RFID Technology Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Üniversite öğrencilerinin derslere devamlarının akademik başarıya etkisi birçok akademik çalışma ile irdelenmiş ve derslere devam eden öğrencilerin başarı oranlarının daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Devam durumları birçok... more

Many new hi-tech products start along a classic new product diffusion curve, but fail soon thereafter. According to Geoff Moore, this could be explained considering how communities of customers and suppliers respond to discontinuous... more

Many new hi-tech products start along a classic new product diffusion curve, but fail soon thereafter. According to Geoff Moore, this could be explained considering how communities of customers and suppliers respond to discontinuous innovations. In his opinion, the value chain is not the same through the various phases of the technology adoption life cycle: very different strategies for product and service offering and positioning are pursued during the product lifecycle, with different levels of suppliers’ integration and cooperation due to the perception of risk.
Following Moore’s intuition, this papers describe how the Italian value chain for RFId is structured in these early phases of the RFId innovation adoption.
As emerged from a two-year research program held in Italy, the value chain of an RFId application can be structured on three levels – hardware, middleware, applications and processes – and comprises of multiple activities, from the design and the production of tags and readers to the correct integration of these components on field, from the integration with back-end business applications. The value chain involves four principal classes of actors: Technology developers and retailers, System Integrators, Software developers and retailers and Main Contractor Consultants. Competence, vocation and specific experience are the main requisites requested from the supplier teams.
In this adoption phase, RFId technologies are in a rapid evolution along three main guidelines: reduction of tag costs, standardization, convergence and integration between Mobile & Wireless technologies. As a consequence, the value chain is evolving accordingly: provided that System Integrators and Main Contractor Consultants are the leaders of the early market, some discipline leaders are emerging mainly between Retailers and developers of technology and Software developers and integrators. They are already focused on Product leadership and Operational Excellence, the discipline of Tornado Market.

This papaer entitled electronic toll collection system based on Radio Frequncy Identification System explained in detail based on current issue at toll collection system. There are some obstacles faced every day where the users spent... more

This papaer entitled electronic toll collection system based on Radio Frequncy Identification System explained in detail based on current issue at toll collection system. There are some obstacles faced every day where the users spent their valuable time in queue at tollgate due to traffic congestion as well as using traditional manual method in most existing toll ETC system to collect toll from road users. Besides that, the barrier design where each vehicle stop waiting until barrier lift which consider source of time delay. To tackle stated problems, an electronic toll collection system is proposed which based on RFID technology. The integrated system consists of two main sections, electronic sides where all input data received from while database management office is where all necessary information stored. To compare the current ETC system, in this research elaborated internet of things where all data transmit through cloud and then to the main office in real time. Not only that, ...

In this paper, a printed Yagi antenna with an integrated balun is proposed for CubeSat communications. The printed antenna is mechanically adjustable to realize three functional states at different operating frequencies in the L-band and... more

In this paper, a printed Yagi antenna with an integrated balun is proposed for CubeSat communications. The printed antenna is mechanically adjustable to realize three functional states at different operating frequencies in the L-band and S-band respectively. Three different angle deployments are proposed at 10°, 50° and 90°, so that the antenna operates at three different operating frequencies, namely 1.3 GHz (L-band), 2.4 GHz (S-band) and 3 GHz (S-band). The measured results of the fabricated antenna are well matched with the simulation, having frequencies of 2.82–3.07 GHz, 1.3–1.4 GHz and 2.38–2.57 GHz, with similar radiation patterns. The measured gain of the antenna is 8.167 dBi at 2.4 GHz, 5.278 dBi at 1.3 GHz and 6.120 dBi at 3 GHz. Keeping within the general theme of cheap off the shelf components for CubeSats, this antenna design allows the CubeSat designers to choose from three popular frequencies, through a simple angle configuration. The main contribution of this work lie...

