RSSI Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)IS is playing a vital role in modern industries in terms of machine condition monitoring, early failure prediction, hazard gaseous monitoring, equipment and process monitoring etc. Sensor node location... more

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)IS is playing a vital role in modern industries in terms of machine condition monitoring, early failure prediction, hazard gaseous monitoring, equipment and process monitoring etc. Sensor node location awareness is the prime requirement for any Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) deployed in the industrial field. The wireless sensors installed in different area needs to be estimated first for further clustering and data transfer to the main control station. It's an inimitable issue to recognize and maximize the coverage of the sensor nodes to ensure high quality of service (QoS). In this paper it has been attempted to find the position of the nodes by simulations and with experiment using Cat Swarm Optimization (CSO), a new swarm-based optimization algorithm inspired from the behaviour of cats. A small wireless sensor node group is developed to test the algorithm. The number of sensor nodes localized, and the localization accuracy has been the prime factor of consideration. It has been observed that utilizing CSO algorithm offers much better results than the other renowned swarm-based optimization algorithm Particle swarm optimization (PSO). The quick searching nature CSO algorithm helped to find the localization faster with best positioning accuracy and stability in wireless sensor network node localization.

WiFi access points are widely spread everywhere in all our daily life routines. Using these devices to provide services other than the Internet is becoming familiar nowadays. This paper conducts an experimental study to estimate the... more

WiFi access points are widely spread everywhere in all our daily life routines. Using these devices to provide services other than the Internet is becoming familiar nowadays. This paper conducts an experimental study to estimate the number of people in an indoor environment through two system setups, line of sight, and non-line of sight. Relationship modeling between WiFi received signal and the number of people uses polynomial regression. The experiment comprised of two stages: first is the data collection from a controlled number of people. Then, the collected data used to train the system through polynomial regression. The second is testing the system's effectiveness by applying it to an uncontrolled environment. Testing results revealed efficiency in using WiFi received signal strength to do the people counting (up to 60) because of the accuracy achievements of 93.17% in the line of sight system. The non-line of sight system disclosed randomness in the received signal strength indicator regardless of the change in the number of people. The randomness is mainly caused by the fading effect of the concrete wall. Therefore it is inefficient to use the non-line of sight system in concrete buildings. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Industrial growth has increased the number of jobs hence increase the number of employees. Therefore, it is impossible to track the location of all employees in the same building at the same time as they are placed in a different... more

Industrial growth has increased the number of jobs hence increase the number of employees. Therefore, it is impossible to track the location of all employees in the same building at the same time as they are placed in a different department. In this work, a real-time indoor human tracking system is developed to determine the location of employees in a real-time implementation. In this work, the long-range (LoRa) technology is used as the communication medium to establish the communication between the tracker and the gateway in the developed system due to its low power with high coverage range besides requires low cost for deployment. The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) based positioning method is used to measure the power level at the receiver which is the gateway to determine the location of the employees. Different scenarios have been considered to evaluate the performance of the developed system in terms of precision and reliability. This includes the size of the area, the number of obstacles in the considered area, and the height of the tracker and the gateway. A real-time testbed implementation has been conducted to evaluate the performance of the developed system and the results show that the system has high precision and are reliable for all considered scenarios.

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum... more

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum modulation technique which allows sending low rates at extremely long ranges with minimal power consumption. More importantly, there is no access fee associated with this type of wireless technology. The main idea behind this work is to conduct performance and capability analysis of a currently available LoRa transceiver. We develop a location monitoring system using LoRa and global positioning system (GPS) module and we analyze the detectable range of its data, its battery consumption as well as received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Our deployment experiment demonstrates that the system is able to detect the transmitted data within 290 meters of distances. Using 6 volts of battery AA, the transmission of data still occurred after 24 hours. This p...

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum... more

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum modulation technique which allows sending low rates at extremely long ranges with minimal power consumption. More importantly, there is no access fee associated with this type of wireless technology. The main idea behind this work is to conduct performance and capability analysis of a currently available LoRa transceiver. We develop a location monitoring system using LoRa and global positioning system (GPS) module and we analyze the detectable range of its data, its battery consumption as well as received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Our deployment experiment demonstrates that the system is able to detect the transmitted data within 290 meters of distances. Using 6 volts of battery AA, the transmission of data still occurred after 24 hours. This project is emphasized a location monitoring system that provide low power usage but long range.

