Pastoral Counseling Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The intention of this paper is to interpret the ontological conditions of youth identity crisis missionally. This is first done by conceptualising identity crisis as a psychological phenomenon using frameworks of authenticity and... more
The intention of this paper is to interpret the ontological conditions of youth identity crisis missionally. This is first done by conceptualising identity crisis as a psychological phenomenon using frameworks of authenticity and attachment to explain the impact of early attachment abuse, abandonment depression, insecure attachment anxiety with God, and self-regulation on the identity formation of the youth. Secondly, the paper introduces a missional hermeneutic that provides an interpretative framework for coping with the crises of identity amongst young people. A missional hermeneutic of care for coping with the crisis of identity formation, therefore, elaborates on the missional basis of biblical interpretation as a powerful framework within which to interpret a skewed, conflicted identity. The author herewith proposes a missional opportunity that can activate the missional consciousness of young people in their time of crisis and identity formation. Furthermore, the author insists that this missional methodology can be a very useful strategy for producing therapeutic change in young people and can help youth ministry workers and pastoral caregivers to reframe the crisis of youth identity from the perspective of 'missio Dei'.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni, la psicologia e la formazione hanno stretto tra loro un rapporto delicato ma fecondo. Nell’ampio dibattito che si è sviluppato su questo tema, troviamo come punto comune la vocazione alla vita religiosa o... more
Nel corso degli ultimi anni, la psicologia e la formazione hanno stretto tra loro un rapporto delicato ma fecondo. Nell’ampio dibattito che si è sviluppato su questo tema, troviamo come punto comune la vocazione alla vita religiosa o sacerdotale. La letteratura su quest’argomento è vasta ma è difficile individuarvi delle linee di pensiero ben delineate. Trattando poi della definizione e della gestione della crisi, la pluralità concettuale è ancora più grande: vi è infatti tutta una serie di ricerche teoriche ma manca uno sguardo d’insieme o una ricerca esaustiva su questo tema.
In questo articolo ci proponiamo di individuare, trattando della gestione della crisi nel contesto formativo, i punti di convergenza e i limiti di azione del rapporto tra psicologia e formazione, al fine di evitare la ‘psicologizzazione’ della formazione o la ‘spiritualizzazione’ della psicologia.
“As we know, well-led groups provide many member benefits: feelings of universality, a sense of hope, altruism, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and mutual support...This text is affordable, easy to use, and very suitable for... more
Alkitab menyatakan dalam Kejadian 1 bahwa Allah telah menciptakan manusia sebagai laki-laki dan perempuan secara jelas dengan maksud menyatakan gambar Allah di muka bumi (1:26-28), dan menyatakan kemuliaan-Nya (Yesaya 43:7). Laki-laki... more
A small book offering biblical counsel for people who lack motivation.
This publication is a collection of essential tools for practical ministry in jails and prisons. It includes scores of Christian ministries and other faith-based organizations that offer free Bibles, books, literature, and other important... more
This publication is a collection of essential tools for practical ministry in jails and prisons. It includes scores of Christian ministries and other faith-based organizations that offer free Bibles, books, literature, and other important resources for correctional chaplains.
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
The article introduces discourse analysis as a fruitful approach to psychotherapy change-process research. Extracts are presented from a successfully resolved, client-specified, problematic theme that was selected from a successful... more
The article introduces discourse analysis as a fruitful approach to psychotherapy change-process research. Extracts are presented from a successfully resolved, client-specified, problematic theme that was selected from a successful 8-session psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy of a female client presenting with a major depressive episode. The study offers a heuristic demonstrating (a) how resolution of the client's problem evolved from implications raised by the client's own description of her predicament and involved the therapist's legitimation of a morally defensible account of the client's actions and (b) how cultural meanings can be brought into the consulting room as intimately personal problems. The implications of studying therapeutic change as a discursive activity comprising the use and negotiation of sociocultural meanings are discussed.
In chapter 10, Linday Finlay writes with Anna Madill , to describe and explain some different ways to analyse data. Four contrasting types of analysis are outlined with practical exemplars: narrative, thematic, discursive and creative.... more
In chapter 10, Linday Finlay writes with Anna Madill , to describe and explain some different ways to analyse data. Four contrasting types of analysis are outlined with practical exemplars: narrative, thematic, discursive and creative. Each type of analysis highlights different aspects and so enables different insights. As such, qualitative analysis is always tentative, partial and emergent....
