Ludwig Binswanger Research Papers - (original) (raw)
in: A. P. Ruoppo (ed.), Essere e Tempo novanta anni dopo. Attualita’ ed inattualita’ dell’analitica esistenziale, Quaderni della Scuola di Scienze Umane e sociali dell'Università di Napoli "Federico II”, FedOA Press, Napoli 2019, pp.... more
in: A. P. Ruoppo (ed.), Essere e Tempo novanta anni dopo. Attualita’ ed inattualita’ dell’analitica esistenziale, Quaderni della Scuola di Scienze Umane e sociali dell'Università di Napoli "Federico II”, FedOA Press, Napoli 2019, pp. 213-229
ISBN: 978-88-6887-064-5
DOI: 10.6093/978-88-6887-064-5
Certaines configurations de formes architecturales contestent une notion idealiste de l'espace et du temps, et creent une multiplicite de cellules espace-temps. Le rapport au monde qui se definit dans cette exploration par touches,... more
Certaines configurations de formes architecturales contestent une notion idealiste de l'espace et du temps, et creent une multiplicite de cellules espace-temps. Le rapport au monde qui se definit dans cette exploration par touches, par creusements successifs de l'espace du paysage, est celui du choix des temporalites dans notre rapport aux choses. Bien qu'affirmant leur geometrie lineaire (des lignes droites et des surfaces planes qui priment sur la matiere), les lignes narratives se repondent, et ce sont des styles de chemins qui se dessinent. Le repere apparait comme element figural preponderant, sans qu'une forme precise ne soit materiellement le point de centration de la vision. Cette cristallisation a-centree du repere est une structure spatiale et temporelle fragile et furtive, mais l'espace entre les reperes acquiert ainsi un sens pour le regardeur. La coexistence entre les reperes dans la perception permet la construction de chemins complexes de developpement de l'espace. Par cette esthetique des reperes, les formes n'apparaissent pas seulement dans leur presence monumentale, mais aussi par leur capacite a creer des espaces entre formes. Le repere definit plus qu'une difference de profondeur, mais une articulation entre differents espaces. Il signifie la distance aux formes et la maniere d'habiter l'espace interstitiel. La visibilite est un potentiel, une qualite qui habite non pas les choses mais provient d'entre les choses. Par le repere, c'est la relation entre formes dans l'espace qui donne son sens a l'apprehension.
En la aplicación de la Analítica Existencial heideggeriana al campo de la psiquiatría, Binswanger se vio con la necesidad de trascender ciertos aspectos de su pensamiento encaminando su planteamiento ontológico a una tematización de... more
En la aplicación de la Analítica Existencial heideggeriana al campo de la psiquiatría, Binswanger se vio con la necesidad de trascender ciertos aspectos de su pensamiento encaminando su planteamiento ontológico a una tematización de calado antropológico. Ésta interpretaría la “existencia” como la existencia de cada sujeto particular en su mundo vivido. Puesto que, para Binswanger, el mundo contemplaba al “otro”, el modelo de ser-en-el-mundo se ampliaría a ser-en-el-mundo-con-otros, por lo que el Sorge, orientado hacia uno mismo, se vería ampliada al Liebe, implicando ese amor a la alteridad. Estas progresiones despiertan no pocos arrimos al pensamiento orteguiano. Advertimos la cercanía a la idea de “mi vida”; a sus nociones antropológicas e intentos de catalogación sociológica; y la idea de “preocupación” como cuidado, entre el Sorge y el Liebe
This essay explores textual parallels between Anna Kavan's novel Who Are You? (1963) and Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). Paying close attention to the interrogative birdcall that haunts both texts, it examines how (post-)colonial... more
This essay explores textual parallels between Anna Kavan's novel Who Are You? (1963) and Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). Paying close attention to the interrogative birdcall that haunts both texts, it examines how (post-)colonial situations and the experiences of namelessness and marital sexual violence lead Rhys's and Kavan's protagonists to doubts about their identity and existence. Through reference to Kavan's treatment by Swiss existential psychologist Ludwig Binswanger in the 1940s, the essay foregrounds these novels’ concerns with existentialist concepts of identity, free will and angst, but also considers the way that the fictional portraits of women's lived reality in both Wide Sargasso Sea and Who Are You? pose an implicit feminist challenge to existentialism's insistence on free will. Rhys's and Kavan's complex rendering of female characters, who appear both subject to and, at times, complicit with the determining social forces of gender and history (a pervasive feature of their oeuvres), brings their dialogue with existential ideas closer to the more historically and politically grounded existentialism of Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex (1949). This comparative study follows recent Rhys scholarship in regarding her as a profoundly intertextual writer, influenced by and engaging with literary and intellectual movements of her time.
