Online Instruction Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Musicians' drive to be productive on the Internet led to the development of practices that can inform popular music education. Expanding the concept of popular music education to include online participatory culture practices provides... more

Musicians' drive to be productive on the Internet led to the development of practices that can inform popular music education. Expanding the concept of popular music education to include online participatory culture practices provides inspiration for musicking online relevant not only in times of uncertainty (like during mandated quarantines experienced during the COVID outbreak in 2020), but also during times of prosperity when practices can be explored in classrooms and during leisure time. In this article, the author discusses three dispositions towards online musicking: DIY-disposition (do-it-yourself), DIWO-disposition (do-it-with-others) and DIFO-disposition (do-it-for-others). The development of these dispositions leads to online and musical literacies that help develop the skills needed for online musicking and performance. This text offers a creation theory about approaching online musicking that can be applied to new technologies and media as online platforms appear and fade on the Internet.

In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher... more

In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher education (HE). We highlight three key elements. Context is critical and should be systematically expanded to include not only the immediate context of the virtual and blended classroom, but also the broader organisational and national contexts within which digital learning takes place. The involvement of individual actors, higher education institutions and national policy-making agencies in the development and implementation of digitalisation policy ideas and practices is also shaped by multiple mediations, which include the mediating role of technology itself, but also of other human, organisational and policy actors, ideas and practices. Finally, digitalisation of HE teaching and learning can lead to a variety of gradual or more radical digital transformations, operating at multiple scales and with multiple potential positive or negative effects. This framework helps put into focus the key question of how to go about searching for a flexible set of "Nordic characteristics" that might affect digitalisation of teaching and learning in the Nordic region, albeit in uneven and diverse ways. While it is too early to provide a systematic analysis of the impact of the rapid digitalisation of Nordic HE teaching and learning spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic, we make some preliminary observations that offer this emerging theoretical framework as a way to assess these trends both before and after the pandemic.

Ongoing training of serving officers in the Police Service of England and Wales is an important function of the organisation. It is necessary to maintain competence of officers and prevent failures of the organisation for which it could... more

Ongoing training of serving officers in the Police Service of England and Wales is an important function of the organisation. It is necessary to maintain competence of officers and prevent failures of the organisation for which it could be liable. The Theory of Andragogy is the major theory of adult education and its principles include that organisations should encourage individual self-motivation to promote effective learning. This thesis was intended to be a mixed methods empirical study combining a staff attitude survey and focus group data to examine the extent police ongoing training fulfils this principle. However due to participation issues the qualitative phase was unable to provide firm conclusions, but does provide us with potential hypotheses for further research. The survey suggests that current training provision does not appear to take the andragogical principle of self-motivation into account and this is detrimental to the effectiveness of the training. Whilst we can ...

The pivot from a hybrid learning environment to a fully online one brings to the fore questions of fairness and equity for marginalized individuals and groups of students at our minority-majority university. Because effective distance... more

The pivot from a hybrid learning environment to a fully online one brings to the fore questions of fairness and equity for marginalized individuals and groups of students at our minority-majority university. Because effective distance education requires adjustments to instruction at all levels, the shift to remote teaching raises questions about effective preparation of in-service and preservice teachers who work with students from diverse cultural, linguistic, and ability backgrounds. In this paper I address some of the difficulties faced by students, teachers, and families in New Mexico during the sudden transition to remote education. I outline educator perspectives related to the graduate and undergraduate technology integration courses I teach, emphasizing the need to support students from diverse linguistic, sociocultural, and ability backgrounds, particularly those living in geographically isolated communities.
Available at:

Utilization of online instruction continues to increase at universities, placing more emphasis on the nontraditional student engagement in online courses. The goals of the study are to enhance student focus, attention and interaction.... more

Utilization of online instruction continues to increase at universities, placing more emphasis on the nontraditional student engagement in online courses. The goals of the study are to enhance student focus, attention and interaction. Findings suggest that interactivity seems to be a key in keeping students involved engaging students is worthwhile and results in greater course satisfaction and academic effort.

