Rural Sociology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Abstract This study examines the link between social structural variables (gender, race, education, age, rural childhood), individual social psychology (altruism, self-interest, traditionality, and openness to change), and beliefs about... more

Abstract This study examines the link between social structural variables (gender, race, education, age, rural childhood), individual social psychology (altruism, self-interest, traditionality, and openness to change), and beliefs about the benefits of vegetarianism (for health, the environment, animals, and world hunger) and self-reported vegetarianism. Data from a random sample of 420 adult U.S. residents showed that 5.2 percent considered themselves vegetarian. The strongest predictor of vegetarianism as a dietary choice was the belief that vegetarianism is beneficial to the environment. None of the social structural variables had a direct influence on vegetarianism as a dietary choice. Of the four values studied, only altruism and traditional values influenced beliefs about the benefits of vegetarianism. Altruistic values increased, and traditional values decreased, beliefs that vegetarianism is beneficial to health, the environment, farm animals, and world hunger. Blacks were more likely than Whites to adhere to the beliefs that vegetarianism helps prevent cruelty to farm animals, is beneficial to personal health, and is beneficial to the environment. The race differences in beliefs persisted even with controls for values.

A BYU course paper where I examine how some more isolated areas of the would-be Confederacy fared better than the South as a whole during the economic plummet that devastated the region in the aftermath of the Civil War and years of... more

A BYU course paper where I examine how some more isolated areas of the would-be Confederacy fared better than the South as a whole during the economic plummet that devastated the region in the aftermath of the Civil War and years of Reconstruction.

En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın %50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin 20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel adaletsizliğin bu... more

En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın
%50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar
insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu
bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin
20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke
gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel
adaletsizliğin bu kadar rahatsız
edici boyutlarda olması ve servetin
bu kadar adaletsiz paylaşımı, yoksulluk
gibi ciddi sosyal problemlerin
ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır.
Bu durumun daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi
adına bu çalışmada, eşitsizliğin
hangi sebeplerden kaynaklandığı, sonuçlarının
ne olduğu ve önümüzdeki
yıllarda daha vahim bir tablonun ortaya
çıkmaması için neler yapılması
gerektiği ele alınacaktır.
Bu bağlamda, raporun ilk kısmında
yoksulluk ve eşitsizlik kavramlarına
değinilecektir. İkinci kısmında Dünya
Bankası, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM)
gibi uluslararası resmî kurumların
yayınladıkları veriler incelenecektir.
Sonrasında yoksulluk ve eşitsizliğin
ortaya çıkmasının nedenleri ele alınacak
olup, son kısımda uluslararası
literatürde bu sorunların aşılması
için önerilen uygulamalar dikkatlere

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la... more

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la conversión deseable del ejido en la palanca del desarrollo integral de medio rural, de México y del planeta tierra en su conjunto.

This book aims to analyze the local meaning and practices of food sovereignty in Egypt. The study based on fieldwork in two villages in Upper Egypt. Using agrarian political economy and sociological approaches, we analyze How do local... more

This book aims to analyze the local meaning and practices of food sovereignty in Egypt. The study based on fieldwork in two villages in Upper Egypt. Using agrarian political economy and sociological approaches, we analyze How do local food systems diverge and intersect with the global food system? The results of the study deepening our understanding of food sovereignty at the local level and it may help in building an alternative food system based on food sovereignty principles.
The book contains six chapters, an introduction, and a conclusion. The first chapter deals with theoretical concepts, methodology, and description of the study villages, while the second chapter analyzes the history of urban-rural relations and agrarian transformations in Egypt. The third and fourth deals with the food sovereignty challenge at the local level and the integration of small farmers in the global market, while the fifth chapter deals with the small farmer's strategies to secure minimum food sovereignty for their families, and the sixth chapter discuss women in local food sovereignty strategies.

Nel tentativo di gestire quel delicato equilibrio tra capitale naturale e sviluppo socioeconomico, le aree fragili si ritrovano oggi investite da profondi cambiamenti che le collocano nel limen del "non più e non ancora". Soggette a... more

Nel tentativo di gestire quel delicato equilibrio tra capitale naturale e sviluppo socioeconomico, le aree fragili si ritrovano oggi investite da profondi cambiamenti che le collocano nel limen del "non più e non ancora". Soggette a transizioni di crescente complessità e quasi liberate dallo stereotipo della marginalità, non alimentano più soltanto immaginari legati al degrado e all'abbandono, ma iniziano a porsi come luoghi del possibile. Come spazi a partire dai quali si può sperimentare un modo altro di "fare sviluppo". Le sfide giungono dall'economia leggera, dalla riqualificazione dei patrimoni, dalla conservazione attiva del paesaggio, dal turismo lento, dalle filiere alimentari di qualità. Coglierle appieno dipende dalla capacità delle persone di fare comunità di progetto dentro, fuori e oltre i confini territoriali.
A partire da questo scenario, il volume può rappresentare uno strumento di analisi e di lettura delle dinamiche insite nel cambiamento e di come queste stiano incidendo sulla percezione dei luoghi, sulla loro fruizione, sulle risorse che possono mobilitare, sulle interconnessioni che possono sviluppare.

