Reaction Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Detection of a material particle is accompanied by emission of bremsstrahlung. Thus the dynamics of the energy loss of the particle is determined by radiation reaction force. The description of radiation reaction is a difficult problem... more

Detection of a material particle is accompanied by emission of bremsstrahlung. Thus the dynamics of the energy loss of the particle is determined by radiation reaction force. The description of radiation reaction is a difficult problem still being subject of ongoing debates. There are problems of runaway solutions, preacceleration already in classical description of radiation reaction. Additional complications in quantum mechanical description arise because of the infinite source field energy term in hamiltonian for a point charge. There is still no general consensus on an appropriate quantum mechanical description. Neither the achievements of the radiation theory on the subject nor the problems associated with it are sufficiently taken into account in context with measurement problem. Radiation reaction doesn't effect free particle wave packets, but it favors stationary states of the `wave function of the measured particle" in presence of a potential gradient. We suggest t...

The aim of this study is to assess the effect of tennis technique training and games on reaction times of 10-12 years old boys. For this study, 40 subjects who did not perform any physical activity volunteered. Subjects randomly assigned... more

The aim of this study is to assess the effect of tennis technique training and games on reaction times of 10-12 years old boys. For this study, 40 subjects who did not perform any physical activity volunteered. Subjects randomly assigned two groups: Experimental group: 20, control group: 20. The experimental group was subjected to 8 week three days a week and 60 minute per session tennis and education with games training program modified according to relevant age group. The control group did not participate any physical activity. Visual, auditory and mix reaction times were measured by Newtest 1000 reaction timer. Subjects’ reaction times were measured twice before and after training program. SPSS 22.0 package program was used for analysis of the data obtained from the study. Independent Sample T test was used for comparison between groups, and paired samples t test was analyzed at p <0.05 significance level. As a result of the study, there was no difference in the control group, and after eight weeks of tenement-specific games and technical training, the research group revealed significant changes between auditory, visual and mixed reaction times in both hands.

Résumé: Les recherches portant sur la dynamique concurrentielle des firmes sont examinées dans cet article sous deux angles: le niveau d'analyse adopté et la méthodologie employée. Le travail mené montre que les recherches étudiées... more

Résumé: Les recherches portant sur la dynamique concurrentielle des firmes sont examinées dans cet article sous deux angles: le niveau d'analyse adopté et la méthodologie employée. Le travail mené montre que les recherches étudiées constituent un ensemble ...

Tin slag a waste product of tin smelting contains many important metals such as niobium, tantalum, manganese, iron, aluminum, titanium, etc. Niobium metal which is one of the important metals found in tin slag has successfully... more

Tin slag a waste product of tin smelting contains many
important metals such as niobium, tantalum, manganese, iron,
aluminum, titanium, etc. Niobium metal which is one of the
important metals found in tin slag has successfully been
extracted using leaching and electrothermal method. The tin slag
was crushed and ground to very fine particle sizes of nanometer
level using laboratory ball mill, piston and mortar. The particles
were sieved and 150nm and 180nm particle sizes range were
used for this experiment. The samples were subjected to two
leaching processes using hydrochloric acid and sodium
hydroxide. The residues from the leaching processes were
subjected to carbonchlorination at 300oC to produce Niobium
oxide. The purity of Niobium metal extracted was calculated to
up to 95% which means that tin slag from Nigerian Tin Smelting
Company is a good source of high quality Niobium metal.

This study offers a postmodernist reading of Tyler's Breathing Lessons, Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions .Using argumentation as a method, it comprises an original work devoted to demonstrating that... more

This study offers a postmodernist reading of Tyler's Breathing Lessons, Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions .Using argumentation as a method, it comprises an original work devoted to demonstrating that these novels are postmodern. While Tyler's novel exemplifies postmodernism, a twentieth-century movement in art and literature, in its indirect narrative method, focus on ordinary humans, highlighting family disintegration, and demonstrating that marriage is no longer a safe anchor in life, Rhys's emphasizes Antoinette's struggle for independence, uses irony, and is open-ended. Vonnegut's novel ,similarly, makes use of intertextuality, depicts characters lacking free will, employs collage, and selects a content and style that are both skeptical. Obviously, each one of these novels reflects postmodernism in its own way.

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High yielding rice genotypes with good levels of resistance to RYMV were identified at Africa Rice Center-WARDA in Cote d‘Ivoire. The yields and resistance stability of these genotypes, however, remain uncertain. The performance of 13... more

High yielding rice genotypes with good levels of resistance to RYMV were identified at Africa Rice
Center-WARDA in Cote d‘Ivoire. The yields and resistance stability of these genotypes, however, remain
uncertain. The performance of 13 genotypes over 10 different RYMV isolates from 7 localities in Cote d’Ivoire
was tested in the screenhouse. Chlorophyll (SPAD) and yield reductions due to RYMV disease were evaluated.
Considerable diversity was observed in the reactions of these genotypes to all the RYMV isolates. Percentage
yields and SPAD reduction were between 2.3-90.3 and 5.3-40%, respectively. Of 13 rice genotypes studied, IR
47686-15-1-1(P) had the lowest mean SPAD and yield reductions. The levels of resistance shown by japonicas
were better than those of indicas. Six genotypes (FARO 11; GIGANTE (tete); H 232-44-1-1; IR 47686-15-1-
1(P); IR 47686-15-1-1; ITA 235) could be described as possessing both stable and acceptable levels of
resistance to RYMV. The high genotype by environment interactions in the reactions of the rice genotypes to
RYMV suggests the possible existence of different strains of RYMV in Cote d’Ivoire. This information could
be useful in rice breeding programs aiming at deployment of RYMV resistant genotypes to different rice
ecologies and localities in Cote d’Ivoire.

Ostroumov, S. A.; Semykina, N. A. Reaction of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench to Pollution of Aqueous Medium with Polymeric Surfactants. - Russian Journal of Ecology [translated from Ekologiia]. 1993, vol. 24; No.6, p.386 -390 [Publisher:... more