Sântana De Mureş–Černjachov Culture Research Papers (original) (raw)

The present article discusses the main issues concerning the necropolis from Șeitin–Imaș/Nimaș. According to the archaeological material, it belongs to a later period than the one defined by Egon Dörner and Mihai Blăjan, namely to the end... more

The present article discusses the main issues concerning the necropolis from Șeitin–Imaș/Nimaș. According to the archaeological material, it belongs to a later period than the one defined by Egon Dörner and Mihai Blăjan, namely to the end of the 4th – beginning of the 5th century. Another aim of the study is to clarify the problems related to the site and the connections of its material in the context of the Hun Period.

Some of arrangements discovered by specialists during the excavations of graves and cemeteries of culture Santana de Mures–Cernjachov can be related with a series of religious rituals and magical described by ethnographers that studied... more

Some of arrangements discovered by specialists during the excavations of graves and cemeteries of culture Santana de Mures–Cernjachov can be related with a series of religious rituals and magical described by ethnographers that studied the rural communities of contemporary Romanian space. Studying these analogies can be useful to have a clearer picture of the spiritual life of communities that have lived in the north of the Danube in the first
half millennium AD.

R.M. Reida, O.V. Heiko, S.V. Sapiehin «Funera l Feast» Sets of Jugs in ChernIa khiv Culture Burials Cherniakhiv culture burials from the Forest-steppe Dnipro River left bank region, which included more than one jug, are analysed within... more

R.M. Reida, O.V. Heiko, S.V. Sapiehin
«Funera l Feast» Sets of Jugs in ChernIa khiv Culture Burials
Cherniakhiv culture burials from the Forest-steppe Dnipro River left bank region, which included more than one jug, are
analysed within the context of study of drinking vessels sets used during the afterlife feast. There are 12 such assemblages in
Cherniakhiv culture burials known today. Judging from the dating, sets of jugs in the Dnipro River left bank area appeared
in the first half of the 4th c. and their amount raised in the second half of this century. They are found in the burials both with
the Scythian and Sarmatian, and with German ethnic features. Such burials in the region are peculiar with the presence of a
significant number of vessels (from 8 to 16) within the inventory’s structure. Insufficient anthropological research does not
allow the authors to attribute such assemblages by sex.
In order to conduct the comparative analysis, the Cherniakhiv culture materials were also drawn: Sântana de Mureş
culture from the territory of the Dnipro River right bank area, Moldova and Romania. They presented similar low percentage
of burials with the jugs sets within the burial grounds, at the same time, showing certain regional peculiarities concerning
both the jugs types in such sets, and the territorial closeness to the provinces of Roman Empire.
Ethnic features of certain burials can show that the tradition of placing the jugs sets into the grave goods structure
could have no ethnic «commitments», and perhaps was imported or appeared as a result of internal development. It can
be confirmed by the presence of jugs sets, in fact, at the whole area of culture Cherniakhiv-S ântana de Mureş. At the same
time, the dynamics of this tradition’s spread in time (for the Dnipro River left bank area) allow assuming its appearance
and development since the first half of the 4th c. BC. Quantitative and in some cases qualitative peculiarities of the vessels
assemblages in such burials abandon the authors to the idea of their belonging to the high stratum. It can be indirectly
testified also by relatively insignificant percentage of such burials in general bulk of graves at burial grounds.

In July 2015, at the request of the Ilfov County Directorate for Culture of an archaeological diagnostic research was undertaken in Snagov Forest, located on the territory of Snagov (Ilfov County, Romania). At this point was reported the... more

In July 2015, at the request of the Ilfov County Directorate for Culture of an archaeological diagnostic research was undertaken in Snagov Forest, located on the territory of Snagov (Ilfov County, Romania). At this point was reported the discovery, made by an amateur with the help of a metal detector, of an iron sword, since April of the same year. The discoverer left the feature undisturbed in depth and notified the authorities.
At the indicated location, the archaeologists found, after removing the disturbed vegetal
layer, the existence of a pit in which the profile of an iron sword could be seen. In order
to recover the archaeological material, a box-shaped excavation was made. Unfortunately, due to the uniform composition of the soil, chestnut-black in color, the shape and size of the pit in which the artifacts were deposited could not be identified.
The discovered inventory consisted of a ritually bent iron sword, an iron spearhead
stuck vertically into the ground, an iron knife, a bronze buckle, a few fragments of cremated bones, and a few remnants of a bronze plate which disintegrated upon discovery. Our opinion is that the deposit is a cenotaph. The archeological materials discovered allow, by analogy with similar artifacts, the framing of this deposit in the 4th‒5th centuries AD, and they represent an exceptional archaeological discovery both by the nature of the inventory, the ritual practiced, and by the chronological and geographical positioning.

