Introversion Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper investigates the relationship between introversion, shyness and loneliness among college students in Malaysia. This article seeks to speak up for introverts in hope to change the negative perception of the public towards... more

This paper investigates the relationship between introversion, shyness and loneliness among college students in Malaysia. This article seeks to speak up for introverts in hope to change the negative perception of the public towards introverts. Introversion has its biological causes explained by the differences in brain arousal level and neurotransmitters found in the brains between extroverts and introverts. It is hypothesized that introversion has no significant relationship with shyness and loneliness; and shyness has a positive significant relationship with loneliness. The researcher used the Introversion Scale, Cheek and Buss Shyness, and UCLA Loneliness Scale to obtain data from 110 college students in Malaysia. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 was used to analyze the descriptive and inferential statistics, reliability, and Pearson Correlation coefficient. Pearson Correlation results showed that introversion is negatively correlated with shyness (r=-.342, p ≤ 0.00) and loneliness (r= -.296, p ≤ 0.02); which is quite different from many past researches. Whereas shyness was found to be positively correlated with loneliness (r= .421, p≤ 0.00), which is consistent with many previous research findings.

This document contains the two papers referenced below: Grimes, J.O., Cheek, J.M., & Norem, J.K. (2011, January). Four meanings of introversion: Social, thinking, anxious, and inhibited* introversion. Presented at the annual meeting of... more

This qualitative study investigated the lived experiences of highly sensitive persons (HSPs) to better understand the way they experience careers. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is the underlying personality trait and is present in... more

This qualitative study investigated the lived experiences of highly sensitive persons (HSPs) to better understand the way they experience careers. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is the underlying personality trait and is present in approximately 20 percent of the population, equally distributed across gender and racial lines. SPS is considered a non-normative personality trait in some Western societies and subcultures. Thus, many HSPs experience difficulty finding an appropriate match between innate temperament and career.
This qualitative research perspective employed semi-structured interviews with 35 participants recruited through social media web sites and snowball sampling. Participants in the study were primarily from the U.S., but also from five foreign countries. Participants were chosen based on answers to a recruitment questionnaire and Elaine Aron’s HSP Self-Test. Major findings reveal a complex, interwoven dynamic interplay between nine major themes: (1) empathy, (2) childhood’s influence, (3) self-care, (4) a rich inner life, (5) creativity, (6) high sensation-seeking, (7) the sociological perspective, (8) the experience of work, and (9) the integral being. The significance of this study is that it is the first of its kind to investigate this topic in a systematic, scientific manner.

I was interested in reviewing Susan Cain's (2013) "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking " for two reasons. First, as an introvert I wanted to learn more about myself. Second, I wanted to... more

I was interested in reviewing Susan Cain's (2013) "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking " for two reasons. First, as an introvert I wanted to learn more about myself. Second, I wanted to explore Cain and others ' criticism that group activities in the workplace and in education are unfair to introverts. This book review contains two parts. The first part elaborates the general concept of introversion, borrowing heavily from the impressive amount of research and practical experience presented in Cain (2013). The second part addresses the criticism that teachers who use Cooperative Learning (CL) are being unfair to their introvert students. Saya tertarik untuk menelaah buku karya Susan Cain yang berjudul "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking " karena dua alasan: pertama, sebagai seorang introvert saya ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang diri saya; kedua, kritik tentang kegiatan kelompok dalam...

Every person with disabilities is also a normal person . He is a socialized person who shares in whole or in part rules , models and values ​​existing in the reference context . On the other hand, every person ( disabled or not ) must... more

Every person with disabilities is also a normal person . He is a socialized person who shares in whole or in part rules , models and values ​​existing in the reference context . On the other hand, every person ( disabled or not ) must identify itself , in the course of existence , that is, get rid of a normal standard , based on the standards and expectations of others , to try a normal own , a way of being that also responds to personal feel. For anyone who has suffered or has felt marginalized , normalization carries the charm of social integration , but can also become an impediment to follow its own path . There is a normality of the handicap , then, but also the handicap of normality . This book addresses the issue of disability rights and how they can find freedom and self-determination, beyond the limits of the current care conditions and rihabilitation.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® test (MBTI® test) is useful in many different ways. It is used for career counseling, couples counseling, self help, business building, employee retention, conflict management, assessing leadership... more

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® test (MBTI® test) is useful in many different ways. It is used for career counseling, couples counseling, self help, business building, employee retention, conflict management, assessing leadership characteristics as well as many other areas. The area we will be discussing today is how your MBTI test personality type corresponds with how you act and respond to other personality types including but not limited to individuals, co-workers, groups and team members. In addition, we will discuss how you behave in your work surroundings.

