Colonial Architecture Research Papers - (original) (raw)

hophouse is a famous building type in cities of Malaysia with its commercial usage on the ground floor and residence on the upper floor. The earliest shophouses were influenced by the indigenous Malay house style. Later, the styles were... more

hophouse is a famous building type in cities of Malaysia with its commercial usage on the ground floor and residence on the upper floor. The earliest shophouses were influenced by the indigenous Malay house style. Later, the styles were popular with the western influences due to the application of brick and plaster, construction technique and regulation of building by-laws. The syncretic nature of its style has incited scholars to be disagreeing on a single and precise classification. However, some styles like ‘Attap' type and Art Deco due to their distinguishing characteristics had an easy recognition. Several scholars have classified these styles of shophouses in Malaysia into different categories. This paper reviews six stylistic classifications of shophouse facades in Malaysia and further refines its genres by focusing it on a small region in George Town, Penang. The study examines 403 shophouses built in various periods along the seven parallel streets in George Town. It embarked with twenty-eight visual elements under the category of five architectural elements of the shophouse façades. The survey applied documentation, observation and visual method for the study of the façade elements. The findings suggest a fine tuned stylistic classification of shophouses based on a previous study of Hassan & Yahaya (2012) which is considered more pertinent in context of Malaysia.

De antropoloog Filip De Boeck en de fotograaf Sammy Baloji werkten tussen 2013 en 2014 samen aan een onderzoeksproject rond stad en stedelijkheid in Congo. Het project mondde uit in het boek Suturing the City. Living Together in Congo's... more

De antropoloog Filip De Boeck en de fotograaf Sammy Baloji werkten tussen 2013 en 2014 samen aan een onderzoeksproject rond stad en stedelijkheid in Congo. Het project mondde uit in het boek Suturing the City. Living Together in Congo's Urban Worlds en de door Devrim Bayar gecureerde rondreizende tentoonstelling Urban Now: City Life in Congo. Boek en expo denken de relatie tussen tekst en beeld op een andere manier: terwijl de foto's in het boek intiem verweven zijn met de tekst van De Boeck, ontbreekt die tekst in de tentoonstelling en hangen de beelden van Baloji haast contextloos op de muur. Toch blijven zij, dankzij enkele ingrepen van de curator, (relatief) leesbaar. Alhoewel geïnformeerd door de antropologische studie van De Boeck, krijgen ze hier de kans een eigen verhaal te schrijven.

Pour tout groupe d’individus, la mémoire représente cette force abstraite, active et constructive qui permet de perpétuer le souvenir du passé et d’établir un lien avec lui. La présence au présent d’objets et/ou de lieux du passé... more

Pour tout groupe d’individus, la mémoire représente cette force abstraite, active et constructive qui permet de perpétuer le souvenir du passé et d’établir un lien avec lui. La présence au présent d’objets et/ou de lieux du passé instaure, dans le temps et dans l’espace, une relation avec ce dernier. Elle pérennise la mémoire et sert de supports à la pratique commémorative. Matérialisant le sacré, les édifices de culte sont les plus illustres témoins de l’histoire d’un groupe social. Recouvrant le symbolisme architectural et les pratiques sociales, ils sont des lieux de production et de condensation de la mémoire collective. Lorsque ces édifices sont des stigmates d’un passé endolori, ils véhiculent une mémoire douloureuse et deviennent alors un héritage lourd à assumer.
A l’instar des pays méditerranéen, l’Algérie recèle un patrimoine cultuel riche et nuancé. A juste titre, les édifices religieux de culte non-musulman constituent une part non négligeable, notamment ceux érigés aux XIXème et XXème siècles, pendant la période coloniale. Au lendemain de l’indépendance, l’Algérie a hérité de plus de 600 édifices, ce legs demeure marginalisé et ne représente aujourd’hui qu’à peine 2% des biens culturels protégés. Très présents encore, ces édifices ont substantiellement contribué au façonnage du paysage urbain de nos villes, à l’instar de notre dame d’Afrique d’Alger, du Sacré Cœur d’Oran ou encore de Saint Augustin d’Annaba. Le rejet dont sont victimes est, en majeur partie, dû à leurs rapports avec la mémoire sociale. L’objectif de cet article est de proposer une relecture de ces rapports, basée sur une distanciation entre leurs mémoires référentielles et auto-référentielles, afin de les reconnaître en tant que lieux mémoriaux à l’échelle de la nation puis de nos villes.