Kablosuz iletişim teknolojisi büyük bir hızla telsizlerden, akıllı ev sistemlerine; otomasyon uygulamalarından, GPS birimlerine kadar hayatımızın tüm alanlarına yayılmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında maden ocaklarında çalışan işçilerin... more

Kablosuz iletişim teknolojisi büyük bir hızla telsizlerden, akıllı ev sistemlerine; otomasyon uygulamalarından, GPS birimlerine kadar hayatımızın tüm alanlarına yayılmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında maden ocaklarında çalışan işçilerin izlenmesi için radyo dalgaları kullanarak kablosuz iletişim gerçekleştiren bir sistem geliştirilmiştir.
Yer altı madenciliği madencilik alanının en riskli ve kaza olasılığı en yüksek
alanlarındandır. Yer tespitinin hayati öneme sahip olduğu bu iş kolunda ani bir kaza
veya göçük meydana geldiğinde hangi işçinin hangi konumda olduğu bilinecek ve kurtarma çalışmaları o bölgede yoğunlaştırılabilecektir. Tez kapsamında geliştirilen sistem, bir kablosuz alıcı, bir radyo verici ve belirli aralıklarda referans alıcılar içermektedir. Vericilerden alınan radyo dalgalarının sinyal şiddeti referans alıcı tarafından ölçülmüş ve merkezde bulunan alıcıya gönderilmiştir. Geliştirilen yazılım ile ölçülen değerden mesafe bilgisi hesaplanmış ve maden ocağında çalışan işçilerden
seçilen kişinin konumu madenin temsili krokisi üzerinde gösterilmiştir.
Tez çalışması boyunca NRF24L01, XBEE, ESP8266, Nodemcu D1 mini ve CP2102 V2 olmak üzere veri iletişimi sağlayan radyo dalgası tabanlı beş adet modül incelenmiş, gerekli geliştirme kartları tasarlanmış ve denemeleri yapılmıştır. Merkez alıcı olarak CP2102 V2 modülü, referans alıcı olarak D1 mini modülü, verici kartı olarak ESP8266-01 ile devre tasarlanıp madencinin taşıması için kullanılmıştır. Açık alanda, kapalı alanda ve yer altında gerçekleştirilen deneyler sonucunda, geliştirilen
sistemin hızlı ve doğru çalıştığı görülmüştür.
Wireless communication technology is spreading rapidly to all areas of our lives. The technology, which has a wide range of applications from radios, intelligent home systems, automation applications to GPS units, was used in monitoring the workers working in mines in this thesis study. Most of the mining area underground mining is risky and the possibility of accident (gas jams, the explosion and dents, etc.) is the area of high. Locating is vital in this line of work when a sudden accident or dent occurred in which the worker will be known and the position of the recovery efforts can be intensified in that area. A wireless receiver in the system established at the entrance to the mineral, the mine workers and mining buyers within one unit of the reference radio transmitter at specific intervals in the system were placed. During the study of the radio waves from the transmitter and by the receiver reference signal intensity measured in the center has been sent to the recipient. The distance information calculated from the value measured with post desktop software and schematic representation of workers in the mines of the mine is shown on the location of the selected person.
Throughout the thesis NRF24L01, XBEE, ESP8266, Nodemcu and V2 D1 mini CP2102 module to execute the data transmission by using radio waves, including the five examined, required development cards were designed and tested. In the thesis study, CP2102 V2 module was used as the center receiver, D1 mini module was used as the reference receiver, ESP8266-01 was used as the transmitter card and it was used
to carry the miner.

Now days wireless sensor network plays an important role for monitoring various parameter in the area of agriculture, coal mine, disaster management etc. Here ZigBee protocol is used for wireless communication. We successfully achieved... more

Now days wireless sensor network plays an important role for monitoring various parameter in the area of agriculture, coal mine, disaster management etc. Here ZigBee protocol is used for wireless communication. We successfully achieved wireless communication among multiple Firebird V robots and in between PC to Firebird V robots. In this paper we used centralized architecture i.e. star topology. We measure Received Signal Strength Indicators (RSSI) at various distance for indoor with Line of Sight (LOS) and for outdoor without LOS. We also measure transmission error and packet lost at various distance.