This publication presents a method responsible for counting tracking and monitoring visitors inside a building. The site examined is Manos Hatzidakis' House, situated in Xanthi. Specifically, we have conducted a study, which provides... more

This publication presents a method responsible for counting tracking and monitoring visitors inside a building. The site examined is Manos Hatzidakis' House, situated in Xanthi. Specifically, we have conducted a study, which provides recommendations, regarding the installation of sensors in the building. We also present the communication protocols of the computer network used in order to ensure the efficient communication between the space examined and the sensor network. Finally, we describe the process of creating a website, which is designed to store and view the data.

A simple, compact, rechargeable handheld radio-frequency identifi cation (RFID) reader was designed to detect the orientation of tagged objects. The system uses a linearly polarized reader antenna and the orientation sensor of the mobile... more

A simple, compact, rechargeable handheld radio-frequency identifi cation (RFID) reader was designed to detect the orientation of tagged objects. The system uses a linearly polarized reader antenna and the orientation sensor of the mobile device to identify the orientation of the tag. The system works in the ultra-high-frequency (UHF) RFID band. Detailed testing was done in different surroundings with various materials and tags. The system was able to correctly identify the orientation in several cases with an average angular error of less than 10°. This system can also be used to demonstrate the concept of polarization.

Cilj: Poizvedeti za najbolj primerno označbo za vodenje inventarja - prenosni računalnik. Namen: Analiza in ocena najprimernejše označbe za vodenje evidence inventarja. Pregledati ponudbo trga in ugotoviti, kje so prednosti in napake... more

Cilj: Poizvedeti za najbolj primerno označbo za vodenje inventarja - prenosni računalnik.
Namen: Analiza in ocena najprimernejše označbe za vodenje evidence inventarja. Pregledati ponudbo trga in ugotoviti, kje so prednosti in napake označb ki so na trgu. Ugotoviti kakšna so tveganja napak in prednosti ter upravičiti izbiro najbolj primernega.

There are a lot of Challenges raised over the security of information written to the Mifare classic 1k a Radio Frequency Identification card due to the vulnerability status of this card. The card's information can be traced to another... more

There are a lot of Challenges raised over the security of information written to the Mifare classic 1k a Radio Frequency Identification card due to the vulnerability status of this card. The card's information can be traced to another card or an electronic device. These issues allow for unauthorized access to the data on the Mifare classic 1k-enabled device data which are transmitted between the device and reader. The information produced by a Mifare classic 1k enabled credential system for a stated status is also a concern. The focus of the study is to develop an algorithm to secure information written to the Near Field Communication tag. The performance of the system shows that when n=50, with elapse time of 1.2ms the unique character was 64, likewise at optimal when n=200, the elapse time was 1ms with the unique character of 62. This result shows a decline of the symbol-by-symbol restriction with elapses time which can secure the information of the unique character.

This paper presents the design of UHF RFID read/write (R/W) antenna for the variety of smart shelf retail applications. Antenna operation is based on the EM coupling between the open-ended or shorted MS feed line and periodic planar metal... more

This paper presents the design of UHF RFID read/write (R/W) antenna for the variety of smart shelf retail applications. Antenna operation is based on the EM coupling between the open-ended or shorted MS feed line and periodic planar metal strips of certain layout. The proposed antenna can be easily customized for the required volume of smart shelf RFID interrogation. Several antenna prototypes have been designed, produced and measured. The antenna performance has been evaluated in UHF RFID system for the simultaneous detection of arbitrary oriented tagged apparel items placed on the antenna surface. The proposed antenna demonstrates excellent ability to provide strong and uniform E-field distribution at the distances up to 50 cm form the antenna surface.

RFID sensor networks perpetually stream sensor data without batteries. Cameras are power hungry but provide richer information than conventional sensor network nodes. Battery-free, RF-powered camera sensor nodes combine many of the... more

RFID sensor networks perpetually stream sensor data without
batteries. Cameras are power hungry but provide richer information
than conventional sensor network nodes. Battery-free,
RF-powered camera sensor nodes combine many of the attractive
features of RFID sensor networks with those of cameras.
However, prior battery-free cameras have no notion of
3D location, which is desirable for creating large scale networks
of battery free cameras.
In this work we propose using battery-free RFID sensor tags
enhanced with on-board cameras to enable a network of distributed
tags to optically determine the 3D location and pose
of each camera tag given known reference tags enhanced with
LEDs. Experimental results show that the camera tags are
capable of determining their position with an average accuracy
of [x, y, z] = [15.92cm, 4.39cm, 1.03cm] at an LEDsto-Camera
range within 3.6m.

