Segregation Research Papers - (original) (raw)
L’educazione, la pedagogia e l’intervento sociale godono di brutta fama fra i sinti. Ne hanno sperimentato il lato violento, forzatamente assimilazionista. I sinti sono un «popolo resistenza» che è stato capace di fronteggiare i... more
L’educazione, la pedagogia e l’intervento sociale godono di brutta fama fra i sinti. Ne hanno sperimentato il lato violento, forzatamente assimilazionista. I sinti sono un «popolo resistenza» che è stato capace di fronteggiare i dispositivi rieducativi predisposti nei loro confronti, sebbene con enormi costi personali. Nei mille rivoli dell’intervento sociale, tuttavia, è possibile scorgere anche altre pratiche educative che hanno accompagnato questi gruppi, sostenendone l’emancipazione e l’autodeterminazione. Le iniziative raccontate in questo «inserto» mostrano una modalità tutta diversa di concepire il rapporto fra potere ed educazione. Il primo articolo riassume i principali assunti della «pedagogia zingara» che si è sviluppata negli anni ’60 a partire dalle interpretazioni della «crisi» dei gruppi sinti dovuta all’industrializzazione delle campagne. Nonostante la pervasività delle modalità «ri-educative» esercitate nei confronti dei sinti, l’articolo mostra anche come le pratiche pedagogiche siano andate via via differenziandosi, prendendo distanza da concezioni discriminanti. Pur non essendo superate le forme di intervento di stampo assistenziale e segregante, gli ultimi anni hanno visto fiorire una pluralità di forme di accompagnamento educativo all’insegna del sostegno alle capacità degli individui e dei gruppi. Il secondo articolo racconta un caso emblematico: l’équipe di educatori di una cooperativa di Trento che, riconoscendo le difficoltà e le contraddizioni del proprio intervento con i sinti, ha deciso di intraprendere un percorso di ripensamento delle proprie pratiche. Questa capacità riflessiva ha portato il gruppo ad approfondire la pedagogia freiriana e scoprirne i potenziali fecondi ed euristici. Il terzo articolo approfondisce perciò questioni di metodo e di approccio di Paulo Freire, e segnala i principali insegnamenti che l’esperienza trentina con i sinti consegna al sapere pedagogico. Nel «bazar» di questo numero Mattia Civico riflette sul modo con cui la politica locale si è messa in interazione con i sinti per pensare una legge a loro tutela. L’inserto si conclude con un dialogo su una seconda esperienza: quella del servizio di sviluppo di comunità del Comune di Venezia. Anche in questo caso la dimensione dell’apprendimento è stata centrale per intraprendere percorsi di mediazione con il territorio, di empowerment e di miglioramento delle condizioni abitative. La conflittualità che ha caratterizzato gli anni più recenti ha spinto gli operatori a una maggiore comprensione delle strategie che i sinti adottano per dare senso al contesto in cui vivono.
This article argues that current iterations of solutions for preventing school segregation are constrained by an overreliance on particular representations of justice, in which the other is perceived as the responsible other. Studying the... more
This article argues that current iterations of solutions for preventing school segregation are constrained by an overreliance on particular representations of justice, in which the other is perceived as the responsible other. Studying the grounds for a decision to close a suburb school in Sweden, this article engages partly in an analysis on what implicit conception of justice that manifests itself, partly in exploring a conception of justice open towards a multiple and open-ended spatiality. It is argued that in order to imagine and construct such a spatiality, a majoritarian approach to justice must be abandoned in favour of a minoritarian one. Doing so, justice further needs to abandon a distribution of blame and responsibility and instead seek to pluralize forces flowing through different spatialities. A minoritarian approach to justice, I argue, can be envisioned by applying the concept of segmentarity as developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.
