Hypothesis Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Neste trabalho, explora-se o conceito de que a diversidade propicia robustez nos sistemas processadores de informação, o que seria aplicável às areas neurais e sociais, inclusive ao fenômeno religioso. Discutem-se os aspectos cognitivos e... more

Neste trabalho, explora-se o conceito de que a diversidade propicia robustez nos sistemas processadores de informação, o que seria aplicável às areas neurais e sociais, inclusive ao fenômeno religioso. Discutem-se os aspectos cognitivos e afetivos na ciência e na religião, sob a proposta de que demarcação adequada pode auxiliar na redução de conflitos. Nesse mesmo sentido pode contribuir a elaboração sobre as tensões entre verdadesdeterminismos -e liberdades, que decorreriam do uso dos conceitos de crenças fortes e fracas, ou seja, entre crenças e hipóteses que parecem promissoras, merecedoras de créditos de confiança. Indica-se a possibilidade de se considerar um sistema de culturas distintas e diversas, apesar das tendências globalizadoras que podem incidir sobre os aspectos mais materiais.

One type of scientific inquiry involves the analysis of large data sets, often using statistical models and formal tests of hypotheses. A moment's thought, however, shows that there must be other types of scientific inquiry. For instance,... more

One type of scientific inquiry involves the analysis of large data sets, often using statistical models and formal tests of hypotheses. A moment's thought, however, shows that there must be other types of scientific inquiry. For instance, something has to be done to answer questions like the following. How should a study be designed? What sorts of data should be collected? What kind of a model is needed? Which hypotheses should be formulated in terms of the model and then tested against the data? The answers to these questions frequently turn on observations, qualitative or quantitative, that give crucial insights into the causal processes of interest. Such observations generate a line of scientific inquiry, or markedly shift the direction of the inquiry by overturning prior hypotheses, or provide striking evidence to confirm hypotheses. They may well stand on their own rather than being subsumed under the systematic data collection and modeling activities mentioned above. Such observations have come to be called "Causal Process Observations" (CPOs). These are contrasted with the "Data Set Observations" (DSOs) that are grist for statistical modeling (Brady and Collier 2004). My object in this essay is to illustrate the role played by CPOs, and qualitative reasoning more generally, in a series of well-known episodes drawn from the history of medicine. Why is the history of medicine relevant to us today? For one thing, medical researchers frequently confront observational data that present familiar challenges to causal inference. For another, distance lends perspective, allowing gains and losses to be more sharply delineated. The examples show that an impressive degree of rigor can be obtained by combining qualitative reasoning, quantitative analysis, and experiments when those are feasible. The examples also show that great work can be done by spotting anomalies, and trying to understand them. Jenner and Vaccination The setting is the English countryside in the 1790s. Cowpox, as will be clear from the name, is a disease of cows. The symptoms include sores on the teats. Those who milk the cows often became infected, with sores on their hands; by the standards of the time, the illness is rarely serious. In contrast, smallpox is one of the great killers of the 18th century. In 1796, Edward Jenner took some matter from a cowpox sore on the hand of dairymaid Sarah Nelmes, and inserted it into the arm of an eight-year-old boy,

This study reviewed the origin of the rational choice theory and how it came to be adopted as one of the major approaches or paradigms of analysis in the political science sub-field of contemporary political analysis, its basic... more

This study reviewed the origin of the rational choice theory and how it came to be adopted as one of the major approaches or paradigms of analysis in the political science sub-field of contemporary political analysis, its basic hypothesis, underlying assumptions, and criticisms of the theory as well as application areas outside the western milieu context. The study adopted the qualitative approach to research, and referenced scholarly text books, articles, journals and monographs in the areas under investigation. The theory arguably, begins, from the viewpoint of the individual, as against viewing various individuals interacting and relating together, social situations, or groups. The emphasis on the individual interest has always been the starting point of the theory, even though some scholars have argued to the contrary. Despite the steps involved in reaching rational decisions, choices and decisions are made simply by 'muddling through', as long as the decision made would likely lead to the perceived best possible outcome. Individuals hardly follow the steps provided in the rational model to reach decisions that they regard as rational. Rationality hence is a subjective phenomenon, since an individual from time to time can be both rational and irrational in reaching decisions.

