Management of Innovation Research Papers (original) (raw)

This study was undertaken to investigate the premises that the success of disruptive innovation is related to the business model adopted by organizations. An analysis of five business models from the literature review - Bovet and Martha... more

This study was undertaken to investigate the premises that the success of disruptive innovation is related to the business model adopted by organizations. An analysis of five business models
from the literature review - Bovet and Martha (2000), Applegate (2001), Chesbrough and Rosenbloom (2002), Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010), and Rodrigues, Maccari and Lenzi (2012)
– was conducted based on the case of the Brazilian Gol Airlines who is recognized as a success business that promoted a disruptive innovation. The results suggest that the assertive choice of the business model can leverage innovation processes, and two of the models listed are adherence to the case studied.

Strategic innovation dynamically brings about strategic positioning through new products, services, and business models and is a dynamic view of strategy that enables a large corporation to maintain its competitiveness and establish... more

Strategic innovation dynamically brings about strategic positioning through new products, services, and business models and is a dynamic view of strategy that enables a large corporation to maintain its competitiveness and establish sustainable growth. For these reasons, large corporations have to be innovators that can reinforce their existing positions (businesses) through incremental innovation, while at the same time, constantly renew or destroy existing business through radical innovation. From detailed reviews of existing dynamic capabilities theories and further theories deeply related to the characteristics of corporate or organizational capabilities, this article presents a theoretical model of a strategic innovation system as a corporate system capability to enable a large company to achieve strategic innovation. Furthermore, through in‐depth longitudinal case studies , the article also discusses the importance of strategic innovation capabilities to achieve a dynamic spiral of the 2 completely different ordinary and dynamic capabilities on the capabilities map, skillfully use and combine to achieve swift or slow incremental innovation as exploitation, or radical innovation as exploration.

Red Temática Conacyt Convergencia del conocimiento para beneficio de la sociedad: nuestra problematización La noción de convergencia tecnológica (en adelante, CT) ha cobrado una importancia creciente desde la iniciativa estadounidense... more

Red Temática Conacyt Convergencia del conocimiento para beneficio de la sociedad: nuestra problematización
La noción de convergencia tecnológica (en adelante, CT) ha cobrado una importancia creciente desde la iniciativa estadounidense NBIC del año 2001. En estas siglas se reúne lo que Roco y Bainbridge (2003) definieron como las cuatro provincias de ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación (CTI) que actualmente crecen a una tasa muy alta: nanotecnología, biotecnología, TIC y ciencias cognitivas; es decir: nano-bio-info-cogno. El aspecto constitutivo del concepto de convergencia tecnológica alude a relaciones, sinergias o fusiones entre amplios campos de la investigación científica y el desarrollo tecnológico (i+d) como nanociencia y nanotecnología, biotecnología y ciencias de la vida, tecnologías de información y comunicación, ciencias cognitivas y neurotecnologías, robótica e inteligencia artificial entre otros campos.

roadmap para apoiar o planejamento estratégico da Inovação em Organizações Modernas Prof. Yogui,R Atribuição-Sem Derivações: CC BY-ND Esta licença permite a redistribuição, comercial e não comercial, desde que o... more

roadmap para apoiar o planejamento estratégico da Inovação em Organizações Modernas Prof. Yogui,R Atribuição-Sem Derivações: CC BY-ND Esta licença permite a redistribuição, comercial e não comercial, desde que o trabalho seja distribuído inalterado e no seu todo, com crédito atribuído ao autor.

BMW has 125.000 employees as of 2016 and with an annual production of 2.36 million cars the BMW Group is among the fifteen largest car manufacturers in the world. BMW is increasingly concerned about its corporate social responsibility... more

BMW has 125.000 employees as of 2016 and with an annual production of 2.36 million cars the BMW Group is among the fifteen largest car manufacturers in the world. BMW is increasingly concerned about its corporate social responsibility that is nowadays firmly integrated into its corporate identity defining philosophy. There are four sectors where the BMW Group shows its corporate social responsibility: sustainability principle, environmental issues, employees and society.