In the wake of COVID-19, online physical education (OLPE) has become essential to the sustainability of school physical education programs. The purpose of this article is to consider factors that may be influential in efforts to deliver... more

In the wake of COVID-19, online physical education (OLPE) has become essential to the sustainability of school physical education programs. The purpose of this article is to consider factors that may be influential in efforts to deliver OLPE to students. The comprehensive school physical activity program model is used to frame a multicomponent conceptualization of OLPE and its goals and outcomes. Central to this framing is the intersectionality of school physical education, the family, and the community. This article provides a platform for physical education teacher educators and researchers to advance OLPE in its support of both the educational and public health benefits of high-quality physical education programs.

Background: Reforms in higher education due to the advent of new technologies require a shift in traditional education. The flipped classroom approach can be a solution to such educational changes to create a student-centered individual... more

Background: Reforms in higher education due to the advent of new technologies require a shift in traditional education. The flipped classroom approach can be a solution to such educational changes to create a student-centered individual learning environment.
Materials and Methods: This approach, which is a type of blended learning, effectively integrates traditional and online education using both in and out of the classroom environment. The paper presents evidence around derived from a systematic review of the literature on the use of flipped classroom approach in higher education. A comprehensive search through multiple known databases identified a dataset of 548 papers from which 31 papers met the criteria for in-depth analysis.
Results: The analysis revealed that flipped classroom approach has a positive effect on learning, reducing cognitive load, engagement, accuracy, motivation, attitude, satisfaction from the course, and self-efficacy in higher education. One of the most important challenges of the flipped classroom were the lack of familiarity and adaptation of the students to the flipped method, the increase of teachers' load and the learning issues of the video.
Conclusion: According to the analysis of the findings of the selected research studies, it is concluded that the higher education system can effectively use this method

Proceedings paper in conjunction with the opening keynote address on the 2019 conference theme of Global Digital Society: Impacts on Humanities and Social Sciences. The topic of disruptive technology and our calling suited the author's... more

Proceedings paper in conjunction with the opening keynote address on the 2019 conference theme of Global Digital Society: Impacts on Humanities and Social Sciences. The topic of disruptive technology and our calling suited the author's background in online education and international faculty development. The author has also worked for the impact to go the other way, from the Humanities and Social Sciences to new technologies, which tend to be rudderless or even dangerous unless guided by ethics and, in education, pedagogy. Thus the paper recommends interdisciplinarity and outlines the history of e-learning.

Typeface and fonts have a subtle but powerful impact on how online learners react to, view, interact with, and learn online content. Yet fonts have been overlooked as elements of online learning design. This article explores the power of... more

Typeface and fonts have a subtle but powerful impact on how online learners react to, view, interact with, and learn online content. Yet fonts have been overlooked as elements of online learning design. This article explores the power of the mighty little font in eLearning courses.

The purpose of this study was to explore the structural relationships between knowledge sharing behaviors (KSB), academic self-efficacy (ASE) and sense of community (SoC) of university students in e-learning community. The study was... more

