New Media Studies Research Papers (original) (raw)
If the 21st century is to understood in terms of the proliferation of interface and image exchange platforms and if predominate forms of media only attempt to reconcile and navigate these technologies, theoretical examinations of these... more
If the 21st century is to understood in terms of the proliferation of interface and image exchange platforms and if predominate forms of media only attempt to reconcile and navigate these technologies, theoretical examinations of these platforms aimed at understanding their aesthetics and effects have become imperative. Utilizing an understanding of cognitive technology from Marcelo Dascal, understandings of networks, protocol and control developed by Alexander R Galloway, and a theory of modern technogenesis by Katherine Hayles, this paper maps out emerging aesthetic forms in art and visual production as a result of the preponderance of computer interface in contemporary modes of communication. It examines the function and form of hypertext and protocol as they relate to visual culture. This work examines film and other visual forms with an eye to cognitive development in order to uncover the visual manifestation of networks as well as the systems of control that are embedded within.
Just as Neon Genesis Evangelion remains a cultural touchstone that signalled the end of Japan’s unfounded optimism of the bubble economy era, Attack on Titan is the revenant marking the post-2008 cultural shift from the free movement of... more
Just as Neon Genesis Evangelion remains a cultural touchstone that signalled the end of Japan’s unfounded optimism of the bubble economy era, Attack on Titan is the revenant marking the post-2008 cultural shift from the free movement of globalised neoliberalism to the rising populism of the far-right and the normalisation of conspiracy theories. Game of Thrones, in the end, succumbed to the temptation of uncomplicated crowd-pleasers, which is why it has no re-watch value for me under lockdown. AoT and Eva, on the other hand, tackle what Mark Fisher termed the sense of a cancelled future under capitalist realism.
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society." -- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to... more
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society."
-- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to critical media studies. Accessible and readable, the book is well-liked by students. Topics include the Spectacle, Hyperreality, the Global Village, Social/Mobile Media, Capitalism and Counterculture, Surveillance and Privacy, Ecology and the Anthropocene, Media and Science, Media Futures, the Meme (original version from Dawkins), and many others.
-- Upon adoption, I will provide handouts, syllabus, PPTs.
-- Published by Cognella.
Günümüzde iletişim teknolojileri gelişirken medya endüstrileri de iletişim teknolojileri temelinde dönüşüm içerisindedir. Yaşanan teknolojik gelişmeler neticesinde medya sektörü profesyonellerinin sahip olmaları beklenen beceriler de... more
Günümüzde iletişim teknolojileri gelişirken medya endüstrileri de iletişim teknolojileri temelinde dönüşüm içerisindedir. Yaşanan teknolojik gelişmeler neticesinde medya sektörü profesyonellerinin sahip olmaları beklenen beceriler de teknolojinin gerekleri doğrultusunda biçimlenmektedir. Dijitalleşmeyle dönüşen yaratıcı endüstrilerin eğitim alanındaki uzantısı olarak, üniversitelerdeki lisans düzeyindeki yeni medya programları, iletişim alanındaki dönüşümün de bir yansıması olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Yeni medya ekosistemi, çeşitli teknolojik araçları kullanarak farklı dijital mecralar için içerik üretebilecek iletişim uzmanlarına da ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu ihtiyaca yönelik olarak hazırlanan yeni medya eğitim programları, yeni teknolojilere ile medya sektöründe yaygınlaşan dijital platformlar için içerik üretimine odaklanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda eğitimde dijital teknolojiler, multimedya, hız, etkileşim, kişiselleştirme, yakınsama (yöndeşme) ve bulut teknolojileri gibi birçok yeni kavram gündeme gelmektedir. Çalışma ile amaçlanan, yeni medya alanı özelinde eğitimde güncel yaklaşımların saptanmasıdır. Bu kapsamda yeni iletişim teknolojileri ve güncel kavramlar üzerinden, dijitalleşme ekseninde yeni medya eğitiminde ön plana çıkan olanaklar ve yeni yönelimler tartışılacaktır.
