Model-Driven Development Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Im Laufe der letzten zehn Jahre sind in Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schwab Verkehrstechnik AG in Schaffhausen und der Züricher Hochschule Winterthur hydraulische Stoss-und Zugvorrichtungen für Güter-und Personenzüge entwickelt worden. Dank... more
Im Laufe der letzten zehn Jahre sind in Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schwab Verkehrstechnik AG in Schaffhausen und der Züricher Hochschule Winterthur hydraulische Stoss-und Zugvorrichtungen für Güter-und Personenzüge entwickelt worden. Dank den Simulationsmodellen konnte die Zahl der Prototypen sehr klein gehalten werden. In den ersten Jahren ist das systemdynamische Werkzeug STELLA, danach Matlab/Simulink und zuletzt Modelica eingesetzt worden. Trotz Umfang und Erfolg dieses Unternehmens handelt es sich eigentlich um ein " Abfallprodukt " didaktischer Bemühungen, der Entwicklung der Physik der dynamischen Systeme.
Organisations who want to migrate their applications to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environments have a lot of PaaS vendors to chose from and many PaaS offerings within them. At the PaaS abstraction level within the cloud service model,... more
Organisations who want to migrate their applications to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environments have a lot of PaaS vendors to chose from and many PaaS offerings within them. At the PaaS abstraction level within the cloud service model, each vendor offers many different configurations to meet the specific organisation's criteria to migrate to PaaS and the application's requirements. PaaS providers and their offerings differ in terms of the supplied execution environments, databases, web servers, or development tools. Enterprises have difficulties to choose the right PaaS offering for them to deploy their applications to and have to manually configure their applications according to the PaaS selection. All in all, this is an error-prone process which model-driven approaches can facilitate. This paper shows the meta models needed to describe the application to be deployed to a PaaS offering, the PaaS offering itself, and the migrated applications with re-scattered components to both the local premises and PaaS. The InCLOUDer decision support system uses these meta models to support the deployment of the application to the PaaS offering which best helps enterprises in achieving the criteria which motivate them to start using PaaS environments. InCLOUDer keeps some of the application's components locally to fulfil the constraints of organisations related to security, data privacy, performance, compatibility, and governance.
With the emergence of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the increasing complexity in development and operation demands for an efficient engineering process. In the recent years DevOps promotes closer continuous integration of system... more
With the emergence of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the increasing complexity in development and operation demands for an efficient engineering process. In the recent years DevOps promotes closer continuous integration of system development and its operational deployment perspectives. In this context, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is beneficial to improve the system design and integration activities, however, it is still limited despite its high potential. AIDOaRT is a 3 years long H2020-ECSEL European project involving 32 organizations, grouped in clusters from 7 different countries, focusing on AIaugmented automation supporting modelling, coding, testing, monitoring and continuous development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The project proposes to apply Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) principles and techniques to provide a framework offering proper AI-enhanced methods and related tooling for building trustable CPSs. The framework is intended to work within the DevOps practices combining software development and information technology (IT) operations. In this regard, the project points at enabling AI for IT operations (AIOps) to automate decision making process and complete system development tasks. This paper presents an overview of the project with the aim to discuss context, objectives and the proposed approach.
Game-construction engines enable developers to reuse assets from previously developed games, thus easing the software-engineering challenges around the video-game development experience and making the implementation of games less... more
Game-construction engines enable developers to reuse assets from previously developed games, thus easing the software-engineering challenges around the video-game development experience and making the implementation of games less expensive, less technologically brittle, and more efficient. However, the construction of game engines is challenging in itself; it involves the specification of well defined architectures and typical gameplay behaviors, flexible enough to enable game designers to implement their vision, while, at the same time, simplifying the implementation through asset and code reuse. In this paper we present a set of lessons learned through the design and construction PhyDSL-2, a game engine for 2D physics-based games. Our experience involves the active use of modern model-driven engineering technologies, to overcome the complexity of the engine design and to systematize its maintenance and evolution.
