Reaction Time Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Law enforcement officers across the country are trained in various tactics and techniques intended to increase the overall safety within a police citizen-contact. One common, albeit controversial tactic, is referred to as “curb sitting”.... more

Law enforcement officers across the country are trained in various tactics
and techniques intended to increase the overall safety within a police citizen-contact. One common, albeit controversial tactic, is referred to as
“curb sitting”. The curb-sitting tactic is generally associated with officers
requiring criminal suspects to sit on a curb with their legs outstretched in
front of them. The tactic is believed to provide officers additional reaction
time to defend themselves from an attack but is also considered unnecessarily demeaning. The efficacy of the curb-sitting tactic has not previously been determined. The current study is the first to evaluate three
common variations of the curb-sitting tactic to determine which if any
seated position allowed officers more time to respond to an attack when
compared to a subject standing five feet away. Our results show that
a seated subject with their legs extended is associated with a significant
increase in time to cross five feet when compared to a standing subject.
Based on these results, the curb-sitting tactic appears to be an evidence-based method of increasing an officer’s time to respond to an attack.
Implications for law enforcement training and tactics, as well as recommendations for future research, are discussed.

This study examines the relationship between a computerized neuropsychological assessment battery, the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) and a widely used ability measure, Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive... more

This study examines the relationship between a computerized neuropsychological assessment battery, the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) and a widely used ability measure, Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-III). Results indicated substantial relationship between the ANAM throughput (accuracy/response time) scores and the WJ-III Cognitive Efficiency cluster. An unexpectedly strong relationship was evident between accuracy scores on the ANAM Logical Reasoning scale and the WJ-III General Intellectual Ability score, purporting to measure the g factor. The findings support the viability of the ANAM as a time- and cost-effective tool for appraisal of cognitive function.

In this research, lexical and morpholexical reading in Italian children ages 8 to 10 years were investigated. Children and control adults were administered two tasks on words and pseudowords: visual lexical decision and naming. Word... more

In this research, lexical and morpholexical reading in Italian children ages 8 to 10 years were investigated. Children and control adults were administered two tasks on words and pseudowords: visual lexical decision and naming. Word frequency effects in both lexical decision and naming were found in both children and adults. For all age groups pseudowords made up of roots and derivational suffixes were decided more frequently as possible words and were named more quickly and accurately than matched pseudowords with no morphological constituency. These results show that morpholexical reading is available and efficient in young readers of a shallow orthography, with similar patterns in children and adults.

The role of morphology in reading aloud was examined measuring naming latencies to pseudowords and words composed of morphemes (roots and derivational suffixes) and corresponding simple pseudowords and words. Three groups of Italian... more

The role of morphology in reading aloud was examined measuring naming latencies to pseudowords and words composed of morphemes (roots and derivational suffixes) and corresponding simple pseudowords and words. Three groups of Italian children of different ages and reading abilities, including dyslexic children, as well as one group of adult readers participated in the study. All four groups read faster

Although attention problems are presumably responsible for a wide variety of difficulties patients with narcolepsy experience in everyday life, empirical investigation of this issue is scarce. Therefore, we conducted a systematic... more

Although attention problems are presumably responsible for a wide variety of difficulties patients with narcolepsy experience in everyday life, empirical investigation of this issue is scarce. Therefore, we conducted a systematic investigation of different aspects of attention and verbal memory in patients with narcolepsy. Control-group design with comparison of performance in four attention tests--measuring phasic alertness, focused attention, divided attention, and flexible attention--and one verbal memory test. 19 patients with narcolepsy (NG) and 20 healthy controls (CG) MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The NG showed no deficits in phasic alertness, focused attention, and verbal memory. However, specific deficits occurred in divided and flexible attention. Furthermore, the NG had generally slower and more variable reaction times in all attention tasks. Our results contradict the hypothesis that attentional impairments in narcolepsy are merely a result of a temporal disturbance of infor...

