Martin Heidegger Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Der vorliegende Band bietet die Dokumentation einer Siegener Tagung von 2015, die auch schon zur Zeit der Durchführung von den Medien stark be-achtet wurde. Das ist keineswegs eine Nebensache, sondern Teil einer In-szenierung, deren Zweck... more

Der vorliegende Band bietet die Dokumentation einer Siegener Tagung von 2015, die auch schon zur Zeit der Durchführung von den Medien stark be-achtet wurde. Das ist keineswegs eine Nebensache, sondern Teil einer In-szenierung, deren Zweck man nicht zuletzt in einer machtvollen Geste der Diskursbeherrschung sehen kann. Insofern kommt dem Band die Bedeu-tung einer wichtigen Stimme in der Heidegger-Diskussion zu, die auch da-durch von anderen Beiträgen abgehoben ist, daß sie im Suhrkamp-Verlag erschienen ist, wo Heidegger-Literatur sonst eher selten auftaucht. Zwar nennt der Band im Untertitel das Anliegen einer philosophisch-politischen Debatte, doch gibt die Herausgeberin Marion Heinz, die in Siegen Philoso-phieprofessorin ist, bereits zu Beginn der Einleitung des Bandes die Stoß-richtung dieser Debatte vor, wenn sie kategorisch behauptet, was überhaupt erst Resultat einer solchen Debatte sein könnte, daß nämlich die Schwar-zen Hefte " die intrinsische Verbindung von Heideggers Philosophie mit Rassismus, Antisemitismus und Nationalsozialismus " (Hervorhebung des Rezensenten) bewiesen und somit die von Rorty apostrophierte " okkasiona-listische " Deutung des Verhältnisses von Heideggers Denken und National-sozialismus nicht mehr haltbar sei (S. 10). 1 Dabei fällt zunächst auf, daß

The main concern of the present thesis is ‘language’ in Heidegger. Beginning with a discussion of the place of the Heideggerian thought within the context of the history of philosophy, which at that time witnessed a shift which is called... more

The main concern of the present thesis is ‘language’ in Heidegger. Beginning with a discussion of the place of the Heideggerian thought within the context of the history of philosophy, which at that time witnessed a shift which is called ‘linguistic turn’, the question ‘What is language?’ is scrutinized to show the dilemma which arises from the fact that this question itself is in language. After, from the Heideggerian perspective, the interrogation of the whatness of language is shown to be inadequate, requiring a reformulation of the question as ‘What is the essence of language?’ Under the light of this question, through an elaborate reading of Being and Time from Heidegger’s early period and On the Way to Language from his late period, it is demonstrated that the early Heidegger takes the issue of language on the basis of Dasein’s existential structure, whereas the later Heidegger elevates ‘language’ and takes language qua language, thereby putting ‘language’ itself at the position of the speaker and concludes that ‘language speaks’. The turning in the thought of Heidegger is further investigated and it is shown that this turning is not a change in his thought but a shift of emphasis. At the same time, it is also shown that Heidegger’s own performative language cannot be separated from his 'conception' of 'language’, which yields the conclusion that the shift of focus in Heidegger’s thought is a making of another way to language, and by this very reason, is a ‘turn’ in his thought.

Book Abstract: This collection of essays explores the conflictual history of two important traditions of twentieth-century European thought: the critical theory of Theodor W. Adorno and the ontology of Martin Heidegger. As is well known,... more

Book Abstract: This collection of essays explores the conflictual history of two important traditions of twentieth-century European thought: the critical theory of Theodor W. Adorno and the ontology of Martin Heidegger. As is well known, there has been little productive engagement between these two schools of thought, in large measure due to Adorno’s sustained and unanswered critique of Heidegger. Stemming from this critique, numerous political and philosophical barriers have kept these traditions separate -- barriers that have rarely been submitted to scrutiny, let alone questioned. The essays making up this collection are fresh and original attempts at coming to terms with the nuances and difficulties that these two towering figures have bequeathed to the history of European thought. The volume’s authors deal with a variety of issues ranging from epistemology to aesthetics, to ethics, to intellectual history and modernity, providing the reader with detailed insight into a thorny debate in the history of recent European thought.

