Autonomy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Der Gedanke, der sich in der modernen Idee der Autonomie verdichtet, ist ein doppelter: Die Figur der Autonomie enthält zugleich eine neue Auffassung von Normativität und eine eigene Konzeption von Freiheit. Dem Gedanken der Autonomie... more

Der Gedanke, der sich in der modernen Idee der Autonomie verdichtet, ist ein doppelter: Die Figur der Autonomie enthält zugleich eine neue Auffassung von Normativität und eine eigene Konzeption von Freiheit. Dem Gedanken der Autonomie zufolge ist ein Gesetz, das wahrhaft normativ ist, eines, als dessen Urheber wir uns selbst betrachten können; und eine Freiheit, die im vollen Sinne wirklich ist, drückt sich in Gestalt eben solcher selbstgegebener Gesetze aus. Die Idee der Autonomie artikuliert so die Einsicht, dass man Freiheit und Gesetz nicht durch ihre Entgegensetzung bestimmen kann, sondern durcheinander erläutern muss. Wirkliche Freiheit ist nicht Freiheit von Gesetzen, sondern Freiheit in Gesetzen; verbindliche Normen sind nicht das, was Freiheit äußerlich beschränkt, sondern das, was Freiheit innerlich verwirklicht. Die Idee der Autonomie, die für die moderne praktische Philosophie seit Rousseau und Kant grundlegend ist, zielt so darauf, Freiheit und Verbindlichkeit in einem Zuge zu artikulieren: durch die Form selbstgegebener Gesetze. Mit Beiträgen von Robert Brandom, Judith Butler, Thomas Khurana, Christoph Menke, Terry Pinkard und Sebastian Rödl.

Capability theorists disagree on how to determine, for normative purposes, which capabilities are to be treated as basic, with Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen taking opposite views. This paper will scrutinize this list debate. It has two... more

Capability theorists disagree on how to determine, for normative purposes, which capabilities are to be treated as basic, with Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen taking opposite views. This paper will scrutinize this list debate. It has two aims. First, it argues that some distinction between basic and non-basic capabilities is an inherent commitment of capability theories, but that there are many more options for responding to the capability-selection problem than a procedure of democratic deliberation (Sen) or a philosophical criterion of neo-Aristotelian flourishing (Nussbaum). A whole range of possible procedures and philosophical criteria could be combined with the capability metric. Second, it responds to a forceful challenge raised by Ian Crater, who argues that capability theorists should not endorse the selection of specific capabilities as basic (either democratically or philosophically) at all. In his view this will always have paternalistic implications; instead he proposes that the maximization of 'capability as such' should be the goal. In response I distinguish wellbeing-based and autonomy-based capability theories, and argue that while Carter's challenge is valid against the former, it fails against the latter.

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as interpreted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in General Comment No. 1, offers a vision for law's response to capacity... more

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as interpreted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in General Comment No. 1, offers a vision for law's response to capacity impairments which differs in crucial ways from that contained in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The Committee rejects the functional test for capacity and requires that a 'will and preferences' paradigm must replace the 'best interests' paradigm and that all substitute decision-making regimes must be abolished. This article draws on the position adopted in General Comment No. 1 in evaluating the best interests standard in the Mental Capacity Act. It sets out the normative case for a stronger legislative endorsement of will and preferences and the inclusion of greater support mechanisms but rejects the contention that all substitute decision-making can, or should, be abolished. It also argues that the best interests standard in the Mental Capacity Act retains some revolutionary potential and that, pending legislative reform, this can be further developed through the courts.

“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more

“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976 lectures (“Society Must Be Defended”), this work-hypothesis theorises “basic warfare” [la guerre fondamentale] as the teleological horizon of socio-political relations. Following Boulainvilliers, Foucault champions this polemological approach, conceived as a purely descriptive discourse on “real” politics and war, against the philosophico-juridical conceptuality attached to liberal society (Hobbes’s Leviathan being here the prime example).
However, in doing so, Foucault did not interrogate the conceptual validity of notions such as power and war, therefore interlinking them without questioning their ontological status. This problematic conflation was partly rectified in 1982, as Foucault proposed a more dynamic definition of power relations: “actions over potential actions”.
I argue, somewhat polemically, that Foucault’s hermeneutics of power still involves a teleological violence, dependent on a polemological representation of human relations as essentially instrumental: this resembles what Derrida names, in “Heidegger’s Ear”, an “anthropolemology”. However, I show that all conceptualisation of power implies its self-deconstruction. This self-deconstructive (or autoimmune) structure supposes an archi-originary unpower prior to power: power presupposes an excess within power, an excessive force, another violence making it both possible and impossible. There is something within power located “beyond the power principle” (Derrida). This (self-)excess signifies a limitless resistantiality co-extensive with power-relationality. It also allows the reversal of pólemos into its opposite, as unpower opens politics and warfare to the messianic call of a pre-political, pre-ontological disruption: the archi-originary force of différance. This force, unconditional, challenges Foucault’s conceptualisations of power, suggesting an originary performativity located before or beyond hermeneutics of power-knowledge, disrupting theoreticity as well as empiricity by pointing to their ontological complicity.
The bulk of this essay is dedicated to sketching the theoretical implications of this deconstructive reading of Foucault with respect to the methodology and conceptuality of political science and social theory.

