Reader Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction... more

Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction provisoire face à un récit inachevé. Bien qu’une mode esthétique et théorique ait tenté de nous convaincre que ce plaisir était honteux, on peut néanmoins avoir l’intuition que le cœur vivant de la narrativité réside précisément dans ce nœud coulant, toujours plus serré à mesure que nous progressons dans l’histoire, qui nous attache à l’intrigue et creuse la temporalité par l’attente impatiente d’un dénouement. Si le récit a quelque chose à voir avec la manière dont nous éprouvons le temps, cette expérience n’apparaît jamais avec autant d’éclat que dans le suspense, la curiosité ou la surprise qui font la force des intrigues fictionnelles. La compréhension des fonctions narratives engage donc non seulement l’analyse littéraire, linguistique et sémiotique, mais aussi l’analyse cognitive et la psychologie des émotions.

In the present day scenario, The Internet of Things (IoT) has taken the world by storm by simplifying our day to day lives through integrating devices together. For example, In places like a supermarket, A smart shopping system could be... more

In the present day scenario, The Internet of Things (IoT) has taken the world by storm by simplifying our day to day
lives through integrating devices together. For example, In places like a supermarket, A smart shopping system could be created
by inter-connecting all ingredients and items with each other. Most IoT devices communicate through cloud or wireless services.
In a typical IoT system for SuperMarkets, a Radio Frequency Identificaton (RFID) tag is used to connect with each item or
product. This RFID tag is then attached to a shopping cart. When products are placed into it, The RFID reader reads the tag
implemented on the producted. This information is then passed onto the central server located at the checkout terminal. As a
result, Billing of items could be done from the shopping cart itself which saves time for the customers previously stuck at long
queues. This method could also be integrated for Inventory Management to monitor stock of the products and then notifying it to
the store managers if it is low. Another advantage of RFID tags is that it makes workflow much easier and less demanding since
all items are automatically read and added instead of manually getting scanned by the checkout terminal operator. In this paper,
We lay down the design prerequisites of a smart shopping system and construct a blue-print prototype system to display the
functionality of the system. This paper introduces a concept to overcome the limitations of time consuming billing procedures
like bar code system by adapting low cost smart system like RFID.

In Reading as Interaction, Nathalie Schwering argues that the activity of reading turns fiction into a physiological reality: reading fiction can produce real emotions in readers, and these emotions can bias readers’ moral judgments of... more

In Reading as Interaction, Nathalie Schwering argues that the activity of reading turns fiction into a physiological reality: reading fiction can produce real emotions in readers, and these emotions can bias readers’ moral judgments of characters, texts, and even authors. Ian McEwan’s texts teem with moral issues of trust, guilt, confession, deception and complicity, unreliability, and the blurring of reality and fiction, and because of this, reader reactions to them can be emotional and divided, and debates about them tend to be heated. Schwering uses findings from behavioural biology and moral psychology to identify narrative strategies that bias readers in specific ways, and to analyse the impact of affective and cognitive biases, heuristics, and moral emotions on readers’ judgments. She argues that understanding the biological roots of narrative manipulation can help us question our own reactions, biases, and judgments as well as those of others, and that these skills transgress the boundaries of reading fiction.

La obra de María Negroni se caracteriza por una puesta en diálogo entre géneros y medios desde la escritura. En este trabajo, focalizando en su poema largo La jaula bajo el trapo (1991) y en su novela La Anunciación (2007), se estudia... more

La obra de María Negroni se caracteriza por una puesta en diálogo entre géneros y medios desde la escritura. En este trabajo, focalizando en su poema largo La jaula bajo el trapo (1991) y en su novela La Anunciación (2007), se estudia cómo, a través de la representación de otros medios que exceden lo escritural, los textos activan la función conativa del lenguaje y convocan al lector a una posición de espectador, o sea, a asumir el rol del público de teatro ante un espectáculo. Este rol de lector-espectador le permitirá entrar en contacto, a través de una combinación de procesos cognitivos y percepción sensorial, tanto con el lenguaje como con lo no dicho, es decir con esos aspectos de la experiencia y de la memoria que no llegan a formularse con la palabra. A partir de los ejemplos analizados, se puede postular que los textos estudiados invitan a una reflexión, no solo de la limitaciones que presenta el lenguaje en cuanto a sus posibilidades de describir la experiencia, sino también acerca de las de la noción de sujeto y de la idea de subjetividad unitaria de base.