The paper focuses on some Foucault’s manuscripts of the 1950s in order to analyze the theoretical work that will lead him to a radical questioning of the social sciences and humanities. In particular, the paper analyzes the manuscript of... more
The paper focuses on some Foucault’s manuscripts of the 1950s in order to analyze the theoretical work that will lead him to a radical questioning of the social sciences and humanities. In particular, the paper analyzes the manuscript of an unpublished work that the young Foucault devoted to Ludwig Binswanger’s existential analysis at the time of his teaching in Lille. This manuscript appears as the missing link between Foucault’s “Introduction” to Le rêve et l’existence (1954), and the dissertation that he publishes in 1961, Folie et déraison. While accompanying the analysis of this manuscript with the examination of some reading notes drafted by Foucault in the same period, the paper shows that the criticism he ends up addressing to anthropology and phenomenology at the beginning of the 1960s is already implicit in the “Introduction” to Le rêve et l’existence. In this study, indeed, Foucault seems to have already abandoned his initial enthusiasm for Binswanger’s phenomenological anthropology and focuses instead on the problem of language and the historicity of the forms of experience.
Phenomenologically-oriented psychiatrists describe a loss of context as fundamental to delusional formation both in the original perceptual experience and its memory. Binswanger and Conrad, key figures in phenomenological psychiatry,... more
Phenomenologically-oriented psychiatrists describe a loss of context as fundamental to delusional formation both in the original perceptual experience and its memory. Binswanger and Conrad, key figures in phenomenological psychiatry, observed that it is not only the perception which, due to its abnormal salience, is loosened from its background-context in the original delusional experience but how it is remembered. Low-level perceptual abnormalities are accompanied by compensatory schemas, which become overgeneralized apart from their original context. The delusion becomes independent from its original source memory and "monotonously" spreads to more and more situations in the patient's life. Methods: Phenomenological data from these early reports as well as from our own delusions-scale were extracted to examine to what extent patients were able to remember the origins of their delusions and to what extent perceptual abnormalities played a role in developing the delusions. Results: The hypothesis that low-level perceptual abnormalities are accompanied by subsequent fixed delusional schemas was supported. Conclusion: Perceptual anomalies (Mishara and Uhlhaas, 2007) may be accompanied by the formation of compensatory delusional schemas, which are maintained and overgeneralized apart from their original context. The hippocampus and associated structures are involved in the rapid, automatic aspects of context-specific event encoding and retrieval, whereby the creation of lasting event-context memories involves the integration of new information with existing mental frameworks or schemas (Tse, et al, 2007). We provide a predictic coding account of how such schemas may be disrupted during acute phases of pschosis in schizophrenia and thus contribute to the selective "salience" of details and in memories-related to acute illness which are then generalized to more and more aspects of the patient's experience.
- by Michael A Schwartz and +1
- •
- Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Schizophrenia, Phenomenology
En 1954, Michel Foucault participe à une fête des fous à l’asile psychiatrique suisse de Münsterlingen, dont il reste des photos, inédites. Étrange cérémonie, survivance d’un rituel hérité directement du Moyen Âge, qui marqua le jeune... more
En 1954, Michel Foucault participe à une fête des fous à l’asile psychiatrique suisse de Münsterlingen, dont il reste des photos, inédites. Étrange cérémonie, survivance d’un rituel hérité directement du Moyen Âge, qui marqua le jeune philosophe en train d’élaborer une nouvelle manière de parler de la folie et de son histoire.
Cette visite de Michel Foucault en mars 1954 à l’asile psychiatrique suisse de
Münsterlingen le jour d’un carnaval des fous nous apprend beaucoup à la fois sur le jeune philosophe – l’année 1954 est riche en événements pour lui –, mais aussi sur ce rituel qui a perduré jusqu’au milieu du xxe siècle.
Photos, archives, textes éclairent ce moment trop souvent négligé par les spécialistes de Michel Foucault. Ce début des années 1950 est pourtant marqué par l’entrée de Foucault dans les asiles et par sa passion pour les innovations qui touchent la psychologie clinique.
C’est la germaniste Jacqueline Verdeaux, munie d’un Leika, qui photographie. Ces images laissent entrevoir l’étrange sensation qu’a pu ressentir Foucault lors de ce jour improbable où les fous « jouent » aux fous. Une sensation d’autant plus étrange que l’asile cantonal est, avec la clinique universitaire du Burghölzli de Zürich, l’une des plaques tournantes de la psychiatrie suisse.