E Ef ff fe ec ct t o of f S St tr ra at ti if fi ic ca at ti io on n o on n S Se eg gr re eg ga at ti io on n i in n C Ca ar rb bo on n D Di io ox xi id de e M Mi is sc ci ib bl le e F Fl lo oo od di in ng g i in n a a W Wa at te er r--F... more
E Ef ff fe ec ct t o of f S St tr ra at ti if fi ic ca at ti io on n o on n S Se eg gr re eg ga at ti io on n i in n C Ca ar rb bo on n D Di io ox xi id de e M Mi is sc ci ib bl le e F Fl lo oo od di in ng g i in n a a W Wa at te er r--F Fl lo oo od de ed d O Oi il l R Re es se er rv vo oi ir r
Tryck: Ineko, 2016 Omslagsbild: DIAGRAM 2. Disponibel inkomst/levnadsnivå (index) median per församling 2010. En viktig förklaring bakom den ekonomiska segregationen har att göra med skillnader i sysselsättning (se diagram... more
Tryck: Ineko, 2016 Omslagsbild: DIAGRAM 2. Disponibel inkomst/levnadsnivå (index) median per församling 2010. En viktig förklaring bakom den ekonomiska segregationen har att göra med skillnader i sysselsättning (se diagram 3). I Stockholms län förvärvsarbetade cirka 77 % av befolkningen i åldersintervallet 20-64 år. I Flemingsberg, Spånga-Kista, Skärholmen, förvärvsarbetar cirka 60 % av befolkningen. I Botkyrka, Hässelby, Vantör, Skarpnäck och Järfälla förvärvsarbetar cirka 75 % och i Nacka, Västermalm och Västerled arbetar cirka 84 %.
La trajectoire d’Albert Widders, Aborigène australien, permet d’historiciser le modèle ségrégatif qui a dominé le Sud-Est de l’Australie au XXe siècle. Sa vie semble en effet avoir été coupée en deux par l’apparition d’un ordre... more
La trajectoire d’Albert Widders, Aborigène australien, permet d’historiciser le modèle ségrégatif qui a dominé le Sud-Est de l’Australie au XXe siècle. Sa vie semble en effet avoir été coupée en deux par l’apparition d’un ordre ségrégatif. Né dans les années 1840, Albert était, dans la première partie de sa vie, assez bien intégré au monde des colons blancs, au point d’épouser une femme européenne. Suite à l’effondrement de son mariage, il a cependant quitté la région et formé une nouvelle famille, cette fois avec une femme aborigène. De ces deux mariages sont issues deux « branches » d’une famille – l’une dans le monde aborigène, l’autre dans le monde « européen » – dont les destins sociaux contrastés permettent d’appréhender avec un regard nouveau les transformations des relations raciales en Australie du Sud-Est, marquées par l’avènement, au XXe siècle, d’une dichotomie rigide séparant « Noirs » et « Blancs ».
Should the public schools be allowed to segregate girls from boys in the classroom? There is a history of single-sex education in this country, but there are concerns about single gender classrooms. In recent decades, researchers have... more
This commentary, published in The Japan Times on January 27, 2021, discusses NAACP civil rights lawyer (and future Supreme Court Associate Justice) Thurgood Marshall's work in Japan seventy years ago in 1951 for racial justice and... more
This commentary, published in The Japan Times on January 27, 2021, discusses NAACP civil rights lawyer (and future Supreme Court Associate Justice) Thurgood Marshall's work in Japan seventy years ago in 1951 for racial justice and equality among the U.S. military forces.
Evoking the painful failure of overcoming the fallout of centuries of slavery in the United States and conjuring up the specter of state-enforced apartheid in South Africa, “segregation” nowadays appears to be almost ubiquitously... more
Evoking the painful failure of overcoming the fallout of centuries of slavery in the United States and conjuring up the specter of state-enforced apartheid in South Africa, “segregation” nowadays appears to be almost ubiquitously condemned, but at the same time seemingly impossible to eradicate. Looking at (primarily urban, spatial, ethnic) segregation from a global angle, this seminar will reveal that the phenomenon has indeed plagued a great many societies since 1500, albeit in varying degrees and changing forms. Starting from recent arguments by historians (esp. Nightingale 2012) that segregation was primarily the result of state action, this seminar looks beyond the classic cases of the U.S. and South Africa in order to ask to what extent we should understand segregation as a side effect of the history of increasing global connectedness. Moving from rarely studied examples, such as 17th-century Ayutthaya, to better-known cases of late 19th-century Atlantic immigration cities, such as Buenos Aires, the seminar thus seeks to tease out the reasons and consequences of urban ethnic unmixing through wide-ranging comparisons.