Certain strains of fluorescent pseudomonads can effectively colonize plant roots and protect plants from diseases caused by a variety of root pathogens. Such beneficial or plant health-promoting strains are emerging as promising... more

Certain strains of fluorescent pseudomonads can effectively colonize plant roots and protect plants from diseases caused by a variety of root pathogens. Such beneficial or plant health-promoting strains are emerging as promising biocontrol agents. They are suited as soil inoculants either individually or in combination and may be compatible with current chemical pesticides (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). In our biocontrol studies, we have focused on Pseudomonasfluorescens strain CHAO, an isolate from a suppressive soil in the western part of Switzerland (9). This strain was originally shown to colonize tobacco roots and to suppress black root rot, which is caused by the fungus Thielaviopsis basicola (9, 10). Subsequent work has established that disease suppression by strain CHAO displays little specificity with respect to the host plant and the pathogen. Protected plants include wheat, cucumber, sugar beet, cotton, flax, corn, and cress. Pathogenic action of at least the following fungal pathogens can be reduced by strain CHAO: Pythium ultimum, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), Fusarium oxysporum f.s p. cucurbitaceae, Phomopsis sclerotioides, and Rhizoctonia solani (11, 12, 13, 14, 15; our unpublished data). Since the interactions between I! fluorescens, other organisms and the soil environment are extremely complex, it became important to develop reproducible methods that allow us to monitor the plant-beneficial effects of strain CHAO reliably and to analyze the traits that make it an effective biocontrol agent. In section 6.2 we will review some of our approaches to investigate the mechanisms by which strain CHAO achieves biological control.

Nowadays plant-based medicine or herbal medicine research is becoming more prevalent all over the world, presumably due to natural accessibility and fewer adverse effects. Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller), a plant in the Rosaceae family,... more

Nowadays plant-based medicine or herbal medicine research is becoming more prevalent all over the world, presumably due to natural accessibility and fewer adverse effects. Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller), a plant in the Rosaceae family, is considered to be a good and cheap natural source for potent antioxidants including phenolic acids and flavonoids. There have been limited investigations on the efficacy of quince leaves in heart function. The potential for prophylactic and therapeutic effects of quince leaves in reducing cardiovascular disease is discussed based on its beneficial constituents. The review covers the findings from traditional medicines and various actions of effective constituents demonstrated in other investigations including antioxidant, antiatherogenic, antiinflammation, antihypertensive and vasodilatory effects, which all are in accordance with the hypothesis of a beneficial role of quince in cardiovascular health.

[ENG] Issues covered by the diploma exam - Pedagogics I degree, WSB GDAŃSK

In recent years the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has emerged as this era's most renowned, and arguably its most influential, global health player. A century ago, the Rockefeller Foundation-likewise founded by the richest, most... more

In recent years the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has emerged as this era's most renowned, and arguably its most influential, global health player. A century ago, the Rockefeller Foundation-likewise founded by the richest, most ruthless and innovative capitalist of his day-was an even more powerful international health actor. This article reflects critically on the roots, exigencies, and reach of global health philanthropy, comparing the goals, paradigms, principles, modus operandi, and agenda-setting roles of the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations in their historical contexts. It proposes that the Rockefeller Foundation's early 20th century initiatives had a greater bearing on international health when the field was wide open-in a world order characterized by forceful European and ascendant U.S. imperialism-than do the Gates Foundation's current global health efforts amidst neoliberal globalization and fading U.S. hegemony. It concludes that the Gates Foundation's pervasive influence is nonetheless of grave concern both to democratic global health governance and to scientific independence-and urges scientists to play a role in contesting and identifying alternatives to global health philanthrocapitalism. D.C. under the aegis of the U.S. Public Health Service (20). In their early decades, both the OIHP and PASB remained focused on establishing and monitoring sanitary conventions and collecting disease statistics. Another early agency was the International Committee of the Red Cross, founded in Geneva in 1863 to provide aid to the victims of war. These organizations joined longstanding intra-imperial health activities carried out by colonial administrators, military forces, and missionaries, all with the aim of protecting troops, high-yielding colonial production and trade, and colonial settlers, at the same time as staving off unrest among the colonized (21). Enter the Rockefeller Foundation Just as these institutions were being created, a new player emerged on the scene, one that would go beyond political and economic self-interest, war relief, and information exchange to fundamentally transform the nascent international health field. The Rockefeller Foundation (RF) was established in 1913 by oil mogul-cum-philanthropist John D. Rockefeller-to promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world.‖ Not only did the RF virtually single-handedly popularize the concept of international health, it was the major influence upon the field's 20th century agenda, approaches, and actions (22,23). Rockefeller's efforts were part of a new American movement-scientific philanthropy.‖ Launched by Scottish-born, rags-to-riches steel magnate Andrew Carnegie in an 1889 essay,-The Gospel of Wealth,‖ published in The North American Review, this approach called for the wealthy to channel their fortunes to the societal good by supporting systematic social investments rather than haphazard forms of charity (24-26). The renowned Carnegie left a legacy of thousands of public libraries and bathhouses along with donations to higher education, the arts, and peace studies, an example heeded by various fellow millionaires.