The purpose of this study was to explore the structural relationships between knowledge sharing behaviors (KSB), academic self-efficacy (ASE) and sense of community (SoC) of university students in e-learning community. The study was carried out with students who joined Facebook learning community that was created for the Computing I course which was taught with blended learning method. Data were collected from 316 university students by utilizing three self-report instruments: KSB scale, ASE scale (sub-scales: ‘social status’, ‘cognitive applications’ and ‘technical skills’) and classroom community (CC) scale (sub-scales: ‘connectedness’ and ‘learning’). The path analyses with structural equation modeling (SEM) further verified that students’ KSB were related to their ASE and SoC in e-learning community. The results of the study revealed that the ASE and SoC of the students positively affect their KSB. And in terms of sub-scales, the connectedness to the community, learning perception in the community, the self-efficacy of the students on the cognitive applications in the courses and their social status in the community positively affect KSB. However, students’ self-efficacy perceptions on their technical skills affect KSB positively but its affect size was smaller compared to other sub-scales. Further research studies and implications are presented and discussed. E-Öğrenme Topluluğunda Bilgi Paylaşım Davranışları: Akademik Öz-Yeterlik Ve Topluluk Hissinin Rolünü Keşfetmek Bu araştırmanın amacı, e-öğrenme topluluğundaki üniversite öğrencilerinin, bilgi paylaşım davranışları (BPD), akademik öz-yeterlikleri (AÖ) ve topluluk hisleri (TH) arasındaki yapısal ilişkileri incelemektir. Araştırma, harmanlanmış öğrenme yöntemi ile yürütülen Bilgisayar I dersi için oluşturulan Facebook öğrenme topluluğuna katılan öğrenciler üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri 316 üniversite öğrencisinden öz bildirime dayalı üç veri toplama aracı kullanılarak elde edilmiştir: Bilgi paylaşım davranışları ölçeği, akademik özyeterlik ölçeği (alt ölçekleri: 'sosyal statü', 'bilişsel uygulamalar' ve 'teknik beceriler') ve sınıf topluluğu ölçeği (alt ölçekleri: 'bağlılık' ve 'öğrenme') olmak üzere üç öz-raporlamaya dayalı veri toplama aracı kullanılarak 316 üniversite öğrencisinden veri toplanmıştır. Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (YEM) ile yapılan yol analizleri, e-öğrenme topluluğundaki öğrencilerin BPD'sinin AÖ ve TH'leriyle ilişkili olduğunu doğrulamıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları, öğrencilerin AÖ ve TH'lerinin BPD'yi olumlu etkilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Alt ölçekler açısından bakıldığında; topluluğa bağlılık, toplulukta algılanan öğrenme, öğrencilerin derslerdeki bilişsel uygulamalar üzerindeki öz yeterliği ve topluluktaki sosyal statülerinin BPD'yi olumlu etkilediği görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, öğrencilerin teknik becerileri üzerindeki öz-yeterlik algıları BPD'yi olumlu etkilemekle birlikte, diğer alt ölçeklere kıyasla etki büyüklüğünün daha küçük olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma bulguları, uygulamalar ve gelecek araştırmalar için sunulmuş ve tartışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilgi paylaşımı, E-öğrenme toplulukları, Akademik öz-yeterlik, Topluluk hissi

The following are recommended evidence-based course development guidelines to follow when developing higher impact courses. These High Impact Guidelines (HIGs) were developed by synthesizing the following evidence-based educational... more

The following are recommended evidence-based course development guidelines to follow when developing higher impact courses. These High Impact Guidelines (HIGs) were developed by synthesizing the following evidence-based educational systems: PORTAAL Observation Tool; Hattie’s book, Visible Learning; The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS); Quality Matters Rubric; Victoria State Government’s High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS); Marzano’s NASOT Model; InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards. A summary, complete list of citations, rubric, assessment form, detailed examples, and effect sizes can be accessed online. This document provides summaries of the high impact guidelines and their relationship to one another.

The following is a checklist of evidence-based guidelines to help quickly assess both on-ground and online courses as well as to help guide instructors in the development of their courses. Each of the items are divided into several main... more

The following is a checklist of evidence-based guidelines to help quickly assess both on-ground and online courses as well as to help guide instructors in the development of their courses. Each of the items are divided into several main categories as shown below. The list below is a summary of the primary EBCD guidelines that have been identified to date.

Certification allows the holder to conduct empathy education, using the CMHC curriculum and text, on a fee-for-service basis. On completion, the participant receives the designation Certified Empathy Trainer (CET). Objectives: 1. To... more

Certification allows the holder to conduct empathy education, using the CMHC curriculum and text, on a fee-for-service basis. On completion, the participant receives the designation Certified Empathy Trainer (CET). Objectives: 1. To assist the healthy development of emotional awareness and empathy. 2. To assist the ability to defend the views of your perceived opponent.

Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od... more

Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach
podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od 12 maja do 12 czerwca 2020 roku metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w trzech grupach
funkcjonujących w społeczności szkolnej.
W każdej szkole badani byli:
• Uczniowie klas 6–8 szkół podstawowych oraz uczniowie
szkół ponadpodstawowych (liceów, techników, liceów
zawodowych); (N=1248)
• Rodzice badanych uczniów - przy czym kwestionariusz
badania wypełniał tylko jeden rodzic/opiekun
w gospodarstwie domowym; (N=979)
• Nauczyciele wszystkich przedmiotów prowadzący
zajęcia w klasach badanych uczniów. (N=671)

Our article profiles the evolution of a fully online writing course designed for adult learners in our university's Prior Learning Assessment Program. Based on our own observations and experiences teaching adult learners... more

Our article profiles the evolution of a fully online writing course designed for adult learners in our university's Prior Learning Assessment Program. Based on our own observations and experiences teaching adult learners online, we question if the virtual learning environment ...

Teaching online requires different skills, roles and competencies for online instructors compared to teaching in traditional learning environments. Universities should offer ongoing support in various forms to help academic staff through... more

Teaching online requires different skills, roles and competencies for online instructors compared to teaching in traditional learning environments. Universities should offer ongoing support in various forms to help academic staff through their online journey. This paper provides insights into a multinational faculty development program for teaching online, elaborating on results of expectancy and satisfaction surveys. From a local program to a subproject within the Swiss National Science Foundation Project Scopes, e-Tutor aimed at expanding competencies in online lecturing and providing OER material for training colleagues. Designed in the form of a descriptive case study, this research was conducted with 34 attendees of e-Tutor. Data was collected using an e-learning readiness and expectancy questionnaire, and open-ended questions after the program to measure satisfaction. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the survey data and content analysis for open-ended data. Participants considered e-Tutor a well-planned and targeted program with good theoretical and practical balance. Duration of such courses, opportunities for adaptation to real-life situations, and localization of the content are areas to be explored further. For future studies, it would also be interesting to see whether participants can apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to create efficient online learning environments.

This presentation places online education in a disciplinary context, charting historical, pedagogical, institutional and cultural dimensions of e-learning. The evolution of online academic conferences is of particular relevance. Online... more

This presentation places online education in a disciplinary context, charting historical, pedagogical, institutional and cultural dimensions of e-learning. The evolution of online academic conferences is of particular relevance. Online education is seen in a broad sense, and as a pan-disciplinary set of meta-skills and knowledge beyond subject matter expertise. After the lecture, the discussion addresses the current emergency remote teaching situation globally, and what new structures are forming for online educator development events and organizations. There is much content in this PDF and links for further reading. Or see the YouTube link to listen to the Zoom recording of the presentation.

Als gevolg van structurele bezuinigingen is het voor UWV niet mogelijk iedere klant face-to-face-dienstverlening te bieden in de eerste periode van werkloosheid. Omdat de meeste WW’ers binnen 3 maanden op eigen kracht weer werk vinden, is... more

Als gevolg van structurele bezuinigingen is het voor UWV niet mogelijk iedere klant face-to-face-dienstverlening te bieden in de eerste periode van werkloosheid. Omdat de meeste WW’ers binnen 3 maanden op eigen kracht weer werk vinden, is in deze periode voor online dienstverlening gekozen. De meesten kunnen hier goed mee uit de voeten, maar een deel heeft hulp nodig. Dat is niet alleen nodig vanwege een gebrek aan digivaardigheden. Er is ook hulp nodig omdat werkzoekenden bang zijn om fouten te maken in de digitale omgeving. Tevens blijft er behoefte aan een persoonlijk aanspreekpunt. Dit blijkt uit recent onderzoek van UWV naar werkzoekenden die ondersteuning zoeken bij online dienstverlening.
- UWV gaat versneld over op online dienstverlening en loopt daarin voorop. Er zijn echter mensen die problemen hebben met online dienstverlening. UWV onderkent dit probleem. Daarom is eind 2013 Team opgericht.
- Vooral beperkt en niet-digivaardigen benutten de dienstverlening van Team
- Opzienbarender, maar wel in overeenstemming met eerder onderzoek, is dat ook digivaardigen deze dienstverlening benutten. Team helpt namelijk ook werkzoekenden die hun verhaal kwijt willen (10%) en digivaardigen met inhoudelijke vragen (19%). Daarnaast werden werkzoekenden met ‘online-angst’ geholpen: 13% is bang voor het maken van fouten in de digitale omgeving.

