Imitation Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The notion of the imitation of Christ is a key concept that has been used in history to express the relationship that exists between Christology and Christian ethical reflection and action. However, despite its prevalence, there is a... more

The notion of the imitation of Christ is a key concept that has been used in history to express the relationship that exists between Christology and Christian ethical reflection and action. However, despite its prevalence, there is a continued tendency within some scholarship to either reject it in toto or de-emphasise its importance. This research biblically and theologically challenges such notions and contends that Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, uses the story of Christ (Phil 2:5-11) and his own story (3:4-14) , which is patterned after that of Christ, to provide an essential and consistent initiative paradigm for Christian ethical reflection and action.

This article examines the canonization of the Prophetic hadith, " Whoever imitates a people becomes one of them, " which became the keynote expression of tashabbuh (reprehensible imitation), a Sunni doctrine commonly invoked by religious... more

This article examines the canonization of the Prophetic hadith, " Whoever imitates a people becomes one of them, " which became the keynote expression of tashabbuh (reprehensible imitation), a Sunni doctrine commonly invoked by religious authorities to distinguish Muslims from non-Muslims. First, I analyze how the Partisans of Hadith transmitted and classified the hadith, highlighting the pivotal role of Abū Dāwūd (d. 275/889) in canonizing the tradition. I then trace the divergent trajectories of its interpretation over time, especially the glosses of two brilliant Damascenes: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) and Najm al-Dīn al-Ghazzī (d. 1061/1651). This study draws not only from hadith commentaries but also from treatises on law, ethics, and Sufism, illustrating how hadith interpretation takes place in multiple Islamic literary genres. A detailed appendix catalogues the collections of hadith that transmit the tradition; compares different narrations in order to date and locate its circulation; and visually maps its isnād networks.

Suicide rates in prisons are high. Our aim was to investigate the contribution of imitative suicide to the prison suicide rate. We used Knox tests for space-time clustering in a case register of natural and self-inflicted deaths in... more

Suicide rates in prisons are high. Our aim was to investigate the contribution of imitative suicide to the prison suicide rate. We used Knox tests for space-time clustering in a case register of natural and self-inflicted deaths in prisons in England and Wales and model simulations to estimate the effect size. We found significant space-time clustering among 657 self-inflicted deaths in 90 prisons over 10 years but no space-time clustering among 430 deaths from natural causes in 87 prisons over this period. Model simulations with an imitation rate of 5.8% (CI 1%-11%) reproduced the observed space-time clustering.

Controlling neural representations of the self and other people is fun-damental to social cognition. Brain imaging studies have implicated the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) in this ability, but causal evidence for its role is... more

Controlling neural representations of the self and other people is fun-damental to social cognition. Brain imaging studies have implicated the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) in this ability, but causal evidence for its role is lacking. A debate is also ongoing regarding whether the control of, or switching between, self and other rep-resentations is a specialized or domain-general process: the rTPJ’s well-established role in reorienting attention supports a domain-general process, but a role specific to social cognition has also been proposed. Neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimu-lation was used to target the rTPJ (and a control mid-occipital site) during a task requiring participants to switch between represen-tations of others ’ actions on both a social and a nonsocial level, by manipulating imitative and spatial compatibility simultaneously and independently. Both imitative and spatial compatibility effects were apparent on response times; however, the eff...

This article explores the implications of a recently discovered set of letters by an unknown Florentine concerning Heinrich Isaac’s extraordinary tenure in Florence (ca. 1485-95). Isaac is here revealed to be interacting with local... more

This article explores the implications of a recently discovered set of letters by an unknown Florentine concerning Heinrich Isaac’s extraordinary tenure in Florence (ca. 1485-95). Isaac is here revealed to be interacting with local Florentine music collectors and composers, and intimately involved with the rehearsals and revisions of the latter’s works. These documents both illuminate and raise questions about how the pedagogical environment worked at a critical time when the influx of northern music and musicians transformed local compositional activity and levels of music literacy in Florence. These changes are considered in relation to both Medici cultural programmes, and the experimental nature of the polyphony being composed, collected and copied into Florentine sources at just this time.

Trademarks, or brands, are symbols whose initial purpose is providing information about the source of a product. Yet, with the course of time, high-end brands have developed into symbols providing information about their owner's... more

Trademarks, or brands, are symbols whose initial purpose is providing information about the source of a product. Yet, with the course of time, high-end brands have developed into symbols providing information about their owner's status rather than about the sold goods. This phenomenon naturally attracts imitation and status cheating, offering new challenges to established trademark doctrines. This chapter outlines the different legal perceptions of imitation in the U.S. and Continental Europe, while placing these perceptions into broader cultural contexts. It then focuses on the U.S. legal view on imitation of trademarks that serve as status symbols, pointing out that this view is “non-traditional” in American context, in the sense that it is inconsistent with U.S. traditional cultural values.