Characteristic symptoms of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) are (muscle) weakness, muscle pain, cognitive deficits, neurological abnormalities, but above all post-exertional malaise: a long-lasting increase of symptoms after a minor... more

Characteristic symptoms of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) are (muscle) weakness, muscle pain, cognitive deficits, neurological abnormalities, but above all post-exertional malaise: a long-lasting increase of symptoms after a minor exertion. In contrast, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is primarily defined by "chronic fatigue". Since "chronic fatigue" is not mandatory for the diagnosis ME, and post-exertional malaise and cognitive deficits are not obligatory for the diagnosis CFS, the case criteria for ME and CFS define two distinct, partly overlapping nosological entities. ME and CFS are considered to be enigmatic diseases, qualified by some authors as "medically unexplained syndromes" of "functional syndromes". However, specific abnormalities consistently observed over the years and their direct and indirect sequels can plausibly explain characteristic symptoms, e.g. "exhaustion" and pain. Abnormalities established repetitively incorporate immunological aberrations (inflammation, immune activation, immunosuppression, and immune dysfunction), persistent and/or reactivating infections, gastrointestinal dysbiosis, oxidative and nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, a (prolonged) deviant response to exertion and orthostatic stress, circulatory deficits, and neurological abnormalities. This article depicts the 4I hypothesis, an explanatory model for ME (CFS) with a central role for four types of immunological abnormalities: inflammation, (Th2-predominated) immune activation, immunosuppression, and immune dysfunction. The potential direct sequels of these abnormalities, e.g. increased oxidative and nitrosative stress, (reactivating or chronic) infections, and their possible indirect consequences, e.g. mitochondrial dysfunction, hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) axis hypofunction, and cardiovascular dysregulation, can plausibly explain various distinctive symptoms of ME/CFS, e.g. "exhaustion", (muscle) weakness, pain, cognitive deficits, a flu-like feeling, and post-exertional "malaise".

The use and handling of particulate material between 1 and 100 nm, also known as nanotechnology, has been shown to have potential to revolutionize many aspects of industries, medical practices and the human environment.

Two studies examined relations between groups (humanities and math-science students) that implicitly or explicitly share a common superordinate category (university student). In Experiment 1, 178 participants performed a noninteractive... more

Two studies examined relations between groups (humanities and math-science students) that implicitly or explicitly share a common superordinate category (university student). In Experiment 1, 178 participants performed a noninteractive decisionmaking task during which category salience was manipulated in a 2 (superordinate category salience) × 2 (subordinate category salience) between-groups design. Consistent with the mutual intergroup differentiation model, participants for whom both categories were salient exhibited the lowest levels of bias, whereas bias was strongest when the superordinate category alone was made salient. This pattern of results was replicated in Experiment 2 (N = 135). In addition, Experiment 2 demonstrated that members of subgroups that are nested within a superordinate category are more sensitive to how the superordinate category is represented than are members of subgroups that extend beyond the boundaries of the superordinate category.

En el presente trabajo se realizó una revisión de literatura del Método Científico, con el objetivo de retroalimentar las notas del curso de Seminario de Investigación y utilizarlo como material de apoyo en la elaboración del protocolo de... more

En el presente trabajo se realizó una revisión de literatura del Método Científico, con el objetivo de retroalimentar las notas del curso de Seminario de Investigación y utilizarlo como material de apoyo en la elaboración del protocolo de investigación al finalizar el curso. Se aborda de manera general el concepto de método científico, los pasos del mismo y un ejemplo práctico en la sección de resultados.