The purpose of this special issue is to advance heterodox reconstructions of agrarian Marxism on the occasion of Marx’s 200th birth anniversary. Scholarship on the origins of agrarian capitalism and the contrasts between agrarian and... more

The purpose of this special issue is to advance heterodox
reconstructions of agrarian Marxism on the occasion of Marx’s
200th birth anniversary. Scholarship on the origins of agrarian
capitalism and the contrasts between agrarian and industrial
capitalism have been a vital part of debates over and within
Marxism for more than a century and have been central to the
social scientific and historical understandings of the modern world
system. At the same time, since the seminal debates associated
with the ‘classical agrarian question,’ agrarian studies is marked by
durable tensions and polarities in theoretical approach. While
Marxists have long criticized ‘populists’ for ignoring capitalism and
class, populists have charged Marxists with historical determinism.
It is the premise of this special issue that much of this debate has
reached something of an impasse. This is in part because new
empirical work addressing the complex contemporary patterns
and conjunctures of global agrarian capitalism, and because new
and generative theoretical reconstructions of Marxism itself, offer
exciting new horizons. Contributions to this special issue help
point the way beyond this impasse, and illustrate that agrarian
Marxism remains a dynamic theoretical program that offers
powerful insights into agrarian change and politics in the twentyfirst

What kind of elements constitute a remote residency and its poetics? Location, season, inner and outer community, staff, rituals, mission and visions, local intellectuals, heritage, connectedness to local, regional, global scenes. What... more

What kind of elements constitute a remote residency and its poetics? Location, season, inner and outer community, staff, rituals, mission and visions, local intellectuals, heritage, connectedness to local, regional, global scenes. What about time and its qualities such as speed, pace, and seasonality? We should also include in the list the way of travel and difficult accessibility. And then it becomes even more unclear why artists from comfortable urbanized metropolises fly or go by boat or ground transport thousands of kilometres to remote and secluded locations all around
the world.
The concept of remote art institutions has existed since the twenties and thirties (for example: Black Mountain College) but it has only properly arrived in the public and commercial art markets and become an important part of their infrastructures
in recent decades. Because of the decentralization of former metropolises known as art centres, ubiquitous communication technologies and their increasing power, and the rural turning into post-rural, remote places lost their disadvantages and became as
central or connected as everything everywhere.
This is a practice-based reflection on eight years co-running a residency in a small resort village on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Lithuania, situated between Nordic and Central-Eastern Europe or, to put in postcolonial terms—not-yet-recognized and
debatable ‘Global East’. The text also includes experiences from numerous visits to other remote residency places around Europe and a few in China and Brazil.
Artist residencies provide space, time, and concentration for making art, doing research and for reflection. Residencies are crucial nodes in international circulation and career development, but also invaluable infrastructures for critical thinking and artistic experimentation, cross-cultural collaboration, interdisciplinary knowledge production, and site-specific research. The globalization process and the demands of the creative economy have had an impact on artist residencies. Ecological and geopolitical urgencies are now also affecting them more and more. In response, many residencies today actively search for more sustainable alternatives than the current neoliberal condition allows for artistic practice. With a range of critical insights from the field of residencies, this book asks what the present role of artist residencies is in relation to artists and the art ecosystem amid transformations in society.

The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management... more

The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management
routes. Solid waste management in rural areas is a key issue in developing and transitioning countries due to the lack of proper waste management facilities and services. The book further examines, on the one hand, the main challenges in the development of reliable waste management practices across rural regions and, on the other hand, the concrete solutions and the new opportunities across the world in dealing with municipal and agricultural wastes. The book provides useful information for academics, various professionals, the members of civil society, and national and local authorities.

