Time Complexity Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Abstract— Time Slot Interchange and Signal Separator (TSISS) network was introduced to reduce the time slot requirement of TST architecture. In the switching algorithm of the TSISS network, an ad-jacency matrix was formed and Breath-first... more

Abstract— Time Slot Interchange and Signal Separator (TSISS) network was introduced to reduce the time slot requirement of TST architecture. In the switching algorithm of the TSISS network, an ad-jacency matrix was formed and Breath-first search (BFS) or Depth-first ...

Recently there has been a great deal of interest in performance evalution of parallel simulation. Most work is devoted to the time complexity and assumes that the amount of memory available for parallel simulation is unlimited. This paper... more

Recently there has been a great deal of interest in performance evalution of parallel simulation. Most work is devoted to the time complexity and assumes that the amount of memory available for parallel simulation is unlimited. This paper studies the space complexity of parallel simulation. Our goal is to design an efficient memory management protocol which guarantees that the memory consumption of parallel simulation is of the same order as sequential simulation. (Such an algorithm is referred to as a optimal .) First, we derive the relationships among the space complexities of sequential simulation, Chandy-Misra simulation [2], and Time Warp simulation [7]. We show that Chandy-Misra may consume more storage than sequential simulation, or vice versa. Then we show that Time Warp never consumes less memory than sequential simulation. Then we describe cancelback , an optimal Time Warp memory management protocol proposed by Jefferson. Although cancelback is considered to be complete so...

Exploiting residual supports (or residues) has proved to be one of the most cost-effective ap- proaches for Maintaining Arc Consistency during search (MAC). While MAC based on optimal AC algorithm may have better theoretical time... more

Exploiting residual supports (or residues) has proved to be one of the most cost-effective ap- proaches for Maintaining Arc Consistency during search (MAC). While MAC based on optimal AC algorithm may have better theoretical time complexity in some cases, in practice the overhead for maintaining required data structure during search outweighs the benefit, not to mention the more complicated implementation. Implementing MAC with residues, on the other hand, is trivial. In this paper we extend previous work on residues and investigate the use of multiple residues during search. We first give a theoretical analysis of residu e-based algorithms that explains their good practical performance. We then propose several heuristics on how to deal with multiple residues. Finally, our empirical study shows that with a proper and limited number of residues, many constraint checks can be saved. When the constraint check is expensive or a problem is hard, the multiple residues approach is competit...

We present an efficient Hough transform for automatic detection of cylinders in point clouds. As cylinders are one of the most frequently used primitives for industrial design, automatic and robust methods for their detection and fitting... more

We present an efficient Hough transform for automatic detection of cylinders in point clouds. As cylinders are one of the most frequently used primitives for industrial design, automatic and robust methods for their detection and fitting are essential for reverse engineering from point clouds. The current methods employ automatic segmentation followed by geometric fitting, which requires a lot of manual interaction during modelling. Although Hough transform can be used for automatic detection of cylinders, the required 5D Hough space has a prohibitively high time and space complexity for most practical applications. We address this problem in this paper and present a sequential Hough transform for automatic detection of cylinders in point clouds. Our algorithm consists of two sequential steps of low dimensional Hough trans- forms. The first step, called Orientation Estimation, uses the Gaussian sphere of the input data and performs a 2D Hough Transform for finding strong hypotheses ...

The time complexity for testing whether an n-by-n real matrix is a P-matrix is reduced from O(2n n 3) to O(2 n ) by applying recursively a criterion for P-matrices based on Schur complementation. A Matlab program implementing the... more

The time complexity for testing whether an n-by-n real matrix is a P-matrix is reduced from O(2n n 3) to O(2 n ) by applying recursively a criterion for P-matrices based on Schur complementation. A Matlab program implementing the associated algorithm is provided.

Efficient ray shooting algorithm is inherently required by many computer graphics algorithms, particularly in image synthesis. Practical ray shooting algorithms aiming at the average-case complexity use some underlying spatial data... more

Efficient ray shooting algorithm is inherently required by many computer graphics algorithms, particularly in image synthesis. Practical ray shooting algorithms aiming at the average-case complexity use some underlying spatial data structure such as -tree. We show the new termi- nation criteria algorithm that improves the space and time complexity of the -tree construction. It provides efficient ray-shooting queries and does

AbstractÐEfficient and effective buffering of disk blocks in main memory is critical for better file system performance due to a wide speed gap between main memory and hard disks. In such a buffering system, one of the most important... more

AbstractÐEfficient and effective buffering of disk blocks in main memory is critical for better file system performance due to a wide speed gap between main memory and hard disks. In such a buffering system, one of the most important design decisions is the block replacement ...

A general algorithm for computing Euclidean skeletons of 2D and 3D data sets in linear time is presented. These skeletons are defined in terms of a new concept, called the integer medial axis (IMA) transform. We prove a number of... more

A general algorithm for computing Euclidean skeletons of 2D and 3D data sets in linear time is presented. These skeletons are defined in terms of a new concept, called the integer medial axis (IMA) transform. We prove a number of fundamental properties of the IMA skeleton, and compare these with properties of the CMD (centers of maximal disks) skeleton. Several pruning methods for IMA skeletons are introduced (constant, linear and square-root pruning) and their properties studied. The algorithm for computing the IMA skeleton is based upon the feature transform, using a modification of a linear-time algorithm for Euclidean distance transforms. The skeletonization algorithm has a time complexity which is linear in the number of input points, and can be easily parallelized. We present experimental results for several data sets, looking at skeleton quality, memory usage and computation time, both for 2D images and 3D volumes.