ABSTRAK Penjajahan kolonial Belanda memberikan pengaruh yang besar bagi bangsa Indonesia, salah satunya adalah bidang arsitektur dan industry gula. Pabrik gula berkembang pada masa kolonial Belanda dan terlihat dari bentuk bangunannya.... more

ABSTRAK Penjajahan kolonial Belanda memberikan pengaruh yang besar bagi bangsa Indonesia, salah satunya adalah bidang arsitektur dan industry gula. Pabrik gula berkembang pada masa kolonial Belanda dan terlihat dari bentuk bangunannya. Pabrik Gula Kremboong adalah salah satu yang masih bertahan dan beroperasi di wilayah Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Pada kawasan Pabrik Gula kremboong tidak hanya tedapat bangunan produksi dan kantor, tetapi juga rumah dinas yang memiliki keberagaman gaya di dalamnya. Pengaruh gaya terlihat dari elemen arsitektural penyusun pada ruang dalam rumah dinas. Tujuan dilakukanya studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi elemen arsitektural yang berada di ruang dalam rumah dinas Pabrik Gula Kremboong. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan historis dan tipologi. Hasil studi berupa pengelompokkan elemen arsitektural ruang dalam berdasarkan variabel, yaitu plafon, dinding, pintu dan lantai. Elemen arsitektural ruang dalam mendapat pengaruh gaya Art and Craft, Art Nouveau dan Niew Bouwen. ABSTRACT Dutch colonization has a considerable influence on the nation of Indonesia, one of them is on the field of architecture and sugar industry. The development of sugar factory at Dutch colonial periods shows the unique shape of building. Kremboong is one of sugar factory that still survive and operate in district of Sidoarjo. In the area of Kremboong sugar factory is not only building of production and office, but also official residence which has a diversity of styles of architecture in it. Styles that affect the building look from architectural elements that arrange the interior space of official residence. The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the architectural element of interior official residence in Kremboong sugar factory. The method used is a qualitative descriptive with historical and typology approach. The results of these study are the grouping of interior architectural elements based on variables, which is ceilings, walls, doors and floors. The results of these studies form the grouping of architectural elements in the space based on the variables, which is ceilings, walls, doors and floors. Interior architectural elements influenced by style of Art and Craft, Art Nouveau and Niew Bouwen.

Catálogo de la arquitectura rifeña construida en el Marruecos Español por el interventor Emilio Blanco Izaga. En ella se mezclan los rasgos propios del Art Déco y de las arquitecturas propias del Atlas marroquí. Esta arquitectura... more

Catálogo de la arquitectura rifeña construida en el Marruecos Español por el interventor Emilio Blanco Izaga. En ella se mezclan los rasgos propios del Art Déco y de las arquitecturas propias del Atlas marroquí. Esta arquitectura representa una importante faceta de la actuación colonial española sobre el norte de Marruecos.

This book is a tribute to the remarkable architectural heritage of present-day New Caledonia. With more than 200 pages and 400 photogaphs, it features the successive architectural styles which have spanned the first century of French... more

This book is a tribute to the remarkable architectural heritage of present-day New Caledonia. With more than 200 pages and 400 photogaphs, it features the successive architectural styles which have spanned the first century of French colonial rule over the archipelago, through their diversity, mutual influences, aesthetics and design.
Obviously, the study of architecture relies on embracing the artistic and technical context. In New Caledonia, strong similarities exist between local 19th century buildings and their counterparts in the rest of the former French colonial empire. More recently, the international decorative principles of the Art deco aesthetic and those, specifically French, of the regionalist trend, have been applied extensively. Therefore, the aim of this volume was to place these constructions into a both stylistic and historical perspective, and to show what this small country’s heritage can bring to a more globalized knowledge.
Heritage is more and more perceived on universal grounds: this book can thus bring new, localized, elements to the art history of the South Pacific islands, and more broadly to the study of colonial architecture, whose interest is nowadays internationally recognized.

Tanger est la seule ville du nord du Maroc dont la croissance et la planification urbaines revêtent des caractéristiques très particulières . Ces circonstances spécifiques sont le résultat des accords juridiques implicites dans le statu... more

