Supply Chain Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This chapter builds on the final section of the last, continuing the focus on female workers. Bodies in space form the primary emphasis of the chapter. This involves an exploration of the relationship between bodies and work and also an... more

This chapter builds on the final section of the last, continuing the focus on female workers. Bodies in space form the primary emphasis of the chapter. This involves an exploration of the relationship between bodies and work and also an examination of the ways in which female bodies move through and across spaces of home, gully, factory and city. Two trajectories of marginalisation – that constructed around Muslim minority status and that cemented within hegemonic gender norms (Ray & Qayum 2009) – intersect in the production and reproduction of feminised sectors of the labour force. Other factors were also significant, class in particular. Those labouring in situations like those of Noor and her family were universally at the bottom of both social and labour hierarchies. In a context that often situated women’s engagements with the labour market – particularly when they involved leaving the domestic space – as symbolising low socio-economic standing, it was the families with the smallest incomes that provided the labour for finishing work.

This report provides an analysis and evaluation on Lego’s logistics and supply chain set up both pre and post DHL. Prior to DHL’s involvement, Lego had several problems in its supply chain, including too many suppliers, transport... more

This report provides an analysis and evaluation on Lego’s logistics and supply chain set up both pre and post DHL. Prior to DHL’s involvement, Lego had several problems in its supply chain, including too many suppliers, transport providers, and fixed assets. After Lego’s near bankruptcy, DHL became Lego’s main logistics provider when it started its operations at the new central distribution center in Jirny. In Jirny, various issues arose from a lack of communication, mistrust and miscalculations. These issues tarnished the relationship between the two parties. Lego was in trouble and it needed to find a solution. After an analysis of Lego’s various options we believe Lego should continue with the original decision to centralize its distribution with DHL. However, they must make the necessary adjustments to successfully integrate this change. These include rewriting all or parts of the contract, implementing safety procedures and creating an environment that encourages communication and trust in a relationally based alliance. This will ensure Lego can continue to deliver the toys the world has grown to love.

Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: The objective of this paper is to develop a reorder policy for a two-echelon supply chain with one central stock and multiple stores. The products under concern are high value imported watches, which exhibit... more

Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: The objective of this paper is to develop a reorder policy for a two-echelon supply chain with one central stock and multiple stores. The products under concern are high value imported watches, which exhibit high intermittent demand on the points of sale. The manager has centralized stock information over the entire chain and each store employs a base stock ordering policy. In spite of the lumpy demand on the stores, the monthly aggregate demand on the supply chain is significant and so, can be modeled using the continuous normal distribution approximation. The proposed model consists of an exponential smoothing forecasting model for the aggregate demand, a simple disaggregating method to derive the single items forecasts and a periodic reorder procedure. The order quantities of each item are determined according to the Poisson distribution and a desired service level. The purchased items are kept in the central stock and are shipped to stores on demand...

This paper describes the Inventory Record Accuracy (IRA) including the measurement method and its challenges

Coffee shops such as Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and Peets are a large part of the coffee industry. Because these shops are consumer-driven, they do not place much focus on sustainability, but with effective initiatives, they can still be... more

Coffee shops such as Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and Peets are a large part of the coffee industry. Because these shops are consumer-driven, they do not place much focus on sustainability, but with effective initiatives, they can still be integrated into the circular economy. One way to achieve circularity is through creating material loops within a store’s operations and participating in the butterfly diagram in both the biological and technical cycles. This paper takes a three-fold process with a case study on Starbucks that focuses on bringing circularity into both the supply and consumer side of the coffee shop process. Beginning with an in-field pilot study on beverages sold in personal cups at the Starbucks at Tresidder Memorial Union in Stanford University, interviews with coffee shop managers, and research about plastics, Starbucks’ supply chain, and material loops in other industries, the paper ends with proposed initiatives for Starbucks to continue reorganizing their supply chain to act in a more circular manner by generating loops with the milk jugs and for the company to begin placing advertising for the personal cup initiative to create more consumer awareness. Because Starbucks has infrastructure in place that work efficiently as they are (ie Starbucks’ supply chain and signage in the store), the company is poised to enter the circular economy through continued reorganization with steps that specifically aim to create material loops within the coffee company’s operations.

Corrugated package designers are focused on balancing the need for product protection, material use efficiency and the packaging material’s impact on the environment in the supply chain. The purpose of this pa- per is to develop a... more

Corrugated package designers are focused on balancing the need for product protection, material use efficiency and the packaging material’s impact on the environment in the supply chain. The purpose of this pa- per is to develop a conceptual sustainable packaging model that integrates the variables of technical design, supply chain systems and environmental factors and then use the model to identify to improve upon corru- gated container design. A model was developed, from the extant literature, and a case study was performed on a corrugated container. This is believed to be a unique integrated model of most relevant agents related to the design and im- plementation of a corrugated box through a supply chain from design to potential post-consumer reuse. From this study, we found opportunities to improve the environmental design of the corrugated container through four ex ante design stages, and two ex post facto supply chain stages. Further, research can evaluate and refine this model via a ‘live supply chain’ for use in guiding corrugated box material selection design and reuse/recycling. Integration of the design criterion for a unit
load in the supply chain creates opportunity to observe the packaging system holistically. Waste in the manufacturing process and CO2 emissions are traced along the material flow until the end of its useful life to provide an overall picture of the packaging system.