— Wireless sensor network (WSN) is commonly used for localization applications. Through sniffing receive signal strength indicator (RSSI) in WSN system, localization and connection to access point highest RSSI can be done automatically.... more

— Wireless sensor network (WSN) is commonly used for
localization applications. Through sniffing receive signal strength
indicator (RSSI) in WSN system, localization and connection to
access point highest RSSI can be done automatically. In this
paper, we propose Raspberry-Pi (RasPi), based best access point
selection method utilizing RSSI metric. The RasPi brings the
advantages of a personal computer (PC) to the domain of sensor
network, which makes it the perfect platform for interfacing with
a wide variety of external peripherals. This work aims to
investigate various source codes deployed on RasPi for
localization purpose by sniffing the RSSI metric. Consequently,
comparative analysis of its key elements and performances with
some of the currently available wireless sensor nodes have shown
that despite few disadvantages, RasPi remains an inexpensive
single board computer (SBC) which has been used very
successfully in sensor network domain and diverse range of
research applications.

Industry leaders are currently setting out standards for 5G networks projected for 2020 or even sooner. Future generation networks will be heterogeneous in nature as no single network type will be capable of optimally meeting all the... more

Industry leaders are currently setting out standards for 5G networks projected for 2020 or even sooner. Future generation networks will be heterogeneous in nature as no single network type will be capable of optimally meeting all the rapid changes in customer demands. With the advent of multi-homed devices and heterogeneous network (HetNet) solution, great concerns arise in the processes involved for successful handover. Active calls that get dropped or cases of poor quality of service experienced by mobile users can be attributed to the phenomenon of delayed handover (HO) or an outright case of an unsuccessful handover procedure. This work compares multiple criteria handover basis to its traditional single relative signal strength (RSS) base counterpart. It analyses the performance of a fuzzy-based VHO algorithm scheme in a Wi-Fi, WiMAX, UMTS and LTE integrated network using OMNeT++ event simulator. The loose coupling network architecture is adopted and simulation results analysed ...

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum... more

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum modulation technique which allows sending low rates at extremely long ranges with minimal power consumption. More importantly, there is no access fee associated with this type of wireless technology. The main idea behind this work is to conduct performance and capability analysis of a currently available LoRa transceiver. We develop a location monitoring system using LoRa and global positioning system (GPS) module and we analyze the detectable range of its data, its battery consumption as well as received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Our deployment experiment demonstrates that the system is able to detect the transmitted data within 290 meters of distances. Using 6 volts of battery AA, the transmission of data still occurred after 24 hours. This p...

The method that analyzes in this research is the combination of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with the Trilateration Method. This research also filtered the RSSI value using the Kalman filter method for smoothing data. The... more

The method that analyzes in this research is the combination of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with the Trilateration Method. This research also filtered the RSSI value using the Kalman filter method for smoothing data. The localization system traditionally based on Global Positioning System (GPS) device. However, GPS technology not working well in Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) like an indoor location or mountain area. The other way to implement the localization system is by using LoRa technology. This technology used radio frequency to communicate with each other node. The radiofrequency has a measurement value in the form of signal strength. These parameters, when combined with the trilateration method, can be used as a localization system. After implementation and testing, the system can work well compared with the GPS system for localization. RMSE is used to calculate error distance on these methods, the result from three methods used, the value from RSSI with Kalman filter have a close result to actual position, then value GPS follows with close result from Kalman filter, and the last one is RSSI without Kalman filter.

The core motivations of deploying a sensor network for a specific application come from the autonomy of sensors, their reduced size, and their capabilities for computing and communicating in a short range. However, many challenges for... more

The core motivations of deploying a sensor network for a specific application come from the autonomy of sensors, their reduced size, and their capabilities for computing and communicating in a short range. However, many challenges for sensor networks still exist: minimizing energy consumptions, and ensuring the performance of communication that may be affected by many parameters. The work described in this paper covers mainly the analysis of the impact of the temperature and humidity variations on link quality of XM1000 operating under TinyOS. Two-way ANOVA test has been applied and the obtained results show that both the temperature and humidity variations impact RSSI.