I wish to take into account Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) in relation to introverts and culturally conditioned attitudes towards introversion. There is a trend in the Western world, which values the sociable extrovert above the... more

I wish to take into account Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) in relation to introverts and culturally conditioned attitudes towards introversion. There is a trend in the Western world, which values the sociable extrovert above the introvert’s quieter powers. Aron states that this might explain “Western researchers’ difficulty in perceiving sensitivity as a positive aspect, or even fundamental to, persons who have otherwise been described as weak (Pavlov), timid (Wilson et al. 1993), inhibited (Kagan) and so forth” (Aron & Aron, 1997:349). For this reason, I wish to examine the strengths which the Highly Sensitive Person brings to the creative field of acting, thereby empowering actors with self-knowledge and self-awareness in relation to a working knowledge of their field.

The present study is devoted to the definition of main qualitative and quantitative characteristics of emptiness of meaning in life (according to Frankl’s concept of noogenic neurosis) and its connection to personality traits: motivation,... more

The present study is devoted to the definition of main qualitative and quantitative characteristics of emptiness of meaning in life (according to Frankl’s concept of noogenic neurosis) and its connection to personality traits: motivation, alexithymia, reflexivity, action control and temperament. A sample was taken of respondents from different social groups and included 28 female and 22 male with an age range of 17 to 24. The implications for theory in psychotherapy of noogenic neurosis are considered.

This study investigated the effect of face-to-face and computer-mediated peer feedback on L2 introverted and extroverted learners’ writing ability and language-related episodes. Eighty-six L2 intermediate English language learners were... more

This study investigated the effect of face-to-face and computer-mediated peer feedback on L2 introverted and extroverted learners’ writing ability and language-related episodes. Eighty-six L2 intermediate English language learners were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups: computer-mediated and face-to-face peer feedback. In computer-mediated classes, the participants exchanged peer feedback and discussed comments using Google Docs platform. Meanwhile, in the face-to-face group, the participants exchanged comments on paper; they also gathered once a week to discuss comments face-to-face. The results revealed that the introverts in the computer-mediated group improved more significantly than the introverts in the face-to-face group. However, the extroverts of both face-to-face and computer-mediated groups improved equally. The findings also indicated that both introverts and extroverts in the computer-mediated group produced more language-related episodes than their counterparts in face-to-face group. Further, the pairing patterns of introverted and extroverted learners were found to have effects on the number of language-related episodes generated by them.

The religious, theological and philosophical discourse in Late Antiquity concerning the human soul, the Greek psuchē, reveals a sophisticated and complex psychological language that was aimed at conceptualizing and articulating the act of... more

The religious, theological and philosophical discourse in Late Antiquity concerning the human soul, the Greek psuchē, reveals a sophisticated and complex psychological language that was aimed at conceptualizing and articulating the act of conversion. The analysis of Gnostic, Orthodox Christian, and Neoplatonic writings in relation to the psuchē shows the cardinal role that this term played in formulating individual processes of mental transformation. Attributing active agency, mutability and relational aspect to the individual psuchē turned it into a unique conceptual device, necessary to define anew the human condition.

The role of the learners’ personality in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has drawn the interest of researchers and educators. The present ex-post-facto study added empirical evidence of this issue by investigating whether... more

The role of the learners’ personality in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has drawn the interest of researchers and educators. The present ex-post-facto study added empirical evidence of this issue by investigating whether extroversion and introversion affected the learners’ English proficiency. Seventy-five undergraduates majoring in English participated in this study and completed a questionnaire to find out whether they were extroverts, introverts, or ambiverts. They also took the Test of English Proficiency (TEP) to measure their language proficiency. The results indicated the English proficiency of the extrovert learners was not significantly different from that of the introvert or ambivert learners. On the basis of the findings, implications for the teaching of EFL and suggestions for further studies were presented.

Decades of research on the study of introversion and extraversion have allowed researchers to distinguish among individual differences on each of these dimensions. Research indicates that shyness, a rather common personality trait, is a... more

Decades of research on the study of introversion and extraversion have allowed researchers to distinguish among individual differences on each of these dimensions. Research indicates that shyness, a rather common personality trait, is a construct that is related, but not identical, to introversion. Once regarded as a unitary construct, modern day personality theorists propose that shyness is based on a number of orthogonal dimensions. Empirical evidence suggests that distinct subtypes of shyness develop as a result of differences in social approach and social avoidance behaviors. Temperamental shyness is a risk factor for behavioral and affective problems, as well as more severe psychological problems. This article focuses on the phenomenon of shyness by reviewing its subtypes, psychosocial correlates, and efficacious treatment interventions.