Two Systems, Two Countries is an unabashedly heterodox addition to a growing body of critical work on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) suppression of local identity and political freedoms in Hong Kong. What Carrico’s contribution... more

Two Systems, Two Countries is an unabashedly heterodox addition to a growing body of critical work on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) suppression of local identity and political freedoms in Hong Kong. What Carrico’s contribution uniquely provides is a penetrating analysis of the various schools of thought that make up the diverse landscape of Hong Kong nationalism.

Street-level bureaucrats implementing public policies have a certain degree of autonomy – or discretion – in their work. Following Lipsky, discretion has received wide attention in the policy implementation literature. However, scholars... more

Street-level bureaucrats implementing public policies have a certain degree of autonomy – or discretion – in their work. Following Lipsky, discretion has received wide attention in the policy implementation literature. However, scholars have not developed theoretical frameworks regarding the effects of discretion, which were then tested these using large samples. This study therefore develops a theoretical framework regarding two main effects of discretion: client meaningfulness and willingness to implement. The relationships are tested using a survey among 1,300 healthcare professionals implementing a new policy. The results underscore the importance of discretion. Implications of the findings and a future research agenda is shown.

Independent toileting is an important developmental skill which individuals with developmental disabilities often ®nd a challenge to master. Effective toilet training interventions have been designed which rely on a combination of basic... more

Independent toileting is an important developmental skill which individuals with developmental disabilities often ®nd a challenge to master. Effective toilet training interventions have been designed which rely on a combination of basic operant principles of positive reinforcement and punishment. In the present study, the effectiveness of a reinforcement-based toilet training intervention was investigated with three children with a diagnosis of autism. Procedures included a combination of positive reinforcement, graduated guidance, scheduled practice trials and forward prompting. Results indicated that all procedures were implemented in response to urination accidents. A three participants reduced urination accidents to zero and learned to spontaneously request use of the bathroom within 7±11 days of training. Gains were maintained over 6-month and 1-year follow-ups. Findings suggest that the proposed procedure is an effective and rapid method of toilet training, which can be implemented within a structured school setting with generalization to the home environment.

In his dictum within the case of Hewer v Bryant , Lord Denning stated that the law surrounding children’s rights “can, and should, keep pace with the time ”. Denning criticised the late Victorian era case of Re Agar-Ellis where it was... more

In his dictum within the case of Hewer v Bryant , Lord Denning stated that the law surrounding children’s rights “can, and should, keep pace with the time ”. Denning criticised the late Victorian era case of Re Agar-Ellis where it was held that a parent’s absolute authority over their children continued unabated until the age of majority. These comments resurfaced in the prominent case of Gillick where the House of Lords established that a child’s capacity to make important medical decisions depended not on a legally set age but rather their individual level of maturity and understanding. This essay argues that post Hewer, Gillick and the implementation of the Human Rights Act , the UK has seen an increasingly contentious relationship between the concepts of parental responsibility and child autonomy at law. It is contended that the concepts are not inter-dependent but rather exist theoretically and practically opposed as competing and contextually qualified interests. This will be contended on the basis that the rights inherent within parental responsibility naturally conflict with a full conception of autonomy and represent instead a publicly endorsed paternalism toward children. Further, it is argued that both concepts are often used as judicial rhetoric in combination with the ‘welfare principle’ in order to impose judicial, value based, policy judgements; a precarious practice. It will be shown this is most apparent in the logically incoherent concept of ‘Gillick competency’ in relation to refusal of treatment.