In this paper, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the design thinking mindset. First, we review the design and management literature to identify and define key cognitive and behavioural components of a design thinking mindset,... more

In this paper, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the design thinking mindset. First, we review the design and management literature to identify and define key cognitive and behavioural components of a design thinking mindset, before we report our initial findings from 15 in-depth interviews with innovation managers in Australia and Germany who reflect on their practices while implementing design thinking within their organizations. Our explorative study confirms a set of commonly understood and applied mindsets, but also reveals the impact of organisational constraints on translating cognition into behaviour. We suggest to further map the different mindsets used in design thinking projects and link them to extant leadership theory, which – as we argue – provides a suitable point of departure for further study of the design thinking mindset and its role for innovation.

Kejayaan bisnis memang banyak bertumpu pada masa lalu, namun bertahan lama oleh karena kekuatan imajinasi yang menyambut masa depan. Di sinilah pusatnya sumber daya inovasi. PLN sedang menabur benih baru di bidang inovasi. Buku ini... more

Kejayaan bisnis memang banyak bertumpu pada masa lalu, namun bertahan lama oleh karena kekuatan imajinasi yang menyambut masa depan. Di sinilah pusatnya sumber daya inovasi. PLN sedang menabur benih baru di bidang inovasi. Buku ini menjabarkannya dalam berbagai rantai pasok bisnis kelistrikan sehingga penting dibaca oleh para pemangku kepentingan PLN. "Perubahan mengandung risiko, tetapi bukan tidak bisa dikelola. Pertanyaannya, mau atau tidak! Pertanyaan berikutnya, berani atau tidak! Negeri ini ada untuk masa depan. Jangan biarkan negeri ini dikuasai oleh orang-orang yang masih terperangkap pada masa lalu. Jika kepemimpinan dan kapabilitas organisasi hadir di PLN maka tinggal menunggu waktu saja bahwa PLN akan menjadi innovation-driven company atau perusahaan yang berumur panjang yang pada gilirannya terus berkinerja unggul. Hal ini tentunya menjadi harapan seluruh karyawan PLN, pemerintah, dan masyarakat Indonesia."
Buku ini disusun dalam 19 bab menurut logika sistematika inovasi Input, Process, Output, dan Outcome. Buku ini juga menampilkan 19 karya inovasi ketenagalistrikan PLN. Karya-karya unggulan tersebut menampilkan inovasi-inovasi yang sudah terbukti meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan memperoleh apresiasi dari para pemangku kepentingan PLN.

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.

This is a practical book, but it is not a “how-to” book. Instead, it deals with the what, when, and why; with such tangibles as policies and decisions; opportunities and risks; structures and strategies; staffing, compensation, and... more

This is a practical book, but it is not a “how-to” book. Instead, it deals with the what, when, and why; with such tangibles as policies and decisions; opportunities and risks; structures and strategies; staffing, compensation, and rewards. Innovation and entrepreneurship are discussed under three main headings: The Practice of Innovation; The Practice of Entrepreneurship; and Entrepreneurial Strategies. Each of these is an
“aspect” of innovation and entrepreneurship rather than a stage.

La pubblicazione presenta i risultati dell’Indagine Individuazione di modelli di governance territoriale per il supporto alla generazione di conoscenze ed innovazione, promossa dall’Isfol e realizzata con Confindustria Veneto SIAV.... more

La pubblicazione presenta i risultati dell’Indagine Individuazione di modelli di governance territoriale per il supporto alla generazione di conoscenze ed innovazione, promossa dall’Isfol e realizzata con Confindustria Veneto SIAV. L’indagine ha previsto la realizzazione di focus group e l’analisi di 51 casi di aziende innovative nei territori regionali del Piemonte, del Veneto e della Puglia. I risultati hanno consentito di trarre indicazioni rilevanti per: le imprese, fornendo una prima tassonomia dei modelli di business e indicazioni utili alla definizione di circuiti di apprendimento utili all’“assorbimento” dell’innovazione; le università e i centri di ricerca, delineando i modelli di relazione con il mondo produttivo e le necessità di integrazione attraverso figure di intermediazione emergenti; i soggetti deputati a promuovere policy e strumenti di finanziamento a supporto dei processi di creazione di nuova conoscenza per l’innovazione (Regioni, Fondi paritetici ecc.); le agenzie formative, attraverso la lettura delle nuove necessità di setting e modalità di apprendimento coerenti con i processi di assorbimento dell’innovazione.

