Nicholas Kaldor Research Papers - (original) (raw)

La motivacion de este trabajo de investigacion nace inspirada por el deseo de obtener una mayor comprension sobre la naturaleza y realidad que subyacen en la economia andaluza, que muestra mayor debilidad y desequilibrios estructurales en... more

La motivacion de este trabajo de investigacion nace inspirada por el deseo de obtener una mayor comprension sobre la naturaleza y realidad que subyacen en la economia andaluza, que muestra mayor debilidad y desequilibrios estructurales en un marco comparativo tanto nacional como europeo asi como incidir en sus componentes estructurales y observar su evolucion a lo largo del tiempo. Para ello se analizara la composicion y caracteristicas economicas de la region a traves de modelos multisectoriales, basadas en la metodologia derivada del analisis de Tablas Input Output (TIO) y su extension a traves de las Matrices de Contabilidad Social (MCS) o su expresion anglosajona Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). Al ser las Matrices de Contabilidad Social bases de datos que contienen el total de las transacciones en una economia, poder disponer de mas de una de ellas, elaboradas de una forma homogenea, permite su comparacion tanto en el espacio como en el tiempo. La comparacion de estas matrices, ...

This paper aims to present and compare the heterodox growth theories for open economies of Thirlwall and Kaldor to assess how they can contribute as an element of interpretation of the Brazilian heterodox regional economic literature. The... more

This paper aims to present and compare the heterodox growth theories for open economies of Thirlwall and Kaldor to assess how they can contribute as an element of interpretation of the Brazilian heterodox regional economic literature. The hypothesis of the paper is that the lack of autonomy to formalize the internal borders between regions of a country does not constitute an obstacle for the trade effects between them to generate situations characterized by balanceof-payments-constraints, imposing limits to the expansion of their economies and in these processes unleashing polarization mechanisms regarding their growth rates. It is concluded that the literature below justifies the reestablishment of Furtado’s perspective as a key to the interpretation and treatment of regional problems in Brazil.

The article considers the problem of the relationship of structural changes and economic growth in the global economy and Russia in the framework of different methodological approaches. At the same time, the paper provides the analysis of... more

The article considers the problem of the relationship of structural changes and economic growth in the global economy and Russia in the framework of different methodological approaches. At the same time, the paper provides the analysis of complementarity of economic policy types, which, on the one hand, are aimed at developing the fundamentals of GDP growth (institutions, human capital and macroeconomic stabilization), and on the other hand, at initiating growth (with stable fundamentals) with the help of structural policy measures. In the study of structural changes in the global economy, new forms of policies of this kind have been revealed, in particular aimed at identifying sectors — drivers of economic growth based on a portfolio approach. In a given paper a preliminary version of the model of the Russian economy is provided, using a multisector version of the Thirlwall’s Law. Besides, the authors highlight a number of target parameters of indicators of competitiveness of the s...

Este articulo contiene una revisión de la literatura empírica que contrasta el vínculo entre apertura externa y tamaño del sector público. En teoría, la hipótesis de compensación (Rodrik, 1996,1998) postula una relación positiva para el... more

Este articulo contiene una revisión de la literatura empírica que contrasta el vínculo entre apertura externa y tamaño del sector público. En teoría, la hipótesis de compensación (Rodrik, 1996,1998) postula una relación positiva para el vinculo. En la práctica, los abundantes trabajos acumulados en los últimos diez años muestran resultados heterogéneos. La técnica de meta-análisis nos permite identificar factores (método

Çalışmada iktisadi büyüme ile sanayi üretim endeksi arasındaki bağlantının Kaldor yasası çerçevesinde araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusuda, 2010Q1-2022Q3 tarih aralığındaki çeyreklik verilerden yararlanılarak Türkiye için... more