Lelkipásztorként sokszor kellett megállnom magányos emberek, kórházi ágyakon fekvő betegek vagy gyászolók mellett temetéseken. Gyakran tapasztaltam, hogy saját szavaim elégtelennek bizonyultak, ami a bátorítást illeti, de egy jól... more
Lelkipásztorként sokszor kellett megállnom magányos emberek, kórházi ágyakon fekvő betegek vagy gyászolók mellett temetéseken. Gyakran tapasztaltam, hogy saját szavaim elégtelennek bizonyultak, ami a bátorítást illeti, de egy jól megválasztott alapige vagy elbeszélt-elolvasott történet érezhetően oldotta a magányos, a beteg vagy a gyászoló ember szomorúságát, szorongását. E tapasztalatok sora vetette fel bennem a lehetőségét annak, hogy talán célzatosan lehet használni a bibliai történeteket szorongásoldásra.
This is the keynote address given to the Tennessee Association of Pastoral Therapists, an organization of pastoral psychotherapists, on August 14, 2009, in Nashville, TN, USA. It is a reflection by the author upon the continued... more
This is the keynote address given to the Tennessee Association of Pastoral Therapists, an organization of pastoral psychotherapists, on August 14, 2009, in Nashville, TN, USA. It is a reflection by the author upon the continued developments of his thoughts subsequent to the publication of his article "Recovering Grief in the Age of Grief Recovery,” The Journal of Pastoral Theology, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 2003.
The purpose of this book is to help mental health professionals increase their cultural competence to better serve Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians who are congregants in the world’s fastest-growing religious movement. My focus is... more
The purpose of this book is to help mental health professionals increase their cultural competence to better serve Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians who are congregants in the world’s fastest-growing religious movement. My focus is twofold. First, I aim to increase the reader’s awareness and knowledge about Christians who live their faith within Pentecostal cultures. Second, I hope to increase the reader’s knowledge about the assessment and treatment of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians with mental health needs based on a review of research and recommendations from experienced clinicians. My approach to assessment and treatment is the commonly held view that best practices are holistic. Therefore, I will attempt to integrate Pentecostal and Charismatic spirituality with assessment and treatment in ways that respect the spirituality of the person seeking treatment and enhances therapeutic outcomes.
Key words: Christian counseling and psychotherapy, Christianity and Racism, Christianity and sexism, Christianity and genderism, Pentecostals, Charismatics and LGBTQ+, Prayer and counseling/ psychotherapy, Counseling /psychotherapy and beliefs in demons/ demon possession, Christian counseling strategies
Partiendo del principio protestante del "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes", que propuso Lutero , se plantean las implicaciones teológicas y eclesiales de este "sacerdocio universal", como la confesión de la "sanctorum communio". Se hace... more
Partiendo del principio protestante del "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes", que propuso Lutero , se plantean las implicaciones teológicas y eclesiales de este "sacerdocio universal", como la confesión de la "sanctorum communio". Se hace una intersección con la salud mental, en cuanto la comunidad cristiana responde, desde una ética del dolor, a las experiencias de sufrimiento psíquico. Se plantean las miradas de comprensión de dicho sufrimiento desde la psicopatología y los abordajes psicoterapéuticos, así como se plantean las formas de intervención desde las comunidades de fe para el crecimiento y la curación.
The increased social acceptance of LGBTQ individuals and behaviors has begun to conflict with traditional Abrahamic proscriptions. An "opt-in" sample of 324 individuals who attended Jewish congregations was recruited from the... more
The increased social acceptance of LGBTQ individuals and behaviors has begun to conflict with traditional Abrahamic proscriptions. An "opt-in" sample of 324 individuals who attended Jewish congregations was recruited from the Internet as part of a larger research project. This analysis is conducted on part of the data collected in that study. Two categories of congregations were identified: congregations in which the rabbi had self-revealed as LGBTQ and congregations in which the rabbi was believed heterosexual. There was no significant difference in the level of trust in the rabbi based on the LGBTQ status of the rabbi, which differed from findings in secular organizations. The results of the analysis indicated a need for further study, both quantitative and qualitative. The public self-revelation of LGBTQ identity on the part of the rabbi is a religious signal, thus possibly contributing to higher levels of trust.