in: A. P. Ruoppo (ed.), Essere e Tempo novanta anni dopo. Attualita’ ed inattualita’ dell’analitica esistenziale, Quaderni della Scuola di Scienze Umane e sociali dell'Università di Napoli "Federico II”, FedOA Press, Napoli 2019, pp.... more

in: A. P. Ruoppo (ed.), Essere e Tempo novanta anni dopo. Attualita’ ed inattualita’ dell’analitica esistenziale, Quaderni della Scuola di Scienze Umane e sociali dell'Università di Napoli "Federico II”, FedOA Press, Napoli 2019, pp. 213-229
ISBN: 978-88-6887-064-5
DOI: 10.6093/978-88-6887-064-5

The hermeneutical tradition represented by Yorck, Heidegger, and Gadamer has distrusted Dilthey as suffering from the two sins of modernism: scientific “positivism” and individualistic and aesthetic “romanticism.” On the one hand,... more

The hermeneutical tradition represented by Yorck, Heidegger, and Gadamer has distrusted Dilthey as suffering from the two sins of modernism: scientific “positivism” and individualistic and aesthetic “romanticism.” On the one hand, Dilthey’s epistemology is deemed scientistic in accepting the priority of the empirical, the ontic, and consequently scientific inquiry into the physical, biological, and human worlds; on the other hand, his personalist ethos and Goethean humanism, and his pluralistic life- and worldview philosophy are considered excessively aesthetic, culturally liberal, relativistic, and subjective. This essay involves two tasks in response to this negative evaluation of Dilthey that has shaped our current understanding of his philosophical project; first, an interpretation of the issues at stake in Heidegger’s reception of and struggles with Dilthey. These issues touch upon language, historicity, and the nature of hermeneutics. Second, by pursuing this task in light of Guignon’s interpretation of Dilthey and Heidegger, I hope to question and challenge the “overcoming” of Dilthey’s epistemic and life-philosophical hermeneutics in the “ontological” or “philosophical” hermeneutics of Heidegger.

Phenomenology is a philosophical tradition that deals with fundamental philosophical problems, but also has relevance for clinical psychology. Husserl defined phenomenological method in terms of an investigation of consciousness and... more

Phenomenology is a philosophical tradition that deals with fundamental
philosophical problems, but also has relevance for clinical psychology. Husserl defined phenomenological method in terms of an investigation of consciousness and intentionality. His non-causal notion of motivation, which portrays the person as a being intentionally related to her surrounding world and striving towards the realization of meaning, can serve as a premise for psychology as a human science. Later thinkers, like Heidegger and Sartre, developed an existential phenomenology. Others, like Merleau-Ponty, shifted the focus to embodied experience and set the stage for more contemporary encounters with cognitive science. Throughout this history psychologists and psychiatrists, like Jaspers and Binswanger, found useful phenomenological insights and distinctions that inform clinical practice.

A tout instant, quoi que nous fassions, nous sommes environnés par des corps qui réduisent l’espace et opposent de la résistance. Que sont ces corps qui saturent notre quotidien et avec lesquels il nous faut constamment négocier l’espace... more