Tanger est la seule ville du nord du Maroc dont la croissance et la planification urbaines revêtent des caractéristiques très particulières . Ces circonstances spécifiques sont le résultat des accords juridiques implicites dans le statu quo international adopté depuis des dates très précoces, fait qui impliquait l'intervention dans les affaires tangéroises des autorités consulaires de plusieurs pays, notamment la France, l'Angleterre et l'Espagne. Ceci étant, dans ce panorama cosmopolite, vu comme caractéristique fondamentale et définitoire du Tanger coloniale, le plus intéressant est de constater comment, malgré une législation spécifique et le poids corollaire de l'influence diplomatique conjuguée française et britannique, la majeure partie de son architecture et de son urbanisme ont une origine espagnole et relèvent de la responsabilité espagnole. Concrètement, en accordant depuis 1906 le poste d'ingénieur municipal à un technicien nommé par le Consulat espagnol à Tanger (ou peut-être par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères), cette intervention dans les tâches urbaines revêtait un caractère officiel. Cet ingénieur partageait avec son homologue français les compétences relatives à des travaux publics dans la capitale diplomatique. Pour cette raison, depuis 1907 jusqù'à 1956, plusieurs ingénieurs et un architecte espagnols assumeront la responsabilité de la croissance urbaine de Tanger, bien qu'il faille aussi souligner que ce fait n'implique absolument que les solutions apportées en matière de croissance et d'extens ion aient beaucoup à voir avec celles menées dans les villes marocaines khalifiennes voisines, parce que ni les circonstances socio-économiques, ni les institutions politiques ont été les mêmes .

New England is known for its harsh winters and sturdy people. But today, it is also known for its living history and surviving architecture, in particular, homes that are sometimes well over 200 years old but look as though they were... more

New England is known for its harsh winters and sturdy people. But today, it is also known for its living history and surviving architecture, in particular, homes that are sometimes well over 200 years old but look as though they were constructed yesterday. While we can attribute their current condition to the people lucky enough to own and maintain them today, we must look to the people who, with Yankee ingenuity, fortitude, and craftsmanship, built these homes to withstand so many bitter winters-especially in the seacoast towns. This paper will not focus on the high-style homes of the governors and sea captains. Rather, it will focus on the modest, middle-class home that was constructed of wood and covered with clapboards, with a single central fireplace and perhaps later, a rear salt-box addition. The reader will go through the exterior building envelope system by system, learning traditional building methodology and materials. After reviewing the history, the paper will discuss contemporary conditions. Using archival research and informal interviews with preservation specialists, it will cover maintenance, adaptive reuse of historic fabric, and how much, if any, of a 268-year-old house, can possibly be original. In conclusion, using modern historic preservation methodology, recommendations will be made on how to keep the home standing for another 200 years, in the manner of a professional historic preservation maintenance manual.

Le patrimoine bâti, urbain et architectural, en Algérie qui a un caractère particulier est un héritage de grandes valeurs et qui mérite reconnaissance, dont on peut s'inspirer des leçons et des techniques de conception. Notamment le... more

Le patrimoine bâti, urbain et architectural, en Algérie qui a un caractère particulier est un héritage de grandes valeurs et qui mérite reconnaissance, dont on peut s'inspirer des leçons et des techniques de conception. Notamment le patrimoine architectural français qui date de la période 19ème 20ème siècle, où il représente un exemple dans son genre par son adaptation au climat et son inspiration de l'architecture ancienne (romaine, Turque et traditionnelle algérienne). Dans le cadre de cette recherche l'étude est beaucoup plus axée sur une lecture originale de cette catégorie du patrimoine et l'analyse de sa dimension sensible. Conséquemment, l'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser les types des maisons coloniales de la ville de Biskra et de dégager les différentes techniques de rafraichissements utilisées, en particulier les solutions du contrôle climatique pour avoir un environnement thermique intérieur ambiant confortable et de comprendre les méthodes et outils de l'adaptation climatique de la maison dans les climats durs, surtout le climat saharien, pour aider à une meilleure planification des actions de protection, de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur Une investigation est menée sur un certain nombre de maisons choisis comme des échantillons représentatifs de l'architecture coloniale à Biskra par une approche historique qui se divise en deux parties ; la première partie contient une analyse des documents historiques, et la deuxième partie traite la typologie des maisons. Afin d'avoir des maisons plus confortables, de nombreuses techniques traditionnelles pourraient être améliorées en utilisant de nouveaux matériaux et des connaissances modernes, plutôt que les abandonnées totalement.