Indoor positioning systems have received increasing attention for supporting location-based services in indoor environments. Indoor localization technologies address the inadequacy of global positioning system inside a closed environment,... more

Indoor positioning systems have received increasing attention for supporting location-based services in indoor environments. Indoor localization technologies address the inadequacy of global positioning system inside a closed environment, like buildings. GPS does not perform well in urban canyons, close to walls, buildings, trees, indoors, and in underground environments as the signal from the GPS satellites is too weak to come across most buildings thus making GPS ineffective for indoor localization Although there are many radio based technologies that can be used for indoor positioning, Wi-Fi-based indoor localization has been attractive due to its open access and no overhead cost properties. Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) has been adopted in vast indoor localization systems. However, it suffers from dramatic performance degradation in complex situations due to multipath fading and temporal dynamics. The distance estimation based on received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is easily affected by the temporal and spatial variance due to the multipath effect, which contributes to most of the estimation errors in current systems. Channel state information is detail Channel response at subcarrier level. CSI explore the frequency diversity of the subcarriers in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems. A novel approach is proposed to utilize Chanel state information to build propagation model and a fingerprinting system at the receiver.

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum... more

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum modulation technique which allows sending low rates at extremely long ranges with minimal power consumption. More importantly, there is no access fee associated with this type of wireless technology. The main idea behind this work is to conduct performance and capability analysis of a currently available LoRa transceiver. We develop a location monitoring system using LoRa and global positioning system (GPS) module and we analyze the detectable range of its data, its battery consumption as well as received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Our deployment experiment demonstrates that the system is able to detect the transmitted data within 290 meters of distances. Using 6 volts of battery AA, the transmission of data still occurred after 24 hours. This p...

Today, through the monitoring of agronomic variables, the wireless sensor networks are playing an increasingly important role in precision agriculture. Among the emerging technologies used to develop prototypes related to wireless sensor... more

Today, through the monitoring of agronomic variables, the wireless sensor networks are playing an increasingly important role in precision agriculture. Among the emerging technologies used to develop prototypes related to wireless sensor network, we find the Arduino platform and XBee radio modules from the DIGI Company. In this article, based on field tests, we conducted a comparative analysis of received strength signal intensity levels, calculation of path loss with ''log-normal shadowing'' and free-space path loss models. In addition, we measure packet loss for different transmission, distances and environments with respect to an ''Arduino Mega'' board, and radio modules XBee PRO S1 and XBee Pro S2. The tests for the packet loss and received strength signal intensity level show the best performance for the XBee Pro S2 in the indoor, outdoor, and rural scenarios.

One of the essential trait of remote systems is confinement. Separation between hubs can be evaluated with the assistance of received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Utilizing these parameters and with assistance of different position... more

One of the essential trait of remote systems is confinement. Separation between hubs can be evaluated with the assistance of received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Utilizing these parameters and with assistance of different position deciding algorithms, for example, Trilateration localization and area discovery is conceivable. The innovation multiplication of RSSI is utilized to give confinement based situating, careful area and time subtleties in every single climatic condition, even anyplace whenever. In spite of the fact that it involves two units to be specific Transmitter and collector units is utilized for time, touchy following, confinement and a lot greater security applications. The marine security frameworks and gadgets turned into an upsetting apparatus for vessel oceanic fringe issues. The proposed framework coins minimal effort ready framework for sea issues. It is a ceaseless observing plan that tracks, cautions and controls the exercises of vessel from the control unit situated in the shore

Physical properties of wireless channels make very difficult or sometimes impossible to maintain open client sessions for interactive multimedia services. Short term client sporadic and not previsible disconnections lead to service... more

Physical properties of wireless channels make very difficult or sometimes impossible to maintain open client sessions for interactive multimedia services. Short term client sporadic and not previsible disconnections lead to service interruptions which provoke a user headache especially if a firm real time multimedia service is used and a hard error when a real-time service (e.g. vigilance) is used. Also, during handover process channel conditions deteriorate leading to data loss. With multimedia services, handover influences packet loss, this is avoided by handover prediction mainly. Many handover prediction strategies use Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) as the basic indicator for disconnection. Filters like Kalman and Grey Model (GM) are used by many researchers to estimate the RSSI value. These filters adapt rapidly the prediction to the continuous RSSI. This means that they can not work with short disconnections. In this paper we present a new RSSI Gradient predictor and filter technique capable of controlling short disconnections efficiently. The RSSI Gradient filter has been theoretically tested supporting well a long set of random Mobile Client (MC) movements inside the coverage area where coverage holes can be considered novelty.