A tout instant, quoi que nous fassions, nous sommes environnés par des corps qui réduisent l’espace et opposent de la résistance. Que sont ces corps qui saturent notre quotidien et avec lesquels il nous faut constamment négocier l’espace ? Plus radicalement, pourquoi y a-t-il des corps ? Je soutiens dans cet ouvrage que la psychologie et la physique ne disposent plus des moyens de répondre à cette question. La désubstantialisation du réel amorcée par la révolution quantique sape les fondements de l’explication objectiviste de la perception privilégiée par la première, et elle évide de sa portée ontologique le discours de la seconde.
Expliquer pourquoi la réalité se présente sous la forme d’un agencement de corps exige en premier lieu de comprendre le rôle que remplit l’anticipation du possible dans la perception. Dans le toucher comme dans la vision, poser l’existence d’un corps implique d’anticiper les contraintes que ce corps exerce sur notre champ de possibilités pratiques, accréditer de manière présomptive la disponibilité ou l’indisponibilité de certaines possibilités d’action. C’est donc uniquement parce que notre subjectivité donne sens à ce qui est en le référant à ce qui peut être que la réalité macroscopique à laquelle nous introduit la perception consiste en un monde solide.
Pour développer cette idée, l’ouvrage dresse une critique de la conception actualiste du phénomène de corps, qui subordonne celui-ci à l’expérience en acte d’une résistance, et il déconstruit l’approche physicaliste et objectiviste, qui prétend dériver les propriétés des corps que nous percevons des propriétés de structures physiques qui leur seraient antécédentes ontologiquement. Si la sémantique des corps présuppose l’épaisseur du temps humain et une perspective foncièrement pragmatique sur l’environnement, il n’est plus question d’assimiler sans autre forme de procès le corps à une « structure physique », quelle qu’en soit la teneur. Les corps sont un produit de l’activité constructrice de notre subjectivité, et seule une incursion profonde dans les mécanismes et principes qui régissent cette activité pourra permettre d’accéder à leur vérité.

The Fundamental Ontology and Kurdish experience toward an openness is the title of the webinar series which was held by Radio Kurdistan in August 1,5 and 9, 2021. Here is a brief introduction of the whole text in English. This project... more

The Fundamental Ontology and Kurdish experience toward an openness is the title of the webinar series which was held by Radio Kurdistan in August 1,5 and 9, 2021. Here is a brief introduction of the whole text in English. This project aimed to familiarize those interested and to provide basic ideas about phenomenological research. Now this book consists of four contiguous sections:

The transcript of the film The Ister (2004), co-directed with David Barison.

Tesi di laurea triennale in filosofia in cui, attraverso la lettura dei testi di A. Kojève, si cerca di rendere chiavi di lettura perfettamente idonee alla comprensione del mondo in cui viviamo quei concetti-cardine del pensiero del... more

Tesi di laurea triennale in filosofia in cui, attraverso la lettura dei testi di A. Kojève, si cerca di rendere chiavi di lettura perfettamente idonee alla comprensione del mondo in cui viviamo quei concetti-cardine del pensiero del russo-francese quali la fine della storia e la fine della politica.

Inhalt Christoph Binkelmann: Enthusiasmus und Skepsis. Das europäische Pendel Burkhard Nonnenmacher: Kants Postulatenlehre als Prüfstein für Heideggers »These der neuzeitlichen Ontologie«? Günter Zöller : Ex aliquo nihil. Fichtes... more

Christoph Binkelmann: Enthusiasmus und Skepsis. Das europäische Pendel
Burkhard Nonnenmacher: Kants Postulatenlehre als Prüfstein für Heideggers »These der neuzeitlichen Ontologie«?
Günter Zöller : Ex aliquo nihil. Fichtes Anti-Kreationismus
Kai U. Gregor: Eine Kritik innerhalb der Grenzen der Vernunft. Wilhelm Weischedels Grundlegungsversuch einer Philosophischen Theologie im Zeitalter des Nihilismus und ein Gedanke Fichtes
Marco Rampazzo Bazzan: Die Staatslehre Fichtes unter dem Aspekt der
politischen Theologie nach Carl Schmitt
Cristiana Senigaglia: Die Spur der Andersheit: Fichte und Levinas
Detlev Pätzold Hegels Philosophie der Religion: Die Stellung der Religion zwischen Kunst und Philosophie
Arthur Kok: Absoluter Geist und Schöpfung. Jan Hollaks neothomistische Hegelkritik
Kazimir Drilo: Kritik des religiösen Bewusstseins. Falk Wagners theologische Interpretation von Hegels »Wissenschaft der Logik«
Jakub Kloc-Konkołowicz: »Der Mensch lebt in zwei Welten […]«. Religion und Staat in Hegels Ansicht und in der heutigen Debatte
Elena Ficara: Der ontologische Gottesbeweis bei Hegel und in der analytischen Philosophie
Robert Marszałek: Die Gegenwart der Religionslehre des mittleren Schelling
Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak Philosophie und Religion bei K.W.F. Solger.
Ein Beitrag zur nachkantischen Frage nach dem Prinzip der Philosophie
Patrick Grüneberg: Der transzendentale Gott
Wibke Rogge: Emmanuel Lévinas: Über die Beziehung des Unendlichen zum Seienden als Gemeinschaft in der Trennung
Ansgar Lyssy : Darwin, Gott und Neurotheologie. Was können uns die Biowissenschaften über die Religion sagen?