The Free Energy Principle and Active Inference Framework (FEP-AI) begins with the understanding that persisting systems must regulate environmental exchanges and prevent entropic accumulation. In FEP-AI, minds and brains are predictive... more

The Free Energy Principle and Active Inference Framework (FEP-AI) begins with the understanding that persisting systems must regulate environmental exchanges and prevent entropic accumulation. In FEP-AI, minds and brains are predictive controllers for autonomous systems, where action-driven perception is realized as probabilistic inference. Integrated Information Theory (IIT) begins with considering the preconditions for a system to intrinsically exist, as well as axioms regarding the nature of consciousness. IIT has produced controversy because of its surprising entailments: quasi-panpsychism; subjectivity without referents or dynamics; and the possibility of fully-intelligent-yet-unconscious brain simulations. Here, I describe how these controversies might be resolved by integrating IIT with FEP-AI, where integrated information only entails consciousness for systems with perspectival reference frames capable of generating models with spatial, temporal, and causal coherence for self and world. Without that connection with external reality, systems could have arbitrarily high amounts of integrated information, but nonetheless would not entail subjective experience. I further describe how an integration of these frameworks may contribute to their evolution as unified systems theories and models of emergent causation. Then, inspired by both Global Neuronal Workspace Theory (GNWT) and the Harmonic Brain Modes framework, I describe how streams of consciousness may emerge as an evolving generation of sensorimotor predictions, with the precise composition of experiences depending on the integration abilities of synchronous complexes as self-organizing harmonic modes (SOHMs). These integrating dynamics may be particularly likely to occur via richly connected subnetworks affording body-centric sources of phenomenal binding and executive control. Along these connectivity backbones, SOHMs are proposed to implement turbo coding via loopy message-passing over predictive (autoencoding) networks, so generating maximum a posteriori estimates as coherent vectors governing neural evolution, with alpha frequencies generating basic awareness, and cross-frequency phase-coupling within theta frequencies for access consciousness and volitional control. These dynamic cores of integrated information also function as global workspaces, centered on posterior cortices, but capable of being entrained with frontal cortices and interoceptive hierarchies, so affording agentic causation. Integrated World Modeling Theory (IWMT) represents a synthetic approach to understanding minds that reveals compatibility between leading theories of consciousness, so enabling inferential synergy.

Three field experiments with high school and college students tested the self-determination theory (E. L. hypotheses that intrinsic (vs. extrinsic) goals and autonomy-supportive (vs. controlling) learning climates would improve students'... more

Three field experiments with high school and college students tested the self-determination theory (E. L. hypotheses that intrinsic (vs. extrinsic) goals and autonomy-supportive (vs. controlling) learning climates would improve students' learning, performance, and persistence. The learning of text material or physical exercises was framed in terms of intrinsic (community, personal growth, health) versus extrinsic (money, image) goals, which were presented in an autonomy-supportive versus controlling manner. Analyses of variance confirmed that both experimentally manipulated variables yielded main effects on depth of processing, test performance, and persistence (all ps Ͻ .001), and an interaction resulted in synergistically high deep processing and test performance (but not persistence) when both intrinsic goals and autonomy support were present. Effects were significantly mediated by autonomous motivation.

Freedom and Its Conditions: Discipline, Autonomy, and Resistance Richard Flathman Can any of us ever really be free? Do we follow the rules our society gives us because we want to, or because we are forced to? Discipline, Freedom,... more

Freedom and Its Conditions: Discipline, Autonomy, and Resistance Richard Flathman Can any of us ever really be free? Do we follow the rules our society gives us because we want to, or because we are forced to? Discipline, Freedom, Resistance challenges the received wisdom that discipline and freedom are opposite and mutually exclusive. Though it is typically argued that a well-ordered liberal society must discipline its more unruly citizens to maintain freedom for all, Flathman shows how resistance to rules can mean more than criminals breaking laws. Resistance can also mean political protest and political dialogues about what the rules can be. Discipline, Freedom, Resistance draws on Foucault's theories of the self to describe the inner discipline it takes to resist authority-declaring that individuals must sometimes resist forces that wish to destroy freedom, to ensure freedom.

Os avanços tecnocientíficos das últimas décadas contribuíram para o aumento do número de pacientes com doenças terminais no mundo. Em decorrência da milenar conexão entre a fase de terminalidade de vida e os processos espiritualistas,... more

Os avanços tecnocientíficos das últimas décadas contribuíram para o aumento do número de pacientes com doenças terminais no mundo. Em decorrência da milenar conexão entre a fase de terminalidade de vida e os processos espiritualistas, esse fato assumiu aspectos peculiares no Brasil, país em que o número de segmentos religiosos/espiritualistas multiplicou-se nas últimas décadas. Este trabalho procura mostrar que a diversificação das necessidades de pacientes brasileiros com referência ao bemestar espiritual na fase final da vida pode gerar dilemas bioéticos novos para o profissional da saúde que não conheça os fundamentos das principais correntes espiritualistas do país. Defendendo que tal conhecimento é ferramenta útil para o profissional da saúde que quer observar os princípios da beneficência e do respeito à autonomia do paciente, o texto disponibiliza algumas orientações básicas das principais linhas espiritualistas brasileiras sobre os processos da morte e do morrer.

