Interactivity Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper looks at the interactivity of Carsten Höller’s Test Site 2006, using Alfred Gell’s Art and Agency (1998) and Nicolas Bourriaud’s Relational Aesthetics (1998). In the first part Gell is used to examine the interactive... more

This paper looks at the interactivity of Carsten Höller’s Test Site 2006, using Alfred Gell’s Art and Agency (1998) and Nicolas Bourriaud’s Relational Aesthetics (1998). In the first part Gell is used to examine the interactive relationships between artist and participants mediated by the slides, the aesthetic quality and political significance of which are then revealed in the second part with reference to Bourriaud.

This article explores the use of interactive and kinetic technologies in contemporary art practice as a means by which artists engage with conditions of social and ecological crisis. In a context in which the perpetual exploitation of... more

This article explores the use of interactive and kinetic technologies in contemporary art practice as a means by which artists engage with conditions of social and ecological crisis. In a context in which the perpetual exploitation of human and natural resources threatens the sustainability of the planet and all earthy life, the language of interactivity provides perspective into the interconnectivity of organisms and the interdependence
of biological, social, economic and political systems. The interactive, kinetic work affords a distilled set of relationships and movements that rely on connection and participation and, as such, serve as simple and relatable models of complex and interrelated systems. By engendering a sense of fragile suspension between sustainability and collapse – a felt experience of the present ecological crisis – the artists discussed incite affective responses through their works that are argued to be distinctly empathic in nature. Contemporary environmental theory provides insight into a shifting relationship between human and ‘nature’ that dissolves the previously instated binary in favour of an empathic consciousness, at the core of which is a recognition of the interdependence of living organisms. Art historical insight of interactivity as a means of production reveals a notable link between interactive art, destruction and trauma. The affective response engendered in contemporary works that grapple with concepts of transience and mortality relies on the very human knowledge of the body as a relatable site of experience, particularly pain and trauma. The idea of empathy as prefigured by violence and loss is particularly resonant in relation to contemporary ecological trauma. Works by artists including Rebecca Horn, Theo Jansen, Natalie Jeremijenko, Alan Rath, Lygia Clark, Alexandra Karakashian and Robert Krishner are discussed in terms of interactivity and kineticism as prompting empathic engagement in the context of environmental entropy.

Welcome to this Special Issue of Array: Proceedings of Si15, the 2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity. The articles in the present issue originated in the Si15 Soundislands Festival, which was held in Singapore 18–23... more

Welcome to this Special Issue of Array: Proceedings of Si15, the 2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity.
The articles in the present issue originated in the Si15 Soundislands Festival, which was held in Singapore 18–23 August 2015. The festival events included five invited artist performances, two scientific keynotes and two days of proceedings, a commissioned sound installation, an afternoon of public talks, an internet panel, two pedagogic workshops, a concert with young performers, and more than fifty artworks and scientific papers in numerous forms and formats selected from an open call (
We are thrilled to present 20 articles, by 31 authors, emanating from Si15. The articles have been extended and thoroughly revised for this special issue of Array. They cover a range of topics related to aesthetics, percep-tion, technology, and sound art. We hope that you will enjoy the fruits of the authors' labour and therein discover many a stimulating thought.

Entrare nell’immagine: un desiderio che accompagna l’umanità dall’alba dei tempi, perdendosi nelle nebbie del mito. Un desiderio che nei secoli ogni cultura visuale ha cercato di realizzare con i mezzi di volta in volta disponibili. E che... more

Entrare nell’immagine: un desiderio che accompagna l’umanità
dall’alba dei tempi, perdendosi nelle nebbie del mito. Un desiderio
che nei secoli ogni cultura visuale ha cercato di realizzare con
i mezzi di volta in volta disponibili. E che oggi le tecnologie di realtà
virtuale promettono di soddisfare: l’immagine si fa ambiente immersivo,
ci avvolge a 360 gradi, è presenza in carne e ossa. Saltano
le cornici che la confinavano in un mondo a parte. Persino il
medium in cui si concretizza sembra farsi trasparente. Una volta
aperto il passaggio fra il mondo reale e il mondo iconico, dobbiamo
però aspettarci un varco percorribile nei due sensi: penetriamo
nel mondo dell’immagine, ma l’immagine esonda nel nostro
mondo. Al desiderio si accompagna il timore per tale tracimazione.
Questo libro esplora quel doppio movimento, e ricostruisce la
storia di quel desiderio-timore, delle fantasie che ha innescato e
delle strategie escogitate per corrispondervi: dal proto-immersivo
Narciso ai caschi VR, passando per il trompe-l’oeil e le sculture
viventi, gli specchi e le architetture illusionistiche, i panorami e le
fantasmagorie, l’arte-ambiente, il cinema in 3D. Indugiando sulla
soglia che al contempo separa e congiunge quei due mondi, ne
subiamo il fascino, e ne apprezziamo il rischio.