One common goal followed by software engineers is to deliver a product which satisfies the requirements of different stakeholders. Software requirements are generally categorized into functional and Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs).... more
One common goal followed by software engineers is to deliver a product which satisfies the requirements of different stakeholders. Software requirements are generally categorized into functional and Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs). While NFRs may not be the main focus in developing some applications, there are systems and domains where the satisfaction of NFRs is even critical and one of the main factors which can determine the success or failure of the delivered product, notably in embedded systems. While the satisfaction of functional requirements can be decomposed and determined locally, NFRs are interconnected and have impacts on each other. For this reason, they cannot be considered in isolation and a careful balance and trade-off among them needs to be established. We provide a generic model-based approach to evaluate the satisfaction of NFRs taking into account their mutual impacts and dependencies. By providing indicators regarding the satisfaction level of NFRs in the system, the approach enables to compare different system design models and also identify parts of the system which can be good candidates for modification in order to achieve better satisfaction levels.
The handicraft sector is booming in India with a demand for it witnessed in the whole world. However, the artisans who engage in the profession fail to witness proper design education and market orientation that equips them to better... more
The handicraft sector is booming in India with a demand for it witnessed in the whole world. However, the artisans who engage in the profession fail to witness proper design education and market orientation that equips them to better respond to the sector. There are initiatives taken by the government and NGOs to uplift the lives of these artisans. The paper attempts to understand the impact of one such initiative taken by Kala Raksha Trust to preserve and promote the traditional arts and crafts of Kutch, Gujarat. Kala Raksha Vidhyalaya is an initiative of Kala Raksha that impart design education to the artisans of Kutch district of Gujarat. So far, 116 graduates have graduated from school and are working in the sector. The paper attempt to understand the impact KRV has created on the life of these artisans who graduated from the school. The paper concludes with a Swastika Model of Rural Design Schooling (SMRDS) which has been designed based on the observations made from KRV’s work in the arts and crafts domain.
El Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (DSDM) es una propuesta para la construcción de software en la que se les atribuye a los modelos el papel principal de todo el proceso, frente a las propuestas tradicionales basadas en... more
El Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (DSDM) es una propuesta para la construcción de software en la que se les atribuye a los modelos el papel principal de todo el proceso, frente a las propuestas tradicionales basadas en lenguajes de programación, plataformas de objetos y componentes software.
Los Modelos en diferentes niveles de abstracción surgen con el propósito de agilizar el proceso de construcción de software, lo cual es un movimiento centrado en el uso de modelos en diferentes niveles de abstracción. Se tiene actualmente entre las principales propuestas en este sentido aquellas como: la Arquitectura Dirigida por Modelos y el Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (MDA y MDSD, por sus siglas en ingles). En este trabajo se hace una revisión de la literatura a cerca de estas dos propuestas.
JsonLogic structures, based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), are used in software applications in order to create business process rules. However, JsonLogic's textual syntax is different from the general purpose programming languages... more
JsonLogic structures, based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), are used in software applications in order to create business process rules. However, JsonLogic's textual syntax is different from the general purpose programming languages and it causes difficulties on the formalization of complex business rules. This unfamiliar way of rule creation may also lead to a time-consuming and error-prone development process. In this paper, we introduce a web based visual modeling tool which facilitates the construction of such business rules by following a model-driven engineering methodology. Inside this tool, the developers can visually design business rules with the block programming approach and corresponding JsonLogic codes are automatically generated. Moreover, changes made in these auto-generated codes can be reflected automatically to the related models inside the tool without any human intervention. Hence the synchronization between JsonLogic models and codes is provided. It has also been found that JsonLogic business rules can be created with significantly fewer visual components and hence with simpler models in comparison with the unique editor currently available for the similar purpose. The modeling tool is now used by Hermes Iletisim company during the development of various commercial software products.