[Excerpt] Using data from a large cross section of British establishments, we ask how different firm characteristics are associated with the predicted benefits to organizational performance from using team production. To compute the... more

[Excerpt] Using data from a large cross section of British establishments, we ask how different firm characteristics are associated with the predicted benefits to organizational performance from using team production. To compute the predicted benefits from using team production, we estimate structural models for financial performance, labor productivity, and product quality, treating the firm's choices of whether or not to use teams and whether or not to grant teams autonomy as endogenous. One of the main results is that many firm characteristics are associated with larger predicted benefits from teams to labor productivity and product quality but smaller predicted benefits to financial performance. For example, this is true for union recognition as measured by the number of recognized unions in an establishment. Similarly, when a particular firm characteristic is associated with lower benefits from teams to labor productivity or product quality, the same characteristic is frequently associated with higher predicted benefits to financial performance. This is true for the degree of financial participation and employee ownership and also for establishment size and a number of industries. These results highlight the advantages of analyzing broader measures of organizational performance that are more inclusive of the wide spectrum of benefits and costs associated with teams than the labor productivity measures frequently studied in the teams literature.

Los zapatistas devienen de comunidades indígenas despojadas de tierras y de la libertad para gobernarse según la cultura de los pueblos originarios; producto de su organización y lucha lograron formar comunidades organizadas en gobiernos... more

Los zapatistas devienen de comunidades indígenas despojadas de tierras y de la libertad para gobernarse según la cultura de los pueblos originarios; producto de su organización y lucha lograron formar comunidades organizadas en gobiernos autónomos. Cuentan con una caja de herramientas provista de conceptos teóricos y trabajo colectivo que se usan como armas para analizar las entrañas del capitalismo, impulsar la resistencia política y construir la autonomía de los pueblos rebeldes. Ahora sus palabras resuenan con el propósito de reivindicar la autonomía que erigieron al fragor de su gesta social y de advertir sobre la inminencia de la crisis capitalista y los múltiples peligros que representa la Hidra para los pueblos y las organizaciones que se aprestan a luchar.

Lundqvist-Persson C. Correlation between level of self-regulation in the newborn infant and developmental status at two years of age. Acta Paediatr 2001; 90: 345-350. Stockholm. ISSN 0803-5253 The purpose of this study was to investigate... more

Lundqvist-Persson C. Correlation between level of self-regulation in the newborn infant and developmental status at two years of age. Acta Paediatr 2001; 90: 345-350. Stockholm. ISSN 0803-5253 The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the level of self-regulation in the newborn baby (a) predicts later cognitive and social development, (b) correlates to duration of breastfeeding and (c) has an impact on sleeping rhythm and the infant's autonomic behaviour. The study involved 38 full-term infants of optimal health who were assessed at an age of 3 d using a screening instrument measuring neonatal self-regulation, low, ordinary and high. The instrument, a conditional global scale, developed on the basis of the items in the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, identi es three levels of self-regulation. Thirty-six of the infants participated in a follow-up study at 2 y of age, when they were tested with Grif ths' Mental Developmental Scales and one of the parents was interviewed about length of breastfeeding, sleeping habits and the infant's autonomic behaviour. The results showed that the level of self-regulation was correlated to 3 out of 5 variables (Personal-Social development, Hearing & Speech and Eye & Hand Coordination) in the Grif ths test. The results also indicated differences in sleeping rhythm as well as in breastfeeding patterns between the three groups. Furthermore, the study indicated gender-based differences in the level of neonatal self-regulation and con rmed previous ndings of gender-based differences in achieved developmental level at 2 y of age assessed with Griffths' Mental Developmental Scales.

As a monetary authority and regulator of the financial system, Reserve Bank of India has done a commendable job. This paper has focused on the role played by RBI in the regulatory framework of Indian financial system as a regulator and... more

As a monetary authority and regulator of the financial system, Reserve Bank of India has done a commendable job. This paper has focused on the role played by RBI in the regulatory framework of Indian financial system as a regulator and supervisor and also analyzed whether granting autonomy to RBI can contribute to the growth of the country. Review of literature has shown that majority of the central banks in the world only have instrumental independence which shows that the central banks are free to only choose the means to achieve the objectives set by the government and many of the central banks have also shown the evidence of the government's influence on its decision making. Doing Business Report 2014(World Bank), investigating the regulations that enhance or constrain business activity, has placed India at low ranks in almost all parameters. Furthermore inflation and independence of a central bank has been seen to have an inverse relation. Secondary data along with supporting primary data were adopted for collecting the requisite information for this study. The study has revealed that if RBI achieves autonomy along with ensured accountability it can help the fiscal system to tone up and ensure more transparency in the entire budget making process. It is seen important for the government and the regulators in India to develop conventions and practices which will serve the goal of preserving financial stability without eroding the autonomy of the regulators for the growth of its economy. The Development Financial Institution at the international level IMF has also suggested making the RBI free from the government's influence by removing certain provisions from the law which can undermine its independence from the government.

