Monastic Life Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Zusammenfassung:Bibliothek ist Gedächtnis, Bibliothek perspektiviert Gedächtnis und Bibliothek formiert Gedächtnis: So lauten die bibliothekspolitischen Axiome, mit denen die Kultureinrichtung Bibliothek Zeugnis ablegt von der Macht der... more
Zusammenfassung:Bibliothek ist Gedächtnis, Bibliothek perspektiviert Gedächtnis und Bibliothek formiert Gedächtnis: So lauten die bibliothekspolitischen Axiome, mit denen die Kultureinrichtung Bibliothek Zeugnis ablegt von der Macht der Memoria. Im Fall der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg wurden Macht und Grenzen der institutionellen Memoria sichtbar durch ihre Infragestellung. Im Jahr 2010 wurde nicht nur offen über die Auflösung der Sammlung gesprochen, sondern zugleich auch über die Bedeutung der Einrichtung, die durch Vergewisserung der Memoria bekräftigt wurde. Der Fortbestand der Bibliothek und die Integrität der Sammlung konnten 2012 durch Einbindung in das System der regionalen Staatlichen Bibliotheken gesichert werden. Die Zukunft der regional orientierten Forschungsbibliothek liegt in der Zukunft der Memoria, entfaltet durch verschiedene Strategien des Bestandsmanagements, der Erschließung, der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und des Bibliotheksbaus.
- by Michael Knüppel
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Analysis of the misled mundane perceptions of monasteries and monastic life, and finding ways to change this concepts to the appropriate social reality in order to improve relations between the mundane and the monastic population, and... more
Analysis of the misled mundane perceptions of monasteries and monastic life, and finding ways to change this concepts to the appropriate social reality in order to improve relations between the mundane and the monastic population, and also to increase the role of monasteries in moral and spiritual development of adolescents and youth. The key to this problem is communion, meaning together-living, together-working and together-thinking. The great revelation of Christianity was and is that the community comes first, either the big or the small communtiy. Great empires have induced the illusion that the great things, the secrets and the keys to our lives they are somewhere above or outside the small circle of our lives.
- by Elmar Busse
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- by paula dias
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- Religion, Philosophy, Humanities, Women
A comparison of the rule of the Templars and the Hospitallers in the early 14th century
- by Anke Napp
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This article is devoted to the study of sources transmitting the Sermon to the Coenobitic Monastic Brotherhood and its spheres of influence. The article determines authentic copies of this text and considers several elements: charters of... more
This article is devoted to the study of sources transmitting the Sermon to the Coenobitic Monastic Brotherhood and its spheres of influence. The article determines authentic copies of this text and considers several elements: charters of the founders of several Russian monasteries and lectures to the brotherhood of the coenobitic monasteries and to their new members. Authors of Old Russian disciplinary charters were guided by apostolic and patristic texts; these sources were used not in their original language but in translation. Quotations from these authoritative compositions were often incorporated into charters through other texts, both translated and Russian. In their borrowings, the authors of these charters also used material that had been borrowed by their predecessors, who relied on their own authoritative texts. The Sermon to the Coenobitic Monastic Brotherhood is known in the Russian manuscript tradition from the beginning of the 15th century. Among its sources, there are...
- by Elmar Mittler
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- Art, DDC
Rezension zu: Dieter Salch, Vestis Alba et Crux Nigra. Weißer Mantel und schwarzes Kreuz. Die Insignien des Deutschen Ordens. Ein Beitrag um Recht und zur Rechtsgeschichte des Deutschen Ordens (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des... more
Rezension zu: Dieter Salch, Vestis Alba et Crux Nigra. Weißer Mantel und schwarzes Kreuz. Die Insignien des Deutschen Ordens. Ein Beitrag um Recht und zur Rechtsgeschichte des Deutschen Ordens (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 62; Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens 7), N. G. Elwert Verlag, Marburg 2009, 253 S., 16 Abb. ISBN: 978-3-7708-1335-3
- by Helmut Flachenecker
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- Art
- by Hans-Ulrich Seifert
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- by Marcus Free
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- by Jochen Burgtorf
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Vorgestellt wird das Exemplar eines Baseler Drucks von 1550 aus dem Bestand der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz, das 1560 auf dem Mainzer Krempelmarkt von einem Binger Bürger erworben wurde. Das Werk enthält Johannes Reuchlins... more
Vorgestellt wird das Exemplar eines Baseler Drucks von 1550 aus dem Bestand der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz, das 1560 auf dem Mainzer Krempelmarkt von einem Binger Bürger erworben wurde. Das Werk enthält Johannes Reuchlins Alterswerk "De arte cab(b)alistica" und die Schrift "De arcanis catholicae veritatis" des Apuliers Pietro Galatino.
This three-part article considers the Instruction "Cor orans" (May 15, 2018), an Instruction which applies Pope Francis' Apostolic Constitution "Vultum Dei Quaerere" of July 22, 2016), which affects communities of nuns. The three parts... more
This three-part article considers the Instruction "Cor orans" (May 15, 2018), an Instruction which applies Pope Francis' Apostolic Constitution "Vultum Dei Quaerere" of July 22, 2016), which affects communities of nuns. The three parts look respectively at the background, content, and implications of "Cor orans".