Organizations seek competitive advantage through innovations in their products, services, management models, or even in their organizational processes. By innovating in process management, organizations gain in dynamism, adding value to... more

Organizations seek competitive advantage through innovations in their products, services, management models, or even in their organizational processes. By innovating in process management, organizations gain in dynamism, adding value to the product or service, in addition to making these processes more reliable, making it possible to increase the innovation capacity of their organizational processes. Based on this premise, this article sought, through an integrative literature review, to identify how organizations innovate in the management of their organizational processes. The results showed that most organizations use process innovation incrementally, that is, they develop improvements in existing processes, or add processes that optimize existing ones. The aversion to disruptive innovation in processes may be related to the greater risk associated with it, or, in the case of less structured organizations, the difficulty in obtaining information that enables a reliable decision to change or exclude their processes.

Value-Originality. Startup companies look for solutions to remove useless issues and enhance the activities offering value adding over the product/service development stage in such a way that such companies will be able to provide great... more

Value-Originality. Startup companies look for solutions to remove useless issues and enhance the activities offering value adding over the product/service development stage in such a way that such companies will be able to provide great products and more probabilities for success with no need to employ considerable investments from external sources. Accordingly, innovation, business intelligence, and knowledge management will contribute to the positive findings of startup companies. Objectives. Hence, the purpose of the present study was to conduct an investigation on the impact of business intelligence over the performance of startup companies according to such mediators as innovation and knowledge management. Methods. The type of this study is correlation and is also an applied and descriptive-survey work regarding objective and data gathering. Our statistical population encompassed all related experts and managers in the following Iranian startups: Pinket, Alibaba, Snapp, Filimo,...

RESUMEN El desarrollo del mundo actual, tiene una base bastante extendida en la generalización del uso de la energía eléctrica, aparatos electrodomésticos y equipos de telecomunicación inalámbricos, generadores de campos electromagnéticos... more

RESUMEN El desarrollo del mundo actual, tiene una base bastante extendida en la generalización del uso de la energía eléctrica, aparatos electrodomésticos y equipos de telecomunicación inalámbricos, generadores de campos electromagnéticos no ionizantes, creando amplio interés por parte de los sectores público y privado sobre sus repercusiones en el organismo. Lo anterior se asocia, con las políticas que crean a la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, como un guía que vigila los entornos internos y externos de la empresa, la ética y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Dado lo anterior, el presente estudio, diseñar una propuesta de exploración de nivel de responsabilidad social en la emisión de radiación no ionizante de las compañías que la generan en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara Jalisco, México, estudio que reúne y analiza información sobre la radiación no ionizante, la contaminación, medición, influencia en el organismo, amenazas y riesgos, qué es la Responsabilidad Social Empresa...

The New Zealand pipfruit industry takes around twenty years to develop a new apple variety up to full commercial production. The industry’s success is increasingly dependent on the introduction of new pipfruit products. How can the... more

The New Zealand pipfruit industry takes around twenty years to develop a new apple variety up to full commercial production. The industry’s success is increasingly dependent on the introduction of new pipfruit products. How can the industry plan for effective research, science, and technology (RS&T) investments for supplying products into an international marketplace which is increasingly volatile?

Innovación terapéutica es cualquier mejora de un nuevo producto o procedimiento clínico de uno o varios aspectos de interés farmacoterapéutico, en el grado que sea, con relación a los medicamentos o procedimientos disponibles actualmente.

If somebody asked me to define David Audretsch in a few words, I would define him as the following: a great mind, an outstanding researcher, and a humble individual. Few people possess these three characteristics at the same time. His... more

If somebody asked me to define David Audretsch in a few words, I would define him as the following: a great mind, an outstanding researcher, and a humble individual. Few people possess these three characteristics at the same time. His characteristics have entirely shaped my career, and David became my academic role model. The first time I met Prof. Audretsch was when I was offered a position as his research assistant for a project on the economic performance of cities in the spring of 2010. Although I used to hear his name mentioned as the most productive scholar at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University-Bloomington, I had not found a chance to meet him. Two other research assistants and I worked hard to finish the project; we spent close to 3 months preparing a report while receiving regular feedback from Prof. Audretsch. After we submitted the project to him, he worked on it for only a few days, and we realized that he had completely updated what we wrote. I was really impressed by what he accomplished in a few days, as his version was a much better and more highly-developed paper compared to the version that three research assistants prepared over 3 months. However, he appreciated our efforts and told us that our product was very good. The next time I interacted with Prof. Audretsch is when I went for an overseas study at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin (Germany) in May 2010, which was organized by SPEA. When I saw the course advertisement, I found that Prof. Audretsch was leading the program, and I did not want to miss this opportunity. I wanted to learn useful information from him, hear his stories (since he is a great storyteller with outstanding experiences of the Cold War in Berlin), visit high quality German institutions with him and other classmates, motivate myself to work harder (as he is also a great motivator), and start writing my papers on organizational change and innovation in public organizations.

