Industrialization Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Bu çalışmada, sözlü tarih görüşmeleriyle, Kağıthane'ye bağlı mahallelerin kuruluşları, kültürel özellikleri, sınıfsal yapıları, politik veçheleri ve yaşadıkları dönüşüm konu ediliyor. Saha araştırmalarında ve kitabın çeşitli bölümlerinin... more

Bu çalışmada, sözlü tarih görüşmeleriyle, Kağıthane'ye bağlı mahallelerin kuruluşları, kültürel özellikleri, sınıfsal yapıları, politik veçheleri ve yaşadıkları dönüşüm konu ediliyor. Saha araştırmalarında ve kitabın çeşitli bölümlerinin yazımında [kitap bölümleri arasında yer alan Kağıthane Belediyesi'nin yerel yönetim tarihi ile Sanayi ve çevresindeki mahallelerin yazımında] görev aldım.

Nations engage in industrialization in the hope of enhancing their economic growth and independence. In 2003, Nigeria the country adopted an Industrial Policy to drive the real sector of the economy. This study set out to find out how two... more

Nations engage in industrialization in the hope of enhancing their economic growth and independence. In 2003, Nigeria the country adopted an Industrial Policy to drive the real sector of the economy. This study set out to find out how two national news magazines - Tell and The News covered stories on industrialization between 2010 and 2013. Using a content analytical method, it was found that these magazines published infrequent stories on Nigeria’s industrialization activities. Even they few stories that they reported were not given much prominence because they were hidden in the inside pages. Thus, Nigeria still has to adopt more aggressive media channels to tell of her stories to industrialize.

The minerals industry is one of the key industries identified with the greatest potential to induce inclusive growth in the Philippines. However, its contribution to the economy is seen as trivial since majority of its products, with... more

The minerals industry is one of the key industries identified with the greatest potential to induce inclusive growth in the Philippines. However, its contribution to the economy is seen as trivial since majority of its products, with minimal value-adding processing done within the Philippines, are exported to other countries. Vertical integration of the minerals industry to the iron and steel industry is seen as a great opportunity to add value to our mineral products and increase the contribution of the industry to the inclusive growth of the Philippines. Our dependence on the imports of steel to supply our demands is seen as a key factor that impedes the growth of our local economy and leaves us lagging behind our neighbors in ASEAN region. The need to develop our technological capabilities and self-sufficiency in steel production is inevitable to have a sustainable economic development of the country.

We use a newly developed data set of 39,343 high-value patents granted between 1877 and 1918 to demonstrate that technological progress during German industrialization occurred in at least four different technological waves. We... more

We use a newly developed data set of 39,343 high-value patents granted between 1877 and 1918 to demonstrate that technological progress during German industrialization occurred in at least four different technological waves. We distinguish the railway wave (1877-86), the dye wave (1887-96), the chemical wave (1897-1902), and the wave of electrical engineering (1903-18). Evidence is presented that inter-industry knowledge spillovers between technologically, economically, and geographically related industries were a major source for innovative activities during German industrialization. We also show that technological change affected the geographical distribution of innovative regions. Using an index of technologically revealed comparative advantage we find that regions that increased their innovativeness during the waves of technological progress revealed special strength in technological clusters like electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or chemicals.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, manufacturers operating in industrial clusters are very small in size and stagnant except when they are young. While the literature attributes the stagnancy to their socio-economic surroundings, a question arises as... more

In Sub-Saharan Africa, manufacturers operating in industrial clusters are very small in size and stagnant except when they are young. While the literature attributes the stagnancy to their socio-economic surroundings, a question arises as to whether it can also be attributed to their low skills in marketing, production management, and accounting. To answer this question, we provided an entrepreneurial training program for small metalworking entrepreneurs in Kenya in cooperation with the World Bank in 2008. This paper attempts to evaluate the impact of the program and finds that the training led to improved business practice, value added, and gross profit. (100) 2

Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and their outcomes for developmental purposes have puzzled economists and governments, motivating a considerable literature on their supposed benefits and drawbacks. At the same time, the number of RTAs in... more

Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and their outcomes for developmental purposes have puzzled economists and governments, motivating a considerable literature on their supposed benefits and drawbacks. At the same time, the number of RTAs in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has exploded – a proliferation referred to by the IMF (2011) and UNECA (2012) as “Africa’s spaghetti bowl”. Upon closer inspection, these agreements take on various forms based on a number of variables including the depth of integration, the types of member countries, and the reciprocal or unilateral application of trade liberalisation policies. The growing number, diversity and complexity of RTAs frame the pertinence of broad contextual analysis when it comes to assessing an RTA’s growth impacts. As such, this paper takes on a critical engagement of the theory and empirical evidence within this debate for both intra-African and North-South RTAs (Sections 2 & 3) to apply to the case study of the RTA called the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (Section 4). The discussion in Section 5 derives two main themes from this analysis; 1) it illustrates the methodological difficulties of impact-assessment given the identification of causal mechanisms of “growth” resulting from RTAs in the context of multiple overlapping arrangements and country-level specificities and 2) it distinguishes between RTA impact on “increased trade” and “growth”, for which the literature has proved unsuccessful in substantiating the link to the latter.

There is wide academic consensus on institutional design being the key inhibitor of the Bolivian industrialization process during Evo Morales´s time in office. However, the effects of investment in human capital in the industrialization... more

There is wide academic consensus on institutional design being the key inhibitor of the Bolivian industrialization process during Evo Morales´s time in office. However, the effects of investment in human capital in the industrialization process has not been explored to the same degree. This is surprising since the country exhibited an outstanding performance in the improvement of human capital during this period. To explain this, we propose a new metric of human capital (industrial human capital) that sheds light on the failure of human capital to assist the Bolivian industrial effort. The results show that Bolivia made significant progress in promoting "generic human capital ", as in the case of other Latin-American and OECD countries, but its performance was radically different in terms of "industrial human capital ", with its main indicators stagnant or in decline. Instead of trying to reinterpret the explanation of Bolivia's industrial policy failure, we suggest that this inability to deploy successful industrial human capital was part and parcel of industrial institutional design failures.

Edited by John Weiss, University of Bradford, UK and Michael Tribe, University of Strathclyde, UK. Series: Routledge International Handbooks This Handbookis a global overview of industrialisation. Each chapter will provide readers with... more

Edited by John Weiss, University of Bradford, UK and
Michael Tribe, University of Strathclyde, UK.
Series: Routledge International Handbooks
This Handbookis a global overview of industrialisation. Each
chapter will provide readers with contemporary insights
into this this essential aspect of economic development. It
aims to illuminate uneven development and takes stock
of the current issues that hinder and support
industrialisation in low and middle income economies. This
authoritative Handbook will be a key reference source for
those studying or wishing to understand contemporary
economic development. Offering inspiration and direction
for future research, this landmark volume will be of crucial
importance to all development economics scholars and

In the beginning of the past century, South Korea was still an agricultural country, so the industrialization process depended highly on foreign help (from US) and governmental setting of markets and entrepreneurial classes. Therefore,... more

In the beginning of the past century, South Korea was still an agricultural country, so the industrialization process depended highly on foreign help (from US) and governmental setting of markets and entrepreneurial classes. Therefore, South Korean market institutions depended heavily on the state, and still do, which make the country a Coordinated Market Economy,2 concept which will be very present on this analysis. This paper aims to discuss institutions role on South Korean industrialization, with an overview of the works of Smith (1990), Mazzucato (2011), Hall and Soskice (2001) to understand how the state intervenes on innovation and the market, and of Kim (1993), Kang (2002), Carney (2008), Larson (2014) to describe South Korean experience and Cho (1996), Choi (1995), Khanna et al. (2011) to characterize the Chaebols’ experience through Samsung’s case.

How does the rampant industrialization, the needs of the growing population in Nepal, and other contributing factors affect the water sources and environments that support these fresh water reserves? What policies and regulations are... more

How does the rampant industrialization, the needs of the growing population in Nepal, and other contributing factors affect the water sources and environments that support these fresh water reserves? What policies and regulations are being made, if any, to mitigate the pollution and deterioration of water reserves in Nepal?