Whilst dysfunction of basal ganglia-thalamic circuitry is implicated in the genesis of parkinsonian symptomatology, few studies have examined the effects of lesioning the motor thalamus in the context of parkinsonism. Forty rats were... more

Whilst dysfunction of basal ganglia-thalamic circuitry is implicated in the genesis of parkinsonian symptomatology, few studies have examined the effects of lesioning the motor thalamus in the context of parkinsonism. Forty rats were therefore subdivided into four lesion groups each of 10 rats with lesions or sham surgery targeting (1) the medial forebrain bundle and/or (2) motor thalamus, resulting in: Sham/Sham, 6-OHDA/Sham, Sham/NMDA and 6-OHDA/NMDA groups. Behavioural testing was performed prior to any surgery and after each surgery including analysis of posture, drug-induced rotation, sensorimotor and autonomic deficits. As expected 6-OHDA lesions induced abnormalities in posture, locomotion, sensorimotor and pilomotor function, ipsilateral and contralateral rotational asymmetries after amphetamine and apomorphine, respectively. These behavioural changes reflect parkinsonism in this model. Additional thalamic lesions virtually abolished apomorphine-induced rotational asymmetry and improved sensorimotor response latency to tactile stimulation on the contralateral side. These data support the contribution of dysfunctional motor thalamic circuitry in rotational asymmetry and abnormal sensorimotor function in parkinsonian rats.

Young male subjects, labeled Type A or Type B by means of the Bortner Scale and the Jenkins Activity Survey, first estimated the passage of five different intervals of time under one of three levels of distraction and then solved math and... more

Young male subjects, labeled Type A or Type B by means of the Bortner Scale and the Jenkins Activity Survey, first estimated the passage of five different intervals of time under one of three levels of distraction and then solved math and spelling problems. Autonomic nervous ...

The superior capability of cognitive experts largely depends on quick automatic processes. To reveal their neural bases, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study brain activity of professional and amateur players in a board... more

The superior capability of cognitive experts largely depends on quick automatic processes. To reveal their neural bases, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study brain activity of professional and amateur players in a board game named shogi. We found two activations specific to professionals: one in the precuneus of the parietal lobe during perception of board patterns, and the other in the caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia during quick generation of the best next move. Activities at these two sites covaried in relevant tasks. These results suggest that the precuneus-caudate circuit implements the automatic, yet complicated, processes of board-pattern perception and next-move generation in board game experts.

An efficient and direct procedure has been developed for the preparation of amidoalkyl naphthols by a one-pot condensation of aryl aldehydes, β-naphthol and urea or amides, in the presence of potassium dodecatungstocobaltate trihydrate... more

An efficient and direct procedure has been developed for the preparation of amidoalkyl naphthols by a one-pot condensation of aryl aldehydes, β-naphthol and urea or amides, in the presence of potassium dodecatungstocobaltate trihydrate [K5CoW12O40 · 3H2O, (1 mol%)] as a heterogeneous catalyst. The reactions were carried out in 1,2-dichloroethane at room temperature or under solvent-free media at elevated temperature. The present methodology offers several advantages such as excellent yields, simple procedure and the catalyst exhibited remarkable reusability.

Motor improvements in chronic stroke recovery accrue from coupled protocols of bilateral movements and active neuromuscular stimulation. This experiment investigated coupled protocols and within-limb transfer between distal and proximal... more

Motor improvements in chronic stroke recovery accrue from coupled protocols of bilateral movements and active neuromuscular stimulation. This experiment investigated coupled protocols and within-limb transfer between distal and proximal joint combinations. The leading question focused on within-limb transfer of coupled protocols on distal joints to a bimanual aiming task that involved proximal joints. Twenty-six volunteers completed one of three motor

This study examined whether individuals with substance dependence (ISDs) show impairments in working memory and whether there is a relationship between their impairments in decision making as measured by the gambling task (GT) paradigm... more

This study examined whether individuals with substance dependence (ISDs) show impairments in working memory and whether there is a relationship between their impairments in decision making as measured by the gambling task (GT) paradigm and working memory as measured by a delayed nonmatching to sample (DNMS) task. Using the GT, 11% of healthy control participants and 61% of ISDs opted for choices with high immediate gains in spite of higher future losses. For the ISDs and controls with equal GT impairments, the ISDs performed significantly lower than controls on the DNMS task. The nonimpaired ISDs on the GT also performed significantly worse than matched controls on the DNMS task. The DNMS task deficit in ISDs was across all delay times, suggesting the deficit may lie in the "executive" process of working memory, which supports earlier findings (E. M. Martin et al., 2003). The authors suggest that the prefrontal cortex hosts multiple distinct mechanisms of decision making and inhibitory control and that ISDs may be affected in any one or combination of them.