Physical Anthropology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Представлены результаты экспертизы антропологических материалов из могильника античного времени Сувлу-Кая в Юго-Западном Крыму. Обсуждаются демографические и краниологические особенности двух хронологических групп из подбойных могил... more

Представлены результаты экспертизы антропологических материалов из могильника античного времени Сувлу-Кая в Юго-Западном Крыму. Обсуждаются демографические и краниологические особенности двух хронологических групп из подбойных могил III–IV вв. и из склепов IV–V вв. н.э. Захоронения в подбоях, по-видимому, оставлены кратковременным, преимущественно мужским коллективом, для которого характерны высокий травматизм, традиция искусственной деформации головы и краниометрические признаки, свойственные носителям позднесарматской культуры низовьев Волги и Дона. Выборка из склепов близка демографическим параметрам нормальной и сравнительно благополучной человеческой популяции; морфология единичных черепов позволяет предположить участие в формировании этой группы потомков местного догреческого населения Крыма.

Publikacja ta daje synoptyczne ujęcie wykładów antropologii ogólnej, wygłaszanych na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w roku akademickim 1945/46, a poprzednio na Uniwersytecie Jana Kazimierza, we Lwowie, od roku akademickiego 1913/4 do... more

Publikacja ta daje synoptyczne ujęcie wykładów antropologii ogólnej, wygłaszanych na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w roku akademickim 1945/46, a poprzednio na Uniwersytecie Jana Kazimierza, we Lwowie, od roku akademickiego 1913/4 do końca roku 1939.

L’analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei reperti umani rinvenuti nella cattedrale di Alba è stata condotta al fine di ottenere informazioni necessarie sia per delineare il profilo biologico del campione in esame (sesso, età... more

L’analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei reperti umani rinvenuti nella cattedrale di Alba è stata condotta al fine di ottenere informazioni necessarie sia per delineare il profilo biologico del campione in esame (sesso, età all’exitus) e le principali caratteristiche antropometriche (statura, robustezza) sia per dedurre indicazioni sulle condizioni di vita, le attività e le abitudini comportamentali e di lavoro e lo stato di salute o malattia. Parallelamente ai rilievi antropologici e paleopatologici sono state effettuate analisi volte alla valutazione dello stato di conservazione, in quanto esso rappresenta la premessa indispensabile ad ogni tipo di approfondimento successivo: identificare e quantificare il danno provocato da agenti tafonomici sul reperto, seguendo criteri valutativi standardizzati, permette un’interpretazione più ragionata dei risultati antropologici e paleopatologici, di particolare utilità quando si affrontano studi comparativi e paleoepidemiologici. Per ciascuna sepoltura singola studiata è stata compilata la scheda antropologica informatizzata (CINTI 2012), creando così un archivio digitale di tutti i dati biologici dei resti scheletrici presi in esame.

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is a non-inflammatory joint disease mainly characterised by the ossification of the right anterior longitudinal ligament and the presence of enthesopathies. Studies have shown that the... more

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is a non-inflammatory joint disease mainly characterised by the ossification of the right anterior longitudinal ligament and the presence of enthesopathies. Studies have shown that the disease typically affects males of advanced age. This is a case report of a female individual, aged between 40 and 60 years, dating to 1,472-1,635 AD and found in Eastern Germany. A differential diagnosis was completed following macroscopic examination and radio-graphic imaging of the affected bones. The results show several pathological features that resemble skeletal characteristics of DISH, besides other diseases. Therefore, we discuss DISH and provide a differential diagnosis of additional pathologies. Our case is particularly important because ancient female DISH cases are underrepresented and the burial location indicates a possible noble or monastic context, both linked with a lifestyle known to be related to DISH.

On Dec. 12, 1985, a military charter DC-8 crashed shortly after takeoff at Gander, Nfld., Canada. All 256 aboard were killed, making this the deadliest US military aircraft accident in history. The investigation team (consisting of... more

On Dec. 12, 1985, a military charter DC-8 crashed shortly after takeoff at Gander, Nfld., Canada. All 256 aboard were killed, making this the deadliest US military aircraft accident in history. The investigation team (consisting of forensic pathologists, odontologists, ...