ERC is looking for high-risk, high-gain, investigator and hypothesis-driven projects. Unlike many features of ERC, hypothesis is expected by many reviewers in many disciplines, although you will not find the word hypothesis anywhere in... more

ERC is looking for high-risk, high-gain, investigator and hypothesis-driven projects. Unlike many features of ERC, hypothesis is expected by many reviewers in many disciplines, although you will not find the word hypothesis anywhere in the official documentation of ERC. Our experience shows that this expected requirement of having a hypothesis in ERC projects happens to be more challenging than expected. With the help of our guidelines, you will find yourself a few steps closer to drafting a hypothesis at the expected level for ERC.

critically evaluated the fundamental presuppositions of the British positivist tradition in philosophy of science and gave a new direction to the history and philosophy of science. N.R.Hanson , a student of Wittgenstein, was a pioneer in... more

critically evaluated the fundamental presuppositions of the British positivist tradition in philosophy of science and gave a new direction to the history and philosophy of science. N.R.Hanson , a student of Wittgenstein, was a pioneer in advancing the thesis that observation is theory laden. For him observation language and theory language are deeply interwoven. Hanson made serious efforts to formulate a logic explaining how scientific discoveries take place. The recognition of centrality of patternizing in scientific theorizing by NR Hanson will enable us to realize what mode of thinking we must inculcate in the minds of science students and also how to enable them to see the relation between science and other domains of human creative endeavor such as art,craft,dance , literature ,etc. This article is an attempt to understand how Hanson addressed the question how are scientific ideas generated and the significance of his contributions to education.

This paper reports on the influence of waiving the GMAT requirement on academic performance as measured by grade-point-average at graduation for 833 University of Hartford MBA students who graduated between 2003 and 2009. In seeking to... more

This paper reports on the influence of waiving the GMAT requirement on academic performance as measured by grade-point-average at graduation for 833 University of Hartford MBA students who graduated between 2003 and 2009. In seeking to better understand what factors might be influencing graduation GPA, we examined a variety of traditional attributes. In addition, we examined the potential influence of GMAT Waivers on graduation GPA because there was some thought that students who waived this test might have lower graduation GPAs than those who took the examination. The results of this study indicated that the most important factor for determining MBA graduation GPA was an individual's undergraduate GPA, with higher undergraduate GPAs being associated with higher MBA graduation GPAs. Marginally significant differences in graduation GPA were also found based on the number of credits waived at entry into the MBA program, with more credits being waived contributing to a higher graduation GPA. We also found that women graduated with higher GPAs than men. Of particular interest to us in this study, however, was whether or not our GMAT Waiver policy was influencing graduation GPAs. In this case, we found no significant difference in graduation GPA, regardless of whether or not the GMAT requirement was waived. These results were confirmed using chi-square tests and twosample t-tests. To gain additional insights into these issues, we estimated a regression model to explain graduation GPA using several attributes as independent variables. The regression results indicate that undergraduate GPA and gender seemed to most reliably predict differences in graduation GPA.

Residential location of a criminal can be predicted statistically [M. Laukkanen, P. Santtila, Predicting the home location of a serial commercial robber, Forensic Sci. Int. 157 (2006) 71-82]. Examined were: accuracy of the technique for... more

Residential location of a criminal can be predicted statistically [M. Laukkanen, P. Santtila, Predicting the home location of a serial commercial robber, Forensic Sci. Int. 157 (2006) 71-82]. Examined were: accuracy of the technique for urban burglary series, correlations between way of committing burglary and distance and use of those correlations in enhancing prediction accuracy. Data: 78 residential burglary series from Greater Helsinki area, Finland. Series for which the home location prediction was made was never part of the predicting model.