Entrare nell’immagine: un desiderio che accompagna l’umanità dall’alba dei tempi, perdendosi nelle nebbie del mito. Un desiderio che nei secoli ogni cultura visuale ha cercato di realizzare con i mezzi di volta in volta disponibili. E che... more
Entrare nell’immagine: un desiderio che accompagna l’umanità
dall’alba dei tempi, perdendosi nelle nebbie del mito. Un desiderio
che nei secoli ogni cultura visuale ha cercato di realizzare con
i mezzi di volta in volta disponibili. E che oggi le tecnologie di realtà
virtuale promettono di soddisfare: l’immagine si fa ambiente immersivo,
ci avvolge a 360 gradi, è presenza in carne e ossa. Saltano
le cornici che la confinavano in un mondo a parte. Persino il
medium in cui si concretizza sembra farsi trasparente. Una volta
aperto il passaggio fra il mondo reale e il mondo iconico, dobbiamo
però aspettarci un varco percorribile nei due sensi: penetriamo
nel mondo dell’immagine, ma l’immagine esonda nel nostro
mondo. Al desiderio si accompagna il timore per tale tracimazione.
Questo libro esplora quel doppio movimento, e ricostruisce la
storia di quel desiderio-timore, delle fantasie che ha innescato e
delle strategie escogitate per corrispondervi: dal proto-immersivo
Narciso ai caschi VR, passando per il trompe-l’oeil e le sculture
viventi, gli specchi e le architetture illusionistiche, i panorami e le
fantasmagorie, l’arte-ambiente, il cinema in 3D. Indugiando sulla
soglia che al contempo separa e congiunge quei due mondi, ne
subiamo il fascino, e ne apprezziamo il rischio.
Since at least the early 1990s with the publication of groundbreaking works such as Manovich's The Language of New Media, the rise of digital and online media into every facet of our lives has been conceptualized through distinctions... more
Since at least the early 1990s with the publication of groundbreaking works such as Manovich's The Language of New Media, the rise of digital and online media into every facet of our lives has been conceptualized through distinctions between " new " and " old " media. Yet, scholars have recently started to criticize such concepts, arguing that they are inappropriate to describe media change and that they do not help improve our understanding of the relationship between different media in contemporary societies. Approaches to the biography and social life of media have examined how definitions of oldness and newness are attributed to technologies and artefacts throughout their lifetime, providing an interpretative model to rethink processes such as convergence, media encounters, and the transformations that media technologies and practices experience throughout time. This special issue will further advance these reflections. It aims to illuminate places, cases, and contexts where distinctions between old and new media break down, and to propose alternative theoretical frameworks that redefine media change and the interaction between different media. Papers are invited that interrogate how changing definitions of old and new media inform the trajectory of specific media as well as their interrelations, moving away from rigid conceptions of oldness and newness to emphasise, instead, the persistent changes that characterise our relationship with media objects and technologies.
- by Simone Natale and +1
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- Media Studies, New Media, Media Archaeology, Digital Media
*Academic Book Review* Killer Tapes… is a fascinating book with rigourous theoretical content and effective challenges to entrenched modes of thinking about movie spectatorship. Benson-Allott outlines a new phenomenology of spectatorship,... more
*Academic Book Review* Killer Tapes… is a fascinating book with rigourous theoretical content and effective challenges to entrenched modes of thinking about movie spectatorship. Benson-Allott outlines a new phenomenology of spectatorship, but this reader is left with important questions regarding certain denials of intent and limits in surveying the postcinematic landscape and in defining a postcinematic movie culture. In this sense, Killer Tapes… finds its ideal readership in those who are eager to further Benson-Allott’s own ideas and help to scope-out the full field of postcinematic movie culture.
As radio shifts from analog to digital, the Hong Kong Radio Industry faces a challenge that they have not prepared for. To say the least, they have been running on deficit. In addition, it seems that they had become outdated, falling... more
As radio shifts from analog to digital, the Hong Kong Radio Industry faces a challenge that they have not prepared for. To say the least, they have been running on deficit. In addition, it seems that they had become outdated, falling behind in terms of technology and exhibiting a lack of awareness about how online social media interaction between disk jockeys and listeners could attract more attention and increase their listener base. Significantly, Hong Kong radio is notable for not having archival systems for their sound recordings and radio content that could provide public and educational access after live radio sessions, and that might have helped maintain, if not increase their audiences who are increasingly used to accessing radio on demand via streaming services. This highlights the urgent need to set up a system for preserving Hong Kong's precious recordings. Using ethnographic approach, the researcher adopted a qualitative method where they observed and interacted with the study's participants in their real-life environment. Moreover, the paper applied a usability in a user-centered service design to help them analyze the problem, which includes the relevant domain, audience, process, goal, and context. Using an ethnographic study within a usability project enables researchers to thoroughly analyze the design problem and notice all associated issues to come up with a better solution. This paper focused on the radio industry in Hong Kong, particularly addressing crucial issues and questions that have been understudied in existing academic research.