Podstawowym celem artykułu jest analiza udziału kobiet w samorządzie lokalnym i wiejskim na przykładzie funkcji radnej gminy i sołtyski. Autorka poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytania o skalę tego zaangażowania, jego zmian w czasie oraz... more

Podstawowym celem artykułu jest analiza udziału kobiet w samorządzie lokalnym i wiejskim na przykładzie funkcji radnej gminy i sołtyski. Autorka poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytania o skalę tego zaangażowania, jego zmian w czasie oraz przestrzennych zróżnicowań. W pierwszej części artykułu została opisana dynamika zmian udziału kobiet w samorządzie lokalnym i wiejskim przed i po 1989 r. Następnie zostaną omówione zróżnicowania zaangażowania kobiet w strukturach samorządowych w poszczególnych regionach kraju. Ogólny trend wzrostu odsetka kobiet wśród radnych i sołtysów jest kształtowany przez: uwarunkowania instytucjonalne i polityczne, charakter samych funkcji, poziom kapitału kulturowego oraz zasoby biograficzne samych kobiet wiejskich, proces redefinicji ról społecznych kobiet i mężczyzn oraz czynniki kontekstowe. Treść artykułu opiera się na wybranej literaturze przedmiotu, dostępnych statystykach publicznych oraz wynikach jakościowego badania własnego.

In Ghana, there has been a proliferation of rural and community radio stations within the past two decades. The importance of rural and or community radio stations stems from their ability to drive the development agenda of particular... more

In Ghana, there has been a proliferation of rural and community radio stations within the past two decades. The importance of rural and or community radio stations stems from their ability to drive the development agenda of particular people in a rural or urban setting. The success of their role lies in the people listening and participating. Using the Uses and Gratification theory, and the Participatory Communication theory, this paper examined the Nabiina Community Radio, to ascertain whether community members listened to and participated in its programs. This is important against the backdrop that such radio stations are the best medium of educating, informing, and entertaining rural and specialized sects in any society. The study found that though listenership was high, participation in the station's programs was not so impressive.

Dans l'horreur que suscite, chez certains, la sociologie entre pour beaucoup le fait qu'elle interroge le premier (ou le dernier) venu au lieu de donner la parole seulement aux porteparole autorisés » Pierre Bourdieu, La Distinction Le... more

Dans l'horreur que suscite, chez certains, la sociologie entre pour beaucoup le fait qu'elle interroge le premier (ou le dernier) venu au lieu de donner la parole seulement aux porteparole autorisés » Pierre Bourdieu, La Distinction Le tuning semble défier la sociologie de la culture : il relève à la fois de l'activité populaire et esthétique, de la pratique culturelle et sportive, individuelle et collective, de la « passion » ordinaire préservée bien que fortement méprisée et réprimée par le droit et les forces de l'ordre ; il s'agit encore d'une activité culturelle pratiquée par des jeunes hommes virils et pourtant patients et exigeants, des individus modestes pour un loisir coûteux. Le tuning rassemble tous ceux qui opposent à la production en série une forme d'arrangement individualiste en se réappropriant l'objet commun pour ainsi personnaliser leur véhicule devenu unique 1 . Une création culturelle populaire apparemment autonome.

This essay examines the governance of small towns in the United States. Small towns have received little attention in the public administration literature to date, yet 1 in 10 Americans still lives in one, representing roughly 75 percent... more

This essay examines the governance of small towns in the United States. Small towns have received little attention in the public administration literature to date, yet 1 in 10 Americans still lives in one, representing roughly 75 percent of all municipalities in the United States and some 33 million people. Small towns are characterized as dense, multiplex networks that lend unique dynamics to local politics. However, they face significant social, economic, technological, and demographic trends that compromise towns’ prevailing frame of reference, fracture their networks, and alter the traditional setting of small-town governance. In the face of these issues, “thicker,” more active ways of engaging the public are needed to reknit community bonds and build civic capacity. Service learning for master of public administration students is proposed as a way to develop the emotional intelligence necessary to make sense of the complex social dynamics of small towns and to facilitate the hard work of building enabling relationships.

This article discusses gender relations and the sexual division of labor in the countryside, in dialogue with the social action "Marcha das Margaridas". Having as research subjects countryside women from the north of Minas Gerais State,... more

This article discusses gender relations and the sexual division of labor in the countryside, in dialogue with the social action "Marcha das Margaridas". Having as research subjects countryside women from the north of Minas Gerais State, participants of the "Marcha", by means of participant observation, interviews and informal conversations, sought to unveil the sexism present in labor relations in the countryside and the changes that occurred in the social practice and the worldview of these women. The findings reveal that, despite the situations of inequalities and invisibility of women in the countryside labor -with the persistence of "multiple tasks", participation and engagement in feminist and countryside social actions such as The "Marcha das Margaridas", have contributed to the breakdown of paradigms rooted in society. There are changes in the way of thinking and seeing the world, as well as in social practice, which brings substantial achievements to the countryside women.