In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich in der Ukraine illegale Sammlungen von Metallgegenständen aus archäologischen Fundorten verbreitet. In bestimmten Fällen haben die römischen Funde einen einzigartigen Charakter: Bronzegeschier,... more

In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich in der Ukraine illegale Sammlungen von Metallgegenständen aus archäologischen Fundorten verbreitet. In bestimmten Fällen haben die römischen Funde einen einzigartigen Charakter: Bronzegeschier, Münzen, Militärdiplome usw. Unter verschiedenen Umständen fallen einige Funde und manchmal «Sammlungen» immer noch in staatliche Amtär. Der Haupdefekt solcher Artefakte ist der Mangel an Informationen zu den archäologischen Kontext. Eine «Sammlungen» kam zum Nationalen Geschichtsmuseums der Ukraine (Kyiv). Beitrag bietet eine Analyse der möglichen Umstände des archäologischen Kontextes und der historischen und archäologischen Besonderheiten einiger von ihnen. Die römischen Funden stammen von vier Punkten: Bilopillja, Vernyhorodok, Selyshche (Bezirk Kozyatyn, Vinnytsia Gebiet) und Kameni (Andrushiv Bezirk, Zhytomir Gebiet) (Abb. 2). Dazu gehören: • Bronzeeimer vom Typ Hemmoor: Bilopillja (gespeichert in Nationalmuseum) (Abb. 1: 4; 6); Vernyhorodok (Abb. 8: 5— 8); Selyshche «Komplex 2» — zwei Henkel (in Nationalmuseum) und ein Foto eines Bronzegefäßes, das einer Eimer ähnelt (Abb. 12: 1—4); • Bronzeschalen und Attache von ähnlichen Gefäßen: Bilopillja und Selyshche (Abb. 1: 2, 3; Abb. 7, 6: 9); Vernyhorodok (Abb. 8: 3); • Bronzsieb: Selyshche, «Komplex 1» (Abb. 4: 3, 6: 10); Vernyhorodok (Abb. 9); • Bronzeglocke: Selyshche (Abb. 5: 21, 22); • sogenannte Knöpfe: Kameni (Abb. 12: 13, 14). Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Funde ist im Beilage enthalten. Betrag enthält eine Fundanalyse, der an die Nationalmuseum übertragenen (Abb. 3—5, 12: 1—4, 7—14). Funde, mit denen wir die Fotos überprüfen konnten, werden im Beilag kurz kommentiert.

The archaeological object Ecaterinovca-Ialpugeni-Valea Jeparului represents the first settlement with traces of dwelling from the Roman Age known until now, that intersects Upper Trajan’s Wall in the south territory between the rivers... more

The archaeological object Ecaterinovca-Ialpugeni-Valea Jeparului represents the first settlement with traces of dwelling from the Roman Age known until now, that intersects Upper Trajan’s Wall in the south territory between the rivers Prut and Dniester, thus having a special scientific importance. The authors are publishing materials discovered in 2016 based on soil surface findings as well as two survey sections with a total surface of 32 sqm. The remnants of a surface construction together with a segment of a small ditch have been found and partially uncovered, two Roman coins, a bronze thread with silver pencil, several other bronze items, fragments of iron knives, three tiles, two fragments of glass vessels, as well as numerous ceramic fragments originating from locally made items, either handmade or at potter’s wheel, but also Roman imported amphorae.

The authors aim to discuss some minor discoveries made in the commune of Dobrovăţ (Iaşi County). Thus, following a field survey carried out on the territory of this village, a new settlement belonging to the Sântana de Mureş-Cerneahov... more

The authors aim to discuss some minor discoveries made in the
commune of Dobrovăţ (Iaşi County). Thus, following a field survey carried out on the territory of this village, a new settlement belonging to the Sântana de Mureş-Cerneahov culture was discovered. The archeological data that were gathered consist in ceramic fragments that are typical for this period, but also two fibulae, one being typologically
identified as Fibeln mit umgeschlagenem Fuß and the other belonging to the A-VII type - Almgren group VII, series I.

Tiszadob–Sziget 2.1 The Upper Tisza Region at the turn of the Late Empire and Early Migration Period While in the 1980s, the main problem regarding the cemetery of Tiszadob was whether persons buried here should be considered Germans –... more

Tiszadob–Sziget 2.1
The Upper Tisza Region at the turn of the Late Empire
and Early Migration Period
While in the 1980s, the main problem regarding the cemetery of Tiszadob was whether
persons buried here should be considered Germans – more precisely Gepids – or not, starting from
the 1990s, mainly due to the work of Eszter Istvánovits celebrated in this volume, it has not been
questionable any more that this was a heterogenous community with Sarmatian dominancy. To-date,
the time has come to re-think the origin of the ones buried in the cemetery. Before the unification
of the find material in the Hun Period, the turn of the 4th–5th century in the Carpathian Basin is
characterised by a mosaic archaeological picture related to the historical reality of the Late Empire.
Part of cemeteries and settlements started in Late Roman Age, continued to exist in the Hun Period
and new ones formed, too. Considering the latter, it can be suggested that community in question
formed of two (or three) components arrived not from different places, but together and at one time.
Geographical situation of the cemeteries examined in the article and objects, customs of Przeworsk
character (among weapons the shield boss, the sword broken in two) can mark the direction of
arrival: the northern passes of the Carpathians. At the same time, strong Marosszentanna/Sântana de
Mureș–Chernyakhov impact can be in connection with the place of origin of these people. Parallels
observed between the burials of the Upper Tisza Region and Bistrița Region (Fig. 4), their “foreign”
features salient in their geographical-archaeological units refer to their common antecedents. In my
opinion, North Pontic Alanic origin suggested in the case of Romanian cemeteries Târgșor-Veche
and Drăgănești–Olt can be imagined also in the case of the cemeteries examined here. All these can
be related to the population moves generated by the Huns.