Hate speech in the new media has become an emerging topic in recent years, gaining the interest of researchers and policy-makers. However, the concept has been contested as too wide-ranging, and the terms of fear speech and dangerous... more
Hate speech in the new media has become an emerging topic in recent years, gaining the interest of researchers and policy-makers. However, the concept has been contested as too wide-ranging, and the terms of fear speech and dangerous speech were introduced in order to narrow conceptions. The aim of this paper is to reveal how the dangerous speech and fear speech towards Syrian refugees is disseminated from online debates in two different countries: Poland and Turkey. As the theoretical base, the works of Jeremy Waldron (2012), Susan Benesch (2012a, 2012b) and Antoine Buyse (2014) were used. Applying content analysis to the chosen YouTube comments, the research shows how users motivate calls for violence and build the atmosphere of fear around refugees. The content analysis reveals that 604 out of 12367 Turkish comments (4,88 per cent) and 126 out of 6190 Polish comments (2,03 per cent) contain fear speech. Refugees are mostly presented as a threat in general, a threat to culture or nation, and on individual level-as terrorists, rapist, thieves, etc. 82 Turkish (0,66 per cent) and 112 Polish (1,8 per cent) comments contain dangerous speech, also in form of open calls to violence or praising the Nazi death camps or the terrorist attack of Anders Breivik in Norway. The research is important as it analyses the dimensions of hate speech which can actually increase the risk of violence against the members of another group.
Es ya de dominio popular la expansión de las nuevas tecnologías. Las estadísticas lo confirman y los medios de comunicación lo pregonan. Pero, ¿cuáles son las consecuencias del ingreso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la... more
Es ya de dominio popular la expansión de las nuevas tecnologías. Las estadísticas lo confirman y los medios de comunicación lo pregonan. Pero, ¿cuáles son las consecuencias del ingreso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (ntic) en nuestras vidas? Se trata de un viejo debate que renace con frecuencia ante la aparición de un nuevo artefacto o una nueva técnica que se suponen innovadores y se les suelen atribuir capacidades inéditas. Así, la imprenta, el cine, la radio, entre otros, han pasado por este proceso. La sociedad estadounidense ha sido muy sensible a este tipo de cambios, incluso desde sus pautas culturales y educativas en donde los referentes son inventores como Alba Edison y Graham Bell, más que humanistas o eruditos europeos.
Digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are changing how we live and do research, for example, the ways in which patient-reported outcomes and phenomics big data are curated and analyzed. Digital... more
Digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are changing how we live and do research, for example, the ways in which patient-reported outcomes and phenomics big data are curated and analyzed. Digital transformation is everywhere and is reshaping data (im)mortality in a wide range of sectors in medicine, engineering, journalism, and beyond. In this context, thanatechnology is a term introduced by Carla Sofka over two decades ago, referring to “any kind of technology that can be used to deal with death, dying, grief, loss, and illness.” The field of thanatechnology has become relevant in the digital age as social media is full of accounts from dead individuals, whereas digital media is often harnessed as a source of data and metadata, and in times of pandemics and normalcy. Emerging macroscale analyses forecast billions of social media user accounts from deceased persons in the current century. What happens to digital remains of persons once they cease to exist physically? Digital death, or its absence in the case of deceased individuals, becomes a challenge for both data availability and veracity, and confound research and public health services. Data (im)mortality and digital death are also relevant for research on past events of significance for public health, for example, to discern the history of pandemics and ecological threats. This article examines and calls for new ways of thinking about digital death and thanatechnology as integral dimensions of digital transformation in medicine, new media studies, and society in the 21st century.
- by Arif YILDIRIM and +1
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- New Media Studies, Digital death, Thanatechnology, Industry 4.0
Digital Media organizations had a crucial role on the coverage of the Egyptian 'Arab Spring', but until today the outcomes of the news gathering are debatable in the academic society. This study examines the frames of the English-language... more
Digital Media organizations had a crucial role on the coverage of the Egyptian 'Arab Spring', but until today the outcomes of the news gathering are debatable in the academic society. This study examines the frames of the English-language websites of Al Jazeera, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and China Daily from 9 to 13 February 2011 because of the termination of Hosni Mubarak's presidency. The sample consists of 92 website articles, which report the Egyptian 'Arab Spring' without considering any video footage in the examined news stories. The particular article examines the frames of each article and categorizes them according to a Knowledge Extraction (KE) tool named 'Open Calais', which is owned by another media organization, Reuters. In this study, China Daily's coverage differs from the former researchers' results regarding the 'Arab Spring' covering. According to the findings, there was a merited coverage on the case of the Egyptian 'Arab Spring' without relying exclusively on the content of the official press agency of the People's Republic of China, Xinhua News Agency, and acted like a western-type news media.