Artykuł ma na celu analizę koncepcji, kierunków i perspektyw badawczych, za pomocą których nauki o wsi opisują wiejskich mężczyzn. Analiza powstała na podstawie najważniejszych publikacji podejmujących temat relacji między płcią kulturową... more

Artykuł ma na celu analizę koncepcji, kierunków i perspektyw badawczych, za pomocą których nauki o wsi opisują wiejskich mężczyzn. Analiza powstała na podstawie najważniejszych publikacji podejmujących temat relacji między płcią kulturową a wsią w szeroko pojętych społeczeństwach zachodnich. Artykuł opisuje społeczny kontekst tworzenia konstrukcji wiejskich męskości, ich przemiany oraz główne kategorie, które pozwalają na ich definiowanie. Wyodrębnione kategorie analityczne to: rolnictwo i jego znaczenie w kreowaniu figury rolnika/farmera jako symbolu męskości wiejskiej; alkohol i publiczne odgrywanie męskości; seksualność i erotyczne obrazy wsi; małżeństwo heteroseksualne i praktyki rodzicielskie. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie dynamiki wiejskich męskości i zmian, którym podlegają, oraz wskazanie wzajemnych powiązań miasta i wsi w kontekście męskości. Artykuł wskazuje na potrzebę zwrócenia uwagi na dotychczas rzadko poruszane w polskiej socjologii wsi kwestie, na przykład sytuację osób nieheteronormatywnych.

A general criticism of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act is that it is primarily the result of an urban political agenda, and it may hurt rather than help the rural poor. Under the new welfare system, the rural poor that are most likely to be... more

A general criticism of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act is that it is primarily the result of an urban political agenda, and it may hurt rather than help the rural poor. Under the new welfare system, the rural poor that are most likely to be affected are those who live in socially, economically, and spatially disadvantaged communities. More residents in these communities are likely to need TANF, clients in these communities are least likely to leave TANF by finding employment, and community organizations are likely to have more limited resources to help TANF recipients. The objective of this study is to examine the extent to which variations in community conditions account for differences in TANF participation rates. Using 1997 TANF data from the Mississippi Department of Human Services, we estimated OLS regression models of local TANF participation rates across 100 communities in nonmetro counties. The results indicate that TANF participation rates tend to be higher in communities with high concentrations of African Americans, less faith-based activeness, more employment in retail trade, spatial concentration of the poor, and located in the Delta.

The time has come to change our thinking and to open our front gardens hidden behind high walls to the street. Together we can return to our typical rural village doorways which have almost disappeared over the time. Let's show our... more

The time has come to change our thinking and to open our front gardens hidden behind high walls to the street. Together we can return to our typical rural village doorways which have almost disappeared over the time. Let's show our neighbours that we are open to them and offer our front garden with a bench as an attractive semi-public space for meetings and dialogs. If we convert our front garden from a private into a semi-public space, we can help to unify the streetscape. The street will become an attractive and safe public space. Let’s get rid of high fences as a significant barrier, or at least use some lower wooden ones. Let’s move the fence onto the building line of the house as it was in the time of convenient and nice village streets. The rural residential street has the potential to become an attractive and safe public space in an embrace of the greenery, let’s restore the doorways and the affable character of our village streets. The residents will once again become the "masters of the street" instead of currently dominating cars. Front gardens, green strips and islands will thanks to landscape architectural improvements become an adornment of the whole streetscape.

Many years of significant investment into the production and adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies and practices in agriculture have not yielded the desired results. Most smallholder farmers in Africa remain trapped in poverty.... more

Many years of significant investment into the production and adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies and practices in agriculture have not yielded the desired results. Most smallholder farmers in Africa remain trapped in poverty. Having realised that addressing production challenges alone is not enough to impact the lives of poor smallholder farmers, resources and attention have now shifted to the marketing side of agriculture. Organising farmers into farmer producer organisations (FPOs), like clubs, associations and cooperatives, has been one of the strategies aimed at commercialising smallholder agriculture. In Malawi, smallholder farmers have been organised into FPOs of various types and sizes. This qualitative study interrogated the effectiveness of FPOs in Malawi in meeting their objectives, including the objective of enhancing commercialisation of smallholder farmers through increased access to farm inputs, markets, and agricultural extension and advisory services. Mchinji and Ntchisi districts in central Malawi were sampled for the study. We found that while farmers who are members of FPOs have more and frequent access to extension services and affordable inputs, member farmers do not enjoy any advantage over their non-member counterparts when it comes to access to markets and incomes. On the contrary, we found that in some cases farmer members of FPOS face more disadvantages on the market, as they sell their produce too late in the selling season when even exploitative vendors are unwilling to buy. This results in member farmers accepting even lower prices for their produce; situations which leave them with very low farm incomes. There is a need, therefore, to dedicate more resources and a lot of brainstorming in coming up with new models of FPOs that have the capacity to secure profitable markets for farmers, and that will enable the generation of higher farm incomes for their members.