In modern drama and theater the intense search of new communication forms capable of maximum convergence of theater and reality occurs. The ultimate goal of these searches is psychotherapy of the global anthropological crisis that modern... more

In modern drama and theater the intense search of new communication forms capable of maximum convergence of theater and reality occurs. The ultimate goal of these searches is psychotherapy of the global anthropological crisis that modern man feels in the era of consumption. The example of E. Grishkovets's narrative (mono)drama covers such popular communication tactics as shifting to middle-addressee, searching the typical hero of actual time, blurring of the subjective boundaries between author, hero and addressee, universalizing the meanings in the world of the play, appealing to different media formats, etc.

Bu makalede, okurun edebi metnin sesine kulak vermesi yahut da bu sesi göz ardı etmesinin edebi metnin anlamının oluşmasına nasıl etki ettiği ‘güven ve şüphe hermenötiği’ kavramları eşliğinde ele alınacaktır. Buna göre, bir metni... more

Bu makalede, okurun edebi metnin sesine kulak vermesi yahut da bu sesi göz ardı etmesinin edebi metnin anlamının oluşmasına nasıl etki ettiği ‘güven ve şüphe hermenötiği’ kavramları eşliğinde ele alınacaktır. Buna göre, bir metni gerçekten anlamaya çabalayan bir okurun samimi olarak üstlenmesi gereken rol, iyi niyetini elden bırakmadan metnin kendisine bir şeyler söylemesine izin vermektir. Okurun bu konumu, metnin kendisine bir şeyler söylemesine engel olan şüpheci bir tavrın uzağındadır. Ancak metnin dili ile okur arasındaki bu ilişki, körü körüne bir güvene dayanmaktan ziyade, ayrıca saf bir naifliğe de düşmeyen bir pozisyondur.

Les essais réunis dans ce volume interrogent aussi bien le temps des œuvres que le temps à l’œuvre, c’est-à-dire sa formulation narrative mais également son pouvoir d’érosion et de genèse qui affecte les hommes, les livres qu’ils écrivent... more

Les essais réunis dans ce volume interrogent aussi bien le temps des œuvres que le temps à l’œuvre, c’est-à-dire sa formulation narrative mais également son pouvoir d’érosion et de genèse qui affecte les hommes, les livres qu’ils écrivent ou qu’ils lisent et les genres littéraires qu’ils pratiquent. Si l’on veut explorer l’œuvre du temps, on ne peut s’en tenir à l’hypothèse que les intrigues se contentent de mettre en ordre l’histoire et de la doter d’un sens, il nous faut à l’inverse définir les fondements d’une poétique de la discordance narrative qui permette de suivre le glissement du sens dans le temps. Cette réflexion sur le temps soulève une question subsidiaire mais non moins essentielle : « D’où vient le récit et où va-t-il ? » Tenter de répondre à cette question exige de sortir de l’emprisonnement textualiste pour penser la manière dont la narration émerge de la vie et retourne à elle. Il s’agit aussi de marquer la différence qui existe entre les récits qui visent à clarifier le passé, ceux qui veulent en témoigner fidèlement, et ceux enfin qui mettent en scène des histoires inachevées, tournées vers un avenir à vivre ou à lire. Face à la crise que connaissent aujourd’hui les études littéraires et à l’inquiétude que génèrent les usages médiatiques, politiques ou économiques du storytelling, il s’agit de rappeler que la théorie narrative permet de reconnaître dans la littérature le plus fascinant des laboratoires du récit. Si l’homme n’est pas autre chose qu’un faisceau d’histoires, alors l’analyse narratologique des œuvres littéraires demeure la voie royale pour accéder à son humanité.