- by Minos-Athanasios Karyotakis and +2
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- Communication, New Media, Journalism, Digital Media
This article explores how parliaments are using social media, assessing the role this plays in public engagement. Relatively latecomers to the world of social media, parliaments have made considerable strides in the last couple of years... more
This article explores how parliaments are using social media, assessing the role this plays in public engagement. Relatively latecomers to the world of social media, parliaments have made considerable strides in the last couple of years with many now joining a platform that is still perceived as an unknown and vulnerable space for formal political institutions. We show that parliaments are using social media mainly to report parliamentary business, interacting with citizens only on the margins. We consider the extent to which this approach constitutes public engagement and explore the differences in strategy between parliamentary institutions. In our analysis we consider in particular the specificity of parliamentary institutions in their ability to use this type of tools effectively. We also reflect on the limitations and challenges these tools raise to an institution such as a parliament, namely in terms of engaging with the public. Our study includes an overview of social media accounts in parliaments across the world, being mainly based on a content analysis of a sample of Facebook and Twitter feeds from five European parliaments, supported by information drawn from elite interviews with senior parliamentary officials and representatives.
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The aim is to create a typology of the various ways in which candidates behaved on Twitter. Our research, which included a content analysis of tweets (n = 26,282) from all twittering Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates (n = 416) during the 2010 UK General Election campaign, focused on four aspects of tweets: type, interaction, function and topic. By examining candidates' twittering behaviour, the authors show that British politicians mainly used Twitter as a unidirectional form of communication. However, there were a group of candidates who used it to interact with voters by, for example, mobilizing, helping and consulting them, thus tapping into the potential Twitter offers for facilitating a closer relationship with citizens.
- by Todd Graham and +2
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- Campaigning, Communication, Media Studies, New Media
Social media produces numerous spaces and opportunities, globally, for people to link up, reach out, mobilise, assert their identity, build bridges... For those on the margins, this virtual alternative enables them to break down otherwise... more
Social media produces numerous spaces and opportunities, globally, for people to link up, reach out, mobilise, assert their identity, build bridges... For those on the margins, this virtual alternative enables them to break down otherwise impenetrable social barriers and form close-knit digifams. This book is a collection of 9 essays that take an indepth look at social media activism and its ramifications.
Die Ökonomisierung des Social Networking und die Kommerzialisierung des Teilens in der Share Economy haben den Stellenwert und den Umgang mit Bildern im Netz weitreichend verändert. Die Einsicht, dass auf den Aufmerksamkeitsmärkten der... more
Die Ökonomisierung des Social Networking und die Kommerzialisierung
des Teilens in der Share Economy haben den Stellenwert und den
Umgang mit Bildern im Netz weitreichend verändert. Die Einsicht,
dass auf den Aufmerksamkeitsmärkten der Online-Kommunikation
audiovisuellen Inhalten eine wachsende kommunikative und ökonomische
Bedeutung zukommt, wurde bereits in der Ära des Web 1.0
formuliert. (Goldhaber 1997) Der Aufstieg der Sozialen Medien Facebook
(2004), YouTube (2005), Twitter (2006) und Instagram (2010)
wurde begleitet von Visionen einer partizipatorischen, herrschaftsfreien
Vernetzung. Heute befinden wir uns in einer postpartizipatorischen
Umbruchphase und können die Ausbildung von Professionalisierungstendenzen
und Klassenstrukturen auf Community-Portalen
beobachten. Eine neue Repräsentationskultur des sozialen Aufstiegs
und der Macht des Geldes ist entstanden, die sich von den Visionen eines
alternativen Wirtschaftssystems des kostenfreien Gemeinguts und
der ehrenamtlichen Zusammenarbeit distanziert. Vor diesem Hintergrund
bildet der Ausgangspunkt meiner Überlegungen die Annahme,
dass Bilder bei der medialen Vermittlung von sozialem Status einen
großen Stellenwert einnehmen. Auch in der vernetzten Gesellschaft
der Gegenwart bestimmen materielle Werte den sozialen Status, erfahren
mediale Inszenierungen von monetärem Reichtum und sozialem
Prestige eine hohe Aufmerksamkeit. Welche Kommunikationsfunktionen
übernehmen Bilder in Online-Communities, wenn sie als Mittel
für die Repräsentation von Sozialprestige eingesetzt werden?