O Programa de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais (PRONAT) ou Programa Territórios da Cidadania, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), tem como estratégia de implementação o “enfoque territorial”, cujo cerne é o... more

O Programa de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais (PRONAT) ou Programa Territórios da Cidadania, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), tem como estratégia de implementação o “enfoque territorial”, cujo cerne é o “ciclo de gestão social”, que pressupõe uma dialética ativa, produtiva e progressiva entre identidade, participação social e desenvolvimento rural sustentável, por meio da criação de colegiados deliberativos. Este trabalho visa analisar a efetividade desta dialética, tomando como base a comparação dos dados da pesquisa nacional financiada pelo Edital MDA/SDT/CNPq – Gestão de Territórios Rurais Nº. 05/2009, utilizando-se de uma metodologia que articula a abordagem quantitativa, através da tabulação e tratamento estatístico de questionários aplicados em 37 territórios pelo Sistema de Gestão Estratégica (SGE/SDT/MDA), e qualitativa, através da análise de 16 relatórios das Células de Acompanhamento e Informação disponíveis e de 14 estudos de caso, totalizando uma amostra de 20 Territórios da Cidadania.

... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best... more

... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best of human civilization working in equitable, democratic communities. By contrast, those from individualistic cultures should be cold, grasping, selfish, egotistical and almost incapable of the cooperation demanded by a civil society. Indeed, a society of individualists, by this stereotype would be a dog eat dog affair, dedicated to conflict, riven with disloyalty and betrayal, forever failing to build a stable and humanistic community.

Rural depopulation as a demographic and territorial phenomenon entails demographic, economic and territorial imbalances, and serious social problems. Thus, rural depopulation has been the origin of the crisis in the fields, which has led... more

Rural depopulation as a demographic and territorial phenomenon entails demographic, economic and territorial imbalances, and serious social problems. Thus, rural depopulation has been the origin of the crisis in the fields, which has led to the steady decline in the weight of agriculture in the economy, and the low income derived from it. In this chapter, we will approach the problem of rural depopulation in Spain and Portugal from a quantitative perspective through the exploitation of secondary data obtained from various official sources, alluding to the problems derived from such depopulation. In addition, we deepen our analysis by making an intra-regional comparison between the two countries of the contiguous and similar rural slope regions at a geographical and historical level. Demographic hardship brought a need to reconvert the rural space. In this regard, we will mention how public authorities have turned rural areas into “multifunctional” and sometimes “consumption” spaces, seeking to correspond to a demand for leisure and tourism in urban populations.

O tema deste trabalho é o movimento de luta pela terra por pequenos lavradores do Sertão Carioca durante os anos de 1945 a 1964. Observaremos, entre outras coisas, como esses agentes fizeram com que suas reivindicações, denúncias e... more

O tema deste trabalho é o movimento de luta pela terra por pequenos lavradores do Sertão Carioca durante os anos de 1945 a 1964. Observaremos, entre outras coisas, como esses agentes fizeram com que suas reivindicações, denúncias e iniciativas de protesto chegassem à imprensa e ao campo político carioca daquela época. Foto de Capa: Trabalhadores do Sertão Carioca. Fundo: Última Hora. Arquivo Público do estado de São Paulo.

Data la sua promessa alchemica, cucinare metanfetamina è un esercizio dotato di sacralità e di magia. Gli ingredienti comuni della chimica-industriale alla base della cura quotidiana del consumatore di massa – decongestionanti nasali,... more

Data la sua promessa alchemica, cucinare metanfetamina è un esercizio dotato di sacralità e di magia. Gli ingredienti comuni della chimica-industriale alla base della cura quotidiana del consumatore di massa – decongestionanti nasali, nafta per torce, fasciature per impacchi freddi, batterie – si trasformano in un elisir contro ogni male. Il male di un’esistenza precaria: sottoccupazione, insicurezza, sensazione d’inutilità. Con padronanza demiurgica, i meth-cooks svelano potenzialità nascoste e, con le loro arti, preparano questa polvere acre che aumenta il piacere e la voglia di impegnarsi in attività ripetitive, dal lavoro di fabbrica alle pulizie, fino all’affaccendarsi in casa, cuocendo altra metanfetamina. Chi la consuma può rimanere sveglio per diversi giorni, anche settimane. Ci si sente esuberanti, invincibili, liberi da ostacoli terreni come la fame, la fatica o la noia. You get more life, si usa dire. Molte delle persone con le quali ho trascorso del tempo nella contea nord-orientale del Missouri hanno cominciato a consumare meth a lavoro, iniziati dai colleghi o dai loro superiori. La pressione sociale che spinge al consumo può essere considerevole, ma il fascino di quella ritrovata energia può essere persino più potente, come la smania di lavorare più ore per far quadrare i bilanci.