Ce livre, qui aborde une période inexplorée, et non abordée dans La Pléiade à paraître, nous pousse à renverser les perspectives familières concernant Michel Foucault.
Michel Foucault's early writing on dreams and imagination is one of the often neglected aspects of his work. In this paper, I give an overview of his "Dreams, Imagination and Existence" essay, accompanied by a discussion of his writings... more
Michel Foucault's early writing on dreams and imagination is one of the often neglected aspects of his work. In this paper, I give an overview of his "Dreams, Imagination and Existence" essay, accompanied by a discussion of his writings on art and its role as a technique of existence.
Ludwig Binswanger's phenomenological masterpiece, the Grundformen des menschlichen Daseins (1942), has long been neglected in the contemporary debates specifically on transcendence and self-transcendence and in contemporary philosophy of... more
Ludwig Binswanger's phenomenological masterpiece, the Grundformen des menschlichen Daseins (1942), has long been neglected in the contemporary debates specifically on transcendence and self-transcendence and in contemporary philosophy of religion in general. This article therefore seeks to introduce Binswanger's concept of love as the most basic and even fundamental form of Dasein into current debates on transcendence. It is for this reason that we will compare, at the end of this text, Binswanger's work to that of Levinas and that of Derrida and Caputo. Povzetek: Ludwig Binswanger: transcendenca ljubezni Fenomenološka mojstrovina Ludwiga Binswangerja Grundformen des mensc-hlichen Daseins (1942) je bila dolga leta zanemarjena v sodobnih razpravah, še zlasti tistih o transcendenci in samotranscendenci ter v sodobni filozofiji religi-je na splošno. Ta članek zato v sodobne razmisleke o transcendenci uvaja Bin-swangerjev koncept ljubezni kot najosnovnejšo in najtemeljnejšo obliko tubiti (Dasein). Temu v sklepnem delu besedila služi primerjava Binswangerjevega dela z deli Levinasa, Derridaja in Caputa.
Complicities and ambivalences of psychiatry: Münsterlingen and the 1954 feast of fools In March 1954, Foucault visited the psychiatric asylum of Münsterlingen (Canton Thurgau), on the Swiss side of Lake Constance. Münsterlingen was the... more
Complicities and ambivalences of psychiatry: Münsterlingen and the
1954 feast of fools
In March 1954, Foucault visited the psychiatric asylum of Münsterlingen
(Canton Thurgau), on the Swiss side of Lake Constance. Münsterlingen
was the chosen place of activity for well-known psychiatrists, including
Hermann Rorschach (1910-1913), and it became famous in the history of
psychiatry especially through the work of Roland Kuhn, who was active in
the asylum from 1939 to 1979. Kuhn was an expert in the Rorschach psychodiagnostic test, as well as the discoverer of the first antidepressant in the early 1950s. He was also very close to Ludwig Binswanger, whose anthropological approach to mental illness had a strong influence on his own psychiatric practice. It is precisely in order to meet Kuhn and Binswanger that the young Foucault went to Switzerland, at a time when he was interested in philosophical anthropology and “existential psychopathology”. Foucault’s visit took place during the Carnival at the asylum, when the patients leave the hospital wearing the masks that they have made up and created.
"George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber (eds.), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, 2009. (251 p. ; ISBN:... more
"George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber (eds.), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, 2009. (251 p. ; ISBN: 978-3-86838-039-2 ; 89 €)
The primary goal of this volume is to describe the contemporary state of affairs in Western psychotherapy, and to do so in a Whiteheadian spirit: with genuine openness to the relative ways in which creativity, beauty, truth and peace manifest themselves in various cultural traditions. To do so, it chooses to explore afresh a cross-elucidatory path that was born with the field of history of religion (and Religionwissenschaft): what have we, and can we, learn from a dialogue with Eastern worldviews? In order to generate meaningful contrasts between these different systems of thought, all the papers address the following core issues. On the one hand, how does the given system understand the interaction of individuality, society, and nature (or cosmos)? Especially: what is its standpoint with regard to the nature of consciousness and with regard to the mind/body problem?; how far is it dualistic?; how are destiny and historicity assessed? On the other hand, what is the paradigm of all mal-adjustment (or pathology) and what is its typical tuning-in (or curative) pattern? What are furthermore the ins and outs of the diagnostic and therapeutic assessments involved? Wherever possible, some (meta)theoretical and clinical issues are addressed from the vantage point of selected material from abnormal psychology or psychiatry.