La relación entre performance y redes sociales es un tema poco explorado, transformándolo no solo en un espacio potente para la experimentación y la creación, sino también en un asunto a analizar desde el punto de... more
La relación entre performance y redes sociales es un tema poco explorado, transformándolo no solo en un espacio potente para la experimentación y la creación, sino también en un asunto a analizar desde el punto de vista teórico. Uno de los aspectos menos discutidos en dicha relación es el de las piezas de performance cuyo registro teatral son las redes sociales, considerando además que dichas herramientas pueden expandir las perspectivas de los creadores en el área, más aún pensando en el creciente uso de ellas por parte de la población en general. Ante este panorama, el presente trabajo desarrolla un marco analítico tentativo para aproximarnos a dichas piezas, apoyado en conceptos provenientes de la cibercultura y de la teoría literaria como el avatar, el pacto referencial, y el pacto autobiográfico. Aplicaremos dicho marco a algunas piezas de interés, esbozando cómo pueden utilizarse esos conceptos en los ámbitos teórico y creativo.
The media are playing an important role in childrenns daily lives, whether measured in terms of family income, use of time and space, or importance within the conduct of social relations. Curiously, there is a notable discrepancy between... more
The media are playing an important role in childrenns daily lives, whether measured in terms of family income, use of time and space, or importance within the conduct of social relations. Curiously, there is a notable discrepancy between the high levels of public concern over children and young peoplees use of new media and the minimum of empirical research conducted thus far. Although, children are often left out of populationn surveys, in Europe Kelly,. " lso in " lbania, the use of new media from children and young has conduct to undertake some studies related to this domain. Referring to this study we aim to understand the perception of children, parents and teacher about the effects that new media create the children life. The methodology used is a qualitative one based in 20 semi structured interviews with parents and teacher and in a focus group of children age 12-15 years old. Through this study we aim to know more about the new media; the way of use, activities and their negative or positive social effects on children. The conclusions of this paper are: the social media are constantly present in children life of now days; the most use are: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat. They use new media and social media for entertainments, home works, conversations and socialization. Also, parents and teacher try to controlling in distance the way that the children use media. They try to protect them from different derange. Most of parent and teacher think that the only one positive effect of new media in their children life is the possibility to take information that can help children with home works.
In 2016 Instagram integrated personalization algorithms into its system, promising to show the moments they believe we will care about the most. The platform's personalization logic and its commercial nature raise concerns regarding the... more
In 2016 Instagram integrated personalization algorithms into its system, promising to show the moments they believe we will care about the most. The platform's personalization logic and its commercial nature raise concerns regarding the emergence of filter bubbles and "individual realities", privileging topics that reflect a firm market logic and represent a reality where capitalism dominates. The present study aims to investigate the existence of a filter bubble on Instagram, posing the following questions: Do filter bubbles exist on Instagram? Do Instagram algorithms favor commercial soft topics? The study employs the algorithm auditing method, impersonating a user interested in soft-topics and another one involved in public-oriented topics by creating fake accounts. Both accounts' recommendations were collected and analyzed qualitatively. The analysis shows that Instagram algorithms render certain topics much more salient, generating a filter bubble of soft topics that closely resembles what Debord introduced as the spectacle.
Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění Abstract: Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s... more
Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění
Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s tendencí porovnávat média současná s těmi, jež jim předcházela.
Tato komparativní metoda a analýza médií dává vzniknout genealogiím a příběhům, které pro nás nadále utváří relativně pevný svazek zásadních vědeckých či uměleckých objevů a dějinných událostí ze světa médií.
Very few contemporary television programs provoke spirited responses quite like the dystopian series Black Mirror. This provocative program, infamous for its myriad apocalyptic portrayals of humankind's relationship with an array of... more
Very few contemporary television programs provoke spirited responses quite like the dystopian series Black Mirror. This provocative program, infamous for its myriad apocalyptic portrayals of humankind's relationship with an array of electronic and digital technologies, has proven quite adept at offering insightful commentary on a number of issues facing contemporary society. This timely collection draws on innovative and interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks to provide unique perspectives about how confrontations with such issues should be considered and understood through the contemporary post-media condition that drives technology use.