The work ’’Reading and the Public Library* is an analysis of the conclusion reached a t by a sociological research accomplished in 1989. The pa tte rn upon which we mode the research consisted of 612 subjects, readers who frequent the... more

The work ’’Reading and the Public Library* is an analysis of the conclusion reached a t by a sociological research accomplished in 1989. The pa tte rn upon which we mode the research consisted of 612 subjects, readers who frequent the public libraries in four departments and of 103 librarians in these libraries. The objects of the research are: to discover the reading interests of different socio-professional cathegories, to estimate the lib ra rian ’s capacity in order to satisfy these interests, to investigate the role of reading in modelling the social and intellectual behaviour of people, to study the public library. Tre main research instruments were two questionnaires: one for the readers and the other one for the librarian. Out of the most important conclusions we could mention some. The biggest p a rt of the readers read in order to get informed, to get a general cultural background, to enjoy themeselves or out of curiosity. Very few read starting from reasons determined by ...

Žijeme v pozoruhodnej dobe. Informačné bariéry padli, vďaka médiám máme takmer neobmedzený prístup k informáciám bez ohľadu na hranice času a priestoru, pričom ich obsahová ponuka sa neustále rozširuje. Na druhej strane, niektorým médiám... more

Žijeme v pozoruhodnej dobe. Informačné bariéry padli, vďaka
médiám máme takmer neobmedzený prístup k informáciám bez ohľadu
na hranice času a priestoru, pričom ich obsahová ponuka sa neustále
rozširuje. Na druhej strane, niektorým médiám sa darí viac, iným
menej. Dôvodov, ktoré za týmto dnešným stavom stoja, je veľa. Okrem
ekonomických aspektov ich fungovania treba súčasnú situáciu vnímať
v kontexte globalizačných procesov, premien kultúry a jej foriem,
ako aj vo svetle meniacich sa sociálnych a kultúrnych podmienkach
recipientov a transformujúcich sa potrieb a očakávaní spájaných
s používaním médií. Kým rozhlas predbehol tlač v rýchlosti šírenia
informácií, od polovice 20. storočia sa televízia stala najobľúbenejším
médiom, pričom si tento status udržala do súčasnosti. V ostatnom
čase však nielen ona, ale aj ostatné tradičné médiá čelia konkurencii
v podobe nového média – internetu.
Monografi a sumarizuje výsledky pomerne rozsiahleho
dotazníkového zisťovania zameraného na vnímanie rozdielov medzi
tlačenými a onlinovými novinami z pohľadu recipientov v rôznych
aspektoch. Pokiaľ ide o voľbu výskumnej témy, hlavnou motiváciu
realizátora výskumu bola absencia empirického skúmania problematiky
vzťahu printových a onlinových novín z pohľadu recipienta, pričom
nadviazal na dostupné výskumy a čiastkové výstupy vlastného
výskumu, doposiaľ publikované v knižnej alebo časopiseckej podobe,
resp. prednesené na domácich a zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách
a seminároch. Zámerom tak bolo vyplniť vákuum v oblasti skúmania
týchto dvoch rovín novinárstva (tlačeného a onlinového), k čomu ho
podnietili aj

In Romanticism, imagination (rather than the concept of the oeuvre) is the true meeting point between writer (as a creator) and reader (as a receptor). Later, along with the disintegration of the 'poeta vates' myth, the place of... more

In Romanticism, imagination (rather than the concept of the oeuvre) is the true meeting point between writer (as a creator) and reader (as a receptor). Later, along with the disintegration of the 'poeta vates' myth, the place of imagination will be taken over by the text itself, in a modern sense. The writer-reader interaction in Romanticism is governed by two new elements: the game (both as a cosmic pattern and as a reading strategy) and the metaphysical desire (a shared passion with the reader).
Adevărat joc deschis al realităţilor care se întâlnesc din direcţii opuse, joc al scânteilor contradictorii care se unesc într-o flacără uriaşă, raportul dintre creator şi receptor descoperă în romantism infinitatea interpretărilor al căror punct de coincidenţă este totuşi posibil prin empatie. Actul lecturii este în romantism unul al participaţiei. Jocul (ca simbol cosmic şi punere în relaţie a omului cu lumea) şi dorinţa metafizică (pasiunea) stabilesc o nouă rezolvare a interacţiunii scriitor-cititor, interacţiune care ia de acum cotitura spre calea modernităţii. Raportul scriitor-cititor devine unul al potenţării reciproce, al transmiterii unei forţe creatoare originare. Poeta vates.....