Abstrakt: Ky punim ka për qëllim të analizoj ndikimin e politikave qeveritare në zhvillimin ekonomik të Kosovës nëpërmjetmbështetjes së NVM-ve. Sistemi i mbështetjes qeveritare është reformuar shpesh, dhe ka një debat të vazhdueshëm në... more
Abstrakt: Ky punim ka për qëllim të analizoj ndikimin e politikave qeveritare në zhvillimin ekonomik të Kosovës nëpërmjetmbështetjes së NVM-ve. Sistemi i mbështetjes qeveritare është reformuar shpesh, dhe ka një debat të vazhdueshëm në qarqet shkencore dhe qeveritare për mënyrën si duhet të dizajnohet skema e mbështetjes qeveritare për ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme. Andaj, me të drejt lindin pyetjet: Si i mbështet qeveria e Kosovës NVM-të? A është kjo mënyrë e mbështetjes e përshtatshme për zhvillimin ekonomik të Kosovës? Cilat forma tjera të mbështetjes duhet të aplikohen në Kosovë? Objective i punimit është të i'u përgjigjet këtyre pyetjeve nëpërmejt analizës së të dhënave ekzistuese të mbështetjes e cila aplikohet në Kosovë dhe krahasimin e tyre me vendet e zhvilluara ekonomikisht. Ndërmarrjet e vogëla dhe të mesme janë katalizatori kryesorë i zhvillimit ekonomik në Kosovës, si të tilla politikat qeveritare duhet ti kushtojnë rëndësi të veçant zhvillimit të tyre. Ky studim argumenton atë çka është shumë e nevojshme për politikat e mbështetjes qeveritare në NVM dhe prezanton idenë e zhvillimit të qëndrueshëm të funksionimit të ekonomisë nëpërmjet rritjes së NVM-vë. Fjalët kyçe: Kosovë, politika qeveritare, NVM, mbështetje. Hyrje Një sfidë me të cilin përballën të gjitha vendet në tranzicion është krijimi i një mjedisi miqësorë për NVM-të dhe transformimi i shoqërisë drejt ekonomisë së tregut. Si bëhet ky transformim? Sipas Szabó, A. (2006) thelbi i transformimit politik dhe ekonomik të një vendi në tranzicion është krijimi i sektorit privatë, zhvillimi i sektorit të ndërmarrësi dhe krijimi i ndërmarrjeve të vogla dhe të mesme. Ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme janë ndër faktorët më të rëndësishëm të rritjes së ekonomisë globale. Në Evropë, NVM-të kanë rolin kryesorë në krijimin e vendeve të reja të punës dhe në rritjen ekonomike prandaj shpesh quhen shtylla kurrizore e ekonomisë Evropiane. Mbështetjae NVM-ve është njëra ndër politikat kryesoree të gjithaqeverivetë shteteve tëBashkimit Evropian (OECD, 2014). Në Bashkimin Evropian (BE), NVM-të përbëjnë 99% të gjitha ndërmarrjeve jofinanciare dhe67% të punësimit total si dhe gjenerojnë 58% të vlerës së shtuar totale (Alexandra Moritz et at, 2015). Sipas (Raportit KOSME, 2014) 419 , në Kosovë ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme përbëjnë pjesën kryesore të ekonomisë së sektorit privat ku absorbojnë përafërsisht 80% e punësimitdhe 99.9% të ndërmarrjeve në Kosovë. Por pavarësisht rëndësisë së NVM-ve në zhvillimin ekonomik të Kosovës, mjedisi i gjerë i biznesit tregon disa dobësi të cilat e pengojnë këtë sektor që të zhvillohet me potencialin e plotë në aspektin e punësimit, produktivitetit dhe vlerës së shtuar, andaj vlen të theksohet se drejtimi i politikave nga mbështetja e NVM-ve do të thotë drejtim në rritjen ekonomike të vendit. Sipas (Raportit të Ministrisë së Tregtisë dhe Industrisë) 420 në Kosovë një numër i konsiderueshëm i bizneseve fillestare nuk po mbijetojnë dhe zhvillohen në treg si pasoj e së cilës nuk po prodhohet punësim dhe zhvillim ekonomik. Pasi që shumica e shteteve Evropiane dhe botërore i kushtojnë rendësi të veçanetzhvillimit të NVM-ve, atëherë edhe Kosova si shtet me ekonomi të lire të
- by Xhavit Islami and +1
- •
- Model-Driven Development
Resumen El presente trabajo se produce por la necesidad de conocer y comprender los límites del desempeño en los sistemas informáticos transaccionales, bajo un enfoque de identificar los factores críticos dentro de las pruebas de estrés... more