OBJECTIVE-To examine the effects of acute insulin-induced hypoglycemia on inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and platelet activation in adults with and without type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-We studied 16 nondiabetic... more

OBJECTIVE-To examine the effects of acute insulin-induced hypoglycemia on inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and platelet activation in adults with and without type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-We studied 16 nondiabetic adults and 16 subjects with type 1 diabetes during euglycemia (blood glucose 4.5 mmol/l) and hypoglycemia (blood glucose 2.5 mmol/l). Markers of inflammation, thrombosis, and endothelial dysfunction (soluble P-selectin, interleukin-6, von Willebrand factor [vWF], tissue plasminogen activator [tPA], high-sensitivity C-reactive protein [hsCRP], and soluble CD40 ligand [sCD40L]) were measured; platelet-monocyte aggregation and CD40 expression on monocytes were determined using flow cytometry. RESULTS-In nondiabetic participants, platelet activation occurred after hypoglycemia, with increments in platelet-monocyte aggregation and P-selectin (P Յ 0.02). Inflammation was triggered with CD40 expression increasing maximally at 24 h (3.13 Ϯ 2.3% vs. 2.06 Ϯ 1.0%) after hypoglycemia (P ϭ 0.009). Both sCD40L and hsCRP (P ϭ 0.02) increased with a nonsignificant rise in vWF and tPA, indicating a possible endothelial effect. A reduction in sCD40L, tPA, and P-selectin occurred during euglycemia (P ϭ 0.03, P Յ 0.006, and P ϭ 0.006, respectively). In type 1 diabetes, both CD40 expression (5.54 Ϯ 4.4% vs. 3.65 Ϯ 1.8%; P ϭ 0.006) and plasma sCD40L concentrations increased during hypoglycemia (peak 3.41 Ϯ 3.2 vs. 2.85 Ϯ 2.8 ng/ml; P ϭ 0.03). Platelet-monocyte aggregation also increased significantly at 24 h after hypoglycemia (P ϭ 0.03). A decline in vWF and P-selectin occurred during euglycemia (P Յ 0.04). CONCLUSIONS-Acute hypoglycemia may provoke upregulation and release of vasoactive substances in adults with and without type 1 diabetes. This may be a putative mechanism for hypoglycemia-induced vascular injury.

The authors present a study of the real-life information needs of 59 McGill University undergraduates researching essay topics for either a history or psychology course, interviewed just after they had selected their essay topic. The... more

The authors present a study of the real-life information needs of 59 McGill University undergraduates researching essay topics for either a history or psychology course, interviewed just after they had selected their essay topic. The interview's purpose was to transform the undergraduate's query from general topic terms, based on vague conceptions of their essay topic, to an information need-based query. To chart the transformation, the authors investigate N. J. Belkin, R. N. Oddy, and H. M. Brooks' Anomalous States of Knowledge (ASK) hypothesis (1982a, 1982b), which links the user's ASK to a relevant document set via a common code based on structural facets. In the present study an interoperable structural code based on eight essay styles is created, then notions of structural facets compatible with a highimpact essay structure are presented. The important findings of the study are: (a) the undergraduates' topic statements and terms derived from it do not constitute an effective information need statement because for most of the subjects in the study the topic terms conformed to a low-impact essay style; (b) essay style is an effective interoperable structural code for charting the evolution of the undergraduate's knowledge state from ASK to partial resolution of the ASK in an information need statement.

A large family of paradoxical arguments have been subsumed under the label "backward induction arguments". These include the iterated prisoner's dilemma, the centipede game, and the surprise test paradox. They are described as backward... more

A large family of paradoxical arguments have been subsumed under the label "backward induction arguments". These include the iterated prisoner's dilemma, the centipede game, and the surprise test paradox. They are described as backward because they begin by considering a future hypothetical alternative, rule it out, and then rule out each predecessor. Thus they go backward in time ruling out finitely many alternatives. I present examples that go forward in time and eliminate infinitely many alternatives. These pose problems for solutions that focus on common knowledge assumptions.

Climate may affect marine fish populations through many different pathways, operating at a variety of temporal and spatial scales. Climate impacts may work their way bottom up through the food web or affect higher trophic levels more... more

Climate may affect marine fish populations through many different pathways, operating at a variety of temporal and spatial scales. Climate impacts may work their way bottom up through the food web or affect higher trophic levels more directly. In this review we try to disentangle and summarize some of the current knowledge made available through the rapidly increasing literature on the topic, with particular emphasis on the work within the Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (GLOBEC) programme. We first consider different classification schemes and hypotheses relating climate through physical features of the ocean to population patterns. The response of a population or community to climate may be linear or non-linear, direct or indirect. The hypotheses may be classified according to the form of physical features in operation as being related to mixing, advection or temperature. The bulk of the paper is devoted to a region-by-region presentation and discussion of examples relating climate variability to marine fish populations. It is slanted towards the North Atlantic and North Pacific, but the tropical Pacific is also covered. By means of different categorization methods we compare climate responses between ecosystems. We conclude that the use of such classification schemes allows for a more precise description of the various ecosystems particular properties and facilitates inter-regional comparison.