Table of contents
Foreword — George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber
Introduction — Michel Weber
I. The View from the East
1. Consciousness: The Vedantic Approach to Life and Reality, Francis-Vincent Anthony
2. Dual-Aspect Framework for Consciousness, RamLakhan Pandey Vimal
3. The Paradoxes of Radical Asceticism: Jainism as a Therapeutic Paradigm, Jeffery D. Long
4. Yoga Therapeutics: Philosophical, Scientific and Humanistic Approaches, Ashok Kumar Malhotra
5. Can Indian spiritual practices be used in psychotherapy?, R L Kapur
II. Transcultural Dialogue
6. Ineradicable Frustration and Liberation in Tiantai Buddhism, Brook Ziporyn
7. An Exploration and Analysis into Chinese Traditional Psychotherapy Ideas—A Concurrent Comment on the Integrative point of view of Whitehead’s Organic Philosophy, Fengqiang Gao and Yingmin Chen
8. The Kyoto School and self-awareness in the field of the absolute nothingness —A comparison with Whitehead’s philosophy, Eiko Hanaoka
9. Jung and Hisamatsu Re-envisioning Religiosity: Jungian Psychotherapy and the Kyoto School, Tokiyuki Nobuhara
10. Reconstructing the Meaning of Being Human: A Postmodern Reinterpretation of Frankl in the Framework of Whitehead’s Philosophy, Yoshihiro Hayashi
11. The Development of Binswanger’s Daseinsanalysis, Shoji Muramoto
12. The Intercultural and Daseinsanalytical Psychiatry of Kimura Bin, Bernard Stevens
13. A Certain Form of Psychotherapy (Kenosis, Prajna, Jung, and Hillman), David T. Bradford
14. Vedanta, Process and Psychotherapy, Joseph Grange
15. On Zen Buddhism, Clive Sherlock
The Social Phenomenology of R.D. Laing: A Re-Appraisal of R.D. Laing, His Relationship to J.-P. Sartre, and the Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD, DLFAPA, FCAHS University of Montreal Psychiatric Fellow,... more
« Hans W. Cohn, Heidegger and the Roots of Existential Therapy, London, Continuum, 2002, SPC Series. Critical review », The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Volume 36/3, October 2005, pp. 336-337.
Il Caso Ellen West, pubblicato da Ludwig Binswanger nel 1944, rende conto della storia clinica di una paziente ricoverata a Kreuzlingen dal gennaio al marzo 1921 e suicidatasi quello stesso anno. Il clinico svizzero stabilisce una... more
Il Caso Ellen West, pubblicato da Ludwig Binswanger nel 1944, rende conto della storia clinica di una paziente ricoverata a Kreuzlingen dal gennaio al marzo 1921 e suicidatasi quello stesso anno. Il clinico svizzero stabilisce una diagnosi di schizophrenia simplex pur in assenza delle manifestazioni eclatanti di allucinazioni e deliri. La decisione è presa, su base fenomenologica, a partire dal riconoscimento nella paziente di una progressiva chiusura esistenziale che la porta a non essere più nel mondo ma a collocarsi irrimediabilmente fuori da esso (Binswanger, 1944/ 20112).
Il Caso è stato variamente interpretato, letto, studiato e criticato negli ormai settant’anni dalla sua pubblicazione, e tuttavia ha ancora molto da dire. Tra i suoi commentatori troviamo nomi illustri: Rogers (cit. da Mistura, pref. a Binswanger, 1944/2011) che ha fortemente criticato alcune scelte terapeutiche di Binswanger, così come Laing (1982); nel suo libro sull’anoressia mentale M. Selvini Palazzoli (1963) fa cenno al Caso in relazione al problema del suicidio tra le pazienti affette da anoressia mentale. Recentemente, Recalcati (2002) ha utilizzato il caso di E. West per mettere in luce i tratti psicotici e di “desiderio del vuoto” insiti in queste forme psicopatologiche. In area germanica (Hirschmüller, 2003; 2007) è stata da poco pubblicata una consistente parte del materiale lasciato dalla paziente: diari, lettere, un dattiloscritto con l’inizio di un’autobiografia. In area italiana, è da segnalare un recentissimo lavoro che apporta nuove interessanti riflessioni su alcune parti del materiale pubblicato (Bettoni Pojaghi, Capocaccia, Ciocca, Ferro e Rizzo, 2013).