"La tesis sostiene la hipótesis que la región metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA) y la zona sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, en particular enfrentan, especialmente a partir de los ‘90s, un proceso de fragmentación socio-territorial.... more
"La tesis sostiene la hipótesis que la región metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA) y la zona sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, en particular enfrentan, especialmente a partir de
los ‘90s, un proceso de fragmentación socio-territorial. Dicho proceso se entiende que conjuga distintos factores de escala metropolitana, tal como el crecimiento de la brecha
social, en parte a causa de la aplicación de políticas neoliberales, con factores micro urbano
relacionados con los nuevos enfoques de intervención en el territorio, consecuencia de cambios fundamentales ocurridos recientemente en la práctica del planeamiento urbano.
El objetivo de la tesis es descubrir en que medida tales nuevos enfoques contribuyen a profundizar los procesos de fragmentación, o por el contrario, cuando y cómo tienden a
promover la integración socio-territorial, y con qué estrategias y componentes concretos.
El universo de análisis seleccionado fue la zona sur de la ciudad, de Buenos Aires, aplicando la delimitación territorial utilizada históricamente para su recorte: La avenida Rivadavia, la Gral. Paz, el Riachuelo y el Río de La Plata; alrededor de los ‘90s hasta la crisis del año 2001. La unidad de análisis elegida fueron proyectos, programas y planes representativos de los nuevos enfoques de intervención: Los proyectos, “Puerto Madero” y
“Recup-Boca”; los programas habitacionales, “Recuperación de Conventillos”, “Reurbanización de villas”, “Casa Propia”, “Terreno, Proyecto y Construcción” finalmente las propuestas de planes de desarrollo de la zona sur, desde los enfoques de la
“Corporación Sur” y el “Programa de Revitalización de la zona sur” de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Regional del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
La comparación de tales enfoques en relación a referentes internacionales plantea genealogías que ponen en evidencia la trama de factores globales que intervinieron en los
procesos de transformación urbana. La intención es descubrir el sistema de leyes, metodologías, ideologías y marcos epistemológicos desde los cuales operan los distintos
enfoques de intervención, en el contexto de los paradigmas de la globalización1 y desarrollo sustentable, éste último a su vez influenciado por los principios de los derechos humanos"
Linköpings universitet 1 Magnus Dahlstedt REMESO Modern utbildningshistoria och utbildningspolitik Upplägg Avstamp i den svenska välfärdsmodellen -grunddragen Ett välfärdspolitiskt skifte Utbildningens roll i den svenska modellen ... more
Linköpings universitet 1 Magnus Dahlstedt REMESO Modern utbildningshistoria och utbildningspolitik Upplägg Avstamp i den svenska välfärdsmodellen -grunddragen Ett välfärdspolitiskt skifte Utbildningens roll i den svenska modellen Utbildningspolitiskt systemskifte: från public till private good Ledstjärnor decentralisering och individorientering Motiv till och konsekvenser av Kommunalisering Valfrihet Avslutande reflektioner 3 Underlag Först några ord om politik Policyprocessens olika steg Problemdefiniering -sätta dagordningen Beslutsfattande Genomförande Uppföljning, utvärdering, återkoppling Lindensjö & Lundgren (2000) Utbildningsreformer och politisk styrning Kommer att ägna uppmärksamhet år både politikens Formuleringsarena Realiseringsarena Den "svenska modellen" Den historiska utgångspunkten: Den svenska välfärdsmodellen började byggas i mellankrigstiden Men etablerades framför allt från 1940-talet och framåt Några grunddrag centralism universalism social intervention samförstånd social ingenjörskonst Välfärdspolitiskt skifte Ett välfärdspolitiskt skifte påbörjas under 1970-talet Men tar fart under 1980-och 1990-talen I Sverige liksom i många andra länder Allt skarpare kritik mot den svenska modellen ineffektivitet central-och detaljstyrning passivisering Ökad betoning av medborgares aktiva deltagande och ansvarstagande Idealet om aktivt medborgarskap
De druk die wordt uitgeoefend op allochtonen om te integreren is de laatste jaren steeds groter geworden. Aanvankelijk gebeurde dat vooral vanuit de publieke opinie, maar nu ook steeds meer vanuit de politiek. Het adagium 'integratie met... more
De druk die wordt uitgeoefend op allochtonen om te integreren is de laatste jaren steeds groter geworden. Aanvankelijk gebeurde dat vooral vanuit de publieke opinie, maar nu ook steeds meer vanuit de politiek. Het adagium 'integratie met behoud van de eigen etnische identiteit'heeft inmiddels plaatsgemaakt voor de eisen van actieve participatie en assimilatie. Een goede integratie wordt niet alleen van belang geacht voor de immigranten zelf, maar misschien meer nog voor hun kinderen.
