Morrison Research Papers - (original) (raw)
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Although slavery has ended, the African-American people remained the object of oppression, violence, and racism in the white countries, particularly America, which is the setting of the novel. Beloved, which was written in 1987 by Toni... more
Although slavery has ended, the African-American people remained the object of oppression, violence, and racism in the white countries, particularly America, which is the setting of the novel. Beloved, which was written in 1987 by Toni Morison, depicts the multiple sorts of oppression that black people have experienced in America by their white oppressors. On the other hand, Fanon argues that black people in white societies are reduced to mere objects and exploited endlessly, therefore, they develop identity crises and wear white masks to win the approval or equal rights and recognition of the white people. However, regardless of their efforts and endeavors, the black people cannot change white man’s perception about them and remain an alien to them. This paper aims at representing the adversities black people encounter in white societies by applying Fanon’s ideas of psychoanalysis to Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved. The paper is a psychoanalytic study, where the reasons behind the a...
Artykuł jest filipiką skierowaną przeciwko tak zwanej krytyce etycznej oraz etycznemu nastawieniu w badaniach literaturoznawczych. Jednocześnie jego celem jest obrona autonomii i samoistnej wartości dzieł artystycznych, dewastowanych... more
Artykuł jest filipiką skierowaną przeciwko tak zwanej krytyce etycznej oraz etycznemu nastawieniu w badaniach literaturoznawczych. Jednocześnie jego celem jest obrona autonomii i samoistnej wartości dzieł artystycznych, dewastowanych przez rozmaite etyzmy. Wpisuje się on w coraz wyraźniejszy we współczesnym literaturoznawstwie odwrót od badań etycznych i powrót do tekstu jako takiego. Jest to wynikiem rozpoznania, że etyki (w liczbie mnogiej, nie ma bowiem etyki uniwersalnej) to ostatecznie ideologie i swej logice są jedynie narzucaniem określonych idei innym. Jest to niesamowity paradoks – szlachetne założenia stają się niezgodne ze swymi realizacjami. Co zaskakujące, w takim, etycznym, odczytaniu każdorazowo tekst artystyczny staje się tym słabszym, mniej istotnym, wręcz – nieważnym. Oczywiście wybór estetyki zawsze jest narażony na zarzuty. Sam może być uznany za wybór etyczny, zatem ideologiczny. W końcu nawet biały kwadrat Malewicza został uznany za nieetyczny, ponieważ takie p...
Although slavery has ended, the African-American people remained the object of oppression, violence, and racism in the white countries, particularly America, which is the setting of the novel. Beloved, which was written in 1987 by Toni... more
Although slavery has ended, the African-American people remained the object of oppression, violence, and racism in the white countries, particularly America, which is the setting of the novel. Beloved, which was written in 1987 by Toni Morison, depicts the multiple sorts of oppression that black people have experienced in America by their white oppressors. On the other hand, Fanon argues that black people in white societies are reduced to mere objects and exploited endlessly, therefore, they develop identity crises and wear white masks to win the approval or equal rights and recognition of the white people. However, regardless of their efforts and endeavors, the black people cannot change white man’s perception about them and remain an alien to them. This paper aims at representing the adversities black people encounter in white societies by applying Fanon’s ideas of psychoanalysis to Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved. The paper is a psychoanalytic study, where the reasons behind the a...
Slavery is an issue of great importance in American history. It affected black generation very badly and imprinted unforgettable impacts on their lives. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1982), Pulitzer Prize winner novel is a remarkable... more
Slavery is an issue of great importance in American history. It affected black generation very badly and imprinted unforgettable impacts on their lives. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1982), Pulitzer Prize winner novel is a remarkable work which has been written in Afro-American scenario. Present study aims to investigate the psychological effects of slavery on behavior of slaves and their imitation of their oppressors. Current study signifies the basic psychological impacts produced by oppression and gives information about slave psychology. The prime importance of present work is that it draws a relationship between literature and psychology, and describes the significance of literature for studying human mind and behavior. In accordance with current research work Frantz Fanon’s theory of Alienation and Psychology of Oppressed (1961) has been followed. Qualitative mode of paradigm has been used and data has been analyzed textually. Present work has found that slavery has immense...
