Horses Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Therapeutic horse riding is often employed for disabled children. The aim of the present paper was to determine the influence of exercise in a mechanical saddle, imitating horse's walk, on the skin temperature responses in lower limbs... more

Therapeutic horse riding is often employed for disabled children. The aim of the present paper was to determine the influence of exercise in a mechanical saddle, imitating horse's walk, on the skin temperature responses in lower limbs in children with cerebral palsy. Sixteen children, aged 14-16, were enrolled into the study. Skin surface temperature was assessed with thermography, using an infrared thermovision camera, AGEMA 550, before and directly after 20 +/-5 min of exercise. The findings demonstrate that mechanical hippotherapy provides an exercise stimulus that is capable of inducing a visible change in skin temperature of paralyzed limbs. The change, however, is one of a decrease in skin temperature, which points to acute vasoconstrictive effects of exercise and to decreased skin blood flow. The results, therefore, do not support the use of mechanical hippotherapy in children suffering from cerebral palsy, with a hope to stimulate blood circulation to spastically altered...

Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more

Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through to the New Kingdom. Traveling activity attested for various professions demonstrates that Egyptian society exercised a high degree of mobility. In the majority of cases, a journey was undertaken within the scope of the traveler’s work and on behalf of the pharaoh. Travel had a significant impact on the Egyptian world-view as well as on the development of the
identity of Egyptian society as an entity.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was put in charge of managing native wild horses that reside on public lands in the United States. Since the passage of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act, the BLM has twisted the law... more

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was put in charge of managing native wild horses that reside on public lands in the United States. Since the passage of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act, the BLM has twisted the law through a series of relabeling landmass in areas where the horses reside, and then managing them differently based on the label the area was given. This has resulted in nearly half the land given the horses being removed from the program, and the remainder is managed illegally using the mandate of multiple-use in the Federal Land Policy Management Act. The twisting and creation of new regulations have been an unconstitutional act against the original intent of the 1971 Act to protect this species. The result is that the BLM claims there are too many horses when in fact the pastures have been made too small.

Five case reports on cowpox virus infections in cats, humans, and for the first time in a horse are presented. It becomes obvious that in most cases the diagnosis cowpox is suspected rather late, although fast and reliable diagnostic... more

Five case reports on cowpox virus infections in cats, humans, and for the first time in a horse are presented. It becomes obvious that in most cases the diagnosis cowpox is suspected rather late, although fast and reliable diagnostic tools such as pathohistological examination and polymerase chain reaction are available. The threat of a zoonotic transmission mainly through cats is gaining importance. Although wild rodents have been claimed to be the reservoir and source for cowpox viruses in cats, very little is known about the epidemiology of cowpox virus. Based on the different genome organizations found in the German isolates, we conclude that various subtypes of cowpox virus are circulating in Germany at one time.

The aim of the conservation programme is to maintain the population size of endangered livestock breeds of less economic importance at a level that ensures the survival of the breed, the preservation of genetic diversity, and the... more

The aim of the conservation programme is to maintain the population size of endangered livestock breeds of less economic importance at a level that ensures the survival of the breed, the preservation of genetic diversity, and the preservation of as many pedigree lines as possible. The Polish Konik, a native Polish primitive-type horse breed and is one of the breeds included in such a programme in Poland. Presently, there are only 16 (of the 35 maternal lines known in 1962), some of which are endangered. We examined the genetic variability and structure of the Polish Konik maternal lines (176 individuals) on the basis of the pedigree data and 17 microsatellite markers (STRs) from parentage testing. The overall mean number of alleles was 7.647 (±0.411), the effective number of alleles was 3.935 (±0.271), the mean number of alleles for which the frequency was equal to or lower than 5% was 4.471 (±0.286), and the mean information index was 1.506 (±0.087). The structure of the population and admixture patterns were calculated with the Structure and Structure Harvester software. The structural analysis indicated three likely genetic clusters; as the most optimal K value was estimated as 3, with ∆K of 15.4188. The F-statistics results indicated a low level of inbreeding (average inbreeding coefficient FIT was 0.0188, coefficient of differentiation FST was 0.0304, and mean inbreeding index value FIS was −0.0119). Variability monitoring should be carried out in order to avoid inbreeding depression, while breeding strategies should be designed to prevent the decrease of genetic variability in the Polish horse breed and to sustain the active female lines.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of Doppler ultrasonography to monitor vascular blood flow dynamics in defined diseases of the equine digit in a noninvasive way. Doppler sonography was used to evaluate medial digital artery... more

The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of Doppler ultrasonography to monitor vascular blood flow dynamics in defined diseases of the equine digit in a noninvasive way. Doppler sonography was used to evaluate medial digital artery blood flow in eight horses with septic pododermatitis and four horses with laminitis in comparison with 10 horses of a control group. Doppler sonographic measurement and lameness examinations were performed in lame horses before treatment (day 0) and at 3, 6, and 9 days following treatment. Before treatment, blood flow velocities, arterial diameter, and flow volume were significantly higher in the lame horses, while pulsatility indices (PIs) were significantly lower (P < 0.05). Compared with the control group, there was no significant difference of resistive indices (RI) in the septic pododermatitis group, but these indices were significantly lower in the laminitis group. No significant difference between the two lame groups was recorded. After tr...