RFID technology is one of the automatic identification technologies more in vogue now a days. For Bangladesh it is also a suitable technology and of great expectation. This technology can be used in most of the important sectors of... more

RFID technology is one of the automatic
identification technologies more in vogue now a days.
For Bangladesh it is also a suitable technology and of
great expectation. This technology can be used in most of
the important sectors of Bangladesh. In garments sector
it will play a revolutionary change. The worker
attendance, worker wage system and the supply chain
management can be done automatically using RFID
technology. This paper shows the automatic attendance
system for the worker and the automatic supply chain
management system.

The number of small and large malls are increasing over the years. The malls are increasing because of the increase in population and demand of the general people. People purchase required items and go to the cashier for paying bill.... more

The number of small and large malls are increasing over the years. The malls are increasing because of the increase in population and demand of the general people. People purchase required items and go to the cashier for paying bill. Paying bill directly at the billing counter consumes a lot of time and it leads to large queue at the cashier. Shopping cart displays the total price of the product kept inside the cart and paves the way to directly pay the amount through the card given to customer. The hardware is based on Arduino Uno, RFID Reader Module, RFID Card. It eliminates the traditional scanning of products at the counter and in turn speeds up the entire process of shopping.

This papaer entitled electronic toll collection system based on Radio Frequncy Identification System explained in detail based on current issue at toll collection system. There are some obstacles faced every day where the users spent... more

This papaer entitled electronic toll collection system based on Radio Frequncy Identification System explained in detail based on current issue at toll collection system. There are some obstacles faced every day where the users spent their valuable time in queue at tollgate due to traffic congestion as well as using traditional manual method in most existing toll ETC system to collect toll from road users. Besides that, the barrier design where each vehicle stop waiting until barrier lift which consider source of time delay. To tackle stated problems, an electronic toll collection system is proposed which based on RFID technology. The integrated system consists of two main sections, electronic sides where all input data received from while database management office is where all necessary information stored. To compare the current ETC system, in this research elaborated internet of things where all data transmit through cloud and then to the main office in real time. Not only that, there is some enhancement based on barrier design where, gate is remained open for all vehicles with sufficient tags without requiring to stop to eliminate time delay.By check system throughput compare to existing toll systems, various tests have been carried out in different method where proposed system throughput much higher percentage the current system.

One of the important feature in the RFID technology is its functionality without needs to line of sight which makes it more feasible than other similar technologies. The problem occurs when more than one tag reply to the reader at the... more

One of the important feature in the RFID technology is its functionality without needs to line of sight which makes it more feasible than other similar technologies. The problem occurs when more than one tag reply to the reader at the same time and collide together. To resolve the mentioned issue an anti-collision algorithm has to be used. The anti-collision algorithms are mostly efficient if the number of tags are small and has not been designed for large number of tags. In some applications that the number of tags may be hundreds of tags the existing mechanism may reduce the performance of the system due to delayed algorithms. In this paper an improved anti-collision protocol has been proposed. A modified two-parameter step size method for Q algorithm is also used to increase the efficiency of reading. The step sizes are adjusted depending on collisions in previous round. The number of slots in each round is also adjusted to prevent collisions in next rounds. The performance of proposed protocol has been evaluated using RFID module that implements EPCglobal C1G2 and designed especially for IoT environment and find the proposed protocol effective.