In recent years, the way corporates innovate has changed significantly. Going from 'behind closed doors' innovation to open innovation where collaboration with outsiders is encouraged, companies are in the pursuit of more effective ways... more

In recent years, the way corporates innovate has changed significantly. Going from 'behind closed doors' innovation to open innovation where collaboration with outsiders is encouraged, companies are in the pursuit of more effective ways to accelerate their innovation outcomes. As a result, many companies are investing to create more entrepreneurial environments, which not only empower employees to proactively propose and test new ideas, but also reach beyond company walls to involve many others in the co-creation of new solutions. In this paper, we outline the most notable benefits of hackathons from the perspective of large organizations, and present the benefits and a methodology for organizing hackathons, ie. competition-based events where participants work in small teams over a short period of time to ideate, design, rapidly prototype and test their ideas with a user-centric approach to solve a determined challenge. This paper also provides a brief insight into the CEMEX Hackathon, which was organized following the aforementioned methodology.

Commercializing biomedical discoveries is a challenging process for many reasons. However, Academic Medical Centers (AMC) that have teaching, patient care, research, and service engrained in their mission are well poised to host these... more

Commercializing biomedical discoveries is a challenging process for many reasons. However, Academic Medical Centers (AMC) that have teaching, patient care, research, and service engrained in their mission are well poised to host these discoveries. These academic discoveries can lead to improvement in patient health and economic development if supported to cross the “valley of death” through institutional assistance, by providing guidance, gap funding and product development expertise. Colorado has a vibrant local startup ecosystem, state support for commercialization and entrepreneurship as well as critical mass of product development expertise. University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, as a major AMC, is an engine for growth for the region. This article discusses innovation efforts at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus as a case study, which is built around two major efforts: the CCTSI and CU Innovations. I-Corps at CCTSI and the SPARK|REACH program of CU Inno...

L’objectif de cette communication est de mettre en évidence un nouveau cadre théorique pour penser la stratégie de compétition entre plateformes technologiques, indépendamment des logiques de marchés. Nous démontrons que la compétition ne... more

L’objectif de cette communication est de mettre en évidence un nouveau cadre théorique pour penser la stratégie de compétition entre plateformes technologiques, indépendamment des logiques de marchés. Nous démontrons que la compétition ne se joue pas seulement sur le marché ; et qu’un des défis majeur de l’innovation technologique est d’être capable de subvertir les systèmes techniques des autres acteurs industriels (concurrents, fournisseurs, partenaires, clients, etc.). Nous présentons ensuite un nouveau critère de performance stratégique pour illustrer l’effet systémique d’une technologie sur l’espace des techniques : la pervasivité d’une technologie. Ce concept permet d’exprimer la faculté d’une invention technique à transformer et à réorganiser d’autres systèmes techniques ainsi que sa capacité à se diffuser à travers un large ensemble de technologies. Aussi, mener une stratégie de pervasivité technologique suppose de contrôler le degré de transformation des différents systèmes...

International centres of excellence (ICE) in which foreign research organizations are attracted to developing and emerging countries via dedicated funding schemes to support technological catching-up and strengthening of innovation... more

International centres of excellence (ICE) in which foreign research organizations are attracted to developing and emerging countries via dedicated funding schemes to support technological catching-up and strengthening of innovation systems, can have benefits for both host countries and their international research partners through knowledge spill-overs and business opportunities. As analysis of the process of setting up such ICEs is limited, the contribution of this study is assessing the enactment of such innovation policies aimed at inducing cross-border collaboration for R&D and innovation. This is done by investigating stakeholders' perceptions on the establishment and early functioning of Chile's ICE programme. The principal finding is that setting up and operating an ICE requires absorptive capacity of different kinds: not only to embed research and innovations ensuing from an ICE in the host country innovation system, but also to build capacities for operationalizing cross-border collaboration in an ICE and dealing with the dual embeddedness of ICE in both the host country and the home countries of the foreign research organizations. The latter type of absorptive capacity needs to be built both in the research organizations involved, and in the funding agencies enacting the innovation policy instruments that induce ICEs. Dedicated brokers facilitating such cross-border collaboration by bridging institutional and cultural gaps and supporting learning between partners, could be useful in this regard.