Resumen El presente trabajo se produce por la necesidad de conocer y comprender los límites del desempeño en los sistemas informáticos transaccionales, bajo un enfoque de identificar los factores críticos dentro de las pruebas de estrés de dichos sistemas. Con el creciente uso del Internet y las aplicaciones móviles, los sistemas convencionales han visto incrementar considerablemente su volumen transaccional debido a la popularidad en el uso de estos canales. Se pretende realizar una revisión del Estado del Arte en cuanto a pruebas de estrés, por lo que se ha recurrido a varios autores que han generado grandes aportes en este tema para lograr determinar varias conclusiones y sugerencias a la hora de montar una fase de pruebas de estrés. Los resultados de esta investigación bibliográfica han sido satisfactorios, ya que tienen su basamento en metodologías y experimentación de situaciones reales, los cuales dejan un precedente para ponerlas en práctica y ante cualquier otro tipo de estudio que se desee complementar. Palabras clave: pruebas de estrés, sistemas transaccionales, carga de trabajo, desempeño. Abstract This work has been produced by the need to know and understand the limits of performance in transactional information systems, with a focus on identifying the critical factors in stress testing of such systems. With the increasing use of Internet and mobile applications, conventional systems have considerably increased its transactional volume due to popularity in the use of these channels. Thus, it has resorted to several authors, who have generated great contributions in this issue, in order to get some conclusions and suggestions determine when mounting a stress test phase. The results of this work has been satisfactory, as they have their foundation in methodologies and testing of real situations, which leave a precedent to implement them and to any other type of additional study.
in this article we deal with DSL (domain specific language) ,internal or external DSL. We present terminology and expression about DSL and after that we present differences between Internal and External DSL and make example with them show... more
in this article we deal with DSL (domain specific language) ,internal or external DSL. We present terminology and expression about DSL and after that we present differences between Internal and External DSL and make example with them show you why software engineers choose this method for development the project and show you instance projects that made by the Model Driven software development and show you some reason why industrial companies use this method how industrialized countries use this method for development of projects why collaborative development is important in these days.we describe methods of collaborative development.for example DSL for communicate between domain experts and development team .unified modeling language.Sysml for system engineering.commercial toolkits for model driven engineering and Architecture description languages(ADLs).
The study focuses on the impact of training and development on employee performance at United Bottling Company in Mogadishu-Somalia. Accordingly, data was collected using a questionnaire. The study was limited to employees of UBC. The... more
The study focuses on the impact of training and
development on employee performance at United Bottling
Company in Mogadishu-Somalia. Accordingly, data was
collected using a questionnaire. The study was limited to
employees of UBC. The data was collected from 63
respondents subsequently; the findings revealed that
working conditions and a lack of resources affect the
training and development of employees. It is recommended
that certain areas be improved, that is, management
support, the provision of feedback to employees and the
conducting of employee training on a continuous basis. The
findings show that this would improve employee
performance in the organization. On the other hand, the
study also showed from the literature that there are strong
positive relation between of training and development and
employee performance.