Drawing upon Maya Deren’s panel contribution at the 1953 Cinema 16 Symposium and Martin Heidegger’s “Memorial Address” from Discourse on Thinking this paper uses Deren’s vertical/horizontal investigations theory and Martin Heidegger’s... more

Drawing upon Maya Deren’s panel contribution at the 1953 Cinema 16 Symposium and Martin Heidegger’s “Memorial Address” from Discourse on Thinking this paper uses Deren’s vertical/horizontal investigations theory and Martin Heidegger’s ideas on calculative/meditative thinking to describe how the mechanics of filmmaking contribute to the process of poetically creating meaning in film.
Maya Deren suggests two kinds of investigation in film, that of the horizontal and that of the vertical. The horizontal operates primarily to move the plot forward in sequence of action-after-action-after-action, while the vertical stops at a particular point on the horizontal plane of action and proceeds to move upward into the story or character, exploring meaning-upon-meaning-upon-meaning.
In the avid pursuit of the horizontal, popular filmmaking, in a distancing from the experimental, has lost concern for the vertical poetic investigation of Deren’s description, in the visual, the symbolic, and the act of characterization. What remains is a shallow preoccupation with pace, a perpetuation of action not story, an attraction to only the look of a character. What is forgotten is content - narrative and otherwise - the meaning of a moment, a character, an exploration. Such films can be seen as a reflection of present culture, which has come to reject the vertical poetic in thinking as well.
Philosopher Martin Heidegger presents a duality in thinking, similar Deren’s duality in filmic investigation. He observes two, contrasting kinds of thinking - that of the calculative thinking and that of the meditative - as approaches for how human beings think about the world. Calculative thinking, Heidegger says, concerns the technical and formulaic, while meditative thinking explores meaning. Meditative thinking, he believes, is practiced less and less by the modern human.
While Deren and Heidegger worked in different disciplines, film and philosophy, respectively, their thoughts can be seen as not only complementary to one another but when connected can advance an understanding of how meaning is poetically created in film. This process ultimately reflects cultural shifts in the way human beings think, understand, and create when guided by calculative practices instead of meditative. Discussion of the commonalities between the ideas and examination of Deren’s short films will serve as the vehicles by which this concept is explored. Film Theory is the field of academic discourse to which the paper contributes.

The Structure of Iki and the Listening to the Voice of Being. Reflections on Language between Shūzō Kuki and Martin Heidegger This essay aims to establish the possibility of a dialogue between different linguistic and aesthetic... more

The Structure of Iki and the Listening to the Voice of Being. Reflections
on Language between Shūzō Kuki and Martin Heidegger
This essay aims to establish the possibility of a dialogue between different
linguistic and aesthetic experiences: are Western culture and Japanese
culture able to grasp the same essence of language and of artistic
experience? Is there a profound identity, typical of every culture, that
renders a genuine dialogue between civilizations impossible? This article
will attempt to answer these basic questions by analysing Heidegger’s
essay entitled Between a Japanese and an Inquirer, contained in the collection
of writings On the Way to Language. This dialogue involves Heidegger
(the “Inquirer”) and Tomio Tezuka (the “Japanese”) and starts
with a reference to the Japanese notion of iki. The first part of this essay
is therefore dedicated to the analysis of this concept, which is described in Shūzō Kuki’s masterpiece The structure of iki. In the second part, the
article refers to Heidegger’s distinction between verbal language and
language as the “house of being”. Through investigating pivotal notions
such as hermeneutics, Lichtung, alétheia, and the “ringing of silence”
(Geläut der Stille), the final goal of the essay is to explore the possibility
of a common listening to the language of being beyond any cultural difference.
The conclusion will show how in the Japanese expression Koto
ba and in the German expression Die Sage the silent essence of the preverbal
language seems to shine almost in the same way for the “Japanese”
as for the “Inquirer”.

