Phoenicians Research Papers - (original) (raw)

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Todos los derechos reservados. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente, podrán ser castigados con penas de multa y privación de libertad quienes reproduzcan o plagien, en todo o en parte, una obra literaria, artística o científica fijada en cualquier tipo de soporte, sin la preceptiva autorización.

Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus'... more

Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy: Route: from Corvo, Azores, to La Havana, Cuba. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci.

This paper presents and discusses published and unpublished evidence on Carthage and its hinterland gathered throughout the last three-and-a-halve decades. Carthage initially appears as a copy of the typical Levantine sea-side city state,... more

This paper presents and discusses published and unpublished evidence on Carthage and its hinterland gathered throughout the last three-and-a-halve decades. Carthage initially appears as a copy of the typical Levantine sea-side city state, heavily dependant upon its trade networks to bring in necessary food supplies. From c. 675 B.C. onwards, an increasing local or regional agricultural production emerges. However, this dependence upon local or regional agricultural resources becomes incisive only from about 530 B.C. onwards, reaching its peak in the second century B.C. The paper also includes a discussion of the contradicting results of the data collected by Greene’s survey during the early Eighties.

Il presente contributo intende studiare i siti fenici occupati tra l'VIII e la metà del VI secolo a.C. nella regione del Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardegna sud-occidentale) al fine di analizzare le diverse strategie di insediamento messe in atto... more

Il presente contributo intende studiare i siti fenici occupati tra l'VIII e la metà del VI secolo a.C. nella regione del Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardegna sud-occidentale) al fine di analizzare le diverse strategie di insediamento messe in atto per l'occupazione del territorio. Dopo una breve descrizione di carattere archeologico dei centri presi in considerazione, si osservano nel dettaglio le loro diverse funzioni: si arrivano dunque a distinguere due differenti modalità di dinamiche insediamentali. La prima è quella che si individua nel cuore del Sulcis: vi si riconosce un central place (Sulky) collegato ad una rete di centri intermedi che controllavano direttamente il territorio tramite dei siti minori. In questo modo è previsto uno sfruttamento sistematico di tutte le risorse, terrestri e marittime, della regione. La seconda modalità viene riscontrata in aree periferiche del Sulcis o immediatamente esterne ad esso, ossia i territori di Nora e Bithia: qui, anche a causa della difficoltà dei collegamenti, si nota una spiccata proiezione verso il mare e un'occupazione dell'entroterra praticamente assente.

Renewed excavations by Rome "La Sapienza" University at Motya in the last ten years (2002-2011) provided a new set of archaeological data concerning the area of the so-called "kothon" and the nearby South Gate, with the identification of... more

Renewed excavations by Rome "La Sapienza" University at Motya in the last ten years (2002-2011) provided a new set of archaeological data concerning the area of the so-called "kothon" and the nearby South Gate, with the identification of a huge sacred compound, including a monumental temple (called Temple of the Kothon, since it was connected with was proved to be a sacred pool), and several other cult installations and structures. Investigations both in the temple proper area and in the southern sector of this compound brought about the earliest layers of Phoenician occupation in the island, with a series of wells, a huge building and the earliest cult devices. Diagnostic ceramic finds, with striking comparisons in Phoenicia, hint at dating in the second quarter of the 8 th century BC for the foundation of the colony, that is roughly 50 years earlier than previous thought. 1 Una presentazione preliminare della stratigrafia e della ceramica dall'area del Tempio del Kothon dall'VIII al VI secolo a.C. è offerta in L. NIGRO, "Alle origini di Mozia: stratigrafia e ceramica del Tempio del Kothon dall'VIII al VI secolo a.C.", in L. NIGRO (ed.), Motya and the Phoenician Repertoire between the Levant and the West, 9th -6th century BC.

Bluefin tuna fishing in the Strait of Gibraltar was a major economic resource in Antiquity, and at certain times its by-products (salted fish and sauces such as garum) were in great demand in the Mediterranean world at the time,... more

Bluefin tuna fishing in the Strait of Gibraltar was a major economic resource in Antiquity, and at certain times its by-products (salted fish and sauces such as garum) were in great demand in the Mediterranean world at the time, especially among the "gourmets" of the social elites of Classical Greece. An international project promoted by the University of Seville, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and the Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens, is studying the exceptional archaeological evidence of these connections between the Punics of the Straits of Gibraltar and the Aegean, and specifically with the city of Corinth.