The evolution of digital media has inspired new narrative forms within the media context. In the last few years, interactive documentary has presented complex and alternative ways to access information. This article presents an analysis... more

The evolution of digital media has inspired new narrative forms within the media context. In the last few years, interactive documentary has presented complex and alternative ways to access information. This article presents an analysis of this statement consisting of the case study of five international productions: Bear 71, A Short History of the Highrise, Pirate Fishing, Do Not Track and Párkinson, que tiemble el camino. The production of interactive documentary in online media as a journalistic format is tackled with a multidimensional approach which incorporates the product, the user’s perception and the author’s view. The exploration of new formats in online media is linked to innovation and a contemporary response to the audiences, who are now able to interact, play and share in an environment favoured by mobile communication and the skills of the current society.

Dentro del panorama transmedia televisivo español reciente, destaca la experiencia llevada a cabo por la serie 'Víctor Ros' (TVE). El objetivo de este artículo es centrarse en el empleo del perfil personal en Twitter del detective... more

Dentro del panorama transmedia televisivo español reciente, destaca la experiencia llevada a cabo por la serie 'Víctor Ros' (TVE). El objetivo de este artículo es centrarse en el empleo del perfil personal en Twitter del detective protagonista como vehículo de expansión transmediática de su universo ficcional. Desde esta perspectiva se han analizado más de mil seiscientos tuits generados, de los cuales cerca de quinientos se corresponden con el relato transmedia previo a la emisión de la serie. Los resultados ponen sobre la mesa el uso dado al perfil del protagonista de una ficción como vía para la narración transmedia en primera persona, así como para interactuar con sus seguidores.

The understanding of consumer interaction with online EC Websites is one of the big current challenges for online marketers. The present paper investigates what drives and impedes Net customers to interact with a marketer's websites and,... more

The understanding of consumer interaction with online EC Websites is one of the big current challenges for online marketers. The present paper investigates what drives and impedes Net customers to interact with a marketer's websites and, more specifically, with decision support interface systems (DSISs) employed in these sites to assist users when shopping or searching for high-involvement consumer goods. DSIS are considered as a predecessor or partially already integrator of more elaborated agent system that may be used in future EC environment. It is shown that the design of today's DSISs is sub-optimal for both marketers and consumers, because it fails to motivate user interaction. One reason for this might be that little effort has been made to transfer the insights from consumer behavior to the design of EC user interfaces. The current paper aims to address this gap by proposing a number of new DSIS design principles, all of witch are based on insights from traditional marketing search- and perceived risk theory. The main contribution of this paper is that it proposes a design approach for EC Websites that intuitively "makes the user model available to the user" (Shneiderman and Maes, 36).

Diante de tantas mudanças nos meios de concepção e distribuição dos conteúdos radiofônicos, algumas funções e taxonomias tradicionais são reavaliadas ao ponto de que o termo “rádio” nem sempre é aplicável como definição. O artigo... more

Diante de tantas mudanças nos meios de concepção e distribuição dos conteúdos radiofônicos, algumas funções e taxonomias tradicionais são reavaliadas ao ponto de que o termo “rádio” nem sempre é aplicável como definição. O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o rádio e outras mídias sonoras, com a análise de métodos eficazes que podem incrementar as novas produções, como a interatividade, a disponibilização das ferramentas necessárias ao público para que ele se relacione com o que consome de maneira ativa, e como os conceitos explanados seriam aplicáveis para as mídias sonoras.

The era of multiplatform media and big data provide new opportunities to reconsider data access by media companies. Outlined here is the discussion surrounding data access from media institutional logic and user-centric perspectives in... more

The era of multiplatform media and big data provide new opportunities to reconsider data access
by media companies. Outlined here is the discussion surrounding data access from media institutional
logic and user-centric perspectives in the contexts of digitalization and big data. The
discussion includes technological affordances that can be geared toward users or that merely
reinforce media companies’ prominence. However, limitations of information architecture lie in its
structure and the inability to facilitate navigation by users across multiple content streams. Media
companies concentrate access around their own cross-platform content. Despite technological
feasibility, media companies continue to choose cross-platform architecture that is structurally
limiting to users. Cross-platform conceptual limits are discussed within the context of the broader
socioeconomic landscape of mass media digitalization and big data.

Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more

Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The aim is to create a typology of the various ways in which candidates behaved on Twitter. Our research, which included a content analysis of tweets (n = 26,282) from all twittering Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates (n = 416) during the 2010 UK General Election campaign, focused on four aspects of tweets: type, interaction, function and topic. By examining candidates' twittering behaviour, the authors show that British politicians mainly used Twitter as a unidirectional form of communication. However, there were a group of candidates who used it to interact with voters by, for example, mobilizing, helping and consulting them, thus tapping into the potential Twitter offers for facilitating a closer relationship with citizens.

Introduction and objectives. This articles presents the results of a study on the degree of interactivity of the official tourism websites of the main Spanish sun and beach destinations, given their importance in achieving a two-way... more

Introduction and objectives. This articles presents the results of a study on the degree of interactivity of the official tourism websites of the main Spanish sun and beach destinations, given their importance in achieving a two-way communication. The study also evaluates key aspects related to social media and the social web, which are also necessary to achieve two-way communication and establish relationships with the public. Methods. The study is based on content and functional analysis of a series of indicators that provide descriptive information about the status of the official tourism websites and a score that allows for a comparative analysis among them. Results and conclusions. The results show significant shortcomings in the field of interactivity, but also an important development regarding social media and social web tools. The article ends with the proposal of a series of good practices that are necessary to implement to improve the relational aspects of tourism websites, which are essential tools in tourism marketing and communication.

Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění Abstract: Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s... more

Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění
Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s tendencí porovnávat média současná s těmi, jež jim předcházela.
Tato komparativní metoda a analýza médií dává vzniknout genealogiím a příběhům, které pro nás nadále utváří relativně pevný svazek zásadních vědeckých či uměleckých objevů a dějinných událostí ze světa médií.

Este artículo busca proponer lineamientos estratégicos para el uso de la hipermedialidad, multimedialidad e interactividad en el periodismo comunitario mediado por redes sociales, específicamente Facebook, tomando como referencia el caso... more

Este artículo busca proponer lineamientos estratégicos para el uso de la hipermedialidad, multimedialidad e interactividad en el periodismo comunitario mediado por redes sociales, específicamente Facebook, tomando como referencia el caso de la Red de Reporteros Comunitarios de Colombia (RRC). Metodológicamente se realizaron tres fases que vincularon: análisis de los recursos digitales desde la práctica periodística de la RRC, examinando los baremos de medición de Fondevila (2014)
para categorizar los contenidos de la plataforma; un diagnóstico de las herramientas utilizadas en las publicaciones; y una propuesta estratégica que mejore el uso de RRSS en medios comunitarios.
Como hallazgos se destaca que los medios comunitarios deben enriquecer e integrar diversos recursos y géneros del lenguaje periodístico para potencializar sus contenidos. Así como establecer un diálogo permanente con la comunidad, ampliar el uso de enlaces para profundizar contenidos, validar las normas de redacción en la red, como apoyarse de contenidos infográficos que den contexto, como aspectos asociados a la generación de tráfico, la segmentación de audiencias, el enriquecimiento
del diálogo social y la independencia de los ámbitos de poder del Estado.

It is widely considered that technology gave birth and continues to play a vital role in film production around the globe. Technological advancements have shaped film language and the audience experience throughout history. With the... more

It is widely considered that technology gave birth and continues to play a vital role in film production around the globe. Technological advancements have shaped film language and the audience experience throughout history. With the emergence of interactivity and the proliferation of new digital media and technologies, new opportunities, discourses and challenges have arisen. In this context, this paper discusses that current classification approaches are not appropriate for capturing in a comprehensive manner the multidimensional aspects of interactive film history. It is proposed that a new classification system is needed in order to map the history of interactive filmmaking and cinema, alongside the development and affordances of the different interactive technologies in use, like the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and web technologies, 360o video, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) among others. Other prominent characteristics and practices that are considered include the enablement of either single- and/or collective multi-interaction of the audience with the moving image; the role of complex algorithms and the type of data analysis performed; technologies that make direct use of the audience’s physiology and cognitive state, such as the Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs); as well as the gamification of the film viewing experience. Accordingly, a new approach to identifying a suitable systematic structure is outlined, as opposed to recycling the conventional methods of classification, chronological order and genre categorisation.