Im letzten Jahrzehnt werden einige Formen der Drehscheibenkeramik als die chronologischen Indikatoren der Černjachov -Kulturen betrachtet. Unter den Gefäßen, die eine gewissen Zeit existierten, wurden einige Formen von den Schallen,... more

Im letzten Jahrzehnt werden einige Formen der Drehscheibenkeramik als die chronologischen Indikatoren der Černjachov -Kulturen betrachtet. Unter den Gefäßen, die eine gewissen Zeit existierten, wurden einige Formen von den Schallen, Töpfen und Krügen bezeichnet. Es gibt auch die Richtung, die mit der Analyse der Keramik aus Ton der einzelnen Fundorten verbunden ist. Solche Forschungen sind für Gräberfelder wie Independenţa, Tyrgshor, Ružičanka, Dančeny, Kosanovo und andere schon gemacht. Ein Versuch solcher Analyse der Drehscheibenkeramik wird nach den Materialien des Gräberfeldes bei Velikaja Bugaevka im System der Angaben von der Region Mittleren Dneprs im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellt.
В последние два десятилетия некоторые формы гончарной керамики рассматриваются и как хронологические индикаторы черняховской культуры. Среди сосудов, которые имели определенное время существования, исследователи называют некоторые формы мисок, горшков. Существует также направление связано с анализом всей глиняной посуды отдельных памятников. Такие исследования уже сделаны для таких могильников как Индепенденца, Тыргшор, Ружичанка, Данчены, Косаново, Гавриловка, Будешти и др. Работа с материалами отдельных памятников и регионов представляется перспективным с учетом выводов о значительных отличиях керамики разных регионов черняховской культуры. Опыт такого анализа гончарной посуды могильника Великая Бугаевка в системе данных одного из регионов черняховской культуры (Средний Днепр) и представлен в настоящей статье.

В статті подається характеристика етнокультурних компонентів нової пам’ятки черняхівської культури Ве- лика Бугаївка у Середньому Подніпров’ї з урахуванням даних відносної хронології та визначається місце даного комплексу в загальній... more

В статті подається характеристика етнокультурних компонентів нової пам’ятки черняхівської культури Ве- лика Бугаївка у Середньому Подніпров’ї з урахуванням даних відносної хронології та визначається місце даного комплексу в загальній етнокультурній ситуації регіону.
The site is located on the northern border of the Cherniakhiv culture. 156 burials and six objects were discovered on the burial ground of the settlement. Phases C3 and D1 are allocated by the finds of the cemetery. Some items are synchronized with the stage of C2 or phase of D1\ D2. The ethno-cultural groups on the cemetery are the alien (Velbar culture) and indigenous (Kyiv culture) tribes. In some cases we can talk about Sarmatian tradition. The six objects that are synchronous to the main phases of settlement were investigated on the cemetery. The semi-dugout, which may be dated by the 5th century AD, was also excavated.
The historical and cultural situation in the Late Roman time in the Middle Dnieper region was determined by the mutual relationships between the newcomers and the indigenous population. The description of these processes considered in the article is based on a detailed chronology.

The aim of the paper is to summarize our knowledge regarding the 3rd and 4th centuries AD in South-eastern Transylvania, based on the older and new research. After the roman withdrawal in 271 the area was inhabited by the Sântana de... more

The aim of the paper is to summarize our knowledge regarding the 3rd and 4th centuries AD in South-eastern Transylvania, based on the older and new research. After the roman withdrawal in 271 the area was inhabited by the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov culture. In this period the area is characterized by dense settlement network, villages located on flood-free terraces, made of several houses. Even though cemeteries of great extent haven’t been yet discovered, their existence is suggested by several grave finds. In areas rich of bog-iron a main component of the economy was iron smelting. It looks like at the end of the 4th century AD the Gothic tribes moved westward, probably because of the pressure by the Huns. This moving seems supported by radiocarbon datings too.

In 2018, the Iaşi Institute of Archaeology received from ABA Prut–Bârlad the results of LIDAR scans performed on the basins of the Prut and Bârlad rivers. Corroborating the study of LIDAR data with that of orthophotograms and satellite... more

In 2018, the Iaşi Institute of Archaeology received from ABA Prut–Bârlad the results of LIDAR scans performed on the basins of the Prut and Bârlad rivers. Corroborating the study of LIDAR data with that of orthophotograms and satellite imagery from Google Earth, we identified near Bobuleşti village, Ştefăneşti commune, Botosani county a fortification. Our field survey found inside the 24 ha precinct named „Zamoca Veche” lead to the discovery of numerous ceramic belonging to the Sântana de Mureş – Černjachov culture. Of special interest are the fragments of Roman Amphorae: Kapitän 2, LRA 2, Shelov C. A unique occurrence in the East Carpathian Area is the presence of a North-African Amphorae that could be identified with the type of Keay XXV Q. These elements indicate that the community, despite being located hundreds of kilometres away from Limes, had trading relations with the Roman Empire. The dating of the fortress and its relation with the artefacts found on the surface remains unclear, since the bearers of the Sântana de Mureş – Černjachov culture ussualy did not build such fortresses. A dating in the Iron Age (Late or Early) is difficult to support at this moment. Taking into account the analysis of the historicall sources, we can presume – as a hypothesis – that we are dealing with a Late Medieval temporary military fort. It could be the camp near the Corovia / Corogea river of the Moldavian army lead by Ştefăniţă Vodă who in 1518 fought and defeated a Tatar invasion near Ştefăneşti.