This essay is slated to appear in the festschrift for Alan Culpepper in Brill's Biblical Interpretation Series (2018), Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond, edited by Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Stuthers Malbon, and myself. This essay... more
This essay is slated to appear in the festschrift for Alan Culpepper in Brill's Biblical Interpretation Series (2018), Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond, edited by Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Stuthers Malbon, and myself. This essay applies Cognitive-Critical Biblical Analysis to the human development of material behind the texts of Paul's writings as a complement to those who have worked on the material in front of biblical texts, as Alan Culpepper has done with Gospel traditions.
Previous research has examined the role of strengths assessment in a Christian sample (e.g., Sutton et al., 2011). In this presentation we review initial findings of a new online five-dimensional instrument designed to assess spiritual... more
Previous research has examined the role of strengths assessment in a Christian sample (e.g., Sutton et al., 2011). In this presentation we review initial findings of a new online five-dimensional instrument designed to assess spiritual growth and offer suggestions for personal development. Two of the five dimensions (Spiritual Formation, Healthy Relationships) address these aspects of well-being. A foundation for these dimensions can be found in the contributions of attachment theory to exploring love of God and one’s neighbor (e.g., Sutton & Mittlestadt, 2012). Research on hope and self-control provides a basis for questions assessing the dimension of Personal Wholeness. Career counseling has been a main stay of counseling for years; however, only recently has research examined links between vocation, meaning, and the concept of calling in Christian spirituality (e.g., Phillips et al., 2011) thus, we examine the viability of Vocational Clarity as a fourth dimension of spirituality. The final dimension is Economics and Work, which explores how people contribute to and benefit from ethical and creative work. Items for the measure have been written and revised based on expert and consumer feedback. Early reliability values were adequate in small samples. The assessment went live online in Fall 2014 and has drawn wide interest from clergy, congregants, and seminaries. In this presentation we report quantitative data along with user feedback.
For many people the church is a place of refuge and solace, a place where they may feel comfortable and closer to God. But for some the church represents a mirror of their personal failures, and a reminder of the fact that they are „not... more
For many people the church is a place of refuge and solace, a place where they may feel comfortable and closer to God. But for some the church represents a mirror of their personal failures, and a reminder of the fact that they are „not good enaught.” While for many, belief in God is a way of overcoming anxiety and turning to God is a valuable tool for gaining strength against anxiety disorders, for some people church could be a place that creates fear or gives way to thoughts that end up in anxiety or panic attack. While panic attacks may occurr during church service or other church activities, this article offers a presentation of crisis intervention with a special focus to panic attacks. After that we continue with discussions on the issue of panic at pastoral visitations.
Keywords: Panic attack, Anxiety, Chrisis intervention, Pastoral visitation.
What is the relationship between Christian spirituality and perceived crisis? This dissertation pursues this question by employing a Christian method for practitioners of pastoral care and counseling when tending to unique crisis... more
What is the relationship between Christian spirituality and perceived crisis? This dissertation pursues this question by employing a Christian method for practitioners of pastoral care and counseling when tending to unique crisis experiences. Crisis or trauma is investigated and understood in terms of contemporary science. Christian counseling is developed as an interdisciplinary, interpretive lens with the capacity to describe how individuals relate to God in terms of Catholic dogma, Christian belief constructs, esoteric knowledge of the Bible and its meanings, and the literal word of the Bible. The beliefs of individuals in relation to this crisis and events that ensue because of it are tested and analyzed to determine the outcomes in people’s lives including their futures and their beliefs moving forward. The aim of the study was to see how Christian counseling can be the most effective to assist in providing care in times of crisis. The application of pastoral care and Christiam counseling to individuals’ unique crisis experiences is evaluated and found to produce a powerful and effective process of care for tending to traumatic experiences. This exemplifies how Christian counseling and pastoral care is an explicitly interdisciplinary paradigm that creates transformational dialogue and action applicable to a breadth of human needs including the need for security, feelings of love and control, feelings of power and freedom, and the basic needs of shelter and food.
This was based on a review of the literature on Christian counseling and pastoral care and theories of human trauma, isolation, grief and loss, social distancing, insecurity of resources, and an online survey that was distributed to individuals across the USA both with the coronavirus and without a diagnosis. Respondents were randomly divided into two conditions (Christian based counseling or general interfaith care) and asked to respond to two surveys.