Çalışmada iktisadi büyüme ile sanayi üretim endeksi arasındaki bağlantının Kaldor yasası çerçevesinde araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusuda, 2010Q1-2022Q3 tarih aralığındaki çeyreklik verilerden yararlanılarak Türkiye için gözlemlerde bulunulmuştur. Analiz sürecinde güncel ekonometrik tekniklerden faydalanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, güncel ekonometrik teknikler arasında birim kök testi olarak Fourier ADF, Kalıntılarla Genişletilmiş RALS-ADF ve yapısal kırılmalara izin veren RALS-LM birim kök testleri kullanılmış, eşbütünleşme testlerinden ise RALS-ADL ve RALS-EG2 yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, değişkenler arasında uzun dönemli eşbütünleşme ilişkisinin olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. FMOLS sonuçları sanayi üretimindeki %1'lik artışın GSYİH'yı %3.23 oranında arttırdığı yönündeyken, DOLS sonuçları sanayi üretimindeki %1'lik artışın GSYİH'yı %3.18 oranında arttırdığını göstermiştir. VECM temelli doğrusal Granger nedensellik testi sonuçları ile Dicks ve Panchenko (2006) doğrusal olmayan nedensellik analizi sonuçları birbirileriyle uyumludur. Her iki nedensellik testinden, sanayi üretiminden GSYİH'a doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisinin varlığına ulaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, incelenen dönem için Türkiye ekonomisinde Kaldor yasasının geçerli olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

La inversión en tecnología y capital humano y en las redes de cooperación, juega un papel importante en el desarrollo del proceso innovador de un país;así lo prueban las diferentes perspectivas sobre innovación, incluida la teoría de... more

La inversión en tecnología y capital humano y en las redes de cooperación, juega un papel importante en el desarrollo del proceso innovador de un país;así lo prueban las diferentes perspectivas sobre innovación, incluida la teoría de desarrollo endógeno. Con la información de la IV Encuesta de Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, realizada en Colombia para el periodo 2007-2008, los autores utilizan un método de regresión lineal que permite definir las relaciones causales entre las variables mencionadas. Los resultados establecen que variables como tecnología, relaciones de cooperación e inversión en capital humano, determinan los resultados innovadores de la industria manufacturera colombiana, los cuales son mejores cuando se establecen relaciones de cooperación con otras entidades que apoyan la innovación y cuando se invierte en formación del capital humano.

Small businesses face major challenges to becoming more innovative. These challenges are particularly prevalent in emerging economies where high uncertainties are a barrier to innovation. We know from previous studies that linkages to... more

Small businesses face major challenges to becoming more innovative. These challenges are particularly prevalent in emerging economies where high uncertainties are a barrier to innovation. We know from previous studies that linkages to universities, on the one hand, and public procurement, on the other, support large and innovative firms in their efforts to become more innovative. However, we do not know whether these positive effects also hold true for small businesses. In this paper, we focus on how policy strategies reducing information, market and financial uncertainties shape small businesses’ innovation in China. Based on a sample of 926 small businesses derived from the World Bank Enterprises Survey in China (2012), we find that university-industry linkages enhance innovation, though only when it comes to minor forms of innovation. In line with the resource-based view of the firm, this effect is stronger for small businesses with higher capabilities. Moreover, we show that bid...

Este documento identifica la relación existente entre la tasa de cambio y los diferentes agregados macroeconómicos en la economía colombiana, principalmente en la producción, el consumo, la inflación, la balanza comercial, la tasa de... more

Este documento identifica la relación existente entre la tasa de cambio y los diferentes agregados macroeconómicos en la economía colombiana, principalmente en la producción, el consumo, la inflación, la balanza comercial, la tasa de desempleo y la inversión, a través de la metodología Factor Augmented var (FAVAR). Se identifica que una apreciación del dólar genera cambios significativos sobre la actividad económica, la balanza comercial, los precios, el consumo y el gasto público.

Where does the surplus go? Disentangling the capital-labor distributive conflict

Many different approaches have addressed the issue of why were some developing countries able to reduce the income gap with developed economies while others were not. However, few approaches take into account the process of structural... more

Many different approaches have addressed the issue of why were some developing countries able to reduce the income gap with developed economies while others were not. However, few approaches take into account the process of structural change. This paper reviews the theoretical basis of the Kaldorian approach for the relationship between structural change and countries’ long-term economic growth, emphasising its recent developments and its limitations. According to Kaldor, structural change towards specific sectors continuously increases countries’ growth rates through a cumulative causation process. Although he had stressed it exhaustively, only recently Kaldorian models have explicitly incorporated this feature. Nevertheless, these models still face significant limitations to show how a cumulative causation process takes place in an open economy. The paper discusses the most relevant such limitations, and suggests options for future directions.