A comunicação tem como objecto a praça no espaço colonial português, durante a última fase do Império. Procura-se identificar estruturas urbanas de representação do poder político estado-novista, demonstrando a existência de padrões que... more

A comunicação tem como objecto a praça no espaço colonial português, durante a última fase do Império. Procura-se identificar estruturas urbanas de representação do poder político estado-novista, demonstrando a existência de padrões que se reflectem a dois níveis: no traçado urbano (do chão) e na arquitectura (dos edifícios). Um dos principais objectivos da realização destas praças do império – que se disseminam um pouco por toda a antiga África portuguesa – é qualificar o ambiente construído das cidades africanas, aproximando-as em grau de urbanidade das suas congéneres metropolitanas. A semelhança entre as intervenções urbanas desencadeadas neste período em Portugal e nos territórios ultramarinos sob administração portuguesa evidencia portanto a proximidades das opções estilísticas e ideológicas tomadas. O facto dos arquitectos que as desenham trabalharem indistintamente para África ou para Portugal, assegura igualmente a sua similitude.
Genericamente, estas estruturas mantiveram a sua importância na organização e vivência das cidades africanas contemporâneas, podendo-se afirmar que as suas qualidades de “representação” têm sido potencializadas dentro do novo quadro histórico e político do período pós-independência.
São analisados alguns casos de estudo na Guiné-Bissau e em Angola, a partir da perspectiva “clássica” da regra e do modelo enunciada por Françoise Choay em 1980. A adopção da classificação proposta por Choay é aqui admitida como modo de introdução de um padrão estável de análise interpretativa. O estudo encontra-se ainda num estágio inicial, razão porque o texto se apresenta de forma coloquial. São ainda incluídos aqui esquemas desenhados propositadamente no âmbito deste encontro.
A investigação de base integra o projecto “Os Gabinetes Coloniais de Urbanização – Cultura e Prática Arquitectónica”, de que sou Investigadora Responsável (Referência FCT: PTDC/AURAQI/104964/2008). Visitaram-se as cidades angolanas citadas neste estudo (com excepção do Huambo) em Agosto de 2009. Foi igualmente cumprido um breve itinerário por Bissau e algumas cidades guineenses da região norte/nordeste do país em Outubro de 2011.

From: Las artes en Quito en el cambio del siglo XVII al XVIII (Quito: FONSAL, 2009), pp. 11-25. Traces the history of architect José Jaime Ortiz through archival sources from his birth in Alicante, Spain, through his work in San Juan,... more

From: Las artes en Quito en el cambio del siglo XVII al XVIII (Quito: FONSAL, 2009), pp. 11-25.
Traces the history of architect José Jaime Ortiz through archival sources from his birth in Alicante, Spain, through his work in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to the culmination of his career in Quito.

La decoración conocida como "ajaraca" consiste en entrelazos que forman una estrella de ocho puntas y es frecuente encontrarla en la arquitectura tanto en edificios virreinales como neocoloniales en la ciudad de México. Este texto intenta... more

La decoración conocida como "ajaraca" consiste en entrelazos que forman una estrella de ocho puntas y es frecuente encontrarla en la arquitectura tanto en edificios virreinales como neocoloniales en la ciudad de México. Este texto intenta explicar cuándo se comenzó a emplear este término como sinónimo de arabesco a partir del inmueble histórico conocido como "Casa de las Ajaracas", ubicado en las calles de Guatemala y Argentina, en el Centro Histórico.

"Todos os dias, nos meus primeiros meses de escola, saía da palhota do meu pai com o meu irmão, descia a ladeira com os músculos das pernas retesados para não cair. Foi assim apenas por alguns dias porque, com a prática, passámos a descer... more

"Todos os dias, nos meus primeiros meses de escola, saía da palhota do meu pai
com o meu irmão, descia a ladeira com os músculos das pernas retesados para
não cair. Foi assim apenas por alguns dias porque, com a prática, passámos a
descer a correr, sem nos importarmos com a cacimba que nos molhava.
Passávamos ao longo do arenoso caminho dos bois, atravessávamos, em
seguida, o pântano onde o nevoeiro era mais denso. Tínhamos de tirar as
sapatilhas para não as molharmos nos charcos que as chuvas deixavam, e
não as sujarmos com o matope que ficava no carreiro que tínhamos de seguir
dentre os mavungu e o caniço do pântano, tínhamos de saltar de um mcoma,
raíz de mavungu, para outro quando isto nos podia salvar de mergulhar
numa poça mais profunda de água ou de lama preta.
Nos dias mais frios, os dentes batiam com vibração e cadência rápidas
dos maxilares. Era normal. Não ligávamos a mínima importância. Não
sabíamos que não estávamos agasalhados o suficiente. Nunca o tínhamos
estado. O que sabíamos é que fazia frio e muita cacimba, caminhávamos,
depois, pela estrada principal, alteada de saibro no meio da planície ligando
o ‘Ntavene’ à cidade baixa. A maior parte das vezes, quando não passava
o comboio, preferíamos andar ao longo da linha férrea. Estaríamos mais
protegidos do perigo de sermos atropelados pelos carros ou de sermos molhados
com água vermelha de saibro, caso um carro, em velocidade, entrasse num
charco e a espalhasse pelos lados. Quando chegávamos à escola, ou um pouco
antes, encontrávamos já lá os nossos colegas brancos que não tiritavam de frio
porque levavam camisolas bem quentes que até lhes cobriam os pescoços. Nós
também, nessa altura, não sentíamos tanto frio. Tínhamos andado tanto que
o esforço de marchar e de correr nos aquecia" (Chissano, 2011: 81-82).