Este trabajo hace uso de datos suministrados por el Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Alumnos (PISA) con el objetivo de proveer una cuantificación de los niveles y la evolución de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en... more
Este trabajo hace uso de datos suministrados por el Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Alumnos (PISA) con el objetivo de proveer una cuantificación de los niveles y la evolución de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en el mundo y contribuir a la discusión de sus determinantes. Los resultados sugieren un ranking de países que muestra a América Latina como una región de alta segregación escolar en términos relativos y donde la segregación entre escuelas públicas y privadas es relevante. Se encuentra además que la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico es mayor en aquellos países y períodos de tiempo en los que la desigualdad y la participación del sector privado en la matrícula es mayor, en tanto ciertos patrones de localización geográfica pueden también jugar un rol importante.
L'elaborato presenta il dibattito interno al femminismo di seconda ondata riguardante il sesso e l'uso (o abuso) del corpo femminile. Il pensiero pro-sex e quello anti-sex si scontrano, dando vita a un accesa discussione portata avanti... more
L'elaborato presenta il dibattito interno al femminismo di seconda ondata riguardante il sesso e l'uso (o abuso) del corpo femminile. Il pensiero pro-sex e quello anti-sex si scontrano, dando vita a un accesa discussione portata avanti attraverso saggi di notevole portata culturale.
Inleiding: in een in toenemende mate cultureel en etnisch diverse samenleving krijgen studenten geneeskunde interculturalisatie-onderwijs tijdens hun opleiding. Aandacht voor interculturalisatie is noodzakelijk om culturele kennis en... more
Inleiding: in een in toenemende mate cultureel en etnisch diverse samenleving krijgen studenten geneeskunde interculturalisatie-onderwijs tijdens hun opleiding. Aandacht voor interculturalisatie is noodzakelijk om culturele kennis en sensitiviteit onder studenten te vergroten. Er is weinig bekend over de beleving van allochtone studenten geneeskunde (AMS’en) van dit type onderwijs. Doel van deze studie is het interculturalisatie-onderwijs vanuit het perspectief van allochtone studenten geneeskunde te evalueren.
Methoden: in de periode maart-mei 2010 zijn ervaringen van AMS’en (n=20) met interculturalisatie binnen de opleiding geneeskunde van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam geëvalueerd; dit gebeurde door middel van semi-gestructureerde interviews en een focusgroep.
Bevindingen: ondanks de aandacht voor interculturalisatie in de hele opleiding, geven AMS’en aan zowel in het curriculum als op de campus een gebrek aan respect in bejegening te ervaren. Hier wordt bijvoorbeeld het onbegrip tijdens onderwijs in lichamelijk onderzoek genoemd. Ook casuïstiek in het onderwijs wordt als stereotyperend en stigmatiserend ervaren. Door de opzet en inhoud van het huidige interculturalisatie-onderwijs en verder ook door een gebrekkige sociale cohesie tussen allochtone en autochtone studenten, is groei en uitwisseling van interculturele kennis en sensitiviteit beperkt.