Arm span (AS) has been reported to be a good substitute for height measurement in osteoskeletally deformed patients and in the elderly with osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between arm span and height... more

Arm span (AS) has been reported to be a good substitute for height measurement in osteoskeletally deformed patients and in the elderly with osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between arm span and height of the Itsekiris of Nigeria. The study employed a cross-sectional study design involving 300 healthy Itsekiris between the age of 20 and 70 years. The height and arm span of all volunteers were measured to the nearest centimeter. Height was measured with the subject on bare feet, feet together and with the calf, heel, buttocks and upper back touching the wall or stadiometer. The subject’s head was positioned erect with the eyes looking forward. Arm span accordingly was measured with a tape from the tip of the middle finger of one hand to the tip of the middle finger of the other hand, with the subject standing straight and back to the wall, both arms adducted to 90°. In this index, there was a weak positive correlation (0.048) which was not significa...

The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is an overall indicator of undernutrition composed of stunting, underweight and wasting. A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban area (Haldia) of Purba Medinipur District,... more

The Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) is an overall indicator of undernutrition composed of stunting, underweight and wasting. A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban area (Haldia) of Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal, India, to assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on CIAF among 621 (307 boys; 314 girls) children aged 3-12 years. Body height (cm) and weight (kg) were recorded using standard procedure. Selected socioeconomic and demographic information were recorded using pre-structured schedule. The NCHS reference values were used to calculate Z (<-2SD) scores for the three conventional indices namely underweight, stunting and wasting, and finally, to derive CIAF. Data were analyzed using chi-square test and binary as well as stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis. The CIAF showed a high prevalence of 47.66%. Sex specific prevalence was higher among girls. Low monthly per capita income (Odds ratio, OR = 2.1; p< 0.001) and households having two or less number of rooms (OR = 1.55, p < 0.001) were independently associated with higher risk of anthropometric failure (AF). Factors having a direct impact on earnings which provide basic infrastructure for a healthy livelihood seemed to be the major predictor of AF among children.

The impact of aging on the morphology of the osseous spine is still debated. Clinical studies usually record combined aging effects, as well as age-related degenerative changes. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of... more

The impact of aging on the morphology of the osseous spine is still debated. Clinical studies usually record combined aging effects, as well as age-related degenerative changes. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of (degeneration-independent) aging on the morphology of the osseous human spine during adulthood. Various osseous dimensions of human spinal landmarks at all major vertebral levels have been assessed in macroscopically normal Swiss skeletons (N = 71), with historically known sex and age at death, as well as in larger Central European skeletal samples (N = 277) with anthropologically determined individual age and sex. All measurements were correlated with individual age (or age group) by linear regression and analyzed separately for each sex. Only few osseous spinal dimensions, and only in men, correlate significantly with individual age. Generally, the significant dimensions show an increase in size during adulthood. Similar tendencies, but with significant alterations of spinal measurements in women as well, can be found in the larger samples with anthropologically determined sex and age group. Increase of certain spinal dimensions found in this study may be a reflection of an increase in the robustness of individuals with age. Because of the absence of a significant secular alteration of stature within the well-recorded sample, we exclude secular change in body dimensions as a major bias.

Ancient human remains like Egyptian mummified bodies cannot be considered on a physical anthropological perspective only. So severe and invasive were the operations on the body, so various were the materials involved in the preservation... more

Ancient human remains like Egyptian mummified bodies cannot be considered on a physical anthropological perspective only. So severe and invasive were the operations on the body, so various were the materials involved in the preservation techniques, so complicated was the embalming and wrapping procedure according to specific rituals, that the final result, the mummy, is to be considered a highly composite product. The human remains are a relevant part of it indeed, but a very wide set of information can be taken.also from the other components, relating to environment, resources, technology, religious beliefs, cultural and technical traditions, skills and arts at the time of the individual's life. That a plain anthropological approach could not be exhaustive on cataloguing such a kind of archaeological finds emerged during the sessions of the scientific board charged by the Italian ICCD of defining a data track for filing anthropological remains as a special kind of cultural heri...