En este artículo presentamos la investigación y desarrollo en curso de la herramienta SBWmx-Tool, una aplicación Web para el cálculo de los factores empleados en la construcción de estructuras marítimas (rompeolas, escolleras y... more
En este artículo presentamos la investigación y desarrollo en curso de la herramienta SBWmx-Tool, una aplicación Web
para el cálculo de los factores empleados en la construcción de estructuras marítimas (rompeolas, escolleras y espigones)
tales como el peso de los elementos de la estructura, coeficiente de transmisión del oleaje y el espesor de la coraza, entre
otros. SBWmx-Tool ha sido ideada para auxiliar al Ingeniero Civil (Construcción) en el diseño de estructuras marítimas a
través de la aplicación de distintas fórmulas, por ejemplo, la fórmula de Hudson, utilizada para la estabilidad de los
elementos de la estructura en condiciones normales y de tormenta. Durante la fase inicial del proceso de desarrollo, se
utilizó una aproximación orientada a objetivos para la especificación de requisitos así como el método para el desarrollo
de aplicaciones Web A-OOH (Adaptive Object-Oriented Hypertext). La aproximación utilizada como sustento teórico es
SBWmx (Submersible Breakwaters Approach), metodología empleada en el diseño y construcción de estructuras
marítimas, desarrollada en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
Nowadays, software development is evolving exponentially, with the hand of hardware and technological innovations. New languages or paradigms are required to provide solutions to those new technologies. This contributes to frequent... more
Nowadays, software development is evolving exponentially, with the hand of hardware and technological innovations. New languages or paradigms are required to provide solutions to those new technologies. This contributes to frequent changes in focus and as result of new areas of deployment,[Khaz00].
The model-driven architecture approach (MDA) promotes software development as driven by a thorough modeling phase where application code is automatically generated from a platform specific UML model (PSM). The idea is that the PSM is... more
The model-driven architecture approach (MDA) promotes software development as driven by a
thorough modeling phase where application code is automatically generated from a platform specific
UML model (PSM). The idea is that the PSM is itself derived from a platform independent UML
model (PIM). Such code generation and model derivation are examples of model-to-model
This paper presents the Visual Model Transformation (VMT) approach, which includes a
transformation language and a tool to support UML model transformations. The transformation
language is a visual declarative language that supports the specification, composition and reuse of
model transformation rules. These rules make use of the OCL language and a visual notation to
indicate the selection, creation, modification and removal of model elements. An abstract denotational
semantics based on graph transformation is sketched for the VMT language. We also present the
MEDAL tool, which is a prototype build on top of IBM/Rational XDE development environment, and
is a first step towards tool support for the VMT approach.
Las aproximaciones sistemáticas para el modelado, análisis y especificación de requisitos en ingeniería Web basadas en una arquitectura dirigida por modelos (Model-Driven Architecture, MDA) carecen de soporte para trazabilidad entre los... more
Las aproximaciones sistemáticas para el modelado, análisis y
especificación de requisitos en ingeniería Web basadas en una arquitectura dirigida por modelos (Model-Driven Architecture, MDA) carecen de soporte para trazabilidad entre los modelos conceptuales, le dan poca relevancia, no la incluyen por completo o sus respectivas técnicas están pobremente aplicadas en el campo de la ingeniería Web. En este trabajo, se presenta una propuesta mediante el uso de los modelos de weaving para soportar la trazabilidad entre el modelo de requisitos y modelo de dominio, ambos, modelos conceptuales del método A-OOH (Adaptive-Object Oriented Hipermedia).
There is no specialized survey about model-driven software reverse engineering in the last view years. This research goal is to identify the challenges, problems and solutions related to model-driven reverse engineering using the latest... more
There is no specialized survey about model-driven software reverse engineering in the last view years. This research goal is to identify the challenges, problems and solutions related to model-driven reverse engineering using the latest software technology and methods. By using Systematic Literature Review (SLR), taking the form of a scoping study. Three digital libraries are used as publication sources: Science Direct, IEEExplore, and Google Scholar to get model-driven reverse engineering topic that published between 2011 and 2015 using several keywords. There are eight studies that reviewed after selection steps. According to the result, we can categorize the main theme into six category that related to model driven reverse engineering, organizational, web application, textual, Object Oriented Programming, Graphical User Interface and general implementation. We found the advantage from model driven reverse engineering: can be applied in the source code or non source code. We also found the disadvatages, that are: does not support scalability and there no general output from modelling.