Ky punim adreson çështjen e përkthimit të dokumenteve juridike të cilave kohët e fundit po i kushtohet vëmendje e veçantë, me fokus në një prej zhanreve me të ndjeshme, atë të konventave ndërkombëtare. Kemi zgjedhur të analizojmë tekstin... more
Ky punim adreson çështjen e përkthimit të dokumenteve juridike të cilave kohët e fundit po i kushtohet vëmendje e veçantë, me fokus në një prej zhanreve me të ndjeshme, atë të konventave ndërkombëtare. Kemi zgjedhur të analizojmë tekstin në gjuhën angleze (në origjinal) dhe versionin e përkthyer në shqip të Konventës së Kombeve të Bashkuara për Municionet Thërrmuese, të cilën Shqipëria e ka ratifikuar dhe është Shtet Palë. Do të fokusohemi te karakteristikat dhe veçoritë e gjuhës diplomatike-politike, në veçanti për stilin dhe tonin e konventës për municionet thërrmuese, për rëndësinë e disa njohurive paraprake si për hartuesit e këtyre dokumenteve ashtu edhe për përkthyesit. Gjithashtu, do të bëjmë një analizë stilistike me shembujt e vjelë nga konventa në fjalë në anglisht dhe në shqip për të kuptuar më mirë këto karakteristika. Edhe pse do të ballafaqojmë të dyja gjuhët – origjinalin dhe materialin e përkthyer – nuk mund ta konsiderojmë këtë analizë si kontrastive. Në fokusin e k...
While thinking about transgenerational ghosting, even before I had a term to represent my thoughts, my point of reference was my phobia of prisons. Yes, the very idea of prisons frightens me beyond belief; therefore, I don‟t break the... more
While thinking about transgenerational ghosting, even before I had a term to represent my thoughts, my point of reference was my phobia of prisons. Yes, the very idea of prisons frightens me beyond belief; therefore, I don‟t break the law. I have an aversion to federal court buildings, police departments, prison movies, prison scenes within other movies, people confined to chain-gangs, people in handcuffs, I distrust the police, and the list continues. When I realized that others don‟t categorically share my fear, I started to wonder about the source of it. I wondered, “Do prisons frighten me because my ancestors were enslaved? Do I remember, somehow, that feeling of insurmountable captivity? Do bodies remember?” Apparently, my questions did not exist in isolation; others had been investigating this notion as well. Toni Morrison provides an evocative perception of the notion of freedom, and its lack, in the foreword to her critically acclaimed novel, Beloved. She provides a personal...
Slavery is an issue of great importance in American history. It affected black generation very badly and imprinted unforgettable impacts on their lives. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1982), Pulitzer Prize winner novel is a remarkable... more
Slavery is an issue of great importance in American history. It affected black generation very badly and imprinted unforgettable impacts on their lives. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1982), Pulitzer Prize winner novel is a remarkable work which has been written in Afro-American scenario. Present study aims to investigate the psychological effects of slavery on behavior of slaves and their imitation of their oppressors. Current study signifies the basic psychological impacts produced by oppression and gives information about slave psychology. The prime importance of present work is that it draws a relationship between literature and psychology, and describes the significance of literature for studying human mind and behavior. In accordance with current research work Frantz Fanon’s theory of Alienation and Psychology of Oppressed (1961) has been followed. Qualitative mode of paradigm has been used and data has been analyzed textually. Present work has found that slavery has immense...
- by Nida Batool
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Toni Morrison’s superior literary oeuvre reconsiders the American past by introducing memories of subjects who have been ignored or misrepresented in official history, with particular attention to their identity construction. This paper... more
Toni Morrison’s superior literary oeuvre reconsiders the American past by introducing memories of subjects who have been ignored or misrepresented in official history, with particular attention to their identity construction. This paper aims to examine how the neglected history of African Americans is reconstructed in Morrison’s novel Home (2012) through remembrances of the protagonist, a Korean War veteran. His attempts to recall his personal and his family’s past shape the quest for identity. Concurrently, the narrative about the characters’ fates prompts a deeper retrospective of American race relations and debunks the myth of “the Fantastic Fifties” in the United States. Using scholarship on this topic and critical viewpoints of authors such as bell hooks about home in African Americans’ lives, this analysis seeks to explore Morrison’s novel Home, concentrating on how identity is constructed in the process of the main character’s remembrances of the past and growth toward self-r...