Reader Response criticism warns against the literary interpreter's endeavor to uncover the author's intention in order to reconstruct the original meaning of the literary text. The present essay aims at providing a way of understanding... more

Reader Response criticism warns against the literary interpreter's endeavor to uncover the author's intention in order to reconstruct the original meaning of the literary text. The present essay aims at providing a way of understanding this fundamental critical fallacy from the perspective of reader response criticism by allowing for this critical stance to be emphasized with the help of literature, and more specifically, of William Blake's famous " Songs of Innocence and of Experience " poem " The Tyger. " In this perspective, the poem can be seen as stressing the potential futile quest for authorial intent in the process of literary interpretation, as well as the consequences of perceiving the literary text as an echo of its creator rather than a reader-reflected image and the interpretative perils associated with an insistent quest on the part of the reader to discover the origin of the text to the detriment of a creative construction of meaning.

There is little known about the "minor orders" of ecclesiastical ministry, and have nearly disappeared in the 21st century. The most wide-spread mentality is that these clerical ranks are simply steps one goes through on their way to the... more

There is little known about the "minor orders" of ecclesiastical ministry, and have nearly disappeared in the 21st century. The most wide-spread mentality is that these clerical ranks are simply steps one goes through on their way to the priesthood, the only important kind of cleric. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of each of the clerical ranks of candle-bearer, reader, cantor, and subdeacon in the Slavic-Byzantine liturgical tradition. After some background research on the origin of these orders, the role of these clerical ranks is uncovered by way of detailed examination of the texts of their ordination rites, both prayers and rubrics, as found in many editions and manuscripts, both modern and antique. The research shows that each of these orders is distinct and has its own ministry in the Christian temple. Finally, some practical suggestions are made for the revival of these ranks of the hierarchy, and to return to them the ministry described in the liturgical sources. In the appendix there are proposed ordination rites, based on the research of this work and the texts examined therein.

The role of the reader of a literary text has been recognized since classical times. The classical conceptions of Plato on poetry, Aristotle on tragedy and several romantic theories stressed the reader's response to literature. Most of... more

The role of the reader of a literary text has been recognized since classical times. The classical conceptions of Plato on poetry, Aristotle on tragedy and several romantic theories stressed the reader's response to literature. Most of the earlier theories pertaining to literature were based on pragmatics, which primarily dealt with the study of the function of communication. Reader theory emerged as a reaction against pragmatism. The term reader theory encompasses all schools of theories on reader and reading. It is concerned with the reader rather than the function or purpose of a literary text. In pragmatics, reading occurs at the end of the line of an act of communication whereas reader theory itself is centered on the reader and the act of reading.

The work ’’Reading and the Public Library* is an analysis of the conclusion reached a t by a sociological research accomplished in 1989. The pa tte rn upon which we mode the research consisted of 612 subjects, readers who frequent the... more