Nezaustavljiv razvoj tehnologije uzrok je velikih mijena na društveno-ekonomskoj razini, a one se, između ostaloga, reflektiraju i na razvoj i promjene unutar medijske industrije. Tehnološkim dostignućima omogućen je razvoj novoga... more

Nezaustavljiv razvoj tehnologije uzrok je velikih mijena na društveno-ekonomskoj razini, a one se, između ostaloga, reflektiraju i na razvoj i promjene unutar medijske industrije. Tehnološkim dostignućima omogućen je razvoj novoga multimedijskog okruženja koje pritom ruši tradicionalne granice koje su postojale između telekomunikacija, audiovizualne industrije i informatike. Ovakvim razvojem ponajviše su profitirali pluralizam i raznolikost medija, a omogućenom interaktivnošću pojedinac prestaje biti pasivni korisnik medijskih sadržaja. Zbog ubrzanja procesa proizvodnje sadržaja i usluga, medijsko tržište postalo je izrazito kompetitivno, sve veća ponuda specijaliziranih sadržaja rezultirala je izraženom fragmentacijom publike, a kao posljedica toga smanjeni su prihodi od oglašavanja. Navedene promjene odrazile su se kako na komercijalne medije tako i na javni servis čija je programska ponuda bitno izmijenjena, a smanjenje publike otvara pitanje legitimnosti obvezne pristojbe te time i financijske stabilnosti odnosno opstanka ove javne usluge. Javni radiotelevizijski servis suočava se sa sve izraženijom krizom identiteta. Njegova je budućnost osigurana tek ako se redefinira i restrukturira te kao novi, konvergirani, multimedijski, interaktivni javni servis građanima osigura pristup širokoj ponudi informativnih, obrazovnih, ali i zabavnih sadržaja.

Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more

Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in general and of deliberation specifically, is the quality of the debate. In the past decade, many studies have been conducted to evaluate online discussions in light of the ideal notion of the public sphere. However, a wide gap exists between theoretical approaches and the actual operationalization of such theories for empirical research. In an attempt to bridge this gap we develop a method for examining the extent to which Internet forums meet the normative requirements of rational-critical debate, reciprocity, and reflexivity. The methodological approach consists of a textual analysis of the contributions made to an online forum. The coding scheme presented in this article is based on a case study (UK Online) and guided by the theoretical notions of deliberative democracy.

This study asks: what counts as writing in a Web 2.0 environment? How do the vocabularies, functionalities, and organizing structures of Web 2.0 environments impact our understanding of what writing is in these spaces and how that writing... more

This study asks: what counts as writing in a Web 2.0 environment? How do the vocabularies, functionalities, and organizing structures of Web 2.0 environments impact our understanding of what writing is in these spaces and how that writing is performed? Results suggest that we, as scholars and teachers, need to pay more attention to, first, the interactivity that is embedded in and afforded by Web 2.0 applications and, second, the processes that are invisible to the composer. Successful compositional engagement with Web 2.0 applications requires an evolving interactive set of practices similar to those practiced by gamers, comics, and electronic literature authors and readers. What we learn about these practices has the potential to transform the way we understand writing and the teaching of writing within and outside of a Web 2.0 ecosystem.

Scholars of political socialization are paying increasing attention to how the Internet might help cure the civic disengagement of youth. This content analysis of a sample of 73 U.S.-based civic Web sites for youth introduces a framework... more

Scholars of political socialization are paying increasing attention to how the Internet might help cure the civic disengagement of youth. This content analysis of a sample of 73 U.S.-based civic Web sites for youth introduces a framework for evaluating Web sites' strategies for fostering active communication for citizenship. We offer the first systematic assessment of the extent to which a broad range of Web sites aim to develop young people's abilities to use information and communication technology (ICT) as a vehicle for civic participation and to engage with ICT as a policy domain that encompasses issues (such as freedom of speech and intellectual property rights) that shape the conditions for popular sovereignty online. The study finds low levels of interactive features (such as message boards) that allow young people to share editorial control by offering their own content. In addition, few sites employ active pedagogical techniques (such as simulations) that research suggests are most effective at developing civic knowledge, skills, and participation. We also find little attention to ICT policy issues, which could engage budding citizens in debates over the formative conditions for political communication in the information age. We conclude with suggestions for civic Web site designers and hypotheses for user studies to test.

This article proposes a simple conceptual framework that can be used to promote critical consumption and production of video game content. After establishing the basic case for video game literacy, it sketches the broad outlines of an... more

This article proposes a simple conceptual framework that can be used to promote critical consumption and production of video game content. After establishing the basic case for video game literacy, it sketches the broad outlines of an interpretive framework for understanding the medium. Because exposure to media production is a crucial component of media literacy, the article closes with a consideration of ways that cheat codes, level editors, and other modding tools can empower students to design their own game experiences.