This study reviewed the origin of the rational choice theory and how it came to be adopted as one of the major approaches or paradigms of analysis in the political science sub-field of contemporary political analysis, its basic... more

This study reviewed the origin of the rational choice theory and how it came to be adopted as one of the major approaches or paradigms of analysis in the political science sub-field of contemporary political analysis, its basic hypothesis, underlying assumptions, and criticisms of the theory as well as application areas outside the western milieu context. The study adopted the qualitative approach to research, and referenced scholarly text books, articles, journals and monographs in the areas under investigation. The theory arguably, begins, from the viewpoint of the individual, as against viewing various individuals interacting and relating together, social situations, or groups. The emphasis on the individual interest has always been the starting point of the theory, even though some scholars have argued to the contrary. Despite the steps involved in reaching rational decisions, choices and decisions are made simply by 'muddling through', as long as the decision made would likely lead to the perceived best possible outcome. Individuals hardly follow the steps provided in the rational model to reach decisions that they regard as rational. Rationality hence is a subjective phenomenon, since an individual from time to time can be both rational and irrational in reaching decisions.

In this article, the models of mental spaces and blending proposed by Turner & Fauconnier are revisited in a cognitive-semiotic framework, which anchors all space networks in semiotic base spaces of mental and communicative activity. This... more

In this article, the models of mental spaces and blending proposed by Turner & Fauconnier are revisited in a cognitive-semiotic framework, which anchors all space networks in semiotic base spaces of mental and communicative activity. This move (sometimes termed the Aarhus model) makes it possible to establish a connection to a phenomenologically based modelling of mental architecture for apperception and action planning, and thus to regain a certain scientific realism. Five cases of blending are briefly reviewed: counterfactual conditionality, XYZ, metaphor, hypothesis, and agency.

Hanson, who was popularly known as "The Flying Professor", critically evaluated the fundamental presuppositions of the British positivist tradition in philosophy of science and gave a new direction to the history and philosophy of... more

Hanson, who was popularly known as "The Flying Professor", critically evaluated the fundamental presuppositions of the British positivist tradition in philosophy of science and gave a new direction to the history and philosophy of science. N.R.Hanson , a student of Wittgenstein, was a pioneer in advancing the thesis that observation is theory laden. For him observation language and theory language are deeply interwoven. Hanson made serious efforts to formulate a logic explaining how scientific discoveries take place. The recognition of centrality of patternizing in scientific theorizing by NR Hanson will enable us to realize what mode of thinking we must inculcate in the minds of science students and also how to enable them to see the relation between science and other domains of human creative endeavor such as art,craft,dance , literature ,etc. This article is an attempt to understand how Hanson addressed the question how are scientific ideas generated and the significance of his contributions to education.

The hypothetical approach to the supersensible developed by Kant in his three Critiques, exemplified by his analysis of the aesthetic and reflective judgment in his third Critique, with their principle fortuitous purposiveness, can be... more

The hypothetical approach to the supersensible developed by Kant in his three Critiques, exemplified by his analysis of the aesthetic and reflective judgment in his third Critique, with their principle fortuitous purposiveness, can be considered as the basis for a new
foundation of metaphysics. According to Kant’s limitation of cognition to the realm of sense intuition, theoretical knowledge of God, the subject, things-in-themselves,
transcendental ideas is impossible. This leads to a kind of “negative theology” of the highest principle and the supersensible as a whole. The reasons are rooted in the character of propositional thought, which can only circumscribe a singular, supersensible reality by means of predicative sentences and discursive thought. Taking Kant’s lead, but in contrast to his terminology, I call really existent singularities, including the thinking,
knowing, desiring, feeling unique individuals we know as human beings, spontaneities, in order to distinguish them from descriptive characteristics attributed to them by predicative thought. Kant’s “practico- dogmatic” account of the postulates of God and
immortality of the soul, based on the “fact of freedom” and its connection to the moral imperative, ensure the possibility of the “highest good” as final aim of moral behaviour — but cannot satisfy our need for knowledge of the supersensible. To “lay the groundwork” for experience of our own self-conscious reality, the reality of others like ourselves, of things which transcend the boundaries of sense intuition, and of true reciprocity, a
different method is needed, one which leads us “beyond being and thought” to the unconditional beginning of conditional reality