L’intento del presente articolo è proporre una lettura del materiale clinico del Caso Ellen West a partire da una prospettiva psicoanalitica, con lo scopo di approfondire il discrimine tra processi di natura nevrotica o psicotica in pazienti in cui, come in questo caso, non siano evidenti manifestazioni deliranti o allucinatorie. Mediante l’analisi delle angosce della paziente, così come testimoniate dai diari e dal resoconto clinico, cercheremo di stabilire la presenza di angosce nevrotiche di castrazione (livello edipico) o psicotiche di annichilimento (livello pre-edipico) (McWilliams, 1994/1999; Bergeret, 1996/20022). Discuteremo se il disturbo di Ellen West possa essere fatto rientrare nella sfera delle psicosi non scatenate prendendo in esame cinque possibili indici proposti in letteratura (Recalcati, 2002). Proponiamo di leggere il sintomo anoressico di Ellen West come “manovra” per contrastare e organizzare un livello di angosce psicotiche e vuoto non significantizzato. Avanziamo l’ipotesi che le manifestazioni del sintomo svolgano una funzione compensativa rispetto allo scatenamento psicotico, e in questo senso prenderemo in esame funzioni analoghe di pratiche e sintomi nella letteratura psicoanalitica degli ultimi trent’anni (Cohen e Jay, 1996; Farber, 2008; Kilchenstein, 1998; Latzer e Gerzi, 2000; Nissen, 2012; Tustin, 1986/2012). Proponiamo in conclusione l’analisi di una parte specifica del materiale clinico (l’utilizzo di lassativi e tiroidina) per suffragare le nostre ipotesi.
Modern psychiatry, as represented by Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), and phenomenology, as developed by Edmund Husserl, began around the same time, namely, during the last decades of the 19th century. Moreover, psychiatry and phenomenology... more
Abstract (Englisch) The question of the encounter or the relation between people is old and often discussed. Has it been answered in all respects adequately or has it at least been reached? Relations with others seem casual and secondary,... more
Abstract (Englisch)
The question of the encounter or the relation between people is old and often discussed. Has it
been answered in all respects adequately or has it at least been reached? Relations with others
seem casual and secondary, so that an obligation is covered in a relationship. Can kinds of
encounters be exposed which concern you and me in our own being-in-the-world or which
even found this? Usual relations are to be examined on its foundations, the putatively natural
is to be gone on the reason.
This indicates first to admit the question after the other, to position oneself to this
question and to the other. The person is present in manifold ways, he is a friend, the
neighbour or that with whom we maintain an intimate relationship – the You. As for the
being-together of me and you, Binswanger books the concept love or “Dualität” (duality):
„Although or just because the real mode of the being, the dual mode is the most hidden, the
most crushed one.“ Binswanger interprets the dual mode as the way of existence which forms
the origin of every existence. The concept of love is unfolded very broadly in his major work
Grundformen und Erkenntnis menschlichen Daseins (Basic Forms and the Realization of
Human “Being-in-the-World”). He presents a counterpart to Heidegger, who puts being-inthe-
world as care (Sorge). Human existence is “more” or other than care, it is being-in-theworld-
beyond-the-world (“In-der-Welt-über-die-Welt-hinaus-sein”), that does not dissolve
into concern (Besorgen). He does not decidedly oppose Heidegger for he intends to establish a
“phenomenology of love”. For this reason, Binswanger’s philosophy sometimes seems to be
unworldly, turned off concrete circumstances respectively. In this sense, Binswanger may be
assigned to the philosophy of dialogue which he was confronted with due to his profession -
he was a psychiatrist and therapist. To him, love means not only the “each other” of two
lovers or a pair-relation, but in general the basic form of being as a call to the release into
being as one specific and unique self (mine as well as your self). Therefore, the understanding
of love widens. May this concept be worn and used, it still makes itself heard: „And,
nevertheless, the dual mode is kept up in this form of existence as there will be hardly anyone
who is not able to receive and donate love.“
The idea of love as sketched by Binswanger will be put to the test:
- Love as an encounter of one and the other must leave the theoretical frame in order
to match concrete, everyday life – this points to relevant events like birth, the life-cycle,
socialization, deficient forms of existence and death of the beloved person. Can love form a
solid foundation? - Binswanger interprets loving relation as the original and deepest form of being together,
hence all other forms of existence (friendship, plurality, singularity) must derive
from it. These different modes of being might diverge from each other or reveal dissonances.
The aim of the doctoral thesis is to show alternative points of views and perspectives to enrich
his approaches or starting points. The question concerning the You, the I and the “We” has to
be asked again; for this reason, we have to ponder on his thoughts and ideas.