Assessing the motivational responses of 328 secondary school students, this study examined a model of student motivation in physical education that incorporated constructs from achievement goal and self-determination theories. The focus... more

Assessing the motivational responses of 328 secondary school students, this study examined a model of student motivation in physical education that incorporated constructs from achievement goal and self-determination theories. The focus was on the prediction of students' intention to partake in physical activity outside of physical education. Structural equation modeling analysis supported a model in which an autonomy-supportive climate, and to a lesser extent perceptions of a mastery climate, positively impacted hypothesized mediating variables (i.e., autonomy, competence, relatedness) to foster self-determined motivation. Self-determined motivation was found to positively predict, whereas amotivation was a negative predictor of leisure-time physical activity intentions. , these different self-regulations are hypothe-

In this paper we identify the requirements for the definition of a security framework for distributed access control in dynamic coalitions of heterogeneous systems. Based on the elicited requirements, we introduce the POLIPO framework... more

In this paper we identify the requirements for the definition of a security framework for distributed access control in dynamic coalitions of heterogeneous systems. Based on the elicited requirements, we introduce the POLIPO framework that combines distributed access control with ontologies to give a globally understandable semantics to policies, enabling interoperability among heterogeneous systems.

La ausencia de apoyo a la autonomía creado por el docente de Educación Física (EF) puede desencadenar en el alumnado conductas desinteresadas e indisciplinadas. Así, bajo el sustento de la teoría de la autodeterminación el objetivo del... more

La ausencia de apoyo a la autonomía creado por el docente de Educación Física (EF) puede desencadenar en el alumnado conductas desinteresadas e indisciplinadas. Así, bajo el sustento de la teoría de la autodeterminación el objetivo del estudio fue testar un modelo que relacionaba el apoyo a la autonomía del profesorado de EF con la percepción de satisfacción y frustración de dicha necesidad, así como con la conducta de oposición desafiante del alumnado en las clases de EF. En el estudio participaron 196 alumnos (M edad = 13.32; DT = 1.38), 95 varones y 101 mujeres, pertenecientes al primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, quiénes cumplimentaron los factores de autonomía de los siguientes cuestionarios: Cuestionario de Apoyo a las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (CANPB), la Escala de Medición de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (BPNES) y la Escala de Frustración de las Necesidades Psicológicas (EFNP). Además se midió la oposición desafiante con una escala adaptada a la EF. El análisis de los resultados evidenció la importancia del apoyo a la autonomía para satisfacer y evitar la frustra-ción de ésta. De igual modo, la frustración de la autonomía se configura como una variable influyente sobre la opo-sición desafiante. Estos hallazgos suscitan la necesidad de crear un clima orientado al apoyo a la autonomía en EF, alejado de un estilo más controlador, evitando de este modo la frustración de la autonomía en el aula y previniendo de esta manera las conductas desafiantes del alumnado. Palabras clave: teoría de la autodeterminación; apoyo a la autonomía; estilo controlador; educación física; indisciplina. The lack of autonomy support created by the Physical Education (PE) teacher can trigger disinterested and undisciplined behaviors in students. Grounded in Self-Determination Theory, this study tested an integrated model that related autonomy supportive teaching with autonomy satisfaction and autonomy frustration, as well as oppositio-nal defiance of PE students. 196 students (age = 13.32, SD = 1.38), 95 men and 101 women, from the first cycle of secondary school, answered the following questionnaires: Questionnaire to assess support of basic psychological needs (Spanish acronym CANPB), Basic Psychological Need Scale (BPNS) and Psychological Need Thwarting Scale (PNTS). For these questionnaires, only the items of autonomy factor were measured. Besides Oppositional Defiance was measured using a scale adapted to the PE. The results showed the importance of autonomy supportive teaching to satisfy autonomy and avoid this need frustration. Similarly, autonomy frustration is established as an influential variable on oppositional defiance. These findings raise the need to create an autonomy support climate in PE, away from a control teaching, to avoid autonomy frustration in the classroom and to prevent defiance behaviors of students. Abstract Recibido el 31 de Mayo de 2015; Aceptado el 5 de Noviembre de 2015

Some countries such as Australia, Spain, Norway, Italy and Canada allow next of kin to override the consent of registered organ donor candidates if they personally do not concur with the donation desire of their relative. This form of... more