Zu den wichtigen Fundkategorien zählen die Bronzeeimer, die in der Fachliteratur als Hemmoorer Eimer bekannt sind. Die bisherigen Forschungen haben sich mit grundlegenden Fragen ihres Verbreitungsgebiets sowie zur Chronologie,... more

Zu den wichtigen Fundkategorien zählen die Bronzeeimer, die in der Fachliteratur als Hemmoorer Eimer bekannt sind. Die bisherigen Forschungen haben sich mit grundlegenden Fragen ihres Verbreitungsgebiets sowie zur Chronologie, Technologie, Funktion und weiteren Aspekten beschäftigt. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat die Fundzahl von Bronzeeimern im südosteuropäischen Barbaricum, und konkret im Territorium der Ukraine, markant zugenommen. Nach aktuellem Kenntnistand kann von mittlerweile fast 40 Eimern ausgegangen werden. Das typologische Spektrum der Eimer aus der Ukraine wird meist durch den Typ Vál nach Radnoti oder Typ 63 nach
Eggers repräsentiert. Unter Berücksichtigung der Neufunde stellt die Ukraine nun einen bedeutenden Verbreitungsschwerpunkt von Eimern des Typs Eggers 63 dar. Die Hauptregion ihrer Verbreitung liegt zwischen Dnestr und Südlichem Bug. Ihre Verwendung umfasst das letzte Viertel des 2. bis zum ersten Viertel des 4. Jh. Alle Eimer, zu denen Angaben zu ihrer Auffindung vorliegen, stammen von Gräberfeldern der Černjachiv-Kultur.

The artefacts of the Eastern Germanic tradition, which were known in the Roman West during the Great Migration, concentrated mostly in Gallia and Spain. This artefacts are scattered in space and do not form any territorial cluster, except... more

The artefacts of the Eastern Germanic tradition, which were known in the Roman West during the Great Migration, concentrated mostly in Gallia and Spain. This artefacts are scattered in space and do not form any territorial cluster, except for the Rhine basin and Aquitania. One may suppose that these concentration zones are related to particular historical processes, such as the participation of the barbarians in the defence of the Rhine limes, and the settling of the Goths in the occupied lands of Southern Gallia. There is need to notice several cases when Sarmato-Alanic goods appeared in the same complex, which indicates the probability of symbiosis of groups of Eastern Germanic and Iranian-speaking barbarians.

Necropola de la Mihălăşeni (jud. Botoşani), investigată metodic de-a lungul a şase campanii de săpături de mare amploare (1983-1988) de către O. L. Şovan, reprezintă unul dintre cele mai importante obiective arheologice din perioada... more

Necropola de la Mihălăşeni (jud. Botoşani), investigată metodic de-a lungul a şase campanii
de săpături de mare amploare (1983-1988) de către O. L. Şovan, reprezintă unul dintre cele mai
importante obiective arheologice din perioada romană târzie din ţara noastră descoperite în ultimele
decenii. Prin cercetarea ei integrală au fost descoperite 520 de morminte cu un inventar foarte bogat (accesorii vestimentare, obiecte de podoaba şi de toaletă, pandantive şi amulete, recipiente de lut şi de
sticlă, precum şi resturi osoase de la ofrande alimentare), care se întind pe o perioadă de cel puţin un
secol, aproximativ de la retragerea romanilor din Dacia (275 d. Hr.) şi până după invazia hunilor (375
d. Hr.). În apropierea necropolei au fost identificate şi resturi din aşezarea locuitorilor care şi-au
înmormântat morţii în cimitirul deja cercetat. Numărul foarte mare de morminte cercetate situează
necropola de la Mihălăşeni pe locul al doilea în ierarhia celor circa 500 de cimitire cunoscute până
acum în aria culturii Sântana de Mureş – Černjachov, înaintea ei aflându-se doar necropola similară de
la Bârlad – Valea Seacă cu un total de 547 de morminte.
Descoperirile de la Mihălăşeni oferă informaţii foarte importante cu privire la populaţia din
această regiune în perioada de trecere de la antichitatea târzie spre evul mediu timpuriu, când pe arii
întinse ale Europei au avut loc în mod repetat masive deplasări de populaţii şi alte fenomene cu
implicaţii majore în reconfigurarea demografică şi politică a continentului. Zonele de stepă din nordestul
României, denumite de geografi Câmpia Moldovei sau Câmpia Jijiei, au cunoscut şi ele aceste
modificări. Astfel, dacă în secolele II-III d. Hr. se găseau aici doar puţine comunităţi umane,
reprezentate de aşezări sezoniere şi mici grupe de morminte, la sfârşitul secolului al III-lea şi la
începutul celui următor această regiune a fost populată masiv. Acum au apărut aşezări întinse şi de
lungă durată, în care locuiau comunităţi umane stabile, având ca ocupaţii de bază agricultura, creşterea
vitelor şi diverse meşteşuguri. Descoperirile de la Mihălăşeni sunt cea mai convingătoare dovadă a
noului tablou demografic din stepa Jijiei.
Departe de a avea importanţă doar pentru istoria locală, complexul arheologic de la Mihălăşeni
prezintă un mare interes pentru zone mult mai largi din această parte a continentului, întrucât aduc
informaţii valoroase cu privire la dezvoltarea principalelor activităţi economice, la mobilitatea
populaţiilor, la relaţiile de schimb cu zonele învecinate şi mai ales la contactele strânse cu civilizaţia
romană. Este şi motivul pentru care tot mai mulţi specialişti de prestigiu din străinătate s-au interesat
în amănunt de aceste descoperiri, iar unii dintre ei au ţinut să viziteze personal Muzeul de istorie din
Botoşani, pentru a cunoaşte bogatele colecţii de la Mihălăşeni.