A model is a well-formed, adequate, and dependable instrument that represents origins. Its criteria of well-formedness, adequacy, and dependability must be commonly accepted by its community of practice within some context and correspond... more
A model is a well-formed, adequate, and dependable instrument that represents origins. Its criteria of well-formedness, adequacy, and dependability must be commonly accepted by its community of practice within some context and correspond to the functions that a model fulfills in utilisation scenarios. As an instrument or more specifically an artifact a model comes with its background, e.g. paradigms, assumptions, postulates, language, thought community, etc. The background its often given only in an implicit form. The background is often implicit and hidden. A well-formed instrument is adequate for a collection of origins if it is analogous to the origins to be represented according to some analogy criterion, it is more focused (e.g. simpler, truncated, more abstract or reduced) than the origins being modelled, and it sufficiently satisfies its purpose. Well-formedness enables an instrument to be justified by an empirical corroboration according to its objectives, by rational coherence and conformity explicitly stated through conformity formulas or statements, by falsifiability or validation, and by stability and plasticity within a collection of origins. The instrument is sufficient by its quality characterisation for internal quality, external quality and quality in use or through quality characteristics such as correctness, generality, usefulness, comprehensibility, parsimony, robustness, novelty etc. Sufficiency is typically combined with some assurance evaluation (tolerance, modality, confidence, and restrictions). A well-formed instrument is called dependable if it is sufficient and is justified for some of the justification properties and some of the sufficiency characteristics.
Engineers face significant challenges in developing cyber-physical systems (CPS) due to their heterogeneous nature, i.e. the need for knowledge and skills from a wide range of academic and industrial disciplines, the integration of the... more
Engineers face significant challenges in developing cyber-physical systems (CPS) due to their heterogeneous nature, i.e. the need for knowledge and skills from a wide range of academic and industrial disciplines, the integration of the artifacts of these disciplines and fields, and the difficulty of maintaining such heterogeneous artifacts should be taken into account. The development of CPS mostly needs a unified methodology that permits efficient raise of the abstraction level to overcome issues of heterogeneity induced by the multidisciplinary nature of the system. Model-driven engineering (MDE) is believed to be an alternative solution to overcome the challenges faced while developing CPS. This paper presents a systematic mapping study on using the MDE paradigm in CPS development and management. 140 research papers published during the period 2010–2018 are evaluated. The study mainly enables to find out the followed approaches when applying MDE for CPS, addressed CPS challenges, application domains and presented case studies. Results showed that the number of publications in this field is continuously increasing in recent years. Results also showed that metamodeling and model-based approaches are mostly adopted by the researchers affiliated to Europe, while DSL-based approach is adopted mostly by USA affiliated researchers. Only 45% of the studies consider a specific CPS application domain in which Smart Manufacturing is the most addressed domain followed by Critical Infrastructure, Health Care and Medicine. Moreover, the majority of the studies present case studies as the main evaluation method for the proposed MDE solutions. Conducting empirical evaluations is mostly missing. The results also revealed that various CPS challenges are addressed, and the most addressed ones are the complexity and interoperability aspects of CPS.