Creativity is the buzzword in this era of stiff competition which lends an edge to individuals as well as organizations over others. Human personality is another area which is extensively studied to explore its various facets and... more

Creativity is the buzzword in this era of stiff competition which lends an edge to individuals as well as organizations over others. Human personality is another area which is extensively studied to explore its various facets and managerial implications are drawn from them. The present study is an empirical study which aims at determining the impact of the extraversion-introversion dimension of human personality on an individual’s level of creativity. The study was conducted on one hundred adults in the Allahabad region of Uttar Pradesh; primary data was collected using questionnaires, hypotheses were formulated and tested using correlation analysis. Result of the tests indicated that there is no association between extraversion-introversion dimension of human personality on an individual’s level of creativity. Several significant Managerial implications are drawn from the results obtained. INTRODUCTION Extraversion–introversion dimension forms the core of human personality theories. It was Carl Jung who popularized the terms introversion and extraversion. Extraversion is «the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self»1 while Introversion is “the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one’s own mental life”2 Extraversion and introversion are part of a single continuum. Thus, a person who is high on extraversion is low on Introversion and vice – versa. “Creativity is constructed as a learned ability that enables us to define new relationships between concepts or events, which seemed apparently unconnected before, and which results in a new entity of knowledge” (European Commission 1998). Researchers have identified many types of creativity, for the purpose of present study we have taken into consideration the creativity from individual perspective. The present study is an empirical study which aims at determining the impact of the extraversion-introversion dimension of human personality on an individual’s level of creativity, and relevant managerial implications are drawn from it. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study were: 1. To gain a deep insight into the extraversion-introversion dimension of individual’s personality. 2. To delve into the concept of creativity. 3. To determine the impact of extraversion-introversion dimension of personality on individual level of creativity. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Work on the field of creativity is based upon the foundations laid by researchers such as J. P. Guilford and E. Paul Torrance. Creativity has been linked with many variables but literatures linking personality, demographic variables and intelligence to creativity are huge.According to Torrance (1988) creative potential exists among all people, and can be improved through learning while research by Aguilar-Alonso, A (1996) concludes that creative abilities are linked to personality dimensions such as extraversion. Jung et al (2011) found that context plays an important role in determining the creativity exhibited by individuals. Researches on creativity and intelligence also exhibit contradictions, Getzels and Jackson (1962) said that creativity and intelligence were independent traits while Hasan and Butcher (1996) found creativity and intelligence, were highly correlated. Many researches have been conducted which link extraversion-introversion dimension of personality to other variables, one such study is of Taylor (1998) who found that introverts preferred computer mediated discussions over to face-to-face ones, while extraverts preferred the face-to-face environment. Researchers such as Argyle and Lu (1990) have found a positive correlation between extraversion and happiness. It was also found that extraverts respond more to positive affect than to negative affect, Larsen and Ketelaar (1991). An extensive review of such relevant literature has been done and research gaps are identified. RESEARCH GAP From the review of relevant literature following gap has been identifiedMany studies on various aspects of personality and its association with creativity have already been studied but studies on introversion-extroversion dimension of personality and its relation to creativity is negligible. Those studies which exist have contradictory findings. According to Torrance (1988) creative potential exists among all people, and can be improved through learning while research by Aguilar-Alonso, A (1996) concludes that different forms of creative behaviour are related to distinct characteristics of personality. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES From the review of relevant literature and identification of research gap, following null hypotheses have been formulatedH1: Extraversion has no correlation with individual level of creativity. H2: Introversion has no correlation with individual level of creativity RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This study is an Empirical research based upon Descriptive research design.…

1-The true meaning of introversion and its influence on happiness We frequently think of introversion as a social problem. The introvert is, in the eyes of many, a shy person who finds it difficult to make friends. Consequently,... more