Background: Innovation is a key prerequisite for being organisationally competitive. Therefore, it is imperative that enterprises grow and mature their innovation capability. Knowledge management plays a fundamental role in the ability of... more

Background: Innovation is a key prerequisite for being organisationally competitive. Therefore, it is imperative that enterprises grow and mature their innovation capability. Knowledge management plays a fundamental role in the ability of enterprises to innovate successfully.
Objectives: There are no formal guidelines for using knowledge management to grow innovation capability maturity. The researchers intended to develop a knowledge management framework that enables innovation capability.
Method: The scope of the research did not allow for the practical implementation of the framework. However, ve industry and subject theory experts evaluated the applicability and usability of the framework.
Results: All ve experts reported that enterprises could use knowledge management tools and organisational facilitating conditions to allow innovation capability maturity to grow. The importance of the framework is that it gives guidelines for using knowledge management as a vehicle for growing innovation capability maturity.
Conclusion: The framework determines whether enterprises’ organisational conditions and knowledge management tools are suf cient to sustain or grow their innovation capability maturity.

Desde que el ser humano está en el mundo, la necesidad de dar respuesta a los problemas que van surgiendo, el deseo de mejorar el presente vivido, el anhelo del cambio y la transformación de la realidad conocida o, incluso, el deseo de... more

Desde que el ser humano está en el mundo, la necesidad de dar respuesta a los problemas que van surgiendo, el deseo de mejorar el presente vivido, el anhelo del cambio y la transformación de la realidad conocida o, incluso, el deseo de vislumbrar dificultades futuras han estado presentes.
Pero, no todo lo calificado como innovación ha sido, es, ni será realmente innovación, ni lo será en idéntica medida, alcance, ni profundidad. Hay innovación contemplada como tal por la ignorancia, en perspectiva, de los logros y avances en tiempos previos o espacios alejados. Hay innovación que surfea por la superficie de la mejora sin bucear en las profundidades del cambio (Carr, 2011)
El ocio, como fenómeno social, ha estado igualmente presente en el devenir del ser humano, convirtiéndose en reflejo de los cambios en curso, en cada tiempo y espacio. Pero, de igual manera, ha sido protagonista de algunas de las transformaciones vividas (San Salvador del Valle, 2006)
La narración y el análisis de los cambios en curso y su relación con la innovación y el ocio nos ocupan en las siguientes páginas.

Construction industry is judged as non-innovative, even though, construction works are project-based and each project always needs to adapt procedures and materials. Spain is the fifth country in the European Union in terms of production... more

Construction industry is judged as non-innovative, even though, construction works
are project-based and each project always needs to adapt procedures and materials.
Spain is the fifth country in the European Union in terms of production in the
construction industry, with figures very close to that of United Kingdom, France or
Italy. In spite of that, the Spanish construction industry is particularly non-innovative:
its investment in innovation is eight times less than the European average. In order to
solve this problem, a new set of standards (UNE 166000) was issued to encourage the
technological innovation in a continuous and methodical way. This normative implies
a change of scenario where innovation can be regarded as any other business
management process and, consequently, it can be standardised. Systematisation is
performed through certification by a recognised body. Companies can attain
certification applying UNE 166001 for R&D&i projects and UNE 166002 for R&D&i
management systems. The later standard can also be integrated very easily with the
quality management standard ISO 9001. Until now very few companies in the Spanish
construction industry have obtained any certification. Nevertheless, this situation may
change radically in the near future due to the companies’ needs to exhibit proof of
their R&D&i progress in the bidding procedure for public works and services.

A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in the field of Strategic Marketing Johannesburg... more

A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in the field of Strategic Marketing Johannesburg June 2015

The chapter discusses the multiplication of layers of reflexivity in the course of innovation processes. And it discusses different framings that are underlying different kinds of reflexivity, such as epistemic and political. This leads... more

The chapter discusses the multiplication of layers of reflexivity in the course of innovation processes. And it discusses different framings that are underlying different kinds of reflexivity, such as epistemic and political. This leads to a complex entanglement of different forms of reflexivities, as illustrated for the innovation of 'citizen panels' as a particular form of publication participation. Conclusions discuss conceptual implications for understanding innovation dynamics and practical challenges of doing innnovation in a horizon of liquified realities and values through endless spirals of reflexivity.