- by Ksenija Kondali
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Artykuł postuluje uzupełnienie badań nad literaturą i religią o studia nad literaturą i etyką. Te ostatnie rozwinęły się dynamicznie pod wpływem tzw. "zwrotu etycznego" w literaturoznawstwie. Najważniejsi badacze, którzy inspirują... more
Artykuł postuluje uzupełnienie badań nad literaturą i religią o studia nad literaturą i etyką. Te ostatnie rozwinęły się dynamicznie pod wpływem tzw. "zwrotu etycznego" w literaturoznawstwie. Najważniejsi badacze, którzy inspirują Tischnera to Paul Ricoeur, Charles Taylor, David Parker.
The author considers the method used by Thomas Pavel in his essay. This is a method of the ethics of reading, or rather of ethical literary criticism. Literary fiction is considered to be a record of human experience, which purifies human... more
WRITING AND READING IN A DIFFERENT WAY – EVARISTE DE PARNY’S CHANSONS MADÉCASSES The aim of this article is to present Evariste de Parny, a writer in the late 1700s and the first years of the 1800s., extremely popular in his time and... more
The aim of this article is to present Evariste de Parny, a writer in the late 1700s and the first years of the 1800s., extremely popular in his time and practically forgotten nowadays. His most special work, a book of poems – Chansons madécasses (1787) is the fi rst prose poetry in the history of french literature. Parny pretended that he have translated some of original, Malagasy popular songs. The originality lies in the new literary form and the expression of the indigenous people’s opinions and attitudes toward white men. Some others motives are noticeable – sensual love, aspects of malagasy people life or elements of religious beliefs. Despite many academic studies pointing the almost revolutionary and anti-colonial ideas expressed in Parny’s work, it’s
necessary to assert that the writer was a typical representative of the Age of Enlightenment and
his portrayal of Madagascar inhabitants is very close to the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau concerning the noble savage.
The article attempts to examine the roots of the myth of Flying Americans and the way it is connected with the shaping of cultural identity of African Americans within the formation of new religious movements in America. The significance... more
The article attempts to examine the roots of the myth of Flying Americans and the way it is connected with the shaping of cultural identity of African Americans within the formation of new religious movements in America. The significance of this narrative cannot be separated from the traumatic situation which generated it, hence the importance of its roots. The reference to the ethnohistorical reality and the general outline of the slaves’ beliefs throughout the time, allows one to trace back the original area of its occurrence.
Polish translation:
Daniel R. Schwartz, A Humanistic Ethics of Reading
- by Fernando Loredo
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- Ajedrez, Curso, Morrison, Chandler
The journey back home to Lotus, Georgia, that the protagonist of Morrison’s latest novel, Frank Money, undertakes is planted with too many obstacles to turn it into the kind of “reconnecting experience” that would help him to recover from... more
The journey back home to Lotus, Georgia, that the protagonist of Morrison’s latest novel, Frank Money, undertakes is planted with too many obstacles to turn it into the kind of “reconnecting experience” that would help him to recover from the traumas he suffers from. Frank’s sense of alienation is exacerbated by some hateful childhood memories, his participation in the Korean War and his painful losses there, the failure to support the woman he loves, and the racism that he still experiences in the U.S. of the 1950s. Home (2012) offers amplegrounds to discuss topics such as acts of remembrance, memory traces, the politics of mourning, and direct (and indirect) representations of trauma and sorrow. Yet, the main question the novel poses is to what extent Frank’s journey to rescue his younger sister, Cee, helps him to achieve some kind of redemption and whether that redemption is fully materialized at the end of the novel.
- by International Journal of English Studies (IJES) and +1
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- by Anna Głąb
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The author of the paper suggests, referring to the discussion provoked by Jonathan Culler’s text Omniscience, that the narration of science fiction expresses the category of omniscientific narration in a characteristic way. He proposes a... more
The author of the paper suggests, referring to the discussion provoked by Jonathan Culler’s text Omniscience, that the narration of science fiction expresses the category of omniscientific narration in a characteristic way. He proposes a thesis that the category has reached the key significance in comparison with the one of suspicion as an inherent part of the nature of science fiction.
- by susana hernandez
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