“Arte de América Latina”. 10 (2020), p. 39-73

The frontier of nineteenth-and twentieth-century Australia was a place in which colonists routinely lived in fear of retaliation by the Aboriginal peoples whose traditional lands they had forcibly dispossessed. It has been suggested this... more

The frontier of nineteenth-and twentieth-century Australia was a place in which colonists routinely lived in fear of retaliation by the Aboriginal peoples whose traditional lands they had forcibly dispossessed. It has been suggested this concern manifested itself in domestic architecture, in both active and passive defensive strategies designed to afford protection against various forms of potential attack. Yet there remains a lack of substantive research to support such assertions. In this article, we present an analysis of accounts drawn from a range of sources of 97 domestic structures across Queensland with claims for defensive features. Although suggesting that fortified domestic structures were more common than previously envisaged, our review indicates that defensive features were usually minimal-holes in walls and barrable doors, windows or other ports of entry-reflecting the often expedient nature of the structures themselves. First-hand accounts of these buildings are rare, although not entirely absent, with most written accounts being reminiscences told in hindsight by later descendants, resulting in both distortions and myth-building. Accounts of fortified domestic structures peak in the decades following Federation and through both World Wars as the newly minted Australian nation explicitly engaged in nation-building and constructing the 'glorious pioneer' narrative.

El presente trabajo de investigación busca exponer los temas de arquitectura colonial y urbanismo colonial, los cuales son temas de gran importancia para la arqueología colonial, ya que son parte fundamental de sus estudios. Se debe tener... more

El presente trabajo de investigación busca exponer los temas de arquitectura colonial y urbanismo colonial, los cuales son temas de gran importancia para la arqueología colonial, ya que son parte fundamental de sus estudios. Se debe tener en cuenta que el estudio de estos temas es de suma importancia, ya que nos permiten comprender de mejor manera los cambios de épocas anteriores, como la prehispánica y posteriores, como la republicana en el caso de Guatemala.

"This paper was presented with the title “Hybrid colonial architecture in early 20th century Goa. Luis Maravilhas and the ‘Recolhimento da Serra’” at the international meeting, “Sharing Architectural cultures across the (Mediterranean)... more

"This paper was presented with the title “Hybrid colonial architecture in early 20th century Goa. Luis Maravilhas and the ‘Recolhimento da Serra’” at the international meeting, “Sharing Architectural cultures across the (Mediterranean) Space(s)”, organized by Évora University (C.I.E in Architecture), between the 6th and 8th October 2006 in Évora, Portugal.
A shorter version was published with the tile: Matters of Style. Indian Architect & Builder, February 2007, Bombay, India."

Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Pabrik Gula Indonesia (P3GI) yang berada di Kota Pasuruan merupakan salah satu badan penelitian gula peninggilan pemerintahan Belanda. Lokasi P3GI berada disalah satu kawasan bersejarah Kota Pasuruan.... more

Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Pabrik Gula Indonesia (P3GI) yang berada di Kota Pasuruan merupakan salah satu badan penelitian gula peninggilan pemerintahan Belanda. Lokasi P3GI berada disalah satu kawasan bersejarah Kota Pasuruan. Permasalahan yang terjadi dikarenakan kepemilikan yang berpindah alih dari milik pemerintah membuat susahnya pengaplikasian Raperda Intesif Tentang Pelestarian Cagar Budaya. Ditunjukkan dengan beberapa rumah dinas P3GI yang sudah diratakan dengan tanah. Perlu adanya peninjauan pada proporsi fasad bangunan agar karakter bangunan tidak punah. Studi ini fokus pada fasad bangunan P3GI yang berumur lebih dari 50 tahun dan kondisi fasad yang masih baik. Rumah dinas yang terpilih berada di sepanjang Jalan Pahlawan, Kota Pasuruan, dan beberapa bangunan yang ada pada Kantor P3GI. Variabel untuk elemen-elemen pembentuk fasad, dibatasi hanya elemen-elemen yang ditemukan pada keseluruhan fasad P3GI. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu deskriptif research-kualitatif dengan survey langsung. Hasil studi menunjukkan karakter dari fasad bangunan masih terlihat, dengan adanya kesinambungan visual fasad antara kantor P3GI dan rumah dinas P3GI. Hasil dari analisis proporsi pada fasad lembaga P3GI, yaitu tidak ditemukannya sistem proporsi Golden Section pada fasad lembaga P3GI melainkan ditemukkannya pola peletakan elemen penyusun fasad berdasarkan fungsi. Kata kunci: fasad, proporsi ABSTRACT Sugar Mill Plantation Research Center Indonesia (P3GI) situated in Pasuruan. Problems that occur because of the ownership of the switching over from promiscuous government, making difficult the application of draft Intensive about the Cultural Heritage Preservation. Thus need for review the propotion of the building's facade so that the character of the building is not extinct. This study focuses on building facades P3GI older than 50 years and the conditions are still good facade. Variables for forming elements of the facade, limited only elements that are found on the entire facade P3GI. The method used is descriptive qualitative research. The study shows the character of the facade of the building is still visible, with the visual continuity of the facade between the office and the home office P3GI P3GI. Results of the analysis of the proportion of the facade P3GI institution that is not found in the system on the facade of the Golden Section proportions P3GI institutions but there is a pattern of laying the constituent elements of the facade by function.

U na vez consumada la conquista de Tenochtitlán el 13 de agosto de 1521, inició el proceso de fundación de la capital de la Nueva España. Los símbolos de la autoridad española se establecieron con la instalación del Ayuntamiento, la... more

U na vez consumada la conquista de Tenochtitlán el 13 de agosto de 1521, inició el proceso de fundación de la capital de la Nueva España. Los símbolos de la autoridad española se establecieron con la instalación del Ayuntamiento, la Catedral y la Plaza Mayor. En 1524 se inició la repartición de solares que darían forma a la ciudad a partir de lo que se conoció como "la traza", obra del alarife Alonso García Bravo. Parte fundamental del desarrollo urbano fue el fomento del comercio, de ahí que se comenzara a otorgar predios destinados a la venta de mercaderías que abastecerían a la población. De acuerdo con las Ordenanzas de Felipe II de 1573, se estableció como una prioridad edificar "tiendas y casas para tratantes". 1 Los lugares donde se desarrollarían estas actividades tuvieron, en primer lugar, un tipo de arquitectura doméstica que combinó el uso habitacional con el comercial, dando origen a las "accesorias de taza y plato" que se caracterizaban por ser casas con accesorias hacia la calle. También se encontraban las plazas públicas, cuyo modelo fue la Plaza Mayor, 2 donde se hacía presente gente de todas las calidades. 3 Por último, los portales de comercio, 4 como fue el de mercaderes, donde se concentraron tres tipos de vendedores: los de tiendas, puestos y cajones.

Historia de la arquitectura y el urbanismo de la ciudad de Nador entre principios del siglo XX y 1960.

The contribution proposes a overall rereading of the history of the city during the years of Italian occupation highlighting some problematic nodes that make Asmara a unique case. Among these: - to all intents it can be regarded as an... more

The contribution proposes a overall rereading of the history of the city during the years of Italian occupation highlighting some problematic nodes that make Asmara a unique case. Among these:
- to all intents it can be regarded as an Italian new town following its establishment as the capital of the Eritrean Colony in 1897, but it does not take shape following a predefined design and, conceived in the first two decades of the twentieth century when Eritrea was the “forgotten colony”, it develops distinctive features that remain even in the face of the centralizing intentions of fascism and that survive beyond the end of colonial rule;
- for decades comparable to a small town in the Italian province, in the 1930s it experienced a frenetic development and it becomes an exceptional case of African "modernist city" and a striking expression of the myth of modernity;
- however, the city concept has little to do with the theories on the Functional City of those years and is rather closer to that of the historic European city, but, unlike this, it hasn’t a formally unified structure and can be seen as a “fragmentary” city;
- it is a racist city that relegates the local population to a sort of informal shantytown on the edge, but whose municipal administration does not so willingly adopt plans and dispositions consequent to the issuing of the racial laws and which, moreover, has been the object of a surprising process of re-appropriation by the Eritrean population. In this way, a peculiar manifestation of the mental outlook of European colonialism in Africa has become a symbol of Eritrean national identity.