Industry leaders are currently setting out standards for 5G networks projected for 2020 or even sooner. Future generation networks will be heterogeneous in nature as no single network type will be capable of optimally meeting all the... more

Industry leaders are currently setting out standards for 5G networks projected for 2020 or even sooner. Future generation networks will be heterogeneous in nature as no single network type will be capable of optimally meeting all the rapid changes in customer demands. With the advent of multi-homed devices and heterogeneous network (HetNet) solution, great concerns arise in the processes involved for successful handover. Active calls that get dropped or cases of poor quality of service experienced by mobile users can be attributed to the phenomenon of delayed handover (HO) or an outright case of an unsuccessful handover procedure. This work compares multiple criteria handover basis to its traditional single relative signal strength (RSS) base counterpart. It analyses the performance of a fuzzy-based VHO algorithm scheme in a Wi-Fi, WiMAX, UMTS and LTE integrated network using OMNeT++ event simulator. The loose coupling network architecture is adopted and simulation results analysed for the two major categories of handover; the multiple and single criteria. Results obtained show a better overall through-put, better call dropped rate and shorter handover time for the multiple criteria based decision method as compared to the single criteria based technique. This work also highlights current research trends, challenges of seamless handover and initiatives for Next Generation HetNet.

This article aims to identify an adequate mathematical model to predict battery power depletion at the nodes of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), by analyzing the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). Six general models were tested,... more

This article aims to identify an adequate mathematical model to predict battery power depletion at the nodes
of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), by analyzing the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). Six
general models were tested, the simplest Average model, Linear Regression model, Autoregressive (AR)
models and Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) models.The selected model (AR) presented a low
absolute mean residue and adequately represents the charge depletion process, permitting to predict its
behavior and to detect the best moment to replace batteries in the WSN nodes.

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum... more

Local area network (LAN) as Bluetooth, WiFi and ZigBee are well established technology. The biggest problem with many LAN is the battery consumption and short ranges link budgets. LoRa is a new, private, unlicensed and spread spectrum modulation technique which allows sending low rates at extremely long ranges with minimal power consumption. More importantly, there is no access fee associated with this type of wireless technology. The main idea behind this work is to conduct performance and capability analysis of a currently available LoRa transceiver. We develop a location monitoring system using LoRa and global positioning system (GPS) module and we analyze the detectable range of its data, its battery consumption as well as received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Our deployment experiment demonstrates that the system is able to detect the transmitted data within 290 meters of distances. Using 6 volts of battery AA, the transmission of data still occurred after 24 hours. This p...

One of the essential trait of remote systems is confinement. Separation between hubs can be evaluated with the assistance of received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Utilizing these parameters and with assistance of different position... more

One of the essential trait of remote systems is confinement. Separation between hubs can be evaluated with the assistance of received signal strength indicator (RSSI). Utilizing these parameters and with assistance of different position deciding algorithms, for example, Trilateration localization and area discovery is conceivable. The innovation multiplication of RSSI is utilized to give confinement based situating, careful area and time subtleties in every single climatic condition, even anyplace whenever. In spite of the fact that it involves two units to be specific Transmitter and collector units is utilized for time, touchy following, confinement and a lot greater security applications. The marine security frameworks and gadgets turned into an upsetting apparatus for vessel oceanic fringe issues. The proposed framework coins minimal effort ready framework for sea issues. It is a ceaseless observing plan that tracks, cautions and controls the exercises of vessel from the control unit situated in the shore

Gesture recognition is gaining increasing importance in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Gesture-based interaction serves as a convenient and natural means for users to interact with computers. However, accurate detection and recognition... more

Gesture recognition is gaining increasing importance in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Gesture-based interaction serves as a convenient and natural means for users to interact with computers. However, accurate detection and recognition of human actions is still a big trial that attracts lots of research efforts due to the difficulties related to the human body parts and the difficulty in sensing their actions correctly such as human clothes and their negative consequence on the detection accuracy and the surrounding environmental conditions. Vision centred human activity analysis by means of computer vision as the original answer is still having its limits that are connected to the inability to detect whatsoever happening behind the walls or in the dim places and the uncomfortable feeling of people with cameras all over the place. This paper proposes a methodology that will use RF signals to overcome all the disadvantages of the mentioned methods.