At present, the marketing scenario is instrumentalized. But we are heading towards a rapidly changing scenario, with the entire shopping experience becoming more automated and cloud-centric. With the growing web of connected objects, we... more

At present, the marketing scenario is instrumentalized. But we are heading towards a rapidly changing scenario, with the entire shopping experience becoming more automated and cloud-centric. With the growing web of connected objects, we will have huge amounts of data that can be used to personalize and tailor advertisements suited to each individual. Everyday appliances and wearables will be connected over the internet, and this massive cluster of smart things will help hyper-personalize not just advertising, but also the feedback and customer support, connecting consumers and companies like never before. In the coming years, the Internet of Things will have major implications for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies. This article introduces and explains technologies that implement IoT, which will drastically improve the quality of shopping and advertising, providing for a more convenient, hassle free experience. It also illustrates, how, at each level of the supply chain, we implement concepts of IoT and the relevant RFID tech to automate the production-distribution-marketing process. A summary of a commonplace scenario is provided, from the perspective of a shopper, wherein the shopping experience is revamped using IoT. Beacon is a device, which allows Mobile Apps to listen for signals from beacons in the physical world and react accordingly. In short, Beacon technology allows Mobile Apps to understand their position on a micro-local scale, and deliver hyper-contextual content to users based on location. The underlying communication technology is Bluetooth Low Energy. Dash Button: Dash physical instant purchase buttons are one-push buttons for buying everyday items. They are directly linked to the store and can place on order with just one push. This makes buying everyday necessities a convenience. They are installed in homes, especially for objects that people need the most. Amazon has already tested this prototype in the UK .According to The Guardian, " The branded wireless buttons, which are essentially free to the consumer and purchase a set item when pushed, are another step in Amazon's attempt to lock customers into its Prime subscription service, and edge out traditional supermarkets from the household goods market. " Smart Environmental Variable Control: A smart environment can be defined as one that is able to change the levels of the variables based on the data that is read from sensors. A smart environment system automatically controls the devices according to the sensing information and users' requirements so as to keep the environmental elements such as temperature, humidity, etc. within the desired range. Smart Mirrors: Smart mirrors are used in the dressing rooms of the clothing shops. They provide the facility of trying on clothes virtually. They might even show how the shirt will fit without you having to undress. RFID: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is a non-contact, automatic identification technology that uses radio signals to identify, track, sort and detect a variety of objects including people, vehicles, goods and assets without the need for direct contact RFID technology can track the movements of objects through a network of radio-enabled scanning devices over a distance of several meters. 1) Security: Anything can be tracked using the RFID Tag thus ensuring security of items.

Smart meter, the core part of smart grid system, is becoming an active field of research for its immense potential in efficient power distribution and load management. It is expected to have potential applications in Bangladesh as well.... more

Smart meter, the core part of smart grid system, is becoming an active field of research for its immense potential in efficient power distribution and load management. It is expected to have potential applications in Bangladesh as well. Efforts are already underway from distribution companies to introduce intelligence in the meter system. This paper proposes several smart meter assisted economic energy consumption schemes for consumers and power outage reduction scheme for distribution utility companies that will enhance the quality of service. Necessary analyses have been included to verify the proposed schemes. Real-life electric power demand and supply data from various substations under Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO) have been used to validate the power outage reduction scheme. Results show that the schemes provide economic benefit to the consumer and an effective load management strategy for distribution companies. Operating issues related to the proposed schemes have also been detailed to highlight the practicality of the proposed schemes

In recent years, the RFID tag system has been the focus for identification purposes. RFID tags are attached to objects where users are able to identify the objects by deriving relevant information about the object according to the unique... more

In recent years, the RFID tag system has been the focus for identification purposes. RFID tags are
attached to objects where users are able to identify the objects by deriving relevant information about the object
according to the unique ID of the RFID tag. The uniqueness of RFID technology makes it appeared as an important
application in location identification as well. It is useful because the location information can be acquired via each
RFID tag attached at various landmark locations. Owing to that, it can be applied to navigation system and
positional detection system for traveler, robot and even a visually impaired (VI) or blind person. Visually impaired or
blind person encounters difficulties in way-finding especially in indoor environment of a large building. So, the
concept of attaching RFID tags on meaningful places around the building can provide useful location information of
the building to the visually impaired. However, in order to increase the location identification accuracy required by a
VI, effective tag placement must be considered before the implementation of RFID-based tag network for navigation.
In our paper, we propose a scheme to innovatively place the RFID tags based on the needs of the VI in a cost effective
manner to allow the management of the building to implement it effectively. The outcome of the innovative idea will
not only be the guidelines for the deployment of RFID tag network but also will indirectly create a smart and
responsive environment for the VI.