... Identifies the factors that affect current and future developments in food globalisation ... in the country of origin and, sanitary requirements including animal welfare or disease ... business process” although different... more

... Identifies the factors that affect current and future developments in food globalisation ... in the country of origin and, sanitary requirements including animal welfare or disease ... business process” although different organisations will develop different risk strategies, objectives and ...

Despite companies face several challenges when redesigning their supply chain for the Circular Economy, the literature lacks a systematisation of such challenges and of the ways to overcome them. Through a systematic literature review,... more

Despite companies face several challenges when redesigning their supply chain for the Circular Economy, the literature lacks a systematisation of such challenges and of the ways to overcome them. Through a systematic literature review, this paper identifies and systematises 24 challenges that may hamper a supply chain redesign for the Circular Economy. Sixteen among these challenges are well known from research in related topics. On the contrary, the remaining eight are relatively new or take a different relevance within the Circular Economy context. A multiple case study in the household appliance supply chain is carried out, to explore how these challenges appear in practice and how companies may tackle them. The cases analysed involve actors at different supply chain levels, and findings suggest that a great degree of vertical integration by one actor in the supply chain is not a necessary condition for Circular Economy implementation. The empirical study, in conjunction with the literature analysis, leads to the development of a framework linking the challenges to specific levers that companies may pursue to overcome them. The framework can be seen as a reference for managers undertaking the path towards Circular Economy

Total Innovation Management (TIM) is the system of forming an innovative synergy between technology, organization and culture to build innovation competence in organizations. Supply Chain (SC) is a global network used to deliver products... more

Total Innovation Management (TIM) is the system of forming an innovative synergy between technology, organization and culture to build innovation competence in organizations. Supply Chain (SC) is a global network used to deliver products and services from raw materials to end-customers via an engineered flow of information, physical distribution and cash. This paper appraised TIM on SC in the automobile industry in Nigeria using structured questionnaire and interview. The upshot indicated 40% of SC executives are more concerned with risk associated with supply and thus invest in insurance policies. 80% of trained SC staff applies ICT tools in visibility (trackability). All SC staff were receptive to innovative ideas, indicating sustainability of TIM ideology in the sector.

This study explores how innovations surrounding supply chain communication systems (SCCS) affect channel relationships and market performance. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm, the study hypothesizes that certain SCCS... more

This study explores how innovations surrounding supply chain communication systems (SCCS) affect channel relationships and market performance. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm, the study hypothesizes that certain SCCS innovations can be viewed as firm resources that enhance channel capabilities, which in turn affect a firm’s market performance. The empirical research is based on 184 responses from a survey with U.S. supply chain and logistics managers using structural equation modeling as the analytic method. The results suggest that the effect of applied technological SCCS innovations on channel capabilities is mediated by interfirm systems integration. In contrast, administrative SCCS innovations enhance information exchange and coordination activities directly. Furthermore, the influence of applied technological innovations for SCCS is not strong enough to affect either responsiveness of the partnership or firm performance, whereas administrative innovations for SCCS affect both.

This paper presents the LCA-based results of a research programme called Cicle Pell: Industrial ecology in the animal-to-leather chain funded by the EU in the framework of the Community Program Interreg III C, Regional Framework... more

This paper presents the LCA-based results of a research programme called Cicle Pell: Industrial ecology in the animal-to-leather chain funded by the EU in the framework of the Community Program Interreg III C, Regional Framework Operation, "Ecosind". The main aim of the Ecosind is to define the basis to implement a new strategy of industrial sustainable development in the Southern Europe regions. In the Ecosind framework, the general aim of the Cicle Pell project is to identify the economic and environmental improvements which can be achieved by companies in the leather industry and the related supply-chain by applying the industrial ecology principles and tools. In this paper the results of the LCA of bovine leather manufactured in Italy and Spain will be described in order to put in evidence the eco-profile of the two systems and to find out if the difference in the adopted technologies and cooperative management solutions have led to significant environmental differences.

This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Scholar Commons @USF. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons @USF. For more information, please contact... more

This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Scholar Commons @USF. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons @USF. For more information, please contact

Supply chains for fresh fruit and vegetables, are going through considerable re-shaping phase worldwide. This study analyses the trends which impose those changes and focuses mainly at the wholesale and export trading of the... more

Supply chains for fresh fruit and vegetables, are going through considerable re-shaping phase worldwide. This study analyses the trends which impose those changes and focuses mainly at the wholesale and export trading of the Euro-Mediterranean supply chain (namely, on how fruit and vegetable producer, wholesale and export firms react to the market forces that direct them). Producer organizations and wholesale firms one the one hand of The Netherlands, Germany and other EU member countries, and of Non- EU Member Mediterranean countries, on the other hand, are the subject of this study. Two graphical representation of the Dutch and the German supply chains respectively are presented here as the main instrument to demonstrate the dynamics of the sectors structure, by describing the position, function size and development for the main chain partner in each of the aforementioned markets. The Euro-Med dimension of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, is analyzed by attempting an impact a...