Now days wireless sensor network plays an important role for monitoring various parameter in the area of agriculture, coal mine, disaster management etc. Here ZigBee protocol is used for wireless communication. We successfully achieved... more

Now days wireless sensor network plays an important role for monitoring various parameter in the area of agriculture, coal mine, disaster management etc. Here ZigBee protocol is used for wireless communication. We successfully achieved wireless communication among multiple Firebird V robots and in between PC to Firebird V robots. In this paper we used centralized architecture i.e. star topology. We measure Received Signal Strength Indicators (RSSI) at various distance for indoor with Line of Sight (LOS) and for outdoor without LOS. We also measure transmission error and packet lost at various distance.

Completely GPS-free positioning systems for wireless, mobile, ad-hoc networks typically stress on building a network-wide coordinate system. Such systems suffer from lack of mobility and high computational overhead. On the other hand,... more

Completely GPS-free positioning systems for wireless, mobile, ad-hoc networks typically stress on
building a network-wide coordinate system. Such systems suffer from lack of mobility and high
computational overhead. On the other hand, specialized hardware in GPS-enabled nodes tends to
increase the solution cost. A number of GPS free position based routing algorithms have been studied by
the authors before proposing a new positioning framework in this paper. The proposed positioning
framework is characterized by using only a handful of GPS enabled nodes. Lower dependence on
specialized GPS hardware reduces the total cost of implementing the framework. A new location aided
routing protocol called Location Aided Cluster Based Energy-efficient Routing (LACBER) has been
proposed in the paper. Simulation results show that using the proposed positioning framework, LACBER
turns out to be efficient in lowering mean hop and hence in utilizing the limited energy of mobile nodes.

In the current scenario location estimation is a very challenging field in case of WSN, as the utility is very high in the WSN application with respect to various aspects. So, a simulation based survey is carried out in this paper using... more

In the current scenario location estimation is a very challenging field in case of WSN, as the utility is very high in the WSN application with respect to various aspects. So, a simulation based survey is carried out in this paper using three mostly used range based techniques likely RSSI, TOA & AOA, where the nodes are assumed to be static at the time of computation of their respective locations and some reference nodes are also considered for helping the location calculation, whose coordinates are known prior to the computation and is stored in the sensor nodes database.

The objective of a best sensor deployment policy is to have a fully connected network while optimizing coverage area at the same time. By optimizing the different parameters like distance, energy level, transmission loss and density of... more

The objective of a best sensor deployment policy is to have a fully connected network while optimizing coverage area at the same time. By optimizing the different parameters like distance, energy level, transmission loss and density of sensor nodes. the deployment plan would guarantee the optimum connectivity of sensor nodes, as required by the essential applications. By making sure that the network is connected, it is also ensured that the sensed data is transmitted to other nodes and perhaps to a centralized base station that can make important decisions for the application. This paper investigates the fundamental parameters of a wireless sensor network: that is optimization of node density, transmission range, transmission loss, residual energy and connectivity.

Now days wireless sensor network plays an important role for monitoring various parameter in the area of agriculture, coal mine, disaster management etc. Here ZigBee protocol is used for wireless communication. We successfully achieved... more

Now days wireless sensor network plays an important role for monitoring various parameter in the area of agriculture, coal mine, disaster management etc. Here ZigBee protocol is used for wireless communication. We successfully achieved wireless communication among multiple Firebird V robots and in between PC to Firebird V robots. In this paper we used centralized architecture i.e. star topology. We measure Received Signal Strength Indicators (RSSI) at various distance for indoor with Line of Sight (LOS) and for outdoor without LOS. We also measure transmission error and packet lost at various distance.

Cooperative communication uses other communication devices to relay transmission. Relay selection plays a vital in improving the performance of cooperative communication. Some works have been done on relay selection in cooperative... more

Cooperative communication uses other communication devices to relay transmission. Relay selection plays a vital in improving the performance of cooperative communication. Some works have been done on relay selection in cooperative communications. This research proposes a new practice for selecting the optimal relay in cooperative communication. The proposed work considers RSSI, residual energy and the distance factors i.e., the "suitability" score is based on the above three measures, which can be used to determine the relay node. Since when the potential relay say x is closer to the destination, the channel quality between them is better, moreover fewer collisions would occur as there are less
number of potential relays closer to the destination than x and selecting the node with sufficient residual energy as relay would withstand throughout the duration of retransmission.

