Nuclear science Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Proccedings of the International Symposium on Solid State Dosimetry, Volume 3. 2016

This research reports the annual effective dose of dwellers based on the finding of natural radioactivity concentrations in Malaysian tiles. A total of 30 tiles samples obtained from the manufacturer or bought directly from local hardware... more

This research reports the annual effective dose of dwellers based on the finding of natural radioactivity concentrations in Malaysian tiles. A total of 30 tiles samples obtained from the manufacturer or bought directly from local hardware store. Natural radioactivity was analyzed using gamma spectrometry system for 12 h counting times. The activity concentration of 226 Ra, 232 Th, and 40 K in the analyzed samples ranged from 37.50-158.05 Bq kg-1 , 42.22-80.19 Bq kg-1 and 349.46-750.18 Bq kg-1 , respectively. The determined radium equivalent activity was below than the recommended limit of 370 Bq kg-1. The external dose received by dwellers due to natural radionuclides in tiles were projected for 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 years through six exposure pathways using Resrad-build computer code. The results showed that the annual effective dose received by dwellers increased for the investigated timelines but still lower than the annual recommended limit of 1500 µSv. The simulation result also indicates that radon gas was the primary radiation exposure which contributes 80-94 % from the total radiation exposure to dwellers.

The activity concentrations of 226 Ra, 232 Th, and 40 K from 102 building materials samples were determined using a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The activity concentrations were evaluated for possible radiological hazards to the... more

The activity concentrations of 226 Ra, 232 Th, and 40 K from 102 building materials samples were determined using a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The activity concentrations were evaluated for possible radiological hazards to the human health. The excess lifetime cancer risks (ELCR) were also estimated, and the average values were recorded as 0.42 ± 0.24 Â 10 À3 , 3.22 ± 1.83 Â 10 À3 , and 3.65 ± 1.85 Â 10 À3 for outdoor, indoor, and total ELCR respectively. The activity concentrations were further subjected to RESRAD-BUILD computer code to evaluate the long-term radiation exposure to a dweller. The indoor doses were assessed from zero up to 70 years. The simulation results were 92 ± 59, 689 ± 566, and 782 ± 569 mSv y À1 for indoor external, internal, and total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) respectively. The results reported were all below the recommended maximum values. Therefore, the radiological hazards attributed to building materials under study are negligible.

ABSTRACT The radioactivity measurements in food crops and their diet derivatives and farm soil samples from Abeokuta, one of the elevated background radiation areas in Nigeria have been carried out in order to determine the concentration... more

ABSTRACT The main objective of this paper is to analyze the current status of high-level nuclear waste disposal along with presentation of practical perspectives about the environmental issues involved. Present disposal designs and... more