1-The true meaning of introversion and its influence on happiness We frequently think of introversion as a social problem. The introvert is, in the eyes of many, a shy person who finds it difficult to make friends. Consequently, introversion could be experienced as a disadvantage in the race for happiness or as a difficulty that must be overcome in order to improve our chances of being happy. However, this view on introversion is not only false but also extremely harmful. This idea stems from a noticeable prevalence of extraverts worldwide (extraverts account for approximately 85% of the general population according to some studies) and from a difficulty by extraverts to understand what is different. The defining characteristic of introversion is not the social relationshipbuilding aspect, but a different way of seeing and thinking about the world: a way which assigns more importance to our own thoughts and feelings about the surrounding world than to external stimulation in and of itself. The term " introverted " says it all: " turned inward " , while the extravert is " turned outward. " This entails more reflection about what goes on around us, less impulsiveness and greater control over our responses to stimuli than most people. Ultimately, this results in a life led on a different wavelength from most people and has countless consequences: some negative and some positive. Physiologically, introverts have naturally high cortical arousal compared to extraverts, by general stimulation, and, particularly, by stimulation from conversation or interaction with other people. This means that a smaller influx of information from the external environment causes, in introverts, significant mental and emotional activity. A detail observed in the external environment gives rise to a myriad of thoughts, reasoning, speculation, fantasies, fears and emotions, and can remain with us for a long time. Extraverts, on the other hand, are only minimally aroused. They do not dwell on external phenomena for a long time and they therefore need to quickly seek out more stimulating environments to feel selfactualized. This difference in cortical arousal is what differentiates us most and can be seen throughout our daily lives. Understanding our differences and knowing how to leverage them is essential to find the happiness that we long for. For that purpose it is first necessary to understand that shyness and introversion are not the same. Although sometimes they go hand in hand, being introverted, as we have discussed, means having an introspective attitude. This does not necessarily entail shyness, lack of social skills or social problems. In fact, there are many people who are introverts and lead a perfectly satisfactory social life (according to their own standards) and are not at all shy; in the same way, there are extraverts who are shy and have terrible social lives. Shyness is a problem that can be quite serious and affects both introverts and extraverts. People who are naturally extraverts but are shy suffer much more as a result of their shyness than the introverts who are also shy. This is so because shy extraverts feel the intense desire to interact with other people but they do not dare do it or their attempts to do it are clumsy. This causes frustration, which is significantly diminished in introverted people since their need and desire for

The objective of this study was to examine the significance of difference between introverted and extroverted learners in terms of syntactic complexity (Simple Sentences [SS], Compound Sentences [CpdS], Complex Sentences [CpxS], and... more

The objective of this study was to examine the significance of difference between introverted and extroverted learners in terms of syntactic complexity (Simple Sentences [SS], Compound Sentences [CpdS], Complex Sentences [CpxS], and Compound Complex Sentences [CCS]). The data were collected from written products of 30 introverted and 30 extroverted language learners in the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia. SPPS (Version 21) was used to analyze the data. It was found that there was a significant difference between introverted and extroverted learners’ written product in terms of syntactic complexity. The introverted learners wrote more SS than extroverts did. In contrast, extroverts wrote more CpdS and CCS than introverts did in their written products. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the groups in CpxS. To sum up, language learners wrote different kinds of sentences in their written products.

SPA-B5; SPA-HEXACO; SPA-B7 Short scales by which main personality traits can be assessed (extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience, positive valence, negative valence, conventionality, positive... more

Identity formation is one of the main concerns of today's education and can have a vital role in ESP learners' future professional success. This study investigated whether the employment of interactive practices in ESP courses had any... more

Identity formation is one of the main concerns of today's education and can have a vital role in ESP learners' future professional success. This study investigated whether the employment of interactive practices in ESP courses had any impact on the identity formation of introvert students. Initially, 200 undergraduate students majoring in Computer Sciences, Accounting, and Physical Education answered the introversion/extraversion section of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Cheek and Briggs' Aspects of Identity Questionnaire (AIQ-IV). Based on their performance on MBTI, 90 learners with the extravert, introvert, and non-discriminating personality traits were selected from six classes and formed the three Extravert, Introvert, and Control (n1=n2=n3=30) groups. The students had taken a Specialized English course in the second semester of their BA program. The classes lasted 14 sessions. During the treatment, the researchers employed different activities for teaching ESP. After the instruction, the participants took the AIQ-IV. The results of ANCOVA indicated that the Introvert group gained significantly higher scores on the identity questionnaire than the Extravert and Control groups. The results of paired samples t-tests showed that while introverts had improved considerably in all components of the identity questionnaire, the Extravert and Control groups did not show any changes. The findings indicated that in interactive classroom environments, introvert learners had more inclination than the extravert and mixed introvert and extravert learners toward a shift in identity. The study has implications for ESP teachers, practitioners, and educators.

