Profile Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Five (5) essential macro, three (3) micro and two (2) trace mineral elements were determined in fresh fruits of twenty-two (22) accessions of okra using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). These were correlated to assess the... more
Five (5) essential macro, three (3) micro and two (2) trace mineral elements were determined in fresh fruits of twenty-two (22) accessions of okra using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). These were correlated to assess the level of associations existing between these elements. Concentrations of these elements were juxtaposed with their recommended daily dietary intake (RDI) in the individual accessions of okra and their variability with other traits examined for future improvement works towards breeding for high or low micro nutrient containing variety (ies).
In this qualitative study, we intend to discuss how adolescent students in a Brazilian public school classroom define their body image and personalize the themes beauty standards and fatness. Grounded on a critical approach to language... more
In this qualitative study, we intend to discuss how adolescent students in a Brazilian public school classroom define their body image and personalize the themes beauty standards and fatness. Grounded on a critical approach to language teaching, these two social themes were problematized in eight lessons of Ensino Médio (secondary education). The discussion of the empirical material suggests that (1) body image is strongly connected to gendered relations, making life experiences of men and women different based on the bodies they have, and (2) beauty standard and fatness are strongly related to students’ lives since twelve out of nineteen students personalized the themes by telling oppressive stories they went through because of their bodies.
В настоящее время существует большое количество ресурсов для поиска научной информации, как коммерческих, так и бесплатных. В аспекте поиска и анализа научных публикаций интенсивное развитие информационных технологий привело к... more
В настоящее время существует большое количество ресурсов для поиска научной информации, как коммерческих, так и бесплатных. В аспекте поиска и анализа научных публикаций интенсивное развитие информационных технологий привело к качественным и даже революционным изменениям. Несмотря на насыщенность рынка технологических инструментов, программного обеспечения, инструментов информационных технологий и коммуникации, окружающих деятельность ученых, многие из них не используются или используются недостаточно, поскольку они не известны академическому сообществу. Не существует также единого инструмента, способного удовлетворить все потребности ученых в процессе подготовки и рецензирования статей. Основным предметом настоящей работы является обзор и краткий анализ информационных ресурсов и систем, идентификаторов и профилей ученых. Описаны основные поисковые системы, базы данных цитирований, библиотечные информационно-поисковые системы, которые может и должен использовать украинский ученый для поиска научной литературы. Рассмотрены различия поиска информации в коммерческих базах данных от стандартного поиска в Интернете. Приведены примеры практического использования баз данных цитирований. Результаты исследования профилей научных сотрудников Института геофизики им. С. И. Субботина свидетельствуют о недостаточном использовании сервисов Google Scholar учеными и наличие значительного потенциала по увеличению доли их видимости в мировых научно-информационных потоках. Только третья часть всех сотрудников Института с ученой степенью имеют профиль в Google Scholar. Показано, что высокая статистика цитирования основывается не только на качестве и актуальности научных трудов, но и на активности исследователя в современном медийном пространстве. Даны рекомендации по регистрации и использованию международного идентификатора исследователей ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).
A brief excerpt from the recently published book, Heritage and Debt: Art in Globalization
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay San Marcos, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author.
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay Marupit, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author.
Ungkapan syukur tak pernah terlupa untuk selalu terhaturkan kehadirat Allah Swt. yang telah memberikan segala nikmat kepada makhluk-Nya yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, pun pula nikmat berupa kesempatan untuk menyelesaikan penyusunan buku... more
Ungkapan syukur tak pernah terlupa untuk selalu terhaturkan kehadirat Allah Swt. yang telah memberikan segala nikmat kepada makhluk-Nya yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, pun pula nikmat berupa kesempatan untuk menyelesaikan penyusunan buku yang sangat sederhana ini. Shalawat serta salam semoga tetap tersampaikan kepada Sang Revolusioner Akbar, pemersatu umat Islam dengan panji-panji kalimat tauhidnya, Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. yang telah membawa umatnya dari kelamnya zaman jahiliyah menuju zaman yang terang-benderang yaitu agama Islam. Buku ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Profil Tenaga Pendidik. Dalam kesempatan ini penyusun mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada Dr. Mo'tasim, M.Pd.I, selaku dosen mata kuliah Profil Tenaga Pendidik, yang telah memberikan bimbingan dan arahan sehingga penyusun dapat menyelesaikan buku yang berjudul "Profil Tenaga Pendidik" ini. Penyusun menyadari bahwa dalam penulisan buku ini jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu, penyusun mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun, khususnya dari dosen mata kuliah dan para pembaca pada umumnya guna menjadi PROFIL TENAGA PENDIDIK vi acuan dalam tambahan pengalaman bagi penulis untuk lebih baik di masa yang akan datang.