En el primer tercio del siglo XX la industria de Gipuzkoa ocupaba el cuarto lugar en el ranking español según los capitales invertidos, sólo por detrás de Madrid, Barcelona y Bilbao. Su tejido industrial era bastante diversificado, con... more

En el primer tercio del siglo XX la industria de Gipuzkoa ocupaba el cuarto lugar en el ranking español según los capitales invertidos, sólo por detrás de Madrid, Barcelona y Bilbao. Su tejido industrial era bastante diversificado, con presencia de los bienes de consumo (papel, textil, calzado y alimentación), los transformados metálicos (armas, máquina-herramienta, cerrajería y material ferroviario) y los bienes intermedios (siderurgia, cementeras o productos químicos). Pero cuanta además con ciertos rasgos que le son propios: el predominio de la pequeña y mediana empresa, la financiación endógena, el escaso papel del sector financiero, así como el surgimiento de distritos industriales favorecidos por la concentración geográfica. Todos ellos definen y diferencian el modelo industrial guipuzcoano del vizcaíno o catalán.
El proceso de cambio económico vivido por la provincia no pasó desapercibido para la Hacienda Foral, quien se propuso en 1921 actualizar los datos que obraban en su poder con vistas a renovar el Concierto Económico. El resultado fue un Censo de Producción Industrial elaborado entre los años 1923-1924, inédito hasta ahora, en el que se recogen datos de más de 3.000 empresas en un momento clave del desarrollo económico español y que aportan datos relevantes sobre los procesos de producción, consumo energético, empleo, mercados e inversión. Gipuzkoa industrial aborda el análisis de estos datos desde una perspectiva amplia, teniendo en cuenta la trayectoria de cada sector de actividad desde el inicio de su modernización y las características de la inversión que lo hicieron posible. Así mismo, ofrece un amplio apéndice documental en el que se ofrece al lector el detalle de los inputs y la producción de las principales empresas guipuzcoanas de los años veinte.

Here we aim at delineating a short historical excursus of the exercise books in Italy, by describing the complex process of normalization which, in the period from the last two decades of Nineteenth century and the first half of the... more

Here we aim at delineating a short historical excursus of the exercise books in Italy, by describing the complex process of normalization which, in the period from the last two decades of Nineteenth century and the first half of the Twentieth, transformed it - from a hand-crafted object with a local distribution - into an industrial mass product, an unequivocal leader of the flourishing Italian school market. In order to reach this goal, we analyse the controversial relationships that existed among the firms which produced the exercise books, the teachers and the stationers. Finally, the intervention by the fascist regime is described, which was pojnted at controlling the production and the marketing of exercise books at a national level, because of their nature of a powerful means of propaganda.

Industrial progress depends on satisfied labour force and in this connection the importance of labour welfare measures was accepted long back.. Labour welfare concept is basically based on human values, where each citizen has a right to... more

Industrial progress depends on satisfied labour force and in this connection the importance of labour welfare measures was accepted long back.. Labour welfare concept is basically based on human values, where each citizen has a right to work in a congenial environment with no hazards to his health on reasonable wages and other terms and conditions of employment. The days are over when labour was considered to be a commodity. When a worker joins industry he has to work in an entire strange atmosphere, creating problems of adjustment. Having a satisfied workforce is very much essential for smooth working of every organization. So this study is conducted to know whether the workers are satisfied with the welfare facilities provided by textile industries in Punjab . This paper has also attempted to study relationship between the sex of the respondents and awareness on welfare measures. The outcome of the study may help the administration and policy makers to differentiate the satisfying...

This work is written Renee Richer. Industrial development in the State of Qatar is taking place at an unprecedented rate. Such development is putting the environment at the risk, threatening ecosystem services and biological diversity.... more

This work is written Renee Richer.
Industrial development in the State of Qatar is taking place at an unprecedented rate. Such development is putting the environment at the risk, threatening ecosystem services and biological diversity. While Qatar is currently developing the legislation, regulatory bodies, and management agencies for successful ecosystem management and conservation efforts, the full implementation of these protective measures has yet to be achieved. This is in part due to a lack of scientific expertise and trained personnel as well as the early stage of environmental development in the country. While strides have been taken by the State of Qatar, the question remains whether they can be implemented in a timely fashion to ensure that current and future development projects support the country’s goal of sustainable development.

