Search Algorithm Research Papers - (original) (raw)

... 870 JZC Lai Image and Vision Computing 15 (1997) 867871 Table 2 The execution time of enci ading a real image (tiffany) for 3 different algorithms' Number of codewords Available encoding algorithm (seconds) EAWFC (seconds) E... more

... 870 JZC Lai Image and Vision Computing 15 (1997) 867871 Table 2 The execution time of enci ading a real image (tiffany) for 3 different algorithms' Number of codewords Available encoding algorithm (seconds) EAWFC (seconds) E c AWFS with = 3 (seconds) Speedup ...

We introduce the concept of “minimal” search algorithm for a set of functions to optimize. We investigate the structure of closed under permutation (c.u.p.) sets and we calculate the performance of an algorithm applied to them. We prove... more

We introduce the concept of “minimal” search algorithm for a set of functions to optimize. We investigate the structure of closed under permutation (c.u.p.) sets and we calculate the performance of an algorithm applied to them. We prove that each set of functions based on the distance to a given optimal solution, among which trap functions, onemax or the recently introduced onemix functions, and the NK-landscapes are not c.u.p. and thus the thesis of the sharpened No Free Lunch Theorem does not hold for them. Thus, it makes sense to look for a specific algorithm for those sets. Finally, we propose a method to build a “good” (although not necessarily minimal) search algorithm for a specific given set of problems. The algorithms produced with this technique show better average performance than a genetic algorithm executed on the same set of problems, which was expected given that those algorithms are problem-specific. Nevertheless, in general they cannot be applied for real-life problems, given their high computational complexity that we have been able to estimate.

In this paper the MRL rescue robot team and its robots are explained. We have designed and built three new robots including two autonomous indoor robots and one out-door (rough terrain) robot for different situations/arenas. Our main goal... more

In this paper the MRL rescue robot team and its robots are explained. We have designed and built three new robots including two autonomous indoor robots and one out-door (rough terrain) robot for different situations/arenas. Our main goal of this activity is to achieve a practical rescue robot for real situation such as earthquake which is quite common in our

In this paper we introduce COV, a novel information retrieval (IR) algorithm for massive databases based on vector space modeling and spectral analysis of the covariance matrix, for the document vectors, to reduce the scale of the... more

In this paper we introduce COV, a novel information retrieval (IR) algorithm for massive databases based on vector space modeling and spectral analysis of the covariance matrix, for the document vectors, to reduce the scale of the problem. Since the dimension of the covariance matrix depends on the attribute space and is independent of the number of documents, COV can be applied to databases that are too massive for methods based on the singular value decomposition of the document-attribute matrix, such as latent semantic indexing (LSI). In addition to improved scalability, theoretical considerations indicate that results from our algorithm tend to be more accurate than those from LSI, particularly in detecting subtle differences in document vectors. We demonstrate the power and accuracy of COV through an important topic in data mining, known as outlier cluster detection. We propose two new algorithms for detecting major and outlier clusters in databases—the first is based on LSI, and the second on COV. Our implementation studies indicate that our cluster detection algorithms outperform the basic LSI and COV algorithm in detecting outlier clusters.

In this paper we address the problem of building an effi-cient database management system that allows querying for similar images. This system, which supports image-based queries on a database of photographs taken around the campus, helps... more

In this paper we address the problem of building an effi-cient database management system that allows querying for similar images. This system, which supports image-based queries on a database of photographs taken around the campus, helps the user to identify his/her ...

With ever increasing digital data in form of files, there is a need of efficient text searching algorithms with their applications. This paper describes an algorithm for searching any sentence in the given pool of files. The efficiency of... more

With ever increasing digital data in form of files, there is a need of efficient text searching algorithms with their applications. This paper describes an algorithm for searching any sentence in the given pool of files. The efficiency of the algorithm depends on the fact about sentences in any language that, there can be no such condition where a sentence may be a part of some similar sentence (as in case of patterns). Keeping this property of the languages in mind, we are presenting a linear order search algorithm for sentences with no preprocessing time.

This paper develops the multidimensional binary search tree (or k -d tree, where k is the dimensionality of the search space) as a data structure for storage of information to be retrieved by associative searches. The k -d tree is defined... more

This paper develops the multidimensional binary search tree (or k -d tree, where k is the dimensionality of the search space) as a data structure for storage of information to be retrieved by associative searches. The k -d tree is defined and examples are given. It is shown to be quite efficient in its storage requirements. A significant advantage of this structure is that a single data structure can handle many types of queries very efficiently. Various utility algorithms are developed; their proven average running times in an n record file are: insertion, O (log n ); deletion of the root, O ( n ( k -1)/ k ); deletion of a random node, O (log n ); and optimization (guarantees logarithmic performance of searches), O ( n log n ). Search algorithms are given for partial match queries with t keys specified [proven maximum running time of O ( n ( k - t )/ k )] and for nearest neighbor queries [empirically observed average running time of O (log n ).] These performances far surpass the b...

Abstract—There are many classical algorithms for finding routing in FPGA. But Using DNA computing we can solve the routes efficiently and fast. The run time complexity of DNA algorithms is much less than other classical algorithms which... more

Abstract—There are many classical algorithms for finding routing in FPGA. But Using DNA computing we can solve the routes efficiently and fast. The run time complexity of DNA algorithms is much less than other classical algorithms which are used for solving routing in FPGA. The ...

Grover's algorithm provides a quadratic speed-up over classical algorithms for unstructured database or library searches. This paper examines the robustness of Grover's search algorithm to a random phase error in the oracle and analyzes... more

Grover's algorithm provides a quadratic speed-up over classical algorithms for unstructured database or library searches. This paper examines the robustness of Grover's search algorithm to a random phase error in the oracle and analyzes the complexity of the search process as a function of the scaling of the oracle error with database or library size. Both the discrete- and continuous-time implementations of the search algorithm are investigated. It is shown that unless the oracle phase error scales as O(N^(-1/4)), neither the discrete- nor the continuous-time implementation of Grover's algorithm is scalably robust to this error in the absence of error correction.