Rescue excavations on the cemetery of Chernyakhov type from Tigheci. The Tigheci necropolis of Chernyakhov culture is located on the north-east edge of the village on the northern slope of the Tigheci River valley and on the east side of... more

Rescue excavations on the cemetery of Chernyakhov type from Tigheci. The Tigheci necropolis of Chernyakhov culture is located on the north-east edge of the village on the northern slope of the Tigheci River valley and on the east side of an approximately north-south oriented valley, called the Valea Coznei/Cozna Valley, near La Lutărie natural landmark. The archaeological site was reported in the 1980’s when an unauthorized career functioned in this place. The illegal extraction of clay has destroyed a considerable area of the cemetery, the dimensions of which are to be established. A bead of inlaid glassy paste, a neck of a large jar and four whole vessels (a pot, two bowls and a cup) of gray ceramics, worked on the wheel of fine paste or with fine sand in composition from the destroyed tombs are found today in the collections of the Museum of History and Ethnography in Tigheci. In 2013 and 2015 the necropolis of the 4th century of Tigheci was surveyed through reconnaissance work by National Agency for Archaeology specialists, and it was revealed that the western part of the site is still being destroyed by soil erosion. This fact led that, in 2017, rescue research was carried out in the cemetery. The archaeological excavations were carried out in an area, where a human skeleton was visible in the wall of the ravine, an area of about 62 sq. m being uncovered and five burials were discovered. Three burials (no. 1, 3 and 4) were oriented in the north-south direction, and two (no. 2 and 5) had the skeletons with the heads oriented to west. The depth of funerals varied between 0,5 and 2,3 m. The contour of the pits was perceived at a number of four burial, being approximately rectangular in shape, with vertical walls and right bottom. Two north-south oriented burials (no. 3 and 4) were completely destroyed in antiquity, and one, west oriented burial (no. 5), was partially damaged, affecting only the thoracic box of the skeleton. It should be noted that two graves were intersected: e.g. grave no. 4 was cut bu grave no. 5. Similarly, one of the graves (no. 4) was a twin one: the remnants of the two recovered skeletons belonged to an adult woman and a 4-7 year old child. The other four graves were of a 18-24 month old child (grave 2), a young man (grave 1) and a two women (graves no. 3 and 5) of 35-50 years. Grave no. 3 contained a fragment of an iron knife and a bowl made on wheel of gray fine paste, found broken into pieces at the bottom of the pit, and a container of greenish semi-transparent glass decorated with hexagonal faces was found in grave no. 5, near the skull. The rest of the burials has no inventory. Three buckles with oval-plated strings, two of which were bronze and silver, a bronze toilet knife, a piece of iron knife and some fragments of wheel vessels made of fine and crisp paste were also found in the layer of the culture of the necropolis. Chronologically, based on rites and funerary practices, ceramics, metal buckles and glass containers, the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov necropolis from Tigheci falls within the limits of the 4th century AD, rather in the second half of this century.

Burial 115 Shyshaky cemetery with ornamented glass beaker

Розглядається проблема відносин черняхівської культури та гунів на підставі аналізу письмових джерел і архео- логічних матеріалів. Вказані джерела свідчать про те, що зникнення черняхівської культури припадає на більш пізній час, ніж... more

Розглядається проблема відносин черняхівської культури та гунів на підставі аналізу письмових джерел і архео- логічних матеріалів. Вказані джерела свідчать про те, що зникнення черняхівської культури припадає на більш пізній час, ніж поява гунів у Північному Причорномор’ї. Занепад культури був складним і багатофакторним про- цесом, у якому провідна роль, ймовірно, належала внутрішнім соціально-економічним чинникам.