Els darrers 150 anys d'història de l'extens territori que va des del naixement del riu Llobregat, a Castellar de n'Hug, fins a la seva desembocadura, al Prat de Llobregat, han estat marcats pel ritme de transformació i urbanització de les... more

Els darrers 150 anys d'història de l'extens territori que va des del naixement del riu Llobregat, a Castellar de n'Hug, fins a la seva desembocadura, al Prat de Llobregat, han estat marcats pel ritme de transformació i urbanització de les colònies industrials. Les colònies són uns conjunts que neixen, creixen i es desenvolupen de maneres molt diverses i que han convertit la vall en un espai patrimonial de primer ordre i, alhora, complex: pobles i ciutats, generacions d'empresaris i de famílies treballadores, llargues jornades de treball, reivindicacions, festes, vivendes, esglésies, casinos, teatres, esport, lleure, religiositat, anarquisme, natura i indústria, aigua i carbó, prosperitat, decadència, crisis, reptes... Una història extraordinàriament rica i plural que conforma la personalitat del nostre país.

Industrialization, the process of transformational change of the human society from an agrarian society into an industrial one, has positive contribution in social, economic and political life of the society and impose strain on the... more

Industrialization, the process of transformational change of the human society from an agrarian society into an industrial one, has positive contribution in social, economic and political life of the society and impose strain on the natural environment. The aim of the paper was to review the literature on industrialization and environmental pollution from developing countries (Africa) perspective. In developing countries, focusing only on industrialization without considering waste emission may impose constraints on the environment. These nations need to regularly monitor the effect that growing industrialization is creating on the environment.

En esta entrevista, el Viceministro nos habla de los cambios que el nuevo gobierno está tratando de hacer en el sector eléctrico. El principal está referido a que ya es hora de dejar de ver a la misma como una simple mercancía y es... more

En esta entrevista, el Viceministro nos habla de los cambios que el nuevo gobierno está tratando de hacer en el sector eléctrico.
El principal está referido a que ya es hora de dejar de ver a la misma como una simple mercancía y es necesario concebirla como un servicio básico al cual todos tenemos derecho. Junto a ello vale la pena considerar los proyectos para extender el Sistema Interconectado Nacional, así como la alianza estratégica
con YPFB para convertir los proyectos de industrialización del gas natural también en proyectos de extensión de la red eléctrica
y por lo tanto, en polos de desarrollo.

Eisenbahn, Industrialisierung, Steueroase (1870–1914): Die Nationalbahn endete auch für Stein am Rhein im Debakel, an Ansiedlungen waren eine Schuhfabrik, eine Stuhlfabrik, eine Uhrenschalenfabrik und eine Teigwarenfabrik zu verzeichnen,... more

Eisenbahn, Industrialisierung, Steueroase (1870–1914): Die Nationalbahn endete auch für Stein am Rhein im Debakel, an Ansiedlungen waren eine Schuhfabrik, eine Stuhlfabrik, eine Uhrenschalenfabrik und eine Teigwarenfabrik zu verzeichnen, und die Steueroase zog Rentner aus ganz Europa an.

Gli interventi fuori dall’ordinario, cioè attuati secondo interventi legislativi speciali e in situazioni di particolare necessità, hanno prodotto aspetti e conseguenze dal peso non trascurabile sulla storia politico-amministrativa... more