Modern model-driven engineering and Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) methods are rarely utilized in developing robotic software. In this paper, we show how a Model-Driven AOSE methodology can be used for specifying the behavior... more
Modern model-driven engineering and Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) methods are rarely utilized in developing robotic software. In this paper, we show how a Model-Driven AOSE methodology can be used for specifying the behavior of multi-robot teams. Specifically, the Agent Systems Engineering Methodology (ASEME) was used for developing the software that realizes the behavior of a physical robot team competing in the Standard Platform League of the RoboCup competition (the robot soccer world cup). The team consists of four humanoid robots, which play soccer autonomously in real time utilizing the on-board sensing, processing, and actuating capabilities, while communicating and coordinating with each other in order to achieve their common goal of winning the game. Our work focuses on the challenges of coordinating the base functionalities (object recognition, localization, motion skills) within each robot (intra-agent control) and coordinating the activities of the robots towards a desired team behavior (inter-agent control). We discuss the difficulties we faced and present the solutions we gave to a number of practical issues, which, in our view, are inherent in applying any AOSE methodology to robotics. We demonstrate the added value of using an AOSE methodology in the development of robotic systems, as ASEME allowed for a platform-independent team behavior specification, automated a large part of the code generation process, and reduced the total development time.
The software analysis process consists of two main activities: data modeling and functional modeling. While traditional development methodologies usually emphasize functional modeling via dataflow diagrams (DFDs), object-oriented (OO)... more
The software analysis process consists of two main activities: data modeling and functional modeling. While traditional development methodologies usually emphasize functional modeling via dataflow diagrams (DFDs), object-oriented (OO) methodologies emphasize data modeling via class diagrams. UML includes techniques for both data and functional modeling which are used in different methodologies in different ways and orders. This article is concerned with the ordering of modeling activities in the analysis stage. The main issue we address is whether it is better to create a functional model first and then a data model, or vice versa. We conduct a comparative experiment in which the two opposing orders are examined. We use the FOOM methodology as a platform for the experiment as it enables the creation of both a data model (a class diagram) and a functional model (hierarchical OO-DFDs), which are synchronized. The results of the experiment show that an analysis process that begins with data modeling provides better specifications than one that begins with functional modeling.
Cubie™ is a creative thinking tool that helps individuals and groups think and act more innovatively. It’s designed to illustrate many different ways for expanding one's imagination, for challenging conventional wisdom, and for awakening... more
This paper explores the scientific viability of the concept of causality—by questioning a central element of the distinction between " fundamental " and non-fundamental physics. It will be argued that the prevalent emphasis on fundamental... more
This paper explores the scientific viability of the concept of causality—by questioning a central element of the distinction between " fundamental " and non-fundamental physics. It will be argued that the prevalent emphasis on fundamental physics involves formalistic and idealized partial models of physical regularities abstracting from and idealizing the causal evolution of physical systems. The accepted roles of partial models and of the special sciences in the growth of knowledge help demonstrate proper limitations of the concept of fundamental physics. We expect that a cause precedes its effect. But in some tension with this point, fundamental physical law is often held to be symmetrical and all-encompassing. Physical time, however, has not only measurable extension, as with spatial dimensions, it also has a direction—from the past through the present into the future. This preferred direction is time's arrow. In spite of this standard contrast of time with space, if all the fundamental laws of physics are symmetrical, they are indifferent to time's arrow. In consequence, excessive emphasis on the ideal of symmetrical, fundamental laws of physics generates skepticism regarding the common-sense and scientific uses of the concept of causality. The expectation has been that all physical phenomena are capable of explanation and prediction by reference to fundamental physicals laws—so that the laws and phenomena of statistical thermodynamics—and of the special sciences—must be derivative and/or secondary. The most important and oft repeated explanation of time's arrow, however, is provided by the second law of thermodynamics. This paper explores the prospects for time's arrow based on the second law. The concept of causality employed here is empirically based, though acknowledging practical scientific interests, and is linked to time's arrow and to the thesis that there can be no causal change, in any domain of inquiry, without physical interaction.