This paper focuses on Indonesian millennial Muslims' experience in using Instagram and how this influenced their hijrah and the articulation of Islamic identity as millennial Muslims. Historically, the term hijrah is traced to the... more
This paper focuses on Indonesian millennial Muslims' experience in using Instagram and how this influenced their hijrah and the articulation of Islamic identity as millennial Muslims. Historically, the term hijrah is traced to the commemoration of the day when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emigrated from Makkah to Madinah. The term is translated as emigration, but then interpreted differently by Muslims in many parts of the world. On the one hand, the term has been used by violent Muslim groups such as ISIS to persuade Muslims to emigrate to the so-called Islamic State. On the other hand, the young generation of Muslims use it to declare a spiritual emigration and pursue a better life. This paper asks how millennial Muslims in Indonesia interpret the term hijrah and how they articulate the idea of hijrah and their Islamic identity into their activities on Instagram. The study employs critical discourse analysis as its primary and virtual ethnography as a secondary research method to reveal the articulation of the term hijrah in social media by millennial Muslims in Indonesia. This study indicates that the spirit of hijrah in Instagram by millennial Muslims is more about a spiritual journey rather than a political movement. The hijrah phenomenon on Instagram was also celebrated differently by informants, considering the cultural background, gender, parental education, living environment, and education, which affected the migration process differently.
Kemajuan teknologi turut serta mempengaruhi adanya gebrakan-gebrakan baru di segala bidang, termasuk dalam bidang komunikasi. Fenomena-fenomena besar muncul seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang tidak dapat dikendalikan... more
Kemajuan teknologi turut serta mempengaruhi adanya gebrakan-gebrakan baru di segala bidang, termasuk dalam bidang komunikasi. Fenomena-fenomena besar muncul seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang tidak dapat dikendalikan oleh manusia. Sebuah kata digitalisasi muncul dan sedikit banyak menjadi latar belakang perubahan perilaku hidup manusia. Digitalisasi mengantar manusia dalam jaringan digital yang dengannya manusia mendapatkan kebebasannya dalam menjelajah segala sisi kehidupan dunia. Fenomena ini tidak hanya terjadi pada masyarakat usia dewasa, namun juga di dunia remaja.
Child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is widely available online. Existing research indicates that the parents and parental figures of victims are notably represented in offender populations. However, there is limited research in this area.... more
Child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is widely available online. Existing research indicates that the parents and parental figures of victims are notably represented in offender populations. However, there is limited research in this area. Drawing on Australian media and legal databases, this study created a database of 82 cases of CSAM production and distribution perpetrated by parents and/or parental figures from 2009 to 2019. The study found that perpetrators are most often the male parental figures of the victims, and victims are predominately girls under nine years of age. The findings reveal distinct patterns and scenarios of parental CSAM offending that may inform prevention, early intervention and improved responses to victims. The study documented the significant impact of parental CSAM offending on victims and the need for specialist victim support.
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book publication. Looking closely at the limit of multilingual literary expression and the literary journalism, criticism, and scholarship that comments on multilingual work, In Babel’s Shadow presents a critical reflection on the fate of literature in a world gripped by the crisis of globalization.
Background: Many women in countries in the global North access digital media information sources during pregnancy and the early years of motherhood. These include websites, blogs, online discussion forums, apps and social media platforms.... more
Background: Many women in countries in the global North access digital media information sources during pregnancy and the early years of motherhood. These include websites, blogs, online discussion forums, apps and social media platforms. Little previous research has sought to investigate in detail how women use the diverse range of digital media now available to them and what types of information they value. A qualitative study using focus groups was conducted to address these issues. Methods: Four focus groups were held in Sydney, Australia, including a total of 36 women who were either pregnant or had given birth in the previous three years. The participants were asked to talk about the types of digital media they used for pregnancy and parenting purposes, why they used them and in what ways they found them useful or helpful (or not). Group discussions were transcribed and thematically analysed, identifying the dominant information characteristics identified by women as valuable and useful.
The popularity of Social Network Sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram demonstrates the addictive appeal of online communities, particularly among teenagers. Such addictive appeal is accompanied by both positive and... more
The popularity of Social Network Sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram demonstrates the addictive appeal of online communities, particularly among teenagers. Such addictive appeal is accompanied by both positive and negative aspects, which raises the question of what influences teenagers’ choice of SNSs. This study addresses the gap in empirical research related to user gratification factors influencing choice of SNSs among high school teenagers. This was a quantitative study involving 481 respondents purposively drawn from Nairobi County. Findings revealed personal identity, surveillance and social capital significantly influencing choice of SNSs. The study recommended enhanced use of SNSs in behavior change communication among teenagers.