Der Artikel beschreibt die Scharnierschnallen der Černjachiv-Kultur, die in der Literatur hauptsächlich als zweiteilig definiert sind. Durch die Form des Rahmens können drei Haupttypen solcher Schnallen unterschieden werden: peltaartige... more

Der Artikel beschreibt die Scharnierschnallen der Černjachiv-Kultur, die in der Literatur hauptsächlich als zweiteilig definiert sind. Durch die Form des Rahmens können drei Haupttypen solcher Schnallen unterschieden werden: peltaartige (Typ 1), omegaartige (Typ 2) und D-förmige (Typ 3). Auf der Grundlage geschlossener Komplexe der Černjachiv-Kultur werden die Scharnierschnallen vom Typ 1 in die Stufe C1b datiert; Typ 2 in Stufe C2; Typ 3 in die Stufe C2 und den Beginn von C3 (Tab. 3). Die vorgeschlagenen Daten geben die Zeit der größten Verwendung bestimmter Typen an, was einen längeren Zeitabschnitt ihrer Existenz nicht ausschließt. Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Scharnierschnallen ist im Allgemeinen die Waldsteppe zwischen Dnepr und Dnestr. Die Kartierung der verschiedenen Typen kann die Stadien des Vorstoßes der nordwestlichen Bevölkerung innerhalb der Grenzen der Černjachiv-
Kultur wiederspiegeln.

Az erdélyi régészet korai szakaszának meghatározó periódusa a Pósta Béla régészeti iskola (1899– 1919) korszaka. Pósta tanítványainak szerteágazó tevékenysége a különböző régészeti korok kutatásában áttörő eredményeket hozott. Az intenzív... more

Az erdélyi régészet korai szakaszának meghatározó periódusa a Pósta Béla régészeti iskola (1899–
1919) korszaka. Pósta tanítványainak szerteágazó tevékenysége a különböző régészeti korok kutatásában
áttörő eredményeket hozott. Az intenzív terepkutatások az erdélyi népvándorlás és honfoglalás kori
régészet olyan lelőhelyeinek feltárását vonták maguk után, amelyek máig meghatározó jelentőségűek a
kutatásban. A korszak szempontjából a Pósta-tanítványok közül Kovács Istvánnak jutott a legfontosabb
szerep, akinek a nevéhez a marosszentannai késő császárkori – kora népvándorlás kori, a mezőbándi
kora avar kori és a Kolozsvár–Zápolya utcai honfoglalás kori temetők kutatása kapcsolódik. A tanulmány
Kovács népvándorlás és honfoglalás kort tanulmányozó tevékenységét mutatja be részletesebben
az említett három lelőhely tükrében.

The Mălăieștii de Jos hoard was found by chance on April 14 th 2015 in the back garden of Grigore Ion Vasile's house (No. 31 Bisericii Street, Mălăieștii de Jos village, Dumbrăvești Commune, Prahova County, Romania). No ancient cultural... more

The Mălăieștii de Jos hoard was found by chance on April 14 th 2015 in the back garden of Grigore Ion Vasile's house (No. 31 Bisericii Street, Mălăieștii de Jos village, Dumbrăvești Commune, Prahova County, Romania). No ancient cultural layer has been found at the place of discovery. It may be stated that the hoard was not buried in a funerary context or in an ancient dwelling site. The hoard consists of 74 coins, an Almgren 157 fibula, five bracelets, a pendant and two silver ingots on silver, all buried in a Roman bronze jug (Tassinari, Oriental type / type II). The earliest coins were minted in AD 69‑70 and the most recent ones, in AD 256‑257. The structure of the inventory resembles the one of hoards with coins, finite and semi‑finite silverwork items which have been interpreted as silver crafts mans' hoards. The Mălăieștii de Jos hoard reveals itself to us as a significant cultural landmark for the crossroads of the Principate in its nadir phase with the earliest migrations' world taking wing in the Lower Danube region in the last decades of the 3 rd century. Cuvinte‑cheie: tezaur de orfevru, cană romană din bronz (Tassinari, tipul oriental), fibula Almgren 157, denari, antoninieni, Cultura Sântana de Mureş – Černjachov, sudul României Rezumat: Tezaurul de orfevru de la sfârşitul secolului al III‑lea de la Mălăieştii de Jos (jud. Prahova) Tezaurul de la Mălăieştii de Jos a fost descoperit întâmplător în data de 14 aprilie 2015 în grădina din spatele casei lui Grigore Ion Vasile (Strada Bisericii, nr. 31, sat Mălăieştii de Jos, comuna Dumbrăveşti, jud. Prahova, România). La locul descoperirii nu s‑a identificat un strat de cultură antic. Se poate considera că tezaurul nu a fost îngropat într‑un context funerar sau de locuire. Tezaurul conţine 74 de monede, o fibulă de tip Almgren 157, cinci brăţări, un pandantiv şi două lin gouri din argint, toate îngropate într‑o cană romană din bronz (tipul " oriental " /tipul II după Tassinari). Cele mai timpurii monede au fost emise în anii 69‑70 p. Chr., iar cele mai recente în anii 256‑257 p. Chr. Structura inventarului se asea mănă celei a tezaurelor cu monede şi obiecte finite sau semifinite care au fost interpretate ca tezaure de meşter. Tezaurul de la Mălăieştii de Jos ni se dezvăluie ca un reper cultural semnificativ al răspântiei dintre epoca Principatului aflat la crepuscul şi lumea migraţiilor timpurii care se înfiripa la Dunărea Inferioară în ultimele decade ale secolului al III‑lea.