FAST TOLL is a project that will make traveling through toll gates a lot faster and more secure. This system is more secure as compared to the current system, that is, the Fastag. The Fastag uses an RFID tag to pay at the tollgate. But... more

FAST TOLL is a project that will make traveling through toll gates a lot faster and more secure. This system is more secure as compared to the current system, that is, the Fastag. The Fastag uses an RFID tag to pay at the tollgate. But there is a chance that the RFID tag may get stolen or get damaged and also anyone can use another's RFID tag to pay at the tollgate. So to overcome this I have proposed the idea of FAST TOLL. The FAST TOLL system will use image recognition to extract the vehicle's number and check whether the vehicle is registered in their database, if it is registered then the user will get a payment link on the website when they login to their account. Through that link, the user can pay the fee of using the toll gate at any time. This system will also send the details for the payment that is for which tollgate the user is paying the fee. This will help the user if their car gets stolen. Because the user will get to know through which tollgate their stolen vehicle has passed and it will help the police to narrow down their search.

This publication presents a method responsible for counting tracking and monitoring visitors inside a building. The site examined is Manos Hatzidakis' House, situated in Xanthi. Specifically, we have conducted a study, which provides... more

This publication presents a method responsible for counting tracking and monitoring visitors inside a building. The site examined is Manos Hatzidakis' House, situated in Xanthi. Specifically, we have conducted a study, which provides recommendations, regarding the installation of sensors in the building. We also present the communication protocols of the computer network used in order to ensure the efficient communication between the space examined and the sensor network. Finally, we describe the process of creating a website, which is designed to store and view the data.

The aim of this paper is to produce the detailed, credible scientific reports on RFID components and give end users the information they need to choose the right components for their application. This paper introduced an investigation to... more

The aim of this paper is to produce the detailed, credible scientific reports on RFID components and give end users the information they need to choose the right components for their application. This paper introduced an investigation to the performance and reliability of RFID technology using Field strength, communication distance, reading angle, tag endurance, plastic permeability, and metal permeability changes. In this paper we test how much orientation to the reader antenna affects the ability to read the tag and which tags are likely to perform best in applications. Double rectangular antennas has arranged as a shifted gate to improve magnetic−field distribution in a region of interest suitable for communication with various tag orientations.

The food supply chain is the most complex and fragmented of all supply chains. The production is found all over the world both on land and in water. A lot of the producers and intermediaries are difficult to identify and track. For all... more

The food supply chain is the most complex and fragmented of all supply chains. The production is found all over the world both on land and in water. A lot of the producers and intermediaries are difficult to identify and track. For all the participants in the production chain this creates uncertainty and risk. Mitigating this uncertainty comes at a cost, and the outcome may still be insufficient. Examples of problems that have been difficult or impossible to solve with current technologies include establishing reliable provenance and preventing fraud and counterfeiting. These issues can have knock-on effects on public health and the environment, and reduce financial costs of unnecessary recalls of food products. Due to the growing need of authenticity and transparency, we propose a Blockchain inspired architecture for creating a transparent food supply chain (FSC) which would assist the customers in validating the authenticity of a particular product which they intend to buy. The Blockchain architecture makes use of a proof-of-object based authentication protocol, which is completely analogous to the proof-of-work protocol in the Cryptocurrency genre. We will be making use of the sensor data from different RFID sensors, QR codes gathering the sensor data and feeding it to the Blockchain. The sensor would be integrated on the physical layer of the particular product. RFID and QR provides us with the unique identification of the product data. The Blockchain architecture aids in creating a tamper-proof environment which would contain the database of the food packages at each instance. We hope to implement this on a variety of food products which are available in the market and hope to reduce any kind of intentional or unintentional damages caused to the product before reaching the hands of the customer.