In Central Europe, human remains from the Magdalenian are a rare phenomenon. In Central and Western Europe, these remains are usually fragmented and often manipulated. The discovery of 50 human bone fragments from Maszycka Cave in the... more

In Central Europe, human remains from the Magdalenian are a rare phenomenon. In Central and Western Europe, these remains are usually fragmented and often manipulated. The discovery of 50 human bone fragments from Maszycka Cave in the 19th and mid-20th century is an important source for studying the treatment of bodies in the Late Upper Palaeolithic. Skull fragments are dominating and the re-investigation of the material proves the presence of some cut marks. The re-dating of the remains and the bone artefacts to c. 16,200 cal BC together with the specific treatment of the human remains confirms the typological arguments for an early re-colonisation of Central Europe from the West after the Last Glacial Maximum.

We have carried out a comprehensive ESR and U-series dating study on the Lake Mungo 3 (LM3) human skeleton. The isotopic Th/U and Pa/U ratios indicate that some minor uranium mobilization may have occurred in the past. Taking such effects... more

We have carried out a comprehensive ESR and U-series dating study on the Lake Mungo 3 (LM3) human skeleton. The isotopic Th/U and Pa/U ratios indicate that some minor uranium mobilization may have occurred in the past. Taking such effects into account, the best age estimate for the human skeleton is obtained through the combination of U-series and ESR analyses yielding 62,000±6000 years. This age is in close agreement with OSL age estimates on the sediment into which the skeleton was buried of 61,000±2000 years. Furthermore, we obtained a U-series age of 81,000±21,000 years for the calcitic matrix that was precipitated on the bones after burial. All age results are considerably older than the previously assumed age of LM3 and demonstrate the necessity for directly dating hominid remains. We conclude that the Lake Mungo 3 burial documents the earliest known human presence on the Australian continent. The age implies that people who were skeletally within the range of the present Australian indigenous population colonized the continent during or before oxygen isotope stage 4 (57,000–71,000 years).

Extreme rituals entail excessive costs without apparent benefits, which raises an evolutionary cost problem (Irons, 2001). It is argued that such intense rituals enhance social cohesion and promote cooperative behaviors (Atran & Henrich,... more

Extreme rituals entail excessive costs without apparent benefits, which raises an evolutionary cost problem (Irons, 2001). It is argued that such intense rituals enhance social cohesion and promote cooperative behaviors (Atran & Henrich, 2010; Durkheim, 1912). However, direct evidence for the relation between ritual intensity and prosociality is lacking. Using economic measures of generosity and contextually relevant indicators of group identity in a real-world setting, we evaluated pro- social effects from naturally occurring rituals that varied in severity.

The analysis of biological parameters such as age and sex is particularly relevant to the interpretation of ancient skeletal assemblages related to abrupt mortality crises, and more particularly epidemics. In such a context, the... more

The analysis of biological parameters such as age and sex is particularly relevant to the interpretation of ancient skeletal assemblages related to abrupt mortality crises, and more particularly epidemics. In such a context, the mechanisms of selection within a population or part of a population differ according to the pathogen involved. They may also vary depending on the period and location in which the population lived. Here, we illustrate the specificity of plague mortality through the study of several European burial sites contemporary with the first and second plague pandemics. The paleodemographic patterns obtained for different plague outbreaks from the 6th to the 16th centuries reveal some constant features over time and space as well as some differences that suggest a possible evolution in the epidemiological characteristics of the disease.