SUMMARY The duration of electrocardiograph wave forms and intervals were determined in 179 Spanish-bred (Andalusian) horses aged from 1 month to 17 years. The values were compared with those of other breeds, and the relationship between... more

SUMMARY The duration of electrocardiograph wave forms and intervals were determined in 179 Spanish-bred (Andalusian) horses aged from 1 month to 17 years. The values were compared with those of other breeds, and the relationship between electrocardiographic data and age was examined. High correlation coefficients were found between PR, ST and QT intervals and the age of the horses, and an inverted relation between heart rate and age was found. A multiple range analysis was made and the results suggest that significant changes in duration values and heart rate ocurred at the age of 6 months and in the second year of life.

Summary Reasons for performing study: Proximal suspensory desmitis (PSD) is diagnosed with increasing frequency in horses and radial pressure wave therapy (RPWT) is a widely used therapy for painful orthopaedic conditions in man and dogs.... more

Summary Reasons for performing study: Proximal suspensory desmitis (PSD) is diagnosed with increasing frequency in horses and radial pressure wave therapy (RPWT) is a widely used therapy for painful orthopaedic conditions in man and dogs. There are, however, few ...

This article describes diagnostic arthroscopy and arthroscopic management of selected lesions in the standing equine patient. Details on case selection, patient and operating room preparation, and surgical technique are presented. This... more

This article describes diagnostic arthroscopy and arthroscopic management of selected lesions in the standing equine patient. Details on case selection, patient and operating room preparation, and surgical technique are presented. This information will add techniques that avoid general anesthesia to the equine surgeon's armamentarium.

Ahealthy, 565-kg, 14-year-old Quarter Horse gelding, negative for equine protozoal myelitis on serum Western blot and for hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) by polymerase chain reaction, was selected for use in an electrophysiology... more

Ahealthy, 565-kg, 14-year-old Quarter Horse gelding, negative for equine protozoal myelitis on serum Western blot and for hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) by polymerase chain reaction, was selected for use in an electrophysiology study performed under inhalation anesthesia. The study was performed by following the guidelines of an Animal Use and Care Committee Protocol of the University of California at Davis (UCD 8578). Anesthesia was induced with halothane delivered via a face-mask. The horse was intubated 17 minutes later with an orotracheal tube and anesthesia was maintained with halo-thane by using a semiclosed, large-animal breathing circuit. Although muscle relaxation was otherwise good, the horse's ears remained tensed in a caudal direction throughout the study

To evaluate the feasibility and repeatability of in vivo measurement of stiffness gradients by means of acoustoelastography in the superficial digital flexor tendons (SDFTs) of clinically normal horses. 15 clinically normal horses. For... more

To evaluate the feasibility and repeatability of in vivo measurement of stiffness gradients by means of acoustoelastography in the superficial digital flexor tendons (SDFTs) of clinically normal horses. 15 clinically normal horses. For each horse, stiffness gradient index and dispersion values for SDFTs in both forelimbs were evaluated in longitudinal orientation by use of acoustoelastography at 3 sites (5, 10, and 15 cm distal to the accessory carpal bone) by 2 observers; for each observer, data were acquired twice per site. The left forelimb was always scanned before the right forelimb. Lifting of the contralateral forelimb with the carpus flexed during image acquisition resulted in the required SDFT deformation in the evaluated limb. Interobserver repeatability, intraobserver repeatability, and right-to-left limb symmetry for stiffness gradient index and dispersion values were evaluated. Stiffness gradient index and dispersion values for SDFTs at different locations as well as ef...

The horse industry in Sweden has rapidly expanded in recent years. This increasing number of horses implies a greater need for more farriers. Shoeing a horse is hard physical work, and includes awkward work postures and repetitive... more

The horse industry in Sweden has rapidly expanded in recent years. This increasing number of horses implies a greater need for more farriers. Shoeing a horse is hard physical work, and includes awkward work postures and repetitive movements. It is well known that hard physical work increases the risk of injuries and musculoskeletal problems. The risk is especially high for musculoskeletal disorders when certain movements are constantly repeated. Heavy or repeated unilateral loads lead to considerable stress on the muscles, which can lead to rupture and fatigue that can cause long term problems. A case study showed that farriers worked 75% of their work time with their backs in bent positions (often more than 70 degrees). Farriers are also exposed to risk factors in their physical environment like dust, noise and poor lighting. Risk of kicks and bites, eye injuries and burns are other factors that make their work environment hazardous. There are only a few studies available that have...

The aim of the present study was to compare digestibility and metabolic response in Icelandic and Standardbred horses fed two grass haylages harvested at different stages of maturity. Six horses of each breed were used in a 24-day... more

The aim of the present study was to compare digestibility and metabolic response in Icelandic and Standardbred horses fed two grass haylages harvested at different stages of maturity. Six horses of each breed were used in a 24-day change-over design. A total collection of faeces was made on days 15–17 and 22–24. Blood samples were collected on day 24 of each period and analysed for total plasma protein (TPP), plasma urea, non-esterified fatty acids, cortisol and insulin concentration. There were no differences in digestibility coefficients of crude protein, neutral detergent fibre or energy between breeds but organic matter digestibility was higher in the Standardbred horses. On both haylages, the Icelandic horses gained weight whereas the Standardbred horses lost weight. The Icelandic horses had higher TPP, plasma insulin and lower plasma urea concentrations. Our results indicate that the Icelandic horse may be more prone to maintain positive energy balance in relation to the Standardbred horse, but there were no indication of a better digestive capacity in the Icelandic horses.