction between degradation and damage. The presented approach is applied to an iconic Italian monumental building, the Consoli Palace in Gubbio, where future climate scenarios up to 2080 are simulated according to the IPCC climate change predictions. Results highlight that thermal-energy and structural aspects need to be jointly considered in the preservation of surface materials of historic buildings exposed to climate change severity.

Research on the performance gap suggests that the actual energy consumption in buildings can be twice as much as expected from modelled estimates. Energy models rely on predictive indicators and assumptions that are usually done at the... more

Research on the performance gap suggests that the actual energy consumption in buildings can be twice as much as expected from modelled estimates. Energy models rely on predictive indicators and assumptions that are usually done at the design stage, without acknowledging behavioral patterns of actual users, amongst other uncertain elements. Moreover, in the context of the performance gap, it is evident that energy efficiency is overemphasized while other key issues such as health and comfort of occupants associated with indoor air quality, noise levels etc., have been less stressed and discussed. This paper discusses physical measurements of indoor temperature in a case study building at the University of Cambridge and reports findings of a workshop with researchers, building professionals and graduate students working on environmental performance in the built environment. The workshop addressed research issues related to energy, comfort and health (couched in terms of thermal performance), used as a means to understand the complexities of and trade-off between different aspects of sustainable buildings. Retrofit measures were suggested while considering how to balance energy and comfort needs, with some these measures being modelled to determine their efficacy. This research concludes with a reflection on how to implement these retrofit measures in a manner that addresses the performance gap.

Courtyard houses in historic cities of arid areas have roles in regulating the climatic conditions. Those buildings are located within the hearts of urban blocks to expand their ecological impact on their surroundings. Resided by the... more

Courtyard houses in historic cities of arid areas have roles in regulating the climatic conditions. Those buildings are located within the hearts of urban blocks to expand their ecological impact on their surroundings. Resided by the elites, they were of particular positioning within their neighborhoods to make their courtyards for community interactions. The greeneries, the water, and the serene furniture were elements made those courtyards as little oases in the city's fabric. Unfortunately, most of those houses are demolished or deserted in bad conditions; a fact that disrupted their climatic and social roles. This research explores the revitalization one of those houses, to introduce the means to reactivate the climatic role and the passivity of the building from one side, and to re-establish social links between the courtyard and the community. The focus is on a recent initiative to establish a "Bustan" in Bayt Yakan that mimics the historic garden usually annexed...