Today's art, which is dominated by postmodernism, evolves into a completely different sense of art that reverses the system over its own weapon and changes all the known values of art. Postmodern art, which focuses on questions about what... more

Today's art, which is dominated by postmodernism, evolves into a completely different sense of art that reverses the system over its own weapon and changes all the known values of art. Postmodern art, which focuses on questions about what is the thing that is art, canalises itself into citations and compilations which turn into imitation, appropriation, pastiche or plagiarism. While postmodernism turns into a kind of citation and compilation aesthetics; imitation, which is at the centre of the questions related to what is the thing that is art, becomes the strategy of postmodernism. The article titled 'The Lord of the Postmodernity: Plagiarism' is about the transformation of an art object into an art material or the representation of it in today's sense of art which extends from imitation, appropriation and pastiche to plagiarism.

Nel suo articolo Against Intertestuality del 2004, pubblicato in Philosophy & Literature, William Irwin sostiene che l’intertestualità dovrebbe essere «cancellata dal lessico degli umanisti sinceri e intelligenti». Secondo l’autore,... more

Nel suo articolo Against Intertestuality del 2004, pubblicato in Philosophy & Literature, William Irwin sostiene che l’intertestualità dovrebbe essere «cancellata dal lessico degli umanisti sinceri e intelligenti». Secondo l’autore, invece, applicazioni corrette delle teorie dell’intertestualità possono rivelarsi particolarmente fruttuose, in particolare se applicate alla letteratura premoderna, prodotto di epoche in cui le relazioni tra testi e il processo di trasmissione della cultura erano radicalmente diversi da quella moderna. Un approccio al concetto classico e medievale di imitatio e æmulatio alla luce delle teorie dell’intertestualità può fornire nuovi elementi sulle modalità (intertestuali, interdiscorsive) del processo dantesco di imitatio nella Commedia. Analizzando un particolare topos della tradizione classica che è presente e ricorrente nella Commedia, quello del locus amœnus, l’autore mostra come l’analisi intertestuale faccia luce non solo sulle modalità di trasmissione della tradizione classica attraverso il tardoantico e il Medioevo, ma anche sulla cultura medievale in toto, inquadrandosi perfettamente nella specifica visione del mondo e della vita umana che il Medioevo possedeva. Secondo l’autore, il topos del locus amœnus è impiegato nella Commedia allo scopo di riassumere e condensare, e in ultima analisi alludere a, i valori e l’intera visione del mondo dell’antichità pagana, un referente-chiave alla tradizione classica nel suo insieme.
L’autore propone di usare, al posto del termine «intertestualità», per certi versi datato, ma soprattutto limitato, l’espressione «imitatio intertestuale/interdiscorsiva», che coglie meglio la complessità dell’uso dell’antico strumento retorico nel poema dantesco. Recenti strumenti digitali come Digital Dante (, mostrano il perdurare della rilevanza della ricerca sull’imitatio intertestuale/interdiscorsiva nella Commedia al giorno d’oggi, aprendo nuove prospettive di ricerca.

This study used a concurrent correlational design to examine associations between three types of motor imitation with objects and three proposed correlates in 32 two- and three-year-old children diagnosed with ASD. Attention-following and... more

This study used a concurrent correlational design to examine associations between three types of motor imitation with objects and three proposed correlates in 32 two- and three-year-old children diagnosed with ASD. Attention-following and fine motor ability were significant, unique correlates of imitation in an observational learning context. Attention-following was a significant correlate of imitation in a direct elicitation context. Social reciprocity was a significant correlate of imitation in an interactive play context. These associations were observed after controlling for general developmental level. Results support previous findings that motor imitation may not reflect a unitary construct for children with ASD and that different skills may underlie the performance of different types of motor imitation. Implications for interventions targeting motor imitation are discussed.

To explain social learning without invoking the cognitively complex concept of imitation, many learning mechanisms have been proposed. Borrowing an idea used routinely in cognitive psychology, we argue that most of these alternatives can... more

To explain social learning without invoking the cognitively complex concept of imitation, many learning mechanisms have been proposed. Borrowing an idea used routinely in cognitive psychology, we argue that most of these alternatives can be subsumed under a single process, priming, in which input increases the activation of stored internal representations. Imitation itself has generally been seen as a "special faculty." This has diverted much research towards the all-or-none question of whether an animal can imitate, with disappointingly inconclusive results. In the great apes, however, voluntary, learned behaviour is organized hierarchically. This means that imitation can occur at various levels, of which we single out two clearly distinct ones: the "action level," a rather detailed and linear specification of sequential acts, and the "program level," a broader description of subroutine structure and the hierarchical layout of a behavioural "progr...