Consumer behaviour in the field of art museums appears to be influenced both by the identity of the public and the art museum and by the context. It is a matter not of changing museum content, but of bringing its identity closer to that... more

Consumer behaviour in the field of art museums appears to be influenced both by the identity of the public and the art museum and by the context. It is a matter not of changing museum content, but of bringing its identity closer to that of the public in order to promote access to art. The authors first present the theoretical and conceptual framework for their research and then suggest a qualitative methodological approach to addressing the issues described in the results.

This article is based in the methodological proposal presented by the author in his master thesis defended in February 2007 at the University of Minho. In his research, the author measured and compared the potentialities of the Internet... more

This article is based in the methodological proposal presented by the author in his master thesis
defended in February 2007 at the University of Minho. In his research, the author measured and
compared the potentialities of the Internet explored by general Portuguese cyberjournals
(news/journalistic websites), creating and applying a table of measurement of the levels of those
potentialities. The results show a low exploitation of the potentialities offered by the Internet (23,3%), in
particular of the ones considered most important – hipertextuality, interactivity and multimediality
The table was constructed in order to establish comparisons at different moments and between
cyberjournals of different kinds, countries and targets. This table of analysis allows to know if the
exploitation the Internet potentialities are high or low, as well as to establish a ranking of the

Resumen. This work aims to explore the effect of simulating physical robotics into a VR system, and analyse the different levels of complexity and abstraction needed to understand how a robotic mechanism interacts with environment and... more

Resumen. This work aims to explore the effect of simulating physical robotics into a VR system, and analyse the different levels of complexity and abstraction needed to understand how a robotic mechanism interacts with environment and behaves regarding its capabilities and limitations. Therefore, robotics are being explored in several approaches sustaining its potential in educational contexts, whose use and implementation allows to increase significantly the range of activities liable to be developed, and promote also integration between several knowledge spheres. The development of new mechanisms and the search for solutions to new problems push students to look for new ideas, notions and ways for interacting with the environment, increasing the capabilities acquired by students, by developing the processes needed to solve problems and quests in a project-based learning environment. This project presents how a mechanical design project is shown and presented, while modelling in CAD (computer aided design) software, whose objective is the creation and development of a platform for a differential wheeled non-holonomic robot, which has a structure formed by two fixed conventional wheels, being controlled in an independent way and, in the other way, by two support wheels (sort spherical or caster ball) typified as a non-centred adjustable wheels. It includes a control and position system that uses odometry, and is based in distance incremental information based on time. Its control systems and trajectory generation are developed using available functionality systems in Robot Operating System (ROS). Besides, Gazebo simulator is being used to control and generate trajectories, and create, at the same time, scenarios where it's possible to develop and research for experimental frameworks in order to improve mechanics and movements, performing also complex indoor and outdoor environments for recreating physics and trajectories.

It was long assumed that thinking goes on ‘in the head’: indeed, as recently as twenty years ago, many would have regarded it as absurd to examine thinking with reference to events beyond the brain. The chapters in Cognition beyond the... more

It was long assumed that thinking goes on ‘in the head’: indeed, as recently as twenty years ago, many would have regarded it as absurd to examine thinking with reference to events beyond the brain. The chapters in Cognition beyond the brain adopt a different perspective: In thinking, people use dispositions from both sides of the skull. Readily observed phenomena—including neural activity—constitute the object of thinking, which relates conceptually to the construct ‘thinking’. Like all folk concepts, ‘thinking’ is a second-order construct used to ‘explain’ observations or, specifically, how action is — and should be—integrated with perception. As attested in each of the chapters, bodies co-orient to cultural resources while using bidirectional coupling. The focus thus falls on what can be learned about thinking by studying world-side activity. The chapters report empirical, observational and theoretical studies of how people use circumstances (and objects) to act alone, in dyads and in groups. People manage and track attention as they integrate speech and action with gestures, gaze and other bodily activity. In making interactivity part of thinking, a broad range and assortments of parts, procedures and modes of operation are invoked.

Organizadores: Patricia Bieging, Raul Inácio Busarello, Vania Ribas Ulbricht e Lídia Oliveira. Os processos societais – culturais, políticos, educacionais, religiosos, etc. – contemporâneos passaram a ter como enquadramento o contexto... more