- by John Horgan
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- Terrorism, Personality, Profile, Terrorist
Pondok Pesantren Islam Al-Anshor Ambon merupakan pondok pesantren pertama yang berada di kota Ambon dalam mengasuh, membina dan menyekolahkan anak yatim, muallaf dan dhuafa. Hampir seluruh kebutuhan operasionalnya menjadi tanggungjawab... more
Pondok Pesantren Islam Al-Anshor Ambon merupakan pondok pesantren pertama yang berada di kota Ambon dalam mengasuh, membina dan menyekolahkan anak yatim, muallaf dan dhuafa. Hampir seluruh kebutuhan operasionalnya menjadi tanggungjawab kaum muslimin dan muslimat dengan memberikan zakat, infaq dan sedekah.
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay Dugcal, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author.
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay Sto. Tomas, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author.
El proceso de enseñanza de la Matemática se ha simplificado y se remite al dictado de una teoría ya acabada, donde el estudiante no inmiscuye su cotidianidad, cultura y sentimientos. El docente ofrece una Matemática fría,... more
El proceso de enseñanza de la Matemática se ha simplificado y se remite al dictado de una teoría ya acabada, donde el estudiante no inmiscuye su cotidianidad, cultura y sentimientos. El docente ofrece una Matemática fría, improvisada, que aleja al discente de dicha ciencia y crea una predisposición hacia ella. En éste ensayo se exhibe una investigación cualitativa, reflexiva, con sustento documental que realiza una propuesta del perfil del docente de Matemática y de la escuela desde la visión de la tríada matemática -cotidianidad y pedagogía integral y aportes personales, desde la experiencia venezolana. Se concluye que el docente debe estar formado en: Historia y Filosofía de la Matemática, Didáctica, Psicología, Sociología y Semiótica, y que además de los tres principios: la formación integral que proviene de la pedagogía integral, el espíritu científico que deviene de la Matemática y la conciencia crítica que provee dicha pedagogía no tradicional, el docente y la Escuela se deben comprometer con las necesidades del entorno tanto económicas y políticas, como educativas, y desarrollar capacidades para apreciar las variadas formas de contacto con la Matemática. El docente debe crear una conducta para expresar interrogantes sobre lo deseable y lo valioso; el hecho de educar requiere hacer juicios de valoración y enseñar a los estudiantes a hacer lo mismo con mesura. La escuela y el docente deben tener la ética como valor cultivado que permite orientar conductas teniendo como vinculo la moral.
- by Revista Actualidades Investigativas en Educación and +1
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- Profile, Perfil, TRÍADA, TRIAD
- by Tuhin Ghosh
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- Profile
International Monetary Fund (IMF) dan World Bank merupakan lembaga keuangan internasional yang sama-sama memiliki peran dalam penanganan masalah kemiskinan, bekerja sama meningkatkan sektor keuangan anggota, dan menjaga kestabilan... more
International Monetary Fund (IMF) dan World Bank merupakan lembaga keuangan internasional yang sama-sama memiliki peran dalam penanganan masalah kemiskinan, bekerja sama meningkatkan sektor keuangan anggota, dan menjaga kestabilan perekonomian global. Meskipun demikian, World Bank lebih menitikberatkan kepada bantuan langsung ke sektor masyarakat dan bisnis dalam suatu negara anggota yang mengalami krisis. Sedangkan IMF lebih memfokuskan diri pada sektor moneter dari negara anggotanya dalam menjaga kestabilan perekonomian dunia.
Walaupun memiliki peran masing-masing, namun sebenarnya World Bank memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan IMF. Sebab, untuk menjadi anggota World Bank, suatu negara harus bergabung terlebih dahulu dengan organisasi keuangan IMF. Profil IMF dan World Bank dapat dilihat pada aspek sejarah, perkembangan, dan kondisi terkininya yang telah diuraikan dalam pembahasan di atas.
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay Tarosanan, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author.
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay San Lucas, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author.
- by thomas mcclure
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- Profile
This study aims to identify profiles of pre-service teachers in order to explore their readiness to integrate technology in education. The assumption is that pre-service teacher characteristics such as technological pedagogical content... more
This study aims to identify profiles of pre-service teachers in order to explore their readiness to integrate technology in education. The assumption is that pre-service teacher characteristics such as technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), go together with the influence of their teacher training. Specifically, this study examines whether pre-service teachers can be clustered on the basis of their TPACK, a typical set of ICT-related characteristics (e.g., general ICT attitudes, attitudes towards ICT in education, ease of use, ICT self-efficacy), and the perceived support at their training institution to adequately integrate ICT in education. Data were collected from a sample of 688 last-year pre-service teachers in 18 teacher training institutions in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). Using correlational and latent profile analysis, the results suggest that: (1) two profiles can be distinguished, (2) TPACK and other individual ICT-related characteristics are positively correlated, and (3) pre-service teachers in a profile with strong TPACK, attitudes, and self-efficacy scores also report high scores on the support they perceive at their teacher training institution. Implications for the role of teacher training institutions are discussed with a specific focus on how to close the gap between the two identified profiles.
