Organizational Communication Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Cette quatrième partie du séminaire "Ingénierie des projets de communication)" à destination d'étudiants de langues et de lettres, s'occupe plus particulièrement à une présentation rapide des activités "techniques" dans le montage d'un... more

Cette quatrième partie du séminaire "Ingénierie des projets de communication)" à destination d'étudiants de langues et de lettres, s'occupe plus particulièrement à une présentation rapide des activités "techniques" dans le montage d'un projet de communication: spécification de l'objet du projet; définition d'un plan d'actions; mise en place d'une structure de gestion de projet.

People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more

People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The aggressive personality may feel weakened by having guidelines or boundaries for anger. Anger is a normal human emotion, and these guidelines can help express anger in a healthy way.

You care about difference. In this exigent mood we begin to rework reflexivity through disability and trauma studies. Using performative writing, we trouble you, me, and we in order to uncouple analytical rigor from individual bodies and... more

You care about difference. In this exigent mood we begin to rework reflexivity through disability and trauma studies. Using performative writing, we trouble you, me, and we in order to uncouple analytical rigor from individual bodies and identities. As we consider violence, injury, and ability, we complicate an imperative for personal disclosure. While continuing to insist on accountability to privilege, we highlight queer vulnerabilities, alternative representation, and non-normative emotion. We draw together readers and writers in a recursive textual process, a feminist ethic attentive to inequality and suffering. We call this methodological presence with others reflexive caring.

Intersectionality has increasing traction in interdisciplinary inquiry, yet questions remain about qualitative intersectional methods. In particular, scholars have yet to consider how to write qualitative research in the service of... more

Intersectionality has increasing traction in interdisciplinary inquiry, yet questions remain about qualitative intersectional methods. In particular, scholars have yet to consider how to write qualitative research in the service of intersectionality. Drawing upon my disciplinary training in communication studies, I argue that the field’s theoretical grounding offers useful resources for advancing intersectional writing. Because communication theory posits that symbols both reflect and make reality, it resonates with an intersectional desire to simultaneously describe and transform the world through critical analysis. Using exemplars from communication scholars, I highlight how this interplay of approaches can advance identity politics and trouble identity categories. Furthermore this approach can help qualitative writers to link what some perceive to be distinct ‘levels’ of analysis. By discussing techniques for coupling reflexivity and voice, I make communication theory intelligible for intersectional writing and also invite communication studies to become more intersectional.

The importance of communication, information sharing and interoperability in an emergency response scenario have risen recently based on the frequency of disasters throughout the world and the wide range of severities and degrees of... more

The importance of communication, information sharing and interoperability in an emergency response scenario have risen recently based on the frequency of disasters throughout the world and the wide range of severities and degrees of impacts. This work contributes to the area of emergency response communication qualitatively by presenting a systematic approach to develop an organizational communication model to improve overall emergency response. Establishing and accessing a reliable communication infrastructure at crisis is crucial in order to have accurate and real-time exchange of information. This work identifies a set of potential network oriented problems in existing inter-organizational communication protocols incorporating the information collected at several drill participations and interviewing the first responders. We conquer the complexity of a large, unique and unpredictable emergency response process by a top-down approach. We are constructing a high-level hierarchical ...

In any organization that operates in cyberspace, it is necessary to understand the information battlespace. Defensive information battlespace knowledge can be provided by detailed analysis of carefully selected metrics using automated... more

In any organization that operates in cyberspace, it is necessary to understand the information battlespace. Defensive information battlespace knowledge can be provided by detailed analysis of carefully selected metrics using automated analysis, data mining, and data calls. Gathering data for metrics involves many of the same pitfalls as collecting data in research but also incurs the intra-organizational communication problems inherent in organizations. These factors make it difficult to turn data and metrics into decision-ready knowledge. This paper explores data gathering in an organization as a research program and a knowledge transfer activity.