Nobody argues the fact that a company can be a legal person may hold assets and liabilities. Today, the debate is stronger around the rights and duties with regard to men and environment that go with that status. We intend to primarily... more

Nobody argues the fact that a company can be a legal person may hold assets and liabilities. Today, the debate is stronger around the rights and duties with regard to men and environment that go with that status. We intend to primarily reflect on the dimension of social responsibility in other words, "corporate social responsibility". A company must be able to act and be held accountable for their actions or inactions as would a humain being. The issue of capacity and the means to achieve this has been discussed in corporate governance, politics, economics and business. In this paper, we think of the concept of CSR perspective of strategic management and try to demystify the theoretical foundations as well as the evolution of the concept and its tools. It stems from a critical reading in hypothesis. A comparative approach between the companies is advanced in reading and verification of hypotheses in search of an evaluative grid positions and managerial practices more appropriate for the Moroccan company.

Resumo: O presente artigo desenvolve-se em torno do estatuto epistemológico da hipótese e da experimentação, numa perspectiva de transposição para o campo da Educação em Ciência. Não se trata de olhar aquela vertente pela estrita óptica... more

Resumo: O presente artigo desenvolve-se em torno do estatuto epistemológico da hipótese e da experimentação, numa perspectiva de transposição para o campo da Educação em Ciência. Não se trata de olhar aquela vertente pela estrita óptica dos epistemólogos, mas centrar a nossa atenção na busca e apropriação crítica de elementos fundamentadores de uma teorização para a Educação em Ciência, por sua vez também necessária para orientar práticas educacionais.

Cell-based fluorescence imaging assays have the potential to generate massive amount of data, which requires detailed quantitative analysis. Often, as a result of fixation, labeled nuclei overlap and create a clump of cells. However, it... more

Cell-based fluorescence imaging assays have the potential to generate massive amount of data, which requires detailed quantitative analysis. Often, as a result of fixation, labeled nuclei overlap and create a clump of cells. However, it is important to quantify phenotypic read out on a cellby-cell basis. In this paper, we propose a novel method for decomposing clumps of nuclei using high-level geometric constraints that are derived from low-level features of maximum curvature computed along the contour of each clump. Points of maximum curvature are used as vertices for Delaunay triangulation (DT), which provides a set of edge hypotheses for decomposing a clump of nuclei. Each hypothesis is subsequently tested against a constraint satisfaction network for a near optimum decomposition. The proposed method is compared with other traditional techniques such as the watershed method with/without markers. The experimental results show that our approach can overcome the deficiencies of the traditional methods and is very effective in separating severely touching nuclei.

This study reviewed the origin of the rational choice theory and how it came to be adopted as one of the major approaches or paradigms of analysis in the political science sub-field of contemporary political analysis, its basic... more

This study reviewed the origin of the rational choice theory and how it came to be adopted as one of the major approaches or paradigms of analysis in the political science sub-field of contemporary political analysis, its basic hypothesis, underlying assumptions, and criticisms of the theory as well as application areas outside the western milieu context. The study adopted the qualitative approach to research, and referenced scholarly text books, articles, journals and monographs in the areas under investigation. The theory arguably, begins, from the viewpoint of the individual, as against viewing various individuals interacting and relating together, social situations, or groups. The emphasis on the individual interest has always been the starting point of the theory, even though some scholars have argued to the contrary. Despite the steps involved in reaching rational decisions, choices and decisions are made simply by 'muddling through', as long as the decision made would likely lead to the perceived best possible outcome. Individuals hardly follow the steps provided in the rational model to reach decisions that they regard as rational. Rationality hence is a subjective phenomenon, since an individual from time to time can be both rational and irrational in reaching decisions.