Abstract: In this work, a tool was developed for the post processing analysis of the drive test measurement files. This tool collects all the necessary information from measurement files and organizes this information to a data base. The... more

Abstract: In this work, a tool was developed for the post processing analysis of the drive test measurement files. This tool collects all the necessary information from measurement files and organizes this information to a data base. The tool plots of the Received Signal Code ...

The method that analyzes in this research is the combination of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with the Trilateration Method. This research also filtered the RSSI value using the Kalman filter method for smoothing data. The... more

The method that analyzes in this research is the combination of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with the Trilateration Method. This research also filtered the RSSI value using the Kalman filter method for smoothing data. The localization system traditionally based on Global Positioning System (GPS) device. However, GPS technology not working well in Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) like an indoor location or mountain area. The other way to implement the localization system is by using LoRa technology. This technology used radio frequency to communicate with each other node. The radiofrequency has a measurement value in the form of signal strength. These parameters, when combined with the trilateration method, can be used as a localization system. After implementation and testing, the system can work well compared with the GPS system for localization. RMSE is used to calculate error distance on these methods, the result from three methods used, the value from RSSI with Kalman f...

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)IS is playing a vital role in modern industries in terms of machine condition monitoring, early failure prediction, hazard gaseous monitoring, equipment and process monitoring etc. Sensor node location... more

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)IS is playing a vital role in modern industries in terms of machine condition monitoring, early failure prediction, hazard gaseous monitoring, equipment and process monitoring etc. Sensor node location awareness is the prime requirement for any Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) deployed in the industrial field. The wireless sensors installed in different area needs to be estimated first for further clustering and data transfer to the main control station. It's an inimitable issue to recognize and maximize the coverage of the sensor nodes to ensure high quality of service (QoS). In this paper it has been attempted to find the position of the nodes by simulations and with experiment using Cat Swarm Optimization (CSO), a new swarm-based optimization algorithm inspired from the behaviour of cats. A small wireless sensor node group is developed to test the algorithm. The number of sensor nodes localized, and the localization accuracy has been the prime factor of consideration. It has been observed that utilizing CSO algorithm offers much better results than the other renowned swarm-based optimization algorithm Particle swarm optimization (PSO). The quick searching nature CSO algorithm helped to find the localization faster with best positioning accuracy and stability in wireless sensor network node localization.

Two important high bandwidth wireless certifications in our days are Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) and Wireless Fidelity (WiFi). They can interoperate to form a wide geographical network in which Mobile Client... more

Two important high bandwidth wireless certifications in our days are
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) and Wireless Fidelity (WiFi). They can interoperate to form a wide geographical network in which Mobile Client (MC) can move. We suppose a combination of two WiFi Access Points (AP) and a WiMAX Base Station (BS) that interoperate putting a WiMAX Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC) in the WiFi AP. The BS can request real time video or Video on Demand (VoD) from a server allocated in the fixed network
(to which the BS is connected). In order to model the movement of the MC, we build a diagram state to represent the areas in which MC can stay, and from what area to which one the MC could pass. Classifying the areas in connected and disconnected ones, we can discover the different actions that are achieved by different entities of a simple protocol, that are allocated in the BS and the AP. These entities are in charge of controlling the buffers to efficiently support disconnections due to handover and out of coverage situations (disconnected states). Our algorithm is based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
measurements. These RSSI values are used to change the state in the diagram state. But to predict the next state of MC, we use a new prediction technique that we call RSSI Gradient Predictor. We test our predictor using some synthetic proposed RSSI values for different MC movement shapes. These movements include Regular and Irregular movements. The results show a good behaviour of our algorithm.

Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the nerves that are irreversible, resulting in memory impairment. This condition resulted in Alzheimer's patients easily lost because they forget the existence. In this research, we designed a tracking... more

Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the nerves that are irreversible, resulting in memory impairment. This condition resulted in Alzheimer's patients easily lost because they forget the existence. In this research, we designed a tracking system for Alzheimer's patients in a hospital environment, incorporating Kalman method to estimate the position of the patient. As known Received Signal Strength Indicator value is strongly influenced by environmental conditions that lead to the acquisition of position estimation is inaccurate. From the test results showed that the optimal Kalman estimated value obtained when the value of R = 0:01 and Q = 0.1 with the average percentage of error only 7.01 % of the actual patient position. The test results with various data variations also indicate the reliability of the Kalman method, because of the average estimated position approach the actual patient position.