Introduction and translation:
Sr. Pascale-Dominique Nau, OP
This article analyses the letter that Augustine wrote a letter to Laetus, a Catholic layman from Africa who had entered a monastery but left after his father’s death because of his attachment to his mother and his family. While trying to... more
This article analyses the letter that Augustine wrote a letter to Laetus, a Catholic layman from Africa who had entered a monastery but left after his father’s death because of his attachment to his mother and his family. While trying to console him for the struggle he was going through, Augustine pointed out to the young man that he needed to order his love in the right way so that human affections would not stop him from achieving his resolve to embrace the monastic life. However, despite his call for family renunciation, Augustine exhorted Laetus to observe a certain degree of family loyalty. He was called to give any property he intended to free himself of to his mother and siblings and thus liberate his neck from the burden of any family attachment. We contend that Laetus’ predicament is still a reality today in religious life and that Augustine’s answer is relevant to us even in our context.
The foundations of monastic life are not particularly taken into account in the core theological courses. What should therefore be the theological training of Benedictines from the beginning of their religious life and then during the... more
The foundations of monastic life are not particularly taken into account in the core theological courses. What should therefore be the theological training of Benedictines from the beginning of their religious life and then during the years following the novitiate? Our young people, studying the theology conceived for diocesan priests, move away from the training received, often in an insufficient way, during the novitiate. With this principle in mind, it is appropriate to follow a precise program that truly studies a theology inspired by St. Benedict. Featured as the November Translation of the Month (2022) in Feminae on the Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index website. Did you hear the one about the Mother Superior who was so busy casting the first stone that she got caught in flagrante delicto with her lover? What about the drunk with a Savior complex who was fool enough to believe himself to be the Second Coming? And that’s nothing compared to what happens when comedy gets its grubby paws on the confessional in Confessions of a Medieval Drama Queen and Blue Confessions. Welcome to the world of what I’ve typically called “the long Middle Ages.” Fifteenth- and sixteenth-century French farce was the “bestseller” of its day and it stands to tell us a lot about the sources of the humor of a Shakespeare or a Molière. It’s the world of Immaculate Deception, the third volume of my series of stage-friendly translations, featuring twelve more obscene, over-the-top, sacrilegious satires, each targeting religious hypocrisy in that in-your-face way that only true slapstick can muster. At long last and after many months of COVID-wrought delays, Volume 3 of the farces seems headed out into the world. If anyone is interested in an actual or virtual workshop, please let me know. I might be able to share a sneak peek of the script.
Annelen Ottermann wurde 1954 in Hameln geboren. Nach dem Studium der Alten Geschichte, Geschichte und Philosophie in Hannover führte sie ihr Lebensweg nach Mainz, wo sie heute in der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz die Abteilung... more
Annelen Ottermann wurde 1954 in Hameln geboren. Nach dem Studium der Alten Geschichte, Geschichte und Philosophie in Hannover führte sie ihr Lebensweg nach Mainz, wo sie heute in der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz die Abteilung Handschriften, Rara und Alte Drucke leitet. Sie hat zahlreiche Publikationen über historische Hand-und Druckschriftenbestände der Stadtbibliothek veröffentlicht und ist Autorin der Rubrik "Aus dem Bücherturm der Stadtbibliothek" in den Mainz-Heften. 2006 hat Annelen Ottermann das erfolgreiche Projekt "Patient Buch sucht Paten" für die Restaurierung wertvoller Bücher ins Leben gerufen. Nach ihrer Pensionierung Mitte 2019 wird ihre Stelle nicht wieder besetzt, weshalb Teilbereiche ihrer Arbeit an der Schnittstelle zwischen Bibliothek und Forschung abgebrochen werden müssen. Die buchwissenschaftlichen Forschungen und Veröffentlichungen wird sie aber privat fortsetzen.
The early Buddhist disciplinary literature contains some of the oldest data on legal theory and practice available to scholars of South Asia. This literature is also of central importance for understanding the social structures and... more
The early Buddhist disciplinary literature contains some of the oldest data on legal theory and practice available to scholars of South Asia. This literature is also of central importance for understanding the social structures and relations of power within early Buddhist communities—as a set of self-regulating corporate groups—and their place within the broader fabric of premodern South Asian society. This chapter explores some aspects of procedural law in early Buddhist disciplinary literature as an entry point for understanding the operative modes of authority and the underpinnings of legislative thought in Buddhist monasticisms. Through a study of procedures for settling disputes or litigation (adhikaraṇaśamatha), I argue for a vision of power within early Buddhist communities that on the one hand prioritized community cohesion against individual needs, personal rights, or exchange of ideas, and on the other hand created opportunities for the resolution of conflicts and the public performance of community power and participatory ideals. I suggest that these issues get played out around a central tension in Buddhist monastic law and social life in general: the tension between legislative authority as originally unilateral and monocratic—a series of decrees issued by the sovereign Buddha—and a social context in which dissenting forces demand to be allowed expression.
The significance of Zen monastic life for environmental protection
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (traducción española del original italiano).
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en italiano).
- by Marek Smoliński
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This text examines the way of life of two groups of monks in eighth century Ireland, discussing whether their respective understanding of monastic life can be classed as genuinely 'community' or whether they are more accurately seen as a... more
This text examines the way of life of two groups of monks in eighth century Ireland, discussing whether their respective understanding of monastic life can be classed as genuinely 'community' or whether they are more accurately seen as a 'life-style enclave', under headings such as 'obedience' and 'prayer'.
As part of the reconstruction of the library of the Carmelites of Mainz an anthology of Melanchthoniana was discovered, which were protected by the Carmelites of Mainz by sewing together before the reception in the convent. This form of... more
في هذه الأيّام نصادف انتقادات حول بعض ممارساتنا الطقسيّة على أنّها شكليّات تقويّة. من هذه الممارسات الصوم الماديّ أي عن الزفرين. لذا رأيت أن أتكلّم عن هذه الظاهرة التي تنتشر في مجتمعنا اليوم. سأنطلق من هذه الآية: «وأمّا أنت فمتى صمت... more