Статья вводит в научный оборот ряд материалов, полученных в ходе раскопок могильника и поселения у с. Великая Бугаевка (Васильковский р-н, киевская обл.) в 1994—2005 гг. экспедицией под руководством авторов. Сплошной площадью исследовано... more

Статья вводит в научный оборот ряд материалов, полученных в ходе раскопок могильника и поселения у с. Великая Бугаевка (Васильковский р-н, киевская обл.) в 1994—2005 гг. экспедицией под руководством авторов. Сплошной площадью исследовано около 7000 м2, где выявлено 168 погребений и шесть объектов поселенческого характера. Все четыре жилища были полуземлянками, три из них имели глинобитные печи. Находки из закрытых комплексов и культурного слоя позволяют датировать поселение iv — первой половиной v в. н. э. Очевидно, жизнь на черняховских поселениях не прекращалась и после появления гуннов в Юго-Восточной Европе.

Researchers of the Carpathian Basin have been dealing with the question of Late Roman Age looted graves on different degree, the explanations of the phenomenon are very different. Romanian researchers just mention to the secondary... more

Researchers of the Carpathian Basin have been dealing with the question of Late Roman Age looted graves
on different degree, the explanations of the phenomenon are very different. Romanian researchers just mention to the
secondary opening of the Sântana de Mureș–Cherniahov Culture graves and frequently interpret it as a ritual act. At
the same time Hungarian scholars long ago have agreed, taking it as a common place, that the western neighbours of
the culture, Sarmatians practised grave-looting. Recently found unpublished drawings of the best known and eponymic
cemetery of the culture in Transylvania, gave me a possibility to summarise again the problem of grave-looting. In my
study, I compared the phenomenon with other contemporary cemeteries placing it into a wider geographical context.
After a thorough examination I came to the conclusion that graves were disturbed by looters (clearly pointing to this
fact already in the title of the study). Considering the degree of the phenomenon and the graves in question (orientation,
position, dating) there are significant differences in cemeteries. It is enigmatic who were the looters: foreign people,
inhabitants of a neighbouring settlement or members of the local community. Another question is the chronology: had
the graves been constantly looted or at one time after the cemeteries were given up. It seems in the Sântana de Mureș
cemetery that grave-lootings started to spread already during the use of the necropolis, but in its late phase. I explain
this not with ethnic, but ideological changes of the period, in this case with the spread of Christianity. I am aware of
the possibility that this was a cemetery of a small rural community where first and last generation of the deceased could
have been relatives and they were divided only by some generations. Even though, observations represented in the study
refer to the fact that Christianity brought changes not only in the way of burial (W–E orientation, lack of grave-goods),
but also in the relationship towards the earlier, pagan graves.

Hauptliche Thema Betrages sind die Töpferproduktion. Alle Töpferoffen von Komariv haben die Zweikammerkonstruktion, die von der Scheidewand geteilt sind. Die Scheidewand stützt sich auf die Säule. Die Ofen, die in Jahre 2012-13 untersucht... more

Hauptliche Thema Betrages sind die Töpferproduktion. Alle Töpferoffen von Komariv haben die Zweikammerkonstruktion, die von der Scheidewand geteilt sind. Die Scheidewand stützt sich auf die Säule. Die Ofen, die in Jahre 2012-13 untersucht worden, wahrscheinlicher, waren vollständig aus des Bodens aufgebaut. Die Datierung der Ofen lässt zu behaupten, dass auf der Siedlung sie während 4. Jh. funktionierten. Es ist möglich zu behaupten, dass in Komariv wir das zwei verschidene Produktions- und Wohnzonen beobachten. Von unser Expedition durchgeführte Forschungen bei Komariv lassen zu, über verschiedener Produktion (Töpferproduktion, Glas- und Metallbearbeitung u.a.) zu sagen. Das breite Spektrum der Handwerke unterscheidet Komariw von anderen spätkeiserzeitliche Produktionszentren in Mittel- und Südeuropas. In Anbetracht der handwerklichen Besonderheit der Siedlung bei Komariv schließen wir nicht aus, dass dieser Bauten nicht nur für das Glühen der Keramik als auch für die Bedürfnisse anderer Handwerke (Metallbearbeitung, Glas u.a.) verwenden konnten.
Темой статьи являются остатки гончарного производства. Речь идет о горнах раскопанных Ю.Л. Щаповой в 1974 г. и нами в 2012-14 гг., подробное описание которых и приложено к статье. Все горны в Комарове имеют двухкамерную конструкцию, которые разделены перегородкой. Перегородка опирается на столб. Горны, исследованные в 2012-13 гг., вероятнее всего, были построены полностью из материкового грунта. Такая технология на территории черняховской культуры зафиксирована впервые. Датировка горнов позволяет утверждать, что они функционировали на протяжении всего IVв. В Комарове прослеживаются две планиграфические зоны – производственная и жилая. Проведенные нашей экспедицией исследования позволяют говорить о наличии здесь разных мастерских видов – обработка стекла, изготовление гончарной посуды, обработка черного и цветного металла. Широкий спектр ремесел отличает Комаров от других производственных центров позднеримского времени центральной и южной Европы. Ремесленная специфика поселения в Комарове не исключает, что эти теплотехнические сооружения могли использовать не только для обжига керамики, но для нужд других ремесел – стеклоделательного, металлообработки и т.п.