The caravanserai (Turkish kervansaray) was a roadside area, structure or inn that provided lodging, substance, trade and marketing opportunities for pilgrims, traveling tradespeople, and their animals. In addition to food and temporary... more

The caravanserai (Turkish kervansaray) was a roadside area, structure or inn that provided lodging, substance, trade and marketing opportunities for pilgrims, traveling tradespeople, and their animals. In addition to food and temporary lodgings, many caravanserais also included a black madonna temple, shrine room, holy of holies, sacred cave or adjacent rock shelter. Tethered to the advancement of the caravanserai, was also the spread of African rites and rituals, black madonna temples, and dark goddesses. This was especially apparent with the Phoenicians.

This thesis explores a specific form of representation from the Syrian Bronze Age: aniconic standing-stones, lacking inscriptions or decorations. These have been mainly studied from the point of view of texts which mention cult activity... more

This thesis explores a specific form of representation from the Syrian Bronze Age: aniconic standing-stones, lacking inscriptions or decorations. These have been mainly studied from the point of view of texts which mention cult activity associated with them, but there has been heretofore no integrated analysis of archaeological finds, analysing architecture and associated material culture in comparison to texts. I will interpret litholatry (the cult of standing-stones) from the point of view of the influence of semi-nomadic pastoralists from the Syrian desert frontier on the culture of urban societies, and of the negotiation of urban/tribal identities of city kings through ritual.

On se propose ici de présenter un intéressant objet en plomb, inédit jusqu'à présent, qui a été trouvé au cours des années 80 dans les alentours de la ville d'Ibiza, parait-il, non pas loin du site de Puig d'en Valls, qui est aussi très... more

On se propose ici de présenter un intéressant objet en plomb, inédit jusqu'à présent, qui a été trouvé au cours des années 80 dans les alentours de la ville d'Ibiza, parait-il, non pas loin du site de Puig d'en Valls, qui est aussi très connu dans la bibliographie phénicienne punique. La trouvaille a été faite lors de recherches, hors de contrôle officiel, à l'aide de détecteurs de métaux. Cette pièce, qui reste encore en mains privées, a pu tout de même être documentée et l'endroit de sa trouvaille, malgré sans d'autres précisions, située à peu de kilomètres au N de la ville d'Ibiza, dans des champs où on y pratiquait traditionnellement la culture.

Offering an expansive view of the ancient Mediterranean world, Gods, Heroes, and Monsters: A Sourcebook of Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern Myths in Translation, Second Edition, presents essential Greek and Roman sources—including work from... more

Offering an expansive view of the ancient Mediterranean world, Gods, Heroes, and Monsters: A Sourcebook of Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern Myths in Translation, Second Edition, presents essential Greek and Roman sources—including work from Homer, Hesiod, Virgil, and Ovid—alongside analogous narratives from the ancient Near East—Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Hittite kingdom, Ugarit, Phoenicia, and the Hebrew Bible. Some of the sources appear here in English translations for the first time.

Abstract: In order to expand the number of coin findings attested up to now within the ancient city of Suel (Fuengirola, Málaga), we publish a set of 40 bronze coins preserved in several private collections. All of them were issued by... more

Abstract: In order to expand the number of coin findings attested up to now within the ancient city of Suel (Fuengirola, Málaga), we publish a set of 40 bronze coins preserved in several private collections. All of them were issued by different mints settled in the ancient Phoenician or in the so-called Libyan-Phoenician colonies. Consequently, to those which had already been published from Malaca, we now add others coined in the mints of Abdera, Carteia, Gadir, Seks, Lascuta, Mqm Sms and Tamuda, thus predominating those issued by mints located on the northern shore of the Circle of the Straits of Gibraltar. They can be dated from the third century BC to the first decades of the first century AD.
Resumen: Con la intención de ampliar el volumen de amonedaciones procedentes de la antigua ciudad de Suel (Fuengirola, Málaga), publicamos un total de 40 ejemplares de bronce inéditos conservados en varias colecciones privadas. Todos ellos fueron emitidos por distintas cecas instaladas en las antiguas colonias fenicias o bien en las denominadas libiofenicias, los cuales amplían el escaso volumen de numerario conocido hasta el momento en este lugar. En consecuencia, a las ya publicadas de Malaca se suman otras acuñadas en las cecas de Abdera, Carteia, Gadir, Seks, Lascuta, Mqm Sms y Tamuda, con una cronología que abarca desde el siglo III a. C. hasta las primeras décadas del siglo I d. C., de forma que predominan las emitidas por ciudades situadas en la vertiente septentrional del Círculo del Estrecho.