The automated material handling system (AMHS) is a highly automated transport solution of actual 300mm semiconductor waferfabs. The big logistic challenge in such a running system is the just-in-time delivery of lots (carriers).... more

The automated material handling system (AMHS) is a highly automated transport solution of actual 300mm semiconductor waferfabs. The big logistic challenge in such a running system is the just-in-time delivery of lots (carriers). Therefore, beside tracks and vehicles, there are different storages (stocker) and buffers (under track storages and load ports) integrated in such a transport system. To conquer the

In this paper, we introduce the concept of a transactional pattern for specifying flexible and reliable composite Web services. A transactional pattern is a convergence concept between workflow patterns and advanced transactional models;... more

In this paper, we introduce the concept of a transactional pattern for specifying flexible and reliable composite Web services. A transactional pattern is a convergence concept between workflow patterns and advanced transactional models; thus it combines workflow flexibility and transaction reliability. Designers can simply connect together transactional patterns to define a composite Web service. In relation, we provide techniques to ensure control and transactional consistency of such services.

In this paper, based on action research in three case projects, we look into the future of demand driven control concepts for companies in commodity supply chains. The paper describes the development of control concepts from its origin of... more

In this paper, based on action research in three case projects, we look into the future of demand driven control concepts for companies in commodity supply chains. The paper describes the development of control concepts from its origin of two-bin based systems up to today's advanced computer based concepts. Future control concepts based on access to real-time information is suggested. A clear trend today is that control concepts are becoming more advanced, automated and intelligent, due to the increasing complexity of the manufacturing environment and increasing customer demand for customised products. In future companies need to become faster, more flexible and more responsive, and the possibilities to meet these requirements are given by innovations in ICT and data capturing technologies such as RFID. The change towards sense-and-respond supply chains requires however a deeper transition than just integration of RFID-captured data in existing processes. New demand driven cont...

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge of demand for medical supplies and spare parts, which has put pressure on the manufacturing sector. As a result, 3D printing communities and companies are currently operating to ease the breakdown... more

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge of demand for medical supplies and spare parts, which has put pressure on the manufacturing sector. As a result, 3D printing communities and companies are currently operating to ease the breakdown in the medical supply chain. If no parts are available, 3D printing can potentially be used to produce time-critical parts on demand such as nasal swabs, face shields, respirators, and spares for ventilators. A structured search using online sources and feedback from key experts in the 3D printing area was applied to highlight critical issues and to suggest potential solutions. The prescribed outcomes were estimated in terms of cost and productivity at a small and large scale. This study analyzes the number and costs of parts that can be manufactured with a single machine within 24 h. It extrapolates this potential with the number of identical 3D printers in the world to estimate the global potential that can help practitioners, frontline workers, a...

In line with the social objectives of the PNPB (Brazilian Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel) and its “Social Seal” Framework, PETROBRAS has set up a 57 million liter/year biodiesel plant in the semi‐arid region of North of Minas... more

In line with the social objectives of the PNPB (Brazilian Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel) and its “Social Seal” Framework, PETROBRAS has set up a 57 million liter/year biodiesel plant in the semi‐arid region of North of Minas Gerais State, where the socioeconomics indicators are very unfavorable. Despite the potential to boost the agricultural and agro‐industrial sector, the

Despite the growing interest towards the Building Information Modelling (BIM), its widespread use in the entire life cycle of construction products is still incipient. In most of the cases, BIM is not properly used, in an integrated... more

Despite the growing interest towards the Building Information Modelling (BIM), its widespread use in the entire life cycle of construction products is still incipient. In most of the cases, BIM is not properly used, in an integrated manner, with suppliers and manufacturers of custom building components. The BIM-based digital fabrication of custom building components should be one of the main beneficiaries in changing its old processes to embrace BIM. This fact could be related to the lack of solutions that allow the effective reuse of information contained in the BIM model, especially in supply chains arrangement wherein distinct stakeholders provide key information. This is the case of the Brazilian cut & bent reinforcing bar supply chain in which the interface between the rebar fabricator and the engineering firm are carried out by a General Contractor. Although the available standards allow the exchange of reinforcement data from the design to the fabricator's automated CNC-c...

Risk modelling along with multi-objective optimization problems have been at the epicenter of attention for supply chain managers. In this paper, we introduce a dataset for risk modelling in sophisticated supply chain networks based on... more

Risk modelling along with multi-objective optimization problems have been at the epicenter of attention for supply chain managers. In this paper, we introduce a dataset for risk modelling in sophisticated supply chain networks based on formal mathematical models. We have discussed the methodology and simulation tools used to synthesize the dataset. Additionally, the underlying mathematical models are discussed in granular details along with providing directions to conducting statistical analyses or neural machine learning models. The simulation is performed using MATLAB ™Simulink and the models are illustrated as well.