Concerning former publications on this subject, it is to be said that a gap between
natural sciences and philosophy has opened. Researchers of both disciplines are requested
now and again to "cross borders" which questions fixed scientific results of both humanities
and natural sciences. This is evident in the specialist literature which is, admittedly, subject to
personal and individual choice, since not all intellectual efforts can be taken into account.
Neither should recent literature dominate the customary one, nor should relevant publications
represent a canon. A probable interdisciplinary gap arises from the theme itself: how do we
perceive ourselves in view of the one who I face – the other, the You? This puts a focus on
competing and commenting voices which accompanied and discussed Binswanger’s thoughts,
trying to achieve further developments. Thus the work will not raise the claim to close a gap,
but it shall neither widen nor deepen ditches.
To the representation of the research methodology: The demand on a (very
unprejudiced) self-adjustment to the thinker enables to meet him on the „same eye level“.
This is the way, the progress of problems and questions can be pursued and get confronted
with other positions as well as objections. A complete contraposition is as inappropriate as an
uncritical eulogy.
L’objet de ce mémoire est d’étudier l’importance d’une réflexion ontologique pour la psychiatrie et, dans une plus grande mesure, l’anthropologie philosophique à travers une lecture de l’œuvre heideggérienne ainsi que celle des deux plus... more
L’objet de ce mémoire est d’étudier l’importance d’une réflexion ontologique pour la psychiatrie et, dans une plus grande mesure, l’anthropologie philosophique à travers une lecture de l’œuvre heideggérienne ainsi que celle des deux plus grands penseurs daseinsanalytiques qu’il a inspirés : Ludwig Binswanger et Médard Boss. Nous partons d’Être et Temps pour tenter de saisir l’enchevêtrement intime de l’ontologie et de l’anthropologie qui se dessine dans la pensée de Heidegger. Nous passons ensuite à un examen approfondi de la conception heideggérienne de la science moderne telle qu’elle se dessine dans Science et méditation et les Séminaires de Zurich. L’enjeu de ce deuxième chapitre est de cerner l’essence de ce que Heidegger désigne par « destruction de l’humain » dans les Séminaires de Zurich, et d’établir le rôle de la philosophie face à cette « destruction ». Le troisième chapitre offre une lecture approfondie des Fondements existentiaux de la médecine et de la psychologie de Médard Boss. Nous y découvrons une conception existentiale de l’humain qui révolutionne la pratique médicale. Enfin, notre dernier chapitre s’applique à montrer les limites du discours heideggérien, en le confrontant à la Daseinsanalyse binswangérienne et la psychanalyse freudienne.
Rêve et existence occupe une place tout à fait singulière à l’intérieur du corpus binswangerien, de ce vaste ensemble d’articles, conférences et ouvrages par lesquels la Daseinsanalyse avait déjà atteint son plein développement en 1954,... more
Rêve et existence occupe une place tout à fait singulière à l’intérieur du corpus binswangerien, de ce vaste ensemble d’articles, conférences et ouvrages par lesquels la Daseinsanalyse avait déjà atteint son plein développement en 1954, au moment où parut la première traduction en francais de ce texte accompagnée d’une longue introduction signée Michel Foucault. Si dans les années vingt le psychiatre suisse avait consacré ses efforts à la question du statut épistémologique de la psychologie et de la psychiatrie, avec cet essai de 1930 il exprimait pour la première fois l’ambition philosophique de conjuguer l’analytique phénoménologique de Heidegger avec la psychopatologie. On trouvera ici une nouvelle traduction de cet essai qui représentait en quelque sorte, aux yeux de Binswanger lui-même, le manifeste programmatique de la Daseinsanalyse.
Traduction par Françoise Dastur, Postface d’Elisabetta Basso
Ludwig Binswanger has been one of the first psychiatrists who used in his medical approach the Daseinsanalyse of Martin Heidegger in order to understand the mental disorders of his patients. However, as it is well-known, one of the most... more
Ludwig Binswanger has been one of the first psychiatrists who used in his medical approach the Daseinsanalyse of Martin Heidegger in order to understand the mental disorders of his patients. However, as it is well-known, one of the most critical interlocutor of Binswanger was Heidegger himself. Rebuilding the controversial case of Ellen West and the relationship between Heidegger and Binswanger on the ground of analysis of human being, the aim of this paper is to verify if Heidegger’s approach can give to psychoanalysis and psychiatry its most radical re-orientation by providing a new paradigm for understanding human being and the pathologies of existence.