Travelling models are standardized, planned interventions of a social engineering nature (such as public policies or development programmes) that are implemented in many LMICs. Like other travelling models, cash transfer programmes are... more
Travelling models are standardized, planned interventions of a social engineering nature (such as public policies or development programmes) that are implemented in many LMICs. Like other travelling models, cash transfer programmes are based on a founding success story, in this instance from Brazil and Mexico. This ‘story’ was decontextualized from its original settings and its complex local history with a view to highlighting a fundamental distinction between a ‘context’, which is considered favourable but secondary, and a ‘mechanism’, which is considered central and explanatory, endowed with an intrinsic efficiency, and thus supposedly able to function in various contexts. A set of ‘devices’ associated with the mechanism (together with their instruments) was created and validated: targeting, cash delivery and, optionally, conditionalities. The ‘model’ was then suited for export, first to South America and then worldwide thanks to the efforts of international institutions along with specialists, procedures, expertise, training, manuals, evaluations, networks and conferences (the ‘cash transfer business’). However, like other travelling models, cash transfer programmes are in the course of their implementation confronted with local pragmatic contexts, including various stakeholders, the agency of actors, social and practical local norms, and a plurality of action logics, routines and informalities. Being more often than not underestimated in practice and insufficiently taken in account in the field, the contexts take their revenge in many ways. Of course, ‘magic bullets’ have been the object of many critiques, and many policy makers and development experts proclaim that context matters, however, travelling models still prevail and flourish in reality. The different concepts used for analyzing cash transfers and more generally travelling models are developed in three ‘theoretical digressions’ in order to open a broader scientific debate.
This article takes up the idea of model-driven development in a new way and analyses existing points of criticism of this approach, which is well established in practice. The advantages of model-driven development seem obvious on the one... more
This article takes up the idea of model-driven development in a new way and analyses existing points of criticism of this approach, which is well established in practice. The advantages of model-driven development seem obvious on the one hand, on the other hand there is criticism of the practicable use and the accusation of missing suitable process models. This environment of professional software development is currently characterized by the use of agile process models such as Scrum, XP, etc. However, an agile process model for the use of model-driven development (MDD) does not yet exist. An analysis of the similarities between existing approaches to MDD process models and existing agile modelling techniques forms the basis for the definition of a new agile process model. The Agile Model-Driven Method (AMDM) is the result of these studies.
When dealing with complex systems, information is very often fragmented across many different models expressed within a variety of (modeling) languages. To provide the relevant information in an appropriate way to different kinds of... more
When dealing with complex systems, information is very often fragmented across many different models expressed within a variety of (modeling) languages. To provide the relevant information in an appropriate way to different kinds of stakeholders, (parts of) such models have to be combined and potentially revamped by focusing on concerns of particular interest for them. Thus, mechanisms to define and compute views over models are highly needed. Several approaches have already been proposed to provide (semi-)automated support for dealing with such model views. This paper provides a detailed overview of the current state-of-the-art in this area. To achieve this, we relied on our own experiences of designing and applying such solutions in order to conduct a literature review on this topic. As a result, we discuss the main capabilities of existing approaches and propose a corresponding research agenda. We notably contribute a feature model describing what we believe to be the most important characteristics of the support for views on models. We expect this work to be helpful to both current and potential future users and developers of model view techniques, as well as to any person generally interested in model-based software and systems engineering.
- by Hugo Bruneliere and +2
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- Software Engineering, Model-Driven Development, Modeling
Saldaña, M. R. R., Del Prette, A., & Del Prette, Z. A. P. (2002). A importância da teoria da aprendizagem social na constituição da área do treinamento de habilidades sociais. In: Guilhardi, H. J., Madi, M. B. B., Queiroz, P. P., & Scoz,... more
Saldaña, M. R. R., Del Prette, A., & Del Prette, Z. A. P. (2002). A importância da teoria da aprendizagem social na constituição da área do treinamento de habilidades sociais. In: Guilhardi, H. J., Madi, M. B. B., Queiroz, P. P., & Scoz, M. C. (Orgs.), Sobre comportamento e cognição: Contribuições para a construção da teoria do comportamento (pp. 269-283). Santo André: ESETec.