Local Products from Malopolska is a local food system through which producers from 10 territories in Malopolska connect with consumers. The focus is on increasing access to locally-produced food by helping agricultural smallholders and... more

Local Products from Malopolska is a local food system through which producers from 10 territories in Malopolska connect with consumers. The focus is on increasing access to locally-produced food by helping agricultural smallholders and small producers to work together to gain market access through farmers' markets, on-farm sales, restaurants, internet sales and other distribution channels. The motivation is to increase smallholder incomes and so revitalise rural economies in ways that combat poverty and social exclusion, while contributing to the protection of natural and cultural heritage values and food security. Initiated in 2011 by the Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation-an NGO supporting grassroots environmental action-Local Products from Malopolska is co-created by a group of approx. 100 farmers/producers and approx. 15 local NGO, business and public sector partners, including the regional government authorities. The ambition is to organise sales of an ever wider range of locally-produced food products directly to consumers, engaging more and more farmers, smallholders and producers through a process of building trust and reputation as a means for creating and maintaining short value chains. The method or approach involves an ongoing process of identifying local and regional-scale stakeholders (especially producers) aimed at turning them into partners who share in the risks, costs and benefits of building 'Local Products from Malopolska' as a trademark encompassing local brands, with its own farmer support, quality control, marketing and promotion, sales and distribution and governance. Those participating in 'Local

This study has examined the topic of innovation management in lower technological industries with the example of confectionery industry. This examination was conducted by a questionnaire to 42 companies (represents 42,4% of the industry)... more

This study has examined the topic of innovation management in lower technological industries with the example of confectionery industry. This examination was conducted by a questionnaire to 42 companies (represents 42,4% of the industry) in the industry in Turkey. The findings have been mainly examined by Tidd and Bessant's scale and its cobweb model to identify the average score of the industry and compare it with ideal score and among companies in the industry. Also, a frequency distribution and correlation analysis were used to specify some noteworthy points. The results show us the level of innovation management in the industry in Turkey and it has found some significant points.

Though (regional) economic development based on innovation clusters and regional systems of innovation is gaining prominence throughout the EU, (public) funding institutions are still reluctant to provide development guidelines to the... more

Though (regional) economic development based on innovation clusters and regional systems of innovation is gaining prominence throughout the EU, (public) funding institutions are still reluctant to provide development guidelines to the ecosystems they help to develop. In this essay, I examine a small set of case studies to illustrate this trend and show that the most revered cases of good practice in regional development do include a sectoral focus. Furthermore, I propose that institutions should be less risk averse when distributing funding, as innovation is a convoluted process and initial failed ideas (“phantom innovations”) can still lead to successful buisnesses.

يعتبر التطبيق السريع للتكنولوجيات الجديدة وعمليات الابداع ذات الرفع العالي أساسًا لنجاح الشركات والمنظمات في الأسواق الديناميكية. واستناداً إلى خبرات أحد أحدث مراكز الابداع في هذا المجال، يقدم هذا الكتاب نظرة ثاقبة للأدوات والأساليب... more