Il rapporto con l'altro è uno dei temi della musica dei Pink Floyd che in questo saggio, pubblicato nel volume Musica e filosofia, Aracne 2010 a cura di C. Ciancio, viene analizzato ricorrendo a Binswanger e Cartesio. La musica è il dono... more
Il rapporto con l'altro è uno dei temi della musica dei Pink Floyd che in questo saggio, pubblicato nel volume Musica e filosofia, Aracne 2010 a cura di C. Ciancio, viene analizzato ricorrendo a Binswanger e Cartesio. La musica è il dono che permette il rapporto con l'altro al di là dei muri della disillusione e del dolore.
Con la realizzazione della mia tesi di laurea ho voluto riportare alla luce il problema della malattia mentale e il rapporto tra lo psichiatra e il malato mentale, partendo dalla definizione della follia e il cambiamento che ha avuto nei... more
Con la realizzazione della mia tesi di laurea ho voluto riportare alla luce il problema della malattia mentale e il rapporto tra lo psichiatra e il malato mentale, partendo dalla definizione della follia e il cambiamento che ha avuto nei secoli dall'antichità, fino alla nascita dei movimenti antipsichiatrici che hanno cercato di ridare la dignità al malato all'interno dell'ospedale psichiatrico. All'interno della mia tesi ho anche esposto il cambiamento filosofico e psicologico all'analisi della malattia concentrandomi sugli autori della fenomenologia che hanno ispirato i vari componenti del movimento antipsichiatrico. Per ultimo ho descritto la storia del manicomio di Perugia con la sua evoluzione.
in G. Mamone, F. Milazzo (eds.), Storia e Psichiatria. Metodologia, temi, fonti, Biblion, Milano 2019, pp. 101-112
ISBN 978-88-33830-33-9
At this time, it does not appear that existential phenomenology and humanistic psychology (PHP) have formed inclusive, process-oriented frameworks that reference the sociocultural and contextual significations embedded in the flow of... more
At this time, it does not appear that existential phenomenology and humanistic psychology (PHP) have formed inclusive, process-oriented frameworks that reference the sociocultural and contextual significations embedded in the flow of everyday human experience. And yet, apart from the welcome variety of psychotherapy approaches comprising PHP, the founding existential phenomenological and humanistic thinkers had already addressed cultural issues in their writings. In addition, these same founding thinkers had already developed mindfulness meditation perspectives well ahead of the mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy third wave. This article considers the link between PHP’s emphasis on attuned mindfulness and meditative sociocultural awareness as part of an emerging Mindful and Multicultural Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy (MMHEP) approach. MMHEP fluidly supports both mindfulness and meditative attunement to clients’ culture-near or context-near experiences as part of an experience-near attentiveness to the groundless ground of experience. By re-uniting the landscape of “inward” possibilities for bare and present moment mindfulness with the meditative awareness of “outer” sociocultural realms, a client may integratively connect with a greater sense of wholeness as a sociocultural-being-in-the-world.
This paper focuses on one of the original moments of the development of the “phenomenological” current of psychiatry, namely, the psychopathological research of Ludwig Binswanger. By means of the clinical and conceptual problem of... more
This paper focuses on one of the original moments of the development of the “phenomenological” current of psychiatry, namely, the psychopathological research of Ludwig Binswanger. By means of the clinical and conceptual problem of schizophrenia as it was conceived and developed at the beginning of the twentieth century, I will try to outline and analyze Binswanger’s perspective from a both historical and epistemological point of view. Binswanger’s own way means of approaching and conceiving schizophrenia within the scientific, medical, and psychiatric context of that time will lead us to grasp the epistemological stakes at the origins of his project of reforming psychiatry by means of phenomenology. I will finally attempt to upgrade and update Binswanger’s project in light of the current reappraisal of phenomenology within the ongoing debate on psychopathology engaged by studies in the field of science and philosophy of mind.