Some countries such as Australia, Spain, Norway, Italy and Canada allow next of kin to override the consent of registered organ donor candidates if they personally do not concur with the donation desire of their relative. This form of surrogate decision-making represents a double standard in terms of the principle of substituted judgment (the surrogate's duty). Further, double-standard surrogate decision-making in the setting of organ donation is a slippery slope to unethical surrogate decision-making while patients are alive. Concerns about family distress and donor candidate revocation of consent can still be managed without permitting double-standard surrogate decision-making.

in those with life-threatening disease, prognosis is unpredictable. communication with the patient and family must guide the clinician, always weighing up the benefits against the risks and burdens of any intervention, and recognizing... more

in those with life-threatening disease, prognosis is unpredictable. communication with the patient and family must guide the clinician, always weighing up the benefits against the risks and burdens of any intervention, and recognizing when interventions are futile in the face of irreversible deterioration. there is no evidence that patients' lives are shortened when opioids and other drugs are used to control pain and other symptoms, which challenges the usual examples for double effect (having good and bad consequences) as given in many standard textbooks. Some patients make advance decisions to refuse treatment, in the event of losing decision-making capacity. Such advance decisions should be properly drawn up, in writing, be situation specific and be of the patient's own free will. they will then be legally binding, and the patient will have the same standing in law as a competent patient refusing consent to an intervention. When a patient loses capacity without having expressed his wishes in advance, the clinicians must take a decision over what is in the best interests of the patient as a person. this requires that those close to the patient are consulted to seek all that can be known to inform the decision; however, when a best interests decision is taken, it is the clinician who carries the ultimate responsibility.

Taking as its vantage point a citation from the critical educationalist Thomas Popkewitz, "double gestures of inclusion and exclusion," the aim of this article is to describe and contextualize the project of inclusion in Swedish... more

Taking as its vantage point a citation from the critical educationalist Thomas Popkewitz, "double gestures of inclusion and exclusion," the aim of this article is to describe and contextualize the project of inclusion in Swedish educational and vocational guidance, and to identify and to analyze the potentially excluding discourses that may be inherent in that project. Empirically, the article starts with an account of how career counselors describe the desired learning outcomes of their professional activities. The accounts are given in interviews where they comment on the conditions for migrant youth in the transition from school to work, and the professional considerations that follow from these conditions. Among these desired learning outcomes, learning to be an autonomous individual capable of informed choosing is the most central. The emphasis of autonomy and informed choosing is in several ways related to the goal of work life and societal inclusion; on the other hand, a perceived lack of autonomy during the process of choosing secondary education is allegedly ascribed to the category of immigrants, and the immigrant condition. Thus, in the project of inclusion, a potentially excluding way of describing the migrant other is articulated, and "the double gestures of inclusion and exclusion" are hence performed. Still, it is also held that the pursuit of autonomyas an end goal for the counseling and guiding processis not unconditional, and it is recognized that certain conditions call for the development of other counseling strategies and learning outcomes.

A educação impossível A educação impossível Lílian do Valle * para Wagner Hollas, in memoriam Resumo Por que interessaria à educação um conceito tão ambíguo como o é o de imaginário, que muitas vezes mal se distingue de seu misterioso... more

A educação impossível A educação impossível Lílian do Valle * para Wagner Hollas, in memoriam Resumo Por que interessaria à educação um conceito tão ambíguo como o é o de imaginário, que muitas vezes mal se distingue de seu misterioso correlato-a imaginação? Na obra de Cornelius Castoriadis, o imaginário ganha a acepção de poder radical de criação da sociedade, realizada por um coletivo sempre anônimo; quanto à imaginação, o termo é reservado para o poder igualmente radical, que designa a atividade de auto constituição do sujeito. Eis, pois, a boa razão que a obra do filósofo nos oferece para adotar tais conceitos: a exigência de pensar a educação sob o signo da criação humana. Nisso consiste, afinal, a tarefa impossível da educação: contribuir para a ressurgência do projeto de autonomia individual e coletiva, isso é, para o renascimento da vontade de liberdade. Nesses tempos de perda de sentido, se, de fato, pretendemos ainda lutar pela transformação da sociedade, por instituições verdadeiramente democráticas, não podemos deixar de lado a luta por uma educação orientada para a autonomia. Palavras-chave: Autonomia. Criação. Educação impossível. Crise do imaginário.