La complejidad y cotidianidad relacionadas a la alimentación humana, nos revela que debe ser analizada a través de un enfoque holístico, que incluya aspectos de naturaleza biológica, social, cultural, económica y política (Álvarez et al.... more

La complejidad y cotidianidad relacionadas a la alimentación humana, nos revela que debe ser analizada a través de un enfoque holístico, que incluya aspectos de naturaleza biológica, social, cultural, económica y política (Álvarez et al. 2001; De Garine 1972; De Garine y Vargas 1997; Vargas 1992). Este enfoque conocido como biocultural, ha sido utilizado ampliamente en bioarqueología para el estudio de diversos aspectos de las poblaciones pretéritas, entre ellos la alimentación (Contreras y García 2004; De Garine y Vargas 1997; Larsen 2000; Pelto et al. 2000; Peña 2012; Vargas 1992). Una fortaleza de la investigación bioarqueológica, es su capacidad para dilucidar ciertas características y comportamientos de la vida de las personas en el pasado (Buikstra y Beck 2006; Knudson y Stojanowsky 2008). Mediante la combinación de distintos análisis como los biogeoquímicos y bioarqueológicos, es posible entender la interacción de los seres humanos con su entorno físico y social, así como examinar los diferentes acontecimientos de la historia de vida de un individuo o de una población, incluyendo su dieta y demás aspectos relacionados con su alimentación. En este capítulo se ofrece una exposición de los diferentes recursos metodológicos que se tienen en el campo de la bioarqueología para hacer una aproximación a la reconstrucción de la dieta de poblaciones antiguas, uno es el análisis de la composición química del hueso enfocado principalmente en las técnicas de isótopos estables y elementos traza; el otro concierne a las bases para el reconocimiento de estados nutricionales carenciales en los huesos y una breve exposición de los atributos de los dientes en la reconstrucción de la dieta. Esto con el fin de brindar al lector un panorama introductorio de las tendencias y perspectivas en las investigaciones paleodietarias actuales, haciendo hincapié en la realización de estudios integrales desde el enfoque biocultural, recalcándose la importancia de la interacción de diversas disciplinas para lograr un abordaje óptimo de los problemas y preguntas de investigación que se pretendan resolver.

A female skeleton from the Lori Berd archaeological cemetery, located near the city of Stepanavan (Lori Province of Armenia) is described. Palaeopathological analysis revealed a variety pathology (ankylosis of the sacroiliac joints,... more

A female skeleton from the Lori Berd archaeological cemetery, located near the city of Stepanavan (Lori Province of Armenia) is described. Palaeopathological analysis revealed a variety pathology (ankylosis of the sacroiliac joints, ankylosis of the vertebrae, syndesmophytes, ankylosed of the costovertebral and costotransverse joint fusions, kyphosis, lordosis, fracture of the anterior inferior iliac spine and traumatic lesions). This paper reports a new case of ankylosing spondylitis in a skeleton and a differential diagnosis performed to determine the etiology of the condition. The vertebral bodies remodel and together with the associated syndesmophytes form a continuous, smooth bone surface that is sometimes referred to as "bamboo spine". In this skeleton changes in the spine, ribs, the sacrum, acetabulum, head of the femur and greater trochanter, as well as the anterior inferior iliac spine are typical of ankylosing spondylitis in advanced stage. Addtionally, there were signs of a traumatic death with injuries sustained to the scapula and vertebra. Using osteological markers in combination with the reconstruction of the archaeological context, the burial pattern suggests that the pathology the female suffered was likely due to her physical deficiencies.

Roma people are from long ago suspected of Indian ancestry. At first this supposition was proved by somatological observations. Generally different Roma appearance from neighbouring European populations was obvious but only since start of... more

Roma people are from long ago suspected of Indian ancestry. At first this supposition was proved by somatological observations. Generally different Roma appearance from neighbouring European populations was obvious but only since start of genetic surveys it was evident that Indian hypothesis is valid, and fully concordant with older anthropometric data

Tooth wear is a natural phenomenon and a universal occurrence that has existed from the origin of humankind and depends on the way of life, especially diet. Tooth wear was very serious in ancient populations up to the medieval period. The... more

Tooth wear is a natural phenomenon and a universal occurrence that has existed from the origin of humankind and depends on the way of life, especially diet. Tooth wear was very serious in ancient populations up to the medieval period. The aim of this paper is to present a global view of tooth wear in medieval times in Europe through different parameters: scoring systems, quantity and direction of wear, gender, differences between maxilla and mandible, relations with diet, caries, tooth malpositions and age.