The work ’’Reading and the Public Library* is an analysis of the conclusion reached a t by a sociological research accomplished in 1989. The pa tte rn upon which we mode the research consisted of 612 subjects, readers who frequent the public
libraries in four departments and of 103 librarians in these libraries.
The objects of the research are: to discover the reading interests of different socio-professional cathegories, to estimate the lib ra rian ’s capacity in order to satisfy these interests, to investigate the role of reading in modelling the social and intellectual behaviour of people, to study the public library.
Tre main research instruments were two questionnaires: one for the readers and the other one for the librarian.
Out of the most important conclusions we could mention some. The biggest p a rt of the readers read in order to get informed, to get a general cultural background, to enjoy themeselves or out of curiosity. Very few read starting from reasons determined by professional training or by the necessity of the ir own creation.
Out of the perspective of the interest shown while reading we have detached three kinds of readers: those who are interested by the plot of the boohs, those preoccupied by the subject matter a book deal swith, and another circle of readers
who follow the general atmosphere of a book during their reading. A small amount of readers show interest in the style, the dialogue, the language, the characters’ behaviour.
For a large number of readers their reading is accompanied by abstracts or notes; it takes place as an action of study and knowledge.
Most of the readers prefer reading a t home, a natural conclusion as the book is read in the conditions chosen by every reader.
The research stresses the option of a large part of the readers towards reading prose (novels), 80% of them regularly read this literary genre The books of short, detective, humorous stories are read by a bi gamount of readers. Very few of them mention among their reading the books of economy, socio-political sciences, most of them pupils. Out of the active population frequenting the libraries, an important place is held by the workers and the university graduates, excepting the
teaching staff of the preuniversitary education system who do not use the library as an information instrument.
Part of the librarians express insatisfactions towards their professional status and the way they are esteemed by the reader and society, legislation (law), agriculture.
The research invalidates the hypothesis taken into account, namely the part which would be played by scientific and technical book to the contemporary readers mostly represented by graduates or pupils of the industrial secondary schools or those secondary schools where helds a particular place.
Research shows the major option for universal literature, preferably classic one.
Public libraries are frequented mostly by young people and above all by the students. Compared to the working population that frequents the library, an important place is occupied by the workers and intellectuals, except the faculty of pre-university education, which does not use the library as an information tool.
Part of librarians express dissatisfaction vis-à-vis their professional status in terms of how they are estimated by the player and society.

Authors read. They read to inform themselves and stay up-to-date, they read for their pleasure and to get inspired. And they write, by definition, using their readings in the course of their writing process. Authors often keep written... more

Authors read. They read to inform themselves and stay up-to-date, they read for their pleasure and to get inspired. And they write, by definition, using their readings in the course of their writing process. Authors often keep written traces (sometimes dated) of what they have read: a short statement on a manuscript page, a blurb, an anecdote in a letter to a colleague or friend, a résumé or notes jotted down in a notebook, a reading journal, an explicit quotation in their own work or the use of information unknown elsewhere than in a specific source.
Scrutinising authors’ readings is informative on a variety of levels. It provides information on their tastes and interests, on the subjects of their work at a given period, on their methodology and possible note-taking strategies, or on their scholarly milieu. It also brings a lot to intellectual history, giving information about the texts and manuscripts circulating at a certain period, in a certain place and milieu.
The research project RASCIO (Reader, Author, Scholar in Context of Information Overflow, Marie Curie Grant Agreement no. 749180, 2018-21) aimed at getting a better sense of al-Ṣafadī’s (d. 764/1363) working method, his scholarly network, his habits as a reader and as a scholar in the extremely rich context of the beginning of the Mamlūk period. Reaching the end of the project, an international conference was to be organised in order to share the results of RASCIO and to broaden the scope by confronting these results to other situations: other authors, other periods, other places… The world pandemic of COVID-19 obliged us to cancel the event, originally planned for 10-12 December 2020 (then postponed to 13-15 April 2021), at the University Ca’ Foscari Venice, and entitled "Authors as Readers in the Mamlūk Period and Beyond. Al-Ṣafadī and his Peers". We nevertheless proposed that all speakers directly write an article instead of a conference paper, and to publish the initially planned proceedings. Nine speakers replied positively and this book is the result of this initiative. *Authors as Readers in the Mamlūk Period and Beyond* gathers eight contributions investigating
the readings of different authors from different points of view. The studied
authors are mainly from pre-modern Islam – al-Qādī al-Fāḍil, Ibn Taymiyya, al-Ṣafadī, al-Subkī, al-Maqrīzī – with three notable exceptions: an incursion in the Ottoman nineteenth century with Esʿad Efendi, a detour by the French court of King Charles V with his physician Evrart de Conty working as a translator, and a preface mentioning the papyrus of Philod me de Gadara, from Greek Antiquity.