- by Jo Tondeur and +1
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- Information Technology, Education, Technology, Educational Technology
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay San Jose-San Pablo, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author....
Modeling the interests of researchers in academic social networks is a crucial step in a process of recommending scientific articles, linked to their areas of competence and expertise. In this context, a researcher profile constructed... more
Modeling the interests of researchers in academic social networks is a crucial step in a process of recommending scientific articles, linked to their areas of competence and expertise. In this context, a researcher profile constructed from non-observable variables on the basis of articles which interests him by the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) topic modeling technique allows the system to capture knowledge about his area of competence and skills, in order to predict these needs in terms of relevant research articles. In this article we are interested in the results produced by two different implementations of LDA Gensim and Mallet on the basis of information provided by the researchers (explicit information), in order to compare their interpretability and checked if they are reliable sources for model the areas of competence and expertise of scientists.
This is an updated copy of the profile for Barangay San Francisco, Camaligan, Camarines Sur earlier published here at containing additional information and revisions that arose from later research by the author.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio documental y comparativo entre diez diferentes planes de estudio de universidades privadas y públicas que ofrecen la carrera de Educación Primaria, esto permite comprender un componente... more
Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio documental y comparativo entre diez diferentes planes de estudio de universidades privadas y públicas que ofrecen la carrera de Educación Primaria, esto permite comprender un componente determinante en la formación de profesionales en la enseñanza. A partir de esto se discuten los vacíos y las preferencias en los planes de estudio de las universidades para diseñar un perfil específico de estudiante y de docente. Finalmente, se debate sobre el tipo de universidades disponibles en un contexto en donde la educación tiende, progresivamente, a la mercantilización e inflación de los títulos.
El artículo tiene como objetivo proponer una metodología para el diseño y evaluación de los perfiles de competencias de los directivos en Cuba, teniendo en cuenta el marco conceptual, las buenas prácticas y la legislación. La metodología... more
El artículo tiene como objetivo proponer una metodología para el diseño y evaluación de los perfiles de competencias de los directivos en Cuba, teniendo en cuenta el marco conceptual, las buenas prácticas y la legislación. La metodología se soporta en tres etapas y 14 pasos. Se presentan algunos de los resultados de su aplicación en el sector de la agricultura en diversos tipos de organizaciones, tanto de la administración pública como del sistema empresarial. También se muestra la aplicación y el análisis estadístico de los resultados de la herramienta de valoración de la importancia de las competencias genéricas para el cumplimiento de la misión y visión del Grupo Empresarial Ganadero. La capacidad de generalización de esta metodología está demostrada por su implementación en un período de ocho meses en la agricultura, a través de entrenamientos desarrollados con los cuadros de los diversos tipos de entidades existentes, desde el nivel ministerial hasta la base productiva.
Sense of smell, a subjective sensation, has not been studied as much as the other senses hence interpretation of olfactory messages is still not a fully understood process. Olfactory perception, about which science made some significant... more
Sense of smell, a subjective sensation, has not been studied as much as the other senses hence interpretation of olfactory messages is still not a fully understood process. Olfactory perception, about which science made some significant advances only in the last 30 years, identifies a chemical substance coming to nose while also remembering past experiences. Therefore, in terms of odor appreciation profile it is important to reveal the difference between individuals as well as societies. The aims of this study are interpretation of EEG data with subjective statements, generation of a common denominator considering the gender variable and determination of odor appreciation profile for the Turkish sample. In this study, subjects who have no detailed information about the olfaction and odor were selected. EEG measurements were of randomly selected thirty six (eighteen female and eighteen male) right-handed, aged 18-28 years university students. Odor panel consists of 13 pleasant smells from different odor families (orange blossom, jasmine, peach, aldehydes, musk, vanilla, sandalwood, grass, amber, bergamot, pine, rose and patchouli). After examination of participants' demographic characteristics, subjective statements and EEG data during smelling, The Odor Profile of University Students was provided and suggestions were made related to the conclusions.