DataFlair's Big Data Hadoop Tutorial PPT for Beginners takes you through various concepts of Hadoop:This Hadoop tutorial PPT covers: 1. Introduction to Hadoop 2. What is Hadoop 3. Hadoop History 4. Why Hadoop 5. Hadoop Nodes 6.... more

DataFlair's Big Data Hadoop Tutorial PPT for Beginners takes you through various concepts of Hadoop:This Hadoop tutorial PPT covers:
1. Introduction to Hadoop
2. What is Hadoop
3. Hadoop History
4. Why Hadoop
5. Hadoop Nodes
6. Hadoop Architecture
7. Hadoop data flow
8. Hadoop components – HDFS, MapReduce, Yarn
9. Hadoop Daemons
10. Hadoop characteristics & features Related Blogs:
Hadoop Introduction – A Comprehensive Guide:
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The development and demonstration of students' critical thinking skills is one hallmark of effective teaching and learning. A promising scholarly literature has emerged in addition to webinars, conferences, and workshops to assist in this... more

The development and demonstration of students' critical thinking skills is one hallmark of effective teaching and learning. A promising scholarly literature has emerged in addition to webinars, conferences, and workshops to assist in this endeavor. Further, publishers offer cleverly marketed bundle packages with enhanced supplemental materials and instructors contribute instructional strategies and techniques. Nevertheless, gaps still exist in the scholarship related to effective student engagement. The development of higher order thinking skills in online educational settings is one such area requiring additional inquiry. This article transitions beyond mere theoretical constructs regarding best practices and standards for distance education. In doing so, it provides practical applications through the use of case studies in demonstrating a “how to” student engagement model and framework, which fosters the type of online course environment and useful strategies for developing critical thinking skills.

This paper will share the experiences of two instructors as they moved from teaching in a face-to-face environment to blended teaching and then to online teaching. It will describe the four year journey and shed light on the issues,... more

This paper will share the experiences of two instructors as they moved from teaching in a face-to-face environment to blended teaching and then to online teaching. It will describe the four year journey and shed light on the issues, perspectives and practices as the instructors reflected on the changes to their pedagogical practice and the resulting online student engagement. Data included three 1-hour interviews and an analysis of online discussion postings. The instructors reflected on their values, beliefs and assumptions about teaching and learning. As higher education has embraced online education as a way to reduce costs, increase flexibility, and enhance access to students it is important to gain an understanding of the perceptions of instructors moving into online teaching. This study found a change in the beliefs and teaching presence of the instructors from their initial resistance to online teaching to an approach which is mindful of the student experience and promotes a dialogical approach to online learning.

Fate is regarded as a central component in tragedy. The significant role of fate is recognized when, despite a character's heroic acts and good intentions, they face death simply because they are doomed to die. But studies confirm... more

Fate is regarded as a central component in tragedy. The significant role of fate is recognized when, despite a character's heroic acts and good intentions, they face death simply because they are doomed to die. But studies confirm that fate does not play a similarly critical role in the tragic denouement of each play. This paper attempts a critical comparison on the role and nature of fate in the downfall of protagonists in the classical Greek and Shakespearean tragedies. By reviewing research-based articles and books, and by reading through selected texts in reader-response approach, this paper attempts to identify the entirely different natures of fate that came into play for the tragic heroes’ downfall as portrayed in these two different ages. The findings manifest that the force behind the collapse of the heroes in the classical Greek tragedies was predominantly fate where the hero had little to do but to become a pawn in the hands of external forces beyond his control, wh...