During the last 10 years there has been a considerable increase in the number of studies showing positive associations between spirituality and health. Incorporating spirituality into medical practice, however, continues to pose many... more

During the last 10 years there has been a considerable increase in the number of studies showing positive associations between spirituality and health. Incorporating spirituality into medical practice, however, continues to pose many challenges. These include the multicultural background in which medicine is practiced and the deeply personal meaning these issues carry for both patients and health care providers. A culturally sensitive spiritual assessment is a first step towards addressing the spiritual needs of patients. It also provides a tool through which health professionals can understand their own beliefs, prejudices; this includes: any thoughts or strong feelings about spirituality, religion, secular values and morales as they relate to those values, and needs related to health care. Terminology Words such as spirituality and religion carry a variety of meanings for different people. For some these terms evoke positive feelings and for others they may trigger negative responses. Although , by definition, the debate continues regarding the exact meaning of these words. I find it is helpful to have some shared meaning from which to start.

Research conducted in 2011 was based on non-invasive research methods, namely GIS analysis of the Sobari site and validation of these results with the situation on the ground. The site is located approximately 2.5 km west of the village... more

Research conducted in 2011 was based on non-invasive research methods, namely GIS analysis of the Sobari site and validation of these results with the situation on the ground. The site is located approximately 2.5 km west of the village with the same name in r. Soroca, on a hill called Cetatuia. In the near vicinity were also identified Eneolitical sites, as well as Bronze Age sites. The Sobari site was discovered in 1950 by G. Fedorov and was later studied through archaeological digs by E. Rikman, I. Niculita and through geomagnetic research by A. Popa. The studies revealed remains of fortifications, living and household spaces accompanied by a considerable number of archaeological artifacts that supported site dating with III-IV-th centuries AD and its assignment to the Sântana de Mureş – Černjachov archaeological culture. GIS research was based on 3D Path Profile which allowed profiling of the area and visibility analysis (Line of sight). GIS research confirmed the existence of a moat on the Cetatuia headland; however no cultural-chronological classification was possible due to the high number of archaeological sites from different periods located nearby. The results allowed to outline the direct are of locals' activity (micro-zone A) and to highlight the hidden character of the location especially from the areas on the banks of Dniester, which in the same time allowed locals to observe the river area. Elements of predicative modeling based on the correlative model focused on integration, analysis and visualizing indicated with a high probability that an observation tower or a small settlement was located in micro-zone B. This hypothetical scenario needs to be tested on field.

In the present paper we are analyzing some skeletal remains of human origin discovered in the biritual necropolis from Polocin-Islaz, Vaslui district (IVth century A.D., Sântana de Mureş Culture). The preservation status of skeletons is... more

In the present paper we are analyzing some skeletal remains of human origin discovered in the
biritual necropolis from Polocin-Islaz, Vaslui district (IVth century A.D., Sântana de Mureş Culture).
The preservation status of skeletons is satisfactory. From a total of nine skeletons, seven are from
înhumation tombs and only two are from incineration tombs. Four skeletons were males, two were
women and three were children.
Regarding the cremated remains, we have two different situations. The remains belonging to
the child (grave no. 79) indicate incomplete burning, more or less uniform, in „green” state, at medium
and high temperatures. According to the R.G.B. scale, the burning temperature degree is situated in the 500-900°C interval. The fragmentation degree is medium to high and the bony wall cracking indicate
an incinerated bone in fresh state at high temperature. The remains that belonged to the adult female
show a non-uniform, incomplete burning at low temperature (200-500°C interval). The fragmentation
degree is very low and the skeleton is extremely incomplete. The cracks from the postcranial remains,
positioned longitudinal on the axe of the bone are very superficial. The transverse diaphyseal cracks,
the jagged metaphyseal cracks and the reticular epiphyses cracks are missing, as well as the „white
plating” stage, the contortion, deformation and warping.
Referring to skeletons from înhumations graves (graves no. 29 and 73-78), results on
osteopathies and enthesopathies reported, in correlation with paleodemographic data, provides
precious information on the life style of those times, on the environment in which this extinct
community held their daily activities.
Paleodemographic data refers to the total number of 58 individuals were anthropological
analyzed so far in the necropolis of Polocin-Islaz. Thus, sex ratio in this complete osteological sample
from Polocin-Islaz indicates a higher number of male skeletons, comparatively with the female ones.
More than half of the analysed subjects did not survive after adolescence. The maximum risk of
mortality in this sample occurs during childhood (0-14 years). Life expectancy at birth is of 19,75
years. For individuals older than 20 years, life expectancy after this age, calculated separately on
sexes, was of 15,85 years in men and of 11,17 years in women.