ASIR- School Management System is a powerful RFID based School Management System. We design a product which helps you to reduce manual work and automate the processes, improves communication and collaboration between teachers,... more

ASIR- School Management System is a powerful RFID based School Management System.
We design a product which helps you to reduce manual work and automate the processes, improves communication and collaboration between teachers, parents and students.

This paper explores how RFID (radio frequency identification) technology can be employed to fight the ever-growing shoplifting problem, estimated to cost the world’s retailers almost $100 billion annually.The paper provides an overview of... more

This paper explores how RFID (radio frequency identification) technology can be employed to fight the ever-growing shoplifting problem, estimated to cost the world’s retailers almost $100 billion annually.The paper provides an overview of RFID technology. We then analyze how RFID is beginning to see utilization in-store not just for security, but as a vehicle to improve inventory management and business intelligence as well. This paper demonstrates that RFID is poised to usher in a whole new direction in the fight against retail shrinkage, and we discuss what this visibility will mean for their companies, their employees, and their customers.

The development of technology in the world is growing rapidly. In connection with the growth of these technologies, many houses or apartments implement the smart home system. The implementation of the smart home system is useful to the... more

The development of technology in the world is growing rapidly. In connection with the growth of these technologies, many houses or apartments implement the smart home system. The implementation of the smart home system is useful to the security of a home especially on the access of appliances and others that should implement smart environments. One of these systems is implementing radio frequency identification (RFID). This paper has used a method of identification implementing radio waves on the certain frequency combined with an Arduino microcontroller as the core to process input and output (I/O) components that are connected to the database through the interface application. The expected result of making this device can provide an additional security option in a real implementation to be able accessing a door to maximize a security by providing validation of the access rights using RFID tag that read by the RFID reader.

Steganography can be defined as the science that studies ways to hide a message within a communication, hiding its existence. Currently, information security and data security are topics widely discussed and highly relevant to information... more

Steganography can be defined as the science that studies ways to hide a message within a communication, hiding its existence. Currently, information security and data security are topics widely discussed and highly relevant to information technology. Issues such as confidentiality and authenticity of a message, as well as privacy of communication are factors that bring concern for the increasingly growing number of users of systems who exchange many messages, whether for personal or commercial purposes. At the same time, RFID systems are becoming more and more widespread, and that raises the challenge to implement security in RFID systems. One common way to secure the information available on the RFID tags is to use cryptography methods. But visibly encrypted information arouses suspicions and curiosity. Due to this fact, it is desired to increase the confidentiality of the information that belong to a RFID system without attracting unwanted attention, using steganography techniques to this end. At the same time, it is necessary to advance the research in methods that increase security while at the same time avoiding incompatibilities related to the industry standards. In order to achieve this, the present work describes a study regarding the use of steganography techniques in order to increase the confidentiality of the information stored in a RFID system without attracting unwanted attention and without changing the standard machine state

With the advancement of motorization and robotization, modern unrest has happened in all pieces of the world. This has expanded the expectations for everyday comforts of the humanity and furthermore added to the financial development of... more

With the advancement of motorization and robotization, modern unrest has happened in all pieces of the world. This has expanded the expectations for everyday comforts of the humanity and furthermore added to the financial development of the nation. IoT has changed itself to suite different fields. This undertaking is to plan IoT based transport passage observing framework which is actualized utilizing RFID reader and Arduino Mega. A model of the product must be created to catch the subtleties of the vehicle number, driver subtleties, passage and leave time of the specific vehicle alongside date. Entry time of vehicle ought to be caught utilizing RFID tag. It is then put away in the database in three squares, first the transports entering the grounds on schedule, at that point the transports entering the grounds late. At last the transports which never entered the grounds is put away in a different square and a notice is sent to the administrator as a SMS. Our paper presents test consequences of the framework to proficiently screen the college transport entering and leaving the grounds.