Gli interventi fuori dall’ordinario, cioè attuati secondo interventi legislativi speciali e in situazioni di particolare necessità, hanno prodotto aspetti e conseguenze dal peso non trascurabile sulla storia politico-amministrativa dell’Italia Repubblicana.
Il contributo che qui si propone prende in considerazione uno di questi interventi straordinari, il progetto di ricostruzione e di sviluppo industriale attuato nelle zone terremotate di Irpinia e Basilicata dopo il 1980. In quei mesi era in discussione la situazione complessiva dell’intervento straordinario nel Mezzogiorno; il ruolo della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno era nel 1980 storicamente e fattivamente terminato. Il terremoto diventò presto il canale attraverso il quale si perpetuava l’assistenza straordinaria ma anche passiva delle aree deboli del Paese. Com’è stato dimostrato da alcuni studiosi di politica economica (Ada Becchi Collida in particolare), “il punto non era più una sollecita ricostruzione, ma l’ottundimento di finanziamenti i più ingenti possibili e per un periodo di tempo il più lungo possibile”. Ad agevolare il flusso dei finanziamenti fu un gruppo politico trasversale, che fu efficacemente definito “partito unico della spesa pubblica”.
La teoria macro-economica proposta si basava sullo stanziamento di grosse somme di denaro da riversare nelle zone terremotate per realizzare infrastrutture, industrie, opere pubbliche, servizi per creare occupazione. Il disegno di creazione delle aree industriali era ispirato all’analisi di Perroux (teoria dello sviluppo polarizzato), il quale sosteneva che “il meccanismo espansivo viene avviato solo quando si insediano unità produttive esterne all’area di intervento, capaci di promuovere una funzione aggregante ed imitativa di iniziative imprenditoriali autoctone al punto da ottenere una rottura del relativamente stazionario equilibrio preesistente”. In sostanza, la localizzazione d’imprese esterne attraverso la creazione di molti poli industriali avrebbe dovuto risvegliare o far nascere nell’economia locale le condizioni per lo sviluppo. Per il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo non vennero posti particolari limiti né ai finanziamenti né alla tipologia di aziende che andavano a installarsi nel Cratere terremotato.
Il piano sancito dalla legge 219 del 1981 prevedeva la creazione di venti nuove zone industriali nelle tre province più colpite dal terremoto (8 in provincia di Avellino, 8 a Potenza e 4 a Salerno), con contributi per 228 nuove aziende che dovevano dare lavoro a circa 14mila dipendenti. I risultati parlano oggi di risultati molto lontani dalle attese, con capannoni abbandonati e pochi lavoratori ancora impiegati (circa 6mila, tra i quali molti in cassa integrazione o mobilità).
Attraverso un’analisi quantitativa (dati, cifre, statistiche) e approfondimenti sull’evoluzione di lungo periodo, questa promessa non mantenuta di sviluppo e rinascita sarà descritta e confrontata con analoghi interventi “fuori dall’ordinario” della storia dell’Italia repubblicana, relativi in particolare a ricostruzioni seguite a catastrofi naturali, aprendo a una riflessione complessiva sulle occasioni in cui lo “stra-ordinario” si è sostituito o sommato a un “ordinario” quasi sempre inefficace.

La gran depresión sacudió los mercados internacionales en 1929 y un manto de contracción económica se situó sobre los países exportadores de materias primas. Chile, aún golpeado por la crisis económica que trajo la invención del salitre... more

La gran depresión sacudió los mercados internacionales en 1929 y un manto de contracción económica se situó sobre los países exportadores de materias primas. Chile, aún golpeado por la crisis económica que trajo la invención del salitre sintético durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, es profundamente perjudicado en los términos de intercambio y sus mercados se desploman. En el escenario de proteccionismo internacional e incertidumbre del mercado mundial de los años 30´, el estado chileno interviene directamente en la economía nacional, creando estratégicas empresas estatales y fomentando la industria local dentro de una política de industrialización por sustitución de importaciones que modificará las estructuras de la economía chilena orientando su economía hacia un desarrollo interno hasta los años de la Unidad Popular.

Human influences strongly affect the Earth Surface, environment and impact natural resources. To reduce the disadvantages, we have to monitor the human activities as well as the environment. Considering the rapid increase of population... more

Human influences strongly affect the Earth Surface, environment and impact natural resources. To reduce the disadvantages, we have to monitor the human activities as well as the environment. Considering the rapid increase of population the loss of agricultural land is a very dangerous situation for the future of the country. Multi temporal Remote Sensing data is the most powerful tool for mapping and monitoring the land use changes and GIS is the best way to store and reproduce various kinds of integrated data. The aim of this study is to determine agricultural land loss and environmental changes caused by urban sprawl and industrialization using the Multi temporal Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS). A major problem of rapid urban growth is changing land use patterns. Agricultural lands are most affected by rapid urbanization and its functions of demand. In this study, a database will create the parameters of land loss and environmental changes by means of field observation, interpretation of satellite images like Landsat-ETM+, LISS IV .Through this study, which aimed to reveal the characteristics of the areas of land already lost as well as the types of land use in the hosur city and to determine geographically the remaining areas in need of protection, local authorities were provided with the required data support.