Discussie/conclusie: AMS’en ervaren in de opleiding geneeskunde weinig begrip voor hun etnische/culturele achtergrond en religieuze overtuigingen. Ervaringskennis van AMS’en kan de basis voor aanpassing van interculturalisatie-onderwijs vormen, zodat de doelstellingen van groei en uitwisseling van (inter)culturele kennis en sensitiviteit worden behaald.
Documento de estudio sobre segregación escolar en Bogotá entre colegios oficiales y privados, partiendo de una caracterización del sector educativo y de la sistematización del componente Acercando Realidades del Proyecto Diálogo Social de... more
Documento de estudio sobre segregación escolar en Bogotá entre colegios oficiales y privados, partiendo de una caracterización del sector educativo y de la sistematización del componente Acercando Realidades del Proyecto Diálogo Social de la Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá para el período 2012-2015.
Although one’s neighbourhood is continuously structuring everyday lives and influences encounters between different people, place of residence is only partially the site where interactions and possibly integration between population... more
Although one’s neighbourhood is continuously structuring everyday lives and influences encounters between different people, place of residence is only partially the site where interactions and possibly integration between population categories occur. Another well-known domain is the place of work, where many spend hours per day and may meet various ‘others’. However, people’s mobility is also strongly differentiated between class and ethnicity. Here too, different modes of transport may offer opportunities for encounter and engaging with others. In order to assess exposure to diversity of individuals from various ethnic and social class backgrounds to ‘the other’ we focus on these three important realms of daily life: neighbourhoods, workplaces and modes of transport. We use individual level data from the Mobilities Netherlands Database combined with detailed individual level register data from the Social Statistical Database. We found that, overall, higher income natives are, compared to the other combinations of country of origin and income category most frequently cocooning in homogeneous residential, workplace, and mobility spaces. However, native Dutch with a low income stand out in the residential domain, where they are living more frequently in homogeneous neighbourhoods than high-income natives.
Sources fréquentes de tension dans les relations parents–enfants, les mobilités des adolescents sont une expérience cruciale dans la construction des identités sociales. Pour cette classe d’âge, la mobilité est à la fois une pratique... more
Sources fréquentes de tension dans les relations parents–enfants, les mobilités des adolescents sont une expérience cruciale dans la construction des identités sociales. Pour cette classe d’âge, la mobilité est à la fois une pratique socialement déterminée – par le milieu social, l’univers résidentiel et la scolarité – et une expérience spécifique qui forge durablement les rapports au territoire et au monde social.
- by Julian Devaux and +1
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- Rural Sociology, Segregation, Urban mobility, Teenagers
Purpose Terminologies such as 'integrated marketing' and 'market segmentation' may be common parlance in contemporary marketing literature, but in postwar America they had distinct racial orientations mediated by a history of segregation.... more
Purpose Terminologies such as 'integrated marketing' and 'market segmentation' may be common parlance in contemporary marketing literature, but in postwar America they had distinct racial orientations mediated by a history of segregation. This paper examines the resonant discourses in the construction of the Negro market in postwar America and observes that the field of marketing provides a historiography where Negro marketing was constructed as dilemmatic and through a duality of the Black market impacting the well-established White market. A survey of marketing literature from the 1950s to the 1970s reflects a discursive turn from scepticism and caution in approaching the Negro market to evoking the ethical discourse and advocating equal rights for the Black consumer. Design/methodology/approach A review of articles on the topic reveals that research occurred in other academic fields beyond the remit of marketing and these different disciplines approached the issue of the Negro market from different research orientations and fields of enquiry. This paper focuses on academic literature that was published in marketing and business journals which were concerned with marketing to the Black community. The journals reviewed in this paper
Archaeological excavations and presentations are memory-work, offering tactile and visual materials for consideration of the past. In a coastal Florida city, growing rapidly through in-migration of retirees and service industry employment... more
Archaeological excavations and presentations are memory-work, offering tactile and visual materials for consideration of the past. In a coastal Florida city, growing rapidly through in-migration of retirees and service industry employment opportunities, few are aware or concerned over history. A recent heritage revival for an African American neighborhood in Sarasota is transforming the landscape with heritage interpretation signs. Yet segregation haunts that history, with a reaction marring the positive trajectory for the city. Understanding the swirl of hidden histories and memories in terms of race, community, and heritage radiates from social justice and the concept of social justice is expanded through discussion of a tradition rarely mentioned in heritage studies: tikkun ha-olam.