This report can help you detect what role your personality type plays in your decision process. Once you become aware of you decision-making style, you will be able to improve on the process and apply your preferences. In fact you will... more

This report can help you detect what role your personality type plays in your decision process. Once you become aware of you decision-making style, you will be able to improve on the process and apply your preferences. In fact you will find yourself breathing a breath of fresh air once you realize that using your own style is never the “wrong” way. Your report can show you that your style works for you and it can give you insightful information and ways to improve your decision-making. Moreover, once you complete this assessment, you will realize that many people share the same style as you and continue to make successful decisions.

Aim: This study is aimed to investigate the levels of self-esteem, empathy and introversion in adolescent readers based on their levels of reading. Self-esteem is quite simply one's attitude toward oneself (Rosenberg, 1965). Empathy can... more

Aim: This study is aimed to investigate the levels of self-esteem, empathy and introversion in adolescent readers based on their levels of reading. Self-esteem is quite simply one's attitude toward oneself (Rosenberg, 1965). Empathy can be defined as the act of coming to experience the world as you think someone else does (Bloom, 2016). Introversion refers to a personality type in which there is an orientation towards the internal private world of one's self and one's own inner thoughts and feelings, rather than towards the outer world of people and things (American Psychological Association [APA]). Individuals belonging to this category are usually quiet, reserved and shy. Adolescence refers to the period of human development that starts with puberty (10-12 years) and lasts till maturation (approximately 19 years). Method: This study has been conducted on 120 participants belonging to adolescent age group (09-19 years) through purposive sampling. The tools for data collection used in the study are Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Morris Rosenberg, 1965), Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (Spreng, 2009) and Introversion Scale (McCroskey). Data is analyzed using SPSS by the application of Kruskal Wallis Test and Post-hoc analysis. Results: The results indicate significant difference in the levels of self-esteem, empathy and introversion among adolescent readers varying on their reading level. That is, individuals with high levels of reading show higher levels of self-esteem, empathy and introversion compared to their counterparts. he world has moved a long way along with the technology. Technology brought in differences in each and every aspects of our daily life including how we spent our leisure time. We are caught up in a digital era, opening up possibilities to spent handsome free hours in Social Medias, video gaming, watching movies etc. Has every one moved on from the leisure of reading to the leisure captivated in screens? If we believe that the feeling of pages is a thing of a different generation, we should be aware that people are still fond of their personal library and favorite stack of books next to the bed stand. In fact, reading cannot be abandoned; it is important. However, the digital era has successfully brought in the digital reading. So, reading sustain in a different medium but more importantly it preserves its benefits. 1 3rd year Bsc. Psychology student,

Kehidupan introver di Indonesia selalu disalah artikan atau dikaitkan dengan anti sosial. padahal introver dan anti sosial adalah dua hal yang berbeda. banyak introver yang senang bersosialisasi walaupun dengan lingkungan yang kecil.... more

Kehidupan introver di Indonesia selalu disalah artikan atau dikaitkan dengan anti sosial. padahal introver dan anti sosial adalah dua hal yang berbeda. banyak introver yang senang bersosialisasi walaupun dengan lingkungan yang kecil. sedangkan anti sosial mereka adalah orang yang enggan melakukan interaksi sosial.
berdasarkan fakta tersebut introver selalu dikaitkan dengan hal yang negatif karena kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia belum tahu betul tentang sifat fan kepribadian introver.
Maka dari itu banyak introver di Indonesia menjadi mengalami trauma karena dipandang rendah oleh orang disekitarnya.
Berdasarkan pengamatan pribadi, kurangnya pendidikan dan pemahaman karakteristik tentang Introver adalah salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kesalahan pemahaman mengenai sifat introvert.

This study was an attempt to investigate the difference between extrovert and introvert EFL teachers’ classroom management. For this purpose, 30 extrovert and 30 introvert female teachers of Gatt Language Center (GLC) and Kish Language... more

This study was an attempt to investigate the difference between extrovert and introvert EFL teachers’ classroom management. For this purpose, 30 extrovert and 30 introvert female teachers of Gatt Language Center (GLC) and Kish Language School in Tehran were chosen among 120 female teachers who filled in Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) and had more than three years of experience in teaching English and were willing to take part in this study after a briefing session. Then each teacher’s class was observed by the researcher two times with one or two-session gaps in between, and Murdoch’s (2000) Checklist was used to score each teacher’s ability in classroom management each time separately. The total score for each teacher’s classroom management was calculated based on the mean of values given to the teacher by the researcher from two observations. To find out the significant difference between extrovert and introvert EFL teachers’ classroom management, an independent sample t-test...

What if a student of religion/theology does not participate in the discussions during class?