Buku ini merupakan sebuah upaya mempublikasikan hasil penelitian tentang bangunan kolonial yang memiliki nilai sejarah dan kekhasan langgam arsitektur yang ada di Banjarbaru. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2006 dan didanai oleh Self... more

Buku ini merupakan sebuah upaya mempublikasikan hasil penelitian tentang bangunan kolonial yang memiliki nilai sejarah dan kekhasan langgam arsitektur yang ada di Banjarbaru. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2006 dan didanai oleh Self Development Project Funding (SDPF) Forum HEDS ini berupaya melestarikan nilai budaya yang ada di Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan khususnya. Juga berguna sebagai acuan bagi para arsitek dalam mendesain bangunan yang mengacu kepada bentuk arsitektur kolonial di Banjarbaru.

Recent statistical analysis by Robert Orsted-Jensen suggests the severity of conflict on the Queensland frontiers was much worse than previously calculated. This paper collates accounts of fortified huts and homesteads along the frontiers... more

Recent statistical analysis by Robert Orsted-Jensen suggests the severity of conflict on the Queensland frontiers was much worse than previously calculated. This paper collates accounts of fortified huts and homesteads along the frontiers of southern Queensland and northern NSW 1840s-1870s. It argues that there was a system and 'lifestyle' of civilian defence organised by squatters. It also documents the combative tactics adopted by settlers and Aboriginal groups over this period, particularly in and near what is now the Sunshine Coast (Queensland).

Las calles y los edificios guardan la memoria de las ciudades; sin embargo, la permanencia o destrucción de sus inmuebles depende de múltiples factores, como pueden ser las transformaciones urbanas o los efectos provocados por la... more

Las calles y los edificios guardan la memoria de las ciudades; sin embargo, la permanencia o destrucción de sus inmuebles depende de múltiples factores, como pueden ser las transformaciones urbanas o los efectos provocados por la naturaleza. Así, las construcciones antiguas son mudos testigos que conservan las huellas de otras épocas, con las voces de sus personajes y sus costumbres, recordándonos otras formas de vivir. En el caso de la Ciudad de México, ésta se ha idealizado y se ha querido ver como La Ciudad de los Palacios, a raíz de que el viajero inglés Charles Joseph Latrobe, asombrado por sus edificios, la llamara así en 1834.1 Sin embargo, la revisión de la documentación histórica muestra otra realidad, puesto que aquella arquitectura admirable convivía con calles mal empedradas, fincas ruinosas, atarjeas sucias o perros callejeros. De igual forma, la presencia de diferentes gremios como zapateros, curtidores, cereros, escultores y panaderos, entre otros, la poblaban con una serie de olores y sonidos específicos que salían de sus talleres. A pesar de los estudios que existen sobre la ciudad colonial, aún queda lejos la idea de contar con una historia general y completa que la explique. Un camino posible para conocerla, quizás, sean los estudios dedicados a inmuebles históricos, que no sólo aportan información sobre los propietarios, sino que dan cuenta de la calle y su entorno a través del tiempo.

British Mandatory schemes for developing Jerusalem have seldom been examined in the context of theories of colonial urban planning. In this article I show that the British approach to designing new urban schemes for Jerusalem deviated... more

British Mandatory schemes for developing Jerusalem have seldom been examined in the context of theories of colonial urban planning. In this article I show that the British approach to designing new urban schemes for Jerusalem deviated from the norms and concepts implemented in colonial cities. I examine three official British Mandatory publications that presented comprehensive urban programs for Jerusalem, comparing them to aspects of colonial city planning. Consequently, I interpret the plans as a renegotiation of Jerusalem's contested space, a renegotiation that erased controversy and subtly promoted an image of British supremacy.

It has been shown that the pioneerism of the Modern Movement in the Lusophone Africa lies in how the modern ideology, inspired by the Brazilian experience, was locally interpreted. From this viewpoint the excellence of this heritage lies,... more

It has been shown that the pioneerism of the Modern Movement in the Lusophone Africa lies in how the modern ideology, inspired by the Brazilian experience, was locally interpreted. From this viewpoint the excellence of this heritage lies, in part, in its responsiveness to the environment in which it operates, through a design with climate based on concerns today associated with the concept of environmental sustainability, rooted in the awareness of the functional needs and the available resources.
With the main objective to contribute to the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge of the modern architecture in Lusophone Africa (1943-1974) interpreted in the light of these assumptions, the object of study of this dissertation is a specific architectural scholar program, widely developed and built in Mozambique at this period of the history (1955-1975). Initially led by architect Fernando Mesquita, in the context of the Public Works Services of the Province of Mozambique, it was reconfigured and evolved through various levels of education, ranging from primary to high schools. Extensively built until the years of the former Portuguese colonies independence in 1975, in urban and rural territory, and gathering later contributions from other authors, it still assumes nowadays an extremely significant expression in the infrastructure of Mozambique territory.
Based on the systematic analysis of case studies, on which carries out the analysis and the interpretation of the systems and technologies designed to respond to specific levels of comfort for the tropical climate, along with the analysis of the organization of the built environment and the functional typology, this dissertation aims to contribute to the characterization of this architectural program from the point of view of formal, technological and ideological assumptions of the Modern Movement and its responsiveness to the climatic context in which it operates.