Le biomimétisme est souvent présenté comme une solution à la crise écologique que traversent les sociétés humaines. Pour ses défenseurs, cette approche pourrait instaurer, ou restaurer, un rapport moins destructeur à l’environnement, en... more

Le biomimétisme est souvent présenté comme une solution à la crise écologique que traversent les sociétés humaines. Pour ses défenseurs, cette approche pourrait instaurer, ou restaurer, un rapport moins destructeur à l’environnement, en adoptant des démarches et des processus de fabrication imitant la nature. Mais au moment d’esquisser les idées directrices pour de nouveaux modèles d’actions individuelles et collectives, il convient de réfléchir aux conceptions de la nature, de la vie et de la technique associées à ces pratiques, et pas seulement dans les sociétés occidentales. Plutôt que de considérer l’imitation de la nature et de la vie comme un mécanisme universel, il s’avère crucial de réfléchir aux fondements anthropologiques du biomimétisme ou – pour insister sur la diversité des pratiques – des « biomimétismes ». Les textes rassemblés dans ce numéro explorent l’inventivité des sociétés, présentes et passées, lorsqu’elles cherchent dans leur environnement une source d’inspiration pour fabriquer des objets et organiser leur existence collective selon des finalités variées.

Secular containers – caskets, boxes, etc. – dated to the late 12th to the mid-14 th century and of a northern alpine provenience, whose visual appearance is accentuated by carving techniques and workmanship, are constitutive for this... more

Secular containers – caskets, boxes, etc. – dated to the late 12th to the mid-14 th century and of a northern alpine provenience, whose visual appearance is accentuated by carving techniques and workmanship, are constitutive for this projects' inquiries. Regarding most of these precious and/or skilfully worked objects, we still lack desirable parameters concerning place and time of origin, possible customers and donators, usage and function or their alterations over time, as well as essential information on the material composition and construction itself. The goal of my research is to (re-) introduce different groups of scarcely discussed containers and to furthermore conclude, from my analysis of these objects, conditions of production and material preferences or valuations in the middle ages.

Recent experimental research in the field of neurophysiology has led to the discovery of two classes of visuomotor neurons: canonical neurons and mirror neurons. In light of these studies, we propose here an overview of two classical... more

Recent experimental research in the field of neurophysiology has led to the discovery of two classes of visuomotor neurons: canonical neurons and mirror neurons. In light of these studies, we propose here an overview of two classical themes in the cognitive science panorama: James Gibson's theory of affordances and Eleanor Rosch's principles of categorization. We discuss how theoretical perspectives and neuroscientific evidence are converging towards the current paradigm of embodied cognition. From this perspective, we discuss the role of action and simulation in cognitive processes, which lead to the perceptual recognition of objects, and actions and to their conceptual categorization.

As companies start to engage with the knowledge economy, they have to shift their mindsets to understanding knowledge management more holistically and, more importantly, understand the role of knowledge management as it pertains to... more

As companies start to engage with the knowledge economy, they have to shift their mindsets to understanding knowledge management more holistically and, more importantly, understand the role of knowledge management as it pertains to sustainable competitive advantage. It requires companies to think of age-old concepts in new ways, and necessarily requires deep insight into the enablers of business success within the company, and then creative insight is required to reveal the new possibilities. This paper, drawing on resource-based theory, provides some guidelines for companies to develop business strategies, critically dependent on knowledge management initiatives. A chain of sustainability is introduced and three insightful concepts are highlighted (complementary resource combinations, strategic architecture and pool of resources); however, they do not tell companies specifically what to do, but robustly explain what the requirements of a knowledge strategy are, if they want to attain, and sustain, competitive advantage.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar el aprendizaje imitativo de una niña a partir de una imitación visual con un modelo simple humano y real, desarrollando actividades motoras, verbales con reforzadores sociales. La línea base uno,... more

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar el aprendizaje imitativo de una niña a partir de una imitación visual con un modelo simple humano y real, desarrollando actividades motoras, verbales con reforzadores sociales. La línea base uno, muestra que la niña no ejecuta las respuestas correctamente para peinarse. En intervención, la niña debía imitar la conducta de cepillarse y peinarse el cabello. Los resultados mostraron aumento de las respuestas correctas y se mantuvieron en la línea base dos. Esto se atribuye a la correlación entre el tipo de modelo, el reforzador social y las actividades previas al modelamiento, así como las consecuencias de éste.