The trend of economic growth in Colombia shifted from acceleration (since the 30's to the 60's) to deceleration (from the 70's to the 90's). This reversal of the Colombian economic dynamics is related to the tendency... more

The trend of economic growth in Colombia shifted from acceleration (since the 30's to the 60's) to deceleration (from the 70's to the 90's). This reversal of the Colombian economic dynamics is related to the tendency reduction of productivity gains. To obtain this result it is proposed that the public sector acts as a drag on economic growth (when it should be an engine). The effect of public diseconomies on accumulation efficiency is analyzed with the growth decomposition model of Hall (1988). The reduction of the path of productivity growth is explained by the shift from the industrialist development model to an openness one.

This paper has a twofold aim. Firstly, it presents an overview of sources of data on service innovation. We distinguish two levels of data, namely data at the macro-level and data at the micro level. Data at the macro-level are mainly... more

This paper has a twofold aim. Firstly, it presents an overview of sources of data on service innovation. We distinguish two levels of data, namely data at the macro-level and data at the micro level. Data at the macro-level are mainly obtained from primary and secondary statistical sources produced by national and international (statistical) agencies. Most macro-data do not measure the service innovation process itself, but mainly represent inputs in or output originating from the innovation process. Data at the micro-level are derived from specific innovation surveys of firms and enterprises, which have been carried out over the past decade, and cover - although to a limited extent - service sectors as well. Section 2 provides an overview of macro and micro indicators on service innovation, and it discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the various measures. The second aim of the paper is to provide analytical structures that can assist in analysing the data on service innovation...

Esta investigación aborda el fenómeno de la desindustrialización de la economía colombiana en el periodo 2005-2017 desde un marco de análisis kaldoriano; se centra en indagar el papel de la industria manufacturera como motor de... more

Esta investigación aborda el fenómeno de la desindustrialización de la economía colombiana en el periodo 2005-2017 desde un marco de análisis kaldoriano; se centra en indagar el papel de la industria manufacturera como motor de crecimiento. El modelamiento parte de las Leyes de Kaldor usando dos paneles: uno de tipo balanceado con datos agregados para 23 áreas metropolitanas y el otro desbalanceado agregando datos desde el nivel de firma con la muestra obtenida de la Encuesta Anual Manufacturera para el período. El análisis demuestra que el debilitamiento del sector manufacturero se expresa en el declive sostenido de su participación en el empleo total y el PIB, y en el vínculo nocivo entre la dinámica del empleo manufacturero y el crecimiento del producto. Las evidencias de la desindustrialización identificadas admiten concluir que el aporte de la manufactura al crecimiento económico se sustenta en rendimientos crecientes a escala estáticos.

In this article we extend the model developed by Bogliacino and Pianta (2013a, 2013b) on the link between R&D, innovation and economic performance, considering the impact of innovation of export success. We develop a simultaneous three... more

In this article we extend the model developed by Bogliacino and Pianta (2013a, 2013b) on the link between R&D, innovation and economic performance, considering the impact of innovation of export success. We develop a simultaneous three equation model in order to investigate the existence of a ‘virtuous circle’ between industries’ R&D, share of product innovators and export market shares. We investigate empirically – at the industry level – three key relationships affecting the dynamics of innovation and export performance: first, the capacity of firms to translate their R&D efforts in new products; second, the role of innovation as a determinant of export market shares; third, the export success as a driver of new R&D efforts. The model is tested for 38 manufacturing and service sectors of six European countries over three time periods from 1995 to 2010. The model effectively accounts for the dynamics of R&D efforts, innovation and international performances of European industries. Moreover, important differences across countries emerge when we split our sample in a Northern group – Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom – and a Southern group – France, Italy and Spain. We find that the ‘virtuous circle’ between innovation and competitiveness holds for Northern economies only, while Southern industries fail to translate innovation efforts into export success.