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in general and of deliberation specifically, is the quality of the debate. In the past decade, many studies have been conducted to evaluate online discussions in light of the ideal notion of the public sphere. However, a wide gap exists between theoretical approaches and the actual operationalization of such theories for empirical research. In an attempt to bridge this gap we develop a method for examining the extent to which Internet forums meet the normative requirements of rational-critical debate, reciprocity, and reflexivity. The methodological approach consists of a textual analysis of the contributions made to an online forum. The coding scheme presented in this article is based on a case study (UK Online) and guided by the theoretical notions of deliberative democracy.
The use of social networks, particularly Twitter, in the area of political communication is continually growing. Its capacity to foster direct and personal communication and interaction with the citizenry are two of the factors that... more
The use of social networks, particularly Twitter, in the area of political communication is continually growing. Its capacity to foster direct and personal communication and interaction with the citizenry are two of the factors that explain its growth. The objective of this study is to analyse whether the principal Spanish political leaders (Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Iglesias, and Albert Rivera) dialogue and interact with the citizenry on Twitter. To that end, a quantitative content analysis is applied, taking as a reference the methodology of Kent and Taylor (1998) and its adaptation to Twitter by Ribalko and Seltzer (2010). The sample is composed of tweets published by the four candidates during the campaign for the general elections held in Spain on 20 December 2015. The results reveal that independent of variables such as number of publications, profile followers, or ideology, none of the political leaders use Twitter to dialogue with their audience. Meanwhile, it is also shown that the use of this platform drives the hybridisation of political actors’ communicative strategies.
- by Silvia Marcos-García and +1
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- Communication, New Media, Web 2.0, Digital Media
This article presents the category of emersion in videogames. The author of this article understands emersion as an experience of such elements of a game that weaken the impression of non-mediated participation in events presented in the... more
This article presents the category of emersion in videogames. The author of this article understands emersion as an experience of such elements of a game that weaken the impression of non-mediated participation in events presented in the game (some researchers call this impression "immersion"). Emersive elements of the game reveal the mediated character of the action the player takes part in. Emersion may have varied status: it may be incidental (e.g. when it is a result of an unforeseen glitch), repeatable (e.g. as a result of a mechanism typical for a specific genre) or designed.
The last case seems to be the most interesting one, because designed emerisve elements may provide meaningful or artistic results. Designed emersive factors bring new possibilities of creation, which are not achievable through the non-digital and non-interactive forms of expression.
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on political spaces thereby neglecting an array of other genres. The aim of this article is to move beyond politically oriented communicative spaces by investigating political talk within the British reality TV discussion forum Wife Swap. The purpose is to see whether a forum dedicated to reality TV provides the communicative space, content, and style for politics that extends the public sphere. The central question is whether it fulfils the requirements of rationality and ‘decent’ deliberation. Moreover, the analysis moved beyond a formal notion by investigating how expressives influence the more traditional elements of deliberation. The findings revealed that Wife Swap participants engaged in political talk that was often deliberative. Moreover, it was a space where the use of expressives played a key role in enhancing such talk.
Every advertisement text has a specific impact on the mind of receivers. Just like a water-mill or wind mill, human mind develops a specific systematic interaction against different advertisement texts. This section focuses on how... more
Every advertisement text has a specific impact on the mind of receivers. Just like a water-mill or wind mill, human mind develops a specific systematic interaction against different advertisement texts. This section focuses on how information presented and carried by different texts are built on human mind. The basic aim is to reveal how advertisement texts operate human mind. In this sense, the authors try to understand the impact of analogue media on our minds through discussing the nature of science, the way human mind operates, and the structure of mass communication means. On top of that, the authors visualize this interaction on a model. This model would not only make it possible for us to understand our interaction with analogue media but also would give clues about digital media. With these clues, it would be possible to make predictions about changing advertising environment, and accordingly the way of making more effective strategies and future of advertising sector.
- by Recep Yilmaz and +1
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- PR and Advertising, New Media, Digital Media, Advertising
L’avènement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, depuis l’invention d’Internet à la fin du XXe siècle (Castells, 2001) et surtout à travers l’irruption et l’utilisation croissante des médias sociaux à partir... more
L’avènement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, depuis l’invention d’Internet à la fin du XXe siècle (Castells, 2001) et surtout à travers l’irruption et l’utilisation croissante des médias sociaux à partir de la seconde moitié des années 2000, a signifié le commencement d’une révolution de la communication humaine sans précédent (Folon, 2015) : une réalité technologique-culturelle qui a profondément changé notre façon de communiquer en influençant inévitablement le langage quotidien (Monod, 2013).