Drawing on Ludwig Binswanger's work, this paper seeks to reconstruct historically and theoretically his relationship with Freud and Psychoanalysis and to trace his ideas with regard to the Unconscious. Tied to Freud by a friendship... more
Drawing on Ludwig Binswanger's work, this paper seeks to reconstruct historically and theoretically his relationship with Freud and Psychoanalysis and to trace his ideas with regard to the Unconscious. Tied to Freud by a friendship lasting thirty years, it started mainly from his encounter with the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Alexander Pfänder, Franz Brentano, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Martin Buber that Binswanger developed an original system of thinking and clinical application. The issue of the unconscious, beginning from this theoretical shift, underwent a radical reformulation. First, Heideggerian thought allowed him to recognize the importance of different World-Projects, intended as existential a priori characterized by a specific internal normativity. Subsequently, the return to Husserl's thinking lead Binswanger to rethink again the unconscious issue in light of the field of Passive Synthesis. In this paper we will examine all these issues and reconsider their importance for psycho-therapeutic practice. Keywords unconsciousness – Ludwig Binswanger – psychotherapy – psychoanalysis – daseinsanalyse
For the most part, nowadays studies in the field of « phenomenological psychiatry » draw a sharp distinction between historical, philosophical, and clinical approaches. This paper aims at opening up the field for an epistemological... more
For the most part, nowadays studies in the field of « phenomenological psychiatry » draw a sharp distinction between historical, philosophical, and clinical approaches. This paper aims at opening up the field for an epistemological history, which brings out the problems at stake at the origin of the methodological model that Ludwig Binswanger elaborated for psychiatry in the first decades of the 20th century. For this reason we focus on a Binswager’s work of 1928 : The Dream : Changes in its Concept and Interpretation from Greeks to the Present. This work introduces us to the psychiatric and psychological context within which Binswanger dwells upon the problem of methodology in the field of psychopathology. But it also shows us the role that the questioning of dream played for Binswanger’s epistemological reception of philosophical phenomenology.
In this paper I focus on the emergence of the concept of the “historical a priori” at the origin of Foucault’s archeology. I emphasize the methodological function of this concept within Foucault’s archaeology, and I maintain that despite... more
In this paper I focus on the emergence of the concept of the “historical a priori” at the origin of Foucault’s archeology. I emphasize the methodological function of this concept within Foucault’s archaeology, and I maintain that despite the different thesis it entails as compared to its philosophical sources, it pertains to one of the main issues of phenomenology, that is, the problematization of the relation between reality as it appears in its historicity, and transcendentality. I start from the interest of the young Foucault in existential psychiatry, and I focus on the French philosophical context in which Foucault’s Introduction to Ludwig Binswanger’s “Dream and Existence” (1954) was conceived. My aim is to show that the first “phenomenological” phase of Foucault’s work is coherent, from a methodological point of view, with the development of archaeology intended as “historical epistemology.” I conclude by arguing that Foucault’s archaeology is methodologically linked to Canguilhem’s epistemology, in that the latter presents itself as an important attempt at linking together historicity and transcendentality.
International vistas on philosophical psychiatry are summarized. Many investigators emphasize the continuing relevance for psychopathology of the classical perspectives of Jaspers and Husserl. The Husserlian reduction provides a solid... more
International vistas on philosophical psychiatry are summarized. Many investigators emphasize the continuing relevance for psychopathology of the classical perspectives of Jaspers and Husserl. The Husserlian reduction provides a solid methodological path for psychiatry, psychotherapy, and neurosciences. This presupposes a change in the attitude of the psychiatrist himself.
Un passage mène de l’évolution darwinienne à l’ontologie phénoménologique, celle de Heidegger et surtout celle de Merleau-Ponty. Ce passage, c’est l’articulation du temps et de l’être du vivant que Darwin a formulée longtemps avant... more
Un passage mène de l’évolution darwinienne à l’ontologie phénoménologique, celle de Heidegger et surtout celle de Merleau-Ponty. Ce passage, c’est l’articulation du temps et de l’être du vivant que Darwin a formulée longtemps avant Heidegger, en plaçant la temporalisation de la morphogenèse au cœur de son analyse du vivant comme trame unique d’interprétation de sa multiplicité. Le vivant est ce qu’il est parce que c’est le seul possible (par la sélection). Et ce transformisme selon le possible comme seule finalité, c’est le temps. "L’origine des espèces" et "L’être et le temps" sont deux étapes majeures de la pensée du temps. C´est dans la biologie de Jakob von Uexküll, inspirateur de l´être-au-monde de Heidegger, et dans la psychiatrie phénoménologique de Ludwig Binswanger et Eugène Minkowski que l´on trouve le passage entre Darwin et Heidegger: avec son concept de signe-moment, Uexküll a fait du temps la condition même de la rencontre entre le sujet vivant et le monde. Et la psychiatrie phénoménologique a sorti le Dasein de Heidegger de son immanence transcendentale pour en étudier, en particulier en termes de temporalité et de chair, les altérations qui se donnent dans la pathologie mentale. Ces altérations de l´être-au-monde sont des être-au-monde adaptatifs au sens évolutionniste du terme. Pour comprendre l´humain, il faudrait donc faire une ontologie évolutionniste du vivant.