In this article we discuss how to summarize the persistent and large heterogeneity in innovative behaviour and economic performance. A Revision of the Pavitt (1984) taxonomy - covering manufacturing and services, as well as ICT activities... more

In this article we discuss how to summarize the persistent and large heterogeneity in innovative behaviour and economic performance. A Revision of the Pavitt (1984) taxonomy - covering manufacturing and services, as well as ICT activities – is proposed as a key tool for identifying common characteristics and diversities in patterns. An extensive analysis of Innovation Survey data, on sources, objectives, inputs and outcomes of innovation, allows us to test alternative industry groupings, leading to an extensive assessment of a Revised Pavitt Taxonomy that is able to capture major structural differences in the relationship between innovation and performance. As industries’ classifications has changed from NACE Rev.1 to NACE Rev.2 in 2008, a Revised Pavitt taxonomy is also provided for the new industries.

The "virtuous circle" between innovative inputs, outputs and economic performance is investigated in this article with a three equation model highlighting feedback loops and simultaneous relations. An empirical test is carried out... more

The "virtuous circle" between innovative inputs, outputs and economic performance is investigated in this article with a three equation model highlighting feedback loops and simultaneous relations. An empirical test is carried out considering innovative expenditure, innovative turnover and economic results in a sample of Italian manufacturing firms which are 'serial innovators'. We use data for the period 2000-2008 from a rich panel of Italian firms over 50 employees drawn from ISTAT, the National Institute of Statistics, including data from three waves of Community Innovation Surveys. The model we use extends the one developed at the industry level by Bogliacino and Pianta (2013a, 2013b), confirming previous findings. For the-rather limited-core of Italian persistent innovators, results show the complex links at play, the lags in the effects of innovative efforts, and the feedbacks between economic success and the ability to sustain innovation expenditure.

Squilibrio Il labirinto della crescita e dello sviluppo capitalistico prefazione di Paolo Leon Le ragioni dello squilibrio sono essenzialmente nell'incapacità delle imprese e delle famiglie di conoscere gli effetti macroeco-nomici delle... more

Squilibrio Il labirinto della crescita e dello sviluppo capitalistico prefazione di Paolo Leon Le ragioni dello squilibrio sono essenzialmente nell'incapacità delle imprese e delle famiglie di conoscere gli effetti macroeco-nomici delle loro azioni. Naturalmente, sono le decisioni di im-presa che muovono l'economia, ma non è chiaro come tali decisioni siano prese, e quanto influenzino e siano influenzate dall'andamento dell'economia nel suo complesso. Così, se è indubbio che l'economia è trainata dalle decisioni impren-ditoriali, tuttavia sono gli effetti non conosciuti di queste decisioni che alterano continuamente la struttura. Una delle ragioni dell'intervento pubblico sta proprio nell'ignoranza dei decisori. Molto rilievo, in questo libro, è dato al progresso tecnico, specialmente nella sua forma di nuove tecniche «superiori»-ovvero quelle che costa-no di meno e producono di più rispetto a quelle esistenti, quali che sia-no i rapporti tra i prezzi dei fattori della produzione [...]. Un avanza-mento introdotto nel libro è nella qualificazione del progresso tecnico come elemento della domanda effettiva, proprio per gli effetti macroe-conomici dell'applicazione delle nuove tecniche. Nello squilibrio, tutta-via, gli imprenditori non sanno se le tecniche scelte siano effettivamente superiori per l'economia nel suo complesso, e così si possono facilmente presentare grandi fallimenti, distorsioni nei prezzi e nei costi, sprechi ge-neralizzati, situazioni che giustificano l'intervento pubblico. Gli autori guardano al progresso tecnico anche per illustrare la poca fondatezza delle politiche europee, che apparentemente incoraggiano l'innovazione, ma chiudono nella prigione del «consolidamento fisca-le» l'unico soggetto, lo Stato, capace di mettere in moto l'innovazione.