Background: Poor solid waste management is still a great challenge being faced by urban authorities in Uganda includingNansana Municipality where in particular there is still a challenge of indiscriminate and open dumping of solid waste... more
Background: Poor solid waste management is still a great challenge being faced by urban authorities in Uganda includingNansana Municipality where in particular there is still a challenge of indiscriminate and open dumping of solid waste along the streets that has led to other related health challenges currently affecting the Municipality. Purpose: Assessing factors influencing solid waste management in Nansana Municipal division in order to provide stakeholders with information that would be used to design appropriate interventions towards proper solid waste management. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Stratified cluster sampling procedure was used to obtain the households of respondents while the Purposive sampling was used to obtain the key informants. Results Majority of the respondents, 55.6 % (151/272) had moderate knowledge about solid waste, 29.6% (80/272) of the respondents had high knowledge on solid waste management. While 14.8% (40/272) had low knowledge on proper solid waste management. 73.5% (200/272) of the waste is generated in form of food remains while solid waste in form of plastics and raw vegetables compose 52.2% (142/272). 84.2% (229/272) store waste before disposing it off but only 40.2% (92/229) of them store it in refuse bins. Majority 82.2% (222/272) of the respondents were disposing off waste at the road side. Majority of the respondents, 91.5% (249/272) of the respondents were not engaged in segregating solid waste.
- by Texila International Journal and +1
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- Segregation, Public Health, Households, Solid waste
- by Cody Hochstenbach and +1
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- Human Geography, Urban Geography, Segregation, Urban Planning
Abstract: What accounts for low-intensity intergroup violence? In this paper, we explore the micro-level determinants of low-intensity sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, which has marked the post-1998 peace agreement period. We use... more
Abstract: What accounts for low-intensity intergroup violence? In this paper, we explore the micro-level determinants of low-intensity sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, which has marked the post-1998 peace agreement period. We use original cross-sectional time series violence data for the 2005-2012 period at a disaggregated sub-national level, the ward, and a wide variety of social and political indicators. In particular, we assess the impact of within-ward ethnic composition, on the one hand, and the ethnic composition of neighboring wards, on the other. We find that the number of intergroup violent events peak in wards where there is parity between groups, and in predominantly Catholic (Protestant) wards that border predominantly Protestant (Catholic) wards. The rationale is that violence takes place where groups have both opportunities to perpetrate sectarian violence and strategic incentives to do it. The paper makes several contributions: it demonstrates that violence is ...
مقالة چاپ شده در مجلة «صفه»، دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی نویسنده: زهره ع. دانشپور هدف این نوشتار جستجوی جنبههای نظری عدم تعادل فضایی و جدایش مسکونی در شهرها بهعنوان پایهای برای بررسی و تعیین عوامل مؤثر بر انتخاب... more
مقالة چاپ شده در مجلة «صفه»، دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی
نویسنده: زهره ع. دانشپور
هدف این نوشتار جستجوی جنبههای نظری عدم تعادل فضایی و جدایش مسکونی در شهرها بهعنوان پایهای برای
بررسی و تعیین عوامل مؤثر بر انتخاب مکانهای مسکونی در شهرها با اشاره ویژه به مورد تهران است، پشتوانه تفکر این جستجو آن است که دانش در مورد شکلگیری، عملکرد، ویژگیهای خاص و تکامل ساختار فضایی شهرها، برنامهریزان مربوطه و تصمیمگیرندگان شهری را قادر میسازد تا بر بازتاب تصمیمات و فعالیتهای خود نظر انداخته و از سوی دیگر چارچوب لازم را برای طراحی راهبردهای مختلف و گزینه برای هر یک از نواحی عملکردی یا اجتماعی در شهرها فراهم مینماید.