A lo largo de todo el Mediterráneo han aparecido piezas de procedencia egipcia. También en el Mediterráneo Occidental, incluyendo las costas levantinas de la Península Ibérica. Con el presente trabajo he querido hacer un estudio del cómo,... more

A lo largo de todo el Mediterráneo han aparecido piezas de procedencia egipcia. También en el Mediterráneo Occidental, incluyendo las costas levantinas de la Península Ibérica. Con el presente trabajo he querido hacer un estudio del cómo, cuándo
y gracias a quién llegaron estas piezas hasta nuestras costas.

THE MESA DE FORNES (GRANADA) AND THE SEMITIZATION OF GRANADA BASIN: THE RELEVANCE ATTAIN BY SOUTHWEST GATEWAY Some defensive structures have been documented in the Phoenician site of Mesa de Fornes, on the southwest of Granada Province.... more

Some defensive structures have been documented in the Phoenician site of Mesa de Fornes, on the southwest of Granada Province. The wall and the archaeological remains associated can be understood as the central place that this site enjoys in the semitization process. The earliest dates of the contact with the Phoenician colonies, support the importance attain by the Granada basin in exchange routes with the factories places in the
andalusian coast.

The paper focuses on seven unpublished ceramic incense-burners found off the coastal area of La Caleta, close to the northwestern part of the present-day city of Cadiz. The items were granted to the Museo Historico Municipal of San... more

The paper focuses on seven unpublished ceramic incense-burners found off the coastal area of La Caleta, close to the northwestern part of the present-day city of Cadiz. The items were granted to the Museo Historico Municipal of San Fernando more than two decades ago. Their study makes possible to update the discussion about the chronology and function of these censers, recovered in significant quantity from the underwater sites close to La Caleta beach. Additionally, some reflections on the previous historiography are provided, focusing on the fact that most of the ceramic perfume-burners lack of a defined archaeological context due to its clandestine discovery over the second half of the 20th century before the first scientific campaigns started in the area.

El yacimiento fenicio de La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante), gracias sobre todo al descubrimiento de numerosos vertederos metalúrgicos, ha proporcionado abundantes materiales relacionados con la producción de hierro, cobre,... more

El yacimiento fenicio de La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante), gracias sobre todo al descubrimiento de numerosos vertederos metalúrgicos, ha proporcionado abundantes materiales relacionados con la producción de hierro, cobre, cobre/plomo y bronces binarios y ternarios, y probablemente también con la obtención de plomo y de plata. Entre estos restos arqueometalúrgicos hay que destacar por cantidad y variedad un significativo conjunto de toberas, constituido por más de 400 fragmentos. Las piezas documentadas hasta ahora se enmarcan en un arco cronológico que va desde los comienzos del siglo VIII a.C. hasta finales del siglo VII a.C.

"The present paper pretends to be an approach to the Phoenician’s social implementations mechanism in the Iberian Peninsula area. Through the study of the initiatives taken by the temples and the aristocracy in their interaction with... more

"The present paper pretends to be an approach to the Phoenician’s social implementations
mechanism in the Iberian Peninsula area. Through the study of the initiatives taken by
the temples and the aristocracy in their interaction with the natives, we´ll see in which way
and measure these relations affected the social native forms as well as the Phoenician´s."

Solid state electrochemistry based on the voltammetry of immobilized microparticles (VIMP) methodology is applied to a series of 80 Phoenician Red Slip samples from the archaeological sites of Motya (Sicily, Italy), Mogador (Morocco),... more

Solid state electrochemistry based on the voltammetry of immobilized microparticles (VIMP) methodology is applied to a series of 80 Phoenician Red Slip samples from the archaeological sites of Motya (Sicily, Italy), Mogador (Morocco), Ramat‐Rahel (Israel), Sulky (Sardinia, Italy), Tas Silg (Malta), Pantelleria (Italy), and Cádiz (Spain), dated from the 8th to the 6th century BC. Upon attachment of sub‐microsamples to graphite electrodes in contact with aqueous H2SO4 electrolyte, voltammetric features due to the reduction of Fe(III) minerals and the oxidation of Fe(II) ones, complemented with electrocatalytic effects on oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions, provide characteristic electrochemical fingerprints for pottery samples. A consistent sample grouping discriminating between different potteries from different archaelogical sites, is obtained, all results being consistent with morphological, compositional and mineralogical data. Petrographic analysis supports the grouping, defining the manufacture and firing procedure for the different archaeological context.