Walter Benjamin, “Hikâye Anlatıcısı” başlıklı ünlü çalışmasında, sözlü kültürün hikâye anlatıcısının aradan çekilişi ile yazılı metinle karşı karşıya kalan okurun yaşamış olduğu krizi tartışır. Yazılı dünyada hikâye... more

Walter Benjamin, “Hikâye Anlatıcısı” başlıklı ünlü çalışmasında, sözlü kültürün hikâye anlatıcısının aradan çekilişi ile yazılı metinle karşı karşıya kalan okurun yaşamış olduğu krizi tartışır. Yazılı dünyada hikâye anlatıcısının beden ve sesinin silinmesiyle temelde okur ve metin başbaşa kalır. Bu başbaşalık, okuma tecrübesinin haz ve hüzün karşıtlığında açığa çıkan çift boyutlu anlam dünyasını açığa çıkarır. Hikâye anlatıcısının sesinin silinmesiyle metinle başbaşa kalan okurun metnin anlamını üretmede aktif ve özgür hâle gelmesi okumanın haz boyutunu oluşturur. Diğer taraftan, okurun hikâye anlatıcısının doğrudan aktardığı tecrübeden uzaklaşarak kendini yalnızca harflerle örülü kurgusal bir dünyada bulması okumanın hüzünlü boyutudur. Bu makale, Hasan Ali Toptaş’ın Harfler ve Notalar adlı eserindeki “Hikâye Anlatıcısına Ne Oldu?” ve “Okurun Okuru Olmak” adlı yazılarını, okuma tecrübesinin hüzünlü hazzı sorunu bağlamında analiz eder. Yazarın ünlü romanı Bin Hüzünlü Haz’a ismen atıfta bulunarak bu sorunun aşılabilmesinde okurun rolünü ön plana çıkarırken aynı zamanda tecrübe kavramını da göz ardı etmeyen bir okuma düşüncesine yer açmanın önemini vurgular. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışmada, Peter Brooks’un psikanaliz ile hikâye anlatıcılığı arasında kurduğu ilişki ve okur ile metin arasındaki diyalog ortamını öne çıkaran hermenötik düşünce eşliğinde, okuma pratiği içinde tecrübe alışverişinin nasıl yeniden canlandırılabileceği mütalaa edilir.

El artículo propone una reconstrucción teórico-histórica del lugar de la lectura y los lectores en dos momentos de la historia de la cultura latinoamericana. Proyecta, entonces, a partir de los casos mexicano y del Cono Sur algunas... more

El artículo propone una reconstrucción teórico-histórica del lugar de la lectura y los lectores en dos momentos de la historia de la cultura latinoamericana. Proyecta, entonces, a partir de los casos mexicano y del Cono Sur algunas proposiciones generalizables para la determinación de dos macromomentos (el colonizador y el decimonónico) en el estudio histórico de la lectura en América Latina. Se destacan, por una parte, las relaciones entre Iglesia, Estado y lectores; y por otra, las relaciones entre estos últimos y los textos. En ambos casos lo que se negocia y disputa socialmente son las formas de autoridad y legitimidad relativa de cada uno de los actores involucrados en la determinación del sentido, función y destino de los textos culturales. Sostengo, además, que estas relaciones son no sólo un aspecto más sino una parte fundamental de las formas de existencia y producción de la literatura en el continente.

Abstract: For Borges, the publication of the Saturday color supplement of the daily newspaper Crítica (1933-1934) provided a space for experimentation, reflection and his own writing. There he published his first short stories, essays,... more

Abstract: For Borges, the publication of the Saturday color supplement of the daily newspaper Crítica (1933-1934) provided a space for experimentation, reflection and his own writing. There he published his first short stories, essays, reviews and sketches, the well-known stories from his Historia Universal de la infamia (A Universal History of Infamy) and his reflections on The One Thousand and One Nights. Entertaining the crowds of people whom he had only seen on his interminable walks through Buenos Aires would forever link the experience of reading the short story repertory (in which entertainment requires no justification and admits of almost infinite repetition) to his literary destiny.
Keywords: Borges – Translation – Fiction – Reader –One Thousand and One Nights – Crítica (newspaper)

¿Cuándo emergen las primeras representaciones de la mujer lectora en la Argentina del siglo XIX? ¿Qué relevancia adquiere su perfil en los debates político culturales de la época revolucionaria? ¿Qué leen las mujeres en la prensa y cómo... more