ساختار فضایی نامتعادل شهر تهران برحسب تفاوت در ویژگیهای اجتماعیـ اقتصادی و کالبدی و با توجه به زیرنواحی بیستگانه این شهر (یعنی بیست منطقه شهرداری تهران) مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. نتایج حاصل از این جستجو را به صورت زیر میتوان خلاصه نمود:
الف. با وجود تقسیم تهران به بیست ناحیه کارکردی و اجتماعی، تفاوتها در مقایسه با دوران پیش از سال 1357 روشنی کمتری دارند. امتزاج اجتماعی، اقتصادی و کالبدی موجود را میتوان به تغییرات ساختار طبقاتی در کل کشور و در شهر تهران از این سال به بعد مربوط نمود.
ب. وجود سکونتگاههای روستایی از پیش موجود در حاشیۀ شهر تهران، با توجه به میل به گسترش این شهر، به قرارگیری گروههای اجتماعی مختلف در کنار هم بخصوص در تعدادی از زیرنواحی و تازش ویژگیهای رفتاری، ... روستایی منجر شده است.
ج. تفاوت مسکونی در شهر تهران مشابه هر شهر بزرگ دنیا بازتابکننده تفاوتهای اجتماعی و اقتصادی است. این مقاله معتقد است که سازوکار (مکانیزم) برنامهریزی و اقدامات لازم قادر به کاهش نابرابریهاـ در این راستا کاهش ابعاد و وسعت مشکلات شهریـ به نحوی که در این نوشتار به آن اشاره رفت، است. از طریق تغییر رفتارهای حاضر در مورد سیاستهای (خطومشیهای) مدیریت شهری و قوانین و مقررات مربوطه در مورد بازار مسکن در شهرها میتوان به این منظور نایل شد.
The Brown v. Board of Education decision was not the immediate remedy to school segregation that many presume it was. School segregation plagues many parts of this nation but none more egregious than New York City. New York City has one... more
The Brown v. Board of Education decision was not the immediate remedy to school segregation that many presume it was. School segregation plagues many parts of this nation but none more egregious than New York City. New York City has one of the most segregated school systems in the nation, which stems from the focus on transforming the Jim Crow South, which led to many cities keeping their noiseless segregation. Many issues continue this plight; underfunded schools, unfair acceptance exams, school privatization, and underlying racism that pervades some city schools and neighborhoods. This paper will follow how New York City became one of the most segregated school systems in the nation, the roles that activists play, the effects that school segregation has on the academic performance on New York City students, and the possible solutions that ensure that all students in New York City can integrate and perform to the best of their ability. In the paper, I will utilize scholarly papers, books, and news articles on the subjects of school segregation, academic performance, and school activism. My own research will include interviews with teachers, activists, and experts in education and their theories and antidotes for school segregation, as well as, a narrative analysis of the activist organization IntegrateNYC’s constitution.
Few studies attempt to demonstrate whether and how systemic racial inequality might form on the web. I use racial formation theory to conceptualize how race is represented, and systematically reproduced on the web, and how both may reveal... more
Few studies attempt to demonstrate whether and how systemic
racial inequality might form on the web. I use racial formation
theory to conceptualize how race is represented, and
systematically reproduced on the web, and how both may reveal
forms of racial inequality. Using an original dataset and network
graph, I document the architecture of web traffic, and the actual
traffic patterns among and between race-based websites. Results
demonstrate that web producers create hyperlink networks that
steer audiences to websites without respect to racial or nonracial
content. However, user navigation reflects a racially segregated
traffic pattern; users navigate to racialized versus nonracialized
websites (and vice versa) more than what would be expected by
chance. These results, along with disparities in website traffic
rankings, provide evidence of, and demonstrates how a racebased
hierarchy might systematically emerge on the web in ways
that exemplify disparate forms of value, influence and power that
exist within the web environment.
In Brown in Baltimore; School Desegregation and the Limits of Liberalism, Howell S. Baum argues that the failures of desegregation can be traced to liberal principles that protect individual freedom while ignoring race. In this... more
In Brown in Baltimore; School Desegregation and the Limits of Liberalism, Howell S. Baum argues that the failures of desegregation can be traced to liberal principles that protect individual freedom while ignoring race. In this extensively researched book, Baum recounts how local officials and residents attempted to desegregate Baltimore schools in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown.