La grande colonnade double qui a été fouillée et restaurée au Sud de Tyr par les équipes de Maurice Chéhab, entre 1946 et 1975, était considérée comme une rue à portiques. Les nouveaux travaux conduits depuis 2008 montrent qu'il s'agit... more

La grande colonnade double qui a été fouillée et restaurée au Sud de Tyr par les équipes de Maurice Chéhab, entre 1946 et 1975, était considérée comme une rue à portiques. Les nouveaux travaux conduits depuis 2008 montrent qu'il s'agit d'une longue salle couverte à trois nefs qui appartient au vaste complexe des bains protobyzantins que l'on reconnaît maintenant dans cette partie de la ville. On peut la définir comme une basilique thermale. Elle desservait les palestres est et ouest et avait les fonctions d'un frigidarium et d'un centre de sociabilité. C'était aussi un hall de présentation des statues et inscriptions anciennes qui conservaient, dans une ville chrétienne, leur caractère d'oeuvres d'art et témoignaient du glorieux passé et de la vie civique de la cité.

Grazie a una documentazione archeologica ed epigrafica sempre crescente, all’adozione di nuovi approcci e modelli teorici, è oggi possibile apprezzare meglio l’identità cosmopolita e fluida dei Fenici e le varie sfaccettature della loro... more

Grazie a una documentazione archeologica ed epigrafica sempre crescente, all’adozione di nuovi approcci e modelli teorici, è oggi possibile apprezzare meglio l’identità cosmopolita e fluida dei Fenici e le varie sfaccettature della loro storia e cultura, dalla fine dell’età del Bronzo al dominio romano. Il libro offre ai non specialisti un affresco aggiornato su chi furono, dove vissero e come attraversarono le varie fasi della storia antica, senza trascurare aspetti come le attività produttive, la cultura materiale e la religione. L’affresco che ne risulta mostra quanto studiare il Mediterraneo del I millennio a.C. sulla scia dei Fenici sia di grande attualità per comprendere un mondo fatto di persone, idee e materiali in contatto e in movimento.

Esta publicación se ha beneficiado de las siguientes ayudas para su financiación:

ABSTRACT: The following 83 questions follow the documentary (no.7), National Geographic, Quest for the Phoenicians (55 minutes). It is a good documentary detailing diverse aspects of the heritage and achievements of the Phoenicians: WEB... more

ABSTRACT: The following 83 questions follow the documentary (no.7), National Geographic, Quest for the Phoenicians (55 minutes). It is a good documentary detailing diverse aspects of the heritage and achievements of the Phoenicians: WEB LINK: The question sheet aids in furnishing a summary of the documentary's coverage and sequence of specific topics. The documentary introduces the Phoenicians' Canaanite background, geographic dispersal and trading network, and legacy via mostly hostile and biased Greek and Roman accounts. The film's focus includes and interweaves (1) R. Ballard's past-current maritime investigation of known and sought after Phoenician shipwrecks (e.g., SW coast of the southern Levant; the Malta-Carthage trade route), (2) two geneticists' --(i.e., Pierre Zalloua and Spencer Wells)-- study of modern DNA from residents in modern Carthage, Tyre, and elsewhere (in comparison to samples from a tooth from a Phoenician royal burial of King Tabnit), (3) Paco Giles' excavations of a Phoenician cultic deposit in Gorham's Cave at Gibraltar, (4) Claude Dumet Sirhal's five seasons of excavations of a Phoenician cemetery and other Canaanite remains at Sidon, and (5) a Lebanese ship builders's reconstruction and sailing of a replica Phoenician ship. The documentary incorporates various discussions by other specialists, Larry Stager, Glenn Markoe, and Ian Morris, plus coverage of the biblical traditions regarding the Phoenicians, Herodotus' references to Phoenician voyages, the sites of Carthage and the Temple of Eshmun, and other aspects about Phoenician ships, navigation, trade, and rivalries with Rome.

