QGIS Tutorial Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Enabling Vector Processing Tools in QGIS

Instalación de ChatGPT al QGIS para el facil uso de preguntar y realizar los porcedimientos de los comando en QGIS

We are looking for finding out the adjacent constituencies for some constituencies which needs to be extended or shrink or reduced. Here the problem is finding out the adjacent polygons for each constituency. Solution Work around: Using... more

We are looking for finding out the adjacent constituencies for some constituencies which needs to be extended or shrink or reduced. Here the problem is finding out the adjacent polygons for each constituency. Solution Work around: Using ArcGIS we have tried finding out the some or the others tools but could not complete the task. However we come across a function in QGIS which finally helped us in finding out the same.

Minicurso enfatizando a capacidade dos complementos para melhorar o desempenho das atividades com o QGIS. Foram apresentados 11 complementos, quais seja: QuickMapServices, Globe Builder, MapSwipe Tools, Group Stats, QGIS Resource Sharing,... more

Minicurso enfatizando a capacidade dos complementos para melhorar o desempenho das atividades com o QGIS. Foram apresentados 11 complementos, quais seja: QuickMapServices, Globe Builder, MapSwipe Tools, Group Stats, QGIS Resource Sharing, Profile Tools, OpenTopography DEM, CBERS4A Downloader, QAD, MapBiomas Collection, Temporal/Spectral Profile Tools.

Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Georeferenzierung von Karten mit QGIS. Sie wurde für die Praxisübung "Digitalisierung archäologischer Artefakte" im WiSe 2018/2019 in der Klassischen Archäologie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität... more

Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Georeferenzierung von Karten mit QGIS. Sie wurde für die Praxisübung "Digitalisierung archäologischer Artefakte" im WiSe 2018/2019 in der Klassischen Archäologie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität angefertigt.

This work wants to be an overview about the various “open source” software that can be used to obtain rendering and photogrammetric data geo-referenced from digital photos. In fact, all the phases of digital photogrammetric processing can... more

This work wants to be an overview about the various “open source” software that can be used to obtain rendering and photogrammetric data geo-referenced from digital photos.
In fact, all the phases of digital photogrammetric processing can be performed by open source software. This paper, therefore, wants to provide an alternative to the use of the most famous commercial photogrammetric software, taking into consideration and comparing the different methods of photogrammetric processing available in the open source environmental to obtain the final aims pursued and showing off how it is possible to integrate the information coming out the different software used in order to the best result possible.
The software used were: MicMac, OpenMVG, CloudCompare, MeshLab, Qgis2.8 and GrassGIS7.
The comparison between the different photogrammetric processings through the software mentioned above has been tested on a burial in “enchytrismòs” found out during the archaeological excavations in the site of Poggio Gramignano (Italy).
Generally the main final results we can obtain from a photogrammetric survey are:
1. a 3d model of the area or og the object investigated in the form of a “dense points cloud” rendered with associated texture;
2. a Digital Surface Model (DSM);
3. an orthophoto.
These results can also be geo-referenced in a geographic reference system and can be used for many different purposes in the light of the kind of the research carring out.
Even in this case, therefore, we worked on reaching the same final results that the “open source” software used allowed to obtain, resulting in a very hight reliability.
Moreover, the final outputs can be managed and used to obtain, in the GIS environment, further data such as sections, altimetric profiles and so on and to associate them a database in order to have alphanumeric information for every vectorial element.

Welcome to the Intermediate Unit on Spatial Analysis. By now you should be adept in data collection techniques and have a solid foundation in analysis with QGIS. In this unit we will be focusing again on InaSAFE and QGIS skills that aid... more

Learning QGIS from Lynda.com map 1 from overview of QGIS features.

Manual para principiantes en el uso del software libre Qgis.