Conventional wisdom says that social capital is more common among families in rural communities than urban communities. Using data from the 1988 wave of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we compare the prevalence, type, and extent of... more

Conventional wisdom says that social capital is more common among families in rural communities than urban communities. Using data from the 1988 wave of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we compare the prevalence, type, and extent of social exchanges in these places. Results indicate that families living in rural areas are more likely to exchange exclusively with kin than are families living in urban areas. In particular, families living in rural areas are more likely to receive money help from kin than families in urban areas. Results on patterns of giving are more complex, with rural origin families with younger household heads more likely to give support to kin, and rural origin families with older heads less likely to provide such support, as compared to otherwise similar families of urban origin. Finally, only modest urban-rural differences in amounts exchanged (in dollars) are found among otherwise similar families. Overall, some of the urban-rural differences in patterns of exchange are explained by different family characteristics; however, key urban-rural differences remain, probably reflecting differences in norms and the availability of institutional support services in different areas.

ABsrRAcr Alabama's forest products industry plays a dominant role in the state's rural economy. Examination of how access to employment opportunities is distributed provides insight into how the benefits of this industry are... more

ABsrRAcr Alabama's forest products industry plays a dominant role in the state's rural economy. Examination of how access to employment opportunities is distributed provides insight into how the benefits of this industry are distributed. Based on a combination of available ...

Sources fréquentes de tension dans les relations parents–enfants, les mobilités des adolescents sont une expérience cruciale dans la construction des identités sociales. Pour cette classe d’âge, la mobilité est à la fois une pratique... more

Sources fréquentes de tension dans les relations parents–enfants, les mobilités des adolescents sont une expérience cruciale dans la construction des identités sociales. Pour cette classe d’âge, la mobilité est à la fois une pratique socialement déterminée – par le milieu social, l’univers résidentiel et la scolarité – et une expérience spécifique qui forge durablement les rapports au territoire et au monde social.

Farmers in Andean communities depend on complex farming systems that combine native and introduced crops, production for subsistence, and production for the market. Home to the well-known potato, the Andean region is also the native place... more

Farmers in Andean communities depend on complex farming systems that combine native and introduced crops, production for subsistence, and production for the market. Home to the well-known potato, the Andean region is also the native place of hundreds of lesser known varieties of tubers such as oca, ulluco, and mashua. Using data from interviews and field observation in the Peruvian community of Picol, we describe the economic and social relevance of these tuber crops in the context of the local farming system. A cross-case comparison of households is used to examine the relationship between socioeconomic status and the allocation of family resources. We also explore how different agricultural practices relate to the biodiversity of indigenous tuber crops.

In this paper I seek to contribute to our understanding of Romanian immigration in the Czech Republic that has been neglected so far in the scholarly literature. This article presents evidence on a selected Romanian community in... more

In this paper I seek to contribute to our understanding of Romanian immigration in the Czech Republic that has been neglected so far in the scholarly literature. This article presents evidence on a selected Romanian community in peripheral village in the Jeseník-region based upon biographic interviews. The emergence and function of the community are refl ected in the migration history of Romanian families, their gradual integration in society and in place of residence (marginalized village). Special emphasis is placed upon crucial moments like emergence of the distinction between Romanians and Roma in the eyes of majority of the society. Positive as well as negative infl uences upon the integration are discussed. The paper shows empirical evidence which is in some aspects contradictory to fi ndings about integration of foreingers in the Czechia as presented by . The paper concludes with some consideration about future development of the community.

The study aimed at assessing attitudes of female undergraduate students toward participating in farming activities and determining factors influencing participation using a descriptive-analytic research by a surveying approach. The... more

The study aimed at assessing attitudes of female undergraduate students toward participating in farming activities and determining factors influencing participation using a descriptive-analytic research by a surveying approach. The statistical population consisted of 433 female students enrolled in various disciplines at the three branches of the College of Science and Humanities at the Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia during the academic year 2016/2017. Out of the total population, some 90 students were selected randomly. A well-designed and pre-tested questionnaire was administrated as a research tool. Results of the study revealed that 42.2% of the target females were with positive attitude towards farming and were agreed to get involved in the farming activities, 30% students remained neutral whereas some 27.8% students showed negative attitude towards agricultural work. The findings showed that there was a significant difference between agreed and disagreed female students regar...