يعتبر التطبيق السريع للتكنولوجيات الجديدة وعمليات الابداع ذات الرفع العالي أساسًا لنجاح الشركات والمنظمات في الأسواق الديناميكية. واستناداً إلى خبرات أحد أحدث مراكز الابداع في هذا المجال، يقدم هذا الكتاب نظرة ثاقبة للأدوات والأساليب المستخدمة لمواءمة متطلبات العملاء والتحديات التنافسية والتطوير التكنولوجي. وسيستفيد كل من العلماء والممارسين من الدروس المستفادة والمقدمة في هذا الكتاب.
ان هذا الكتاب ينقلك الى مرحلة التنفيذ للأبداع بشكل عملي ملموس. حيث ان اغلب دراساتنا هي نظرية ولكننا نصطدم بالواقع وقد لا نتمكن من تنفيذ الأفكار الإبداعية في ارض الواقع بشكل عملي وقد لا نعرف كيف تكون البداية. ولذلك كانت فكرة الكتاب قد تمت من خلال تأليفه من عدد من العلماء الذين يعملون في مختبرات تليكوم الألمانية ويوضحون حول كيفية تطبيق الأفكار ولذلك فقد كانت اغلب تجارب الكتاب هي في مختبرات تليكوم في برلين حيث تأسس في 2004 كمعهد مركزي للبحث والتطوير وهو عبارة عن كيان منظم بشكل خاص يتم دمجه بشكل وثيق في أنشطة التدريس والبحث التي أجريت به وهو يعزز التعاون المكثف بين البحث والصناعة ويعمل فيه العديد من العلماء ورجال الاعمال والباحثين من الجامعات من اجل تطبيق الابتكار والابداع في سيناريوهات ذات تطبيق حقيقي والاعتماد على الابداع المفتوح ويعمل في مختبرات تليكوم حاليا اكثر من 50 عالما من العديد من البلدان ولديه تعاون مع العديد من الجامعات العالمية ولديه فريق بحثي تابع له في وادي سليكون. وتم من خلال هذا المركز تنفيذ عدد من المشاريع الصناعية الشاملة للصناعة الرقمية، مثل ميناء هامبورغ في عام 2012 وله الدور في تأسيس 20 شركة فرعية من خلاله مثل SureNow و Litedesk و Motion logic و Benocs و Soundcall و Zimory و Bitplaces و Schaltzeit بالإضافة الى دوره في تطوير خدمة الاتصالات الرقمية السحابية (immmr (2016 وحاليا يعمل اكثر من 300 خبير على مشاريع المدن والمنازل الذكية والذكاء الصناعي وخلق تقنية (blockchain) لنقل الأصول والأموال والأوراق المالية ويقلل الجهد والتكاليف والوقت, ودمج الواقع الافتراض والواقع المعزز والتعلم العميق للذكاء الصناعي, وتقصير الوقت اللازم لتسويق الخدمات من خلال الوسائط المبتكرة.
فالتكنولوجيات الجديدة ستعيد تشكيل كل من الشركات والبيئة الاجتماعية. وفي هذا السياق، لا تهدف مختبرات تليكوم، باعتبارها وحدة الابتكار والابداع في التفكير المستقبلي، إلى استكشاف أحدث التقنيات فحسب، بل تهدف أيضًا إلى تفعيل أداة تمكين اجتماعية ومساهمة وشراكة موثوق بها لتحقيق التنمية الاجتماعية المستدامة والتي تكشف في النهاية عن التأثيرات والفرص من الابداع. تُعد مختبرات تليكوم في موقع قائد للأبداع وتحقيق التمكين الاجتماعي للموارد البشرية، مما يعزز فوائد التعاون المفتوح بين مختلف شركاء النظام البيئي وجلب التقنيات الجديدة إلى السوق.
ويمكن لرجال الاعمال وأصحاب الصناعة والأكاديميين التواصل مع مختبرات تليكوم الألمانية من خلال الرابط ادناه:

Climate change challenges also present opportunities for influencing related regulations and Government intervention and creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in individual corporate and collaborative responses to break free of... more

Climate change challenges also present opportunities for influencing related regulations and Government intervention and creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in individual corporate and collaborative responses to break free of constraints, help people to benefit and cope and achieve sustainable growth. Engagement and consultation with stakeholders to appreciate their perspectives and requirements may be advisable. Better understanding of developments and their impacts upon others can identify opportunities. Changing direction can be challenging and may require collective action. Better understanding of influencing factors and policy options can help to determine future scenarios.

Leaders need to ensure that creativity and innovation occurs where is matters, is affordable and relevant and embraces innovation in a company's business model as situations and circumstances change and to address new challenges and... more

Leaders need to ensure that creativity and innovation occurs where is matters, is affordable and relevant and embraces innovation in a company's business model as situations and circumstances change and to address new challenges and opportunities. This article draws upon a paper and speech prepared for a plenary session on the first day of the Dubai Global Convention 2016 and 26th World Congress on Leadership for Business Excellence and Innovation organised by India's Institute of Directors. The citation is: Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016), Leadership, Innovation and Business Growth, Management Services, Vol. 60 No. 2, Summer, pp 36-43

A common perspective is that consistent R&D investment facilitates innovation, while volatile spending implies myopic decision making. However, the benefits to exploiting extant competencies eventually erode, so firms must disrupt their... more