The number of missions in which unmanned vehicles are required to work collaboratively is increasing. In these applications, maintaining continuous communication among the vehicles is crucial. Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are being... more

The number of missions in which unmanned vehicles are required to work collaboratively is increasing. In these applications, maintaining continuous communication among the vehicles is crucial. Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are being used in swarming platforms of unmanned vehicles given the increased range of coverage and the extra reliability that they provide. However, autonomous navigation includes the possibility of vehicles going out of communication range, producing network partitions and hindering the mission's success. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed that uses the Received Signal Strength (RSSI) to determine when the vehicle has to modify its mobility pattern to remain in contact with the rest of the group. The algorithm, implemented in a platform of unmanned ground vehicles, was tested in indoor and outdoor environments. The results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively filter out unexpected propagation effects and provide a smooth estimate of the signal strength that the vehicles can use to control their mobility and maintain their connectivity at all times. In addition, the algorithm is simple to implement and has low computational requirements.

On-going revolution in ever-improving wireless communication enforces the necessity of a self configuring, rapidly deployable and infrastructure less network. MANET is such an autonomous wireless network that meets the requirements. At... more

On-going revolution in ever-improving wireless communication enforces the necessity of a self configuring,
rapidly deployable and infrastructure less network. MANET is such an autonomous wireless network that meets the requirements. At the same time MANET’s random behavior and absence of any central intelligence to gather unambiguous knowledge about user contexts complexes QoS maintenance and hampers proper utilization of network resources resulting into unnecessary handovers. In past, few policy driven handover approaches have been proposed for MANET but none of them explores a comprehensive
policy design. Therefore in this paper we propose an adaptive and optimized policy based handover mechanism which is based on explicitly designed policies like load balancing, service discovery and next hop selection .Efficient procedures for these policies are also explored .This work predicts the high time of handover need on the basis of application specific needs of individual freely roaming mobile nodes, avoiding unnecessary handovers and provides efficient handover procedure with optimized resource
consumption, reduced latency and interruption time.

Today, through the monitoring of agronomic variables, the wireless sensor networks are playing an increasingly important role in precision agriculture. Among the emerging technologies used to develop prototypes related to wireless sensor... more

Today, through the monitoring of agronomic variables, the wireless sensor networks are playing an increasingly important role in precision agriculture. Among the emerging technologies used to develop prototypes related to wireless sensor network, we find the Arduino platform and XBee radio modules from the DIGI Company. In this article, based on field tests, we conducted a comparative analysis of received strength signal intensity levels, calculation of path loss with “log-normal shadowing” and free-space path loss models. In addition, we measure packet loss for different transmission, distances and environments with respect to an “Arduino Mega” board, and radio modules XBee PRO S1 and XBee Pro S2. The tests for the packet loss and received strength signal intensity level show the best performance for the XBee Pro S2 in the indoor, outdoor, and rural scenarios.

Indoor positioning systems calculate the position of a mobile device (MD) in an enclosed environment with relative precision. Most systems use WiFi infrastructure and several positioning techniques, where the most commonly used parameter... more

Indoor positioning systems calculate the position of a mobile device (MD) in an enclosed environment with relative precision. Most systems use WiFi infrastructure and several positioning techniques, where the most commonly used parameter is RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator). In this paper, we analyze the fingerprinting technique to calculate the error window obtained with the Euclidian distance as main metric. Build variations are presented for the Fingerprint database analyzing various statistical values to compare the precision achieved with different indicators.

On-going revolution in ever-improving wireless communication enforces the necessity of a self configuring, rapidly deployable and infrastructure less network. MANET is such an autonomous wireless network that meets the requirements. At... more

On-going revolution in ever-improving wireless communication enforces the necessity of a self configuring, rapidly deployable and infrastructure less network. MANET is such an autonomous wireless network that meets the requirements. At the same time MANET’s random behavior and absence of any central intelligence to gather unambiguous knowledge about user contexts complexes QoS maintenance and hampers proper utilization of network resources resulting into unnecessary handovers. In past, few policy driven handover approaches have been proposed for MANET but none of them explores a comprehensive policy design. Therefore in this paper we propose an adaptive and optimized policy based handover mechanism which is based on explicitly designed policies like load balancing, service discovery and next hop selection .Efficient procedures for these policies are also explored .This work predicts the high time of handover need on the basis of application specific needs of individual freely roamin...