Para tratarmos da pensarmos sobre a nossa historicidade atual com base na “experiencia do tempo”, pretendemos refletir neste artigo refletimos sobre uma das principais hipoteses relacionadas sobre as atuais formas atuais de... more

Para tratarmos da pensarmos sobre a nossa historicidade atual com base na “experiencia do tempo”, pretendemos refletir neste artigo refletimos sobre uma das principais hipoteses relacionadas sobre as atuais formas atuais de temporalizacao: o presentismo de Francois Hartog. Essa sintomatologia do contemporâneo implica a ponta para uma ruptura substantiva entre o momento historicista-moderno, geralmente situado no seculo XIX, e um "regime de historicidade" emergente que seria substancialmente distinto. Apresentaremos algumas objecoes a essa descricao e, considerando e a partir da leitura do capitulo "Temporalidade e cotidianidade" da obra e Ser e Tempo, argumentaremos que certos aspectos do tempo presente considerados apontados como sintomas de uma mutacao historica da experiencia podem ser derivados das descricoes de Heidegger da temporalidade da “abertura” (Erschlossenheit), em particular da dimensao “inautentica” ou “impropria”. Por fim, apresentaremos uma l...

Using a broad, comparative approach, this study shows how the figure of the gift structures poetic discourse and does so from the age of Homer up through twenty-first century conceptual poetics. Beginning from a. new interpretation of... more

Using a broad, comparative approach, this study shows how the figure of the gift structures poetic discourse and does so from the age of Homer up through twenty-first century conceptual poetics. Beginning from a. new interpretation of Derrida's writings on the gift, Rosenthal argues that this ambivalent figure names at one and the same time poetry's most extreme aneconomic privilege and the point of its closest contact with the interested exchange of the market. In this way, the gift conducts material relays of patronage and theories of poetic origination in genius, inspiration and imagination. Poetics and the Gift capitalizes on this double function in order to read material historical accounts of poetry alongside philosophical and poetic ones.

Libro de Peter Sloterdijk publicado ilegalmente por Mentidora

Pouvons-nous approcher philosophiquement de l’essence du christianisme ? Celui-ci nous est accessible par son noyau existentiel, tel qu’il est vécu dans la foi, l’espérance et la charité : il nous faut donc déchiffrer l’essence du... more

Pouvons-nous approcher philosophiquement de l’essence du christianisme ? Celui-ci nous est accessible par son noyau existentiel, tel qu’il est vécu dans la foi, l’espérance et la charité : il nous faut donc déchiffrer l’essence du christianisme au coeur de l’existence chrétienne. Or avec les Épîtres de Saint Paul, nous avons un accès originaire et privilégié à une telle expérience fondamentale, car chez lui, cette expérience religieuse s’accompagne de sa première explicitation. Et c’est clairement parce qu’ils ont redécouvert l’importance de cet événement fondamental, que depuis deux siècles, les philosophes n’ont cessé de dialoguer avec Paul : Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Arendt, Jonas, Ricoeur, Agamben, et d’autres.

The hermeneutical circle is one of the most important "doctrines" of the hermeneutical tradition. Its meaning and roots are however seldom properly understood. This encyclopedia article sorts them out and focuses on the different meanings... more

The hermeneutical circle is one of the most important "doctrines" of the hermeneutical tradition. Its meaning and roots are however seldom properly understood. This encyclopedia article sorts them out and focuses on the different meanings of the hermeneutical circle for its main proponents, Heidegger and Gadamer. It argues that, contrary to popular belief, both Heidegger and Gadamer do in fact want to get out of the circle, not only into it.