¿Cuándo emergen las primeras representaciones de la mujer lectora en la Argentina del siglo XIX? ¿Qué relevancia adquiere su perfil en los debates político culturales de la época revolucionaria? ¿Qué leen las mujeres en la prensa y cómo responden a la invocación de los redactores que diseñan para ellas políticas educativas y programas de lectura? El artículo intenta responder a estas interrogantes por medio de un corpus selecto de periódicos de comienzos de siglo (El Telégrafo Mercantil, El Semanario de Agricultura y Comercio, El Correo del Comercio, El Observador Americano, La Gazeta de Buenos Aires). De igual modo, el artículo indaga en representaciones literarias y artísticas para desentrañar los imaginarios y prácticas de la mujer lectora en los orígenes de la formación nacional.

Although Wolfgang Iser is one of the most influential literary theorists of the twentieth century, there is no authoritative study about his oeuvre. The present work remedies that problem by analysing Iser’s German and English writings in... more

Although Wolfgang Iser is one of the most influential literary theorists of the twentieth century, there is no authoritative study about his oeuvre. The present work remedies that problem by analysing Iser’s German and English writings in detail. Apart from being the first comprehensive account of his work, this study also modifies the established view of Iser’s theory. In contrast to the idea that his only contribution to literary studies is the reception theory of the 1970s, this account demonstrates the importance of Iser’s work on history and anthropology from the 1950s and 1990s. Instead of exclusively focusing on familiar terms such as ‘indeterminacy’, this analysis also discusses Iser’s view of modernity, fiction and culture. As this discussion shows, his writings develop a consistent theory of the novel and the way in which it allows its readers to articulate new views of reality. To situate this theory, Iser’s institutional and intellectual background is described as well, paying special attention to the Poetik und Hermeneutik-circle and thinkers like Blumenberg and Kermode. The continued relevance of his theory is demonstrated via comparisons with recent research on the novel and memory as well as examples from contemporary novelists like Juli Zeh and Hilary Mantel.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is an innovative automated library system for automatic identification and tracking of library material. Currently, RFID applications range from book tracking and stock management, to theft... more

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is an innovative automated library system for automatic identification and tracking of library material. Currently, RFID applications range from book tracking and stock management, to theft detection and automatic book sorting. RFID technology is a dynamic link between people, objects and processes and in the near future it plays a prime role in data collection, identification as well as analysis necessary for specific library operations. An automated library with the support of RFID technology would be a “self service station” that demands least intervention by the library personnel. Efforts are being made to introduce self-service “check-in” and “check-out” that avoid long delay in the delivery of library material and also for achieving better efficiency in operations. RFID is used in libraries primarily to automate the book handling process including check-out, inventory control, check-in and anti-theft. When combined with computer assisted sorting equipment, RFID facilitates and speeds up even book sorting. Automating the library material handling process allows library professionals to spend more time with the clientele, thus, increasing the ‘user satisfaction’. The potential benefits are obvious and the systems are getting cheaper. When the technology matures even more and competition increases in the industry, better tags and equipment will become more economical.

Osmanlı şiirinin yüzyıllardır bir “oyun” olarak dille kurduğu yakın ilişki, Tanzimat'la birlikte, edebiyatın gerçekliğe dokunmasının önünü aldığı iddiasıyla olumsuz bir noktaya taşınır. Tanpınar’ın, “yeni edebiyat”ın, eski şiirin “zihni... more