Analysis of the responses demonstrated that Christian counseling administered to those with higher levels of being affected by the coronavirus epidemic was associated with stronger positive outcomes than general interfaith counseling for lower levels of being affected by the epidemic.
The results indicate that Christian counseling does have an impact on recovery from crisis or loss. On this basis, we conclude that it is recommended that organizations use Christian Counseling as a key factor in designing and targeting their ministry during a crisis or trauma situation even if the person is not claiming at the time to be a Christian. Limitations of the study included a small sample size of individuals in the USA, the participants being mainly young adult females, and a small number of people with a positive diagnosis. Further research is needed to identify other factors that could strengthen the effectiveness of Christian Counseling and Care during a traumatic crisis event in a person’s life.
There is a growing trend of abuse in churches by religious leaders known as "spiritual abuse." Those victims may mistrust the pastoral counselors or feel anxious when in their care. Therefore is important to have a pastoral theology in... more
There is a growing trend of abuse in churches by religious leaders known as "spiritual abuse." Those victims may mistrust the pastoral counselors or feel anxious when in their care. Therefore is important to have a pastoral theology in the place to correctly handle those traumatized victims.
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related... more
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related variables influence students’ college application rates. In addition to some college related variables, the number of school counselors, and student contact were significant predictors of college application rates. Implications for school counselors and counselor training are included.
Presentación a un grupo de sacerdotes del contenido del Documento Preparatorio del Sínodo de 2018 sobre los jóvenes.
This study is based on the analysis of narratives during counselling sessions of two clients facing the problem of stuttering. Though the two cases were quite different with regard to their demographic characteristics, but during... more
This study is based on the analysis of narratives during counselling sessions of two clients facing the problem of stuttering. Though the two cases were quite different with regard to their demographic characteristics, but during counselling sessions, both the clients reported emotionally devastating and stressful home environment during childhood. Both the clients had reported undergoing childhood traumatic experiences of being abused and mistreated by their parents, especially by their father. The clients were clearly of the opinion that their father’s abusive behaviour infused in them a sense of acute fear, insecurity and mistrust regarding relationships. After initial few counselling sessions the clients narratives made it clear that their stuttering was more acute when they had to face their father. These revelations suggested a strong relationship between traumatic childhood experiences /child abuse and stuttering. Parents are the key source of strength and confidence for a child. Parents are like the boat through which the child explores the vast ocean of life and develops his own personality. He/she looks towards his parents whenever he finds himself/herself in trouble perceived or real. But when the same source of strength and confidence becomes a source of fear or anxiety, it has a detrimental impact on not only the overall development of personality but also on the other cognitive capabilities including the fluency of speech.
The earlier studies in the field have primarily focused on the role of genetic factors in the aetiology of stuttering. On the basis of the analysis of narratives of the clients, we strongly believe that it will be misleading to lay overemphasis on genetic factors and to undermine the role of early childhood traumatic experiences in the aetiology of stuttering. Since chronic stress has been found to have a detrimental effect on various cognitive abilities, including the processing of speech and language, it has been argued that stress generated by early childhood traumatic experiences plays a key role in aetiology of stuttering. The effectiveness of CBT in significantly minimizing the problem of stuttering is indicative of the role of psychological factors.
The purpose of Lay Counseling is ambitious—providing “a comprehensive foundation for understanding biblical caregiving (p.15).” Initially, the authors present Gary Collins’ definition of Christian Counseling, which is “a caring... more
The purpose of Lay Counseling is ambitious—providing “a comprehensive foundation for understanding biblical caregiving (p.15).” Initially, the authors present Gary Collins’ definition of Christian Counseling, which is “a caring relationship in which one person tries to help another deal more effectively with the stresses of life (p.15).” What we find in Lay Counseling are strategies for selecting, training, supervising, and evaluating lay Christian counselors and guidelines for establishing lay counseling programs. I will summarize the 12 chapters and resources in this review.