En el presente estudio se analizan las referencias textuales que unen el Guzmán de Alfarache, de Mateo Alemán con La pícara Justina. El Libro de entretenimiento reproduce estampas, aspectos, ideas, etc., de la gran novela picaresca. Estas... more

En el presente estudio se analizan las referencias textuales que unen el Guzmán
de Alfarache, de Mateo Alemán con La pícara Justina. El Libro de entretenimiento
reproduce estampas, aspectos, ideas, etc., de la gran novela picaresca. Estas conexiones, en ocasiones, van más allá de la mera imitación, y suponen una clara
expresión burlesca al esquema picaresco y los fines didácticos del Guzmán.
This analysis looks at the textual references that link Guzmán de Alfarache of Mateo Alemán with La pícara Justina. The Libro de entretenimiento reproduces aspects, ideas, etc, about the great picaresque novel. These connections at times go beyond mere imitation, and involve a clear burlesque expression to the picaresque squeme and Guzman’s teaching purposes.

Pero de Magalhães de Gandavo redigiu pelo menos quatro versões de sua obra sobre o Brasil: dois tratados e duas Histórias. A principal alteração realizada na passagem dos tratados para as Histórias foi a supressão de elementos disfóricos... more

Pero de Magalhães de Gandavo redigiu pelo menos quatro versões de sua obra sobre o Brasil: dois tratados e duas Histórias. A principal alteração realizada na passagem dos tratados para as Histórias foi a supressão de elementos disfóricos na descrição da colônia portuguesa e a inclusão de lugares comumente empregados por cronistas ibéricos nos relatos sobre o Novo Mundo. Este trabalho pretende analisar como a descrição da natureza e dos povos nativos do Brasil se equilibra entre a experiência do viajante e os topoi clássicos retirados, por exemplo, de Heródoto e mesmo da poesia bucólica. Para tanto, partirei dos emblemas-poemas de Oswald de Andrade no livro Pau-Brasil, que se apropriaram e recriam frases da História da província Santa Cruz, de Gândavo.

This essay demonstrates the prominence of imitation in Kierkegaard’s ethics. I move beyond his idea of authentic existence modeled on Christ and explore the secular dimension of Kierkegaard’s insights about human nature and imitation. I... more

This essay demonstrates the prominence of imitation in Kierkegaard’s ethics. I move beyond his idea of authentic existence modeled on Christ and explore the secular dimension of Kierkegaard’s insights about human nature and imitation. I start with presenting imitation as key to understanding the ethical dimension of the relationship between the universal and individual aspects of the human self in Kierkegaard. I then show that Kierkegaard’s moral concepts of “primitivity” and “comparison” are a response to his sociological and psychological observations about imitation from an ethical point of view. In the final section of this paper, I briefly engage Friedrich Schleiermacher’s “ethics of individuality” and Gabriel Tarde’s “laws of imitation” to explore Kierkegaard’s consideration of ethics and imitation as situated within the context of a broader conversation on imitation.

Sažetak Kroz cijeli Novi zavjet nalazimo poticaje da oponašamo ili slijedimo primjer Krista, Pavla, pa čak i nekih drugih pobožnih ljudi. U Poslanici Filipljanima nalazimo taj poticaj da oponašamo, pripojen Pavlovoj teologiji progresivnog... more

Sažetak Kroz cijeli Novi zavjet nalazimo poticaje da oponašamo ili slijedimo primjer Krista, Pavla, pa čak i nekih drugih pobožnih ljudi. U Poslanici Filipljanima nalazimo taj poticaj da oponašamo, pripojen Pavlovoj teologiji progresivnog posvećenja. Posvećenje je u Filipljanima prikazano kao suobličavanje Kristu kroz spoznaju Njega, koja dolazi kroz trojni način Božje riječi (apostolskog učenja), unutarnjeg djelovanja Božjega Duha i oponašanja Krista, apostola Pavla i drugih pobožnih primjera. Pokušat ćemo oblikovati biblijsku teolo-giju posvećenja kroz oponašanje, ograničeni u svojoj analizi na Poslanicu Filipljanima. Prvi dio ovoga članka osvrće se na učenje o posvećenju u Fili-pljanima, s naglaskom na odlomke gdje Pavao izravno postavlja to pitanje: Filipljanima 1,9-11. 27-29; 2,12-16; 3,1-15. Drugi nas dio članka uvodi u biblijsko učenje o oponašanju, a zatim se osvrće na silaznu spiralu oponaša-nja: oponašanje Krista (Fil 2,5), oponašanje Pavla (Fil 3.17a; 4,9) i opona-šanje Pavlovih vjernih oponašatelja (Fil 3,17b). U zaključku ćemo vidjeti da su oponašanje Krista i Njegovih vjernih oponašatelja sredstvo progresivnog posvećenja, sredstvo koje je i važno i često zanemareno, kako od onih koji bi trebali služiti kao primarni primjeri pobožnosti (duhovni vođe) tako i od onih koji bi se trebali učiti oponašanju.