A total of 11 340 Cartesian coordinates of 42 homologous landmarks on five excavated human crania were recorded by three observers using a three-dimensional (3D) digitiser and computer models created with a 3D laser scanner. The aim was... more

A total of 11 340 Cartesian coordinates of 42 homologous landmarks on five excavated human crania were recorded by three observers using a three-dimensional (3D) digitiser and computer models created with a 3D laser scanner. The aim was to compare the errors of the coordinate data of landmarks of different types recorded with these two techniques. The results showed that digitiser-based and 3D model-based coordinate measurements had overall standard deviations of, respectively, ±0.79 and ±1.05 mm. However, the 3D digitiser yielded the most precise coordinate data for landmarks defined primarily by biological criteria (Type I landmarks), while the 3D laser scanner models yielded the most precise coordinate data for landmarks defined primarily by geometric criteria (Type III landmarks). These findings are likely to influence the research design of future craniometric studies, as they indicate that the suitability of certain landmark types as reference points for geometric operations, such as partial Procrustes analysis, depends on the method by which they are measured. This information is particularly important for retrospective research or for combined databases such as FORDISC or CRANID, which may integrate different types of landmarks recorded by different researchers and/or instruments. Crania displaying poor preservation and surface discoloration yielded larger measurement errors, especially for the 3D model measurements. This is not surprising given that landmarks on 3D models cannot be located using tactile means, but have to be located solely on a visual basis. Nonetheless, even though the digitiser measurements exhibit an overall precision slightly greater than the 3D model measurements, both techniques yield coordinate data with a precision sufficient for most craniometric research.

Based on the presence of palisades and an iconography suggesting a warrior elite, warfare is presumed to be endemic in the Late Mississippian period (AD 1200-1600) of the southeastern United States. Warfare is theorized to play a vital... more

Based on the presence of palisades and an iconography suggesting a warrior elite, warfare is presumed to be endemic in the Late Mississippian period (AD 1200-1600) of the southeastern United States. Warfare is theorized to play a vital role in the cycling of chiefdoms. However, apart from a few exemplary cases that display double-digit frequencies, very little direct (i.e., skeletal) evidence of violent trauma has dovetailed with the archaeological presumptions of warfare. Eight sites from the Chickamauga Reservoir of east Tennessee were examined for skeletal evidence of deliberate violent trauma. Violent trauma was anticipated because these sites are in close proximity and consist of two adjacent, sociopolitically distinct, and temporally overlapping phases: Dallas (AD 1300-1600) and Mouse Creek (AD 1400-1600). In addition to small, round, nonlethal ectocranial blunt-force trauma (BFT) on the frontal and upper parietal bones, inflicted projectile points and scalping were identified. The low total trauma frequency in the Dallas sample (3.86%, n = 259) is consistent with emerging evidence from east and west Tennessee Late Mississippian data, but significantly different from Mouse Creek (8.06%, n = 273). The proportion of nonlethal cranial BFT in the collective Chickamauga sample is large and at odds with the Tennessee River Valley comparative literature. Based on other bioarchaeological literature, this pattern suggests intragroup violence, but not face-to-face ritual contests. It is better explained as interpersonal conflict resolution along codified lines. This is consistent with southeastern ethnohistoric data and may explain the more frequent cranial BFT in the less stratified Mouse Creek phase, which likely would not have had an overarching civil authority.

Manual for Physical Anthropology Lab course. Covers human genetics, early primate and hominid evolution, origins of culture, and relationships between biology, culture, and the spread of disease. Lab activities use a hands-on approach to... more

Manual for Physical Anthropology Lab course. Covers human genetics, early primate and hominid evolution, origins of culture, and relationships between biology, culture, and the spread of disease. Lab activities use a hands-on approach to explore these topics as well as: dating techniques, anatomy, osteology, social behavior, and the fossil record.