Abstract—There are many classical algorithms for finding routing in FPGA. But Using DNA computing we can solve the routes efficiently and fast. The run time complexity of DNA algorithms is much less than other classical algorithms which... more

Abstract—There are many classical algorithms for finding routing in FPGA. But Using DNA computing we can solve the routes efficiently and fast. The run time complexity of DNA algorithms is much less than other classical algorithms which are used for solving routing in FPGA. The ...

... 7 Conclusions In this paper, we have proposed a geometry-based image representation scheme and an algo-rithm/function for retrieving i&D images of relevance (based on spatial similarity) to ... The algorithm is robust-in the sense... more

... 7 Conclusions In this paper, we have proposed a geometry-based image representation scheme and an algo-rithm/function for retrieving i&D images of relevance (based on spatial similarity) to ... The algorithm is robust-in the sense that it can recognize translation and scale ...

Workstations and personal computers are increasingly being used for applications with real-time characteristics such as speech understanding and synthesis, media computations and I/O, and animation, often concurrently executed with... more

Workstations and personal computers are increasingly being used for applications with real-time characteristics such as speech understanding and synthesis, media computations and I/O, and animation, often concurrently executed with traditional non-real-time workloads. This paper presents a system that can schedule multiple independent activities so that: . activities can obtain minimum guaranteed execution rates with application-specified reservation granularities via CPU Reservations, . CPU Reservations, which are of the form "reserve X units of time out of every Y units", provide not just an average case execution rate of X/Y over long periods of time, but the stronger guarantee that from any instant of time, by Y time units later, the activity will have executed for at least X time units, . applications can use Time Constraints to schedule tasks by deadlines, with on-time completion guaranteed for tasks with accepted constraints, and . both CPU Reservations and Time Con...

Comparing gene orders in completely sequenced genomes is a standard approach to locate clusters of functionally associated genes. Often, gene orders are modeled as permutations. Given k permutations of n elements, a k-tuple of intervals... more

Comparing gene orders in completely sequenced genomes is a standard approach to locate clusters of functionally associated genes. Often, gene orders are modeled as permutations. Given k permutations of n elements, a k-tuple of intervals of these permutations consisting of the same set of elements is called a common interval. We consider several problems related to common intervals in multiple genomes. We present an algorithm that finds all common intervals in a family of genomes, each of which might consist of several chromosomes. We present another algorithm that finds all common intervals in a family of circular permutations. A third algorithm finds all common intervals in signed permutations. We also investigate how to combine these approaches. All algorithms have optimal worst-case time complexity and use linear space.

The effectiveness of an algorithm is measured from the amount of time and space required by the algorithm. The objective of this study was to measure the time complexity of the ANFIS algorithm. The time complexity is calcultaed by... more

The effectiveness of an algorithm is measured from the amount of time and space required by the algorithm. The objective of this study was to measure the time complexity of the ANFIS algorithm. The time complexity is calcultaed by counting the number of loops and operators used in a procedure. In addition, calculate the time required to running the ANFIS algorithm with given a number of input. The size of the input (n) is very influential as it states the amount of data processed. The results of the profiling showed that ANFIS has the asymptotic time complexity O(n).

The Hough transform provides a robust technique for skew detection in document images, but suffers from high time complexity which becomes prohibitive for detecting skew in large documents. Analysis of time complexity on various stages of... more

The Hough transform provides a robust technique for skew detection in document images, but suffers from high time complexity which becomes prohibitive for detecting skew in large documents. Analysis of time complexity on various stages of skew detection process is carried out in this paper. A complete skew detection and correction process is divided into three parts: a preprocessing stage using a simplified form of block adjacency graph (BAG), voting process using the Hough transform and de-skewing the image using rotation. Skew correction phase, which is hitherto a neglected area, is analysed for the quality of de-skewed images with respect to the type of rotation. Fast algorithms for all the three stages are presented and exhaustive analysis on time complexity is conducted. It is shown that the overall time taken for the whole process is less than one second even for very large documents. It is also observed that time taken in rotation is as significant as in skew detection which is reduced with the help of fast algorithms using integer operations. While the BAG algorithm is found to be effective for documents with Roman script, it does not provide satisfactory results for Indian scripts where headline is a part of a script.

Sorting is the basic operation in most of the applications of computer science. Sorting means to arrange data in particular order inside computer. In this paper we have discussed performance of different sorting algorithms with their... more

Sorting is the basic operation in most of the applications of computer science. Sorting means to arrange data in particular order inside computer. In this paper we have discussed performance of different sorting algorithms with their advantages and disadvantages. This paper also represents the application areas for different sorting algorithms. Main goal of this paper is to compare the performance of different sorting algorithms based on different parameters. Keywords— Algorithm, Time Complexity, Space Complexity

Previous survey research revealed that consumers perceived online shopping and buying to be a time saving practice. Para- doxically, they only rarely reported using that tactic to save time, introducing a contradiction. Focus group... more

Previous survey research revealed that consumers perceived online shopping and buying to be a time saving practice. Para- doxically, they only rarely reported using that tactic to save time, introducing a contradiction. Focus group research and unstruc- tured interviews among active, time-pressured consumers pro- vide partial solutions to the puzzle. Two types of online shopping benefits appeal to two types of consumers: Those experiencing situational time pressure respond well to "time-saving" appeals. Another, larger proportion, whose personal inclinations or per- sonality traits result in time pressure are more interested in do- ing more tasks quickly or engaging in polychronic activities. These findings suggest online merchants simultaneously promote both time-saving and quicker accomplishment of more tasks. Though they are two sides of the same coin, time-pressured con- sumers tend to see only one side or the other. Both types of time-pressured shoppers eschew Website...