This report is furnished to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research as the final deliverable for AFOSR Grant FA9550-­‐12-­‐1-­‐0097, “The Role of Benevolence in Trust of Autonomous Systems.” This report provides a summary of the... more

This report is furnished to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research as the final deliverable for AFOSR Grant FA9550-­‐12-­‐1-­‐0097, “The Role of Benevolence in Trust of Autonomous Systems.” This report provides a summary of the research and related activities performed with the support of this grant and key results, including pre-­‐print copies of the peer-­‐reviewed publications and related material. Without reliable and robust methods for assessing the trustworthiness of intelligent, autonomous systems, the issue of trust has become one of the most significant obstacles to broad use of autonomy technology by DoD and other agencies. However, the impact of the research described in this report supports creation of computational methods that create a bridge to future engineering of trustworthy autonomous systems. The core objectives of this research were (1) to operationalize the quality of “benevolence” and understand how it contributes to well-­‐calibrated trust of, and reliance upon, autonomous systems, and (2) to investigate portrayal of trust-­‐related attributes in the human-­‐machine interface. Significant headway was achieved on key topics, including some notable results. Key accomplishments discussed in this report include: (1) the formulation of benevolence as a complex “belief structure” with antecedent beliefs having important semantic, temporal, causal and other interrelationships; (2) the mapping of a portion of this belief structure to measurable internal states of autonomous systems, thereby potentially creating new opportunities for assessment of trustworthiness of such systems; (3) the obtaining of empirical evidence in support of the proposition that previous psychological concepts of interpersonal human trust are applicable to trust in autonomous systems, including the role of personality and situation in modulating the role and importance of certain beliefs; (4) the creation of a theory of a “Human Social Interface” which, when expressed in systems engineering terms, provides guidance for machine portrayal of trust-­‐related qualities in human-­‐machine social interaction; (5) the design and implementation of a software prototype based on the Human Social Interface theory that provides a basis for future experimentation and evaluation. This project resulted in eight peer-­‐reviewed publications and sixteen presentations in scientific venues, meetings with distinguished visitors, and other in support of technology transition opportunities within DoD and to industry. Many new research questions were generated and there remains considerable work to do to fully understand the role of benevolence with respect to intelligent autonomous systems. Overall, the theoretical foundation for trustworthiness of autonomous systems is immature and remains an important area of focus for multiple disciplines.

The emergence of new forms of reproductive technology raise an increasingly complex array of social and ethical issues. Nevertheless, this paper focuses on commonplace reproductive technologies used during labor and birth such as... more

The emergence of new forms of reproductive technology raise an increasingly complex array of
social and ethical issues. Nevertheless, this paper focuses on commonplace reproductive
technologies used during labor and birth such as ultrasound, fetal monitoring, episiotomy,
epidurals, labor induction, amniotomy, and cesarean section. This paper maintains that social
pressures increase women’s perceived need to such reproductive technologies and thus
undermine women’s capacity to choose an elective cesarean or avoid an emergency cesarean.
Routine, normalized use of technology interferes with the possibility of choosing use of
technology where best suited through misdirecting laboring women to use technological
resources whenever possible. This normalized use of technology decreases risk tolerance and
increases dependence on technology for reassurance, which bears significant implications for
self-trust and self-confidence. My account encourages women’s cultivation of autonomy as a
capacity interconnected with our own attitudes and those of other persons; and as a function of
cultivating trust and confidence in one’s body.

This text examines how conceptions of free will impact on legal systems and forensic psychiatry: free will is generally regarded as a prerequisite for responsibility, criminal responsibility included, while forensic psychiatry to a large... more

This text examines how conceptions of free will impact on legal systems and forensic psychiatry: free will is generally regarded as a prerequisite for responsibility, criminal responsibility included, while forensic psychiatry to a large extent deals with the limits imposed on responsibility by mental disorder. First we discuss the question of whether there is and has been such an impact. The answer is yes: different conceptions of free will have inspired different systems of law and forensic psychiatry, as becomes clear when looking at the accountability doctrine as compared to the unique Swedish system rejecting this doctrine. However, there is no necessary connection between doctrines of responsibility and conceptions of free will, since the former primarily says something about when someone should be held responsible and the latter says something about when someone really is free in a sense relevant to responsibility. This leads to the second question: should conceptions of free will have an impact on law and forensic psychiatry? We argue: that they should not, given the implausibility the normative theory retributivism, which posits a direct connection between free will and punishment. More importantly, questions of free will are complicated and unresolved philosophical issues that are better left out of the everyday decision-making incumbent on the legal and psychiatric systems. Instead, we recommend using an empirically useful and gradual conception of autonomy to facilitate the determination of legal responsibility. This autonomy conception, being neutral on the question of free will, eliminates the need to take a stand on it.