ASTARTE from EL CARAMBOLO. Who´s that girl? This paper presents a review from the sculpture in bronze named «Astarté from El Carambolo». Currently, you can visit this phoenician goddess in Sevilla, the scultpure belongs to the stable... more

ASTARTE from EL CARAMBOLO. Who´s that girl?
This paper presents a review from the sculpture in bronze named «Astarté from El Carambolo». Currently, you can visit this phoenician goddess in Sevilla, the scultpure belongs to the stable collection from the Museo Archaeological. This object has served to build the iconographic studies about Astarté. The goddess is clearly identified as Astarté, the sculpture has an epigraphic inscription where the feets are laied on. Have been made a new iconographic study and the results have to be connected with the last research in the archaeological site between 2002 and 2005.
Resumen: El presente trabajo consiste en una revisión de la pieza escultórica realizada en bronce de la diosa oriental Astarté conservada en el Museo Arqueológico de Sevilla. La escultura, es una de las representaciones de la diosa que han contribuido a formar el corpus iconográfico de la misma ya que, está identificada claramente por la inscripción epigráfica que presenta en el escabel dónde reposan los pies de la diosa. Se ha realizado una nueva lectura iconográfica que debe ponerse en relación con las últimos datos conocidos a partir de las últimas excavaciones en el yacimiento de El Carambolo entre 2002 y 2005.

The text on this large stone stele is a defense of Phoenician temple activity.

“Als wir noch jenseits des Großen Wassers wohnten, gab es zwölf Stämme, die zu den Cherokee-Indianern gehörten ...“ So beginnt die traditionelle Geschichte des Stammes, die zum Fest des Großen Mondes, dem Neujahrsfest, rezitiert und den... more

“Als wir noch jenseits des Großen Wassers wohnten, gab es zwölf Stämme, die zu den Cherokee-Indianern gehörten ...“ So beginnt die traditionelle Geschichte des Stammes, die zum Fest des Großen Mondes, dem Neujahrsfest, rezitiert und den jungen Cherokee bei Zusammenkünften gelehrt wurde. Sie wurde von Cornsilk alias William Eubanks, einem Zeitungsschreiber im Indian Territory, 1896 aufgezeichnet, basierend auf der ursprünglichen Erzählung in der Sprache der Cherokee, wie sie George Sahkiyah „Soggy“ Sanders, ebenfalls Mitglied in der Keetoowah Society, der wenig Englisch sprach, ihm erzählte. Die kryptische und schwer auffindbare Geschichte ist jetzt wieder im Druck erhältlich und wurde von der Wiener Ethnologin Christine Pellech übersetzt. Es gibt keinen älteren oder authentischeren Text in der Autobiographie eines Volkes der amerikanischen Indianer.

E xisten pocos lugares en el Mediterráneo que puedan ser llamados verdaderamente "encrucijada" de culturas y Chipre es uno de ellos. Situado en la esquina más oriental del "Gran Verde" o Mare Nostrum (como los egipcios y los romanos lo... more

E xisten pocos lugares en el Mediterráneo que puedan ser llamados verdaderamente "encrucijada" de culturas y Chipre es uno de ellos. Situado en la esquina más oriental del "Gran Verde" o Mare Nostrum (como los egipcios y los romanos lo llamaban), con el mar Egeo, Siria y Fenicia, Anatolia y Egipto en sus horizontes, en todo su multiculturalismo Chipre ha mantenido un carácter distintivo a través de los siglos.

With this work we try to announce the discovery and the documentation of a Phoenician Necropolis in the city of Ayamonte (Huelva). It was located through the fortuitous find and through the notification of supposed actions of pillage and... more

With this work we try to announce the discovery and the documentation of a
Phoenician Necropolis in the city of Ayamonte (Huelva). It was located through the fortuitous find and through the notification of supposed actions of pillage and destruction of funeral structures that originated the accomplishment of an Archaelogical Activity of Urgency that we develop during the spring of last year 2008. In the above mentioned intervention, among other works, five Phoenician tombs were excavated that we have framed, a priori, between the centuries VIII – VII B.C.