The extant literature documents the importance of school counselors’ roles in school–family–community partnerships, yet no model exists to guide school counselors through the process of building partnerships. The authors propose a model... more
The extant literature documents the importance of school counselors’ roles in school–family–community partnerships, yet no model exists to guide school counselors through the process of building partnerships. The authors propose a model to help school counselors navigate the process and principles of partnerships. They define partnerships; discuss the principles of democratic collaboration, empowerment, social justice, and strengths focus that should infuse partnerships; enumerate a partnership process model; and discuss implications for practice and research.
- by Julia A Bryan and +1
- •
- Sociology, Rural Sociology, Social Change, Psychology
The aim of this study was to examine the invasionof Prosopis Juliflora (hereinafter referred to as Prosopis) species and its impacts on pastoralists' livelihoods in Korahey zone of Somali regional state, Eastern Ethiopia. The study used a... more
The aim of this study was to examine the invasionof Prosopis Juliflora (hereinafter referred to as Prosopis) species and its impacts on pastoralists' livelihoods in Korahey zone of Somali regional state, Eastern Ethiopia. The study used a combination of satellite and socioeconomic data for analysis. Assessment of land use land cover change was performed by using Landsat satellite data acquired over a three reference years 1989, 2001 and 2019. The image was classified using supervised random forest classification method and the extent of Prosopis invasion and its annual rates of spread were calculated for each time interval.Additionally, socioeconomic assessment was conducted by using the primary data which were collected during March, April and May 2019 from total of 216 sampled households in which 120 were Prosopis invaded households and the rest of 96 households were non-invaded households. Descriptive statistics and econometric method (Propensity Score Matching) were used to assess the impact of the Prosopis invasion on the pastoralists' livelihood in the study area. Landsat analysed satellite data showed that Prosopiscoverage increased from 8523.18 ha in 1989 to 350000ha in 2019. Over periods of 30 years the annual rate of Prosopis invasions per year was estimated to about 3.3%, this is equivalent to 11382.56 ha per year. Study results from descriptive data analysis showed that Prosopisinvaded households' Kilocalorie intake per Adult Equivalent (AE)was found to be 1391.479 Kcal which is 66 percent below the minimum subsistence energy requirement per AE per day, 2,100 kcal. The econometric model results indicated that the average calorie intake, off-farm income, average annual income from milk, and average annual income from livestock sales of these Prosopis invaded households were decreased by 39.65%, 39.02%, 48.1 % and 16 % respectively. The results of sensitivity analysis indicated that identified impacts were untainted impacts of the Prosopisinvasion. Generally, the study results revealed that, Prosopis highly attacks the pasture and agricultural land in the study area which had negative impact on pastoralists' life and livelihoods.
The ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic is one of the significant challenges the world has ever faced in the last 20 and more centuries. The coronavirus, which is tiny and unseen with the humans' naked eyes, has crushed and ravaged the world... more
The ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic is one of the significant challenges the world has ever faced in the last 20 and more centuries. The coronavirus, which is tiny and unseen with the humans' naked eyes, has crushed and ravaged the world and put the latter on war footing to respond to this deadly situation. This extreme state of affairs has left humans' life and their faith in science and technology, such as machinery, equipment, technical know-how, and medicines, to reexamine the idea of human development, progress, and life itself. In such a circumstance, Christian faith, church, and theology have to revisit and reflect on the Word of God to discover life's meanings, mission, and praxis to uplift the spirit of the world, church and faith holistically. Hence, the community of faith should respond sincerely to the current pandemic to make itself relevant to the world now and then and be faithful to the Gospel. For this purpose, the study undertaken is explorative and community-based action-oriented one seeking life's reorientation and commitment.
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced practitioners of psychotherapy or counselling. A grounded theory approach, informed by principles from Free Association Narrative methodology, was employed, in which team members used debriefing sessions for extending depth of understanding of the interviews. Findings: There is consensus about boundaries at the extremes, but variability about fantasy, flirtation and touch. A core process was generated from accounts of successful management of sexual attraction. We identified four problematic ways of reacting to boundary pressure, each with potential to harm clients and therapy. Discussion: A participant-observer stance was conceptualised as essential for managing threats to boundaries, consistent with the empathic stance. Minor boundary crossings were viewed by interviewees as both potential precursors of more serious transgressions, and as opportunities for understanding the client's difficulties. Implications for practice: These span training, accrediting organisations, supervision and therapy practice.
Sermon addressing experienced violence and traumatic experiences.