College seniors exist in a challenging period where lives previously based on linear course-planning transition into the uncertainty of the young-professional world (Daniels, Stewart, Stupnisky, Perry, & LoVerso, 2011). Academically and... more

College seniors exist in a challenging period where lives previously based on linear course-planning transition into the uncertainty of the young-professional world (Daniels, Stewart, Stupnisky, Perry, & LoVerso, 2011). Academically and personally, upperclassmen must evolve from “check the boxes to complete the exam” to “define the problem and then solve it.” Capstone courses at their best move students from the railroad tracks of a major-sequence flowchart to the roller skates of the post-graduation world, promoting evolution from college to professional life. As teachers, one of the most important skills we can build is the ability to effectively operate in ambiguous circumstances and advance from limited-solution questions to a problem-based model with a range of interpretations of the question itself and potential answers.

In this article, we analyze three cases in which subordinates' oral claims are refuted by superiors who draw on written documents of which the subordinates are the (in)direct authors. In this ventriloquization process (Cooren, 2012), the... more

In this article, we analyze three cases in which subordinates' oral claims are refuted by superiors who draw on written documents of which the subordinates are the (in)direct authors. In this ventriloquization process (Cooren, 2012), the superiors construct these written documents as facts, which have institutionalized the evidential status of the claims. In particular, we use courtroom data and data from performance appraisal interviews in a medical organization. This comparison revealed that the latter allowed for a more flexible handling of written documents, while the former displayed a much more rigid structure in which the 'incorporation' of written records immediately entailed a number of interactionally non-negotiable implications. Overall, it became clear that by drawing on the different ontological status of written records, superiors subject subordinate participants to their authority, as such constituting the organization in the name of which they are acting and which reflexively entitles them to act in this way. Keywords discourse analysis-performance appraisal interviews-courtroom interactions-written documents-ventriloquization-authority * We would like to thank François Cooren for his comments on an earlier version of this article.

Bu çalışmanın amacı, otelcilik sektöründe çalışan personelin otellerindeki eğitim uygulamaları ve örgütsel iletişime ilişkin algılarını ortaya koyarak, işten ayrılma niyetlerini belirlemek ve eğitim uygulamaları ile örgütsel iletişimin... more

Bu çalışmanın amacı, otelcilik sektöründe çalışan personelin otellerindeki eğitim uygulamaları ve örgütsel iletişime ilişkin algılarını ortaya koyarak, işten ayrılma niyetlerini belirlemek ve eğitim uygulamaları ile örgütsel iletişimin işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla öncelikle konuya ilişkin yerli ve yabancı literatür taranarak kavramsal çerçeve oluşturulmuştur. Daha sonra otel işletmelerindeki eğitim uygulamaları ve örgütsel iletişimin işten ayrılma niyetine olan etkisini araştırmak üzere, Turizm Bakanlığına bağlı turizm işletme belgeli Gaziantep ilinde faaliyet gösteren yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde çalışan 150 personel üzerinde bir alan araştırması yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS programında analiz edilerek araştırmanın hipotezleri test edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda otel işletmelerinin eğitim uygulamaları ile örgütsel iletişimin, işten ayrılma niyeti üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Social justice connects to trends in organizational communication scholarship in important ways. Some organizational communication traditions engage, explicitly and implicitly, social justice concepts, such as fairness, equity, freedom,... more

Social justice connects to trends in organizational communication scholarship in important ways. Some organizational communication traditions engage, explicitly and implicitly, social justice concepts, such as fairness, equity, freedom, structure, and poverty. Drawing on these rich traditions, even more opportunities exist for conducting organizational communication scholarship that promotes justice. This essay articulates how the theory–practice conversation can be forwarded to enable social justice-oriented scholarship. Ultimately, communication scholarship can do more justice if it is understood as contributing to the " communicative imaginary " as opposed to only developing theory. The communicative imaginary is the splendid array of social possibilities that humans use to create and recreate ways of living together and sharing in one another's lives. As explained in this essay, heroism, tragedy, comedy, and beauty are four frames within the communicative imaginary that enable the pursuit of justice. The essay concludes with a reflection on how the social justice concept of " solidarity " can configure scholars' lives in meaningful and just ways.

