Silicon Detectors for Radiation Research Papers (original) (raw)

BARC has been exploring some of the unique features of silicon detector in a variety of nuclear structure experiment using high energy photons and heavy ions projectiles. Current experimental application makes use of large area silicon... more

BARC has been exploring some of the unique features of silicon detector in a variety of nuclear structure experiment using high energy photons and heavy ions projectiles. Current experimental application makes use of large area silicon detector with depletion thickness of ~150-1000 mum. The low cost silicon detector shows excellent energy and position resolution. In this paper, we discuss the simulation result for silicon detector using SILVACO and the physical mechanism involved in detector operation and one set of mask designing for the silicon radiation detector then we will clarify how these effects set a limit to achievable timing performance.

In this paper a practical solution to perform spectral analysis of diagnostic X-ray beams is described, based on a miniaturized Compton selection chamber (CSC) using a Si-PIN detector. Results are compared with those obtained with a first... more

In this paper a practical solution to perform spectral analysis of diagnostic X-ray beams is described, based on a miniaturized Compton selection chamber (CSC) using a Si-PIN detector. Results are compared with those obtained with a first prototype of CSC based on nitrogen cooled high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. With this method, the direct X-ray spectrum is Compton scattered inside the CSC, collected by a solid-state detector and reconstructed using a simplified scattering matrix experimentally determined. The results obtained will be compared with a reference standard, represented by direct spectra acquired with an HPGe detector in a laboratory facility, not applicable for on-field measurements.

Both the integrated-charge and the peak-voltage responsivity of a 1-cm2 Si photodiode optimized for the extreme ultraviolet have been measured with 532-nm-wavelength pulsed radiation. The peak power of the optical pulse is varied from 35... more

Both the integrated-charge and the peak-voltage responsivity of a 1-cm2 Si photodiode optimized for the extreme ultraviolet have been measured with 532-nm-wavelength pulsed radiation. The peak power of the optical pulse is varied from 35 mW to 24 kW with a pulse width of 8.25 ns. A decrease in responsivity is observed with increasing pulse energy, and a model is presented that accounts for the observed loss of responsivity. The integrated-charge responsivity decreases because the presence of photogenerated majority carriers increases the direct recombination rate. The peak-voltage responsivity is reduced because the electric susceptibility of the electrons and holes in the depletion region increases the capacitance of the device. The influence of an applied reverse bias on both responsivities is investigated. The integrated-charge responsivity is found to be identical, with a 1% uncertainty, to the cw responsivity of the device if the energy dependence is considered.

Silicon particle detectors made on Czochralski and float zone silicon materials were irradiated with 7 and 9 MeV protons at a temperature of 220 K. During the irradiations, the detectors were biased up to their operating voltage. Specific... more

Silicon particle detectors made on Czochralski and float zone silicon materials were irradiated with 7 and 9 MeV protons at a temperature of 220 K. During the irradiations, the detectors were biased up to their operating voltage. Specific values for the fluence and flux of the irradiation were found to cause a sudden breakdown in the detectors. We studied the

An experiment measuring the 2S Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen (m À p) was performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. It required small and compact detectors for 1.9 keV X-rays (2P–1S transition) with an energy resolution around... more

An experiment measuring the 2S Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen (m À p) was performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. It required small and compact detectors for 1.9 keV X-rays (2P–1S transition) with an energy resolution around 25% at 2 keV, a time resolution better than 100 ns, a large solid angle coverage, and insensitivity to a 5 T magnetic field. We chose Large Area Avalanche Photodiodes (LAAPDs) from Radiation Monitoring Devices as X-ray detectors, and they were used during the last data taking period in 2003. For X-ray spectroscopy applications, these LAAPDs have to be cooled in order to suppress the dark current noise; hence, a series of tests were performed to choose the optimal operation temperature. Specifically, the temperature dependence of gain, energy resolution, dark current, ARTICLE IN PRESS 0168-9002/$-see front matter r

The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a recently developed photosensor used in particle physics, e.g., for detection of minimum ionizing particles and/or Cherenkov radiation. Its performance is comparable to that of photomultiplier tubes,... more

The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a recently developed photosensor used in particle physics, e.g., for detection of minimum ionizing particles and/or Cherenkov radiation. Its performance is comparable to that of photomultiplier tubes, but with advantages in terms of reduced volume and magnetic field insensitivity. In the present study, the performance of a gamma ray detector made of an yttrium aluminum perovskite scintillation crystal and a SiPM-based readout is assessed for use in time of flight neutron spectroscopy. Measurements performed at the ISIS pulsed neutron source demonstrate the feasibility of gamma-detection based on the new device.

The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a recently developed photosensor used in particle physics, e.g., for detection of minimum ionizing particles and/or Cherenkov radiation. Its performance is comparable to that of photomultiplier tubes,... more

The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a recently developed photosensor used in particle physics, e.g., for detection of minimum ionizing particles and/or Cherenkov radiation. Its performance is comparable to that of photomultiplier tubes, but with advantages in terms of reduced volume and magnetic field insensitivity. In the present study, the performance of a gamma ray detector made of an yttrium aluminum perovskite scintillation crystal and a SiPM-based readout is assessed for use in time of flight neutron spectroscopy. Measurements performed at the ISIS pulsed neutron source demonstrate the feasibility of gamma-detection based on the new device.

The Radius-MD space dosimetry experiment and the dosimeter-radiometer system to be used during the Mars-94 mission are first described. Silicon detectors will provide data outside the satellite at dose rates ranging from 5 x 10 to the... more

The Radius-MD space dosimetry experiment and the dosimeter-radiometer system to be used during the Mars-94 mission are first described. Silicon detectors will provide data outside the satellite at dose rates ranging from 5 x 10 to the -5th to 5 rad/hr. A tissue-equivalent proportional counter inside the orbiter wil provide dose equivalent data in the range 0.0001 to 2 rem/hr

Many systems in medicine, biology, high-energy physics, and astrophysics require large area radiation sensors. In most of these applications, minimizing the amount of dead area or dead material is crucial. We have developed a new type of... more

Many systems in medicine, biology, high-energy physics, and astrophysics require large area radiation sensors. In most of these applications, minimizing the amount of dead area or dead material is crucial. We have developed a new type of silicon radiation sensor in which the device is active to within a few microns of the mechanical edge. Their perimeter is made by a plasma etcher rather than a diamond saw. Their edges can be defined and also passivated by growing, in an intermediate step, a field oxide on the side surfaces. In this paper, the basic architecture and results from a synchrotron beam test are presented.