Residential location of a criminal can be predicted statistically [M. Laukkanen, P. Santtila, Predicting the home location of a serial commercial robber, Forensic Sci. Int. 157 (2006) 71-82]. Examined were: accuracy of the technique for... more

Residential location of a criminal can be predicted statistically [M. Laukkanen, P. Santtila, Predicting the home location of a serial commercial robber, Forensic Sci. Int. 157 (2006) 71-82]. Examined were: accuracy of the technique for urban burglary series, correlations between way of committing burglary and distance and use of those correlations in enhancing prediction accuracy. Data: 78 residential burglary series from Greater Helsinki area, Finland. Series for which the home location prediction was made was never part of the predicting model.

Finite identifiability of sets from positive data Dynamic epistemic logic Epistemic temporal logic Epistemic update Formal learning theory constitutes an attempt to describe and explain the phenomenon of learning, in particular of... more

Finite identifiability of sets from positive data Dynamic epistemic logic Epistemic temporal logic Epistemic update Formal learning theory constitutes an attempt to describe and explain the phenomenon of learning, in particular of language acquisition. The considerations in this domain are also applicable in philosophy of science, where it can be interpreted as a description of the process of scientific inquiry. The theory focuses on various properties of the process of hypothesis change over time. Treating conjectures as informational states, we link the process of conjecture-change to epistemic update. We reconstruct and analyze the temporal aspect of learning in the context of dynamic and temporal logics of epistemic change. We first introduce the basic formal notions of learning theory and basic epistemic logic. We provide a translation of the components of learning scenarios into the domain of epistemic logic. Then, we propose a characterization of finite identifiability in an epistemic temporal language. In the end we discuss consequences and possible extensions of our work.

In vivo testing of the lipid depletion hypothesis in human beings during lipid-modifying therapy has not been possible until recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).The Carotid Plaque Composition Study is a prospective,... more

In vivo testing of the lipid depletion hypothesis in human beings during lipid-modifying therapy has not been possible until recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).The Carotid Plaque Composition Study is a prospective, randomized study designed to test the lipid depletion hypothesis in vivo. One hundred twenty-three subjects with coronary artery disease (CAD) or carotid disease and with levels of apolipoprotein B ≥120 mg/dL (low-density lipoprotein levels 100-190 mg/dL) were enrolled and randomized to (1) single therapy—atorvastatin alone, placebos for extended release (ER)–niacin and colesevelam; (2) double therapy—atorvastatin plus ER-niacin (2 g/d), and placebo for colesevelam; (3) triple therapy—atorvastatin, ER-niacin, plus colesevelam (3.8 g/d). All subjects will undergo MRI scans of bilateral carotid arteries at baseline and annually for 3 years for a total of 4 examinations while on active therapy. Among these 123 subjects with mean age of 55 years and mean body mass index of 30 kg/m2, 73% are male, 43% have a family history of premature cardiovascular disease, 37% have had a previous myocardial infarction, 80% have clinically established CAD, 52% are hypertensive, 12% have diabetes, 23% are current smokers, and 47% meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome. The baseline carotid disease is evaluated using a MRI-modified American Heart Association lesion type definition. Of the 123 enrolled subjects, 40% have type III lesions with small eccentric plaque, 52% have type IV to V lesions with a necrotic core, and only 4% have calcified plaque based on the most diseased carotid location.The Carotid Plaque Composition Study uses a state-of-the-art imaging technology and comprehensive lipid management to test the plaque lipid depletion hypothesis in CAD subjects.

Our aim was to design a selection of foods with differing proportions of protein but equal palatability in two settings, Sydney Australia and Kingston Jamaica. The foods were manipulated to contain 10, 15 or 25% E as protein with... more

Our aim was to design a selection of foods with differing proportions of protein but equal palatability in two settings, Sydney Australia and Kingston Jamaica. The foods were manipulated to contain 10, 15 or 25% E as protein with reciprocal changes in carbohydrate to 60, 55 or 45% E and dietary fat was kept constant at 30%. Naïve participants did not identify a difference in protein between the versions. On average, the versions were rated equal in pleasantness (Sydney-10%: 44 ± 2, 15%: 49 ± 2 and 25%: 49 ± 2 Kingston-10%: 41 ± 3, 15%: 41 ± 3 and 25%: 37 ± 3).