O presente artigo discute questões relacionadas com a auto-avaliação à luz de práticas educacionais na sala-de-aula. As recomendações pedagógicas para os professores referem-se tanto à necessidade do desenvolvimento da autonomia do aluno... more

O presente artigo discute questões relacionadas com a auto-avaliação à luz de práticas educacionais na sala-de-aula. As recomendações pedagógicas para os professores referem-se tanto à necessidade do desenvolvimento da autonomia do aluno pela educação escolar quanto à do desenvolvimento da autonomia do futuro cidadão e do ser humano mesmo. Observando-se que os professores podem fornecer muitos documentos pedagógicos para ajudar na aprendizagem, que contêm exercícios autocorrigidos baseando-se na noção de autocorreção, este artigo propõe discussões sobre o sentido dessas três noções no campo educacional com exemplos práticos.

This paper discusses the discursive significance of the body in Dalton Trumbo’s classic anti-war novel, Johnny Got His Gun. With its political rants, depictions of working-class life, symbolic imagery, and vivid descriptions of the... more

This paper discusses the discursive significance of the body in Dalton Trumbo’s classic anti-war novel, Johnny Got His Gun. With its political rants, depictions of working-class life, symbolic imagery, and vivid descriptions of the dismembered torso of its protagonist, Johnny invokes many questions concerning the role that historical forces play in influencing the way we conceptualize the body, as well as how one might use the image of the body to subvert oppressive hierarchies of power.
The novel, which is said to have been based on the true story of a World War I amputee, tells the story of Joe Bonham, a working-class soldier who survives an explosion that costs him his arms, legs and face; as well as his ability to see, speak, hear, eat and breath for himself. As Joe struggles to regain a sense of agency and autonomy in the world, he begins identifying himself as part of a long tradition of “little guys” who are exploited and silenced by those in power. Through a series of stream of consciousness rants, hallucinations and flashbacks, the human body emerges as our primary vehicle for being-in-the-world, as well as the figurative weight that grounds us in it. Following this logic, human freedom and autonomy appear to be curtailed by our own corporeal limitations, coupled with our involvement in a world of oppressive hierarchal systems and reified social relations.
Building on the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Mikhail Bakhtin, Georg Lukacs and others, this paper will reveal a dialectic at work within Johnny between what can best be described as the phenomenal, reified, and grotesque bodies. While the phenomenal (or lived) body of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy emphasizes relative autonomy and embodied subjectivity, the reified body represents humankind in a completely objectified state. My analysis will illustrate how Johnny Got His Gun creates a tension between these two conceptions of corporeity, while employing grotesque realism—a subversive literary mode utilizing the degraded image of the body—to inspire change in the real world. In doing so, I hope to emphasize how Joe Bonham’s final wish—to use his war ravaged flesh as a subversive tool, thus becoming “the new messiah of the battlefields”— is fulfilled as the text enters the social sphere.

This is the PDF-Powerpoint of the paper I exposed on 2 December 2020 during the Webinar HISTORY OF LEGAL SCIENCE: TRANSFORMATION OF IDEAS AND IMAGES, II International Scientific-Methodological Seminar, organised by the Department of... more

This is the PDF-Powerpoint of the paper I exposed on 2 December 2020 during the Webinar HISTORY OF LEGAL SCIENCE: TRANSFORMATION OF IDEAS AND IMAGES, II International Scientific-Methodological Seminar, organised by the Department of History of State and Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). The title of the Webinar was: MYTHOLOGEMS OF LAW: IRRATIONAL IN LAW. The title of my paper was: Liberalism, Autonomy, Diversity, and Education: Irrational Reasons. The whole webinar can be watched on YouTube. For further information see on the web-site

Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more

Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or gender identity. The administration argued that because conversion therapy causes substantial psychological harm to minors, it is neither medically nor ethically appropriate. We fully agree with the President and believe that this is a step in the right direction. Of course, in addition to being unsafe as well as ethically unsound, current conversion therapy approaches aren’t actually effective at doing what they claim to do – changing sexual orientation. But we also worry that this may be a short-term legislative solution to what is really a conceptual problem. The question we ought to be asking is “what will happen if and when scientists do end up developing safe and effective technologies that can alter sexual orientation?”

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of self-controlled feedback on the learning of a sequential-timing motor task in introverts and extroverts. Method: Fifty-six university students were selected by the Eysenck... more

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of self-controlled feedback on the learning of a sequential-timing motor task in introverts and extroverts. Method: Fifty-six university students were selected by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. They practiced a motor task consisting of pressing computer keyboard keys in a specific spatial and temporal pattern. The experiment consisted of practice, retention, and transfer phases. The participants were distributed into 4 groups, formed by the combination of personality trait (extraversion/introversion) and type of feedback frequency (selfcontrolled/yoked). Results: The results showed superior learning for the groups that practiced in a self-controlled schedule, in relation to groups who practiced in an externally controlled schedule, F(1, 52) ¼ 4.13, p , .05, h 2 ¼ .07, regardless of personality trait. Conclusion: We conclude that self-controlled practice enhances motor learning in introverts and extroverts.