In September 2011, I sent an interview request to William Melvin Kelley, a long forgotten African American writer many had judged too progressive—or not radical enough. He was delighted that a French PhD candidate was dedicating his... more
In September 2011, I sent an interview request to William Melvin Kelley, a long forgotten African American writer many had judged too progressive—or not radical enough. He was delighted that a French PhD candidate was dedicating his dissertation to his works. When I explained that my work was focusing on the existential and phenomenological stance in his writing, he, in turn, clarified the fact that he did not have these kinds of thoughts when he wrote, but that he had been writing out of the urgency of his blackness in the USA and so as to, since most of his books were published in the 1960s, obtain civil rights.
In November 2018, his first novel, A Different Drummer, was reissued by
Riverrun in Great Britain and it has since been published in several countries and in different languages. This happened after Kathryn Schulz published her article “The Lost Giant of American Literature” in the January 29, 2018 issue of The New Yorker. Interest in this “lost” novelist was reaffirmed and the world has since then been rediscovering his mastery of forms and the power of his prose.
The following interview is an eight-hour conversation that I had with Kelley in his home in Harlem, in February 2012, five years before he passed away at the age of 79. He highlights the link that exists between his stories and his life; a thin thread that is important to understand the contexts in which he wrote, and his state of mind on the black experience in the USA. Here, he also tackles subjects such as the American society as a whole, race relations, some of his unpublished texts, as well as his writing methods.
There are many ways to destroy a person, but the simplest and most devastating way must be solitary confinement. Deprived of meaningful human contact, otherwise healthy prisoners literally come unhinged. Many experience symptoms such as... more
There are many ways to destroy a person, but the simplest and most devastating way must be solitary confinement. Deprived of meaningful human contact, otherwise healthy prisoners literally come unhinged. Many experience symptoms such as intense anxiety and paranoia, uncontrollable trembling, confusion, hallucinations and other perceptual distortions. Some prisoners describe their experience in solitary confinement as a form of living death. Harry Hawser, a poet and inmate at Eastern State Penitentiary in the 1840s, called his cell “a living tomb.” Angela Tucker, an African-American woman held in supermax confinement in the 1980s, said: “It’s like living in a black hole.” Jeremy Pinson, a prisoner at Florence ADX (Administrative Maximum Facility), said, “You feel as if the world has ended but you somehow survived.” What does it mean to recognize, as the effect of a standard and increasingly widespread method of incarceration, the possibility of a suffering that blurs the distinction between life and death? What must subjectivity be like in order for this to be possible? Who are we, such that we can be unhinged from ourselves by being separated from others?
The principal legacy of the 1923 exchange is arguably its contribution to the institutionalization of the management of difference via forced migration—a form of spatial redistribution of different groups according to their backgrounds... more
One of the major issues attracting the attention of scholars studying global norm regimes , especially the human rights regime, is their impact on domestic settings. Borrowing from organizational studies, some of these scholars have used... more
One of the major issues attracting the attention of scholars studying global norm regimes , especially the human rights regime, is their impact on domestic settings. Borrowing from organizational studies, some of these scholars have used the term decoupling to conceptualize the widespread phenomenon of states that sign conventions but do not implement these conventions' norms. In this article, we introduce the concept of differentiated decoupling, arguing that the implementation of human rights norms needs to be rethought and reoperationalized. We present a case study—the right to vote in the United States—to illustrate our argument that it is vital to disaggregate the decoupling processes and examine the different social groups within the state rather than limit scrutiny to the state level. We further contend that in order to explain differentiated decoupling, perspectives developed and used by sociologists who study inequality need to be adopted. In this way, scholars can capture the unequal distribution of human rights in domestic settings and begin to untangle the forces leading to differentiated decoupling. An analysis of differentiated decoupling helps reveal that " more human rights " sometimes means more human rights to one group and less to another, suggesting that implementation of human rights norms may even deepen stratification.
- by Nitza Berkovitch and +1
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- Sociology, International Relations, Human Rights Law, Human Rights