Aplikimet e bazuara në transmetimet pa tel ose siç njihet “wireless” janë rritur me shpejtësi për shkak të përmirësimit të vazhdueshëm të teknologjisë moderne. Shumë sisteme të kontrollit të qasjes u dizajnuan ose u implementuan bazuar në... more

A new fuel recognition system based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology aims to provide a solution for the problems that occur during refueling process of vehicles such as wrong type of fuel filling and misusage of pumps,... more

A new fuel recognition system based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology aims to provide a solution for the problems that occur during refueling process of vehicles such as wrong type of fuel filling and misusage of pumps, especially in fuel stations. The RFID tags are placed both in vehicles and stations consistently due to the proposed system. A software interface is designed for visual tracking of the system using the C# programming language. The developed interface works with the integrated RFID application development kit. Reading and writing operations on tags are performed via this kit. The results are shown at the interface display. The process of data storage is done by means of a created database, both on server systems and in the memory of the tag. Also in the mini-survey results carried out under this thesis, it is inferred that this system would be a solution for the financial and depreciative loss of fuel stations. As a result, with the system developed in this study, an effective and practical solution is provided against refueling errors. Thus, it would be possible to overcome this kind of errors which cause traffic and vehicle problems.

Manufacturers, retailers and distributors consider supply chain cost reductions as a critical issue to be addressed in their business. This desire to cut supply chain costs has pushed Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology that... more

Manufacturers, retailers and distributors consider supply chain cost reductions as a critical issue to be addressed in their business. This desire to cut supply chain costs has pushed Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology that can be used to provide electronic identity to any object (Attaran M., 2007). It’s not a new technology but it’s quite new to supply chain. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has capabilities of solving supply chain problems and improving effectiveness and efficiencies. RFID has potential in areas of operations, such as manufacturing, after-sales service support and total product life cycle. RFID technology gives complete visibility of accurate inventory data throughout the supply chain from manufacturer’s warehouse to retail store. RFID can help organization throughout the supply chain to recognize significant productivity gains and efficiencies. Sometimes for a large enterprise, RFID infrastructure can be more complex (Attaran M., 2007).

The university system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is concerned with student attendance for lectures, and it is the responsibility of lecturers to monitor student attendance for each lecture. By the end of the semester, students get an... more

The university system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is concerned with student attendance for lectures, and it is the responsibility of lecturers to monitor student attendance for each lecture. By the end of the semester, students get an attendance register indicating which lectures the student has attended and it reports the calculated percentage for each student's attendance in each course. Universities have regulated the mechanisms and the acceptable percentages of student absence. The process for a lecturer to manually check student attendance consumes a lot of time and effort, either during the lecture or when in the process of emptying absenteeism and inserting it into the university's electronic system. Therefore, Saudi universities compete to find modern methods of checking student attendance that will avoid the disadvantages of manually taking attendance. For this reason, they have produced electronic attendance systems, for example, using a student's fingerprint, an eye recognition system, or a mobile phone system to read a QR code designed for the same purpose. All of these systems have the disadvantage that they consume a lot of time, as all students have to line up at the fingerprint reader or the eye detector for identification. Therefore, the problem of the consumption of lecture time is still present, even with these modern systems. Therefore, the aim of this research is to propose a smart mobile application that is able to check the attendance of students without having to consume lecture time or require any effort from the lecturer. The system automatically recognizes the attendance of students through their university ID cards. Each lecturer would use his/ her own mobile phone to use the proposed system to check the attendance of students instead of using manual method to register the attendance of students and the students' ID cards that are detected by coming within range of the lecturer reader would represent present students, and missing student ID cards represent absent students

The point view of the research offers regulating the road and transportation system of Bangladesh digitally. According to BRTA’s annual accident report of five years, it can be said that speed breakers have a great impact on the road... more

The point view of the research offers regulating the
road and transportation system of Bangladesh digitally.
According to BRTA’s annual accident report of five years, it can be said that speed breakers have a great impact on the road accidents. The road authority tries to control the accidental facts
by placing speed breakers on the road. This paper offers RFID
based virtual speed breaker instead of the traditional speed
breaker. That will decrease the construction cost as well as
vehicle maintenance cost. It is a smart vehicle controlling system that will ensure the safety of the passengers whither the driver is conscious or not.