Ces pratiques de communication issues dans le contexte des possibilités et des limites des technologies numériques ont fait en effet émergé, dans les dernières années, de nouvelles variantes de la langue française à l’intérêt linguistique aujourd’hui très fort (Faerber, 2013).
C’est le cas en particulier des tweets, les messages écrits de 140 caractères – très récemment augmentés à 280 (Kristanadjaja, 2017) – publiés sur le célèbre site de microblogage, dont les exigences brachylogiques et brachygraphiques spécifiques (M’Henni, 2017), cette « économie de la frappé » (Dejond, 2006) dérivée en quelque sorte du langage SMS (Fabbroni, 2007; Panckhurst, 2009), ont donné naissances à des variantes langagières composées essentiellement d’abréviations, acronymes, onomatopées et anglicismes : de véritables sociolectes très diffusés parmi les nouvelles générations d’internautes francophones (Devely, 2016).
Cette étude, sur la base d’un corpus constitué, à l’aide des outils de la recherche lexicométrique, des attestations lexicales en ligne – et notamment sur le réseau social Twitter – les plus répandues et significatives, vise à analyser les particularités linguistiques, les pratiques et les contextes d’usage de ces nouvelles variétés de la communication numérique en langue française.
Youngblood coglie il passaggio in cui inizia a essere evidente il farsi ambiente della comunicazione simbolica mediata, il suo divenire habitat. In effetti stiamo andando in questa la direzione. Proviamo, ad esempio, a sommare il tempo... more
Youngblood coglie il passaggio in cui inizia a essere evidente il farsi ambiente della comunicazione simbolica mediata, il suo divenire habitat. In effetti stiamo andando in questa la direzione. Proviamo, ad esempio, a sommare il tempo che dedichiamo al simbolico, o anche più semplicemente ai media, nell’arco di una giornata. Il tempo per comunicare oralmente in maniera diretta con gli altri, e in maniera mediata tramite il telefono, lo smartphone o il tablet. Il tempo dedicato a leggere (giornali, libri, insegne, striscioni, graffiti, segnali, cruscotti, tastiere, supporti simbolici di qualche tipo) e a scrivere. Il tempo speso davanti alla televisione, al computer, a qualche altro schermo, nei videogame e nei social network, al cinema, in eventi come una mostra d’arte, uno spettacolo teatrale, un concerto… Tutto sommato è un tempo rilevante, anche considerando solo la comunicazione mediata. Nella dimensione simbolica, nei media, trascorriamo già una parte notevole del nostro tempo, ed è in questa dimensione o tramite essa che prendiamo o attuiamo molte delle decisioni più importanti della nostra vita.
Today, information processing technologies and the Internet are changing and developing at a rapid pace. This development of the Internet is an important development in the sense of information dissemination, it brings with it several... more
Today, information processing technologies and the Internet are changing and developing
at a rapid pace. This development of the Internet is an important development in
the sense of information dissemination, it brings with it several problems and the emerging
problems show that this field should be taken as legal. This study was prepared in order to
present a solution proposal by developing a different point of view as a result of the necessity
and against the living legal problems.
In the study, the relationship between personality rights and freedom of expression
was analyzed on the axis of social media, and the legal limits of freedom of expression in social
media sites should be examined. The foundation of the study is consist of, social media,
international conventions and the protection system provided in our national law in the context
of the internet, social media, freedom of expression and personality rights.
In the last part, some controversial issues were discussed through in-depth interview
method and the question of "use and restriction of rights and freedoms in social media"
was handled from a legal point of view by directing various questions to the participant
composed of five experts in the field. In this section where the issues of reliability of new
media, sufficiency of legal regulations, attitudes of social networks against legal violations,
effects of mass movements and applicability of international regulations in Turkish domestic
legal system are discussed, both theoretical knowledge and practical problems are discussed
and alternative solution proposals are presented. It was studied.
The cultural impact of media and ICTs on public and private space was often analyzed without a more complex emphasis on historical aspects of these phenomena. This paper put limits of these approaches in question by employing wider... more
The cultural impact of media and ICTs on public and private space was often analyzed without a more complex emphasis on historical aspects of these phenomena. This paper put limits of these approaches in question by employing wider historical and theoretical perspective - this text deals with ICTs in a context of ‘older’ technologies and in a context of development of modernity and it shows that mentioned ‘uniqueness’ has rather different quality than it was expected. The basic assumption is that communication technologies shaped the configuration or relation between private and public cultural spaces - the two dialogically formed spaces significantly describing the inner metaphorically ‘spatial’ character of modernity.