This article aims at analyzing and identifying the contributions of the strategic organizational communication for the mining company Samarco sustainability policy. Based on the concepts of strategic organizational communication and... more

This article aims at analyzing and identifying the contributions of the strategic organizational communication for the mining company Samarco sustainability policy. Based on the concepts of strategic organizational communication and sustainability it
researches the intersection of the possible interfaces between two objects of study (communication and sustainability) as they are implemented at the same context and organizational environment. For this analysis, it was investigated the presence of the components of strategic communication and how each of them are implemented in the policies and business practices focused on sustainable development. Finally, it raised the most important contributions of communication for this matter and it verified how each element of communication has been developed within the communication management strategy and also for the communication of the organizational policies management themselves.

Nonprofit organizations are increasingly using Internet-based technologies to address accountability. This article presents a set of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical innovations to help understand this phenomenon. First, this... more

Nonprofit organizations are increasingly using Internet-based technologies to address accountability. This article presents a set of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical innovations to help understand this phenomenon. First, this article presents a conceptual framework that delineates two key dimensions of Web-based accountability practices: disclosure and dialogue. It then posits a four-factor explanatory model of online accountability incorporating organizational strategy, capacity, governance, and environment. Last, it tests the model through a content analysis of 117 U.S. community foundation Web sites combined with survey and financial data. The descriptive statistics show that the Web site has been more effectively used to provide financial and performance disclosures than to provide dialogic mechanisms for stakeholder input and interactive engagement. Our multivariate analyses, in turn, highlight capacity- and governance-related variables, especially asset size and board pe...

This is a theoretical and empirical research, qualitative, whose object is the non-governmental organization Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente Padre Marcos Passerini (Center for the Defense of the Rights of... more

This is a theoretical and empirical research, qualitative, whose object is the non-governmental organization Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente Padre Marcos Passerini (Center for the Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents Father Marcos Passerini, CDMP). The objective is to investigate what contribution organizational memory offers to organizational communication in order to strengthen the action of CDMP in society. By hypothesis, the study understands that the meaning-making potential of organizational memory offers organizational communication a contribution to promote changes in the entity that allow it to dialogue with contemporaneity and enhance its action in society. In view of the objective, a literature review and analysis were carried out to identify the prevailing approach to organizational memory in organizational communication research; understand the approach to organizational communication from the perspective of communicative constitution of organization (CCO) research; and assimilate the concept of organizational memory as a social phenomenon through which the organization produces meaning about itself and which accesses the constitutive elements of the organization. As well as bibliographic and documentary research, the empirical object was investigated using different qualitative methods such as participant observation, in-depth interviews, focus groups and the adapted Business Model Canvas. In conclusion, the study understands that organizational memory can contribute to organizational communication to enhance the entity's action in society, insofar as organizational communication overcomes the transmissive approach of the communicative process and is interested in the constitutive approach. It is in this perspective that the productions of meaning, formulated by organizational memory, have the opening to systematically affect the organization's work. In view of this systematic incidence, an organizational memory mapping model is proposed.

La métaphore du dark side ou du côté obscur des organisations fait référence aux travaux académiques, qui s'intéressent aux aspects organisationnels problématiques, négatifs ou contreproductifs, du point de vue du management, ou encore... more

La métaphore du dark side ou du côté obscur des organisations fait référence aux travaux académiques, qui s'intéressent aux aspects organisationnels problématiques, négatifs ou contreproductifs, du point de vue du management, ou encore aux pratiques organisationnelles éthiquement condamnables, le plus souvent cachées et tues. Ce sont, dans cet ouvrage, les pratiques de communication organisationnelle qui sont passées au crible de l'analyse.
Quelles sont les pratiques problématiques que l'on essaie souvent de passer sous silence ? Comment les analyser et les comprendre ? Que disent-elles des pratiques, normes et idéologies professionnelles ? Manipulation, mensonge, violence, harcèlement, conflit larvé ou incivilité, ambiguïté et dissimulation, c'est à ces différents phénomènes que se sont intéressés les auteurs des textes rassemblés dans ce livre qui fait suite à un colloque organisé par le laboratoire bordelais MICA (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) et le réseau Org&Co de la Société française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication.