A common perspective is that consistent R&D investment facilitates innovation, while
volatile spending implies myopic decision making. However, the benefits to exploiting extant
competencies eventually erode, so firms must disrupt their R&D function and explore for
new competitive advantage. We suggest that high-performing firms recognize when extant
competencies decline and increase exploratory R&D to develop new competencies at the
appropriate time. We find that changes in R&D expenditure away from the firm’s historic trend,
in either direction, are indicative of transitions between exploitative and exploratory R&D and
are associated with increased firm performance. Increases in R&D expenditure above the trend
are associated with an increased likelihood of highly cited patents, suggesting that firms are
making the leap between R&D-based exploitation and exploration.

Can creativity be managed? Or are the concepts antithetical; is management creativity's Kryptonite? Almost since Weber's (1912/1968) formulation of the theory of bureaucracy, the idea of management has been criticised as inimical to... more

Can creativity be managed? Or are the concepts antithetical; is management creativity's Kryptonite? Almost since Weber's (1912/1968) formulation of the theory of bureaucracy, the idea of management has been criticised as inimical to creative freedom. This chapter addresses the question of whether media creativity can be managed, by reviewing the literature in the field of managing creativity and conducting a case study analysis of an attempt to improve creativity at the BBC. The requirement to manage creativity in practice is arguably a comparatively unique characteristic of media management in both theory and practice. As Lucy Küng (2008a: 9) argued, "the value of media products derives from the knowledge and creative inspiration of those creating the content; the higher the level of novelty and creativity, the greater the potential for competitive advantage". For the field of media management as a discipline this implies that somehow or other media organisations must find ways to manage creativity. First, I examine the challenge media creativity poses to conventional management thinking and practice. The following section reviews the various attempts by academic researchers to describe and explain how this challenge may be confronted in theory and in practice. This section attempts to show how the different approaches to managing creativity reflect differences in their underlying conceptions of what creativity is. Amabile's (1996a) model of creativity is identified as the best available tool for research and practice in managing creativity. Significant modifications are suggested to improve the model, particularly in conceptualising the role of domain skills in creativity. The final section attempts to use this model to evaluate Greg Dyke's attempt to make the BBC 'the most creative organisation in the world'. The results of the analysis suggest a role for a specialised discipline of media management in developing our understanding of how domain skills specific to media organisations can be combined with more generic tools for promoting creativity, to provide a better understanding of how to resolve the inevitable tensions between conventional management practice and media creativity. Further research in this field may develop better conceptualisations of creativity in organisations that could contribute to the broader range of thinking in the fields of creativity and management for media firms.

W pierwszej części artykuł syntetyczne ujmuje teorię innowacji z jej definicjami oraz podziałem. W kolejnym rozdziale przedstawia specyfikę zarządzania innowacją w przedsiębiorstwach wraz z najważniejszymi etapami i warunkami wdrażania.... more

W pierwszej części artykuł syntetyczne ujmuje teorię innowacji z jej
definicjami oraz podziałem. W kolejnym rozdziale przedstawia specyfikę zarządzania
innowacją w przedsiębiorstwach wraz z najważniejszymi etapami
i warunkami wdrażania. Dwie ostatnie części prezentują jedną z nowoczesnych
metod zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, jaką jest lean management, oraz wybrane
narzędzia i warunki niezbędne, aby wdrożenie było powiązane z innowacyjnym
wzrostem jednostki gospodarczej.

Background: The distribution of healthcare resources across local and global communities has triggered alarms throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Injustice and inefficiency in the transfer of lifesaving medical supplies are magnified by the... more

Background: The distribution of healthcare resources across local and global communities has triggered alarms throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Injustice and inefficiency in the transfer of lifesaving medical supplies are magnified by the urgency of the public health crisis, ramified through pre-existing socioeconomic tensions, and further aggravated by frictions that plague international cooperation and global governance. Aim: This article explores the ethical and economic dimensions of medical supplies, from the microcosm of distributive algorithms to the macroscope of medical trade. Methods: It first analyses the performance, strategy, and social responsibility of ventilator-suppliers through a series of case studies. Then, the authors seek to redress the need-insensitivity of existing distributive models with a new price-based and need-conscious algorithm. Next, the paper empirically traces the exchange of medical supplies across borders, examines the effect of trade disputes on...