Osmanlı şiirinin yüzyıllardır bir “oyun” olarak dille kurduğu yakın ilişki, Tanzimat'la birlikte, edebiyatın gerçekliğe dokunmasının önünü aldığı iddiasıyla olumsuz bir noktaya taşınır. Tanpınar’ın, “yeni edebiyat”ın, eski şiirin “zihni bir oyun” olmasının ötesine uzanmasıyla açığa çıktığını vurgulaması bu noktada dikkat çeker. Diğer taraftan yirminci yüzyılda öne çıkan oyun düşüncesi edebiyat teorilerini de etkiler ve eski şiir bağlamında eleştirilen ve mesafeyle yaklaşılan oyun/edebiyat ilişkisi kritik bir anlam iyileşmesi yaşar. Okuma denilen şey haz alınan, çözülmesi gereken yaratıcı ve zihinsel bir etkinlik haline gelir. Bu çalışmada, bir taraftan edebiyatın zihinsel oyun olarak konumlandırılmasının yaşamış olduğu bu dönüşüme odaklanılacak bir taraftansa her iki perspektifte de oyunun, insan öznesinin bir eylem alanı olarak tasarlanması yönündeki benzerliğe dikkat çekilecektir. Sadece insan öznesi olarak okuru ve onun zihinsel etkinliklerini ön plana çıkaran bu oyun algısının, oyun-edebiyat arasında kurulacak anlamlı ilişkiyi tesis edemeyeceği vurgulanacaktır. Oyun, ancak insan öznesinin bir eylemi olarak görülmekten vazgeçilip aynı zamanda yaptığı hamlelerle özneyi yönlendiren tabiatı vurgulandığında edebi tecrübenin varlık tarzına dair anlamlı şeyler söyleyebilir. Okurunu şekillendiren, etkileyen boyutuyla oyun olarak edebiyat, sadece zihinsel alanda vuku bulan bir etkinlik olmanın sınırlarını aşarak okurlarının hayatlarına dokunan, tecrübelerine yön veren ontolojik bir anlama bürünür.

Bu çalışmada, postyapısalcı edebiyat kuramı açısından metnin, okurun ve okumanın tekilliği arasında nasıl bir ilişki olduğu açımlanmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu açımlanma girişiminde öncelikle metinlerarası ilişkiler yoluyla metnin tekilliği... more

Bu çalışmada, postyapısalcı edebiyat kuramı açısından metnin, okurun ve okumanın tekilliği arasında nasıl bir ilişki olduğu açımlanmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu açımlanma girişiminde öncelikle metinlerarası ilişkiler yoluyla metnin tekilliği irdelenecektir. Bir metnin metinlerarası ilişkiler yoluyla nasıl kurulduğu tartışılacaktır. Metinlerarası ilişkiler aracılığıyla metnin tekilliği tartışıldıktan sonra ikinci olarak, metnin ve okumanın tekilliği arasındaki ilişki incelenecektir. Çünkü metnin ve okumanın tekilliği arasında kurulan ilişki, her okuma edimiyle birlikte okurun tekilliğine olanak sağlar; okuma ediminin kendisi her okur tarafından farklı bir şekilde sürekli olarak yeniden deneyimlenir. Bu deneyim, yaşamı dönüştürmede açığa çıkan “oluş” gücü üzerinden düşünüldüğünde, metnin ve okurun tekilliğine dair yeni bir düşünce tarzı ortaya konulabilir. Bu çalışmada, metnin, okurun ve okumanın tekilliğinin, yaşamın özgürleştirici bir biçimde deneyimlenmesi ve olumlayıcı açıdan kavranmasında ne işe yarayabileceğinin gösterilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.

"Las ruinas circulares" ejemplariza los cuentos en las que Borges retoma una leyenda tradicional y la reinterpreta de una manera distinta, modificando y aun ampliando sus metliforas. Por eso estamos de acuerdo con Jaime Alazraki cuando... more

"Las ruinas circulares" ejemplariza los cuentos en las que Borges retoma
una leyenda tradicional y la reinterpreta de una manera distinta, modificando y
aun ampliando sus metliforas. Por eso estamos de acuerdo con Jaime Alazraki
cuando describe la relación entre el cuento y la leyenda del golem en su libro
Borges and the Kabbalah: nos avisa que sería error destacar una fuente o una
sola entonación de una metáfora como única "perplejidad" que Borges
reinterpreta en su obra (20). Mientras que nos interesa la relación entre "Las
ruinas circulares" y la leyenda tradicional, en este ensay la leyenda se examina sólo con
respecto a las modificaciones que Borges hace de ella para formar metáforas y
plantear problemas estéticos-metafísicos que se extienden más allá de los de la
leyenda. Sobre todo se hace hincapié en cómo Borges emplea la ironía y la retórica
para crear un ambiente fantástico y para conducir al lector hacia una lectura
conjectural y un shock en múltiples niveles.