La comunicación organizacional, con sus tipos interna y externa, aparentemente da solución a diversas necesidades en cuanto a comunicación en el amplio espectro de las actividades corporativas; no obstante, existe un público flotante y... more

La comunicación organizacional, con sus tipos interna y externa, aparentemente da solución a diversas necesidades en cuanto a comunicación en el amplio espectro de las actividades corporativas; no obstante, existe un público flotante y cambiante, sobre todo en entidades de puertas abiertas y con flujos poblacionales intermitentes que precisan alternativas comunicacionales que se ubiquen en planos menos extremos. Es así que subyace una posibilidad intermedia de la comunicación organizacional, que desarrolle estrategias con públicos que no son exactamente considerados como externos o internos. Este artículo es resultado de un estudio que busca conocer el estado de la comunicación intermedia en una empresa del sector educación superior, donde convergen públicos intermedios, representados en este caso por 20 sujetos entre familiares de estudiantes, visitantes y funcionarios de empresas y, 30 sujetos más, representados por estudiantes de la universidad inscritos en diferentes programas, facultades y jornadas de estudio; y además tres especialistas en comunicación organizacional que a la luz de los hallazgos discuten los análisis. La investigación permitió a los investigadores conocer y legitimar, al interior de una organización, una forma alterna de comunicación que existe y ha sido debatida, pero quizá no con amplitud.

O texto define o processo de construção de uma Política de Comunicação por instituições públicas como uma instância de legitimação da comunicação pública no Brasil. Para tanto, resgata o conceito e os atributos básicos da comunicação... more

O texto define o processo de construção de uma Política de Comunicação por instituições públicas como uma instância de legitimação da comunicação pública no Brasil. Para tanto, resgata o conceito e os atributos básicos da comunicação pública, além de descrever e debater alguns pressupostos fundamentais que possibilitam a articulação entre a Política de Comunicação e a construção da cidadania. Particularmente, dedica atenção à própria dinâmica de construção de uma Política de Comunicação, assumindo que ela deve ser fruto de um pacto coletivo, que tenha como foco a mobilização social e respeito mútuo.

Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—one which has yet to be fully resolved. The aim of this paper is to detail an approach to treating both structures in a comparable way, an... more

Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—one which has yet to be fully resolved. The aim of this paper is to detail an approach to treating both structures in a comparable way, an approach that explicitly recognizes core and underlying commonalties. Two distinct analytical strategies are employed to this end. The first involves a detailed comparison and contrast of selected and relevant structural dimensions drawn from the two research streams. The second strategy involves the application of these dimensions to the study of network graphs of both the formal and informal structures of the same organization at the same point in time.

Research on punk culture often falls prey to two main dilemmas. First, using a Marxist economic lens, the underlying implication is fieldwork reveals already known conceptions of class and culture. Second, an ageist bias exists in most... more

Research on punk culture often falls prey to two main dilemmas. First, using a Marxist economic lens, the underlying implication is fieldwork reveals already known conceptions of class and culture. Second, an ageist bias exists in most popular music research, resulting in the continued equating of music and youth. Given punk is forty years old, researchers are calling for a reexamination of this combination. This ethnography examines punk culture in an inner city non-profit arts establishment. It probes how rituals and cultural narratives pervade and maintain the scene. Concepts such as carnival, jamming as an organizing process in the pit – and as an aesthetic moment – emerged through the research process. Finally, this ethnography engages questions about personal and communal narrative identity, and what it means to be an older fan in the punk rock scene.

"Purpose: This article describes how trust emerged as an issue in one school district and the processes by which central office administrators enhanced trust with its school site leaders. Method: This exploratory participant observer... more

"Purpose: This article describes how trust emerged as an issue in one school district and the processes by which central office administrators enhanced trust with its school
site leaders.
Method: This exploratory participant observer case study uses multiple sources of data including surveys, interviews, observations, and documents collected during a 4-year period from central office and school site leaders.
Findings: The article illustrates how a university partner can play a critical role in surfacing and bringing forth action on an undiscussable issue—trust between the central office and its schools—and the actions taken by the central office to address specific facets of trust: openness, communication, risk, and integrity. The site administrators’ response to these actions revealed that trust can be developed at both the relational and organizational leadership levels.
Significance to the Field: The study is significant in illustrating that building trust between the central office and school sites can be an essential step in an underperforming
district and can serve as a resource in achieving and sustaining school district reform. It also shows that attending to specific facets of trust can be useful when examining
the development of trust between school sites and the district office."