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are high-profile actors in the field of international development, amongst several functions they also act as providers of services to vulnerable individuals and communities. This study analysed the... more

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are high-profile actors in the field of international development, amongst several functions they also act as providers of services to vulnerable individuals and communities. This study analysed the role of NGOs, in the provision of social welfare services to the elderly, particularly Red Cross in Germiston, Johannesburg. Data used in this study was obtained using questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. Ninety beneficiaries were selected for this study. The researcher used the simple random sampling method in the selection of respondents. The study concluded that social welfare services provided by International Red Cross has managed to improve the quality of life of the elderly in Gemiston. The organisation has provided, accommodation, medication, food, and clothes to beneficiaries. The majority of respondents highlighted that they are satisfied with the assistance which they are getting. More so the researcher also noted that NGOs are facing challenges of financing, and critically shortage of staff to provide adequate health services. Therefore, the researcher recommends that NGOs should further capitalise its interventions in order to cover more beneficiaries. This can be achieved by looking for more donor support from international development agencies such as US AID, Department for International Development (DFID) and World Health Organisation (WHO).

Students living in rural areas of the United States exhibit lower levels of educational achievement and a higher likelihood of dropping out of high school than do their nonrural counterparts. In this paper we extend the literature by... more

Students living in rural areas of the United States exhibit lower levels of educational achievement and a higher likelihood of dropping out of high school than do their nonrural counterparts. In this paper we extend the literature by offering a framework in which resources influencing achievement/attainment are viewed as embedded in, and varying across, rural and nonrural places because of differences in structures of local opportunity. We draw from the National Educational Longitudinal Survey and the Common Core of Data, and employ hierarchical linear and hierarchical logistic modeling techniques to test our ideas. Rural adolescents are disadvantaged in regard to those family and school resources which are conducive to educational success. These resources translate into important educational investments at both family and school levels, and explain rural deficits in both attainment and standardized achievement. We discuss the implications of our findings for analyses of rural deprivation and inequality specifically, and for educational processes and the spatial patterning of stratification in general.

La encuesta rural sobre género y nuevas tecnologías (Encuesta Rural-GyTIC) presenta información principalmente sobre el uso de esta tecnología por parte de las mujeres rurales en España, tratando otros aspectos como actitudes y la opinión... more

La encuesta rural sobre género y nuevas tecnologías (Encuesta Rural-GyTIC) presenta información principalmente sobre el uso de esta tecnología por parte de las mujeres rurales en España, tratando otros aspectos como actitudes y la opinión hacia la tecnología y el papel que ésta tiene en la sociedad actual.

El interés en esta región de la Península de Yucatán remonta al año 2012 cuando, en el marco de la investigación para el Atlas de Turismo Alternativo (García de Fuentes et al., 2015), estuve a cargo de realizar las encuestas a empresas... more

El interés en esta región de la Península de Yucatán remonta al año 2012 cuando, en el marco de la investigación para el Atlas de Turismo Alternativo (García de Fuentes et al., 2015), estuve a cargo de realizar las encuestas a empresas sociales de esta región. Viendo la magnitud del fenómeno turístico (concentración de empresas y afluencia de turistas) vinculado a la cercanía del polo turístico mas importante de América Latina, decidí realizar mi tesis de doctorado sobre esta región, el dicho traspaís de Cancún-Riviera Maya, donde existe una oferta turística basada sobre recursos bioculturales (Jouault, 2018). En el traspaís de Cancún-Riviera Maya, región turística ubicada atrás del corredor litoral Cancún-Riviera Maya, los cenotes han sido turistificados a partir de los años setenta. Últimamente, las políticas publicas en particular las de los tres sexenios pasados, enfocados al impulso del turismo en comunidades han promovido que grupos de campesinos se vuelvan cenoteros dedicándose de manera temporal o a tiempo completo. Si bien enfoque mi tesis de doctorado en comunidades donde los miembros de las sociedades locales poseen tanto el control de la actividad turística y la propiedad social de la tierra, detecte una fuerte presión privatizadora que otros autores han documentado en otras partes de la Península (Marín et al, 2015 ; Geocomunes et al, 2020)

Este trabajo propone analizar la producción agropecuaria en la provincia de Tierra del Fuego en las últimas dos décadas. Para ello se explora la distribución y formas de tenencia de la tierra y se identifican los cambios de las... more

Este trabajo propone analizar la producción agropecuaria en la provincia
de Tierra del Fuego en las últimas dos décadas. Para ello se explora la
distribución y formas de tenencia de la tierra y se identifican los cambios de las principales actividades productivas.
El análisis se basa en datos preliminares del Censo nacional Agropecuario 2018 y su comparación con los anteriores (1988 y 2002), a los efectos de evidenciar las transformaciones históricas acontecidas. Complementariamente se utilizó información provista por el Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA), el Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI), el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología
Agropecuaria (INTA) y estudios realizados por otros investigadores en la

Artykuł ma na celu sportretowanie szczególnej grupy nowych mieszkańców wsi: osób, które po 1989 roku kupiły dawny dwór lub pałac ziemiański i traktują go przede wszystkim jako dom prywatny. Bazując na 17 wywiadach z 19 osobami, autorka... more