This seminar report involves carrying out research to prove how effective implementing Home Automation through Motion Sensor is. Home automation is the automatic or semi-automatic control and monitoring of household appliances and... more

This seminar report involves carrying out research to prove how effective implementing Home
Automation through Motion Sensor is. Home automation is the automatic or semi-automatic control
and monitoring of household appliances and residential house features like doors, gate, camera, lighting
system and even the windows. This seminar researches the ways of application, advantages,
disadvantages, challenges and solutions to the major limitations of using Motion Sensors in Home
Automation. By working on this seminar report I have been able to learn the structures and ways of
operation of the Motion Sensor in Home Automation, and I have preferred some solutions to some of
the limitations of the technology.

RFID systems supplies benefits like following the process of logistics better, executing inventory managing with less workers, decreasing labor costs and rate of waste, increasing costumer’s service quality and following the attitude of... more

RFID systems supplies benefits like following the process of logistics better, executing inventory managing with less workers, decreasing labor costs and rate of waste, increasing costumer’s service quality and following the attitude of costumer.The wrong placement on logistic applications, errors resulting from loading and processing, errors on information are reduces by RFID technology. Despite that, the height of the value of the investment and restructuring process show those RFID investments should be considered a strategic decision for the companies. In order to ensure the success of RFID, a comprehensive analysis of assessment, the acquisitions and the costs that are required by technology investments should be examined. This study aims to develop RFID technology to be used as a 'Product-Based Tracking System'. By using the system on the logistic processes, it will be tried to resolve the problems on the existing processes and to produce added value solutions to the companies.
Keywords: RFID Systems, Logistics, Product-Based Tracking System

A survey on current applications of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in railway industry has been reported in this paper. Application of RFID is one of the promising wireless communication technologies in the railway industry. A wide... more

A survey on current applications of Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) in railway industry has
been reported in this paper. Application of RFID is one of
the promising wireless communication technologies in the
railway industry. A wide range of applications of RFID in
railways is in the incipient stage in different parts of our
globe. These are position and location of trains, operation
and maintenance, train axle temperature measurement,
track inspection system, wagon monitoring system etc. All
these applications are discussed in this paper along with
their advantages over the existing system. A new
application, i.e. train over speed protection system is
proposed here. Application of RFID results in automation
of huge and complex railway system. Thus, application of
RFID technology can improve the operating efficiency
greatly, ensure the safety of men and machines, and
reduces the economic losses.

the rapid growth in the population has result ns more number of vehicles on the road. The proposed system eliminates the long of queues of vehicles at the toll plaza by making the collection of toll tax collection automatic. The proposed... more

the rapid growth in the population has result ns more number of vehicles on the road. The proposed system eliminates the long of queues of vehicles at the toll plaza by making the collection of toll tax collection automatic. The proposed system is capable of providing single RFID card for every vehicle and every driver has to swipe the RFID card In front of the RFID reader present at the toll plaza and automatic deduction of amount will be done from the user available balance. The driver's total amount available and deduction amount information will be also sent to registered mobile number and over web server with the help of GSM and Node MCU ESP8266 module.

It is difficult to physically test and validate the effectiveness of novel approaches that improve the speed at which large RFID tag populations can be identified and/or address some of the privacy and security concerns associated with... more

It is difficult to physically test and validate the effectiveness of novel approaches that improve the speed at which large RFID tag populations can be identified and/or address some of the privacy and security concerns associated with RFID.

ASIR- RFID Based Asset security system is a powerful tool based on RFID Technology . One of the most important elements of any business is the ability to manage assets. We design a product which helps you to reduce manual work and... more