" Learning-by-doing " is usually identified as a process whereby performance increases with experience in production. Of course such form of learning is complementary to other patterns of capability accumulation. Still, it is fundamental... more

" Learning-by-doing " is usually identified as a process whereby performance increases with experience in production. Of course such form of learning is complementary to other patterns of capability accumulation. Still, it is fundamental to assess its importance in the process of development. The paper investigates different patterns of " learning by doing " , studying learning curves at product level in a catching-up country, India. Cost-quantity relationships differ a lot across products belonging to sectors with different " technological intensities ". We find also, puzzlingly, in quite a few cases, that the relation price/cumulative quantities is increasing. We conjecture that this is in fact due to quality improvement and 'vertical' product differentiation. Circumstantial evidence rests on the ways differential learning patterns are affected by firm spending on research and capital investments. Finally, our evidence suggests that " learning " , or performance improvement over time is not just a by-product of the mere repetition of the same production activities, as sometimes reported in previous studies, but rather it seems to be shaped by deliberate firm learning efforts.

Ölkənin vergi sisteminin cəmiyyət tərəfindən müsbət qəbul edilməsi, verginin nə dərəcədə ədalətli olmağı ilə birbaşa və ya dolayı yollarla bağlıdır. Məhz buna görə də vergi ədalətinin təmin edilməsi hər bir dövlətin maliyyə siyasətinin... more

Ölkənin vergi sisteminin cəmiyyət tərəfindən müsbət qəbul edilməsi, verginin nə dərəcədə ədalətli olmağı ilə birbaşa və ya dolayı yollarla bağlıdır. Məhz buna görə də vergi ədalətinin təmin edilməsi hər bir dövlətin maliyyə siyasətinin əsas istiqamətini təşkil edir. Bu yazıda olan başlıca məqsədimiz yuxarıda verilən iki vergi növündən hansının daha ədalətli olduğunu araşdırmaq və müvafiq misallarla sübut etməkdir.

The economics of recombinant knowledge is a promising field of investigation. New technological systems emerge when strong cores of complementary knowledge consolidate and feed an array of coherent applications and implementations.... more

The economics of recombinant knowledge is a promising field of investigation. New technological systems emerge when strong cores of complementary knowledge consolidate and feed an array of coherent applications and implementations. However, diminishing returns to recombination eventually emerge, and the rates of growth of technological systems gradually decline. Empirical evidence based on analysis of the co-occurrence of technological classes within two or more patent applications, allows the identification and measurement of the dynamics of knowledge recombination. Our analysis focus on patent applications to the European Patent Office, in the period 1981-2003, and provides empirical evidence on the emergence of the new technological system based upon information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their wide scope of applications as the result of a process of knowledge recombination. The empirical investigation confirms that the recombination process has been more effective...

This paper has a twofold aim. Firstly, it presents an overview of sources of data on service innovation. We distinguish two levels of data, namely data at the macro-level and data at the micro level. Data at the macro-level are mainly... more

This paper has a twofold aim. Firstly, it presents an overview of sources of data on service innovation. We distinguish two levels of data, namely data at the macro-level and data at the micro level. Data at the macro-level are mainly obtained from primary and secondary statistical sources produced by national and international (statistical) agencies. Most macro-data do not measure the service innovation process itself, but mainly represent inputs in or output originating from the innovation process. Data at the micro-level are derived from specific innovation surveys of firms and enterprises, which have been carried out over the past decade, and cover - although to a limited extent - service sectors as well. Section 2 provides an overview of macro and micro indicators on service innovation, and it discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the various measures. The second aim of the paper is to provide analytical structures that can assist in analysing the data on service innovation...

This paper analyses the impact of innovation on growth for Danish firms, and how innovation indicators can be used to aid in this analysis. Drawing on other recent international studies, we examine classifications of innovative firms... more

This paper analyses the impact of innovation on growth for Danish firms, and how innovation indicators can be used to aid in this analysis. Drawing on other recent international studies, we examine classifications of innovative firms based on a number of factors that can impact innovation performance, among these the roles of novelty and in-house development, formal or creative innovation activity and collaboration with others, non-technological innovation and innovation drivers. Thereafter we analyse the impact of these factors on innovation performance and productivity, drawing on recent versions of the Crepon, Duguet and Mairesse (CDM) model which examine the relation between innovation, knowledge production and productivity. 1 Introduction Knowledge, research and innovation are of crucial importance for the competitiveness of the modern economy, as well as for the high standard of living and welfare. Policy documents, reports and analyses show that there is a need to develop a m...