This brief essay presents a preliminary assessment of the available data on the military architecture (c. 1920-1960) of the former Yusufzai State of Swat. The research material is formed by original notes and photographs by Domenico... more

This brief essay presents a preliminary assessment of the available data on
the military architecture (c. 1920-1960) of the former Yusufzai State of
Swat. The research material is formed by original notes and photographs
by Domenico Faccenna, unpublished photos from the Miangul Archive,
and field notes and original drawings by the authors. The essay is also
meant to pay tribute to the memory of Domenico Faccenna († 2008),
leader of the Italian Archaeological Mission from 1956 to 1995. The
authors cooperated to the examination of this material which, although
incomplete, may represent the initial step of a new theme of research on
the military and civil architecture of the Swat State.

By the early twentieth century Hyderabad had become (as it remains) one of the largest cities in India. The growth had been chaotic, and the city was not prepared for the flooding of the Musi in 1908, which wiped out several localities,... more

By the early twentieth century Hyderabad had become (as it remains) one of the largest cities in India. The growth had been chaotic, and the city was not prepared for the flooding of the Musi in 1908, which wiped out several localities, nor for the plague which followed in 1911. These acute crises exacerbated chronic problems of poor drainage and overcrowding, and persuaded the authorities of the need for a massive programme of urban redevelopment. The Nizam Osman Ali Khan, who succeeded to the throne in the year of the plague, established a City Improvement Board in 1912 which immediately began slum clearance and rehousing projects. More ambitiously, the Board also sought to provide new open spaces and public buildings, and so revived the vision of clarity and scale that had inspired the city's founders. Though they therefore form only part of a wider prograrnme of urban renewal, it is with the major new public buildings that the present discussion is concerned. They can be divided into two successive phases. The design of the buildings of the first phase, from 1914 to 1921, was entrusted to a British architect, Vincent Esch, who was brought to Hyderabad for the purpose; the buildings of the second phase, from 1921 to 1936, were designed by architects in the state of Hyderabad's own Public Works Department. The two phases contrast in various ways, and particularly with regard to the architectural definition of Islamic identity.

Parmi les éléments constitutifs des images de la ville les façades des différents édifices s'imposent avec proéminence, assurent la variété et produisent une source répertoriée et inéluctable pour la mémoire citadine. En Algérie, les... more

Parmi les éléments constitutifs des images de la ville les façades des différents édifices s'imposent avec proéminence, assurent la variété et produisent une source répertoriée et inéluctable pour la mémoire citadine. En Algérie, les édifices de l'époque coloniale, encore debout de nos jours, sont non seulement inévitables mais pourrait-on dire distincts, saisissants voire attractifs. Car elle le mérite, cette architecture, dite coloniale, semble nécessiter une attention particulière autant de la part des chercheurs que des différents intervenants sur le cadre bâti. Les enjeux sont nombreux mais aussi pressants (patrimoniaux, fonciers, urbanistiques, écologiques…). Le cas est par exemple celui du noyau urbain colonial en damier de la ville de Biskra qui connaît de nos jours une situation de marginalisation critique aggravée par une dégradation de ses édifices et un renouvellement tendanciel par substitution sans renvoi aux spécificités de cette architecture. La présente étude porte son attention au cas des façades du damier colonial de Biskra et l'investi au moyen d'une approche morphologique en vue d'en déterminer les traits majeurs, les caractéristiques principales ainsi que la syntaxe régissant l'organisation des éléments de ses façades.

* BRAVO NIETO, Antonio. Arquitectura y urbanismo español en e l norte de Marruecos. Seville: Départernent des travaux publics et des transports. Direction générale de I'architecture et de I'habitat, Communauté autonorne d'Andalousie,... more

* BRAVO NIETO, Antonio. Arquitectura y urbanismo español en e l norte de Marruecos. Seville: Départernent des travaux publics et des transports. Direction générale de I'architecture et de I'habitat, Communauté autonorne d'Andalousie, 2000; 327 p. BRAVO NIETO,