Cette étude analyse, dans le contexte des entreprises sénégalaises, la relation entre le profil de l'administrateur et l'utilisation de l'information comptable. L'approche méthodologique adoptée est de type hypothético-déductif. Le... more
Cette étude analyse, dans le contexte des entreprises sénégalaises, la relation entre le profil de l'administrateur et l'utilisation de l'information comptable. L'approche méthodologique adoptée est de type hypothético-déductif. Le questionnaire est l'instrument utilisé pour l'enquête empirique. Les données recueillies sur un échantillon de 100 administrateurs puis exploitées à l'aide du logiciel SPSS 21 ont débouché sur l'identification de trois profils. L'expérience, l'âge, le niveau d'étude et la position interne/externe de l'administrateur se sont révélés être, après dépouillement, des critères discriminants dans l'identification de ces profils. L'étude montre que les administrateurs qui utilisent plus l'information comptable à des fins d'analyse de rentabilité sont en général quinquagénaires, occupent en majorité une position interne, se distinguent par une expérience plus avancée dans le métier ainsi qu'un niveau d'étude plus poussé.
The rural country of ôdjoukrou, or lôdjoukrou, is part of the Ivorian coastline. It is a space with enormous economic potential. Agricultural space, the boom in the plantation economy, will mobilize a large foreign workforce. This paper... more
The rural country of ôdjoukrou, or lôdjoukrou, is part of the Ivorian coastline. It is a space with enormous economic potential. Agricultural space, the boom in the plantation economy, will mobilize a large foreign workforce. This paper focuses on analyzing the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of populations resulting from migration. To meet the objective of this study, the methodological approach used is based on a literature search. We also used a field survey motivated by a questionnaire administered to 1000 migrants. An interview was also conducted with the chieftaincies of the various localities. The study reveals that the majority of migrants are West African immigrants with 79.8%. The majority of migrants, estimated at 38%, work in agriculture. In addition, the study allows us to relate the type of activity carried out in relation to the migrant's geographical origin. Most unhealthy incomes are considered satisfactory, to the point of encouraging regular monthly transfers to other family members of the starting spaces. Résumé Le pays rural ôdjoukrou, ou encore lôdjoukrou, s'inscrit dans le littoral ivoirien. C'est un espace aux potentiels économiques énormes. Espace à vocation agricole, l'essor de l'économie de plantation va y mobiliser une abondante main d'oeuvre étrangère. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser les caractéristiques socio-économiques et démographiques des populations issues de la migration.
Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB). Mailing Addess: 8/13 Tajmohal Road, Block-C, Mohammadpur, Dhaka - 1207, Bangladesh. Mobile: (088) 01911349118, Telephone: (088) 02 8129400, Email:, Website:... more
Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB).
Mailing Addess: 8/13 Tajmohal Road, Block-C, Mohammadpur, Dhaka - 1207, Bangladesh.
Mobile: (088) 01911349118, Telephone: (088) 02 8129400, Email:, Website:
- by Tarikul Islam
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- Profile
Краснодарский Биг-Бенд Георгия Гараняна – это слаженный коллектив профессиональных музыкантов с широким репертуаром: от советского джаза и классики эпохи Гленна Миллера и Дюка Эллингтона, музыки Каунта Бейси и Сэмми Нэстико до авангарда,... more
Краснодарский Биг-Бенд Георгия Гараняна – это слаженный коллектив профессиональных музыкантов с широким репертуаром: от советского джаза и классики эпохи Гленна Миллера и Дюка Эллингтона, музыки Каунта Бейси и Сэмми Нэстико до авангарда, джаз-рока, латино-джаза и композиций современных авторов – Пэта Мэтини, Джона Даверсы. Руководит оркестром талантливый пианист, молодой бэнд-лидер Илья Филиппов.
- by Ilya Fedorov
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- Jazz, Orchestra, Profile, Jazz Big Band
This paper examines the profile of the tribal families from Palghar district. The study was conducted at the Palghar district. A sample of 120 tribal families were considered as respondents for present study. The respondents were... more
This paper examines the profile of the tribal families from Palghar district. The study was conducted at the Palghar district. A sample of 120 tribal families were considered as respondents for present study. The respondents were interviewed with the help of specially designed schedule. Collected data was classified, tabulated and analysed by using various statistical method. The result of the study showed that most of the respondents have 'medium' family education status, 'medium' family size, 'medium' annual family income, 'cultivation' as their major occupation, 'marginal' land holding, 'fair' cropping pattern, 'medium' farming experience and 'low' social participation. The extension workers should consider these facts while planning and executing programmes for development of the tribal families living in Palghar district.
This paper shows the study of the canvas approach to the profiles of team members. It has a qualitative character. The objective is to identification the professional profile that uses the canvas approach. The results relate 12 Canvas... more
This paper shows the study of the canvas approach to the profiles of team members. It has a qualitative character. The objective is to identification the professional profile that uses the canvas approach. The results relate 12 Canvas Models and its interaction with 6 consulted professional profiles. The main contribution is the identification of relations between the use of the tools and professional profiles. However, the sequence of use idealized by the Canvas creators is not followed by the professional in practice.
Una investigación narrativa en torno a las posibilidades de los relatos realizados en clase en la formación del profesorado de inglés