Artykuł ma na celu sportretowanie szczególnej grupy nowych mieszkańców wsi: osób, które po 1989 roku kupiły dawny dwór lub pałac ziemiański i traktują go przede wszystkim jako dom prywatny. Bazując na 17 wywiadach z 19 osobami, autorka szuka cech wspólnych łączących rozmówców, analizując ich doświadczenie biograficzne i funkcjonowanie jako właścicieli obiektu zabytkowego. Przedstawia ich motywacje, styl życia, postawy wobec ziemiańskiego dziedzictwa oraz członkostwo w szerszych środowiskach związanych z etosem ich grupy. Teoretyczną podstawę tekstu stanowią badania biograficzne, studia nad stylem życia i etosem.
This article aims at sketching a collective portrait of a particular group of new countryside inhabitants: these are people who, after 1989, bought a mansion or a palace once belonging to the landed gentry with an intention to live there. The article’s theoretical
approach owes to biographical research as well as to the studies of lifestyles and group ethos. On the basis of the material from 17 interviews with 19 research participants, the author sets out to establish these persons’ shared traits and analyzes their biographical
experience and daily routines of being owners of the heritage sites. The analysis centers on their motivations, lifestyle, attitudes towards the gentry heritage and membership in the wider circles that relates to the ethos of the group.

as zonas rurales costarricenses y, en general, las latinoamericanas presentan grandes desafíos ligados a la supervivencia de las actividades productivas tradicionales y a la cultura de las mismas. Entre los principales retos que se pueden... more

as zonas rurales costarricenses y, en general, las latinoamericanas presentan grandes desafíos ligados a la supervivencia de las actividades productivas tradicionales y a la cultura de las mismas. Entre los principales retos que se pueden citar, se tiene la escasez de empleo y de oportunidades para iniciar emprendimientos, desigualdad de oportunidades laborales para las mujeres y jóvenes, migraciones, inapropiado manejo ambiental de los desechos, retrasos en la protección de fuentes de agua y, en mu
chos casos, ausencia o falta de voluntad política para la aplicación de medidas de ordenamiento territorial. Las soluciones que se plantean frecuentemente se centran en la generación de empleos en zonas rurales, dando énfasis a la inclusión de políticas de género, creación de microempresas, los encadenamientos productivos entre sectores económicos, la repartición equitativa de las ganancias y el incentivo del comercio local. En el presente documento, aunque breve, se pretende mostrar, mediante un análisis de caso, los beneficios que se pueden generar al aplicar técnicas de innovación y encadenamientos productivos intersectoriales en las microempresas rurales.

Political-economic sociologists have long investigated the dynamics and consequences of international trade. With few exceptions, this area of inquiry ignores the possible connections between trade and environmental degradation. In... more

Political-economic sociologists have long investigated the dynamics and consequences of international trade. With few exceptions, this area of inquiry ignores the possible connections between trade and environmental degradation. In contrast, environmental sociologists have made several assumptions about the environmental impacts of international trade, but the assumptions lack theoretical specificity and are thus empirically underinvestigated. Bridging these two complementary areas of macrosociology, the present study proposes and tests a structural theory of unequal ecological exchange. The theory posits that more-developed countries externalize their consumption-based environmental costs to less-developed countries, which increase forms of environmental degradation within the latter. To test a key assertion of the theory, a weighted index of vertical trade is created that quantifies the relative extent to which exports are sent to more-developed countries. Using the index, cross-national panel analyses of deforestation, 1990-2000 are conducted to test the hypothesis that less-developed countries with higher levels of exports sent to more-developed countries experience greater rates of deforestation, net of other factors. Results of the analyses confirm the hypothesis, providing support for the theory of uneven ecological exchange. Additional findings correspond with other sociological studies of deforestation, particularly those that focus on the effects of rural and urban population growth as well as level of capital intensity and rate of economic development.

: Este artigo analisa algumas noções e teses do trabalho de José de Souza Martins, especialmente aqueles aspectos concernentes ao papel revolucionário dos camponeses brasileiros, durante o período de 1945-1964. Neste texto, as... more

: Este artigo analisa algumas noções e teses do trabalho de José de Souza Martins,
especialmente aqueles aspectos concernentes ao papel revolucionário dos camponeses
brasileiros, durante o período de 1945-1964. Neste texto, as considerações sobre um
suposto caráter revolucionário dos camponeses vão ser confrontadas com a prática política
cotidiana de alguns grupos políticos do campo e da cidade. Nossas fontes de informação
são constituídas de jornais, documentos sindicais e declarações de congressos camponeses
e encontros.