Alternatives to merely uploading PowerPoint, lecture notes, and podcasts to a Learning Management System. These are some ideas that have worked for me taken from my online and traditional classes. In teaching online, the goal is not to... more

What Works in K–12 Online Learning provides an overview of online teaching and learning practices. Based on extensive experience and research, chapters cover a spectrum of topics including virtual course development, online learning in... more

What Works in K–12 Online Learning provides an overview of online teaching and learning practices. Based on extensive experience and research, chapters cover a spectrum of topics including virtual course development, online learning in elementary classrooms, instructional assessment and differentiating online instruction, professional development for teachers of virtual courses, and the challenges that virtual schools will face.

Many preservice teachers (PSTs) enter mathematics methods courses with fixed beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and their own abilities as doers of mathematics. Using a repeated measures design, I examined changes in PSTs’... more

Many preservice teachers (PSTs) enter mathematics methods courses with fixed beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and their own abilities as doers of mathematics. Using a repeated measures design, I examined changes in PSTs’ beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning at three separate time points-at the beginning of the first semester of a growth mindset-oriented mathematics methods course, midway through the treatment at the end of the first semester, and at the conclusion of the treatment at the end of the second semester of mathematics methods that was forced to pivot to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results showed that explicit teaching of growth mindset principles coupled with participation in growth mindset-oriented mathematics methods courses yielded statistically significant improvement for PSTs’ beliefs about Rules and Procedures, Process of Inquiry, Active Learning, and Fixed Ability as measured by the TEDS-M instrument and did not appear to be impacted by the pivot to remote learning. Comparison of a pre-pandemic cohort with the pandemic-disrupted cohort showed no statistically significant difference in Fixed Ability. These findings suggest that resilience, one of the hallmarks of the growth mindset, may serve as a protective asset during periods of profound stress.

Online instructors need a framework for teaching beyond text using rich media as instructional resources. This book defines rich media, its affordances, and its value in conveying information. The book offers a model for pedagogical... more

Online instructors need a framework for teaching beyond text using rich media as instructional resources. This book defines rich media, its affordances, and its value in conveying information. The book offers a model for pedagogical strategies, a set of instructor competencies, and two models for assessment for use in professional development.

In the study described in this paper, the role of technology in organizational learning and performance, and collaborative platforms’ contributions on improving organizational performance are explored. The paper also mentions major types... more

In the study described in this paper, the role of technology in organizational learning and performance, and collaborative platforms’ contributions on improving organizational performance are explored. The paper also mentions major types of collaborative tools and platforms used for organizational performance improvement. This study investigates the possible contributions of the usage of technology together with appropriate collaborative strategy to the organizational learning and performance improvement.

Language testing and evaluation, internet tools and techniques, successful online learner, competencies for internet inquiry, self-assessment, technology enhanced assessment... more

The main aim of writing this book is to help the teachers and university lecturers who are guiding the students with a lot of ease and flexibility in their work. This book is written in the sense that from the introduction of computers... more

The main aim of writing this book is to help the teachers and university lecturers who are guiding the students with a lot of ease and flexibility in their work. This book is written in the sense that from the introduction of computers studies to the end of the book, the beginning topic leads the student to the next topic and the next topic is more advance than the previous topic. The book highlights a few practical assignments and therefore it is the work of the guiding lecturer/teacher to give more assignment where need arises during the teaching sessions. Mostly, the guiding lecturer/teacher is expected to read out the notes for the student and the student is expected to take the dictations in his/her note book, and the notes will be used later in the typing practical assignment. When the teacher is guiding the student, the teacher will read as the student will follow the steps to perform an action using the computer mouse and the computer keyboard. This book divides the computer studies into six major sections and topics which are therefore designed to be computer packages as reflected in the certificate awarded to students at MPC. These notes are written from a practical view and logical where by the student is expected to use his/her name in the event they come across a person’s name. And the notes have gone through a lot of practical review after which the book is written with the help of many students who deed the typing part to contribute to the writing of dictations by Mr. Aineya Naff Kennedy.

Where to start when talking about _Don Quijote_? It's only the greatest book of all time!